;;- Machine description for GNU compiler, Motorola 68000 Version ;; Copyright (C) 1987-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This file is part of GCC. ;; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) ;; any later version. ;; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ;; . ;;- Information about MCF5200 port. ;;- The MCF5200 "ColdFire" architecture is a reduced version of the ;;- 68k ISA. Differences include reduced support for byte and word ;;- operands and the removal of BCD, bitfield, rotate, and integer ;;- divide instructions. The TARGET_COLDFIRE flag turns the use of the ;;- removed opcodes and addressing modes off. ;;- ;;- instruction definitions ;;- @@The original PO technology requires these to be ordered by speed, ;;- @@ so that assigner will pick the fastest. ;;- See file "rtl.def" for documentation on define_insn, match_*, et. al. ;;- When naming insn's (operand 0 of define_insn) be careful about using ;;- names from other targets machine descriptions. ;;- cpp macro #define NOTICE_UPDATE_CC in file tm.h handles condition code ;;- updates for most instructions. ;;- Operand classes for the register allocator: ;;- 'a' one of the address registers can be used. ;;- 'd' one of the data registers can be used. ;;- 'f' one of the m68881/fpu registers can be used ;;- 'r' either a data or an address register can be used. ;;- Immediate Floating point operator constraints ;;- 'G' a floating point constant that is *NOT* one of the standard ;; 68881 constant values (to force calling output_move_const_double ;; to get it from rom if it is a 68881 constant). ;; ;; See the functions standard_XXX_constant_p in output-m68k.c for more ;; info. ;;- Immediate integer operand constraints: ;;- 'I' 1 .. 8 ;;- 'J' -32768 .. 32767 ;;- 'K' all integers EXCEPT -128 .. 127 ;;- 'L' -8 .. -1 ;;- 'M' all integers EXCEPT -256 .. 255 ;;- 'N' 24 .. 31 ;;- 'O' 16 ;;- 'P' 8 .. 15 ;;- Assembler specs: ;;- "%." size separator ("." or "") move%.l d0,d1 ;;- "%-" push operand "sp@-" move%.l d0,%- ;;- "%+" pop operand "sp@+" move%.l d0,%+ ;;- "%@" top of stack "sp@" move%.l d0,%@ ;;- "%!" fpcr register ;;- "%$" single-precision fp specifier ("s" or "") f%$add.x fp0,fp1 ;;- "%&" double-precision fp specifier ("d" or "") f%&add.x fp0,fp1 ;;- Information about 68040 port. ;;- The 68040 executes all 68030 and 68881/2 instructions, but some must ;;- be emulated in software by the OS. It is faster to avoid these ;;- instructions and issue a library call rather than trapping into ;;- the kernel. The affected instructions are fintrz and fscale. The ;;- TUNE_68040 flag turns the use of the opcodes off. ;;- The '040 also implements a set of new floating-point instructions ;;- which specify the rounding precision in the opcode. This finally ;;- permit the 68k series to be truly IEEE compliant, and solves all ;;- issues of excess precision accumulating in the extended registers. ;;- By default, GCC does not use these instructions, since such code will ;;- not run on an '030. To use these instructions, use the -m68040-only ;;- switch. ;;- These new instructions aren't directly in the md. They are brought ;;- into play by defining "%$" and "%&" to expand to "s" and "d" rather ;;- than "". ;;- Information about 68060 port. ;;- The 68060 executes all 68030 and 68881/2 instructions, but some must ;;- be emulated in software by the OS. It is faster to avoid these ;;- instructions and issue a library call rather than trapping into ;;- the kernel. The affected instructions are: divs.l ,Dr:Dq; ;;- divu.l ,Dr:Dq; muls.l ,Dr:Dq; mulu.l ,Dr:Dq; and ;;- fscale. The TUNE_68060 flag turns the use of the opcodes off. ;;- Some of these insn's are composites of several m68000 op codes. ;;- The assembler (or final @@??) insures that the appropriate one is ;;- selected. ;; UNSPEC usage: (define_constants [(UNSPEC_SIN 1) (UNSPEC_COS 2) (UNSPEC_GOT 3) (UNSPEC_IB 4) (UNSPEC_TIE 5) (UNSPEC_RELOC16 6) (UNSPEC_RELOC32 7) ]) ;; UNSPEC_VOLATILE usage: (define_constants [(UNSPECV_BLOCKAGE 0) (UNSPECV_CAS_1 1) (UNSPECV_CAS_2 2) (UNSPECV_TAS_1 3) (UNSPECV_TAS_2 4) ]) ;; Registers by name. (define_constants [(D0_REG 0) (A0_REG 8) (A1_REG 9) (PIC_REG 13) (A6_REG 14) (SP_REG 15) (FP0_REG 16) ]) (include "predicates.md") (include "constraints.md") ;; :::::::::::::::::::: ;; :: ;; :: Attributes ;; :: ;; :::::::::::::::::::: ;; Processor type. (define_attr "cpu" "cfv1, cfv2, cfv3, cfv4, unknown" (const (symbol_ref "m68k_sched_cpu"))) ;; MAC type. (define_attr "mac" "no, cf_mac, cf_emac" (const (symbol_ref "m68k_sched_mac"))) ;; Instruction type for use in scheduling description. ;; _l and _w suffixes indicate size of the operands of instruction. ;; alu - usual arithmetic or logic instruction. ;; aluq - arithmetic or logic instruction which has a quick immediate (the one ;; that is encoded in the instruction word) for its Y operand. ;; alux - Arithmetic instruction that uses carry bit (e.g., addx and subx). ;; bcc - conditional branch. ;; bitr - bit operation that only updates flags. ;; bitrw - bit operation that updates flags and output operand. ;; bra, bsr, clr, cmp, div, ext - corresponding instruction. ;; falu, fbcc, fcmp, fdiv, fmove, fmul, fneg, fsqrt, ftst - corresponding ;; instruction. ;; ib - fake instruction to subscribe slots in ColdFire V1,V2,V3 instruction ;; buffer. ;; ignore - fake instruction. ;; jmp, jsr, lea, link, mov3q, move, moveq, mul - corresponding instruction. ;; mvsz - mvs or mvz instruction. ;; neg, nop, pea, rts, scc - corresponding instruction. ;; shift - arithmetic or logical shift instruction. ;; trap, tst, unlk - corresponding instruction. (define_attr "type" "alu_l,aluq_l,alux_l,bcc,bitr,bitrw,bra,bsr,clr,clr_l,cmp,cmp_l, div_w,div_l,ext, falu,fbcc,fcmp,fdiv,fmove,fmul,fneg,fsqrt,ftst, ib,ignore, jmp,jsr,lea,link,mov3q_l,move,move_l,moveq_l,mul_w,mul_l,mvsz,neg_l,nop, pea,rts,scc,shift, trap,tst,tst_l,unlk, unknown" (const_string "unknown")) ;; Index of the X or Y operand in recog_data.operand[]. ;; Should be used only within opx_type and opy_type. (define_attr "opx" "" (const_int 0)) (define_attr "opy" "" (const_int 1)) ;; Type of the Y operand. ;; See m68k.cc: enum attr_op_type. (define_attr "opy_type" "none,Rn,FPn,mem1,mem234,mem5,mem6,mem7,imm_q,imm_w,imm_l" (cond [(eq_attr "type" "ext,fbcc,ftst,neg_l,bcc,bra,bsr,clr,clr_l,ib,ignore, jmp,jsr,nop,rts,scc,trap,tst,tst_l, unlk,unknown") (const_string "none") (eq_attr "type" "lea,pea") (symbol_ref "m68k_sched_attr_opy_type (insn, 1)")] (symbol_ref "m68k_sched_attr_opy_type (insn, 0)"))) ;; Type of the X operand. ;; See m68k.cc: enum attr_op_type. (define_attr "opx_type" "none,Rn,FPn,mem1,mem234,mem5,mem6,mem7,imm_q,imm_w,imm_l" (cond [(eq_attr "type" "ib,ignore,nop,rts,trap,unlk, unknown") (const_string "none") (eq_attr "type" "pea") (const_string "mem1") (eq_attr "type" "jmp,jsr") (symbol_ref "m68k_sched_attr_opx_type (insn, 1)")] (symbol_ref "m68k_sched_attr_opx_type (insn, 0)"))) ;; Access to the X operand: none, read, write, read/write, unknown. ;; Access to the Y operand is either none (if opy_type is none) ;; or read otherwise. (define_attr "opx_access" "none, r, w, rw" (cond [(eq_attr "type" "ib,ignore,nop,rts,trap,unlk, unknown") (const_string "none") (eq_attr "type" "bcc,bra,bsr,bitr,cmp,cmp_l,fbcc,fcmp,ftst, jmp,jsr,tst,tst_l") (const_string "r") (eq_attr "type" "clr,clr_l,fneg,fmove,lea, mov3q_l,move,move_l,moveq_l,mvsz, pea,scc") (const_string "w") (eq_attr "type" "alu_l,aluq_l,alux_l,bitrw,div_w,div_l,ext, falu,fdiv,fmul,fsqrt,link,mul_w,mul_l, neg_l,shift") (const_string "rw")] ;; Should never be used. (symbol_ref "(gcc_unreachable (), OPX_ACCESS_NONE)"))) ;; Memory accesses of the insn. ;; 00 - no memory references ;; 10 - memory is read ;; i0 - indexed memory is read ;; 01 - memory is written ;; 0i - indexed memory is written ;; 11 - memory is read, memory is written ;; i1 - indexed memory is read, memory is written ;; 1i - memory is read, indexed memory is written (define_attr "op_mem" "00, 10, i0, 01, 0i, 11, i1, 1i" (symbol_ref "m68k_sched_attr_op_mem (insn)")) ;; Instruction size in words. (define_attr "size" "1,2,3" (symbol_ref "m68k_sched_attr_size (insn)")) ;; Alternative is OK for ColdFire. (define_attr "ok_for_coldfire" "yes,no" (const_string "yes")) ;; Instruction sets flags predictably to allow a following comparison to be ;; elided. ;; "no" means we should clear all flag state. "yes" means the destination ;; register is valid. "noov" is similar but does not allow tests that rely ;; on the overflow flag. "unchanged" means the instruction does not set the ;; flags (but we should still verify none of the remembered operands are ;; clobbered). "move" is a special case for which we remember both the ;; destination and the source. "set" is another special case where the ;; instruction pattern already performs the update and no more work is ;; required in postscan_insn. (define_attr "flags_valid" "no,yes,set,noov,move,unchanged" (const_string "no")) ;; Define 'enabled' attribute. (define_attr "enabled" "" (cond [(and (match_test "TARGET_COLDFIRE") (eq_attr "ok_for_coldfire" "no")) (const_int 0)] (const_int 1))) ;; Mode macros for integer operations. (define_mode_iterator I [QI HI SI]) (define_mode_attr sz [(QI "%.b") (HI "%.w") (SI "%.l")]) ;; Mode macros for floating point operations. ;; Valid floating point modes (define_mode_iterator FP [SF DF (XF "TARGET_68881")]) ;; Mnemonic infix to round result (define_mode_attr round [(SF "%$") (DF "%&") (XF "")]) ;; Mnemonic infix to round result for mul or div instruction (define_mode_attr round_mul [(SF "sgl") (DF "%&") (XF "")]) ;; Suffix specifying source operand format (define_mode_attr prec [(SF "s") (DF "d") (XF "x")]) ;; Allowable D registers (define_mode_attr dreg [(SF "d") (DF "") (XF "")]) ;; Allowable 68881 constant constraints (define_mode_attr const [(SF "F") (DF "G") (XF "")]) (define_insn_and_split "*movdf_internal" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "push_operand" "=m, m") (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "f, ro<>E"))] "" "@ fmove%.d %f1,%0 #" "&& reload_completed && (extract_constrain_insn_cached (insn), which_alternative == 1)" [(const_int 0)] { m68k_emit_move_double (operands); DONE; } [(set_attr "type" "fmove,*")]) (define_insn_and_split "pushdi" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "push_operand" "=m") (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "ro<>Fi"))] "" "#" "&& reload_completed" [(const_int 0)] { m68k_emit_move_double (operands); DONE; }) ;; Compare instructions, combined with jumps or scc operations. (define_insn "beq0_di" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (eq (match_operand:DI 0 "general_operand" "d*a,o,<>") (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" ",,")) (pc))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 2 "=d,&d,d"))] "" { rtx_code code = m68k_find_flags_value (operands[0], const0_rtx, EQ); if (code == EQ) return "jeq %l1"; if (which_alternative == 2) return "move%.l %0,%2\;or%.l %0,%2\;jeq %l1"; if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == REG) operands[3] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); else operands[3] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, 4); if (! ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[2], operands[0])) { if (reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[2], operands[3])) return "or%.l %0,%2\;jeq %l1"; else return "or%.l %3,%2\;jeq %l1"; } return "move%.l %0,%2\;or%.l %3,%2\;jeq %l1"; } operands[4] = gen_label_rtx(); if (TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE) output_asm_insn ("tst%.l %0\;jne %l4\;tst%.l %3\;jeq %l1", operands); else output_asm_insn ("cmp%.w #0,%0\;jne %l4\;cmp%.w #0,%3\;jeq %l1", operands); (*targetm.asm_out.internal_label) (asm_out_file, "L", CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (operands[4])); return ""; }) (define_insn "bne0_di" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (ne (match_operand:DI 0 "general_operand" "d,o,*a") (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" ",,")) (pc))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 2 "=d,&d,X"))] "" { rtx_code code = m68k_find_flags_value (operands[0], const0_rtx, NE); if (code == NE) return "jne %l1"; if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == REG) operands[3] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); else operands[3] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, 4); if (!ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[2], operands[0])) { if (reg_overlap_mentioned_p (operands[2], operands[3])) return "or%.l %0,%2\;jne %l1"; else return "or%.l %3,%2\;jne %l1"; } return "move%.l %0,%2\;or%.l %3,%2\;jne %l1"; } if (TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE) return "tst%.l %0\;jne %l1\;tst%.l %3\;jne %l1"; else return "cmp%.w #0,%0\;jne %l1\;cmp%.w #0,%3\;jne %l1"; }) (define_insn "cbranchdi4_insn" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 1 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:DI 2 "nonimmediate_operand" "0,d,am,d") (match_operand:DI 3 "general_operand" "d,0,C0,C0")]) (label_ref (match_operand 4 "")) (pc))) (clobber (match_scratch:DI 0 "=d,d,d,X")) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 5 "=X,X,X,d"))] "" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[1]); code = m68k_output_compare_di (operands[2], operands[3], operands[5], operands[0], insn, code); operands[3] = operands[4]; return m68k_output_branch_integer (code); }) (define_expand "cbranchdi4" [(parallel [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand") (match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand")]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc))) (clobber (match_scratch:DI 4 "")) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 5 ""))])] "" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); if ((code == GE || code == LT) && operands[2] == const0_rtx) { rtx xop1 = operand_subword_force (operands[1], 0, DImode); rtx xop2 = operand_subword_force (operands[2], 0, DImode); /* gen_cbranchsi4 won't use anything from operands[0] other than the code. */ emit_jump_insn (gen_cbranchsi4 (operands[0], xop1, xop2, operands[3])); DONE; } if (code == EQ && operands[2] == const0_rtx) { emit_jump_insn (gen_beq0_di (operands[1], operands[3])); DONE; } if (code == NE && operands[2] == const0_rtx) { emit_jump_insn (gen_bne0_di (operands[1], operands[3])); DONE; } }) (define_expand "cstoredi4" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand") (match_operator:QI 1 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:DI 2 "nonimmediate_operand") (match_operand:DI 3 "general_operand")]))] "" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[1]); if ((code == GE || code == LT) && operands[3] == const0_rtx) { rtx xop2 = operand_subword_force (operands[2], 0, DImode); rtx xop3 = operand_subword_force (operands[3], 0, DImode); /* gen_cstoresi4 won't use anything from operands[1] other than the code. */ emit_jump_insn (gen_cstoresi4 (operands[0], operands[1], xop2, xop3)); DONE; } }) (define_mode_iterator CMPMODE [QI HI SI]) (define_expand "cbranch4" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 2 "m68k_comparison_operand" "")]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc)))] "" "") (define_expand "cstore4" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand") (match_operator:QI 1 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 2 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 3 "m68k_comparison_operand" "")]))] "" "") ;; In theory we ought to be able to use some 'S' constraints and ;; operand predicates that allow PC-rel addressing modes in the ;; comparison patterns and expanders below. But we would have to be ;; cognizant of the fact that PC-rel addresses are not allowed for ;; both operands and determining whether or not we emit the operands in ;; order or reversed is not trivial to do just based on the constraints ;; and operand predicates. So to be safe, just don't allow the PC-rel (define_mode_attr scc0_constraints [(QI "=d,d,d") (HI "=d,d,d,d,d") (SI "=d,d,d,d,d,d")]) (define_mode_attr cmp1_constraints [(QI "dn,dm,>") (HI "rnm,d,n,m,>") (SI "r,r,r,mr,ma,>")]) (define_mode_attr cmp2_constraints [(QI "dm,nd,>") (HI "d,rnm,m,n,>") (SI "mrC0,mr,ma,KTrC0,Ksr,>")]) ;; Note that operand 0 of an SCC insn is supported in the hardware as ;; memory, but we cannot allow it to be in memory in case the address ;; needs to be reloaded. (define_mode_attr scc0_cf_constraints [(QI "=d") (HI "=d") (SI "=d,d,d")]) (define_mode_attr cmp1_cf_constraints [(QI "dm") (HI "dm") (SI "mr,r,rm")]) (define_mode_attr cmp2_cf_constraints [(QI "C0") (HI "C0") (SI "r,mrKs,C0")]) (define_mode_attr cmp2_cf_predicate [(QI "const0_operand") (HI "const0_operand") (SI "general_operand")]) (define_insn "cbranch4_insn" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 2 "general_operand" "")]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_compare_ (operands[1], operands[2], code); return m68k_output_branch_integer (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "cbranch4_insn_rev" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 2 "general_operand" "")]) (pc) (label_ref (match_operand 3 ""))))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_compare_ (operands[1], operands[2], code); return m68k_output_branch_integer_rev (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "cbranch4_insn_cf" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 2 "" "")]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc)))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_compare_ (operands[1], operands[2], code); return m68k_output_branch_integer (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "cbranch4_insn_cf_rev" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 2 "" "")]) (pc) (label_ref (match_operand 3 ""))))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_compare_ (operands[1], operands[2], code); return m68k_output_branch_integer_rev (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "cstore4_insn" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "") (match_operator:QI 1 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 2 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 3 "general_operand" "")]))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[1]); code = m68k_output_compare_ (operands[2], operands[3], code); return m68k_output_scc (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "cstore4_insn_cf" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "") (match_operator:QI 1 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 2 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 3 "" "")]))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[1]); code = m68k_output_compare_ (operands[2], operands[3], code); return m68k_output_scc (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) ;; ColdFire/5200 only allows "" type addresses when the bit position is ;; specified as a constant, so we must disable all patterns that may extract ;; from a MEM at a constant bit position if we can't use this as a constraint. (define_insn "cbranchsi4_btst_mem_insn" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "equality_comparison_operator" [(zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "memory_src_operand" "oS,o") (const_int 1) (minus:SI (const_int 7) (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "di,d"))) (const_int 0)]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc)))] "" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_btst (operands[2], operands[1], code, 7); return m68k_output_branch_integer (code); } [(set_attr "ok_for_coldfire" "no,yes")]) (define_insn "cbranchsi4_btst_reg_insn" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "equality_comparison_operator" [(zero_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "d") (const_int 1) (minus:SI (const_int 31) (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "di"))) (const_int 0)]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc)))] "!(CONST_INT_P (operands[1]) && !IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[1]), 0, 31))" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_btst (operands[2], operands[1], code, 31); return m68k_output_branch_integer (code); }) ;; Nonoffsettable mem refs are ok in this one pattern ;; since we don't try to adjust them. (define_insn "cbranchsi4_btst_mem_insn_1" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "equality_comparison_operator" [(zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "memory_operand" "m") (const_int 1) (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")) (const_int 0)]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE && (unsigned) INTVAL (operands[2]) < 8" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); operands[2] = GEN_INT (7 - INTVAL (operands[2])); code = m68k_output_btst (operands[2], operands[1], code, 7); return m68k_output_branch_integer (code); }) (define_insn "cbranchsi4_btst_reg_insn_1" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "equality_comparison_operator" [(zero_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "do,dQ") (const_int 1) (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n,n")) (const_int 0)]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc)))] "!(REG_P (operands[1]) && !IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[2]), 0, 31))" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == MEM) { operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[1], QImode, INTVAL (operands[2]) / 8); operands[2] = GEN_INT (7 - INTVAL (operands[2]) % 8); code = m68k_output_btst (operands[2], operands[1], code, 7); } else { operands[2] = GEN_INT (31 - INTVAL (operands[2])); code = m68k_output_btst (operands[2], operands[1], code, 31); } return m68k_output_branch_integer (code); } [(set_attr "ok_for_coldfire" "no,yes")]) (define_mode_iterator BTST [QI SI]) (define_mode_attr btst_predicate [(QI "memory_operand") (SI "register_operand")]) (define_mode_attr btst_constraint [(QI "o") (SI "d")]) (define_mode_attr btst_range [(QI "7") (SI "31")]) ;; Special patterns for optimizing bit-field instructions. (define_insn "cbranch_bftst_insn" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(zero_extract:SI (match_operand:BTST 1 "" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n") (match_operand:SI 3 "general_operand" "dn")) (const_int 0)]) (label_ref (match_operand 4 "")) (pc)))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && (!REG_P (operands[1]) || !CONST_INT_P (operands[3]) || IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[3]), 0, 31))" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_bftst (operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], code); operands[3] = operands[4]; return m68k_output_branch_integer (code); }) (define_insn "cstore_bftst_insn" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (match_operator:QI 1 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(zero_extract:SI (match_operand:BTST 2 "" "") (match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand" "n") (match_operand:SI 4 "general_operand" "dn")) (const_int 0)]))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && (!REG_P (operands[2]) || !CONST_INT_P (operands[4]) || IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[4]), 0, 31))" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[1]); code = m68k_output_bftst (operands[2], operands[3], operands[4], code); return m68k_output_scc (code); }) ;; Floating point comparison patterns (define_expand "cbranch4" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "comparison_operator" [(match_operand:FP 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:FP 2 "fp_src_operand" "")]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc)))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") ;; ??? This presumably tries to allow tests against zero for coldfire, but ;; it would have to test operands[3] and use CONST0_RTX (mode). (define_expand "cstore4" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand") (match_operator:QI 1 "m68k_cstore_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:FP 2 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:FP 3 "fp_src_operand" "")]))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT && !(TUNE_68060 || TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU)" "if (TARGET_COLDFIRE && operands[2] != const0_rtx) FAIL;") (define_insn "cbranch4_insn_68881" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "comparison_operator" [(match_operand:FP 1 "fp_src_operand" "f,f,mF,fm") (match_operand:FP 2 "fp_src_operand" "f,mF,f,H")]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc)))] "TARGET_68881 && (register_operand (operands[1], mode) || register_operand (operands[2], mode) || const0_operand (operands[2], mode))" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_compare_fp (operands[1], operands[2], code); return m68k_output_branch_float (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "cbranch4_insn_cf" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "comparison_operator" [(match_operand:FP 1 "fp_src_operand" "f,f,U,fU") (match_operand:FP 2 "fp_src_operand" "f,U,f,H")]) (label_ref (match_operand 3 "")) (pc)))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU && (register_operand (operands[1], mode) || register_operand (operands[2], mode) || const0_operand (operands[2], mode))" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_compare_fp (operands[1], operands[2], code); return m68k_output_branch_float (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "cbranch4_insn_rev_68881" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "comparison_operator" [(match_operand:FP 1 "fp_src_operand" "f,f,mF,fm") (match_operand:FP 2 "fp_src_operand" "f,mF,f,H")]) (pc) (label_ref (match_operand 3 ""))))] "TARGET_68881 && (register_operand (operands[1], mode) || register_operand (operands[2], mode) || const0_operand (operands[2], mode))" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_compare_fp (operands[1], operands[2], code); return m68k_output_branch_float_rev (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "cbranch4_insn_rev_cf" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 0 "comparison_operator" [(match_operand:FP 1 "fp_src_operand" "f,f,U,fU") (match_operand:FP 2 "fp_src_operand" "f,U,f,H")]) (pc) (label_ref (match_operand 3 ""))))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU && (register_operand (operands[1], mode) || register_operand (operands[2], mode) || const0_operand (operands[2], mode))" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_compare_fp (operands[1], operands[2], code); return m68k_output_branch_float_rev (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "cstore4_insn_68881" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "=d,d,d,d") (match_operator:QI 1 "m68k_cstore_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:FP 2 "fp_src_operand" "f,f,mF,fm") (match_operand:FP 3 "fp_src_operand" "f,mF,f,H")]))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT && !