# S/390 opcodes list. Use s390-mkopc to convert it into the opcode table. # Copyright 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc. # Contributed by Martin Schwidefsky (schwidefsky@de.ibm.com). 5a a RX "add" esa 6a ad RX_D "add normalized (long)" esa 2a adr RR_D "add normalized (long)" esa 7a ae RX_E "add normalized (short)" esa 3a aer RR_E "add normalized (short)" esa 4a ah RX "add halfword" esa 5e al RX "add logical" esa 1e alr RR "add logical" esa fa ap SS_LL "add decimal" esa 1a ar RR "add" esa 7e au RX_E "add unnormalized (short)" esa 3e aur RR_E "add unnormalized (short)" esa 6e aw RX_D "add unnormalized (long)" esa 2e awr RR_D "add unnormalized (long)" esa 36 axr RR "add normalized" esa b240 bakr RRE "branch and stack" esa 45 bal RX "branch and link" esa 05 balr RR "branch and link" esa 4d bas RX "branch and save" esa 0d basr RR "branch and save" esa 0c bassm RR "branch and save and set mode" esa 47 bc RX_M "branch on condition" esa 07 bcr RR_M "branch on condition" esa 46 bct RX "branch on count" esa 06 bctr RR "branch on count" esa b258 bsg RRE "branch in subspace group" esa 0b bsm RR "branch and set mode" esa 86 bxh RS "branch on index high" esa 87 bxle RS "branch on index low or equal" esa 59 c RX "compare" esa 69 cd RX_D "compare (long)" esa 29 cdr RR_D "compare (long)" esa bb cds RS "compare double and swap" esa 79 ce RX_E "compare (short)" esa 39 cer RR_E "compare (short)" esa b21a cfc S "compare and form codeword" esa 49 ch RX "compare halfword" esa 55 cl RX "compare logical" esa d5 clc SS_L "compare logical" esa 0f clcl RR "compare logical long" esa 95 cli SI "compare logical" esa bd clm RS_M "compare logical characters under mask" esa 15 clr RR "compare logical" esa b25d clst RRE "compare logical string" esa b263 cmpsc RRE "compression call" esa f9 cp SS_LL "compare decimal" esa b24d cpya RRE_A "copy access" esa 19 cr RR "compare" esa ba cs RS "compare and swap" esa b230 csch S_O "clear subchannel" esa b257 cuse RRE "compare until substring equal" esa b250 csp RRE "compare and swap and purge" esa 4f cvb RX "convert to binary" esa 4e cvd RX "convert to decimal" esa 5d d RX "divide" esa 6d dd RX_D "divide (long)" esa 2d ddr RR_D "divide (long)" esa 7d de RX_E "divide (short)" esa 3d der RR_E "divide (short)" esa 83 diag RS "diagnose" esa fd dp SS_LL "divide decimal" esa 1d dr RR "divide" esa b22d dxr RRE_X "divide (ext.)" esa b24f ear RRE_RA "extract access" esa de ed SS_L "edit" esa df edmk SS_L "edit and mark" esa b226 epar RRE_R "extract primary ASN" esa b249 ereg RRE "extract stacked registers" esa b227 esar RRE_R "extract secondary ASN" esa b24a esta RRE "extract stacked state" esa 44 ex RX "execute" esa 24 hdr RR_D "halve (long)" esa 34 her RR_E "halve (short)" esa b231 hsch S_O "halt subchannel" esa b224 iac RRE_R "insert address space control" esa 43 ic RX "insert character" esa bf icm RS_M "insert characters under mask" esa b20b ipk S_O "insert PSW key" esa b222 ipm RRE_R "insert program mask" esa b221 ipte RRE "invalidate page table entry" esa b229 iske RRE "insert storage key extended" esa b223 ivsk RRE "insert virtual storage key" esa 58 l RX "load" esa 41 la RX "load address" esa 51 lae RX "load address extended" esa 9a lam RS_A "load access multiple" esa e500 lasp SSE "load address space parameters" esa 23 lcdr RR_D "load complement (long)" esa 33 lcer RR_E "load complement (short)" esa 13 lcr RR "load complement" esa b7 lctl RS_C "load control" esa 68 ld RX_D "load (long)" esa 28 ldr RR_D "load (long)" esa 78 le RX_E "load (short)" esa 38 ler RR_E "load (short)" esa 48 lh RX "load halfword" esa 98 lm RS "load multiple" esa 21 lndr RR_D "load negative (long)" esa 31 lner RR_E "load negative (short)" esa 11 lnr RR "load negative" esa 20 lpdr RR_D "load positive (long)" esa 30 lper RR_E "load positive (short)" esa 10 lpr RR "load positive" esa 82 lpsw S "load PSW" esa 18 lr RR "load" esa b1 lra RX "load real address" esa 25 lrdr RR_XD "load rounded (ext. to long)" esa 35 lrer RR_DE "load rounded (long to short)" esa 22 ltdr RR_D "load and test (long)" esa 32 lter RR_E "load and test (short)" esa 12 ltr RR "load and test" esa b24b lura RRE "load using real address" esa 5c m RX "multiply" esa af mc SI "monitor call" esa 6c md RX_D "multiply (long)" esa 2c mdr RR_D "multiply (long)" esa 7c me RX_ED "multiply (short to long)" esa 3c mer RR_ED "multiply (short to long)" esa 4c mh RX "multiply halfword" esa fc mp SS_LL "multiply decimal" esa 1c mr RR "multiply" esa b232 msch S "modify subchannel" esa b247 msta RRE_R "modify stacked state" esa d2 mvc SS_L "move" esa e50f mvcdk SSE "move with destination key" esa e8 mvcin SS_L "move inverse" esa d9 mvck SS_RR "move with key" esa 0e mvcl RR "move long" esa da mvcp SS_RR "move to primary" esa db mvcs SS_RR "move to secondary" esa e50e mvcsk SSE "move with source key" esa 92 mvi SI "move" esa d1 mvn SS_L "move numerics" esa f1 mvo SS_LL "move with offset" esa b254 mvpg RRE "move page" esa b255 mvst RRE "move string" esa d3 mvz SS_L "move zones" esa 67 mxd RX_DX "multiply (long to ext.)" esa 27 mxdr RR_DX "multiply (long to ext.)" esa 26 mxr RR_X "multiply (ext.)" esa 54 n RX "AND" esa d4 nc SS_L "AND" esa 94 ni SI "AND" esa 14 nr RR "AND" esa 56 o RX "OR" esa d6 oc SS_L "OR" esa 96 oi SI "OR" esa 16 or RR "OR" esa f2 pack SS_LL "pack" esa b248 palb RRE_O "purge ALB" esa b218 pc S "program call" esa 0101 pr E "program return" esa b228 pt RRE "program transfer" esa b20d ptlb S_O "purge TLB" esa b23b rchp S_O "reset channel path" esa b22a rrbe RRE "reset reference bit extended" esa b238 rsch S_O "resume subchannel" esa 5b s RX "subtract" esa b219 sac S "set address space control" esa b279 sacf S "set address space control fast" esa b237 sal S_O "set address limit" esa b24e sar RRE_AR "set access" esa b23c schm S_O "set channel monitor" esa b204 sck S "set clock" esa b206 sckc S "set clock comparator" esa 6b sd RX_D "subtract normalized (long)" esa 2b sdr RR_D "subtract normalized (long)" esa 7b se RX_E "subtract normalized (short)" esa 3b ser RR_E "subtract normalized (short)" esa 4b sh RX "subtract halfword" esa b214 sie S "start interpretive execution" esa ae sigp RS "signal processor" esa 5f sl RX "subtract logical" esa 8b sla RS_S "shift left single" esa 8f slda RS_D "shift left double (long)" esa 8d sldl RS_D "shift left double logical (long)" esa 89 sll RS_S "shift left single logical" esa 1f slr RR "subtract logical" esa fb sp SS_LL "subtract decimal" esa b20a spka S "set PSW key from address" esa 04 spm RR_R "set program mask" esa b208 