/* armcopro.c -- co-processor interface: ARM6 Instruction Emulator. Copyright (C) 1994 Advanced RISC Machines Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "armdefs.h" extern unsigned ARMul_CoProInit(ARMul_State *state) ; extern void ARMul_CoProExit(ARMul_State *state) ; extern void ARMul_CoProAttach(ARMul_State *state, unsigned number, ARMul_CPInits *init, ARMul_CPExits *exit, ARMul_LDCs *ldc, ARMul_STCs *stc, ARMul_MRCs *mrc, ARMul_MCRs *mcr, ARMul_CDPs *cdp, ARMul_CPReads *read, ARMul_CPWrites *write) ; extern void ARMul_CoProDetach(ARMul_State *state, unsigned number) ; /***************************************************************************\ * Dummy Co-processors * \***************************************************************************/ static unsigned NoCoPro3R(ARMul_State *state,unsigned,ARMword) ; static unsigned NoCoPro4R(ARMul_State *state,unsigned,ARMword,ARMword) ; static unsigned NoCoPro4W(ARMul_State *state,unsigned,ARMword,ARMword *) ; /***************************************************************************\ * Define Co-Processor instruction handlers here * \***************************************************************************/ /* Here's ARMulator's MMU definition. A few things to note: 1) it has eight registers, but only two are defined. 2) you can only access its registers with MCR and MRC. 3) MMU Register 0 (ID) returns 0x41440110 4) Register 1 only has 4 bits defined. Bits 0 to 3 are unused, bit 4 controls 32/26 bit program space, bit 5 controls 32/26 bit data space, bit 6 controls late abort timimg and bit 7 controls big/little endian. */ static ARMword MMUReg[8] ; static unsigned MMUInit(ARMul_State *state) {MMUReg[1] = state->prog32Sig << 4 | state->data32Sig << 5 | state->lateabtSig << 6 | state->bigendSig << 7 ; ARMul_ConsolePrint (state, ", MMU present") ; return(TRUE) ; } static unsigned MMUMRC(ARMul_State *state, unsigned type, ARMword instr,ARMword *value) {int reg = BITS(16,19) & 7 ; if (reg == 0) *value = 0x41440110 ; else *value = MMUReg[reg] ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; } static unsigned MMUMCR(ARMul_State *state, unsigned type, ARMword instr, ARMword value) {int reg = BITS(16,19) & 7 ; MMUReg[reg] = value ; if (reg == 1) { state->prog32Sig = value >> 4 & 1 ; state->data32Sig = value >> 5 & 1 ; state->lateabtSig = value >> 6 & 1 ; state->bigendSig = value >> 7 & 1 ; state->Emulate = TRUE ; /* force ARMulator to notice these now !*/ } return(ARMul_DONE) ; } static unsigned MMURead(ARMul_State *state, unsigned reg, ARMword *value) {if (reg == 0) *value = 0x41440110 ; else if (reg < 8) *value = MMUReg[reg] ; return(TRUE) ; } static unsigned MMUWrite(ARMul_State *state, unsigned reg, ARMword value) {if (reg < 8) MMUReg[reg] = value ; if (reg == 1) { state->prog32Sig = value >> 4 & 1 ; state->data32Sig = value >> 5 & 1 ; state->lateabtSig = value >> 6 & 1 ; state->bigendSig = value >> 7 & 1 ; state->Emulate = TRUE ; /* force ARMulator to notice these now !*/ } return(TRUE) ; } /* What follows is the Validation Suite Coprocessor. It uses two co-processor numbers (4 and 5) and has the follwing functionality. Sixteen registers. Both co-processor nuimbers can be used in an MCR and MRC to access these registers. CP 4 can LDC and STC to and from the registers. CP 4 and CP 5 CDP 0 will busy wait for the number of cycles specified by a CP register. CP 5 CDP 1 issues a FIQ after a number of cycles (specified in a CP register), CDP 2 issues an IRQW in the same way, CDP 3 and 4 turn of the FIQ and IRQ source, and CDP 5 stores a 32 bit time value in a CP register (actually it's the total number of N, S, I, C and F cyles) */ static ARMword ValReg[16] ; static unsigned ValLDC(ARMul_State *state, unsigned type, ARMword instr, ARMword data) {static unsigned words ; if (type != ARMul_DATA) { words = 0 ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; } if (BIT(22)) { /* it's a long access, get two words */ ValReg[BITS(12,15)] = data ; if (words++ == 4) return(ARMul_DONE) ; else return(ARMul_INC) ; } else { /* get just one word */ ValReg[BITS(12,15)] = data ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; } } static unsigned ValSTC(ARMul_State *state, unsigned type, ARMword instr, ARMword *data) {static unsigned words ; if (type != ARMul_DATA) { words = 0 ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; } if (BIT(22)) { /* it's a long access, get two words */ *data = ValReg[BITS(12,15)] ; if (words++ == 4) return(ARMul_DONE) ; else return(ARMul_INC) ; } else { /* get just one word */ *data = ValReg[BITS(12,15)] ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; } } static unsigned ValMRC(ARMul_State *state, unsigned type, ARMword instr,ARMword *value) { *value = ValReg[BITS(16,19)] ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; } static unsigned ValMCR(ARMul_State *state, unsigned type, ARMword instr, ARMword value) { ValReg[BITS(16,19)] = value ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; } static unsigned ValCDP(ARMul_State *state, unsigned type, ARMword