(TUNE_68060 || TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU) && (register_operand (operands[2], mode) || register_operand (operands[3], mode) || const0_operand (operands[3], mode))" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[1]); code = m68k_output_compare_fp (operands[2], operands[3], code); return m68k_output_scc_float (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) ;; Test against zero only for coldfire floating point cstore. (define_insn "cstore4_insn_cf" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (match_operator:QI 1 "m68k_cstore_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:FP 2 "fp_src_operand" "fU") (match_operand:FP 3 "const0_operand" "H")]))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT && TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[1]); code = m68k_output_compare_fp (operands[2], operands[3], code); return m68k_output_scc_float (code); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) ;; move instructions ;; A special case in which it is not desirable ;; to reload the constant into a data register. (define_insn "pushexthisi_const" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "push_operand" "=m,m,m") (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand" "C0,R,J"))] "INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -0x8000 && INTVAL (operands[1]) < 0x8000" "@ clr%.l %0 mov3q%.l %1,%- pea %a1" [(set_attr "type" "clr_l,mov3q_l,pea")]) ;This is never used. ;(define_insn "swapsi" ; [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+r") ; (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "+r")) ; (set (match_dup 1) (match_dup 0))] ; "" ; "exg %1,%0") ;; Special case of fullword move when source is zero for 68000_10. ;; moveq is faster on the 68000. (define_insn "*movsi_const0_68000_10" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "movsi_const0_operand" "=d,a,g") (const_int 0))] "TUNE_68000_10" "@ moveq #0,%0 sub%.l %0,%0 clr%.l %0" [(set_attr "type" "moveq_l,alu_l,clr_l") (set_attr "opy" "*,0,*")]) ;; Special case of fullword move when source is zero for 68040_60. ;; On the '040, 'subl an,an' takes 2 clocks while lea takes only 1 (define_insn "*movsi_const0_68040_60" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "movsi_const0_operand" "=a,g") (const_int 0))] "TUNE_68040_60" { if (which_alternative == 0) return MOTOROLA ? "lea 0.w,%0" : "lea 0:w,%0"; else if (which_alternative == 1) return "clr%.l %0"; else { gcc_unreachable (); return ""; } } [(set_attr "type" "lea,clr_l")]) ;; Special case of fullword move when source is zero. (define_insn "*movsi_const0" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "movsi_const0_operand" "=a,g") (const_int 0))] "!(TUNE_68000_10 || TUNE_68040_60)" "@ sub%.l %0,%0 clr%.l %0" [(set_attr "type" "alu_l,clr_l") (set_attr "opy" "0,*")]) ;; General case of fullword move. ;; ;; This is the main "hook" for PIC code. When generating ;; PIC, movsi is responsible for determining when the source address ;; needs PIC relocation and appropriately calling legitimize_pic_address ;; to perform the actual relocation. ;; ;; In both the PIC and non-PIC cases the patterns generated will ;; matched by the next define_insn. (define_expand "movsi" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "" ""))] "" { rtx tmp, base, offset; /* Recognize the case where operand[1] is a reference to thread-local data and load its address to a register. */ if (!TARGET_PCREL && m68k_tls_reference_p (operands[1], false)) { rtx tmp = operands[1]; rtx addend = NULL; if (GET_CODE (tmp) == CONST && GET_CODE (XEXP (tmp, 0)) == PLUS) { addend = XEXP (XEXP (tmp, 0), 1); tmp = XEXP (XEXP (tmp, 0), 0); } gcc_assert (GET_CODE (tmp) == SYMBOL_REF); gcc_assert (SYMBOL_REF_TLS_MODEL (tmp) != 0); tmp = m68k_legitimize_tls_address (tmp); if (addend) { if (!REG_P (tmp)) { rtx reg; reg = gen_reg_rtx (Pmode); emit_move_insn (reg, tmp); tmp = reg; } tmp = gen_rtx_PLUS (SImode, tmp, addend); } operands[1] = tmp; } else if (flag_pic && !TARGET_PCREL && symbolic_operand (operands[1], SImode)) { /* The source is an address which requires PIC relocation. Call legitimize_pic_address with the source, mode, and a relocation register (a new pseudo, or the final destination if reload_in_progress or lra_in_progress is set). Then fall through normally */ rtx temp = ((reload_in_progress || lra_in_progress) ? operands[0] : gen_reg_rtx (Pmode)); operands[1] = legitimize_pic_address (operands[1], SImode, temp); } else if (flag_pic && TARGET_PCREL && ! (reload_in_progress || lra_in_progress)) { /* Don't allow writes to memory except via a register; the m68k doesn't consider PC-relative addresses to be writable. */ if (symbolic_operand (operands[0], SImode)) operands[0] = force_reg (SImode, XEXP (operands[0], 0)); else if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM && symbolic_operand (XEXP (operands[0], 0), SImode)) operands[0] = gen_rtx_MEM (SImode, force_reg (SImode, XEXP (operands[0], 0))); } if (M68K_OFFSETS_MUST_BE_WITHIN_SECTIONS_P) { split_const (operands[1], &base, &offset); if (GET_CODE (base) == SYMBOL_REF && !offset_within_block_p (base, INTVAL (offset))) { tmp = !can_create_pseudo_p () ? operands[0] : gen_reg_rtx (SImode); emit_move_insn (tmp, base); emit_insn (gen_addsi3 (operands[0], tmp, offset)); DONE; } } }) ;; General case of fullword move. (define_insn "*movsi_m68k" ;; Notes: make sure no alternative allows g vs g. ;; We don't allow f-regs since fixed point cannot go in them. [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=g,d,a<") (match_operand:SI 1 "general_src_operand" "damSnT,n,i"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE && reload_completed" { return output_move_simode (operands); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) ;; Before reload is completed the register constraints ;; force integer constants in range for a moveq to be reloaded ;; if they are headed for memory. (define_insn "*movsi_m68k2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=g,d,a<") (match_operand:SI 1 "general_src_operand" "damSKT,n,i"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_move_simode (operands); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) ;; ColdFire move instructions can have at most one operand of mode >= 6. (define_insn "*movsi_cf" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=g,d, d, d, d, d, a,Ap, a, r,g, U") (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" " R,CQ,CW,CZ,CS,Ci,J,J Cs,Cs, g, Rr,U"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { switch (which_alternative) { case 0: return "mov3q%.l %1,%0"; case 1: return "moveq %1,%0"; case 2: { unsigned u = INTVAL (operands[1]); operands[1] = GEN_INT ((u << 16) | (u >> 16)); /*|*/ return "moveq %1,%0\n\tswap %0"; } case 3: return "mvz%.w %1,%0"; case 4: return "mvs%.w %1,%0"; case 5: return "move%.l %1,%0"; case 6: return "move%.w %1,%0"; case 7: return "pea %a1"; case 8: return "lea %a1,%0"; case 9: case 10: case 11: return "move%.l %1,%0"; default: gcc_unreachable (); return ""; } } [(set_attr "type" "mov3q_l,moveq_l,*,mvsz,mvsz,move_l,move,pea,lea,move_l,move_l,move_l")]) ;; Special case of fullword move, where we need to get a non-GOT PIC ;; reference into an address register. (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=a<") (match_operand:SI 1 "pcrel_address" ""))] "TARGET_PCREL" { if (push_operand (operands[0], SImode)) return "pea %a1"; return "lea %a1,%0"; }) (define_expand "movhi" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" ""))] "" "") (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=g") (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "gS"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "* return output_move_himode (operands);" [(set (attr "flags_valid") (if_then_else (match_operand 0 "address_reg_operand") (const_string "unchanged") (const_string "move")))]) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=r,g,U") (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "g,r,U"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" "* return output_move_himode (operands);" [(set (attr "flags_valid") (if_then_else (match_operand 0 "address_reg_operand") (const_string "unchanged") (const_string "move")))]) (define_expand "movstricthi" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "")) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" ""))] "" "") (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+dm")) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "rmSn"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "* return output_move_stricthi (operands);" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "move")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+d,m")) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "rmn,r"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" "* return output_move_stricthi (operands);" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "move")]) (define_expand "movqi" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" ""))] "" "") (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d,*a,m") (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "dmSi*a,di*a,dmSi"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "* return output_move_qimode (operands);" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d,dm,U,d*a") (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "dmi,d,U,di*a"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" "* return output_move_qimode (operands);" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_expand "movstrictqi" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "")) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" ""))] "" "") (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+dm")) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "dmSn"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "* return output_move_strictqi (operands);" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "move")]) (define_insn "*movstrictqi_cf" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+d, Ac, d,m")) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "C0,C0, dmn,d"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" "@ clr%.b %0 clr%.b %0 move%.b %1,%0 move%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "clr,clr,move,move")]) (define_expand "pushqi1" [(set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int -2))) (set (mem:QI (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int 1))) (match_operand:QI 0 "general_operand" ""))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "") (define_expand "reload_insf" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" "mf")) (clobber (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "=&a"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (emit_move_sequence (operands, SFmode, operands[2])) DONE; /* We don't want the clobber emitted, so handle this ourselves. */ emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (operands[0], operands[1])); DONE; }) (define_expand "reload_outsf" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:SF 1 "register_operand" "f")) (clobber (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "=&a"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (emit_move_sequence (operands, SFmode, operands[2])) DONE; /* We don't want the clobber emitted, so handle this ourselves. */ emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (operands[0], operands[1])); DONE; }) (define_expand "movsf" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" ""))] "" "") (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rmf") (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" "rmfF"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "f%$move%.x %1,%0"; else if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[1])) return "move%.l %1,%-\;f%$move%.s %+,%0"; else if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_DOUBLE) return output_move_const_single (operands); return "f%$move%.s %f1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])) return "fmove%.s %1,%-\;move%.l %+,%0"; return "fmove%.s %f1,%0"; } if (operands[1] == CONST0_RTX (SFmode) /* clr insns on 68000 read before writing. */ && ((TARGET_68010 || TARGET_COLDFIRE) || !(GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM && MEM_VOLATILE_P (operands[0])))) { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])) { /* On the '040, 'subl an,an' takes 2 clocks while lea takes only 1 */ if (TUNE_68040_60) return MOTOROLA ? "lea 0.w,%0" : "lea 0:w,%0"; else return "sub%.l %0,%0"; } /* moveq is faster on the 68000. */ if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0]) && TUNE_68000_10) return "moveq #0,%0"; return "clr%.l %0"; } return "move%.l %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "move")]) (define_insn "movsf_cf_soft" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=r,g,U") (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" "g,r,U"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE && !TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" "move%.l %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "move_l")]) ;; SFmode MEMs are restricted to modes 2-4 if TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU. ;; The move instructions can handle all combinations. (define_insn "movsf_cf_hard" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rU, f, f,mr,f,r,f ,m") (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" " f, rU,f,rm,F,F, m ,f"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (which_alternative == 4 || which_alternative == 5) { rtx xoperands[2]; long l; REAL_VALUE_TO_TARGET_SINGLE (*CONST_DOUBLE_REAL_VALUE (operands[1]), l); xoperands[0] = operands[0]; xoperands[1] = GEN_INT (l); if (which_alternative == 5) { if (l == 0) { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (xoperands[0])) output_asm_insn ("sub%.l %0,%0", xoperands); else output_asm_insn ("clr%.l %0", xoperands); } else if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM && symbolic_operand (XEXP (operands[0], 0), SImode)) output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-;move%.l %+,%0", xoperands); else output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%0", xoperands); return ""; } if (l != 0) output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-;fsmove%.s %+,%0", xoperands); else output_asm_insn ("clr%.l %-;fsmove%.s %+,%0", xoperands); return ""; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[1])) return "move%.l %1,%-;fsmove%.s %+,%0"; if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fsmove%.d %1,%0"; return "fsmove%.s %f1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])) return "fmove%.s %1,%-;move%.l %+,%0"; return "fmove%.s %f1,%0"; } if (operands[1] == CONST0_RTX (SFmode)) { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])) return "sub%.l %0,%0"; return "clr%.l %0"; } return "move%.l %1,%0"; }) (define_expand "reload_indf" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "mf")) (clobber (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "=&a"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (emit_move_sequence (operands, DFmode, operands[2])) DONE; /* We don't want the clobber emitted, so handle this ourselves. */ emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (operands[0], operands[1])); DONE; }) (define_expand "reload_outdf" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:DF 1 "register_operand" "f")) (clobber (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "=&a"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (emit_move_sequence (operands, DFmode, operands[2])) DONE; /* We don't want the clobber emitted, so handle this ourselves. */ emit_insn (gen_rtx_SET (operands[0], operands[1])); DONE; }) (define_expand "movdf" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" ""))] "" { if (TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU) if (emit_move_sequence (operands, DFmode, 0)) DONE; }) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm,rf,rf,&rof<>,&rf<>") (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "*rf,m,0,*rfE<>,*rofE<>"))] ; [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm,&rf,&rof<>") ; (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "rf,m,rofF<>"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "f%&move%.x %1,%0"; if (REG_P (operands[1])) { rtx xoperands[2]; xoperands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 1); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", xoperands); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", operands); return "f%&move%.d %+,%0"; } if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_DOUBLE) return output_move_const_double (operands); return "f%&move%.d %f1,%0"; } else if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { if (REG_P (operands[0])) { output_asm_insn ("fmove%.d %f1,%-\;move%.l %+,%0", operands); operands[0] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); return "move%.l %+,%0"; } else return "fmove%.d %f1,%0"; } return output_move_double (operands); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "move")]) (define_insn_and_split "movdf_cf_soft" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=r,g") (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "g,r"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE && !TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" "#" "&& reload_completed" [(const_int 0)] { m68k_emit_move_double (operands); DONE; }) (define_insn "movdf_cf_hard" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f, U,r,f,r,r,m,f") (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" " fU,f, f,r,r,m,r,E"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { rtx xoperands[3]; long l[2]; switch (which_alternative) { default: return "fdmove%.d %1,%0"; case 1: return "fmove%.d %1,%0"; case 2: return "fmove%.d %1,%-;move%.l %+,%0;move%.l %+,%R0"; case 3: return "move%.l %R1,%-;move%.l %1,%-;fdmove%.d %+,%0"; case 4: case 5: case 6: return output_move_double (operands); case 7: REAL_VALUE_TO_TARGET_DOUBLE (*CONST_DOUBLE_REAL_VALUE (operands[1]), l); xoperands[0] = operands[0]; xoperands[1] = GEN_INT (l[0]); xoperands[2] = GEN_INT (l[1]); if (operands[1] == CONST0_RTX (DFmode)) output_asm_insn ("clr%.l %-;clr%.l %-;fdmove%.d %+,%0", xoperands); else if (l[1] == 0) output_asm_insn ("clr%.l %-;move%.l %1,%-;fdmove%.d %+,%0", xoperands); else output_asm_insn ("move%.l %2,%-;move%.l %1,%-;fdmove%.d %+,%0", xoperands); return ""; } }) ;; ??? The XFmode patterns are schizophrenic about whether constants are ;; allowed. Most but not all have predicates and constraint that disallow ;; constants. Most but not all have output templates that handle constants. ;; See also TARGET_LEGITIMATE_CONSTANT_P. (define_expand "movxf" [(set (match_operand:XF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:XF 1 "general_operand" ""))] "" { /* We can't rewrite operands during reload. */ if (! (reload_in_progress || lra_in_progress)) { if (CONSTANT_P (operands[1])) { operands[1] = force_const_mem (XFmode, operands[1]); if (! memory_address_p (XFmode, XEXP (operands[1], 0))) operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[1], XFmode, 0); } if (flag_pic && TARGET_PCREL) { /* Don't allow writes to memory except via a register; the m68k doesn't consider PC-relative addresses to be writable. */ if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM && symbolic_operand (XEXP (operands[0], 0), SImode)) operands[0] = gen_rtx_MEM (XFmode, force_reg (SImode, XEXP (operands[0], 0))); } } }) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:XF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f,m,f,!r,!f,!r,m,!r") (match_operand:XF 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "m,f,f,f,r,!r,!r,m"))] "TARGET_68881" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fmove%.x %1,%0"; if (REG_P (operands[1])) { rtx xoperands[2]; xoperands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 2); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", xoperands); xoperands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 1); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", xoperands); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", operands); return "fmove%.x %+,%0"; } if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_DOUBLE) return "fmove%.x %1,%0"; return "fmove%.x %f1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { if (REG_P (operands[0])) { output_asm_insn ("fmove%.x %f1,%-\;move%.l %+,%0", operands); operands[0] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %+,%0", operands); operands[0] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); return "move%.l %+,%0"; } /* Must be memory destination. */ return "fmove%.x %f1,%0"; } return output_move_double (operands); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "move")]) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:XF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm,rf,&rof<>,&rf<>") (match_operand:XF 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "rf,m,rf<>,rof<>"))] "! TARGET_68881 && ! TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fmove%.x %1,%0"; if (REG_P (operands[1])) { rtx xoperands[2]; xoperands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 2); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", xoperands); xoperands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 1); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", xoperands); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", operands); return "fmove%.x %+,%0"; } if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_DOUBLE) return "fmove%.x %1,%0"; return "fmove%.x %f1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { if (REG_P (operands[0])) { output_asm_insn ("fmove%.x %f1,%-\;move%.l %+,%0", operands); operands[0] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %+,%0", operands); operands[0] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); return "move%.l %+,%0"; } else return "fmove%.x %f1,%0"; } return output_move_double (operands); }) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:XF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=r,g") (match_operand:XF 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "g,r"))] "! TARGET_68881 && TARGET_COLDFIRE" "* return output_move_double (operands);") (define_expand "movdi" ;; Let's see if it really still needs to handle fp regs, and, if so, why. [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" ""))] "" "") ;; movdi can apply to fp regs in some cases (define_insn "" ;; Let's see if it really still needs to handle fp regs, and, if so, why. [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm,r,&ro<>,&r<>") (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "rF,m,ri<>F,roi<>F"))] ; [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm,&r,&ro<>,!&rm,!&f") ; (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "r,m,roi<>,fF"))] ; [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm,&rf,&ro<>,!&rm,!