spt S "set CPU timer" esa b210 spx S "set prefix" esa b244 sqdr RRE_D "square root (long)" esa b245 sqer RRE_E "square root (short)" esa 1b sr RR "subtract" esa 8a sra RS_S "shift right single" esa 8e srda RS_D "shift right double (long)" esa 8c srdl RS_D "shift right double logical (long)" esa 88 srl RS_S "shift right single logical" esa f0 srp SS_LI "shift and round decimal" esa b25e srst RRE "search string" esa b225 ssar RRE_R "set secondary ASN" esa b233 ssch S "start subchannel" esa b22b sske RRE "set storage key extended" esa 80 ssm S "set system mask" esa 50 st RX "store" esa 9b stam RS_A "store access multiple" esa b212 stap S "store CPU address" esa 42 stc RX "store character" esa b205 stck S "store clock" esa b207 stckc S "store clock comparator" esa be stcm RS_M "store characters under mask" esa b23a stcps S "store channel path status" esa b239 stcrw S "store channel report word" esa b6 stctl RS_C "store control" esa 60 std RX_D "store (long)" esa 70 ste RX_E "store (short)" esa 40 sth RX "store halfword" esa b202 stidp S "store CPU id" esa 90 stm RS "store multiple" esa ac stnsm SI "store then AND system mask" esa ad stosm SI "store then OR system mask" esa b209 stpt S "store CPU timer" esa b211 stpx S "store prefix" esa b234 stsch S "store subchannel" esa b246 stura RRE "store using real address" esa 7f su RX_E "subtract unnormalized (short)" esa 3f sur RR_E "subtract unnormalized (short)" esa 0a svc RR_I "supervisor call" esa 6f sw RX_D "subtract unnormalized (long)" esa 2f swr RR_D "subtract unnormalized (long)" esa 37 sxr RR_X "subtract normalized (ext.)" esa b24c tar RRE_AR "test access" esa b22c tb RRE_R2 "test block" esa 91 tm SI "test under mask" esa b236 tpi S "test pending interruption" esa e501 tprot SSE "test protection" esa dc tr SS_L "translate" esa 99 trace RS "trace" esa dd trt SS_L "translate and test" esa 93 ts S "test and set" esa b235 tsch S "test subchannel" esa f3 unpk SS_LL "unpack" esa 0102 upt E "update tree" esa 57 x RX "exclusive OR" esa d7 xc SS_L "exclusive OR" esa 97 xi SI "exclusive OR" esa 17 xr RR "exclusive OR" esa f8 zap SS_LL "zero and add" esa a70a ahi RI "add halfword immediate" esa 84 brxh RSI_A "branch relative on index high" esa 85 brxle RSI_A "branch relative on index low or equal" esa a705 bras RI_A "branch relative and save" esa a704 brc RI_MA "branch relative on condition" esa a706 brct RI_A "branch relative on count" esa b241 cksm RRE "checksum" esa a70e chi RI "compare halfword immediate" esa a9 clcle RS "compare logical long extended" esa a708 lhi RI "load halfword immediate" esa a8 mvcle RS "move long extended" esa a70c mhi RI "multiply halfword immediate" esa b252 msr RRE "multiply single" esa 71 ms RX "multiply single" esa a700 tmh RI_U "test under mask high" esa a701 tml RI_U "test under mask low" esa 0700 nopr RR_B "no operation" esa 0710 bor RR_B "branch on overflow / if ones" esa 0720 bhr RR_B "branch on high" esa 0720 bpr RR_B "branch on plus" esa 0730 bnler RR_B "branch on not low or equal" esa 0740 blr RR_B "branch on low" esa 0740 bmr RR_B "branch on minus / if mixed" esa 0750 bnher RR_B "branch on not high or equal" esa 0770 bner RR_B "branch on not equal" esa 0770 bnzr RR_B "branch on not zero / if not zeros" esa 0780 ber RR_B "branch