/* Copyright (C) 2021-2025 Free Software Foundation, Inc. Contributed by Oracle. This file is part of GNU Binutils. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _PATH_TREE_H #define _PATH_TREE_H #include #include #include "dbe_structs.h" #include "Hist_data.h" #include "Histable.h" #include "Metric.h" typedef enum { NORMAL = 0, CANCELED } PtreePhaseStatus; class PathTree { public: PathTree (DbeView *_dbev, int _indxtype = -1) { construct (_dbev, _indxtype, PATHTREE_MAIN); } ~PathTree (); static void make_deltas (int vtype, TValue *v1, TValue *v2); static void make_ratios (int vtype, TValue *v1, TValue *v2); typedef enum { COMPUTEOPT_NONE = 0, COMPUTEOPT_OMP_CALLEE } PtreeComputeOption; Hist_data *compute_metrics (MetricList *, Histable::Type, Hist_data::Mode, Vector*, Histable*, Vector* sel_objs = NULL, PtreeComputeOption flag = COMPUTEOPT_NONE); // Get aggregated callstack data CStack_data *get_cstack_data (MetricList *); Vector *get_clr_instr (Histable *); Vector *get_cle_instr (Histable *, Vector*&); int get_status () { return status; } int get_depth () { return depth; } int getStackProp () { return stack_prop; } typedef long NodeIdx; struct Node { inline void reset () { ancestor = 0; descendants = NULL; instr = NULL; funclist = 0; } NodeIdx ancestor; Vector *descendants; Histable *instr; NodeIdx funclist; }; static const int CHUNKSZ = 16384; inline Node * NODE_IDX (NodeIdx idx) { return idx ? &chunks[idx / CHUNKSZ][idx % CHUNKSZ] : NULL; } // queue for messages (statistics for pathtree processing) Emsg *fetch_stats (void); // fetch the queue of comment messages void delete_stats (void); // delete the queue of stats messages Emsg *fetch_warnings (void); // fetch the queue of warnings messages void delete_warnings (void); // delete the queue of warnings messages NodeIdx get_func_nodeidx (Function * func) { return fn_map == NULL ? (NodeIdx) 0 : fn_map->get (func); } void print (FILE *); void dumpNodes (FILE *, Histable *); // flame charts functions - get values from ftree_internal int get_ftree_depth (); // Depth of tree Vector* get_ftree_level (BaseMetric *bm, int dpth); Vector* get_ftree_node_children (BaseMetric *bm, NodeIdx node_idx); Vector* get_ftree_funcs (); Vector* get_funcs (); // Unique functions in tree private: enum { MAX_DESC_HTABLE_SZ = 65535 }; typedef struct hash_node { NodeIdx nd; struct hash_node *next; } hash_node_t; int desc_htable_size; int desc_htable_nelem; hash_node_t **descHT; struct Slot { int id; ValueTag vtype; union { int **mvals; int64_t **mvals64; }; }; typedef enum { PATHTREE_MAIN = 0, PATHTREE_INTERNAL_OMP, PATHTREE_INTERNAL_FUNCTREE } PathTreeType; DbeView *dbev; int indxtype; int stack_prop; Expression *indx_expr; Histable *total_obj; Map *fn_map; Map *pathMap; Map *hideMap; int status; NodeIdx root_idx; Node *root; int depth; long nodes; long dnodes; long nchunks; Node **chunks; int nslots; Slot *slots; int phaseIdx; int nexps; Emsgqueue *statsq; Emsgqueue *warningq; Hist_data *hist_data; int percent; int ndone; Histable **obj_list; Node **node_list; int *xlate; bool cancel_ok; PathTreeType pathTreeType; PathTree *ptree_internal; PathTree *ftree_internal; // function-based pathtree bool ftree_needs_update; Vector*> *depth_map; // for each depth level, list of nodes void init (); void fini (); PtreePhaseStatus reset (); PtreePhaseStatus add_experiment (int); PtreePhaseStatus process_packets (Experiment*, DataView*, int); DataView *get_filtered_events (int exp_index, int data_type); void construct (DbeView *_dbev, int _indxtype, PathTreeType _pathTreeType); PathTree (DbeView *_dbev, int _indxtype, PathTreeType _pathTreeType) { construct (_dbev, _indxtype, _pathTreeType); } inline int * allocate_chunk (int **p, NodeIdx idx) { int *res = new int[CHUNKSZ]; for (int i = 0; i < CHUNKSZ; i++) res[i] = 0; p[idx] = res; return res; }; inline int64_t * allocate_chunk (int64_t **p, NodeIdx idx) { int64_t *res = new int64_t[CHUNKSZ]; for (int i = 0; i < CHUNKSZ; i++) res[i] = 0; p[idx] = res; return res; }; inline Node * allocate_chunk (Node **p, NodeIdx idx) { Node *res = new Node[CHUNKSZ]; for (int i = 0; i < CHUNKSZ; i++) res[i].reset (); p[idx] = res; return res; }; inline bool IS_MVAL_ZERO (Slot& slot, NodeIdx idx) { if (slot.vtype == VT_LLONG || slot.vtype == VT_ULLONG) { int64_t *tmp = slot.mvals64[idx / CHUNKSZ]; return tmp ? tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ] == 0 : true; } else { int *tmp = slot.mvals[idx / CHUNKSZ]; return tmp ? tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ] == 0 : true; } } inline void ASN_METRIC_VAL (TValue& v, Slot& slot, NodeIdx idx) { if (slot.vtype == VT_LLONG) { int64_t *tmp = slot.mvals64[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp) v.ll = tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ]; } else if (slot.vtype == VT_ULLONG) { uint64_t *tmp = (uint64_t *) slot.mvals64[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp) v.ull = tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ]; } else { int *tmp = slot.mvals[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp) v.i = tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ]; } } inline void ADD_METRIC_VAL (TValue& v, Slot& slot, NodeIdx idx) { if (slot.vtype == VT_LLONG) { int64_t *tmp = slot.mvals64[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp) v.ll += tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ]; } else if (slot.vtype == VT_ULLONG) { uint64_t *tmp = (uint64_t *) slot.mvals64[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp) v.ull += tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ]; } else { int *tmp = slot.mvals[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp) v.i += tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ]; } } inline void SUB_METRIC_VAL (TValue& v, Slot& slot, NodeIdx idx) { if (slot.vtype == VT_LLONG) { int64_t *tmp = slot.mvals64[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp) v.ll -= tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ]; } else if (slot.vtype == VT_ULLONG) { uint64_t *tmp = (uint64_t *) slot.mvals64[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp) v.ull -= tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ]; } else { int *tmp = slot.mvals[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp) v.i -= tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ]; } } inline void INCREMENT_METRIC (Slot *slot, NodeIdx idx, int64_t val) { if (slot->vtype == VT_LLONG) { int64_t *tmp = slot->mvals64[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp == NULL) tmp = allocate_chunk (slot->mvals64, idx / CHUNKSZ); tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ] += val; } else if (slot->vtype == VT_ULLONG) { uint64_t *tmp = (uint64_t *) slot->mvals64[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp == NULL) tmp = (uint64_t *) allocate_chunk (slot->mvals64, idx / CHUNKSZ); tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ] += val; } else { int *tmp = slot->mvals[idx / CHUNKSZ]; if (tmp == NULL) tmp = allocate_chunk (slot->mvals, idx / CHUNKSZ); tmp[idx % CHUNKSZ] += (int) val; } } inline Slot * SLOT_IDX (int idx) { if (idx < 0 || idx >= nslots) return NULL; return &slots[idx]; } int allocate_slot (int id, ValueTag vtype); void allocate_slots (Slot *slots, int nslots); int find_slot (int); NodeIdx new_Node (NodeIdx, Histable*, bool); NodeIdx find_path (Experiment*, DataView*, long); NodeIdx find_desc_node (NodeIdx, Histable*, bool); NodeIdx find_in_desc_htable (NodeIdx, Histable*, bool); Histable *get_hist_obj (Node *, Histable* = NULL); Histable *get_hist_func_obj (Node *); Histable *get_compare_obj (Histable *obj); void get_metrics (NodeIdx, int); void get_metrics (Vector *, Histable *); void get_clr_metrics (Vector*, NodeIdx, int, int); void get_clr_metrics (Vector*); void get_cle_metrics (Vector*, NodeIdx, int, int, int); void get_cle_metrics (Vector*, NodeIdx, int); void get_cle_metrics (Vector*); void get_self_metrics (Vector*, NodeIdx, bool, int); void get_self_metrics (Vector*); void get_self_metrics (Histable *, Vector *funclist, Vector* sel_objs = NULL); void get_cstack_list (CStack_data *, NodeIdx, int); // Generate PathTree based on Functions instead of Instructions // Used for flame chart void ftree_reset (); void ftree_build (PathTree *mstr); void ftree_build (PathTree *mstr, NodeIdx mstr_node_idx, NodeIdx local_node_idx); void depth_map_build (); void depth_map_build (NodeIdx node_idx, int depth); Vector* get_level (BaseMetric *bm, int dpth); Vector* get_nodes (BaseMetric *bm, Vector *node_idxs); Vector* get_node_children (BaseMetric *bm, NodeIdx node_idx); bool ftree_debug_match_hist_data (Hist_data *data, Hist_data *data_tmp); void ftree_dump (); // Debugging functions void print (FILE *, PathTree::Node*, int); void printn (FILE *); int dbg_nodes (PathTree::Node*); }; #endif /* _PATH_TREE_H */