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diff --git a/gas/COPYING b/gas/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a17037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/COPYING
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ Version 1, February 1989
+ Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
+at the mercy of those companies. By contrast, our General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. The
+General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
+software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
+You can use it for your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
+sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
+software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
+that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
+programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must tell them their rights.
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
+distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The
+"Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based
+on the Program" means either the Program or any work containing the
+Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications. Each
+licensee is addressed as "you".
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
+code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
+disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
+General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
+other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
+along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of
+transferring a copy.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
+it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
+1 above, provided that you also do the following:
+ a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
+ you changed the files and the date of any change; and
+ b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
+ in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
+ with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
+ third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
+ that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
+ third parties, at your option).
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
+ run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
+ in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
+ that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
+ warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
+ conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
+ Public License.
+ d) You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
+ copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
+ exchange for a fee.
+Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
+derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
+the other work under the scope of these terms.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
+it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+ b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
+ for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
+ corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+ c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the
+ corresponding source code may be obtained. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
+Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
+modifications to it. For an executable file, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
+exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
+libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
+file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
+accompany that operating system.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
+Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
+Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
+the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
+the Program under this License. However, parties who have received
+copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
+License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
+remain in full compliance.
+ 5. By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
+on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
+and all its terms and conditions.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
+licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
+terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the
+recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+ 7. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 8. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to humanity, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to
+attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey
+the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
+appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the
+commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
+c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+ program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
+ at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/gas/ChangeLog b/gas/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b45c21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,1196 @@
+Fri Jan 4 12:48:22 EST 1991 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * messages.c Moved as_perror from input-scrub.c Modified the
+ error messages to look better.
+ * output-file.c Don't call as_fatal, just call exit()
+ expr.c Slightly improve checking for foo-foo case in
+ clean_up_expression(). Detect foo: bar: ... foo-bar...
+Tue Dec 4 16:29:20 EST 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * m68k.c Fixed an obscure bug involving AOFF mode with a
+ large constant displacement (Was forgetting to output the
+ extension word.)
+ make-gas.com Added a three line patch from Eric Youngdale that
+ makes it possible to submit make-gas.com to a batch queue.
+Wed Nov 21 15:07:51 EST 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * vms.c (VMS_TBT_Routine_END) Add a four line patch from
+ Eric Youngdale.
+Tue Nov 13 14:02:15 EST 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mti.edu)
+ * vms-dbg.c (VMS_DBG_record()) Another one character patch from
+ Eric Youngdale.
+Mon Oct 29 15:49:21 EST 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * read.c Replace some as_warn calls with as_bad.
+Fri Oct 26 15:21:15 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * i386.c, i860.c, ns32k.c Add const changes.
+Mon Oct 22 14:04:26 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * sparc.c Add const changes.
+ * make-gas.com define const= for VMS, since many older versions of
+ GCC don't work correctly with const under VMS.
+Thu Oct 18 12:44:11 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * i860.c i860-opcode.h Added patches from rgb@mcc.com
+ * read.c, symbols.c, vms.c, + new_file vms-dbg-module.c
+ Added Eric Youngdale's <YOUNGDALE@v6550c.nrl.navy.mil> VMS debugging
+ patches, so debugging GCC output now works.
+ * hash.c (hash_grow) Remember to blank out the wall entry in the new
+ hash table. This is important on systems where malloc() returns
+ non-zero storage. . .
+Tue Oct 16 10:11:35 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * output-file.c (output_file_create) if output filename is given as
+ '-', write to stdout.
+ * m68k.c Finally get the PCREL code to work right. Add relaxation of
+ PCREL stuff This small fix from Ken Woodland
+ (kenny%datacube.uucp@uunet.uu.net).
+ * m68k.c Added some const declarations to constants. (md_relax_table,
+ md_pseudo_table, etc. . .)
+Thu Oct 11 11:15:10 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * Makefile, read.c, write.c Include the i860 port.
+ (New files i860.c i860-opcode.h i860.h)
+ * m68k.c Fix some addressing modes, (AOFF, AINDEX, etc) to work in
+ PC relative mode.
+ * (all over) Raeburn's const hacking. This reduces the data-space size by
+ declaring many tables, etc, as 'const'.
+Mon Oct 22 22:48:22 1990 John Gilmore (gnu at cygint)
+ Make gas work if you turn on the know() checks.