&f") ; (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "r,m,roi<>,fF,rfF"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fmove%.x %1,%0"; if (REG_P (operands[1])) { rtx xoperands[2]; xoperands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 1); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", xoperands); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", operands); return "fmove%.d %+,%0"; } if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_DOUBLE) return output_move_const_double (operands); return "fmove%.d %f1,%0"; } else if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { if (REG_P (operands[0])) { output_asm_insn ("fmove%.d %f1,%-\;move%.l %+,%0", operands); operands[0] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); return "move%.l %+,%0"; } else return "fmove%.d %f1,%0"; } return output_move_double (operands); }) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=r,g") (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "g,r"))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" "* return output_move_double (operands);") ;; Thus goes after the move instructions ;; because the move instructions are better (require no spilling) ;; when they can apply. It goes before the add/sub insns ;; so we will prefer it to them. (define_insn "pushasi" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "push_operand" "=m") (match_operand:SI 1 "address_operand" "p"))] "" "pea %a1" [(set_attr "type" "pea")]) ;; truncation instructions (define_insn "truncsiqi2" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm,d") (truncate:QI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_src_operand" "doJS,i")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == REG) return "move%.l %1,%0"; if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == MEM) operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[1], QImode, 3); return "move%.b %1,%0"; } [(set (attr "flags_valid") (if_then_else (match_operand 0 "register_operand") (const_string "no") (const_string "yes")))]) (define_insn "trunchiqi2" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm,d") (truncate:QI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "doJS,i")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == REG && (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == MEM || GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT)) return "move%.w %1,%0"; if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == REG) return "move%.l %1,%0"; if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == MEM) operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[1], QImode, 1); return "move%.b %1,%0"; } [(set (attr "flags_valid") (if_then_else (match_operand 0 "register_operand") (const_string "no") (const_string "yes")))]) (define_insn "truncsihi2" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm,d") (truncate:HI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_src_operand" "roJS,i")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == REG) return "move%.l %1,%0"; if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == MEM) operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[1], QImode, 2); return "move%.w %1,%0"; } [(set (attr "flags_valid") (if_then_else (match_operand 0 "register_operand") (const_string "no") (const_string "yes")))]) ;; zero extension instructions ;; two special patterns to match various post_inc/pre_dec patterns (define_insn_and_split "*zero_extend_inc" [(set (match_operand 0 "post_inc_operand" "") (zero_extend (match_operand 1 "register_operand" "")))] "GET_MODE_CLASS (GET_MODE (operands[0])) == MODE_INT && GET_MODE_CLASS (GET_MODE (operands[1])) == MODE_INT && GET_MODE_SIZE (GET_MODE (operands[0])) == GET_MODE_SIZE (GET_MODE (operands[1])) * 2" "#" "&& 1" [(set (match_dup 0) (const_int 0)) (set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))] { operands[0] = adjust_address (operands[0], GET_MODE (operands[1]), 0); }) (define_insn_and_split "*zero_extend_dec" [(set (match_operand 0 "pre_dec_operand" "") (zero_extend (match_operand 1 "register_operand" "")))] "(GET_MODE (operands[0]) != HImode || XEXP (XEXP (operands[0], 0), 0) != stack_pointer_rtx) && GET_MODE_CLASS (GET_MODE (operands[0])) == MODE_INT && GET_MODE_CLASS (GET_MODE (operands[1])) == MODE_INT && GET_MODE_SIZE (GET_MODE (operands[0])) == GET_MODE_SIZE (GET_MODE (operands[1])) * 2" "#" "&& 1" [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 0) (const_int 0))] { operands[0] = adjust_address (operands[0], GET_MODE (operands[1]), 0); }) (define_insn_and_split "zero_extendqidi2" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (zero_extend:DI (match_operand:QI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "")))] "" "#" "" [(set (match_dup 2) (zero_extend:SI (match_dup 1))) (set (match_dup 3) (const_int 0))] { operands[2] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_insn_and_split "zero_extendhidi2" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (zero_extend:DI (match_operand:HI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "")))] "" "#" "" [(set (match_dup 2) (zero_extend:SI (match_dup 1))) (set (match_dup 3) (const_int 0))] { operands[2] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_expand "zero_extendsidi2" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (zero_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "")))] "" { if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM && GET_CODE (operands[1]) == MEM) operands[1] = force_reg (SImode, operands[1]); }) (define_insn_and_split "*zero_extendsidi2" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (zero_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "")))] "GET_CODE (operands[0]) != MEM || GET_CODE (operands[1]) != MEM" "#" "&& 1" [(set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 3) (const_int 0))] { operands[2] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_insn "*zero_extendhisi2_cf" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (zero_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "rmS")))] "ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ" "mvz%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "mvsz")]) (define_insn "zero_extendhisi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (zero_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "rmS")))] "" "#") (define_expand "zero_extendqihi2" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "") (zero_extend:HI (match_operand:QI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "") (define_insn "*zero_extendqihi2" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (zero_extend:HI (match_operand:QI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "dmS")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "#") (define_insn "*zero_extendqisi2_cfv4" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (zero_extend:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "dmS")))] "ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ" "mvz%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "mvsz")]) (define_insn "zero_extendqisi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (zero_extend:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "dmS")))] "" "#") ;; these two pattern split everything else which isn't matched by ;; something else above (define_split [(set (match_operand 0 "register_operand" "") (zero_extend (match_operand 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "")))] "!ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ && reload_completed && reg_mentioned_p (operands[0], operands[1])" [(set (strict_low_part (match_dup 2)) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 0) (match_op_dup 4 [(match_dup 0) (match_dup 3)]))] { operands[2] = gen_lowpart (GET_MODE (operands[1]), operands[0]); operands[3] = GEN_INT (GET_MODE_MASK (GET_MODE (operands[1]))); operands[4] = gen_rtx_AND (GET_MODE (operands[0]), operands[0], operands[3]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand 0 "register_operand" "") (zero_extend (match_operand 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "")))] "!ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ && reload_completed" [(set (match_dup 0) (const_int 0)) (set (strict_low_part (match_dup 2)) (match_dup 1))] { operands[2] = gen_lowpart (GET_MODE (operands[1]), operands[0]); }) ;; sign extension instructions (define_insn "extendqidi2" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "rmS")))] "" { operands[2] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); if (ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ) return "mvs%.b %1,%2\;smi %0\;extb%.l %0"; if (TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE) { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[1])) return "move%.w %1,%2\;extb%.l %2\;smi %0\;extb%.l %0"; else return "move%.b %1,%2\;extb%.l %2\;smi %0\;extb%.l %0"; } else { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[1])) return "move%.w %1,%2\;ext%.w %2\;ext%.l %2\;move%.l %2,%0\;smi %0"; else return "move%.b %1,%2\;ext%.w %2\;ext%.l %2\;move%.l %2,%0\;smi %0"; } }) (define_insn "extendhidi2" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "rmS")))] "" { operands[2] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); if (ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ) return "mvs%.w %1,%2\;smi %0\;extb%.l %0"; if (TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE) return "move%.w %1,%2\;ext%.l %2\;smi %0\;extb%.l %0"; else return "move%.w %1,%2\;ext%.l %2\;smi %0\;ext%.w %0\;ext%.l %0"; }) (define_insn "extendsidi2" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d,o,o,<") (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "rm,rm,r,rm"))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 2 "=X,&d,&d,&d"))] "" { if (which_alternative == 0) /* Handle alternative 0. */ { if (TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE) return "move%.l %1,%R0\;smi %0\;extb%.l %0"; else return "move%.l %1,%R0\;smi %0\;ext%.w %0\;ext%.l %0"; } /* Handle alternatives 1, 2 and 3. We don't need to adjust address by 4 in alternative 3 because autodecrement will do that for us. */ operands[3] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, which_alternative == 3 ? 0 : 4); operands[0] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, 0); if (TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE) return "move%.l %1,%3\;smi %2\;extb%.l %2\;move%.l %2,%0"; else return "move%.l %1,%3\;smi %2\;ext%.w %2\;ext%.l %2\;move%.l %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "ok_for_coldfire" "yes,no,yes,yes")]) ;; Special case when one can avoid register clobbering, copy and test ;; Maybe there is a way to make that the general case, by forcing the ;; result of the SI tree to be in the lower register of the DI target ;; Don't allow memory for operand 1 as that would require an earlyclobber ;; which results in worse code (define_insn "extendplussidi" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (sign_extend:DI (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%rn") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "rmn"))))] "" { operands[3] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT && (unsigned) INTVAL (operands[1]) > 8) { rtx tmp = operands[1]; operands[1] = operands[2]; operands[2] = tmp; } if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == REG && REGNO (operands[1]) == REGNO (operands[3])) output_asm_insn ("add%.l %2,%3", operands); else output_asm_insn ("move%.l %2,%3\;add%.l %1,%3", operands); if (TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE) return "smi %0\;extb%.l %0"; else return "smi %0\;ext%.w %0\;ext%.l %0"; }) (define_expand "extendhisi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "")))] "" "") (define_insn "*cfv4_extendhisi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "rmS")))] "ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ" "mvs%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "mvsz")]) (define_insn "*68k_extendhisi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=*d,a") (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "0,rmS")))] "!ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ" "@ ext%.l %0 move%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "ext,move")]) (define_insn "extendqihi2" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (sign_extend:HI (match_operand:QI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "0")))] "" "ext%.w %0" [(set_attr "type" "ext")]) (define_expand "extendqisi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "")))] "TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE" "") (define_insn "*cfv4_extendqisi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "rms")))] "ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ" "mvs%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "mvsz")]) (define_insn "*68k_extendqisi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_68020 || (TARGET_COLDFIRE && !ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ)" "extb%.l %0" [(set_attr "type" "ext")]) ;; Conversions between float and double. (define_expand "extendsfdf2" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (float_extend:DF (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=*fdm,f") (float_extend:DF (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" "f,dmF")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[0]) && FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { if (REGNO (operands[0]) == REGNO (operands[1])) { /* Extending float to double in an fp-reg is a no-op. */ return ""; } return "f%&move%.x %1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[0])) return "f%&move%.s %f1,%0"; if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0]) && FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { output_asm_insn ("fmove%.d %f1,%-\;move%.l %+,%0", operands); operands[0] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); return "move%.l %+,%0"; } return "fmove%.d %f1,%0"; }) (define_insn "extendsfdf2_cf" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f,f") (float_extend:DF (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" "f,U")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[0]) && FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { if (REGNO (operands[0]) == REGNO (operands[1])) { /* Extending float to double in an fp-reg is a no-op. */ return ""; } return "fdmove%.d %1,%0"; } return "fdmove%.s %f1,%0"; }) ;; This cannot output into an f-reg because there is no way to be ;; sure of truncating in that case. (define_expand "truncdfsf2" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (float_truncate:SF (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") ;; On the '040 we can truncate in a register accurately and easily. (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (float_truncate:SF (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "fmG")))] "TARGET_68881 && TARGET_68040" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "f%$move%.x %1,%0"; return "f%$move%.d %f1,%0"; }) (define_insn "truncdfsf2_cf" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f,dU") (float_truncate:SF (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "U,f")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" "@ fsmove%.d %1,%0 fmove%.s %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_insn "*truncdfsf2_68881" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (float_truncate:SF (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "f")))] "TARGET_68881" "fmove%.s %f1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) ;; Conversion between fixed point and floating point. ;; Note that among the fix-to-float insns ;; the ones that start with SImode come first. ;; That is so that an operand that is a CONST_INT ;; (and therefore lacks a specific machine mode). ;; will be recognized as SImode (which is always valid) ;; rather than as QImode or HImode. (define_expand "floatsi2" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (float:FP (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "floatsi2_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (float:FP (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "dmi")))] "TARGET_68881" "fmove%.l %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_insn "floatsi2_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (float:FP (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "dU")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" "fmove%.l %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_expand "floathi2" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (float:FP (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "floathi2_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (float:FP (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "dmn")))] "TARGET_68881" "fmove%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_insn "floathi2_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (float:FP (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "dU")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" "fmove%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_expand "floatqi2" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (float:FP (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "floatqi2_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (float:FP (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "dmn")))] "TARGET_68881" "fmove%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_insn "floatqi2_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (float:FP (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "dU")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" "fmove%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) ;; New routines to convert floating-point values to integers ;; to be used on the '040. These should be faster than trapping ;; into the kernel to emulate fintrz. They should also be faster ;; than calling the subroutines fixsfsi or fixdfsi. (define_insn "fix_truncdfsi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (fix:SI (fix:DF (match_operand:DF 1 "register_operand" "f")))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 2 "=d")) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 3 "=d"))] "TARGET_68881 && TUNE_68040" { return "fmovem%.l %!,%2\;moveq #16,%3\;or%.l %2,%3\;and%.w #-33,%3\;fmovem%.l %3,%!\;fmove%.l %1,%0\;fmovem%.l %2,%!"; }) (define_insn "fix_truncdfhi2" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (fix:HI (fix:DF (match_operand:DF 1 "register_operand" "f")))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 2 "=d")) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 3 "=d"))] "TARGET_68881 && TUNE_68040" { return "fmovem%.l %!,%2\;moveq #16,%3\;or%.l %2,%3\;and%.w #-33,%3\;fmovem%.l %3,%!\;fmove%.w %1,%0\;fmovem%.l %2,%!"; }) (define_insn "fix_truncdfqi2" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (fix:QI (fix:DF (match_operand:DF 1 "register_operand" "f")))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 2 "=d")) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 3 "=d"))] "TARGET_68881 && TUNE_68040" { return "fmovem%.l %!,%2\;moveq #16,%3\;or%.l %2,%3\;and%.w #-33,%3\;fmovem%.l %3,%!\;fmove%.b %1,%0\;fmovem%.l %2,%!"; }) ;; Convert a float to a float whose value is an integer. ;; This is the first stage of converting it to an integer type. (define_expand "ftrunc2" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (fix:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT && !TUNE_68040" "") (define_insn "ftrunc2_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (fix:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "fm")))] "TARGET_68881 && !TUNE_68040" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fintrz%.x %f1,%0"; return "fintrz%. %f1,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "falu")]) (define_insn "ftrunc2_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (fix:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "fU")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fintrz%.d %f1,%0"; return "fintrz%. %f1,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "falu")]) ;; Convert a float whose value is an integer ;; to an actual integer. Second stage of converting float to integer type. (define_expand "fixqi2" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (fix:QI (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "fixqi2_68881" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (fix:QI (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "f")))] "TARGET_68881" "fmove%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_insn "fixqi2_cf" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dU") (fix:QI (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "f")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" "fmove%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_expand "fixhi2" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (fix:HI (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "fixhi2_68881" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (fix:HI (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "f")))] "TARGET_68881" "fmove%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_insn "fixhi2_cf" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dU") (fix:HI (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "f")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" "fmove%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_expand "fixsi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (fix:SI (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "fixsi2_68881" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (fix:SI (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "f")))] "TARGET_68881" "fmove%.l %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) (define_insn "fixsi2_cf" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dU") (fix:SI (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "f")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" "fmove%.l %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "fmove")]) ;; add instructions (define_insn "adddi_lshrdi_63" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (plus:DI (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "rm") (const_int 63)) (match_dup 1))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 2 "=d"))] "" { operands[3] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); if (REG_P (operands[1]) && REGNO (operands[1]) == REGNO (operands[0])) return "move%.l %1,%2\;add%.l %2,%2\;subx%.l %2,%2\;sub%.l %2,%3\;subx%.l %2,%0"; if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == REG) operands[4] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 1); else if (GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[1], 0)) == POST_INC || GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[1], 0)) == PRE_DEC) operands[4] = operands[1]; else operands[4] = adjust_address (operands[1], SImode, 4); if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == MEM && GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[1], 0)) == PRE_DEC) output_asm_insn ("move%.l %4,%3", operands); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%0\;smi %2", operands); if (TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE) output_asm_insn ("extb%.l %2", operands); else output_asm_insn ("ext%.w %2\;ext%.l %2", operands); if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) != MEM || GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[1], 0)) != PRE_DEC) output_asm_insn ("move%.l %4,%3", operands); return "sub%.l %2,%3\;subx%.l %2,%0"; }) (define_insn "adddi_sexthishl32" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=o,a,*d,*d") (plus:DI (ashift:DI (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "rm,rm,rm,rm")) (const_int 32)) (match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "0,0,0,0"))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 3 "=&d,X,a,?d"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])) return "add%.w %1,%0"; else if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[3])) return "move%.w %1,%3\;add%.l %3,%0"; else return "move%.w %1,%3\;ext%.l %3\;add%.l %3,%0"; }) (define_insn "*adddi_dilshr32" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d,o") (plus:DI (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "ro,d") (const_int 32)) (match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "0,0")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == REG) operands[2] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); else operands[2] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, 4); return "add%.l %1,%2\;negx%.l %0\;neg%.l %0"; }) (define_insn "*adddi_dilshr32_cf" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (plus:DI (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "ro") (const_int 32)) (match_operand:DI 2 "register_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return "add%.l %1,%R0\;negx%.l %0\;neg%.l %0"; }) (define_insn "adddi_dishl32" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=r,o") ;; (plus:DI (match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "%0") ;; (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "ro") ;; (const_int 32))))] (plus:DI (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "ro,d") (const_int 32)) (match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "0,0")))] "" { if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == REG) operands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 1); else operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[1], SImode, 4); return "add%.l %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "alu_l")]) (define_insn "adddi3" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=o<>,d,d,d") (plus:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0,0,0") (match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "d,no>,d,a"))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 3 "=&d,&d,X,&d"))] "" { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[2])) return "add%.l %R2,%R0\;addx%.l %2,%0"; else if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == MEM && GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[2], 0)) == POST_INC) return "move%.l %2,%3\;add%.l %2,%R0\;addx%.l %3,%0"; else { rtx high, low; rtx xoperands[2]; if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == REG) { low = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[2]) + 1); high = operands[2]; } else if (CONSTANT_P (operands[2])) split_double (operands[2], &high, &low); else { low = adjust_address (operands[2], SImode, 4); high = operands[2]; } operands[1] = low, operands[2] = high; xoperands[0] = operands[3]; if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT && INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -8 && INTVAL (operands[1]) < 0) xoperands[1] = GEN_INT (-INTVAL (operands[2]) - 1); else xoperands[1] = operands[2]; output_asm_insn (output_move_simode (xoperands), xoperands); if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT) { if (INTVAL (operands[1]) > 0 && INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 8) return "addq%.l %1,%R0\;addx%.l %3,%0"; else if (INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -8 && INTVAL (operands[1]) < 0) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (-INTVAL (operands[1])); return "subq%.l %1,%R0\;subx%.l %3,%0"; } } return "add%.l %1,%R0\;addx%.l %3,%0"; } } else { gcc_assert (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM); if (GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[0], 