.ds lang COBOL .ds gcobol GCC\ \*[lang]\ Front-end .Dd \& March 2024 .Dt GCOBOL 3\& "GCC \*[lang] Compiler" .Os Linux .Sh NAME .Nm gcobol .Nd \*[gcobol] I/O function API .Sh LIBRARY .Pa libgcobol . .Sh SYNOPSIS .In symbols.h .In io.h .In gcobolio.h . .Ft gcobol_io_t Fn gcobol_fileops .Bd -literal class gcobol_io_t { public: static const char constexpr marquee[64]; typedef void (open_t)( cblc_file_t *file, char *filename, int mode_char, int is_quoted ); typedef void (close_t)( cblc_file_t *file, int how ); typedef void (start_t)( cblc_file_t *file, int relop, // needs enum int first_last_key, size_t length ); typedef void (read_t)( cblc_file_t *file, int where ); typedef void (write_t)( cblc_file_t *file, unsigned char *data, size_t length, int after, int lines, int is_random ); typedef void (rewrite_t)( cblc_file_t *file, size_t length, bool is_random ); typedef void (delete_t)( cblc_file_t *file, bool is_random ); open_t *Open; close_t *Close; start_t *Start; read_t *Read; write_t *Write; rewrite_t *Rewrite; delete_t *Delete; \0\0... }; .Ed . .Sh DESCRIPTION .Nm supplies replaceable I/O functionality via .Fn gcobol_fileops . It returns a pointer to a structure of C function pointers that implement sequential, relative, and indexed file operations over files whose On Disk Format (ODF) is defined by .Nm . A user wishing to use another library that implements the same functionality over a different ODF must supply a different implementation of .Fn gcobol_fileops , plus 7 functions, as described in this document. The pointers to those user-implemented functions are placed in a C++ object of type .Vt gcobol_io_t and an instantiation of that type is returned by .Fn gcobol_fileops . The compiled program initializes I/O operations by calling that function the first time any file is opened. .Pp Each function takes as its first argument a pointer to a .Vt cblc_file_t object, which is analogous to a .Vt FILE object used in the C .Sy stdio functions. The .Vt cblc_file_t structure acts as a communication area between the compiled program and the I/O library. Any information needed about the file is kept there. Notably, the outcome of any operation is stored in that structure in the .Va file_status member, not as a return code. Information about the .Em operation (as opposed to the .Em file ) appear as parameters to the function. .Pp .Vt cblc_file_t has one member, not used by .Nm , that is reserved for the user: .Dl Vt "void *" Pa implementation . .Pp User-supplied I/O functions may assign and dereference .Pa implementation . .Nm will preserve the value, but never references it. .Pp The 7 function pointers in .Vt gcobol_io_t are .Bl -hang -width Rewrite .It Open .Ft void .Fn open_t "cblc_file_t *file" "char *filename" "int mode_char" "int is_quoted" .br parameters: .Bl -tag -width mode_char -compact .It Ar filename is the filename, as known to the OS .It Ar mode_char is one of .Bl -hang -width MM -compact .It Sq r OPEN INPUT: read-only mode .It Sq w OPEN OUTPUT: create a new file or overwrite an existing one .It Sq a EXTEND: append to sequential file .It Sq + modify existing file .El .It Ar is_quoted If .Sy true , .Ar filename is taken literally. If .Sy false , .Ar filename is interpreted as the name of an environment variable, the contents of which, if extant, are taken as the name of the file to be opened. If no such variable exists, then .Ar filename is used verbatim. .El .It Close .Ft void .Fn close_t "cblc_file_t *file" "int how" .br parameters: .Bl -hang -width how -compact .It Ar how A value of 0x08 closes a .Dq REEL\ unit . Because no such thing is supported, the function sets the file status to .Dq 07 , meaning .Em "not a tape" . .El .It Start .Ft void .Fn start_t "cblc_file_t *file" "int relop" "int first_last_key" "size_t length" .br parameters: .Bl -tag -width length -compact .It Ar relop is one of .Bl -hang -width LT -compact .It Li 0 means .Sq < .It Li 1 means .Sq <= .It Li 2 means .Sq = .It Li 3 means .Sq != .It Li 4 means .Sq >= .It Li 5 means .Sq > .El .It Ar first_last_key is the key number (starting at 1) of the key within the .Vt cblc_file_t structure. .It Ar length is the size of the key (TODO: per the START statement?) .El .It Read .Ft void .Fn read_t "cblc_file_t *file" "int where" parameters: .Bl -tag -width where -compact .It Ar where .Bl -hang -width 000 -compact .It Li -2 PREVIOUS .It Li -1 NEXT .It Ar \0N represents a key number, starting with 1, in the .Vt cblc_file_t structure. The value of that key is used to find the record, and read it. .El .El .It Write .Ft void .Fn write_t "cblc_file_t *file" "unsigned char *data" \ "size_t length" "int after" "int lines" "int is_random" .br parameters: .Bl -hang -width is_random -compact .It Ar data address of in-memory buffer to write .It Ar length length of in-memory buffer to write .It Ar after has the value 1 if the .D1 "AFTER ADVANCING n LINES" phrase was present in the .Sy WRITE statement, else 0 .It Ar lines may be one of .Bl -hang -width 00000 -compact .It Li -666 ADVANCING PAGE .It Li \0\0-1 no .Sy ADVANCING phrase appeared .It \0\0\00 ADVANCING 0 LINES is valid .It \0\0>0 the value of .Ar n in ADVANCING .Ar n LINES .El .It Ar is_random is .Sy true if the .Em "access mode" is RANDOM .El .It Rewrite .Ft void .Fn rewrite_t "cblc_file_t *file" "size_t length" "bool is_random" parameters: .Bl -hang -width is_random -compact .It Ar length number of bytes to write .It Ar is_random .Sy true if .Em "access mode" is RANDOM .El .It Delete .Ft void .Fn delete_t "cblc_file_t *file" "bool is_random" parameters: .Bl -hang -width is_random -compact .It Ar is_random .Sy true if .Em "access mode" is RANDOM .El .El . .Pp The library implements one function that the .Nm Ns -produced binary calls directly: .Bl -item .It .Ft gcobol_io_t * .Fn gcobol_fileops .br This function populates a .Vt gcobol_io_t object with the above function pointers. The compiled binary begins by calling .Fn gcobol_fileops Ns , and then uses the supplied pointers to effect I/O. .El . .\" The following commands should be uncommented and .\" used where appropriate. .\" .Sh IMPLEMENTATION NOTES .\" This next command is for sections 2, 3, and 9 only .\" (function return values). .Sh RETURN VALUES I/O functions return .Sy void . .Fn gcobol_fileops returns .Vt gcobol_io_t* . .\" .Sh FILES .\" .Sh COMPATIBILITY .\" This next command is for sections 2, 3, 4, and 9 only .\" (settings of the errno variable). .\" .Sh ERRORS .\" .Sh SEE ALSO .Sh STANDARDS The I/O library supplied by .Nm , .Sy libgcobolio.so , supports the I/O semantics defined by ISO \*[lang]. It is not intended to be compatible with any other ODF. That is, .Sy libgcobolio.so cannot be used to exchange data with any other \*[lang] implementation. .Pp The purpose of the .Vt gcobol_io_t structure is to allow the use of other I/O implementations with other ODF representations. .\" .Sh HISTORY .\" .Sh AUTHORS .Sh CAVEATS The library is not well tested, not least because it is not implemented. .Sh BUGS The future is yet to come.