+ * app.c: Only pass a single space through: the one after
+ the opcode. All other whitespace is removed, to match the
+ expectations of the parser in read.c.
+ * as.h: Remove obsolete comments. Remove JF's NDEBUG so
+ that know() can really work if you turn it on. Make
+ * expr.c (operand): Change BITS_PER_INT to 8*sizeof(int).
+ * input-scrub.c: strlen("\0") doesn't return 1...
+ (as_where): Add space after line number in errors, like gcc.
+ * m68k.c (s_bss): Fake .bss into data section 255.
+ We can't cope with a real "BSS section" yet, but we can at
+ least do the right thing less efficiently (with lots of
+ zeroes).
+ * read.c: Turn lots of as_warn()'s into as_bad()'s.
+ * read.h (SKIP_WHITESPACE): Replace last instance of ASSERT()
+ with know().
+ * sparc.c (s_seg): We can't put frags into the BSS segment
+ yet, so just fake bss seg as 255th data segment.
+ * vax.c: Remove \'s from continued macro *parameters*. These
+ must have been added after the last time someone turned on
+ know() checking...
+ * write.c (relax_segment): Refine what we know() about the
+ symbols referenced during relaxation.
+ * Makefile (OTHER_ALIGN): Remove, handled in tables now.
+ Flip options a bit. These options really ought to go
+ elsewhere.
+Sun Oct 21 03:57:21 1990 John Gilmore (gnu at cygint)
+ Sun-3 fixes.
+ * expr.c, write.c: Missing semicolon after know().
+ * write.c (fixup_segment): Allow pc-relative accesses to undefined
+ external symbols. Previously this would turn off pc-rel calc
+ of displacement, while leaving pc-rel opcode alone, botching.
+ * m68k.c (m68k_ip): Allow pc-relative effective addresses
+ for source operands. "pea" instructions are a good example
+ where we can shorten from abs long to pc+16bit.
+ (md_convert_frag): Fix "JBSR" comments to refer to "JSR", the
+ actual instruction. Insert comments about bug in 68000 bcc
+ and dbcc long code (that doesn't get exercised much). Add
+ comments about long pcrel displacements for -pic. Remove
+ "this code has not been tested" comment.
+ (md_estimate_size_before_relax): Now that fixup_segment
+ doesn't shortcircuit pc-relative fixups for undefined symbols,
+ only output them if -pic; else turn them absolute, which is
+ slightly faster. More JBSR->JSR comments.
+ (md_parse_options): Parse -pic.
+Fri Oct 19 14:35:20 1990 John Gilmore (gnu at cygint)
+ * Make sparc assembler more compatible with Sun assembler.
+ sparc.c: reformat pseudo-op table to match main table.
+ (md_assemble): Add SPECIAL_CASE_FDIV to assemble FDIV*
+ instructions as fdiv followed by fmovs to get around chip bug.
+ (s_common, s_seg): Accept "bss" section name.
+ (md_assemble): Handle "set" instructions with absolute
+ operands, that only take one instruction rather than two.
+ sparc-opcode.h (fdiv*): Mark instructions "S"pecial.
+ subsegs.c (subseg_change): Move tail pointer too.
+ symbols.c (colon): Allow new definitions to override .comm symbols,
+ as in VMS. Sun CC depends on this.
+ write.c (new_fix): Always take r_type argument, not just on sparc.
+ Chain fixP's in order, using tail pointer, so relocation
+ records come out in forward order like Sun as. Remove SPARC
+ ifdefs.
+ write.h: Add seg_fix_tailP, data_fix_tailP, text_fix_tailP.
+ * am29k.c: Use s_align_bytes rather than a local copy.
+ * read.c (s_align): Rather than ifdef it, make two functions,
+ s_align_bytes and s_align_ptwo. Individual pseudo-op tables
+ can call whichever one they like.
+ * write.c (append): Move from append.c to here.
+ append.c: Remove file.
+ * Makefile (MDSRC, mdsrc): Easy way to edit all md.c's.
+ Fix options. Add option for -DDEBUG for know() and assert().
+ Remove append.c, am29k.h. Don't build special read-sparc.o.
+ Remove sparc.h. "make clean" removes am29k .o's. Add
+ dependencies on reloc.h.