0)) == POST_INC) { operands[1] = gen_rtx_MEM (SImode, plus_constant (Pmode, XEXP(operands[0], 0), -8)); return "move%.l %0,%3\;add%.l %R2,%0\;addx%.l %2,%3\;move%.l %3,%1"; } else if (GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[0], 0)) == PRE_DEC) { operands[1] = XEXP(operands[0], 0); return "add%.l %R2,%0\;move%.l %0,%3\;addx%.l %2,%3\;move%.l %3,%1"; } else { operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, 4); return "add%.l %R2,%1\;move%.l %0,%3\;addx%.l %2,%3\;move%.l %3,%0"; } } } [(set (attr "flags_valid") (if_then_else (match_operand 0 "register_operand") (const_string "noov") (const_string "no")))]) (define_insn "addsi_lshrsi_31" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm,dm,d") (plus:SI (lshiftrt:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "rm,r,rm") (const_int 31)) (match_dup 1)))] "" { operands[2] = operands[0]; operands[3] = gen_label_rtx(); if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM) { if (GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[0], 0)) == POST_INC) operands[0] = gen_rtx_MEM (SImode, XEXP (XEXP (operands[0], 0), 0)); else if (GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[0], 0)) == PRE_DEC) operands[2] = gen_rtx_MEM (SImode, XEXP (XEXP (operands[0], 0), 0)); } output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%0", operands); output_asm_insn ("jpl %l3", operands); output_asm_insn ("addq%.l #1,%2", operands); (*targetm.asm_out.internal_label) (asm_out_file, "L", CODE_LABEL_NUMBER (operands[3])); return ""; } [(set_attr "ok_for_coldfire" "no,yes,yes")]) (define_expand "addsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "")))] "" "") ;; Note that the middle two alternatives are near-duplicates ;; in order to handle insns generated by reload. ;; This is needed since they are not themselves reloaded, ;; so commutativity won't apply to them. (define_insn "*addsi3_internal" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,?a,?a,d,a") (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%0,a,rJK,0,0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "dIKLT,rJK,a,mSrIKLT,mSrIKLs")))] "! TARGET_COLDFIRE" "* return output_addsi3 (operands);" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov,unchanged,unchanged,noov,unchanged")]) (define_insn_and_split "*addsi3_5200" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=mr,mr,a, m,r, ?a, ?a,?a,?a") (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%0, 0, 0, 0,0, a, a, r, a") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" " I, L, JCu,d,mrKi,Cj, r, a, JCu")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { switch (which_alternative) { case 0: return "addq%.l %2,%0"; case 1: operands[2] = GEN_INT (- INTVAL (operands[2])); return "subq%.l %2,%0"; case 3: case 4: return "add%.l %2,%0"; case 5: /* move%.l %2,%0\n\tadd%.l %1,%0 */ return "#"; case 6: return MOTOROLA ? "lea (%1,%2.l),%0" : "lea %1@(0,%2:l),%0"; case 7: return MOTOROLA ? "lea (%2,%1.l),%0" : "lea %2@(0,%1:l),%0"; case 2: case 8: return MOTOROLA ? "lea (%c2,%1),%0" : "lea %1@(%c2),%0"; default: gcc_unreachable (); return ""; } } "&& reload_completed && (extract_constrain_insn_cached (insn), which_alternative == 5) && !operands_match_p (operands[0], operands[1])" [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 2)) (set (match_dup 0) (plus:SI (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1)))] "" [(set_attr "type" "aluq_l,aluq_l,lea, alu_l,alu_l,*,lea, lea, lea") (set_attr "opy" "2, 2, *, 2, 2, *,*, *, *") (set_attr "opy_type" "*, *, mem5,*, *, *,mem6,mem6,mem5")]) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=a") (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0") (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 2 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "rmS"))))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "add%.w %2,%0") (define_insn "addhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,r") (plus:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_src_operand" "dn,rmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT) { /* If the constant would be a negative number when interpreted as HImode, make it negative. This is usually, but not always, done elsewhere in the compiler. First check for constants out of range, which could confuse us. */ if (INTVAL (operands[2]) >= 32768) operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 65536); if (INTVAL (operands[2]) > 0 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 8) return "addq%.w %2,%0"; if (INTVAL (operands[2]) < 0 && INTVAL (operands[2]) >= -8) { operands[2] = GEN_INT (- INTVAL (operands[2])); return "subq%.w %2,%0"; } /* On the CPU32 it is faster to use two addqw instructions to add a small integer (8 < N <= 16) to a register. Likewise for subqw. */ if (TUNE_CPU32 && REG_P (operands[0])) { if (INTVAL (operands[2]) > 8 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 16) { operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 8); return "addq%.w #8,%0\;addq%.w %2,%0"; } if (INTVAL (operands[2]) < -8 && INTVAL (operands[2]) >= -16) { operands[2] = GEN_INT (- INTVAL (operands[2]) - 8); return "subq%.w #8,%0\;subq%.w %2,%0"; } } if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0]) && !TUNE_68040) return MOTOROLA ? "lea (%c2,%0),%0" : "lea %0@(%c2),%0"; } return "add%.w %2,%0"; } [(set (attr "flags_valid") (if_then_else (match_operand 0 "address_reg_operand") (const_string "unchanged") (const_string "noov")))]) ;; These insns must use MATCH_DUP instead of the more expected ;; use of a matching constraint because the "output" here is also ;; an input, so you can't use the matching constraint. That also means ;; that you can't use the "%", so you need patterns with the matched ;; operand in both positions. (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (plus:HI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,rmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { gcc_assert (!ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])); if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT) { /* If the constant would be a negative number when interpreted as HImode, make it negative. This is usually, but not always, done elsewhere in the compiler. First check for constants out of range, which could confuse us. */ if (INTVAL (operands[1]) >= 32768) operands[1] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[1]) - 65536); if (INTVAL (operands[1]) > 0 && INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 8) return "addq%.w %1,%0"; if (INTVAL (operands[1]) < 0 && INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -8) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (- INTVAL (operands[1])); return "subq%.w %1,%0"; } /* On the CPU32 it is faster to use two addqw instructions to add a small integer (8 < N <= 16) to a register. Likewise for subqw. */ if (TUNE_CPU32 && REG_P (operands[0])) { if (INTVAL (operands[1]) > 8 && INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 16) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[1]) - 8); return "addq%.w #8,%0\;addq%.w %1,%0"; } if (INTVAL (operands[1]) < -8 && INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -16) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (- INTVAL (operands[1]) - 8); return "subq%.w #8,%0\;subq%.w %1,%0"; } } } return "add%.w %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (plus:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,rmSn") (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { gcc_assert (!ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])); if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT) { /* If the constant would be a negative number when interpreted as HImode, make it negative. This is usually, but not always, done elsewhere in the compiler. First check for constants out of range, which could confuse us. */ if (INTVAL (operands[1]) >= 32768) operands[1] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[1]) - 65536); if (INTVAL (operands[1]) > 0 && INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 8) return "addq%.w %1,%0"; if (INTVAL (operands[1]) < 0 && INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -8) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (- INTVAL (operands[1])); return "subq%.w %1,%0"; } /* On the CPU32 it is faster to use two addqw instructions to add a small integer (8 < N <= 16) to a register. Likewise for subqw. */ if (TUNE_CPU32 && REG_P (operands[0])) { if (INTVAL (operands[1]) > 8 && INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 16) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[1]) - 8); return "addq%.w #8,%0\;addq%.w %1,%0"; } if (INTVAL (operands[1]) < -8 && INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -16) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (- INTVAL (operands[1]) - 8); return "subq%.w #8,%0\;subq%.w %1,%0"; } } } return "add%.w %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "addqi3" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,d") (plus:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:QI 2 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT) { if (INTVAL (operands[2]) >= 128) operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 256); if (INTVAL (operands[2]) > 0 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 8) return "addq%.b %2,%0"; if (INTVAL (operands[2]) < 0 && INTVAL (operands[2]) >= -8) { operands[2] = GEN_INT (- INTVAL (operands[2])); return "subq%.b %2,%0"; } } return "add%.b %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (plus:QI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT) { if (INTVAL (operands[1]) >= 128) operands[1] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[1]) - 256); if (INTVAL (operands[1]) > 0 && INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 8) return "addq%.b %1,%0"; if (INTVAL (operands[1]) < 0 && INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -8) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (- INTVAL (operands[1])); return "subq%.b %1,%0"; } } return "add%.b %1,%0"; }) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (plus:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn") (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT) { if (INTVAL (operands[1]) >= 128) operands[1] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[1]) - 256); if (INTVAL (operands[1]) > 0 && INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 8) return "addq%.b %1,%0"; if (INTVAL (operands[1]) < 0 && INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -8) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (- INTVAL (operands[1])); return "subq%.b %1,%0"; } } return "add%.b %1,%0"; }) (define_expand "add3" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (plus:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "add3_floatsi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (plus:FP (float:FP (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "dmi")) (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_68881" "fadd%.l %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "falu") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "add3_floathi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (plus:FP (float:FP (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "dmn")) (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_68881" "fadd%.w %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "falu") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "add3_floatqi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (plus:FP (float:FP (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" "dmn")) (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_68881" "fadd%.b %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "falu") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "add3_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (plus:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "%0") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "fm")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[2])) return "fadd%.x %2,%0"; return "fadd%. %f2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "falu") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "add3_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (plus:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "%0") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "fU")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[2])) return "fadd%.d %2,%0"; return "fadd%. %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "falu") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) ;; subtract instructions (define_insn "subdi_sexthishl32" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=o,a,*d,*d") (minus:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "0,0,0,0") (ashift:DI (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "rm,rm,rm,rm")) (const_int 32)))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 3 "=&d,X,a,?d"))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])) return "sub%.w %2,%0"; else if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[3])) return "move%.w %2,%3\;sub%.l %3,%0"; else return "move%.w %2,%3\;ext%.l %3\;sub%.l %3,%0"; }) (define_insn "subdi_dishl32" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+ro") (minus:DI (match_dup 0) (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "ro") (const_int 32))))] "" { if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == REG) operands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 1); else operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[1], SImode, 4); return "sub%.l %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "alu_l")]) (define_insn "subdi3" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=o<>,d,d,d") (minus:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "0,0,0,0") (match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "d,no>,d,a"))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 3 "=&d,&d,X,&d"))] "" { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[2])) return "sub%.l %R2,%R0\;subx%.l %2,%0"; else if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == MEM && GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[2], 0)) == POST_INC) { return "move%.l %2,%3\;sub%.l %2,%R0\;subx%.l %3,%0"; } else { rtx high, low; rtx xoperands[2]; if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == REG) { low = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[2]) + 1); high = operands[2]; } else if (CONSTANT_P (operands[2])) split_double (operands[2], &high, &low); else { low = adjust_address (operands[2], SImode, 4); high = operands[2]; } operands[1] = low, operands[2] = high; xoperands[0] = operands[3]; if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT && INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -8 && INTVAL (operands[1]) < 0) xoperands[1] = GEN_INT (-INTVAL (operands[2]) - 1); else xoperands[1] = operands[2]; output_asm_insn (output_move_simode (xoperands), xoperands); if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT) { if (INTVAL (operands[1]) > 0 && INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 8) return "subq%.l %1,%R0\;subx%.l %3,%0"; else if (INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -8 && INTVAL (operands[1]) < 0) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (-INTVAL (operands[1])); return "addq%.l %1,%R0\;addx%.l %3,%0"; } } return "sub%.l %1,%R0\;subx%.l %3,%0"; } } else { gcc_assert (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM); if (GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[0], 0)) == POST_INC) { operands[1] = gen_rtx_MEM (SImode, plus_constant (Pmode, XEXP (operands[0], 0), -8)); return "move%.l %0,%3\;sub%.l %R2,%0\;subx%.l %2,%3\;move%.l %3,%1"; } else if (GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[0], 0)) == PRE_DEC) { operands[1] = XEXP(operands[0], 0); return "sub%.l %R2,%0\;move%.l %0,%3\;subx%.l %2,%3\;move%.l %3,%1"; } else { operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, 4); return "sub%.l %R2,%1\;move%.l %0,%3\;subx%.l %2,%3\;move%.l %3,%0"; } } } [(set (attr "flags_valid") (if_then_else (match_operand 0 "register_operand") (const_string "noov") (const_string "no")))]) (define_insn "subsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=md,ma,m,d,a") (minus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0,0,0,0,0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "I,I,dT,mSrT,mSrs")))] "" "@ subq%.l %2, %0 subq%.l %2, %0 sub%.l %2,%0 sub%.l %2,%0 sub%.l %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "aluq_l,aluq_l,alu_l,alu_l,alu_l") (set_attr "opy" "2") (set_attr "flags_valid" "noov,unchanged,noov,noov,unchanged")]) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=a") (minus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0") (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 2 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "rmS"))))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "sub%.w %2,%0") (define_insn "subhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,r") (minus:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "0,0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_src_operand" "dn,rmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "sub%.w %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (minus:HI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,rmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "sub%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "subqi3" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,d") (minus:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "0,0") (match_operand:QI 2 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "sub%.b %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (minus:QI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "sub%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_expand "sub3" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (minus:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "sub3_floatsi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (minus:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0") (float:FP (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "dmi"))))] "TARGET_68881" "fsub%.l %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "falu") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "sub3_floathi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (minus:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0") (float:FP (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "dmn"))))] "TARGET_68881" "fsub%.w %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "falu") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "sub3_floatqi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (minus:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0") (float:FP (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" "dmn"))))] "TARGET_68881" "fsub%.b %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "falu") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "sub3_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (minus:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "fm")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[2])) return "fsub%.x %2,%0"; return "fsub%. %f2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "falu") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "sub3_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (minus:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "fU")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[2])) return "fsub%.d %2,%0"; return "fsub%. %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "falu") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) ;; multiply instructions (define_insn "mulhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (mult:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "%0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_src_operand" "dmSn")))] "" { return MOTOROLA ? "muls%.w %2,%0" : "muls %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "mul_w") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "mulhisi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (mult:SI (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "%0")) (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 2 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "dmS"))))] "" { return MOTOROLA ? "muls%.w %2,%0" : "muls %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "mul_w") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "*mulhisisi3_s" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (mult:SI (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "%0")) (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "INTVAL (operands[2]) >= -0x8000 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 0x7fff" { return MOTOROLA ? "muls%.w %2,%0" : "muls %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "mul_w") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_expand "mulsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (mult:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE" "") (define_insn "*mulsi3_68020" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (mult:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "dmSTK")))] "TARGET_68020" "muls%.l %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "mul_l") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "*mulsi3_cf" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (mult:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "d")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" "muls%.l %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "mul_l") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "umulhisi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (mult:SI (zero_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "%0")) (zero_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 2 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "dmS"))))] "" { return MOTOROLA ? "mulu%.w %2,%0" : "mulu %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "mul_w") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "*mulhisisi3_z" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (mult:SI (zero_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "%0")) (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "INTVAL (operands[2]) >= 0 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 0xffff" { return MOTOROLA ? "mulu%.w %2,%0" : "mulu %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "mul_w") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) ;; We need a separate DEFINE_EXPAND for u?mulsidi3 to be able to use the ;; proper matching constraint. This is because the matching is between ;; the high-numbered word of the DImode operand[0] and operand[1]. (define_expand "umulsidi3" [(parallel [(set (subreg:SI (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") 4) (mult:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" ""))) (set (subreg:SI (match_dup 0) 0) (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (zero_extend:DI (match_dup 1)) (zero_extend:DI (match_dup 2))) (const_int 32))))])] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" "") (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (mult:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "%0") (match_operand:SI 2 "nonimmediate_operand" "dm"))) (set (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "=d") (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (zero_extend:DI (match_dup 1)) (zero_extend:DI (match_dup 2))) (const_int 32))))] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" "mulu%.l %2,%3:%0") ; Match immediate case. For 2.4 only match things < 2^31. ; It's tricky with larger values in these patterns since we need to match ; values between the two parallel multiplies, between a CONST_DOUBLE and ; a CONST_INT. (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (mult:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "%0") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n"))) (set (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "=d") (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (zero_extend:DI (match_dup 1)) (match_dup 2)) (const_int 32))))] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE && (unsigned) INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 0x7fffffff" "mulu%.l %2,%3:%0") (define_expand "mulsidi3" [(parallel [(set (subreg:SI (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") 4) (mult:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" ""))) (set (subreg:SI (match_dup 0) 0) (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (sign_extend:DI (match_dup 1)) (sign_extend:DI (match_dup 2))) (const_int 32))))])] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" "") (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (mult:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "%0") (match_operand:SI 2 "nonimmediate_operand" "dm"))) (set (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "=d") (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (sign_extend:DI (match_dup 1)) (sign_extend:DI (match_dup 2))) (const_int 32))))] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" "muls%.l %2,%3:%0") (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (mult:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "%0") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n"))) (set (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "=d") (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (sign_extend:DI (match_dup 1)) (match_dup 2)) (const_int 32))))] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" "muls%.l %2,%3:%0") (define_expand "umulsi3_highpart" [(parallel [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (zero_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "")) (zero_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" ""))) (const_int 