instr) { static unsigned long finish = 0 ; ARMword howlong ; howlong = ValReg[BITS(0,3)] ; if (BITS(20,23)==0) { if (type == ARMul_FIRST) { /* First cycle of a busy wait */ finish = ARMul_Time(state) + howlong ; if (howlong == 0) return(ARMul_DONE) ; else return(ARMul_BUSY) ; } else if (type == ARMul_BUSY) { if (ARMul_Time(state) >= finish) return(ARMul_DONE) ; else return(ARMul_BUSY) ; } } return(ARMul_CANT) ; } static unsigned DoAFIQ(ARMul_State *state) {state->NfiqSig = LOW ; state->Exception++ ; return(0) ; } static unsigned DoAIRQ(ARMul_State *state) {state->NirqSig = LOW ; state->Exception++ ; return(0) ; } static unsigned IntCDP(ARMul_State *state, unsigned type, ARMword instr) {static unsigned long finish ; ARMword howlong ; howlong = ValReg[BITS(0,3)] ; switch((int)BITS(20,23)) { case 0 : if (type == ARMul_FIRST) { /* First cycle of a busy wait */ finish = ARMul_Time(state) + howlong ; if (howlong == 0) return(ARMul_DONE) ; else return(ARMul_BUSY) ; } else if (type == ARMul_BUSY) { if (ARMul_Time(state) >= finish) return(ARMul_DONE) ; else return(ARMul_BUSY) ; } return(ARMul_DONE) ; case 1 : if (howlong == 0) ARMul_Abort(state,ARMul_FIQV) ; else ARMul_ScheduleEvent(state,howlong,DoAFIQ) ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; case 2 : if (howlong == 0) ARMul_Abort(state,ARMul_IRQV) ; else ARMul_ScheduleEvent(state,howlong,DoAIRQ) ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; case 3 : state->NfiqSig = HIGH ; state->Exception-- ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; case 4 : state->NirqSig = HIGH ; state->Exception-- ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; case 5 : ValReg[BITS(0,3)] = ARMul_Time(state) ; return(ARMul_DONE) ; } return(ARMul_CANT) ; } /***************************************************************************\ * Install co-processor instruction handlers in this routine * \***************************************************************************/ unsigned ARMul_CoProInit(ARMul_State *state) {register unsigned i ; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) /* initialise tham all first */ ARMul_CoProDetach(state, i) ; /* Install CoPro Instruction handlers here The format is ARMul_CoProAttach(state, CP Number, Init routine, Exit routine LDC routine, STC routine, MRC routine, MCR routine, CDP routine, Read Reg routine, Write Reg routine) ; */ ARMul_CoProAttach(state, 4, NULL, NULL, ValLDC, ValSTC, ValMRC, ValMCR, ValCDP, NULL, NULL) ; ARMul_CoProAttach(state, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ValMRC, ValMCR, IntCDP, NULL, NULL) ; ARMul_CoProAttach(state, 15, MMUInit, NULL, NULL, NULL, MMUMRC, MMUMCR, NULL, MMURead, MMUWrite) ; /* No handlers below here */ for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) /* Call all the initialisation routines */ if (state->CPInit[i]) (state->CPInit[i])(state) ; return(TRUE) ; } /***************************************************************************\ * Install co-processor finalisation routines in this routine * \***************************************************************************/ void ARMul_CoProExit(ARMul_State *state) {register unsigned i ; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) if (state->CPExit[i]) (state->CPExit[i])(state) ; for (i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) /* Detach all handlers */ ARMul_CoProDetach(state, i) ; } /***************************************************************************\ * Routines to hook Co-processors into ARMulator * \***************************************************************************/ void ARMul_CoProAttach(ARMul_State *state, unsigned number, ARMul_CPInits *init, ARMul_CPExits *exit, ARMul_LDCs *ldc, ARMul_STCs *stc, ARMul_MRCs *mrc, ARMul_MCRs *mcr, ARMul_CDPs *cdp, ARMul_CPReads *read, ARMul_CPWrites *write) {if (init != NULL) state->CPInit[number] = init ; if (exit != NULL) state->CPExit[number] = exit ; if (ldc != NULL) state->LDC[number] = ldc ; if (stc != NULL) state->STC[number] = stc ; if (mrc != NULL) state->MRC[number] = mrc ; if (mcr != NULL) state->MCR[number] = mcr ; if (cdp != NULL) state->CDP[number] = cdp ; if (read != NULL) state->CPRead[number] = read ; if (write != NULL) state->CPWrite[number] = write ; } void ARMul_CoProDetach(ARMul_State *state, unsigned number) {ARMul_CoProAttach(state, number, NULL, NULL, NoCoPro4R, NoCoPro4W, NoCoPro4W, NoCoPro4R, NoCoPro3R, NULL, NULL) ; state->CPInit[number] = NULL ; state->CPExit[number] = NULL ; state->CPRead[number] = NULL ; state->CPWrite[number] = NULL ; } /***************************************************************************\ * There is no CoPro around, so Undefined Instruction trap * \***************************************************************************/ static unsigned NoCoPro3R(ARMul_State *state,unsigned a,ARMword b) {return(ARMul_CANT) ;} static unsigned NoCoPro4R(ARMul_State *state, unsigned a,ARMword b,ARMword c) {return(ARMul_CANT) ;} static unsigned NoCoPro4W(ARMul_State *state, unsigned a,ARMword b,ARMword *c) {return(ARMul_CANT) ;}