+Thu Oct 18 17:56:34 1990 John Gilmore (gnu at cygint)
+ * Generalize sparc extensions to relocation info. Gas now
+ keeps relocation information internally in a different format
+ than how it is stored in the resulting .o. md_ri_to_bytes()
+ converts to external format. md_reloc_size says how large
+ each relocation record is in external format.
+ sparc.h: Remove this file. Rename to reloc.h. Rename struct
+ to reloc_info_generic.
+ reloc.h: Add relocation types for AMD 29000.
+ read.c, write.c: Always call fix_new with reloc-type argument.
+ write.c (emit_relocations): Make md_ri_to_bytes write directly
+ to output area rather than overwriting its argument then
+ bcopying it.
+ md.h: Declare md_reloc_size and md_ri_to_bytes.
+ i386.c, am29k.c, vax.c, ms32k.c, m68k.c, sparc.c: include reloc.h.
+ (md_reloc_size): Specify correct value.
+ (md_ri_to_bytes): Convert format from internal to external.
+ write.c (write_object_file): Call md_section_align() which
+ rounds section sizes up if desired.
+ sparc.c (md_section_align): Round to 8 byte boundary.
+ i386.c, am29k.c, vax.c, ns32k.c, m68k.c (md_section_align): Nop.
+Mon Oct 15 22:06:11 1990 John Gilmore (gnu at cygint)
+ Changes in support of the AMD 29000 version of gas.
+ * am29k-opcode.h: Add dummy entry to end so we can examine
+ item N+1 without exceeding table.
+ * am29k.h: New include file, derived from sparc.h. Kludged
+ together, still needs major work to get relocation working.
+ * am29k.c: New file, derived from sparc.c.
+ Put 29k-specific ASM29K pseudo-ops into table.
+ Change comment_chars to ASM29K.
+ Change s_seg to s_use.
+ Change s_sparc_align to s_29k_align, default operand to 4.
+ (define_some_regs): Define special register names.
+ (md_begin): Preprocess opcode table to mash together all
+ the variants of single opcodes. This simplifies later handling.
+ Call define_some_regs to preset special reg names.
+ (parse_operand): Add, parses out an operand from a stmt.
+ (machine_ip): Simplify, since 29K is simpler asm language.
+ Handle the various keyletters in the opcode table.
+ Handle include files in the assembler, with a .include
+ pseudo-op.
+ * as.h (input_scrub_include_file): declare.
+ * as.c (perform_an_assembly_pass): Avoid buffer hacking.
+ Start us off in text segment.
+ * read.c (read_a_source_file): Take a name as argument,
+ internalize all buffer handling. Don't start a new text
+ subsegment on each entry. Actually use the start and end
+ pointers returned by input_scrub_next_buffer.
+ (s_include): Call input_scrub_include_file for .include.
+ * input-scrub.c: Fix comments.
+ (struct input_save): Add, for saving state at .include.
+ (input_scrub_push, input_scrub_pop): Add, push & pop state.
+ (input_scrub_begin): Initialize next_saved_file.
+ (input_scrub_end): Free buffer.
+ (input_scrub_include_file): Add, to include a file.
+ (input_scrub_close): Add, to close a file.
+ (input_scrub_next_buffer): Set buffer-start address for
+ caller. If we hit EOF and were included, pop to previous file.
+ * input-file.c: Remove old includes. Remove old file-descriptor
+ hacking code, that was commented out.
+ (struct saved_file): Add, for saving state at .include.
+ (input_file_push, input_file_pop): Add, push & pop state.
+ (input_file_open): Don't buffer all files in one place.
+ (input_file_close): Add, close input file.
+ * input-file.h: Declare new functions.
+ * app.c: (struct app_save): Add, for saving state at .include.
+ (app_push, app_pop): Add, push and pop state.
+ (do_scrub_next_char): Move its static state variables out so
+ they can be saved and restored.
+ * app.c: Allow overriding of character meanings by machine
+ dependent strings. Avoid wiring character constants into app.c.
+ (do_scrub_begin): New meanings override old ones, not "OR" them.
+ Only handle /* comments if / is not already in use.
+ (do_scrub_next_char): Reorganize mass of nested if's
+ into a switch for speed. Don't assume ';' is line terminator.
+ Reorganize switch on characters, into a switch on their (machine-
+ dependent) lexer table meanings.
