; lang.opt -- Options for the gcc Cobol front end. ; Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ; ; This file is part of GCC. ; ; GCC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under ; the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free ; Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ; version. ; ; GCC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY ; WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or ; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License ; for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with GCC; see the file COPYING3. If not see ; <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ; See the GCC internals manual for a description of this file's format. ; Please try to keep this file in ASCII collating order. Language Cobol D Cobol Joined Separate ; Documented in c.opt E Cobol ; Documented in c.opt I Cobol Joined Separate ;; -I <dir> Add copybook search directory ; Documented in c.opt dialect Cobol Joined Separate Enum(dialect_type) EnumBitSet Var(cobol_dialect) Accept COBOL constructs used by non-ISO compilers Enum Name(dialect_type) Type(int) UnknownError(Unrecognized COBOL dialect name: %qs) EnumValue Enum(dialect_type) String(gcc) Value(0x04) Canonical EnumValue Enum(dialect_type) String(ibm) Value(0x01) EnumValue Enum(dialect_type) String(mf) Value(0x02) EnumValue Enum(dialect_type) String(gnu) Value(0x04) fcobol-exceptions Cobol Joined Separate Var(cobol_exceptions) -fcobol-exceptions=<n> Enable some exceptions by default copyext Cobol Joined Separate Var(cobol_copyext) Init(0) Define alternative implicit copybook filename extension fdefaultbyte Cobol RejectNegative Joined Separate UInteger Var(cobol_default_byte) Set Working-Storage data items to the supplied value fflex-debug Cobol Var(yy_flex_debug, 1) Init(0) Enable Cobol lex debugging ffixed-form Cobol RejectNegative Assume that the source file is fixed form. fsyntax-only Cobol RejectNegative ; Documented in c.opt ffree-form Cobol RejectNegative Assume that the source file is free form. findicator-column Cobol RejectNegative Joined Separate UInteger Var(indicator_column) Init(0) IntegerRange(0, 8) -findicator-column=<n> Column after which Region A begins finternal-ebcdic Cobol Var(cobol_ebcdic, 1) Init(0) -finternal-ebcdic Internal processing is in EBCDIC Code Page 1140 fmax-errors Cobol Joined Separate ; Documented in C fstatic-call Cobol Var(cobol_static_call, 1) Init(1) Enable/disable static linkage for CALL literals ftrace-debug Cobol Var(cobol_trace_debug, 1) Init(0) Enable Cobol parser debugging fyacc-debug Cobol Var(yy_debug, 1) Init(0) Enable Cobol yacc debugging preprocess Cobol Joined Separate Var(cobol_preprocess) preprocess <source_filter> before compiling iprefix Cobol Joined Separate ; Documented in C include Cobol Joined Separate Var(cobol_include) ; Documented in C isysroot Cobol Joined Separate ; Documented in C isystem Cobol Joined Separate ; Documented in C main Cobol -main The first program-id in the next source file is called by a generated main() entry point main= Cobol Joined Var(cobol_main_string) -main=<source_file> source_file/PROGRAM-ID is called by the generated main() nomain Cobol -nomain No main() function is created from COBOL source files ; This comment is to ensure we retain the blank line above.