32)))) (clobber (match_dup 3))])] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" { operands[3] = gen_reg_rtx (SImode); if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT) { operands[2] = immed_double_const (INTVAL (operands[2]) & 0xffffffff, 0, DImode); /* We have to adjust the operand order for the matching constraints. */ emit_insn (gen_const_umulsi3_highpart (operands[0], operands[3], operands[1], operands[2])); DONE; } }) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (zero_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "%1")) (zero_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 3 "nonimmediate_operand" "dm"))) (const_int 32)))) (clobber (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "=d"))] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" "mulu%.l %3,%0:%1") (define_insn "const_umulsi3_highpart" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (zero_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "1")) (match_operand:DI 3 "const_uint32_operand" "n")) (const_int 32)))) (clobber (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "=d"))] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" "mulu%.l %3,%0:%1") (define_expand "smulsi3_highpart" [(parallel [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "")) (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" ""))) (const_int 32)))) (clobber (match_dup 3))])] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" { operands[3] = gen_reg_rtx (SImode); if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT) { /* We have to adjust the operand order for the matching constraints. */ emit_insn (gen_const_smulsi3_highpart (operands[0], operands[3], operands[1], operands[2])); DONE; } }) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "%1")) (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 3 "nonimmediate_operand" "dm"))) (const_int 32)))) (clobber (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "=d"))] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" "muls%.l %3,%0:%1") (define_insn "const_smulsi3_highpart" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (truncate:SI (lshiftrt:DI (mult:DI (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "1")) (match_operand:DI 3 "const_sint32_operand" "n")) (const_int 32)))) (clobber (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "=d"))] "TARGET_68020 && !TUNE_68060 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" "muls%.l %3,%0:%1") (define_expand "mul3" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (mult:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "mul3_floatsi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (mult:FP (float:FP (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "dmi")) (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_68881" { return TARGET_68040 ? "fmul%.l %2,%0" : "fmul%.l %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "fmul") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "mul3_floathi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (mult:FP (float:FP (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "dmn")) (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_68881" { return TARGET_68040 ? "fmul%.w %2,%0" : "fmul%.w %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "fmul") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "mul3_floatqi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (mult:FP (float:FP (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" "dmn")) (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_68881" { return TARGET_68040 ? "fmul%.b %2,%0" : "fmul%.b %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "fmul") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "muldf_68881" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (mult:DF (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "%0") (match_operand:DF 2 "general_operand" "fmG")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_DOUBLE && floating_exact_log2 (operands[2]) && !TUNE_68040_60) { int i = floating_exact_log2 (operands[2]); operands[2] = GEN_INT (i); return "fscale%.l %2,%0"; } if (REG_P (operands[2])) return "f%&mul%.x %2,%0"; return "f%&mul%.d %f2,%0"; }) (define_insn "mulsf_68881" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (mult:SF (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" "%0") (match_operand:SF 2 "general_operand" "fdmF")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[2])) return (TARGET_68040 ? "fsmul%.x %2,%0" : "fsglmul%.x %2,%0"); return (TARGET_68040 ? "fsmul%.s %f2,%0" : "fsglmul%.s %f2,%0"); }) (define_insn "mulxf3_68881" [(set (match_operand:XF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (mult:XF (match_operand:XF 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "%0") (match_operand:XF 2 "nonimmediate_operand" "fm")))] "TARGET_68881" { return "fmul%.x %f2,%0"; }) (define_insn "fmul3_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (mult:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "%0") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "fU")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[2])) return "fmul%.d %2,%0"; return "fmul%. %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "fmul") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) ;; divide instructions (define_expand "div3" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (div:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "div3_floatsi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (div:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0") (float:FP (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "dmi"))))] "TARGET_68881" { return TARGET_68040 ? "fdiv%.l %2,%0" : "fdiv%.l %2,%0"; }) (define_insn "div3_floathi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (div:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0") (float:FP (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "dmn"))))] "TARGET_68881" { return TARGET_68040 ? "fdiv%.w %2,%0" : "fdiv%.w %2,%0"; }) (define_insn "div3_floatqi_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (div:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0") (float:FP (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" "dmn"))))] "TARGET_68881" { return TARGET_68040 ? "fdiv%.b %2,%0" : "fdiv%.b %2,%0"; }) (define_insn "div3_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (div:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "fm")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[2])) return (TARGET_68040 ? "fdiv%.x %2,%0" : "fdiv%.x %2,%0"); return (TARGET_68040 ? "fdiv%. %f2,%0" : "fdiv%. %f2,%0"); }) (define_insn "div3_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (div:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:FP 2 "general_operand" "fU")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[2])) return "fdiv%.d %2,%0"; return "fdiv%. %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "fdiv") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) ;; Remainder instructions. (define_expand "divmodsi4" [(parallel [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (div:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" ""))) (set (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "") (mod:SI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2)))])] "TARGET_68020 || TARGET_CF_HWDIV" "") (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (div:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "dU"))) (set (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "=&d") (mod:SI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2)))] "TARGET_CF_HWDIV" { if (find_reg_note (insn, REG_UNUSED, operands[3])) return "divs%.l %2,%0"; else if (find_reg_note (insn, REG_UNUSED, operands[0])) return "rems%.l %2,%3:%0"; else return "rems%.l %2,%3:%0\;divs%.l %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "div_l") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (div:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "dmSTK"))) (set (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "=d") (mod:SI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2)))] "TARGET_68020" { if (find_reg_note (insn, REG_UNUSED, operands[3])) return "divs%.l %2,%0"; else return "divsl%.l %2,%3:%0"; }) (define_expand "udivmodsi4" [(parallel [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (udiv:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "dmSTK"))) (set (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "=d") (umod:SI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2)))])] "TARGET_68020 || TARGET_CF_HWDIV" "") (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (udiv:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "dU"))) (set (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "=&d") (umod:SI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2)))] "TARGET_CF_HWDIV" { if (find_reg_note (insn, REG_UNUSED, operands[3])) return "divu%.l %2,%0"; else if (find_reg_note (insn, REG_UNUSED, operands[0])) return "remu%.l %2,%3:%0"; else return "remu%.l %2,%3:%0\;divu%.l %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "div_l") (set_attr "opy" "2")]) (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (udiv:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "dmSTK"))) (set (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "=d") (umod:SI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2)))] "TARGET_68020 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (find_reg_note (insn, REG_UNUSED, operands[3])) return "divu%.l %2,%0"; else return "divul%.l %2,%3:%0"; }) (define_insn "divmodhi4" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (div:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_src_operand" "dmSKT"))) (set (match_operand:HI 3 "register_operand" "=d") (mod:HI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE || TARGET_CF_HWDIV" { output_asm_insn (MOTOROLA ? "ext%.l %0\;divs%.w %2,%0" : "extl %0\;divs %2,%0", operands); if (!find_reg_note(insn, REG_UNUSED, operands[3])) return "move%.l %0,%3\;swap %3"; else return ""; }) (define_insn "udivmodhi4" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (udiv:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_src_operand" "dmSKT"))) (set (match_operand:HI 3 "register_operand" "=d") (umod:HI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE || TARGET_CF_HWDIV" { if (ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ) output_asm_insn (MOTOROLA ? "mvz%.w %0,%0\;divu%.w %2,%0" : "mvz%.w %0,%0\;divu %2,%0", operands); else output_asm_insn (MOTOROLA ? "and%.l #0xFFFF,%0\;divu%.w %2,%0" : "and%.l #0xFFFF,%0\;divu %2,%0", operands); if (!find_reg_note(insn, REG_UNUSED, operands[3])) return "move%.l %0,%3\;swap %3"; else return ""; }) ;; logical-and instructions ;; Prevent AND from being made with sp. This doesn't exist in the machine ;; and reload will cause inefficient code. Since sp is a FIXED_REG, we ;; can't allocate pseudos into it. (define_expand "andsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "not_sp_operand" "") (and:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "")))] "" "") ;; produced by split operations after reload finished (define_insn "*andsi3_split" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (and:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "i")))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_andsi3 (operands); }) (define_insn "andsi3_internal" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "not_sp_operand" "=m,d") (and:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "dKT,dmSM")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_andsi3 (operands); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "andsi3_5200" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "not_sp_operand" "=m,d") (and:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "d,dmsK")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (ISA_HAS_MVS_MVZ && DATA_REG_P (operands[0]) && GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT) { if (INTVAL (operands[2]) == 0x000000ff) return "mvz%.b %0,%0"; else if (INTVAL (operands[2]) == 0x0000ffff) return "mvz%.w %0,%0"; } return output_andsi3 (operands); }) (define_insn "andhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,d") (and:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "and%.w %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (and:HI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "and%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (and:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn") (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "and%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "andqi3" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,d") (and:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:QI 2 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "and%.b %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (and:QI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "and%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (and:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn") (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "and%.b %1,%0") ;; inclusive-or instructions (define_insn "iordi_zext" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=o,d") (ior:DI (zero_extend:DI (match_operand 1 "general_operand" "dn,dmn")) (match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "0,0")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { int byte_mode; if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == REG) operands[0] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); else operands[0] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, 4); if (GET_MODE (operands[1]) == SImode) return "or%.l %1,%0"; byte_mode = (GET_MODE (operands[1]) == QImode); if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM) operands[0] = adjust_address (operands[0], byte_mode ? QImode : HImode, byte_mode ? 3 : 2); if (byte_mode) return "or%.b %1,%0"; else return "or%.w %1,%0"; }) (define_expand "iorsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (ior:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "")))] "" "") (define_insn "iorsi3_internal" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,d") (ior:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "dKT,dmSMT")))] "! TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_iorsi3 (operands); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "iorsi3_5200" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,d") (ior:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "d,dmsK")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_iorsi3 (operands); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "iorhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,d") (ior:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "or%.w %2,%0") (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (ior:HI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "or%.w %1,%0") (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (ior:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn") (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "or%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "iorqi3" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,d") (ior:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:QI 2 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "or%.b %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (ior:QI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "or%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+m,d")) (ior:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_src_operand" "dn,dmSn") (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "or%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) ;; On all 68k models, this makes faster code in a special case. ;; See also ashlsi_16, ashrsi_16 and lshrsi_16. (define_insn "iorsi_zexthi_ashl16" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=&d") (ior:SI (zero_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "rmn")) (ashift:SI (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "or") (const_int 16))))] "" { if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) != REG) operands[2] = adjust_address (operands[2], HImode, 2); if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) != REG || REGNO (operands[2]) != REGNO (operands[0])) output_asm_insn ("move%.w %2,%0", operands); return "swap %0\;mov%.w %1,%0"; }) (define_insn "iorsi_zext" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=o,d") (ior:SI (zero_extend:SI (match_operand 1 "general_operand" "dn,dmn")) (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "0,0")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { int byte_mode; byte_mode = (GET_MODE (operands[1]) == QImode); if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM) operands[0] = adjust_address (operands[0], byte_mode ? QImode : HImode, byte_mode ? 3 : 2); if (byte_mode) return "or%.b %1,%0"; else return "or%.w %1,%0"; }) ;; xor instructions (define_expand "xorsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (xor:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "")))] "" "") (define_insn "xorsi3_internal" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d,o,m") (xor:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%0, 0,0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "di,dK,dKT")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_xorsi3 (operands); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "xorsi3_5200" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm,d") (xor:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "%0,0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "d,Ks")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_xorsi3 (operands); } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "set")]) (define_insn "xorhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (xor:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "%0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "dn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "eor%.w %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+dm")) (xor:HI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "dn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "eor%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+dm")) (xor:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "dn") (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "eor%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "xorqi3" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (xor:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "%0") (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" "dn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "eor%.b %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+dm")) (xor:QI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "dn")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "eor%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+dm")) (xor:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "dn") (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "eor%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) ;; negation instructions (define_expand "negdi2" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (neg:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "")))] "" { if (TARGET_COLDFIRE) emit_insn (gen_negdi2_5200 (operands[0], operands[1])); else emit_insn (gen_negdi2_internal (operands[0], operands[1])); DONE; }) (define_insn "negdi2_internal" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=<,do,!*a") (neg:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "0,0,0")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (which_alternative == 0) return "neg%.l %0\;negx%.l %0"; if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == REG) operands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); else operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, 4); if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])) return "exg %/d0,%1\;neg%.l %/d0\;exg %/d0,%1\;exg %/d0,%0\;negx%.l %/d0\;exg %/d0,%0"; else return "neg%.l %1\;negx%.l %0"; }) (define_insn "negdi2_5200" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (neg:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { operands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); return "neg%.l %1\;negx%.l %0"; }) (define_expand "negsi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (neg:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "")))] "" { if (TARGET_COLDFIRE) emit_insn (gen_negsi2_5200 (operands[0], operands[1])); else emit_insn (gen_negsi2_internal (operands[0], operands[1])); DONE; }) (define_insn "negsi2_internal" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (neg:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "neg%.l %0" [(set_attr "type" "neg_l") (set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "negsi2_5200" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (neg:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" "neg%.l %0" [(set_attr "type" "neg_l") (set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "neghi2" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (neg:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "neg%.w %0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+dm")) (neg:HI (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "neg%.w %0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "negqi2" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (neg:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "neg%.b %0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+dm")) (neg:QI (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "neg%.b %0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) ;; If using software floating point, just flip the sign bit. (define_expand "negsf2" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (neg:SF (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" "")))] "" { if (!TARGET_HARD_FLOAT) { rtx result; rtx target; target = operand_subword_force (operands[0], 0, SFmode); result = expand_binop (SImode, xor_optab, operand_subword_force (operands[1], 0, SFmode), GEN_INT (-2147483647 - 1), target, 0, OPTAB_WIDEN); gcc_assert (result); if (result != target) emit_move_insn (result, target); /* Make a place for REG_EQUAL. */ emit_move_insn (operands[0], operands[0]); DONE; } }) (define_expand "negdf2" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (neg:DF (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "")))] "" { if (!TARGET_HARD_FLOAT) { rtx result; rtx target; rtx insns; start_sequence (); target = operand_subword (operands[0], 0, 1, DFmode); result = expand_binop (SImode, xor_optab, operand_subword_force (operands[1], 0, DFmode), GEN_INT (-2147483647 - 1), target, 0, OPTAB_WIDEN); gcc_assert (result); if (result != target) emit_move_insn (result, target); emit_move_insn (operand_subword (operands[0], 1, 1, DFmode), operand_subword_force (operands[1], 1, DFmode)); insns = get_insns (); end_sequence (); emit_insn (insns); DONE; } }) (define_expand "negxf2" [(set (match_operand:XF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (neg:XF (match_operand:XF 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "")))] "" { if (!TARGET_68881) { rtx result; rtx target; rtx insns; start_sequence (); target = operand_subword (operands[0], 0, 1, XFmode); result = expand_binop (SImode, xor_optab, operand_subword_force (operands[1], 0, XFmode), GEN_INT (-2147483647 - 1), target, 0, OPTAB_WIDEN); gcc_assert (result); if (result != target) emit_move_insn (result, target); emit_move_insn (operand_subword (operands[0], 1, 1, XFmode), operand_subword_force (operands[1], 1, XFmode)); emit_move_insn (operand_subword (operands[0], 2, 1, XFmode), operand_subword_force (operands[1], 2, XFmode)); insns = get_insns (); end_sequence (); emit_insn (insns); DONE; } }) (define_insn "neg2_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f,d") (neg:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "fm,0")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (31); return "bchg %1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fneg%.x %1,%0"; return "fneg%. %f1,%0"; }) (define_insn "neg2_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f,d") (neg:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "fU,0")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (31); return "bchg %1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fneg%.d %1,%0"; return "fneg%. %1,%0"; }) ;; Sqrt instruction for the 68881 (define_expand "sqrt2" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (sqrt:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "")))] "TARGET_HARD_FLOAT" "") (define_insn "sqrt2_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (sqrt:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "fm")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fsqrt%.x %1,%0"; return "fsqrt%. %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "fsqrt")]) (define_insn "sqrt2_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (sqrt:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "fU")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fsqrt%.d %1,%0"; return "fsqrt%. %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "fsqrt")]) ;; Absolute value instructions ;; If using software floating point, just zero the sign bit. (define_expand "abssf2" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (abs:SF (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" "")))] "" { if (!TARGET_HARD_FLOAT) { rtx result; rtx target; target = operand_subword_force (operands[0], 0, SFmode); result = expand_binop (SImode, and_optab, operand_subword_force (operands[1], 0, SFmode), GEN_INT (0x7fffffff), target, 0, OPTAB_WIDEN); gcc_assert (result); if (result != target) emit_move_insn (result, target); /* Make a place for REG_EQUAL. */ emit_move_insn (operands[0], operands[0]); DONE; } }) (define_expand "absdf2" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (abs:DF (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "")))] "" { if (!TARGET_HARD_FLOAT) { rtx result; rtx target; rtx insns; start_sequence (); target = operand_subword (operands[0], 0, 1, DFmode); result = expand_binop (SImode, and_optab, operand_subword_force (operands[1], 0, DFmode), GEN_INT (0x7fffffff), target, 0, OPTAB_WIDEN); gcc_assert (result); if (result != target) emit_move_insn (result, target); emit_move_insn (operand_subword (operands[0], 1, 1, DFmode), operand_subword_force (operands[1], 1, DFmode)); insns = get_insns (); end_sequence (); emit_insn (insns); DONE; } }) (define_expand "absxf2" [(set (match_operand:XF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (abs:XF (match_operand:XF 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "")))] "" { if (!TARGET_68881) { rtx result; rtx target; rtx insns; start_sequence (); target = operand_subword (operands[0], 0, 1, XFmode); result = expand_binop (SImode, and_optab, operand_subword_force (operands[1], 0, XFmode), GEN_INT (0x7fffffff), target, 0, OPTAB_WIDEN); gcc_assert (result); if (result != target) emit_move_insn (result, target); emit_move_insn (operand_subword (operands[0], 1, 1, XFmode), operand_subword_force (operands[1], 1, XFmode)); emit_move_insn (operand_subword (operands[0], 2, 1, XFmode), operand_subword_force (operands[1], 2, XFmode)); insns = get_insns (); end_sequence (); emit_insn (insns); DONE; } }) (define_insn "abs2_68881" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f,d") (abs:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "fm,0")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (31); return "bclr %1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fabs%.x %1,%0"; return "fabs%. %f1,%0"; }) (define_insn "abs2_cf" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f,d") (abs:FP (match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "fU,0")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE_FPU" { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (31); return "bclr %1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fabs%.d %1,%0"; return "fabs%. %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "bitrw,fneg")]) ;; bit indexing instructions (define_expand "clzsi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (clz:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "")))] "ISA_HAS_FF1 || (TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD)" { if (ISA_HAS_FF1) operands[1] = force_reg (SImode, operands[1]); }) (define_insn "*clzsi2_68k" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (clz:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "do")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD" "bfffo %1{#0:#0},%0") ;; ColdFire ff1 instruction implements clz. (define_insn "*clzsi2_cf" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (clz:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0")))] "ISA_HAS_FF1" "ff1 %0" [(set_attr "type" "ext")]) ;; one complement instructions (define_expand "one_cmplsi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (not:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "")))] "" { if (TARGET_COLDFIRE) emit_insn (gen_one_cmplsi2_5200 (operands[0], operands[1])); else emit_insn (gen_one_cmplsi2_internal (operands[0], operands[1])); DONE; }) (define_insn "one_cmplsi2_internal" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (not:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "not%.l %0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "one_cmplsi2_5200" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (not:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" "not%.l %0" [(set_attr "type" "neg_l")]) (define_insn "one_cmplhi2" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (not:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "not%.w %0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+dm")) (not:HI (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "not%.w %0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "one_cmplqi2" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (not:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "0")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "not%.b %0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+dm")) (not:QI (match_dup 0)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "not%.b %0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) ;; arithmetic shift instructions ;; We don't need the shift memory by 1 bit instruction (define_insn_and_split "ashldi_extsi" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=ro") (ashift:DI (match_operator:DI 2 "extend_operator" [(match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "rm")]) (const_int 32)))] "" "#" "&& reload_completed" [(set (match_dup 3) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 2) (const_int 0))] "split_di(operands, 1, operands + 2, operands + 3);") (define_insn "ashldi_sexthi" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,a*d") (ashift:DI (sign_extend:DI (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "rm,rm")) (const_int 32))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 2 "=a,X"))] "" { if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM) { if (GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[0], 0)) == PRE_DEC) return "clr%.l %0\;move%.w %1,%2\;move%.l %2,%0"; else if (GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[0], 0)) == POST_INC) return "move%.w %1,%2\;move%.l %2,%0\;clr%.l %0"; else { operands[3] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, 4); return "move%.w %1,%2\;move%.l %2,%0\;clr%.l %3"; } } else if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) return "move%.w %1,%0\;ext%.l %0\;clr%.l %R0"; else return "move%.w %1,%0\;sub%.l %R0,%R0"; }) (define_insn "*ashldi3_const1" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "0") (const_int 1)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "add%.l %R0,%R0\;addx%.l %0,%0") (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 2)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (match_dup 0) (ashift:DI (match_dup 1) (const_int 1))) (set (match_dup 0) (ashift:DI (match_dup 0) (const_int 1)))] "") (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 3)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (match_dup 0) (ashift:DI (match_dup 1) (const_int 2))) (set (match_dup 0) (ashift:DI (match_dup 0) (const_int 1)))] "") (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 8)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (match_dup 2) (rotate:SI (match_dup 2) (const_int 8))) (set (match_dup 3) (rotate:SI (match_dup 3) (const_int 8))) (set (strict_low_part (subreg:QI (match_dup 0) 3)) (subreg:QI (match_dup 0) 7)) (set (strict_low_part (subreg:QI (match_dup 0) 7)) (const_int 0))] { operands[2] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 16)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (match_dup 2) (rotate:SI (match_dup 2) (const_int 16))) (set (match_dup 3) (rotate:SI (match_dup 3) (const_int 16))) (set (strict_low_part (subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 2)) (subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 6)) (set (strict_low_part (subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 6)) (const_int 0))] { operands[2] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "pre_dec_operand" "") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (const_int 32)))] "reload_completed" [(set (match_dup 0) (const_int 0)) (set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))] { operands[0] = adjust_address(operands[0], SImode, 0); operands[1] = gen_lowpart(SImode, operands[1]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "post_inc_operand" "") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (const_int 32)))] "reload_completed" [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 0) (const_int 0))] { operands[0] = adjust_address(operands[0], SImode, 0); operands[1] = gen_lowpart(SImode, operands[1]); }) (define_insn_and_split "*ashldi3_const32" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=ro<>") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "ro") (const_int 32)))] "" "#" "&& reload_completed" [(set (match_dup 4) (match_dup 3)) (set (match_dup 2) (const_int 0))] "split_di(operands, 2, operands + 2, operands + 4);") (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand 2 "const_int_operand" "")))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE && INTVAL (operands[2]) > 32 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 40" [(set (match_dup 4) (ashift:SI (match_dup 4) (match_dup 2))) (set (match_dup 3) (match_dup 4)) (set (match_dup 4) (const_int 0))] { operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 32); operands[3] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[4] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 48)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3)) (set (match_dup 2) (rotate:SI (match_dup 2) (const_int 16))) (set (match_dup 3) (const_int 0)) (set (strict_low_part (subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 2)) (const_int 0))] { operands[2] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand 2 "const_int_operand" "")))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE && INTVAL (operands[2]) > 40 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 63" [(set (match_dup 3) (match_dup 2)) (set (match_dup 4) (ashift:SI (match_dup 4) (match_dup 3))) (set (match_dup 3) (match_dup 4)) (set (match_dup 4) (const_int 0))] { operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 32); operands[3] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[4] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_insn "*ashldi3" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand 2 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE && ((INTVAL (operands[2]) >= 1 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 3) || INTVAL (operands[2]) == 8 || INTVAL (operands[2]) == 16 || (INTVAL (operands[2]) > 32 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 63))" "#") (define_expand "ashldi3" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashift:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { /* ??? This is a named pattern like this is not allowed to FAIL based on its operands. */ if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) != CONST_INT || ((INTVAL (operands[2]) < 1 || INTVAL (operands[2]) > 3) && INTVAL (operands[2]) != 8 && INTVAL (operands[2]) != 16 && (INTVAL (operands[2]) < 32 || INTVAL (operands[2]) > 63))) FAIL; }) ;; On most 68k models, this makes faster code in a special case. (define_insn "ashlsi_16" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashift:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (const_int 16)))] "!TUNE_68060" "swap %0\;clr%.w %0") ;; ashift patterns : use lsl instead of asl, because lsl always clears the ;; overflow bit, allowing more comparisons. ;; On the 68000, this makes faster code in a special case. (define_insn "ashlsi_17_24" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashift:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "TUNE_68000_10 && INTVAL (operands[2]) > 16 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 24" { operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 16); return "lsl%.w %2,%0\;swap %0\;clr%.w %0"; }) (define_insn "ashlsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashift:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "" { if (operands[2] == const1_rtx) return "add%.l %0,%0"; return "lsl%.l %2,%0"; } [(set (attr "flags_valid") (if_then_else (match_operand 2 "const1_operand") (const_string "noov") (const_string "yes")))]) (define_insn "ashlhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashift:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "lsl%.w %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "+d")) (ashift:HI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "lsl%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "ashlqi3" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashift:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "lsl%.b %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "+d")) (ashift:QI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "lsl%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) ;; On most 68k models, this makes faster code in a special case. (define_insn "ashrsi_16" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashiftrt:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (const_int 16)))] "!TUNE_68060" "swap %0\;ext%.l %0") ;; On the 68000, this makes faster code in a special case. (define_insn "" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashiftrt:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "TUNE_68000_10 && INTVAL (operands[2]) > 16 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 24" { operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 16); return "swap %0\;asr%.w %2,%0\;ext%.l %0"; }) (define_insn "subreghi1ashrdi_const32" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm") (subreg:HI (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "ro") (const_int 32)) 6))] "" { if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) != REG) operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[1], HImode, 2); return "move%.w %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "move")]) (define_insn "subregsi1ashrdi_const32" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm") (subreg:SI (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "ro") (const_int 32)) 4))] "" { return "move%.l %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "type" "move_l")]) (define_insn "*ashrdi3_const1" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "0") (const_int 1)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { operands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); return "asr%.l #1,%0\;roxr%.l #1,%1"; }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 2)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (match_dup 0) (ashiftrt:DI (match_dup 1) (const_int 1))) (set (match_dup 0) (ashiftrt:DI (match_dup 0) (const_int 1)))] "") (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 3)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (match_dup 0) (ashiftrt:DI (match_dup 1) (const_int 2))) (set (match_dup 0) (ashiftrt:DI (match_dup 0) (const_int 1)))] "") (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 8)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (strict_low_part (subreg:QI (match_dup 0) 7)) (subreg:QI (match_dup 0) 3)) (set (match_dup 2) (ashiftrt:SI (match_dup 2) (const_int 8))) (set (match_dup 3) (rotatert:SI (match_dup 3) (const_int 8)))] { operands[2] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 16)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (strict_low_part (subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 6)) (subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 2)) (set (match_dup 2) (rotate:SI (match_dup 2) (const_int 16))) (set (match_dup 3) (rotate:SI (match_dup 3) (const_int 16))) (set (match_dup 2) (sign_extend:SI (subreg:HI (match_dup 2) 2)))] { operands[2] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_insn "*ashrdi_const32" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "ro") (const_int 32)))] "" { if (TARGET_68020) return "move%.l %1,%R0\;smi %0\;extb%.l %0"; else return "move%.l %1,%R0\;smi %0\;ext%.w %0\;ext%.l %0"; }) (define_insn "*ashrdi_const32_mem" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "memory_operand" "=o,<") (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_src_operand" "ro,ro") (const_int 32))) (clobber (match_scratch:SI 2 "=d,d"))] "" { operands[3] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, which_alternative == 0 ? 4 : 0); operands[0] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, 0); if (TARGET_68020 || TARGET_COLDFIRE) return "move%.l %1,%3\;smi %2\;extb%.l %2\;move%.l %2,%0"; else return "move%.l %1,%3\;smi %2\;ext%.w %2\;ext%.l %2\;move%.l %2,%0"; }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 63)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (match_dup 3) (ashiftrt:SI (match_dup 3) (const_int 31))) (set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3))] "split_di(operands, 1, operands + 2, operands + 3);") ;; The predicate below must be general_operand, because ashrdi3 allows that (define_insn "ashrdi_const" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand 2 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE && ((INTVAL (operands[2]) >= 1 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 3) || INTVAL (operands[2]) == 8 || INTVAL (operands[2]) == 16 || INTVAL (operands[2]) == 31 || (INTVAL (operands[2]) > 32 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 63))" { operands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); if (INTVAL (operands[2]) == 48) return "swap %0\;ext%.l %0\;move%.l %0,%1\;smi %0\;ext%.w %0"; if (INTVAL (operands[2]) == 31) return "add%.l %1,%1\;addx%.l %0,%0\;move%.l %0,%1\;subx%.l %0,%0"; if (INTVAL (operands[2]) > 32 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 63) { operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 32); output_asm_insn (INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 8 ? "asr%.l %2,%0" : "moveq %2,%1\;asr%.l %1,%0", operands); output_asm_insn ("mov%.l %0,%1\;smi %0", operands); return INTVAL (operands[2]) >= 15 ? "ext%.w %d0" : TARGET_68020 ? "extb%.l %0" : "ext%.w %0\;ext%.l %0"; } return "#"; }) (define_expand "ashrdi3" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (ashiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { /* ??? This is a named pattern like this is not allowed to FAIL based on its operands. */ if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) != CONST_INT || ((INTVAL (operands[2]) < 1 || INTVAL (operands[2]) > 3) && INTVAL (operands[2]) != 8 && INTVAL (operands[2]) != 16 && (INTVAL (operands[2]) < 31 || INTVAL (operands[2]) > 63))) FAIL; }) ;; On all 68k models, this makes faster code in a special case. (define_insn "ashrsi_31" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashiftrt:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (const_int 31)))] "" { return "add%.l %0,%0\;subx%.l %0,%0"; }) (define_insn "ashrsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashiftrt:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "" "asr%.l %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "shift") (set_attr "opy" "2") (set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "ashrhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashiftrt:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "asr%.w %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "+d")) (ashiftrt:HI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "asr%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "ashrqi3" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ashiftrt:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "asr%.b %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "+d")) (ashiftrt:QI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "asr%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "noov")]) ;; logical shift instructions ;; commented out because of reload problems in 950612-1.c ;;(define_insn "" ;; [(set (cc0) ;; (subreg:SI (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 0 "general_operand" "ro") ;; (const_int 32)) 4)) ;; (set (match_operand:SI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") ;; (subreg:SI (lshiftrt:DI (match_dup 0) ;; (const_int 32)) 4))] ;; "" ;;{ ;; return "move%.l %0,%1"; ;;}) ;; ;;(define_insn "" ;; [(set (cc0) ;; (subreg:SI (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 0 "general_operand" "ro") ;; (const_int 32)) 0)) ;; (set (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "=do") ;; (lshiftrt:DI (match_dup 0) ;; (const_int 32)))] ;; "" ;;{ ;; if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == REG) ;; operands[2] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 1); ;; else ;; operands[2] = adjust_address (operands[1], SImode, 4); ;; return "move%.l %0,%2\;clr%.l %1"; ;;}) (define_insn "subreg1lshrdi_const32" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm") (subreg:SI (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "ro") (const_int 32)) 4))] "" "move%.l %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "move_l")]) (define_insn "*lshrdi3_const1" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "0") (const_int 1)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return "lsr%.l #1,%0\;roxr%.l #1,%R0"; }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 2)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (match_dup 0) (lshiftrt:DI (match_dup 1) (const_int 1))) (set (match_dup 0) (lshiftrt:DI (match_dup 0) (const_int 1)))] "") (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 3)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (match_dup 0) (lshiftrt:DI (match_dup 1) (const_int 2))) (set (match_dup 0) (lshiftrt:DI (match_dup 0) (const_int 1)))] "") (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 8)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (strict_low_part (subreg:QI (match_dup 0) 7)) (subreg:QI (match_dup 0) 3)) (set (match_dup 2) (lshiftrt:SI (match_dup 2) (const_int 8))) (set (match_dup 3) (rotatert:SI (match_dup 3) (const_int 8)))] { operands[2] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 16)))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" [(set (strict_low_part (subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 6)) (subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 2)) (set (strict_low_part (subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 2)) (const_int 0)) (set (match_dup 3) (rotate:SI (match_dup 3) (const_int 16))) (set (match_dup 2) (rotate:SI (match_dup 2) (const_int 16)))] { operands[2] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "pre_dec_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (const_int 32)))] "reload_completed" [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 0) (const_int 0))] { operands[0] = adjust_address(operands[0], SImode, 0); operands[1] = gen_highpart(SImode, operands[1]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "post_inc_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (const_int 32)))] "reload_completed" [(set (match_dup 0) (const_int 0)) (set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))] { operands[0] = adjust_address(operands[0], SImode, 0); operands[1] = gen_highpart(SImode, operands[1]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (const_int 32)))] "reload_completed" [(set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 5)) (set (match_dup 4) (const_int 0))] "split_di(operands, 2, operands + 2, operands + 4);") (define_insn "*lshrdi_const32" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=ro<>") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "general_operand" "ro") (const_int 32)))] "" "#") (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand 2 "const_int_operand" "")))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE && INTVAL (operands[2]) > 32 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 40" [(set (match_dup 3) (lshiftrt:SI (match_dup 3) (match_dup 2))) (set (match_dup 4) (match_dup 3)) (set (match_dup 3) (const_int 0))] { operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 32); operands[3] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[4] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (const_int 48)))] "reload_completed" [(set (match_dup 3) (match_dup 2)) (set (strict_low_part (subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 6)) (const_int 0)) (set (match_dup 2) (const_int 0)) (set (match_dup 3) (rotate:SI (match_dup 3) (const_int 16)))] { operands[2] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[3] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_split [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand 2 "const_int_operand" "")))] "reload_completed && !TARGET_COLDFIRE && INTVAL (operands[2]) > 40 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 62" [(set (match_dup 4) (match_dup 2)) (set (match_dup 3) (lshiftrt:SI (match_dup 3) (match_dup 4))) (set (match_dup 4) (match_dup 3)) (set (match_dup 3) (const_int 0))] { operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 32); operands[3] = gen_highpart (SImode, operands[0]); operands[4] = gen_lowpart (SImode, operands[0]); }) (define_insn "*lshrdi_const63" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "0") (const_int 63)))] "" "add%.l %0,%0\;clr%.l %0\;clr%.l %R1\;addx%.l %R1,%R1") (define_insn "*lshrdi3_const" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand 2 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "(!TARGET_COLDFIRE && ((INTVAL (operands[2]) >= 2 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 3) || INTVAL (operands[2]) == 8 || INTVAL (operands[2]) == 16 || (INTVAL (operands[2]) > 32 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 63)))" "#") (define_expand "lshrdi3" [(set (match_operand:DI 0 "register_operand" "") (lshiftrt:DI (match_operand:DI 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { /* ??? This is a named pattern like this is not allowed to FAIL based on its operands. */ if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) != CONST_INT || ((INTVAL (operands[2]) < 1 || INTVAL (operands[2]) > 3) && INTVAL (operands[2]) != 8 && INTVAL (operands[2]) != 16 && (INTVAL (operands[2]) < 32 || INTVAL (operands[2]) > 63))) FAIL; }) ;; On all 68k models, this makes faster code in a special case. (define_insn "lshrsi_31" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (lshiftrt:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (const_int 