+ Encapsulate knowledge of segment types in fewer places.
+ This allows us to add the "SEG_REGISTER" type, as well as
+ providing flexibility for eventual COFF/ELF support.
+ * struc-symbol.h (symbol_to_segment, symbol_to_segment_type,
+ set_symbol_segment, set_symbol_segment_keep_ext,
+ segment_name): Define macros to encapsulate this info.
+ * as.h: Remove externs for seg_name, seg_N_TYPE, N_TYPE_seg.
+ * symbols.c (symbol_new): Change 'type' arg to 'seg'.
+ * expr.c, i386.c, m68k.c, ns32k.c, read.c, symbols.c, vax.c,
+ write.c: Use macros.
+ * i386.c, m68k.c, ns32k.c, vax.c, write.c: Change 2nd arg type of
+ md_estimate_size_before_relax.
+ * expr.c, read.c: Change 'type' arg to symbol_new.
+ * read.c, symbols.c, vax.c, write.c: Move md.h to end of includes.
+ Allow expressions to evaluate to registers.
+ * as.h: Add SEG_REGISTER.
+ * struc-symbol.h: Add fake N_REGISTER type.
+ * subseg.c: Add types to tables.
+ * expr.c (operand): Symbols of SEG_REGISTER type are
+ immediately evaluated like those of SEG_ABSOLUTE.
+ (clean_up_expression): Clean up SEG_REGISTER exprs.
+ Allow machine descriptions to cleanly extend the set of
+ possible operands.
+ * expr.c (operand): Call md_operand before rejecting an
+ operand as unacceptable.
+ * md.h: declare.
+ * i386.c, ns32k.c, m68k.c, sparc.c, vax.c: Define null function.
+ * am29k.c (md_operand): Use this for %% and & prefix operators.
+ Allow machine descriptions to cleanly permit symbols to be
+ predefined upon first usage.
+ * symbols.c (symbol_find_or_make): Call md_undefined_symbol
+ before making an undefined symbol.
+ * md.h: declare.
+ * i386.c, ns32k.c, m68k.c, sparc.c, vax.c: Define null function.
+ * am29k.c (md_undefined_symbol): use this for the local and
+ global register names; since there are hundreds of them, it
+ only defines them upon their first use.
+ * expr.c (operand): Call symbol_find_or_make rather than
+ roll our own undefined symbols.
+ Miscellaneous changes:
+ * as.h (know): Make this useful if DEBUG defined.
+ * write.h: Support SPARC-like relocation throughout all
+ versions.
+ * read.c (read_a_source_file): Report the name of invalid
+ pseudo-ops. Don't double-report junk characters. Close the
+ input file, which gas never used to do.
+ (ignore_rest_of_line): Report junk chars in ascii if
+ printable.
+ (s_ignore): Ignore entire statement; used for 'listing
+ control' statements from ASM29K, e.g. .eject.
+ * read.c (s_lsym): Handle register equates too.
+ * read.c: Add most ASM29K pseudo-ops to the master table.
+ Not all are implemented yet.
+ * cond.c: New file, for functions implementing conditional
+ assembly pseudo-ops: .ifdef, .ifndef, .else, .endif, .ifseq,
+ .ifsne, .end. So far, they are just stubbed out.
+ * read.c (pobegin): Allow the machine dependent pseudo-op
+ table to override the generic one. Remove #ifdef SPARC
+ on .word, since it can now be overridden.
+ * expr.c (operand): Support radix-2 constants. Kill off
+ support for octals with digits '8' and '9'. Initial steps
+ toward more general support for local-labels.
+ * symbols.h (symbol_table_lookup): Remove macro, change all
+ occurrences (in read.c, expr.c, symbols.c) to symbol_find.
+ * read.h (is_end_of_line): Define for external use.
+ * i386.c (alloca): Use builtin_alloca or include or extern.
+ * Makefile: Add ALL and all: entries. Add asm29k entries.
+ Add cond.c and cond.o. Remove special handling for messages.o.
+ Add lint entry.
+Thu Sep 27 13:43:49 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * m68k.c (get_num) Fix so that 1:w is treated properly.