on equal" esa 0780 bzr RR_B "branch on zero / if zeros" esa 07a0 bher RR_B "branch on high or equal" esa 07b0 bnlr RR_B "branch on not low" esa 07b0 bnmr RR_B "branch on not minus / if not mixed" esa 07c0 bler RR_B "brach on low or equal" esa 07d0 bnhr RR_B "branch on not high" esa 07d0 bnpr RR_B "branch on not plus" esa 07e0 bnor RR_B "branch on not overflow / if not ones" esa 07f0 br RR_B "unconditional branch" esa 4700 nop RX_B "no operation" esa 4710 bo RX_B "branch on overflow / if ones" esa 4720 bh RX_B "branch on high" esa 4720 bp RX_B "branch on plus" esa 4730 bnle RX_B "branch on not low or equal" esa 4740 bl RX_B "branch on low" esa 4740 bm RX_B "branch on minus / if mixed" esa 4750 bnhe RX_B "branch on not high or equal" esa 4770 bne RX_B "branch on not equal" esa 4770 bnz RX_B "branch on not zero / if not zeros" esa 4780 be RX_B "branch on equal" esa 4780 bz RX_B "branch on zero / if zeros" esa 47a0 bhe RX_B "branch on high or equal" esa 47b0 bnl RX_B "branch on not low" esa 47b0 bnm RX_B "branch on not minus / if not mixed" esa 47c0 ble RX_B "branch on low or equal" esa 47d0 bnh RX_B "branch on not high" esa 47d0 bnp RX_B "branch on not plus" esa 47e0 bno RX_B "branch on not overflow / if not ones" esa 47f0 b RX_B "unconditional branch" esa a714 jo RI_B "jump on overflow / if ones" esa a724 jh RI_B "jump on A high" esa a724 jp RI_B "jump on plus" esa a734 jnle RI_B "jump on not low or equal" esa a744 jl RI_B "jump on A low" esa a744 jm RI_B "jump on minus / if mixed" esa a754 jnhe RI_B "jump on not high or equal" esa a774 jne RI_B "jump on A not equal B" esa a774 jnz RI_B "jump on not zero / if not zeros" esa a784 je RI_B "jump on A equal B" esa a784 jz RI_B "jump on zero / if zeros" esa a7a4 jhe RI_B "jump on high or equal" esa a7b4 jnl RI_B "jump on A not low" esa a7b4 jnm RI_B "jump on not minus / if not mixed" esa a7c4 jle RI_B "jump on low or equal" esa a7d4 jnh RI_B "jump on A not high" esa a7d4 jnp RI_B "jump on not plus" esa a7e4 jno RI_B "jump on not overflow / if not ones" esa a7f4 j RI_B "jump" esa b34a axbr RRE_F "add extended bfp" esa b31a adbr RRE_F "add long bfp" esa ed000000001a adb RXE_F "add long bfp" esa b30a aebr RRE_F "add short bfp" esa ed000000000a aeb RXE_F "add short bfp" esa b349 cxbr RRE_F "compare extended bfp" esa b319 cdbr RRE_F "compare long bfp" esa ed0000000019 cdb RXE_F "compare long bfp" esa b309 cebr RRE_F "compare short bfp" esa ed0000000009 ceb RXE_F "compare short bfp" esa b348 kxbr RRE_F "compare and signal extended bfp" esa b318 kdbr RRE_F "compare and signal long bfp" esa ed0000000018 kdb RXE_F "compare and signal long bfp" esa b308 kebr RRE_F "compare and signal short bfp" esa ed0000000008 keb RXE_F "compare and signal short bfp" esa b396 cxfbr RRE_F "convert from fixed 32 to extended bfp" esa b395 cdfbr RRE_F "convert from fixed 32 to long bfp" esa b394 cefbr RRE_F "convert from fixed 32 to short bfp" esa b39a cfxbr RRF_M "convert to fixed extended bfp to 32" esa b399 cfdbr RRF_M "convert to fixed long bfp to 32" esa b398 cfebr RRF_M "convert to fixed short bfp to 32" esa b34d dxbr RRE_F "divide extended bfp" esa b31d ddbr RRE_F "divide long bfp" esa ed000000001d ddb RXE_F "divide long bfp" esa b30d debr RRE_F "divide short bfp" esa ed000000000d deb RXE_F "divide short bfp" esa b35b didbr RRF_RM "divide to integer long bfp" esa b353 diebr RRF_RM "divide to integer short bfp" esa b38c efpc RRE "extract fpc" esa b342 ltxbr RRE_F "load and test extended bfp" esa b312 ltdbr RRE_F "load and test long bfp" esa b302 ltebr RRE_F "load and test short bfp" esa b343 lcxbr RRE_F "load complement extended bfp" esa b313 lcdbr RRE_F "load complement long bfp" esa b303 lcebr RRE_F "load complement short bfp" esa b347 fixbr RRF_M "load fp integer extended bfp" esa b35f fidbr RRF_M "load fp integer long bfp" esa b357 fiebr RRF_M "load fp integer short bfp" esa b29d lfpc S "load fpc" esa b305 lxdbr RRE_F "load lengthened long to extended bfp" esa ed0000000005 lxdb RXE_F "load lengthened long to extended bfp" esa b306 lxebr RRE_F "load lengthened short to extended bfp" esa ed0000000006 lxeb RXE_F "load lengthened short to extended bfp" esa b304 ldebr RRE_F "load lengthened short to long bfp" esa ed0000000004 ldeb RXE_F "load lengthened short to long bfp" esa b341 lnxbr RRE_F "load negative extended bfp" esa b311 lndbr RRE_F "load negative long bfp" esa b301 lnebr RRE_F "load negative short bfp" esa b340 lpxbr RRE_F "load positive extended bfp" esa b310 lpdbr RRE_F "load positive long bfp" esa b300 lpebr RRE_F "load positive short bfp" esa b345 ldxbr RRE_F "load rounded extended to long bfp" esa b346 lexbr RRE_F "load rounded extended to short bfp" esa b344 ledbr RRE_F "load rounded long to short bfp" esa b34c mxbr RRE_F "multiply extended bfp" esa b31c mdbr RRE_F "multiply long bfp" esa ed000000001c mdb RXE_F "multiply long bfp" esa b307 mxdbr RRE_F "multiply long to extended bfp" esa ed0000000007 mxdb RXE_F "multiply long to extended bfp" esa b317 meebr RRE_F "multiply short bfp" esa ed0000000017 meeb RXE_F "multiply short bfp" esa b30c mdebr RRE_F "multiply short to long bfp" esa ed000000000c mdeb RXE_F "multiply short to long bfp" esa b31e madbr RRF_R "multiply and add long bfp" esa ed000000001e madb RXF "multiply and add long bfp" esa b30e maebr RRF_R "multiply and add short bfp" esa ed000000000e maeb RXF "multiply and add short bfp" esa b31f msdbr RRF_R "multiply and subtract long bfp" esa ed000000001f msdb RXF "multiply and subtract long bfp" esa b30f msebr RRF_R "multiply and subtract short bfp" esa ed000000000f mseb RXF "multiply and subtract short bfp" esa b384 sfpc RRE "set fpc" esa b299 srnm S "set rounding mode" esa b316 sqxbr RRE_F "square root extended bfp" esa b315 sqdbr RRE_F "square root long bfp" esa ed0000000015 sqdb RXE_F "square root long bfp" esa b314 sqebr RRE_F "square root short bfp" esa ed0000000014 sqeb RXE_F "square root short bfp" esa b29c stfpc S "store fpc" esa b34b sxbr RRE_F "subtract extended bfp" esa b31b sdbr RRE_F "subtract long bfp" esa ed000000001b sdb RXE_F "subtract long bfp" esa b30b sebr RRE_F "subtract short bfp" esa ed000000000b seb RXE_F "subtract short bfp" esa ed0000000012 tcxb RXE_F "test data class extended bfp" esa ed0000000011 tcdb RXE_F "test data class long bfp" esa ed0000000010 tceb RXE_F "test data class short bfp" esa b274 siga S "signal adapter" esa # are the following instructions confidential ?? b2a6 cuutf RRE "convert unicode to utf-8" esa b2a7 cutfu RRE "convert utf-8 to unicode" esa ee plo SS_PLO "perform locked