------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT COMPILER COMPONENTS -- -- -- -- D I A G N O S T I C S -- -- -- -- S p e c -- -- -- -- Copyright (C) 1992-2025, Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under -- -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- -- -- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- -- -- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- -- -- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY -- -- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License -- -- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General -- -- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to -- -- http://www.gnu.org/licenses for a complete copy of the license. -- -- -- -- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. -- -- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Types; use Types; with GNAT.Lists; use GNAT.Lists; package Diagnostics is type Diagnostic_Id is (No_Diagnostic_Id, GNAT0001, GNAT0002, GNAT0003, GNAT0004, GNAT0005, GNAT0006, GNAT0007, GNAT0008, GNAT0009, GNAT0010, GNAT0011); -- Labeled_Span_Type represents a span of source code that is associated -- with a textual label. Primary spans indicate the primary location of the -- diagnostic. Non-primary spans are used to indicate secondary locations. -- -- Spans can contain labels that are used to annotate the highlighted span. -- Usually, the label is a short and concise message that provide -- additional allthough non-critical information about the span. This is -- an important since labels are not printed in the brief output and are -- only present in the pretty and structural outputs. That is an important -- distintion when choosing between a label and a sub-diagnostic. type Labeled_Span_Type is record Label : String_Ptr := null; -- Text associated with the span Span : Source_Span := (others => No_Location); -- Textual region in the source code Is_Primary : Boolean := True; -- Primary spans are used to indicate the primary location of the -- diagnostic. Typically there should just be one primary span per -- diagnostic. -- Non-primary spans are used to indicate secondary locations and -- typically are formatted in a different way or omitted in some -- contexts. Is_Region : Boolean := False; -- Regional spans are multiline spans that have a unique way of being -- displayed in the pretty output. end record; No_Labeled_Span : constant Labeled_Span_Type := (others => <>); procedure Destroy (Elem : in out Labeled_Span_Type); pragma Inline (Destroy); package Labeled_Span_Lists is new Doubly_Linked_Lists (Element_Type => Labeled_Span_Type, "=" => "=", Destroy_Element => Destroy, Check_Tampering => False); subtype Labeled_Span_List is Labeled_Span_Lists.Doubly_Linked_List; type Sub_Diagnostic_Kind is (Continuation, Help, Note, Suggestion); -- Sub_Diagnostic_Type represents a sub-diagnostic message that is meant -- to provide additional information about the primary diagnostic message. -- -- Sub-diagnostics are usually constructed with a full sentence as the -- message and provide important context to the main diagnostic message or -- some concrete action to the user. -- -- This is different from the labels of labeled spans which are meant to be -- short and concise and are mostly there to annotate the higlighted span. type Sub_Diagnostic_Type is record Kind : Sub_Diagnostic_Kind; Message : String_Ptr; Locations : Labeled_Span_List; end record; procedure Add_Location (Diagnostic : in out Sub_Diagnostic_Type; Location : Labeled_Span_Type); function Primary_Location (Diagnostic : Sub_Diagnostic_Type) return Labeled_Span_Type; procedure Destroy (Elem : in out Sub_Diagnostic_Type); pragma Inline (Destroy); package Sub_Diagnostic_Lists is new Doubly_Linked_Lists (Element_Type => Sub_Diagnostic_Type, "=" => "=", Destroy_Element => Destroy, Check_Tampering => False); subtype Sub_Diagnostic_List is Sub_Diagnostic_Lists.Doubly_Linked_List; -- An Edit_Type represents a textual edit that is associated with a Fix. type Edit_Type is record Span : Source_Span; -- Region of the file to be removed Text : String_Ptr; -- Text to be inserted at the start location of the span end record; procedure Destroy (Elem : in out Edit_Type); pragma