+ * Makefile Replace references to a.out.h with a.out.gnu.h
+Tue Sep 25 15:50:36 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * sparc.c (md_number_to_imm) Fix so that RELOC_32 locations contain
+ zero, so that it will work with some sparc loaders which don't assume
+ that the locations in question do. A xix line patch from Michael Bloom
+ (usc!srhqla!quad1!psivax!ttidca!mb@zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu)
+Mon Sep 24 11:43:15 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * as.c #include <sys/types.h> if _POSIX_SOURCE defined. This because
+ <signal.h> uses pid_t that's defined in it.
+ * m68k.c reverse the sense of -l option, and allow :w and :l to
+ override the default size of AOFF indexes.
+ Also, allow -l to shorten branches to unknown labels from LONG to WORD.
+Thu Sep 13 17:05:09 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * vax.c (md_parse_option) Don't print a warning msg if given -J
+Wed Sep 5 14:26:14 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason
+ * expr.c (operand) Don't get garbaged high-order bits when given a
+ lot of leading zeroes.
+Tue Sep 4 11:40:21 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason
+ * read.c (pseudo_set) Compain if we're setting the symbol to the
+ difference of two symbols which are in different frags. (We can't
+ find out how far apart they are.)
+Wed Aug 15 12:18:58 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason
+ * m68k.c (m68k_ip_op) Dyke out the code that deals with parsing
+ :[wl] at the end of expressions since it is handled in get_num()
+ and this was putting the result in the wrong place anyway.
+ Corrected a couple of other references to ->isiz instead of con?->e_siz
+Mon Aug 13 15:53:46 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason
+ * read.c Handle .align specially on the sparc, or any other machine
+ where OTHER_ALIGN is defined. Added option and comments about it
+ to Makefile.
+Fri Aug 10 12:24:33 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason
+ * m68k.c (get_num) Handle SEG_PASS1 expressions.
+Mon Aug 6 16:32:29 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason
+ * write.c (fixup_segment) Added two patches for the NS32k
+ and SEQUENT A six line patch from Ian Dall
+ (asgard!aegir!hugin!augean!sibyl!ian@munnari.oz.au)
+Wed Aug 1 13:30:48 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * m68k.c Include REGISTER_PREFIX ifdefs.
+ * write.c Include LOCAL_LABEL() and DOT_LABEL_PREFIX feature.
+ * vax.c (md_parse_option) Accept -H option.
+ * vms.c New version of case hasher, etc. These from Eric Youngdale
+ <YOUNGDALE@v6550c.nrl.navy.mil>
+Fri Jul 20 13:39:02 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+Wed Jul 18 16:29:22 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * Makefile Added option for SEQUENT_COMPATABILITY
+ * ns32k.c Add configurable syntax feature from
+ ian@sibyl.eleceng.ua.oz@augean.ua.oz.au
+ * ns32k-opcode.h Add configurable syntax feature.
+Mon Jul 16 11:44:14 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * write.c (relax_segment) On ns32k, add fragP->fr_pcrel_adjust to
+ aim.
+ (fixup_segment) On ns32k, don't subtract size from
+ add_number on pcrel external symbols.
+ * ns32k.c (md_relax_table) Use correct max displacements.
+ This is a six-line patch from ian@sibyl.eleceng.ua.oz.au
+ * ns32k.c (md_atof, convert_iif) Emit floating point numbers in
+ the correct byte order. A seven line patch from
+ ian@sibyl.eleceng.ua.oz.au
+ * ns32k.c (all over) Some lint fixes.
+Mon Jul 9 13:17:00 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * app.c (do_scrub_next_char) If a comment is #{whitespace}
+ don't treat the next line as comment also.
+ * m68k.c (...) Accept apc@(num:[wl]), etc.
+ * i386.c (md_assemble) Get bitfields correct when doing cross
+ assembly to 386. A two line patch from Michael Bloom.
+ (usc!srhqla!quad1!ttidca!mb@zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu).
+ * README.APOLLO a new file with vasta@apollo's name, address
+ and phone # in it.
+ * make-gas.com Deleted references to gdb source files.
+Fri Jul 6 14:34:27 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * i386.c Ignore the .optim directive
+ * input-file.c Change from _IOLBF to _IOFBF in setbuffer emulation
+ for SYSV.
+Mon Jun 18 15:36:49 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * sparc.c #ifdef DONTDEF s_sparc_align, since it isn't called from
+ anywhere.