31)))] "" { return "add%.l %0,%0\;subx%.l %0,%0\;neg%.l %0"; }) ;; On most 68k models, this makes faster code in a special case. (define_insn "lshrsi_16" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (lshiftrt:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (const_int 16)))] "!TUNE_68060" { return "clr%.w %0\;swap %0"; }) ;; On the 68000, this makes faster code in a special case. (define_insn "lshrsi_17_24" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (lshiftrt:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "TUNE_68000_10 && INTVAL (operands[2]) > 16 && INTVAL (operands[2]) <= 24" { /* I think lsr%.w sets the CC properly. */ operands[2] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[2]) - 16); return "clr%.w %0\;swap %0\;lsr%.w %2,%0"; }) (define_insn "lshrsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (lshiftrt:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "" "lsr%.l %2,%0" [(set_attr "type" "shift") (set_attr "opy" "2") (set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "lshrhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (lshiftrt:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "lsr%.w %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "+d")) (lshiftrt:HI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "lsr%.w %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "lshrqi3" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (lshiftrt:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "lsr%.b %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "+d")) (lshiftrt:QI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "lsr%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) ;; rotate instructions (define_insn "rotlsi_16" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (rotate:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (const_int 16)))] "" "swap %0" [(set_attr "type" "shift") (set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "rotlsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (rotate:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "dINO")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT && INTVAL (operands[2]) == 16) return "swap %0"; else if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT && INTVAL (operands[2]) >= 16) { operands[2] = GEN_INT (32 - INTVAL (operands[2])); return "ror%.l %2,%0"; } else return "rol%.l %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "rotlhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (rotate:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "dIP")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT && INTVAL (operands[2]) >= 8) { operands[2] = GEN_INT (16 - INTVAL (operands[2])); return "ror%.w %2,%0"; } else return "rol%.w %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "*rotlhi3_lowpart" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "+d")) (rotate:HI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "dIP")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT && INTVAL (operands[1]) >= 8) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (16 - INTVAL (operands[1])); return "ror%.w %1,%0"; } else return "rol%.w %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "rotlqi3" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (rotate:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT && INTVAL (operands[2]) >= 4) { operands[2] = GEN_INT (8 - INTVAL (operands[2])); return "ror%.b %2,%0"; } else return "rol%.b %2,%0"; } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "*rotlqi3_lowpart" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "+d")) (rotate:QI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT && INTVAL (operands[1]) >= 4) { operands[1] = GEN_INT (8 - INTVAL (operands[1])); return "ror%.b %1,%0"; } else return "rol%.b %1,%0"; } [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "rotrsi3" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (rotatert:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "ror%.l %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "rotrhi3" [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (rotatert:HI (match_operand:HI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "ror%.w %2,%0") (define_insn "rotrhi_lowpart" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "+d")) (rotatert:HI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:HI 1 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "ror%.w %1,%0") (define_insn "rotrqi3" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (rotatert:QI (match_operand:QI 1 "register_operand" "0") (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "ror%.b %2,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_insn "" [(set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 0 "register_operand" "+d")) (rotatert:QI (match_dup 0) (match_operand:QI 1 "general_operand" "dI")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" "ror%.b %1,%0" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "yes")]) (define_expand "bswapsi2" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand") (bswap:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand")))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { rtx x = operands[0]; emit_move_insn (x, operands[1]); emit_insn (gen_rotrhi_lowpart (gen_lowpart (HImode, x), GEN_INT (8))); emit_insn (gen_rotlsi3 (x, x, GEN_INT (16))); emit_insn (gen_rotrhi_lowpart (gen_lowpart (HImode, x), GEN_INT (8))); DONE; }) ;; Bit set/clear in memory byte. ;; set bit, bit number is int (define_insn "bsetmemqi" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "+m") (ior:QI (subreg:QI (ashift:SI (const_int 1) (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "d")) 3) (match_dup 0)))] "" "bset %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "bitrw")]) ;; set bit, bit number is (sign/zero)_extended from HImode/QImode (define_insn "*bsetmemqi_ext" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "+m") (ior:QI (subreg:QI (ashift:SI (const_int 1) (match_operator:SI 2 "extend_operator" [(match_operand 1 "general_operand" "d")])) 3) (match_dup 0)))] "" "bset %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "bitrw")]) (define_insn "*bsetdreg" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (ior:SI (ashift:SI (const_int 1) (and:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "d") (const_int 31))) (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "0")))] "" "bset %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "bitrw")]) (define_insn "*bchgdreg" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (xor:SI (ashift:SI (const_int 1) (and:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "d") (const_int 31))) (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "0")))] "" "bchg %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "bitrw")]) (define_insn "*bclrdreg" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (and:SI (rotate:SI (const_int -2) (and:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "d") (const_int 31))) (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "0")))] "" "bclr %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "bitrw")]) ;; clear bit, bit number is int (define_insn "bclrmemqi" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "+m") (const_int 1) (minus:SI (const_int 7) (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "d"))) (const_int 0))] "" "bclr %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "bitrw")]) ;; clear bit, bit number is (sign/zero)_extended from HImode/QImode (define_insn "*bclrmemqi_ext" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "+m") (const_int 1) (minus:SI (const_int 7) (match_operator:SI 2 "extend_operator" [(match_operand 1 "general_operand" "d")]))) (const_int 0))] "" "bclr %1,%0" [(set_attr "type" "bitrw")]) ;; Special cases of bit-field insns which we should ;; recognize in preference to the general case. ;; These handle aligned 8-bit and 16-bit fields, ;; which can usually be done with move instructions. ; ; Special case for 32-bit field in memory. This only occurs when 32-bit ; alignment of structure members is specified. ; ; The move is allowed to be odd byte aligned, because that's still faster ; than an odd byte aligned bit-field instruction. ; (define_insn "*insv_32_mem" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "+o") (const_int 32) (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand" "n")) (match_operand:SI 2 "general_src_operand" "rmSi"))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && (INTVAL (operands[1]) % 8) == 0 && ! mode_dependent_address_p (XEXP (operands[0], 0), MEM_ADDR_SPACE (operands[0]))" { operands[0] = adjust_address (operands[0], SImode, INTVAL (operands[1]) / 8); return "move%.l %2,%0"; }) (define_insn "*insv_8_16_reg" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "+d") (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand" "n") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")) (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "d"))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[2]), 0, 31) && (INTVAL (operands[1]) == 8 || INTVAL (operands[1]) == 16) && INTVAL (operands[2]) % INTVAL (operands[1]) == 0" { if (INTVAL (operands[1]) + INTVAL (operands[2]) != 32) return "bfins %3,%0{%b2:%b1}"; if (INTVAL (operands[1]) == 8) return "move%.b %3,%0"; return "move%.w %3,%0"; }) ; ; Special case for 32-bit field in memory. This only occurs when 32-bit ; alignment of structure members is specified. ; ; The move is allowed to be odd byte aligned, because that's still faster ; than an odd byte aligned bit-field instruction. ; (define_insn "*extzv_32_mem" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm") (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "memory_src_operand" "oS") (const_int 32) (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && (INTVAL (operands[2]) % 8) == 0 && ! mode_dependent_address_p (XEXP (operands[1], 0), MEM_ADDR_SPACE (operands[1]))" { operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[1], SImode, INTVAL (operands[2]) / 8); return "move%.l %1,%0"; }) (define_insn "*extzv_8_16_reg" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=&d") (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "d") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n") (match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[3]), 0, 31) && (INTVAL (operands[2]) == 8 || INTVAL (operands[2]) == 16) && INTVAL (operands[3]) % INTVAL (operands[2]) == 0" { if (INTVAL (operands[2]) + INTVAL (operands[3]) != 32) return "bfextu %1{%b3:%b2},%0"; output_asm_insn ("clr%.l %0", operands); if (INTVAL (operands[2]) == 8) return "move%.b %1,%0"; return "move%.w %1,%0"; }) ; ; Special case for 32-bit field in memory. This only occurs when 32-bit ; alignment of structure members is specified. ; ; The move is allowed to be odd byte aligned, because that's still faster ; than an odd byte aligned bit-field instruction. ; (define_insn "*extv_32_mem" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=rm") (sign_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "memory_src_operand" "oS") (const_int 32) (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && (INTVAL (operands[2]) % 8) == 0 && ! mode_dependent_address_p (XEXP (operands[1], 0), MEM_ADDR_SPACE (operands[1]))" { operands[1] = adjust_address (operands[1], SImode, INTVAL (operands[2]) / 8); return "move%.l %1,%0"; }) (define_insn "*extv_8_16_reg" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (sign_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "d") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n") (match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[3]), 0, 31) && (INTVAL (operands[2]) == 8 || INTVAL (operands[2]) == 16) && INTVAL (operands[3]) % INTVAL (operands[2]) == 0" { if (INTVAL (operands[2]) + INTVAL (operands[3]) != 32) return "bfexts %1{%b3:%b2},%0"; if (INTVAL (operands[2]) == 8) return "move%.b %1,%0\;extb%.l %0"; return "move%.w %1,%0\;ext%.l %0"; }) ;; Bit-field instructions, general cases. ;; "o,d" constraint causes a nonoffsettable memref to match the "o" ;; so that its address is reloaded. (define_expand "extv" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (sign_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand" "")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD" "") (define_insn "*extv_bfexts_mem" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (sign_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "memory_operand" "o") (match_operand:SI 2 "nonmemory_operand" "dn") (match_operand:SI 3 "nonmemory_operand" "dn")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD" "bfexts %1{%b3:%b2},%0") (define_expand "extzv" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand" "")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD" "") (define_insn "*extzv_bfextu_mem" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=d") (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 1 "memory_operand" "o") (match_operand:SI 2 "nonmemory_operand" "dn") (match_operand:SI 3 "nonmemory_operand" "dn")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD" { return "bfextu %1{%b3:%b2},%0"; }) (define_insn "*insv_bfchg_mem" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "+o") (match_operand:SI 1 "nonmemory_operand" "dn") (match_operand:SI 2 "nonmemory_operand" "dn")) (xor:SI (zero_extract:SI (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2)) (match_operand 3 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && (INTVAL (operands[3]) == -1 || (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT && (~ INTVAL (operands[3]) & ((1 << INTVAL (operands[1]))- 1)) == 0))" { return "bfchg %0{%b2:%b1}"; }) (define_insn "*insv_bfclr_mem" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "+o") (match_operand:SI 1 "nonmemory_operand" "dn") (match_operand:SI 2 "nonmemory_operand" "dn")) (const_int 0))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD" { return "bfclr %0{%b2:%b1}"; }) (define_insn "*insv_bfset_mem" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "+o") (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "dn") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "dn")) (const_int -1))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD" { return "bfset %0{%b2:%b1}"; }) (define_expand "insv" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "")) (match_operand:SI 3 "reg_or_pow2_m1_operand" ""))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD" " { /* Special case initializing a field to all ones. */ if (GET_CODE (operands[3]) == CONST_INT) { if (exact_log2 (INTVAL (operands[3]) + 1) != INTVAL (operands[1])) operands[3] = force_reg (SImode, operands[3]); else operands[3] = constm1_rtx; } }") (define_insn "*insv_bfins_mem" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "+o") (match_operand:SI 1 "nonmemory_operand" "dn") (match_operand:SI 2 "nonmemory_operand" "dn")) (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "d"))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD" "bfins %3,%0{%b2:%b1}") ;; Now recognize bit-field insns that operate on registers ;; (or at least were intended to do so). (define_insn "*extv_bfexts_reg" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (sign_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "d") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n") (match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[3]), 0, 31)" "bfexts %1{%b3:%b2},%0") (define_insn "*extv_bfextu_reg" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "d") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n") (match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand" "n")))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[3]), 0, 31)" { return "bfextu %1{%b3:%b2},%0"; }) (define_insn "*insv_bfclr_reg" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "+d") (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand" "n") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")) (const_int 0))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[2]), 0, 31)" { return "bfclr %0{%b2:%b1}"; }) (define_insn "*insv_bfset_reg" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "+d") (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand" "n") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")) (const_int -1))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[2]), 0, 31)" { return "bfset %0{%b2:%b1}"; }) (define_insn "*insv_bfins_reg" [(set (zero_extract:SI (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "+d") (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand" "n") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "n")) (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "d"))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_BITFIELD && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[2]), 0, 31)" { #if 0 /* These special cases are now recognized by a specific pattern. */ if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT && GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT && INTVAL (operands[1]) == 16 && INTVAL (operands[2]) == 16) return "move%.w %3,%0"; if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_INT && GET_CODE (operands[2]) == CONST_INT && INTVAL (operands[1]) == 24 && INTVAL (operands[2]) == 8) return "move%.b %3,%0"; #endif return "bfins %3,%0{%b2:%b1}"; }) (define_insn "scc0_di" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (match_operator 1 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "ro") (const_int 0)]))] "! TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_scc_di (operands[1], operands[2], const0_rtx, operands[0]); }) (define_insn "scc0_di_5200" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d") (match_operator 1 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "ro") (const_int 0)]))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_scc_di (operands[1], operands[2], const0_rtx, operands[0]); }) (define_insn "scc_di" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm,dm") (match_operator 1 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "ro,r") (match_operand:DI 3 "general_operand" "r,ro")]))] "! TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_scc_di (operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[0]); }) (define_insn "scc_di_5200" [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=d,d") (match_operator 1 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:DI 2 "general_operand" "ro,r") (match_operand:DI 3 "general_operand" "r,ro")]))] "TARGET_COLDFIRE" { return output_scc_di (operands[1], operands[2], operands[3], operands[0]); }) ;; Unconditional and other jump instructions (define_insn "jump" [(set (pc) (label_ref (match_operand 0 "" "")))] "" "jra %l0" [(set_attr "type" "bra")]) (define_expand "tablejump" [(parallel [(set (pc) (match_operand 0 "" "")) (use (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")))])] "" { #if CASE_VECTOR_PC_RELATIVE operands[0] = gen_rtx_PLUS (SImode, pc_rtx, TARGET_LONG_JUMP_TABLE_OFFSETS ? operands[0] : gen_rtx_SIGN_EXTEND (SImode, operands[0])); #endif }) ;; Jump to variable address from dispatch table of absolute addresses. (define_insn "*tablejump_internal" [(set (pc) (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "a")) (use (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")))] "" { return MOTOROLA ? "jmp (%0)" : "jmp %0@"; } [(set_attr "type" "jmp")]) ;; Jump to variable address from dispatch table of relative addresses. (define_insn "*tablejump_pcrel_si" [(set (pc) (plus:SI (pc) (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "r"))) (use (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")))] "TARGET_LONG_JUMP_TABLE_OFFSETS" { #ifdef ASM_RETURN_CASE_JUMP ASM_RETURN_CASE_JUMP; #else return MOTOROLA ? "jmp (2,pc,%0.l)" : "jmp pc@(2,%0:l)"; #endif }) (define_insn "*tablejump_pcrel_hi" [(set (pc) (plus:SI (pc) (sign_extend:SI (match_operand:HI 0 "register_operand" "r")))) (use (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")))] "!TARGET_LONG_JUMP_TABLE_OFFSETS" { #ifdef ASM_RETURN_CASE_JUMP ASM_RETURN_CASE_JUMP; #else if (TARGET_COLDFIRE) { if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[0])) return MOTOROLA ? "jmp (2,pc,%0.l)" : "jmp pc@(2,%0:l)"; else if (MOTOROLA) return "ext%.l %0\;jmp (2,pc,%0.l)"; else return "extl %0\;jmp pc@(2,%0:l)"; } else return MOTOROLA ? "jmp (2,pc,%0.w)" : "jmp pc@(2,%0:w)"; #endif }) ;; Decrement-and-branch insns. (define_insn "*dbne_hi" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (ne (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+d*g") (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")) (pc))) (set (match_dup 0) (plus:HI (match_dup 0) (const_int -1)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) return "dbra %0,%l1"; if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM) return "subq%.w #1,%0\;jcc %l1"; return "subq%.w #1,%0\;cmp%.w #-1,%0\;jne %l1"; }) (define_insn "*dbne_si" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (ne (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+d*g") (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")) (pc))) (set (match_dup 0) (plus:SI (match_dup 0) (const_int -1)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE" { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) return "dbra %0,%l1\;clr%.w %0\;subq%.l #1,%0\;jcc %l1"; if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM) return "subq%.l #1,%0\;jcc %l1"; return "subq%.l #1,%0\;cmp%.l #-1,%0\;jne %l1"; }) ;; Two dbra patterns that use REG_NOTES info generated by strength_reduce. (define_insn "*dbge_hi" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (ge (plus:HI (match_operand:HI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+d*am") (const_int -1)) (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")) (pc))) (set (match_dup 0) (plus:HI (match_dup 0) (const_int -1)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE && find_reg_note (insn, REG_NONNEG, 0)" { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) return "dbra %0,%l1"; if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM) return "subq%.w #1,%0\;jcc %l1"; return "subq%.w #1,%0\;cmp%.w #-1,%0\;jne %l1"; }) (define_expand "decrement_and_branch_until_zero" [(parallel [(set (pc) (if_then_else (ge (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (const_int -1)) (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")) (pc))) (set (match_dup 0) (plus:SI (match_dup 0) (const_int -1)))])] "" "") (define_insn "*dbge_si" [(set (pc) (if_then_else (ge (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "+d*am") (const_int -1)) (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")) (pc))) (set (match_dup 0) (plus:SI (match_dup 0) (const_int -1)))] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE && find_reg_note (insn, REG_NONNEG, 0)" { if (DATA_REG_P (operands[0])) return "dbra %0,%l1\;clr%.w %0\;subq%.l #1,%0\;jcc %l1"; if (GET_CODE (operands[0]) == MEM) return "subq%.l #1,%0\;jcc %l1"; return "subq%.l #1,%0\;cmp%.l #-1,%0\;jne %l1"; }) (define_expand "sibcall" [(call (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" ""))] "" { operands[0] = m68k_legitimize_sibcall_address (operands[0]); }) (define_insn "*sibcall" [(call (mem:QI (match_operand:SI 0 "sibcall_operand" "")) (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" ""))] "SIBLING_CALL_P (insn)" { return output_sibcall (operands[0]); }) (define_expand "sibcall_value" [(set (match_operand 0 "" "") (call (match_operand:QI 1 "memory_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "")))] "" { operands[1] = m68k_legitimize_sibcall_address (operands[1]); }) (define_insn "*sibcall_value" [(set (match_operand 0 "" "=rf,rf") (call (mem:QI (match_operand:SI 1 "sibcall_operand" "")) (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "")))] "SIBLING_CALL_P (insn)" { operands[0] = operands[1]; return output_sibcall (operands[0]); }) ;; Call subroutine with no return value. (define_expand "call" [(call (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" ""))] ;; Operand 1 not really used on the m68000. "" { operands[0] = m68k_legitimize_call_address (operands[0]); }) (define_insn "*call" [(call (mem:QI (match_operand:SI 0 "call_operand" "a,W")) (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" "g,g"))] ;; Operand 1 not really used on the m68000. "!SIBLING_CALL_P (insn)" { return output_call (operands[0]); } [(set_attr "type" "jsr")]) ;; Call subroutine, returning value in operand 0 ;; (which must be a hard register). (define_expand "call_value" [(set (match_operand 0 "" "") (call (match_operand:QI 1 "memory_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "")))] ;; Operand 2 not really used on the m68000. "" { operands[1] = m68k_legitimize_call_address (operands[1]); }) (define_insn "*non_symbolic_call_value" [(set (match_operand 0 "" "=rf,rf") (call (mem:QI (match_operand:SI 1 "non_symbolic_call_operand" "a,W")) (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "g,g")))] ;; Operand 2 not really used on the m68000. "!SIBLING_CALL_P (insn)" "jsr %a1" [(set_attr "type" "jsr") (set_attr "opx" "1")]) (define_insn "*symbolic_call_value_jsr" [(set (match_operand 0 "" "=rf,rf") (call (mem:QI (match_operand:SI 1 "symbolic_operand" "a,W")) (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "g,g")))] ;; Operand 2 not really used on the m68000. "!SIBLING_CALL_P (insn) && m68k_symbolic_call_var == M68K_SYMBOLIC_CALL_JSR" { operands[0] = operands[1]; return m68k_symbolic_call; } [(set_attr "type" "jsr") (set_attr "opx" "1")]) (define_insn "*symbolic_call_value_bsr" [(set (match_operand 0 "" "=rf,rf") (call (mem:QI (match_operand:SI 1 "symbolic_operand" "a,W")) (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" "g,g")))] ;; Operand 2 not really used on the m68000. "!SIBLING_CALL_P (insn) && (m68k_symbolic_call_var == M68K_SYMBOLIC_CALL_BSR_C || m68k_symbolic_call_var == M68K_SYMBOLIC_CALL_BSR_P)" { operands[0] = operands[1]; return