# Generate fusion.md
# Copyright (C) 2020-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is part of GCC.
# GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

use warnings;
use strict;

print <<'EOF';
;; Generated automatically by genfusion.pl

;; Copyright (C) 2020-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;; This file is part of GCC.
;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
;; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
;; Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later
;; version.
;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
;; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
;; for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3.  If not see
;; <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


sub mode_to_ldst_char
    my ($mode) = @_;
    my %x = (DI => 'd', SI => 'w', HI => 'h', QI => 'b');
    return $x{$mode} if exists $x{$mode};
    return '?';

sub gen_ld_cmpi_p10_one
  my ($lmode, $result, $ccmode) = @_;

  my $np = "NON_PREFIXED_D";
  my $mempred = "non_update_memory_operand";
  my $extend;

  # We need to special case lwa.  The prefixed_load_p function in rs6000.cc
  # (which determines if a load instruction is prefixed) uses the fact that the
  # register mode is different from the memory mode, and that the sign_extend
  # attribute is set to use DS-form rules for the address instead of D-form.
  # If the register size is the same, prefixed_load_p assumes we are doing a
  # lwz.  We change to use an lwz and word compare if we don't need to sign
  # extend the SImode value.  Otherwise if we need the value, we need to
  # make sure the insn is marked as ds-form.
  my $cmp_size_char = ($lmode eq "SI"
		       && $ccmode eq "CC"
		       && $result !~ /^EXT|^DI$/) ? "w" : "d";

  if ($ccmode eq "CC") {
    # ld and lwa are both DS-FORM.
    ($lmode eq "DI") and $np = "NON_PREFIXED_DS";
    ($lmode eq "SI" && $cmp_size_char eq "d") and $np = "NON_PREFIXED_DS";
  } else {
    if ($lmode eq "DI") {
      # ld is DS-form, but lwz is not.
      $np = "NON_PREFIXED_DS";

  my $cmpl = ($ccmode eq "CC") ? "" : "l";
  my $echr = ($ccmode eq "CC" && $cmp_size_char eq "d") ? "a" : "z";
  if ($lmode eq "DI") { $echr = ""; }
  my $constpred = ($ccmode eq "CC") ? "const_m1_to_1_operand"
  				    : "const_0_to_1_operand";

  # For clobber, we need a SI/DI reg in case we
  # split because we have to sign/zero extend.
  my $clobbermode = ($lmode =~ /^[QH]I$/) ? "GPR" : $lmode;
  if ($result =~ /^EXT/ || $result eq "GPR" || $clobbermode eq "GPR") {
    # We always need extension if result > lmode.
    $extend = ($ccmode eq "CC") ? "sign" : "zero";
  } else {
    # Result of SI/DI does not need sign extension.
    $extend = "none";

  my $ldst = mode_to_ldst_char($lmode);

  # DS-form addresses need YZ, and not m.
  my $constraint = ($np eq "NON_PREFIXED_DS") ? "YZ" : "m";
  print <<HERE;
;; load-cmpi fusion pattern generated by gen_ld_cmpi_p10
;; load mode is $lmode result mode is $result compare mode is $ccmode extend is $extend
(define_insn_and_split "*l${ldst}${echr}_cmp${cmpl}${cmp_size_char}i_cr0_${lmode}_${result}_${ccmode}_${extend}"
  [(set (match_operand:${ccmode} 2 "cc_reg_operand" "=x")
        (compare:${ccmode} (match_operand:${lmode} 1 "${mempred}" "${constraint}")
  print "   " if $ccmode eq "CCUNS";
print <<HERE;
                    (match_operand:${lmode} 3 "${constpred}" "n")))

  if ($result eq "clobber") {
    print <<HERE;
   (clobber (match_scratch:${clobbermode} 0 "=r"))]
  } elsif ($result eq $lmode) {
    print <<HERE;
   (set (match_operand:${result} 0 "gpc_reg_operand" "=r") (match_dup 1))]
  } else {
    print <<HERE;
   (set (match_operand:${result} 0 "gpc_reg_operand" "=r") (${extend}_extend:${result} (match_dup 1)))]

  print <<HERE;
  "l${ldst}${echr}%X1 %0,%1\\;cmp${cmpl}${cmp_size_char}i %2,%0,%3"
  "&& reload_completed
   && (cc_reg_not_cr0_operand (operands[2], CCmode)
       || !address_is_non_pfx_d_or_x (XEXP (operands[1], 0),
                                      ${lmode}mode, ${np}))"

  if ($extend eq "none") {
    print "  [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))\n";
  } elsif ($result eq "clobber") {
    print "  [(set (match_dup 0) (${extend}_extend:${clobbermode} (match_dup 1)))\n";
  } else {
    print "  [(set (match_dup 0) (${extend}_extend:${result} (match_dup 1)))\n";