+Fri Jun 15 15:53:30 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * vax.c (md_parse_option) make the code agree with the documentation
+ on the behaviour of the -d option.
+Thu Jun 7 14:23:54 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * atof-ieee.c (gen_to_words) Assemble 0r-0 correctly.
+ * Makefile Remove last references to gdb*.c files.
+ * version.c New version 1.36
+Tue May 22 13:22:26 EDT 1990 Jay Fenlason (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * Makefile Mention a work-around for a possible problem with HPUX7.0
+Mon May 21 14:06:04 1990 Jim Kingdon (kingdon at pogo.ai.mit.edu)
+ * sparc.c (sparc_ip): Change error message from "not in hash table"
+ to "unknown opcode".
+Wed May 16 15:33:14 EDT 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * i386.c (i386_operand) Print error msg if given an operand like
+ 4(mumble) which we can't parse.
+ * m68k.c (md_assemble) Add '3' to the list of operand-places that
+ can be found in 'symbol-dependent info'. Also change
+ 'confusing width' diagnostic to something more meaningful.
+Fri May 11 12:09:21 EDT 1990 hack@wookumz
+ app.c (do_scrub_next_char) Don't flush the line after a line
+ consisting of a single '/' A one-line patch from Mike Kupfer
+ (kupfer@orc.olivetti.com)
+ * i386.c (md_assemble) Call frag_wane() before calling frag_new()
+ A one line patch from Steve Bleazard (steve@robobar.co.uk
+Tue May 8 12:56:25 EDT 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * atof-generic.c (atof-generic) Modified the Infinity detection code
+ to accept 0rinfinity and 0r-infinity as well as 0rinf and 0r-inf
+Thu Apr 26 15:17:31 EDT 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * atof-ieee.c Change value of NaNs to 0x7fff ffff (float) and
+ 0x7fff ffff ffff ffff (double) If you want some other value for
+ NaN, use .long and spell it out yourself.
+ atof-generic.c (atof_generic) Cleaned up code that detects NaN
+ and Inf.
+ vax.c (md_assemble) print a useful error message if expression()
+ returns SEG_PASS1 or SEG_DIFFERENCE and we can't deal with those.
+Thu Apr 19 10:30:47 EDT 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * input-scrub.c (AFTER_STRING) Make AFTER_STRING contain a null
+ so that the strstr() call when looking for "#NO_APP" after a "#APP"
+ will work. A two character patch from Bruce Robertson
+ (bruce@heather.pooh.com)
+ * Makefile, i386.c Use atof-ieee.c instead of atof-i386.c
+Mon Apr 16 16:20:55 EDT 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * m68k.c (md_relax_table) Many of the offsets were off by two.
+ Fixed some generic spacing problems thoughout the file.
+Thu Apr 12 12:22:35 EDT 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * sparc.c (md_ri_to_chars) Handle little-endian cross assembly.
+ * write.c (relax_segment) Compare addresses correctly to avoid
+ accidentally relaxing a branch that we don't have to.
+ These small changes from John Gilmore (gnu@toad.com)
+Fri Apr 6 12:52:15 EDT 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * Makefile, expr.c symbols.c Correctly document the SUN_ASM_SYNTAX
+ option, and make it work.
+Tue Mar 20 12:46:59 EST 1990
+ * as.c (main) Only trap SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGPIPE, and SIGTERM,
+ and only if they aren't being ignored. A three line patch
+ from Paul Eggert (eggert@twinsun.com)
+ * write.c (relax_segment) Correct typo 'growth - ' should have been
+ growth =
+ * atof-vax.c (next_bits, flonum_gen2vax) Clean up by sharing some
+ variables. While we're at it, fix next_bits so that it
+ doesn't use littlenums that don't exist. . .
+Tue Mar 13 16:23:21 EST 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * Rename atof-m68k.c atof-ieee.c
+ * Delete atof-ns32k.c
+ * m68k.c sparc.c ns32k.c atof-ieee.c Call atof-ieee instead of
+ atof-m68k or atof-ns32k
+ * Makefile Compile with atof-ieee.c instead of atof-ns32k.c or
+ atof-m68k.c
+Mon Mar 12 14:06:55 EST 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * as.c If the signal handler gets called twice, exit immediatly.
+ * ns32k.c Call gen_to_words with a pointer of the proper type, and
+ call md_number_to_chars to put the results in the proper byte-order.