m68k_symbolic_call; } [(set_attr "type" "bsr") (set_attr "opx" "1")]) ;; Call subroutine returning any type. (define_expand "untyped_call" [(parallel [(call (match_operand 0 "" "") (const_int 0)) (match_operand 1 "" "") (match_operand 2 "" "")])] "NEEDS_UNTYPED_CALL" { int i; emit_call_insn (gen_call (operands[0], const0_rtx)); for (i = 0; i < XVECLEN (operands[2], 0); i++) { rtx set = XVECEXP (operands[2], 0, i); emit_move_insn (SET_DEST (set), SET_SRC (set)); } /* The optimizer does not know that the call sets the function value registers we stored in the result block. We avoid problems by claiming that all hard registers are used and clobbered at this point. */ emit_insn (gen_blockage ()); DONE; }) ;; UNSPEC_VOLATILE is considered to use and clobber all hard registers and ;; all of memory. This blocks insns from being moved across this point. (define_insn "blockage" [(unspec_volatile [(const_int 0)] UNSPECV_BLOCKAGE)] "" "" [(set_attr "flags_valid" "unchanged")]) (define_insn "nop" [(const_int 0)] "" "nop" [(set_attr "type" "nop") (set_attr "flags_valid" "unchanged")]) (define_expand "prologue" [(const_int 0)] "" { m68k_expand_prologue (); DONE; }) (define_expand "epilogue" [(return)] "" { m68k_expand_epilogue (false); DONE; }) (define_expand "sibcall_epilogue" [(return)] "" { m68k_expand_epilogue (true); DONE; }) ;; Used for frameless functions which save no regs and allocate no locals. (define_expand "return" [(return)] "m68k_use_return_insn ()" "") (define_insn "*return" [(return)] "" { switch (m68k_get_function_kind (current_function_decl)) { case m68k_fk_interrupt_handler: return "rte"; case m68k_fk_interrupt_thread: return "sleep"; default: if (crtl->args.pops_args) { operands[0] = GEN_INT (crtl->args.pops_args); return "rtd %0"; } else return "rts"; } } [(set_attr "type" "rts")]) (define_insn "*m68k_store_multiple" [(match_parallel 0 "" [(match_operand 1 "")])] "m68k_movem_pattern_p (operands[0], NULL, 0, true)" { return m68k_output_movem (operands, operands[0], 0, true); }) (define_insn "*m68k_store_multiple_automod" [(match_parallel 0 "" [(set (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "=a") (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "1") (match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand")))])] "m68k_movem_pattern_p (operands[0], operands[1], INTVAL (operands[3]), true)" { return m68k_output_movem (operands, operands[0], INTVAL (operands[3]), true); }) (define_insn "*m68k_load_multiple" [(match_parallel 0 "" [(match_operand 1 "")])] "m68k_movem_pattern_p (operands[0], NULL, 0, false)" { return m68k_output_movem (operands, operands[0], 0, false); }) (define_insn "*m68k_load_multiple_automod" [(match_parallel 0 "" [(set (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "=a") (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "1") (match_operand:SI 3 "const_int_operand")))])] "m68k_movem_pattern_p (operands[0], operands[1], INTVAL (operands[3]), false)" { return m68k_output_movem (operands, operands[0], INTVAL (operands[3]), false); }) (define_expand "link" [(parallel [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand") (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int -4))) (set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 0)) (set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand")))])] "TARGET_68020 || INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -0x8004" { operands[2] = gen_frame_mem (SImode, plus_constant (Pmode, stack_pointer_rtx, -4)); }) (define_insn "*link" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "+r") (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int -4))) (set (mem:SI (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int -4))) (match_dup 0)) (set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand")))] "TARGET_68020 || INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -0x8004" { operands[1] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[1]) + 4); if (!MOTOROLA) return "link %0,%1"; else if (INTVAL (operands[1]) >= -0x8000) return "link.w %0,%1"; else return "link.l %0,%1"; } [(set_attr "type" "link")]) (define_expand "unlink" [(parallel [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand") (match_dup 1)) (set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (match_dup 0) (const_int 4)))])] "" { operands[1] = gen_frame_mem (SImode, copy_rtx (operands[0])); }) (define_insn "*unlink" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "+r") (mem:SI (match_dup 0))) (set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (match_dup 0) (const_int 4)))] "" "unlk %0" [(set_attr "type" "unlk")]) (define_insn "load_got" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "=a") (unspec:SI [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_GOT))] "" { if (TARGET_ID_SHARED_LIBRARY) { operands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (Pmode, PIC_REG); return MOTOROLA ? "move.l %?(%1),%0" : "movel %1@(%?), %0"; } else if (MOTOROLA) { if (TARGET_COLDFIRE) /* Load the full 32-bit PC-relative offset of _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ into the PIC register, then use it to calculate the absolute value. The offset and "lea" operation word together occupy 6 bytes. */ return ("move.l #_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_@GOTPC, %0\n\t" "lea (-6, %%pc, %0), %0"); else return "lea (%%pc, _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_@GOTPC), %0"; } else return ("movel #_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_, %0\n\t" "lea %%pc@(0,%0:l),%0"); }) (define_insn "indirect_jump" [(set (pc) (match_operand:SI 0 "address_operand" "p"))] "" "jmp %a0" [(set_attr "type" "jmp")]) ;; This should not be used unless the add/sub insns can't be. (define_insn "*lea" [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=a") (match_operand:QI 1 "address_operand" "p"))] "" "lea %a1,%0") ;; This is the first machine-dependent peephole optimization. ;; It is useful when a floating value is returned from a function call ;; and then is moved into an FP register. ;; But it is mainly intended to test the support for these optimizations. (define_peephole2 [(set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int 4))) (set (match_operand:DF 0 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:DF 1 "register_operand" ""))] "FP_REG_P (operands[0]) && !FP_REG_P (operands[1])" [(set (mem:SI (reg:SI SP_REG)) (match_dup 1)) (set (mem:SI (pre_dec:SI (reg:SI SP_REG))) (match_dup 2)) (set (match_dup 0) (mem:DF (post_inc:SI (reg:SI SP_REG))))] "split_di(operands + 1, 1, operands + 1, operands + 2);") ;; Optimize a stack-adjust followed by a push of an argument. ;; This is said to happen frequently with -msoft-float ;; when there are consecutive library calls. (define_peephole2 [(set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int 4))) (set (match_operand:SF 0 "push_operand" "") (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" ""))] "!reg_mentioned_p (stack_pointer_rtx, operands[0])" [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))] "operands[0] = replace_equiv_address (operands[0], stack_pointer_rtx);") (define_peephole2 [(set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (match_operand:SI 0 "const_int_operand" ""))) (set (match_operand:SF 1 "push_operand" "") (match_operand:SF 2 "general_operand" ""))] "INTVAL (operands[0]) > 4 && !reg_mentioned_p (stack_pointer_rtx, operands[2])" [(set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (match_dup 0))) (set (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2))] { operands[0] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[0]) - 4); operands[1] = replace_equiv_address (operands[1], stack_pointer_rtx); }) ;; Speed up stack adjust followed by a fullword fixedpoint push. ;; Constant operands need special care, as replacing a "pea X.w" with ;; "move.l #X,(%sp)" is often not a win. ;; Already done by the previous csa pass, left as reference. (define_peephole2 [(set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int 4))) (set (match_operand:SI 0 "push_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "general_operand" ""))] "!reg_mentioned_p (stack_pointer_rtx, operands[1])" [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))] "operands[0] = replace_equiv_address (operands[0], stack_pointer_rtx);") ;; Try to use moveq, after stack push has been changed into a simple move. (define_peephole2 [(match_scratch:SI 2 "d") (set (match_operand:SI 0 "memory_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand" ""))] "GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[0], 0)) != PRE_DEC && INTVAL (operands[1]) != 0 && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[1]), -0x80, 0x7f) && !valid_mov3q_const (INTVAL (operands[1]))" [(set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 2))]) ;; This sequence adds an instruction, but is two bytes shorter. (define_peephole2 [(match_scratch:SI 2 "d") (set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int 12))) (set (match_operand:SI 0 "push_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "const_int_operand" ""))] "INTVAL (operands[1]) != 0 && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[1]), -0x80, 0x7f) && !valid_mov3q_const (INTVAL (operands[1]))" [(set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int 8))) (set (match_dup 2) (match_dup 1)) (set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 2))] "operands[0] = replace_equiv_address (operands[0], stack_pointer_rtx);") ;; Changing pea X.w into a move.l is no real win here. (define_peephole2 [(set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (match_operand:SI 0 "const_int_operand" ""))) (set (match_operand:SI 1 "push_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "general_operand" ""))] "INTVAL (operands[0]) > 4 && !reg_mentioned_p (stack_pointer_rtx, operands[2]) && !(CONST_INT_P (operands[2]) && INTVAL (operands[2]) != 0 && IN_RANGE (INTVAL (operands[2]), -0x8000, 0x7fff) && !valid_mov3q_const (INTVAL (operands[2])))" [(set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (match_dup 0))) (set (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2))] { operands[0] = GEN_INT (INTVAL (operands[0]) - 4); operands[1] = replace_equiv_address (operands[1], stack_pointer_rtx); }) ;; Speed up pushing a single byte/two bytes but leaving four bytes of space ;; (which differs slightly between m680x0 and ColdFire). (define_peephole2 [(set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int -4))) (set (match_operand:QI 0 "memory_operand" "") (match_operand:QI 1 "register_operand" ""))] "!reg_mentioned_p (stack_pointer_rtx, operands[1]) && GET_CODE (XEXP (operands[0], 0)) == PLUS && rtx_equal_p (XEXP (XEXP (operands[0], 0), 0), stack_pointer_rtx) && CONST_INT_P (XEXP (XEXP (operands[0], 0), 1)) && INTVAL (XEXP (XEXP (operands[0], 0), 1)) == 3" [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))] { rtx addr = gen_rtx_PRE_DEC (Pmode, stack_pointer_rtx); operands[0] = adjust_automodify_address (operands[0], SImode, addr, -3); operands[1] = simplify_gen_subreg (SImode, operands[1], QImode, 0); }) (define_peephole2 [(set (match_operand:QI 0 "push_operand" "") (match_operand:QI 1 "register_operand" "")) (set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int -3)))] "!reg_mentioned_p (stack_pointer_rtx, operands[1])" [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))] { operands[0] = adjust_automodify_address (operands[0], SImode, XEXP (operands[0], 0), -3); operands[1] = simplify_gen_subreg (SImode, operands[1], QImode, 0); }) (define_peephole2 [(set (match_operand:HI 0 "push_operand" "") (match_operand:HI 1 "register_operand" "")) (set (reg:SI SP_REG) (plus:SI (reg:SI SP_REG) (const_int -2)))] "!reg_mentioned_p (stack_pointer_rtx, operands[1])" [(set (match_dup 0) (match_dup 1))] { operands[0] = adjust_automodify_address (operands[0], SImode, XEXP (operands[0], 0), -2); operands[1] = simplify_gen_subreg (SImode, operands[1], HImode, 0); }) ;; Optimize a series of strict_low_part assignments (define_peephole2 [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (const_int 0)) (set (strict_low_part (match_operand:HI 1 "register_operand" "")) (match_operand:HI 2 "general_operand" ""))] "REGNO (operands[0]) == REGNO (operands[1]) && strict_low_part_peephole_ok (HImode, insn, operands[0])" [(set (strict_low_part (match_dup 1)) (match_dup 2))] "") (define_peephole2 [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (const_int 0)) (set (strict_low_part (match_operand:QI 1 "register_operand" "")) (match_operand:QI 2 "general_operand" ""))] "REGNO (operands[0]) == REGNO (operands[1]) && strict_low_part_peephole_ok (QImode, insn, operands[0])" [(set (strict_low_part (match_dup 1)) (match_dup 2))] "") ;; dbCC peepholes ;; ;; Turns ;; loop: ;; [ ... ] ;; jCC label ; abnormal loop termination ;; dbra dN, loop ; normal loop termination ;; ;; Into ;; loop: ;; [ ... ] ;; dbCC dN, loop ;; jCC label ;; ;; Which moves the jCC condition outside the inner loop for free. ;; (define_mode_iterator DBCC [HI SI]) (define_peephole [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 3 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 4 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 5 "general_operand" "")]) (label_ref (match_operand 2 "" "")) (pc))) (parallel [(set (pc) (if_then_else (ne (match_operand:DBCC 0 "register_operand" "") (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")) (pc))) (set (match_dup 0) (plus:DBCC (match_dup 0) (const_int -1)))])] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE && DATA_REG_P (operands[0])" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[3]); code = m68k_output_compare_ (operands[4], operands[5], code); output_dbcc_and_branch (operands, code); return ""; }) (define_peephole [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 3 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 4 "general_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 5 "general_operand" "")]) (label_ref (match_operand 2 "" "")) (pc))) (parallel [(set (pc) (if_then_else (ge (plus:DBCC (match_operand:DBCC 0 "register_operand" "") (const_int -1)) (const_int 0)) (label_ref (match_operand 1 "" "")) (pc))) (set (match_dup 0) (plus:DBCC (match_dup 0) (const_int -1)))])] "!TARGET_COLDFIRE && DATA_REG_P (operands[0])" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[3]); code = m68k_output_compare_ (operands[4], operands[5], code); output_dbcc_and_branch (operands, code); return ""; }) (define_insn "extendsfxf2" [(set (match_operand:XF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=fm,f") (float_extend:XF (match_operand:SF 1 "general_operand" "f,rmF")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[0]) && FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { if (REGNO (operands[0]) == REGNO (operands[1])) { /* Extending float to double in an fp-reg is a no-op. */ return ""; } return "f%$move%.x %1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "f%$move%.x %1,%0"; else if (ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[1])) return "move%.l %1,%-\;f%$move%.s %+,%0"; else if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_DOUBLE) return output_move_const_single (operands); return "f%$move%.s %f1,%0"; } return "fmove%.x %f1,%0"; }) (define_insn "extenddfxf2" [(set (match_operand:XF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=fm,f") (float_extend:XF (match_operand:DF 1 "general_operand" "f,rmE")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[0]) && FP_REG_P (operands[1])) { if (REGNO (operands[0]) == REGNO (operands[1])) { /* Extending float to double in an fp-reg is a no-op. */ return ""; } return "fmove%.x %1,%0"; } if (FP_REG_P (operands[0])) { if (REG_P (operands[1])) { rtx xoperands[2]; xoperands[1] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[1]) + 1); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", xoperands); output_asm_insn ("move%.l %1,%-", operands); return "f%&move%.d %+,%0"; } if (GET_CODE (operands[1]) == CONST_DOUBLE) return output_move_const_double (operands); return "f%&move%.d %f1,%0"; } return "fmove%.x %f1,%0"; }) (define_insn "truncxfdf2" [(set (match_operand:DF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=m,!r") (float_truncate:DF (match_operand:XF 1 "general_operand" "f,f")))] "TARGET_68881" { if (REG_P (operands[0])) { output_asm_insn ("fmove%.d %f1,%-\;move%.l %+,%0", operands); operands[0] = gen_rtx_REG (SImode, REGNO (operands[0]) + 1); return "move%.l %+,%0"; } return "fmove%.d %f1,%0"; }) (define_insn "truncxfsf2" [(set (match_operand:SF 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=dm") (float_truncate:SF (match_operand:XF 1 "general_operand" "f")))] "TARGET_68881" "fmove%.s %f1,%0") (define_insn "sin2" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (unspec:FP [(match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "fm")] UNSPEC_SIN))] "TARGET_68881 && flag_unsafe_math_optimizations" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fsin%.x %1,%0"; else return "fsin%. %1,%0"; }) (define_insn "cos2" [(set (match_operand:FP 0 "nonimmediate_operand" "=f") (unspec:FP [(match_operand:FP 1 "general_operand" "fm")] UNSPEC_COS))] "TARGET_68881 && flag_unsafe_math_optimizations" { if (FP_REG_P (operands[1])) return "fcos%.x %1,%0"; else return "fcos%. %1,%0"; }) ;; Unconditional traps are assumed to have const_true_rtx for the condition. (define_insn "trap" [(trap_if (const_int -1) (const_int 7))] "" "trap #7" [(set_attr "type" "trap")]) ;; ??? Our trap instruction uses constant 7 for operand 3, which is ;; also the trap vector used by TRAPcc instruction. By restricting ;; these patterns to const1_operand, they will not be generated. ;; Left disabled for now, as enabling it seems to cause issues. (define_insn "ctrap4" [(trap_if (match_operator 0 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 2 "general_operand" "")]) (match_operand:SI 3 "const1_operand" ""))] "TARGET_68020 && !TARGET_COLDFIRE" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_compare_ (operands[1], operands[2], code); switch (code) { case EQ: return "trapeq"; case NE: return "trapne"; case GT: return "trapgt"; case GTU: return "traphi"; case LT: return "traplt"; case LTU: return "trapcs"; case GE: return "trapge"; case GEU: return "trapcc"; case LE: return "traple"; case LEU: return "trapls"; default: gcc_unreachable (); } }) (define_insn "ctrap4_cf" [(trap_if (match_operator 0 "ordered_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:CMPMODE 1 "nonimmediate_operand" "") (match_operand:CMPMODE 2 "general_operand" "")]) (match_operand:SI 3 "const1_operand" ""))] "TARGET_68020 && TARGET_COLDFIRE" { rtx_code code = GET_CODE (operands[0]); code = m68k_output_compare_ (operands[1], operands[2], code); switch (code) { case EQ: return "trapeq"; case NE: return "trapne"; case GT: return "trapgt"; case GTU: return "traphi"; case LT: return "traplt"; case LTU: return "trapcs"; case GE: return "trapge"; case GEU: return "trapcc"; case LE: return "traple"; case LEU: return "trapls"; default: gcc_unreachable (); } }) ;; These are to prevent the scheduler from moving stores to the frame ;; before the stack adjustment. (define_insn "stack_tie" [(set (mem:BLK (scratch)) (unspec:BLK [(match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "r") (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "r")] UNSPEC_TIE))] "" "" [(set_attr "type" "ignore")]) ;; Instruction that subscribes one word in ColdFire instruction buffer. ;; This instruction is used within scheduler only and should not appear ;; in the instruction stream. (define_insn "ib" [(unspec [(const_int 0)] UNSPEC_IB)] "" "#" [(set_attr "type" "ib")]) (include "cf.md") (include "sync.md") ;; Convert ;; ;; move.l 4(%a0),%a0 ;; clr.b (%a0,%a1.l) ;; ;; into ;; ;; add.l 4(%a0),%a1 ;; clr.b (%a1) ;; ;; The latter is smaller. It is faster on all models except m68060. (define_peephole2 [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (mem:SI (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 1 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 2 "const_int_operand" "")))) (set (mem:QI (plus:SI (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 4 "register_operand" ""))) (const_int 0))] "(optimize_size || !TUNE_68060) && (operands[0] == operands[3] || operands[0] == operands[4]) && ADDRESS_REG_P (operands[1]) && ADDRESS_REG_P ((operands[0] == operands[3]) ? operands[4] : operands[3]) && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[3]) && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[4])" [(set (match_dup 5) (plus:SI (match_dup 5) (mem:SI (plus:SI (match_dup 1) (match_dup 2))))) (set (mem:QI (match_dup 5)) (const_int 0))] "operands[5] = (operands[0] == operands[3]) ? operands[4] : operands[3];") ;; We want to turn ;; moveq const,dX ;; cmp.l dX,dY ;; je/jne ;; ;; into ;; addq/subq -const,dY ;; cmp.l dY, 0 ;; je/jne ;; ;; dX and dY must both be dead at the end of the sequence and the constant ;; must be valid for addq/subq. ;; ;; Essentially we're making it trivial for final to realize the comparison ;; is not needed ;; ;; Testing has shown a variant where the operands are reversed in the ;; comparison never hits, so I have not included that variant. ;; (define_peephole2 [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "addq_subq_operand" "")) (set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 5 "equality_comparison_operator" [(match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "") (match_dup 0)]) (match_operand 3 "pc_or_label_operand") (match_operand 4 "pc_or_label_operand")))] "peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[0]) && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[2]) && (operands[3] == pc_rtx || operands[4] == pc_rtx) && DATA_REG_P (operands[2]) && !rtx_equal_p (operands[0], operands[2])" [(set (match_dup 2) (plus:SI (match_dup 2) (match_dup 6))) (set (pc) (if_then_else (match_op_dup 5 [(match_dup 2) (const_int 0)]) (match_dup 3) (match_dup 4)))] "operands[6] = GEN_INT (-INTVAL (operands[1]));") (define_peephole2 [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "pow2_m1_operand" "")) (set (pc) (if_then_else (gtu (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "")) (match_operand 4 "pc_or_label_operand") (match_operand 5 "pc_or_label_operand")))] "INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 255 && operands[0] == operands[3] && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[0]) && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[2]) && (operands[4] == pc_rtx || operands[5] == pc_rtx) && (optimize_size || TUNE_68040_60) && DATA_REG_P (operands[2])" [(set (match_dup 7) (lshiftrt:SI (match_dup 7) (match_dup 6))) (set (pc) (if_then_else (ne (match_dup 7) (const_int 0)) (match_dup 4) (match_dup 5)))] " { operands[6] = GEN_INT (exact_log2 (INTVAL (operands[1]) + 1)); operands[7] = operands[2]; }") (define_peephole2 [(set (pc) (if_then_else (gtu (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "pow2_m1_operand" "")) (match_operand 2 "pc_or_label_operand") (match_operand 3 "pc_or_label_operand")))] "INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 255 && peep2_reg_dead_p (1, operands[0]) && (operands[2] == pc_rtx || operands[3] == pc_rtx) && (optimize_size || TUNE_68040_60) && DATA_REG_P (operands[0])" [(set (match_dup 0) (lshiftrt:SI (match_dup 0) (match_dup 4))) (set (pc) (if_then_else (ne (match_dup 0) (const_int 0)) (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3)))] "{ operands[4] = GEN_INT (exact_log2 (INTVAL (operands[1]) + 1)); }") (define_peephole2 [(set (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "pow2_m1_operand" "")) (set (pc) (if_then_else (leu (match_operand:SI 2 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 3 "register_operand" "")) (match_operand 4 "pc_or_label_operand") (match_operand 5 "pc_or_label_operand")))] "INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 255 && operands[0] == operands[3] && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[0]) && peep2_reg_dead_p (2, operands[2]) && (operands[4] == pc_rtx || operands[5] == pc_rtx) && (optimize_size || TUNE_68040_60) && DATA_REG_P (operands[2])" [(set (match_dup 7) (lshiftrt:SI (match_dup 7) (match_dup 6))) (set (pc) (if_then_else (eq (match_dup 7) (const_int 0)) (match_dup 4) (match_dup 5)))] " { operands[6] = GEN_INT (exact_log2 (INTVAL (operands[1]) + 1)); operands[7] = operands[2]; }") (define_peephole2 [(set (pc) (if_then_else (leu (match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (match_operand:SI 1 "pow2_m1_operand" "")) (match_operand 2 "pc_or_label_operand") (match_operand 3 "pc_or_label_operand")))] "INTVAL (operands[1]) <= 255 && peep2_reg_dead_p (1, operands[0]) && (operands[2] == pc_rtx || operands[3] == pc_rtx) && (optimize_size || TUNE_68040_60) && DATA_REG_P (operands[0])" [(set (match_dup 0) (lshiftrt:SI (match_dup 0) (match_dup 4))) (set (pc) (if_then_else (eq (match_dup 0) (const_int 0)) (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3)))] "{ operands[4] = GEN_INT (exact_log2 (INTVAL (operands[1]) + 1)); }") ;; When optimizing for size or for the original 68000 or 68010, we can ;; improve some relational tests against 65536 (which get canonicalized ;; internally against 65535). ;; The rotate in the output pattern will turn into a swap. (define_peephole2 [(set (pc) (if_then_else (match_operator 1 "swap_peephole_relational_operator" [(match_operand:SI 0 "register_operand" "") (const_int 65535)]) (match_operand 2 "pc_or_label_operand") (match_operand 3 "pc_or_label_operand")))] "peep2_reg_dead_p (1, operands[0]) && (operands[2] == pc_rtx || operands[3] == pc_rtx) && (optimize_size || TUNE_68000_10) && DATA_REG_P (operands[0])" [(set (match_dup 0) (rotate:SI (match_dup 0) (const_int 16))) (set (pc) (if_then_else (match_op_dup 1 [(subreg:HI (match_dup 0) 2) (const_int 0)]) (match_dup 2) (match_dup 3)))] "")