Inline (Destroy); package Edit_Lists is new Doubly_Linked_Lists (Element_Type => Edit_Type, "=" => "=", Destroy_Element => Destroy, Check_Tampering => False); subtype Edit_List is Edit_Lists.Doubly_Linked_List; -- Type Applicability_Type will indicate the state of the resulting code -- after applying a fix. -- * Option Has_Placeholders indicates that the fix contains placeholders -- that the user would need to fill. -- * Option Legal indicates that applying the fix will result in legal Ada -- code. -- * Option Possibly_Illegal indicates that applying the fix will result in -- possibly legal, but also possibly illegal Ada code. type Applicability_Type is (Has_Placeholders, Legal, Possibly_Illegal, Unspecified); type Fix_Type is record Description : String_Ptr := null; -- Message describing the fix that will be displayed to the user. Applicability : Applicability_Type := Unspecified; Edits : Edit_List; -- File changes for the fix. end record; procedure Destroy (Elem : in out Fix_Type); pragma Inline (Destroy); package Fix_Lists is new Doubly_Linked_Lists (Element_Type => Fix_Type, "=" => "=", Destroy_Element => Destroy, Check_Tampering => False); subtype Fix_List is Fix_Lists.Doubly_Linked_List; procedure Add_Edit (Fix : in out Fix_Type; Edit : Edit_Type); type Status_Type is (Active, Deprecated); type Switch_Id is ( No_Switch_Id, gnatwb, gnatwc, gnatwd, gnatwf, gnatwg, gnatwh, gnatwi, gnatwj, gnatwk, gnatwl, gnatwm, gnatwo, gnatwp, gnatwq, gnatwr, gnatwt, gnatwu, gnatwv, gnatww, gnatwx, gnatwy, gnatwz, gnatw_dot_a, gnatw_dot_b, gnatw_dot_c, gnatw_dot_f, gnatw_dot_h, gnatw_dot_i, gnatw_dot_j, gnatw_dot_k, gnatw_dot_l, gnatw_dot_m, gnatw_dot_n, gnatw_dot_o, gnatw_dot_p, gnatw_dot_q, gnatw_dot_r, gnatw_dot_s, gnatw_dot_t, gnatw_dot_u, gnatw_dot_v, gnatw_dot_w, gnatw_dot_x, gnatw_dot_y, gnatw_dot_z, gnatw_underscore_a, gnatw_underscore_c, gnatw_underscore_j, gnatw_underscore_l, gnatw_underscore_p, gnatw_underscore_q, gnatw_underscore_r, gnatw_underscore_s, gnaty, gnatya, gnatyb, gnatyc, gnatyd, gnatye, gnatyf, gnatyh, gnatyi, gnatyk, gnatyl, gnatym, gnatyn, gnatyo, gnatyp, gnatyr, gnatys, gnatyu, gnatyx, gnatyz, gnatyaa, gnatybb, gnatycc, gnatydd, gnatyii, gnatyll, gnatymm, gnatyoo, gnatyss, gnatytt, gnatel ); subtype Active_Switch_Id is Switch_Id range gnatwb .. gnatel; -- The range of switch ids that represent switches that trigger a specific -- diagnostic check. type Switch_Type is record Status : Status_Type := Active; -- The status will indicate whether the switch is currently active, -- or has been deprecated. A deprecated switch will not control -- diagnostics, and will not be emitted by the GNAT usage. Human_Id : String_Ptr := null; -- The Human_Id will be a unique and stable string-based ID which -- identifies the content of the switch within the switch registry. -- This ID will appear in SARIF readers. Short_Name : String_Ptr := null; -- The Short_Name will denote the -gnatXX name of the switch. Description : String_Ptr := null; -- The description will contain the description of the switch, as it is -- currently emitted by the GNAT usage. Documentation_Url : String_Ptr := null; -- The documentation_url will point to the AdaCore documentation site -- for the switch. end record; type Diagnostic_Kind is (Error, Non_Serious_Error, -- Typically all errors are considered serious and the compiler should -- stop its processing since the tree is essentially invalid. However, -- some errors are not serious and the compiler can continue its -- processing to discover more critical errors. Warning, Default_Warning, -- Warning representing the old warnings created with the '??' insertion -- character. These warning have the [enabled by default] tag. Restriction_Warning, -- Warning representing the old warnings created with the '?