operation" esa b25a bsa RRE "branch and set authority" esa b277 rp S "resume program" esa 0107 sckpf E "set clock programmable field" esa b27d stsi S "store system information" esa 01ff trap2 E "trap" esa b2ff trap4 S "trap4" esa # Here are the new esame instructions: b946 bctgr RRE "branch on count 64" esame b900 lpgr RRE "load positive 64" esame b910 lpgfr RRE "load positive 64<32" esame b901 lngr RRE "load negative 64" esame b911 lngfr RRE "load negative 64<32" esame b902 ltgr RRE "load and test 64" esame b912 ltgfr RRE "load and test 64<32" esame b903 lcgr RRE "load complement 64" esame b913 lcgfr RRE "load complement 64<32" esame b980 ngr RRE "and 64" esame b921 clgr RRE "compare logical 64" esame b931 clgfr RRE "compare logical 64<32" esame b981 ogr RRE "or 64" esame b982 xgr RRE "exclusive or 64" esame b904 lgr RRE "load 64" esame b914 lgfr RRE "load 64<32" esame b920 cgr RRE "compare 64" esame b930 cgfr RRE "compare 64<32" esame b908 agr RRE "add 64" esame b918 agfr RRE "add 64<32" esame b909 sgr RRE "subtract 64" esame b919 sgfr RRE "subtract 64<32" esame b90a algr RRE "add logical 64" esame b91a algfr RRE "add logical 64<32" esame b90b slgr RRE "subtract logical 64" esame b91b slgfr RRE "subtract logical 64<32" esame e30000000046 bctg RXE "branch on count 64" esame e3000000002e cvdg RXE "convert to decimal 64" esame e3000000000e cvbg RXE "convert to binary 64" esame e30000000024 stg RXE "store 64" esame e30000000080 ng RXE "and 64" esame e30000000021 clg RXE "compare logical 64" esame e30000000031 clgf RXE "comparee logical 64<32" esame e30000000081 og RXE "or 64" esame e30000000082 xg RXE "exclusive or 64" esame e30000000004 lg RXE "load 64" esame e30000000014 lgf RXE "load 64<32" esame e30000000020 cg RXE "compare 64" esame e30000000030 cgf RXE "compare 64<32" esame e30000000008 ag RXE "add 64" esame e30000000018 agf RXE "add 64<32" esame e30000000009 sg RXE "subtract 64" esame e30000000019 sgf RXE "subtract 64<32" esame e3000000000a alg RXE "add logical 64" esame e3000000001a algf RXE "add logical 64<32" esame e3000000000b slg RXE "subtract logical 64" esame e3000000001b slgf RXE "subtract logical 64<32" esame e3000000000c msg RXE "multiply single 64" esame e3000000001c msgf RXE "multiply single 64<32" esame ec0000000044 brxhg RIE_A "branch relative on index high 64" esame ec0000000045 brxlg RIE_A "branch relative on index low or equal 64" esame eb0000000044 bxhg RSE_R "branch on index high 64" esame eb0000000045 bxleg RSE_R "branch on index low or equal 64" esame eb000000000c srlg RSE_R "shift right single logical 64" esame eb000000000d sllg RSE_R "shift left single logical 64" esame eb000000000a srag RSE_R "shift right single 64" esame eb000000000b slag RSE_R "shift left single 64" esame eb0000000024 stmg RSE_R "store multiple 64" esame eb0000000026 stmh RSE_R "store multiple high" esame eb0000000004 lmg RSE_R "load multiple 64" esame eb0000000096 lmh RSE_R "load multiple high" esame ef lmd SS_LMD "load multiple disjoint" esame eb000000000f tracg RSE_R "trace 64" esame e30000000003 lrag RXE "load real address 64" esame e50000000002 strag SSE "store read address" esame eb0000000025 stctg RSE_R "store control 64" esame eb000000002f lctlg RSE_R "load control 64" esame eb0000000030 csg RSE_R "compare and