# report-card.awk -- Test summary tool # Copyright (C) 2018, 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # # This file is part of DejaGnu. # # DejaGnu is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # DejaGnu is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with DejaGnu. If not, see . # This file was written by Jacob Bachmeyer. # ##help # #Usage: dejagnu report card [ OPTION | TOOL | FILE ]... # #Usage: dejagnu report-card [ OPTION | TOOL | FILE ]... # # --verbose, -v Emit additional messages # ##end # Arrays storing lists in this program store items in numbered keys, with a # count in the "C" key, similar to Awk's ARGV/ARGC. # The Tools array stores a list of tools in 1..N. # The Passes array stores a global list of passes seen, a per-tool list of # passes seen, and a global index of passes seen if DejaGnu's multipass # support is used. # Key prefixes: # "" -- global list: 1..N; "C" # "t", -- per-tool list: 1..N; "C" # Key patterns: # "p", -- count of tools using # The Totals array stores counts of test results, indexed by tool and pass. # A summarization step adds per-tool, per-pass, and grand totals. # Key patterns: # "tp", , , # "t", , # "p", , # ## ## Get list of files to scan BEGIN { Tools["C"] = 1 Passes["", "C"] = 1 ToolWidth = 0 PassWidth = 0 Verbose = 0 # remove arguments from ARGV for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) { if (ARGV[i] ~ /^-/) { if (ARGV[i] ~ /^--?v(erb.*)?$/) Verbose++ else if (ARGV[i] == "--") break delete ARGV[i] } } if (ARGV[i] == "--") delete ARGV[i] if (Verbose) print "Verbose level is "Verbose # adjust filenames in ARGV FileCount = 0 for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) { if (i in ARGV) FileCount++ else continue if (ARGV[i] ~ /\.sum$/) continue else if (ARGV[i] ~ /\.log$/) sub(/\.log$/, ".sum", ARGV[i]) else if (ARGV[i] ~/\.$/) sub(/\.$/, ".sum", ARGV[i]) else ARGV[i] = (ARGV[i]".sum") } if (FileCount == 0) { cmd_ls_files = "ls -1 *.sum" while (cmd_ls_files | getline File) { FileCount++ ARGV[ARGC++] = File } close(cmd_ls_files) } if (Verbose > 2) { print "Reading "FileCount" file(s)" for (i = 1; i < ARGC; i++) if (i in ARGV) print " "ARGV[i] } } ## ## Read files and collect data FNR == 1 { if (Verbose) print "Reading `"FILENAME"' ..." Pass = "" Tool = File = FILENAME sub(/\.sum$/, "", Tool) if (length(Tool) > ToolWidth) ToolWidth = length(Tool) Tools[Tools["C"]++] = Tool Passes["t", Tool, "C"] = 1 Passes["t", Tool, 1] = "" # will be overwritten if multipass is used } /^Running pass `[^']*' .../ { Pass = $3 sub(/^`/, "", Pass) sub(/'$/, "", Pass) if (("p", Pass) in Passes) Passes["p", Pass]++ else { if (length(Pass) > PassWidth) PassWidth = length(Pass) Passes["", Passes["", "C"]++] = Pass Passes["p", Pass] = 1 } Passes["t", Tool, Passes["t", Tool, "C"]++] = Pass } $1 ~ /:$/ { sub(/:$/, "", $1); Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, $1]++ } ## ## Compute totals END { $0 = ("PASS FAIL KPASS KFAIL XPASS XFAIL UNSUPPORTED UNRESOLVED UNTESTED") for (i = 1; i in Tools; i++) for (j = 1; ("t", Tools[i], j) in Passes; j++) for (k = 1; k <= NF; k++) { Totals[$k] \ += Totals["tp", Tools[i], Passes["t", Tools[i], j], $k] Totals["t", Tools[i], $k] \ += Totals["tp", Tools[i], Passes["t", Tools[i], j], $k] Totals["p", Passes["t", Tools[i], j], $k] \ += Totals["tp", Tools[i], Passes["t", Tools[i], j], $k] } } ## ## Compute total name column width END { if (Passes["", "C"] > 1) NameWidth = ToolWidth + 3 + PassWidth else NameWidth = ToolWidth } ## ## Emit header END { printf "%*s __________________________________________________\n", \ NameWidth, "" printf "%*s / %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s\n", NameWidth, "", \ "PASS", "FAIL", "?PASS", "?FAIL", "UNSUP", "UNRES", "UNTEST" printf "%*s |--------------------------------------------------\n", \ NameWidth, "" } ## ## Emit counts END { for (i = 1; i in Tools; i++) { Tool = Tools[i] for (j = 1; ("t", Tool, j) in Passes; j++) { Pass = Passes["t", Tool, j] if (Passes["t", Tool, "C"] > 1) printf "%*s / %-*s | ", ToolWidth, Tool, PassWidth, Pass else if (Passes["", "C"] > 1) printf "%*s %*s | ", ToolWidth, Tool, PassWidth, "" else printf "%*s | ", NameWidth, Tool # Passes["t", , 1] is a pass name or a null string if # did not use multipass. printf " %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d%s%s\n", \ Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "PASS"], \ Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "FAIL"], \ Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "KPASS"] \ + Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "XPASS"], \ Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "KFAIL"] \ + Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "XFAIL"], \ Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "UNSUPPORTED"], \ Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "UNRESOLVED"], \ Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "UNTESTED"], \ (Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "ERROR" ] > 0 ? " !E!" : ""), \ (Totals["tp", Tool, Pass, "WARNING"] > 0 ? " !W!" : "") } } } ## ## Emit pass totals END { if (Passes["", "C"] > 1) { printf "%*s |--------------------------------------------------\n", \ NameWidth, "" for (i = 1; ("", i) in Passes; i++) printf "%*s %-*s | %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", \ ToolWidth, "", PassWidth, Passes["", i], \ Totals["p", Passes["", i], "PASS"], \ Totals["p", Passes["", i], "FAIL"], \ Totals["p", Passes["", i], "KPASS"] \ + Totals["p", Passes["", i], "XPASS"], \ Totals["p", Passes["", i], "KFAIL"] \ + Totals["p", Passes["", i], "XFAIL"], \ Totals["p", Passes["", i], "UNSUPPORTED"], \ Totals["p", Passes["", i], "UNRESOLVED"], \ Totals["p", Passes["", i], "UNTESTED"] } } ## ## Emit grand totals END { printf "%*s |--------------------------------------------------\n", \ NameWidth, "" printf "%*s | %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d\n", NameWidth, "", \ Totals["PASS"], Totals["FAIL"], \ Totals["KPASS"] + Totals["XPASS"], Totals["KFAIL"] + Totals["XFAIL"], \ Totals["UNSUPPORTED"], Totals["UNRESOLVED"], Totals["UNTESTED"] printf "%*s \\__________________________________________________\n", \ NameWidth, "" } #EOF