  print <<HERE;
   (set (match_dup 2)
        (compare:${ccmode} (match_dup 0) (match_dup 3)))]
  [(set_attr "type" "fused_load_cmpi")
   (set_attr "cost" "8")

  if ($lmode eq "SI" && $ccmode eq "CC" && $cmp_size_char eq "d") {
    # prefixed_load_p needs the sign_extend attribute to validate lwa as a
    # DS-form instruction instead of D-form.
    print "   (set_attr \"sign_extend\" \"yes\")\n";

  print <<HERE
   (set_attr "length" "8")])


sub gen_ld_cmpi_p10
  foreach my $lmode (qw/DI SI HI QI/) {
    foreach my $result ("clobber", $lmode,  "EXT$lmode") {
      # EXTDI does not exist, and we cannot directly produce HI/QI results.
      next if $result =~ /^(QI|HI|EXTDI)$/;

      # Don't allow EXTQI because that would allow HI result which we can't do.
      $result = "GPR" if $result eq "EXTQI";

      foreach my $ccmode (qw/CC CCUNS/) {
	# We do not have signed single-byte loads.
	next if ($lmode eq "QI" and $ccmode eq "CC");

	gen_ld_cmpi_p10_one($lmode, $result, $ccmode);

sub gen_logical_addsubf
    my @logicals = ( "and", "andc", "eqv", "nand", "nor", "or", "orc", "xor" );
    my %logicals_addsub = ( "and"=>1, "nand"=>1, "nor"=>1, "or"=>1 );
    my @addsub = ( "add", "subf" );
    my %isaddsub = ( "add"=>1, "subf"=>1 );
    my %complement = ( "and"=> 0, "andc"=> 1, "eqv"=> 0, "nand"=> 3,
		       "nor"=> 3, "or"=> 0, "orc"=> 1, "xor"=> 0,
		       "add"=> 0, "subf"=> 0 );
    my %invert = ( "and"=> 0, "andc"=> 0, "eqv"=> 1, "nand"=> 0,
		   "nor"=> 0, "or"=> 0, "orc"=> 0, "xor"=> 0,
		   "add"=> 0, "subf"=> 0 );
    my %commute2 = ( "and"=> 1, "andc"=> 0, "eqv"=> 1, "nand"=> 0,
		     "nor"=> 0, "or"=> 1, "orc"=> 0, "xor"=> 1 );
    my %rtlop = ( "and"=>"and", "andc"=>"and", "eqv"=>"xor", "nand"=>"ior",
		  "nor"=>"and", "or"=>"ior", "orc"=>"ior", "xor"=>"xor",
		  "add"=>"plus", "subf"=>"minus" );