swap 64" esame eb000000003e cdsg RSE_R "compare double and swap 64" esame eb0000000020 clmh RSE_M "compare logical characters under mask high" esame eb000000002c stcmh RSE_M "store characters under mask high" esame eb0000000080 icmh RSE_M "insert characters under mask high" esame a700 tmlh RI_U "test under mask low high" esame a702 tmhh RI_U "test under mask high high" esame a701 tmll RI_U "test under mask low low" esame a703 tmhl RI_U "test under mask high low" esame c004 brcl RIL_MA "branch relative on condition long" esame c014 jgo RIL_B "jump long on overflow / if ones" esame c024 jgh RIL_B "jump long on high" esame c024 jgp RIL_B "jump long on plus" esame c034 jgnle RIL_B "jump long on not low or equal" esame c044 jgl RIL_B "jump long on low" esame c044 jgm RIL_B "jump long on minus / if mixed" esame c054 jgnhe RIL_B "jump long on not high or equal" esame c074 jgne RIL_B "jump long on not equal" esame c074 jgnz RIL_B "jump long on not zero / if not zeros" esame c084 jge RIL_B "jump long on equal" esame c084 jgz RIL_B "jump long on zero / if zeros" esame c0a4 jghe RIL_B "jump long on high or equal" esame c0b4 jgnl RIL_B "jump long on not low" esame c0b4 jgnm RIL_B "jump long on not minus / if not mixed" esame c0c4 jgle RIL_B "jump long on low or equal" esame c0d4 jgnh RIL_B "jump long on not high" esame c0d4 jgnp RIL_B "jump long on not plus" esame c0e4 jgno RIL_B "jump long on not overflow / if not ones" esame c0f4 jg RIL_B "jump long" esame c005 brasl RIL_A "branch relative and save long" esame a707 brctg RI_A "branch relative on count 64" esame a709 lghi RI "load halfword immediate 64" esame a70b aghi RI "add halfword immediate 64" esame a70d mghi RI "multiply halfword immediate 64" esame a70f cghi RI "compare halfword immediate 64" esame b925 sturg RRE "store using real address 64" esame b90e eregg RRE "extract stacked registers 64" esame b905 lurag RRE "load using real address 64" esame b90c msgr RRE "multiply single 64" esame b91c msgfr RRE "multiply single 64<32" esame b3a4 cegbr RRE "convert from fixed 64 to short bfp" esame b3a5 cdgbr RRE "convert from fixed 64 to long bfp" esame b3a6 cxgbr RRE "convert from fixed 64 to extended bfp" esame b3a8 cgebr RRF_M "convert to fixed short bfd to 64" esame b3a9 cgdbr RRF_M "convert to fixed long bfp to 64" esame b3aa cgxbr RRF_M "convert to fixed extended bfp to 64" esame b3c4 cegr RRE "convert from fixed 64 to short hfp" esame b3c5 cdgr RRE "convert from fixed 64 to long hfp" esame b3c6 cxgr RRE "convert from fixed 64 to extended hfp" esame b3c8 cger RRF_F "convert to fixed short hfp to 64" esame b3c9 cgdr RRF_F "convert to fixed long hfp to 64" esame b3ca cgxr RRF_F "convert to fixed extended hfp to 64" esame 010b tam E "test addressing mode" esame 010c sam24 E "set addressing mode 24" esame 010d sam31 E "set addressing mode 31" esame 010e sam64 E "set addressing mode 64" esame a500 iihh RI_U "insert immediate high high" esame a501 iihl RI_U "insert immediate high low" esame a502 iilh RI_U "insert immediate low high" esame a503 iill RI_U "insert immediate low low" esame a504 nihh RI_U "and immediate high high" esame a505 nihl RI_U "and immediate high low" esame a506 nilh RI_U "and immediate low high" esame a507 nill RI_U "and immediate low low" esame a508 