+ Whoever wrote this code was *sloppy*!
+ * Makefile ns32k.o depends on ns32k.c
+ * vax.c (md_parse_option) If VMS, accept -+ and -h options.
+ * vms.c (VMS_Case_Hack_Symbol) Replace #if NO_CASE_HACKING
+ with references to the -h option. These small VMS patches
+ from Angel Li (angel@flipper.miami.edu).
+Thu Mar 8 19:18:59 EST 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * vms.c Some trivial patches from Eric Youngdale
+ (YOUNGDALE@v6550c.nrl.navy.mil)
+Wed Mar 7 17:12:09 EST 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * make-gas.com (Define error as as_fatal when compiling vax.c and vms.c
+ A two line patch from Eric Youngdale
+ (YOUNGDALE@v6550c.nrl.navy.mil)
+Tue Mar 6 16:01:09 EST 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * Makefile Include ns32k options in makefile. A small patch from
+ David Taylor (taylor@think.com).
+ * as.c read.c write.c Makefile #ifdef DONTDEF out all the gdb
+ symbol stuff, since it isn't used anymore and it doesn't work.
+Mon Mar 5 14:51:04 EST 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * i386.c (md_assemble) Replace memchr() with index().
+ * as.c Trap signals 1 through NSIG, print an error msg, and don't
+ produce an object file.
+ * m68k.c Added a hack so that fsincosx fpx,fpy:fpz works.
+ * messages.c New function: as_bad This is like as_warn, except
+ -W doesn't disable it, and calling it inhibits production of an
+ object file and causes a non-zero exit code.
+Tue Feb 13 14:25:53 EST 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * Makefile Include G0 and LOADLIBES for Sequent Symmetry.
+ Based on a small patch from Johan Widen (jw@sics.se)
+Thu Feb 1 14:08:58 EST 1990 hack@wookumz
+ * m68k.c Replace 'abort' with 'abort()' which will work.
+Wed Jan 24 17:15:08 EST 1990 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * read.c (ignore_rest_of_line) Have it print the first junk char
+ in both decimal and %c form.
+ (read_a_source_file) On bad pseudo-op, print out the unknown
+ pseudo-op's name.
+Tue Jan 23 13:12:48 EST 1990 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * read.c (pseudo_set) If the symbol is external, have it remain
+ external.
+ * i386-opcode.h Allow jc as a synonym for jb and jnc as a syn for jnb.
+Wed Jan 3 09:35:31 EST 1990 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * ns32k.c [cpureg_032] Change register id of psr from 0x0b to 0x0d
+ * ns32k-opcode.h Change shift-counts for lsh and lshd
+ to one byte instead of 2 and 4.
+ A Trivial patch from John F. Peters (think!ames!practic.com!jfp@eddie)
+Tue Dec 5 16:37:44 EST 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * ns32k.c (md_create_{long,short}_jump) Six line patch from
+ John F Peters (think!ames!vine!practice.com!jfp) to use the
+ correct addressing mode and byte-order for broken-word stuff.
+ * write.c (write_object_file) One line patch to call fix_new_ns32k
+ with the correct # of args.
+Fri Dec 1 16:44:21 EST 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * atof-generic.c, flonum-mult.c A real fix for the trailing-zeroes
+ problem from Georg Feil (ghfeil@white.toronto.edu) (two line change)
+Mon Nov 27 15:30:46 EST 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * i386-opcode.h Fixed opcode-table entry for ljmp. A one char
+ patch from eliot@mgm.mit.edu
+Mon Nov 20 12:41:28 EST 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * expr.c Replace the generic_buffer hack with a more portable one */
+ * atof-generic.c (atof_generic) Ignore trailing zeroes after a decimal
+ point. For some reason trailing zeroes (but not trailing nonzeroes) were
+ causing loss of precision. I don't know why. . .
+ * vms.c Change copyright notice. Install changes from Kenneth Adelman
+ (adelman@tgv.com) for c++? (A dozen lines or so)
+Mon Nov 13 11:48:44 EST 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * Makefile Add BINDIR and use it to control where the executable is
+ installed.
+ * i386.c Use __builtin_alloca if possible (trivial patch from
+ Marco S. Hyman pacbell!dumbcat!marc)
+Mon Nov 6 18:24:47 EST 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * version.c New version: 1.35 will be distributed with the
+ 1.36 gcc release.