    my ($kind, $vchr, $mode, $pred, $constraint, $cr, $outer, @outer_ops,
	$outer_op, $outer_comp, $outer_inv, $outer_rtl, $inner, @inner_ops,
	$inner_comp, $inner_inv, $inner_rtl, $inner_op, $both_commute, $c4,
	$bc, $inner_arg0, $inner_arg1, $inner_exp, $outer_arg2, $outer_exp,
	$ftype, $insn, $is_subf, $is_rsubf, $outer_32, $outer_42,$outer_name,
  KIND: foreach $kind ('scalar','vector') {
      @outer_ops = @logicals;
      if ( $kind eq 'vector' ) {
	  $vchr = "v";
	  $mode = "VM";
	  $pred = "altivec_register_operand";
	  $constraint = "v";
	  $fuse_type = "fused_vector";
      } else {
	  $vchr = "";
	  $mode = "GPR";
	  $pred = "gpc_reg_operand";
	  $constraint = "r";
	  $fuse_type = "fused_arith_logical";
	  push (@outer_ops, @addsub);
	  push (@outer_ops, ( "rsubf" ));
      $c4 = "${constraint},${constraint},${constraint},${constraint}";
    OUTER: foreach $outer ( @outer_ops ) {
	$outer_name = "${vchr}${outer}";
	$is_subf = ( $outer eq "subf" );
	$is_rsubf = ( $outer eq "rsubf" );
	if ( $is_rsubf ) {
	    $outer = "subf";
	$outer_op = "${vchr}${outer}";
	$outer_comp = $complement{$outer};
	$outer_inv = $invert{$outer};
	$outer_rtl = $rtlop{$outer};
	@inner_ops = @logicals;
	$ftype = "logical-logical";
	if ( exists $isaddsub{$outer} ) {
	    @inner_ops = sort keys %logicals_addsub;
	    $ftype = "logical-add";
	} elsif ( $kind ne 'vector' && exists $logicals_addsub{$outer} ) {
	    push (@inner_ops, @addsub);
      INNER: foreach $inner ( @inner_ops ) {
	  if ( exists $isaddsub{$inner} ) {
	      $ftype = "add-logical";
	  $inner_comp = $complement{$inner};
	  $inner_inv = $invert{$inner};
	  $inner_rtl = $rtlop{$inner};
	  $inner_op = "${vchr}${inner}";
	  # If both ops commute then we can specify % on operand 1
	  # so the pattern will let operands 1 and 2 interchange.
	  $both_commute = ($inner eq $outer) && ($commute2{$inner} == 1);
	  $bc = ""; if ( $both_commute ) { $bc = "%"; }
	  $inner_arg0 = "(match_operand:${mode} 0 \"${pred}\" \"${c4}\")";
	  $inner_arg1 = "(match_operand:${mode} 1 \"${pred}\" \"${bc}${c4}\")";
	  if ( ($inner_comp & 1) == 1 ) {
	      $inner_arg0 = "(not:${mode} $inner_arg0)";
	  if ( ($inner_comp & 2) == 2 ) {
	      $inner_arg1 = "(not:${mode} $inner_arg1)";
	  $inner_exp = "(${inner_rtl}:${mode} ${inner_arg0}
	  if ( $inner_inv == 1 ) {
	      $inner_exp = "(not:${mode} $inner_exp)";
	  $outer_arg2 = "(match_operand:${mode} 2 \"${pred}\" \"${c4}\")";
	  if ( ($outer_comp & 1) == 1 ) {
	      $outer_arg2 = "(not:${mode} $outer_arg2)";
	  if ( ($outer_comp & 2) == 2 ) {
	      $inner_exp = "(not:${mode} $inner_exp)";
	  if ( $is_subf ) {
	      $outer_32 = "%2,%3";
	      $outer_42 = "%2,%4";
	  } else {
	      $outer_32 = "%3,%2";
	      $outer_42 = "%4,%2";
	  if ( $is_rsubf == 1 ) {
	      $outer_exp = "(${outer_rtl}:${mode} ${outer_arg2}
	  } else {
	      $outer_exp = "(${outer_rtl}:${mode} ${inner_exp}
	  if ( $outer_inv == 1 ) {
	      $outer_exp = "(not:${mode} $outer_exp)";

	  $insn =  <<"EOF";

;; $ftype fusion pattern generated by gen_logical_addsubf
;; $kind $inner_op -> $outer_name
(define_insn "*fuse_${inner_op}_${outer_name}"
  [(set (match_operand:${mode} 3 "${pred}" "=&0,&1,&${constraint},${constraint}")
   (clobber (match_scratch:${mode} 4 "=X,X,X,&${constraint}"))]
   ${inner_op} %3,%1,%0\\;${outer_op} %3,${outer_32}
   ${inner_op} %3,%1,%0\\;${outer_op} %3,${outer_32}
   ${inner_op} %3,%1,%0\\;${outer_op} %3,${outer_32}
   ${inner_op} %4,%1,%0\\;${outer_op} %3,${outer_42}"
  [(set_attr "type" "$fuse_type")
   (set_attr "cost" "6")
   (set_attr "length" "8")])

	  print $insn;

sub gen_addadd
    my ($kind, $vchr, $op, $type, $mode, $pred, $constraint);
    foreach $kind ('scalar','vector') {
      if ( $kind eq 'vector' ) {
	  $vchr = "v";
	  $op = "vaddudm";
	  $type = "fused_vector";
	  $mode = "V2DI";
	  $pred = "altivec_register_operand";
	  $constraint = "v";
      } else {
	  $vchr = "";
	  $op = "add";
	  $type = "fused_arith_logical";
	  $mode = "GPR";
	  $pred = "gpc_reg_operand";
	  $constraint = "r";
    my $c4 = "${constraint},${constraint},${constraint},${constraint}";
    print <<"EOF";

;; ${op}-${op} fusion pattern generated by gen_addadd
(define_insn "*fuse_${op}_${op}"
  [(set (match_operand:${mode} 3 "${pred}" "=&0,&1,&${constraint},${constraint}")
           (plus:${mode} (match_operand:${mode} 0 "${pred}" "${c4}")
                     (match_operand:${mode} 1 "${pred}" "%${c4}"))
           (match_operand:${mode} 2 "${pred}" "${c4}")))
   (clobber (match_scratch:${mode} 4 "=X,X,X,&${constraint}"))]
   ${op} %3,%1,%0\\;${op} %3,%3,%2
   ${op} %3,%1,%0\\;${op} %3,%3,%2
   ${op} %3,%1,%0\\;${op} %3,%3,%2
   ${op} %4,%1,%0\\;${op} %3,%4,%2"
  [(set_attr "type" "${type}")
   (set_attr "cost" "6")
   (set_attr "length" "8")])