oihh RI_U "or immediate high high" esame a509 oihl RI_U "or immediate high low" esame a50a oilh RI_U "or immediate low high" esame a50b oill RI_U "or immediate low low" esame a50c llihh RI_U "load logical immediate high high" esame a50d llihl RI_U "load logical immediate high low" esame a50e llilh RI_U "load logical immediate low high" esame a50f llill RI_U "load logical immediate low low" esame b2b1 stfl S "store facility list" esame b2b2 lpswe S "load psw extended" esame b90d dsgr RRE "divide single 64" esame b90f lrvgr RRE "load reversed 64" esame b916 llgfr RRE "load logical 64<32" esame b917 llgtr RRE "load logical thirty one bits" esame b91d dsgfr RRE "divide single 64<32" esame b91f lrvr RRE "load reversed 32" esame b986 mlgr RRE "multiply logical 64" esame b987 dlgr RRE "divide logical 64" esame b988 alcgr RRE "add logical with carry 64" esame b989 slbgr RRE "subtract logical with borrow 64" esame b98d epsw RRE "extract psw" esame b996 mlr RRE "multiply logical 32" esame b997 dlr RRE "divide logical 32" esame b998 alcr RRE "add logical with carry 32" esame b999 slbr RRE "subtract logical with borrow 32" esame b99d esea RRE_R "extract and set extended authority" esame c000 larl RIL_A "load address relative long" esame e3000000000d dsg RXE "divide single 64" esame e3000000000f lrvg RXE "load reversed 64" esame e30000000016 llgf RXE "load logical 64<32" esame e30000000017 llgt RXE "load logical thirty one bits" esame e3000000001d dsgf RXE "divide single 64<32" esame e3000000001e lrv RXE "load reversed 32" esame e3000000001f lrvh RXE "load reversed 16" esame e3000000002f strvg RXE "store reversed 64" esame e3000000003e strv RXE "store reversed 32" esame e3000000003f strvh RXE "store reversed 64" esame e30000000086 mlg RXE "multiply logical 64" esame e30000000087 dlg RXE "divide logical 64" esame e30000000088 alcg RXE "add logical with carry 64" esame e30000000089 slbg RXE "subtract logical with borrow 64" esame e3000000008e stpq RXE "store pair to quadword" esame e3000000008f lpq RXE "load pair from quadword" esame e30000000096 ml RXE "multiply logical 32" esame e30000000097 dl RXE "divide logical 32" esame e30000000098 alc RXE "add logical with carry 32" esame e30000000099 slb RXE "subtract logical with borrow 32" esame e30000000090 llgc RXE "load logical character" esame e30000000091 llgh RXE "load logical halfword" esame eb000000001c rllg RSE_R "rotate left single logical 64" esame eb000000001d rll RSE_R "rotate left single logical 32" esame b278 stcke S "store clock extended" esame b2a5 tre RRE "translate extended" esame eb000000008e mvclu RSE_R "move long unicode" esame e9 pka SS_L "pack ascii" esame e1 pku SS_L "pack unicode" esame b993 troo RRE "translate one to one" esame b992 trot RRE "translate one to two" esame b991 trto RRE "translate two to one" esame b990 trtt RRE "translate two to two" esame ea unpka SS_L "unpack ascii" esame e2 unpku SS_L "unpack unicode" esame b358 thder RRE "convert short bfp to long hfp" esame b359 thdr RRE "convert long bfp to long hfp" esame b350 tbedr RRF_M "convert long hfp to short bfp" esame b351 tbdr RRF_M "convert long hfp to long bfp" esame b374 lzer RRE_R "load short zero" esame b375 lzdr RRE_R "load long zero" esame b376 lzxr RRE_R "load extended zero" esame