*?' -- insertion character. These warning have the [restriction warning] -- tag. Style, Tagless_Warning, -- Warning representing the old warnings created with the '?' insertion -- character. Info ); type Diagnostic_Entry_Type is record Status : Status_Type := Active; Human_Id : String_Ptr := null; -- A human readable code for the diagnostic. If the diagnostic has a -- switch with a human id then the human_id of the switch shall be used -- in SARIF reports. Documentation : String_Ptr := null; Switch : Switch_Id := No_Switch_Id; -- The switch that controls the diagnostic message. end record; type Diagnostic_Type is record Id : Diagnostic_Id := No_Diagnostic_Id; Kind : Diagnostic_Kind := Error; Switch : Switch_Id := No_Switch_Id; Message : String_Ptr := null; Warn_Err : Boolean := False; -- Signal whether the diagnostic was converted from a warning to an -- error. This needs to be set during the message emission as this -- behavior depends on the context of the code. Locations : Labeled_Span_List := Labeled_Span_Lists.Nil; Sub_Diagnostics : Sub_Diagnostic_List := Sub_Diagnostic_Lists.Nil; Fixes : Fix_List := Fix_Lists.Nil; end record; procedure Destroy (Elem : in out Diagnostic_Type); pragma Inline (Destroy); package Diagnostics_Lists is new Doubly_Linked_Lists (Element_Type => Diagnostic_Type, "=" => "=", Destroy_Element => Destroy, Check_Tampering => False); subtype Diagnostic_List is Diagnostics_Lists.Doubly_Linked_List; All_Diagnostics : Diagnostic_List := Diagnostics_Lists.Create; procedure Add_Location (Diagnostic : in out Diagnostic_Type; Location : Labeled_Span_Type); procedure Add_Sub_Diagnostic (Diagnostic : in out Diagnostic_Type; Sub_Diagnostic : Sub_Diagnostic_Type); procedure Add_Fix (Diagnostic : in out Diagnostic_Type; Fix : Fix_Type); procedure Record_Diagnostic (Diagnostic : Diagnostic_Type; Update_Count : Boolean := True); procedure Print_Diagnostic (Diagnostic : Diagnostic_Type); function Primary_Location (Diagnostic : Diagnostic_Type) return Labeled_Span_Type; type Labeled_Span_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Labeled_Span_Type; type Sub_Diagnostic_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Sub_Diagnostic_Type; type Fix_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Fix_Type; type Edit_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Edit_Type; No_Locations : constant Labeled_Span_Array (1 .. 0) := (others => <>); No_Sub_Diags : constant Sub_Diagnostic_Array (1 .. 0) := (others => <>); No_Fixes : constant Fix_Array (1 .. 0) := (others => <>); No_Edits : constant Edit_Array (1 .. 0) := (others => <>); function Make_Diagnostic (Msg : String; Location : Labeled_Span_Type; Id : Diagnostic_Id := No_Diagnostic_Id; Kind : Diagnostic_Kind := Diagnostics.Error; Switch : Switch_Id := No_Switch_Id; Spans : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations; Sub_Diags : Sub_Diagnostic_Array := No_Sub_Diags; Fixes : Fix_Array := No_Fixes) return Diagnostic_Type; procedure Record_Diagnostic (Msg : String; Location : Labeled_Span_Type; Id : Diagnostic_Id := No_Diagnostic_Id; Kind : Diagnostic_Kind := Diagnostics.Error; Switch : Switch_Id := No_Switch_Id; Spans : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations; Sub_Diags : Sub_Diagnostic_Array := No_Sub_Diags; Fixes : Fix_Array := No_Fixes); function Labeled_Span (Span : Source_Span; Label : String := ""; Is_Primary : Boolean := True; Is_Region : Boolean := False) return Labeled_Span_Type; function Primary_Labeled_Span (Span : Source_Span; Label : String := "") return Labeled_Span_Type; function Primary_Labeled_Span (N : Node_Or_Entity_Id; Label : String := "") return Labeled_Span_Type; function Secondary_Labeled_Span (Span : Source_Span; Label : String := "") return Labeled_Span_Type; function Secondary_Labeled_Span (N : Node_Or_Entity_Id; Label : String := "") return Labeled_Span_Type; function Sub_Diag (Msg : String; Kind : Sub_Diagnostic_Kind := Diagnostics.Continuation; Locations : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations) return Sub_Diagnostic_Type; function Continuation (Msg : String; Locations : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations) return Sub_Diagnostic_Type; function Help (Msg : String; Locations : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations) return Sub_Diagnostic_Type; function Suggestion (Msg : String; Locations : Labeled_Span_Array := No_Locations) return Sub_Diagnostic_Type; function Fix (Description : String; Edits : Edit_Array; Applicability : Applicability_Type := Unspecified) return Fix_Type; function Edit (Text : String; Span : Source_Span) return Edit_Type; end Diagnostics;