IQ2000 ABI ========= Sizes and alignments -------------------- Type Size (bytes) Alignment (bytes) char 1 1 short 2 2 int 4 4 unsigned 4 4 long 4 4 long long 8 8 float 4 4 double 8 8 pointers 4 4 * alignment within aggregates (structs and unions) is as above, with padding added if needed * aggregates have alignment equal to that of their most aligned member * aggregates have sizes which are a multiple of their alignment Floating point -------------- All emulated using IEEE floating point conventions. Registers ---------------- %0 always zero %1 call clobbered %2 return value %3 return value %4 argument register 1 %5 argument register 2 %6 argument register 3 %7 argument register 4 %8 argument register 5 %9 argument register 6 %10 argument register 7 %11 argument register 8 %12 call clobbered %13 call clobbered %14 call clobbered %15 call clobbered %16 call saved %17 call saved %18 call saved %19 call saved %20 call saved %21 call saved %22 call saved %23 call saved %24 call clobbered %25 call clobbered %26 reserved %27 frame ptr %28 global ptr %29 stack ptr %30 reserved %31 return address Stack alignment 8 bytes Structures passed <= 32 bits as values, else as pointers The IQ2000 Stack --------------- Space is allocated as needed in the stack frame for the following at compile time: * Outgoing parameters beyond the eighth * All automatic arrays, automatic data aggregates, automatic scalars which must be addressable, and automatic scalars for which there is no room in registers * Compiler-generated temporary values (typically when there are too many for the compiler to keep them all in registers) Space can be allocated dynamically (at runtime) in the stack frame for the following: * Memory allocated using the alloca() function of the C library Addressable automatic variables on the stack are addressed with positive offsets relative to %27; dynamically allocated space is addressed with positive offsets from the pointer returned by alloca(). Stack Frame ----------- +-----------------------+ | Caller memory args | +-----------------------+ <-sp | Return address | +-----------------------+ | Previous FP | +-----------------------+ | Saved Registers | +-----------------------+ | ... | +-----------------------+ | Local Variables | +-----------------------+ <-fp | Alloca | +-----------------------+ | ... | +-----------------------+ | Parameter Word 2 | +-----------------------+ | Parameter Word 1 | +-----------------------+ <-sp Parameter Assignment to Registers --------------------------------- Consider the parameters in a function call as ordered from left (first parameter) to right. GR contains the number of the next available general-purpose register. STARG is the address of the next available stack parameter word. INITIALIZE: Set GR=r4 and STARG to point to parameter word 1. SCAN: If there are no more parameters, terminate. Otherwise, select one of the following depending on the type of the next parameter: SIMPLE ARG: A SIMPLE ARG is one of the following: * One of the simple integer types which will fit into a general-purpose register, * A pointer to an object of any type, * A struct or union small enough to fit in a register (<= 32 bits) * A larger struct or union, which shall be treated as a pointer to the object or to a copy of the object. (See below for when copies are made.) If GR > r11, go to STACK. Otherwise, load the parameter value into general-purpose register GR and advance GR to the next general-purpose register. Values shorter than the register size are sign-extended or zero-extended depending on whether they are signed or unsigned. Then go to SCAN. DOUBLE or LONG LONG If GR > r10, go to STACK. Otherwise, if GR is odd, advance GR to the next register. Load the 64-bit long long or double value into register pair GR and GR+1. Advance GR to GR+2 and go to SCAN. STACK: Parameters not otherwise handled above are passed in the parameter words of the caller's stack frame. SIMPLE ARGs, as defined above, are considered to have size and alignment equal to the size of a general-purpose register, with simple argument types shorter than this sign- or zero-extended to this width. Round STARG up to a multiple of the alignment requirement of the parameter and copy the argument byte-for-byte into STARG, STARG+1, ... STARG+size-1. Set STARG to STARG+size and go to SCAN. Structure passing ----------------- As noted above, code which passes structures and unions by value is implemented specially. (In this section, "struct" will refer to structs and unions inclusively.) Structs small enough to fit in a register are passed by value in a single register or in a stack frame slot the size of a register. Structs containing a single double or long long component are passed by value in two registers or in a stack frame slot the size of two registers. Other structs are handled by passing the address of the structure. In this case, a copy of the structure will be made if necessary in order to preserve the pass-by-value semantics. Copies of large structs are made under the following rules: ANSI mode K&R Mode --------- -------- Normal param Callee copies if needed Caller copies Varargs (...) param Caller copies Caller copies In the case of normal (non-varargs) large-struct parameters in ANSI mode, the callee is responsible for producing the same effect as if a copy of the structure were passed, preserving the pass-by-value semantics. This may be accomplished by having the callee make a copy, but in some cases the callee may be able to determine that a copy is not necessary in order to produce the same results. In such cases, the callee may choose to avoid making a copy of the parameter. Varargs handling ---------------- No special changes are needed for handling varargs parameters other than the caller knowing that a copy is needed on struct parameters larger than a register (see above). The varargs macros set up a register save area for the general-purpose registers to be saved. Because the save area lies between the caller and callee stack frames, the saved register parameters are contiguous with parameters passed on the stack. A pointer advances from the register save area into the caller's stack frame. Function return values ---------------------- Type Register ---- -------- int r2 short r2 long r2 long long r2-r3 float r2 double r2-r3 struct/union see below Structs/unions which will fit into two general-purpose registers are returned in r2, or in r2-r3 if necessary. Larger structs/unions are handled by the caller passing as a "hidden" first argument a pointer to space allocated to receive the return value. Copyright (C) 2003-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright notice and this notice are preserved.