(* FifoQueue.mod provides a simple fifo queue. Copyright (C) 2001-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Gaius Mulley . This file is part of GNU Modula-2. GNU Modula-2 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. GNU Modula-2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GNU Modula-2; see the file COPYING3. If not see . *) IMPLEMENTATION MODULE FifoQueue ; FROM Lists IMPORT List, InitList, PutItemIntoList, GetItemFromList ; TYPE Fifo = RECORD Queue: List ; Out : CARDINAL ; END ; VAR const, subrange, enumeration, constructor: Fifo ; (* PutInto - places a CARDINAL number, c, into a fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE PutInto (VAR f: Fifo; c: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN WITH f DO PutItemIntoList(Queue, c) END END PutInto ; (* GetFrom - retrieves a CARDINAL number, c, from a fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE GetFrom (VAR f: Fifo; VAR c: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN WITH f DO INC(Out) ; c := GetItemFromList(Queue, Out) END END GetFrom ; (* PutEnumerationIntoFifoQueue - places an enumeration symbol, c, into a fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE PutEnumerationIntoFifoQueue (c: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PutInto(enumeration, c) END PutEnumerationIntoFifoQueue ; (* GetEnumerationFromFifoQueue - retrieves an enumeration symbol, c, from a fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE GetEnumerationFromFifoQueue (VAR c: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GetFrom(enumeration, c) END GetEnumerationFromFifoQueue ; (* PutSubrangeIntoFifoQueue - places a subrange symbol into a fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE PutSubrangeIntoFifoQueue (c: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PutInto(subrange, c) END PutSubrangeIntoFifoQueue ; (* GetSubrangeFromFifoQueue - retrieves a subrange symbol from a fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE GetSubrangeFromFifoQueue (VAR c: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GetFrom(subrange, c) END GetSubrangeFromFifoQueue ; (* PutConstructorIntoFifoQueue - places a constructor symbol into a fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE PutConstructorIntoFifoQueue (c: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PutInto(constructor, c) END PutConstructorIntoFifoQueue ; (* GetConstructorFromFifoQueue - retrieves a constructor symbol from a fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE GetConstructorFromFifoQueue (VAR c: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GetFrom(constructor, c) END GetConstructorFromFifoQueue ; (* PutConstIntoFifoQueue - places a constant symbol into a fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE PutConstIntoFifoQueue (c: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN PutInto(const, c) END PutConstIntoFifoQueue ; (* GetConstFromFifoQueue - retrieves a const symbol from a fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE GetConstFromFifoQueue (VAR c: CARDINAL) ; BEGIN GetFrom(const, c) END GetConstFromFifoQueue ; (* Init - initialize the fifo queue. *) PROCEDURE Init (VAR f: Fifo) ; BEGIN WITH f DO InitList(Queue) ; Out := 0 END END Init ; BEGIN Init(const) ; Init(enumeration) ; Init(subrange) ; Init(constructor) END FifoQueue.