+Mon Oct 30 10:38:11 EST 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * atof-m68k.c (atof_m68k) Don't put the bits[] array on the stack,
+ since it may be pointed to after atof-m68k exits.
+Tue Oct 24 11:15:57 EDT 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * atof-m68k.c Added #define for bcopy on USG systems.
+ #ifdef TEST the print_gen() function.
+ * a.out.h if USE_HP_INC_HDR then use ../binutils/hp-include/a.out.h
+Fri Oct 13 14:36:48 EDT 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * vax.c (all) Ran vax through indent -gnu to make it readable.
+ vax.c (vip_op) Correctly assemble code like jmp $*0x11223344
+ by setting vip_nbytes to 4 when using an immediate address.
+ I hope this works!
+ m68k.c (s_proc (new)) Added s_proc no-op pseudo-op.
+ Makefile Added instructions for compiling on Sequent Symmetry
+ and HP 9000/300.
+ a.out.h Modified to compile on Sequent and HP above. (HP port
+ based on a msg from asjl@comp.vuw.ac.nz (real name unknown)).
+Tue Oct 10 14:39:44 EDT 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * vax.c (vip_op) Fixed a typo in an error msg and cleaned
+ up some spacing stuff.
+Wed Sep 27 19:07:12 EDT 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * app.c (do_scrub_next_char) Fixed parsing of
+ # <line> "file" garbage
+ text so that it'll work again? (8 line patch from Mike Hibler
+ (mike@cs.utah.edu))
+Mon Sep 18 16:26:01 EDT 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * app.c (do_scrub_next_char): Modify parsing of /* ... */ to work
+ on the text /* ****/
+ * sparc.c (sparc_ip): Don't abort on insns that use the Alternate
+ Spaces. Try to assemble them correctly.
+Thu Sep 14 11:42:44 EDT 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * sparc.c (md_number_to_imm) Dozen line patch from jkp@sauna.hut.fi
+ (Jyrki Kuoppala) so that gas output will work with shared libraries.
+ * ns32k.c Include <string.h> instead of <strings.h> if USG defined.
+ (md_end) free(freeptr_static) instead of free(freeptr) .
+ * atof-ns32k.c Include as.h so that sysV stuff (bzero) will be
+ defined if needed. These ns32k changes from
+ nixbur!mollers.pad@seismo.css.gov (Josef Moellers)
+Fri Sep 1 11:39:52 EDT 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * atof-m68k.c (gen_to_words) Get the sign right on negative
+ floating-point numbers.
+Wed Aug 30 13:59:57 EDT 1989 hack@ai.mit.edu
+ * Makefile Remove the rest of the $< entries that kill sun make
+Fri Aug 25 15:00:30 EDT 1989 Nobody You Know (hack@ai.mit.edu)
+ * atof-m68k.c (gen_to_words) deal with denormalized floating-point
+ numbers.
+Tue Aug 22 02:03:05 1989 Roland McGrath (roland at hobbes.ai.mit.edu)
+ * Makefile (gas-dist.tar): Put ChangeLog in the tar file.
+ * version.c: Added comment telling Jay Fenl--I mean people--not to put
+ changes in version.c, but to use ChangeLog instead.
+ * version.c (version_string): Put "GNU" in all-caps.
+ * version.c: Moved all comments about changes to ChangeLog (this file).
+ Many anonymous entries have been attributed to Jay Fenlason (hack).
+Thu Aug 17 15:53:57 1989 Jay Fenlason (hack at apple-gunkies.ai.mit.edu)
+ * Makefile: Removed $< references that seem
+ to choke some versions of make.
+ * frags.c (frag_grow): Fixed to deal with requests for very
+ large frags (larger than frags.chunk_size).
+ * app.c (do_scrub_next_char): Have it ignore any characters
+ after the filename in a # line "filename".
+ * sparc.c (s_common): On an error, don't print out
+ input_line_pointer past the end of the line where the error is.
+ * atof-generic.c (atof_generic): Accept any case for
+ inf and nan.
+ * m68k.c (m68_ip): Don't use PC-relative mode for alterable
+ addressing modes.
+Tue Aug 15 04:58:36 1989 Roland McGrath (roland at apple-gunkies.ai.mit.edu)
+ * sparc.c (md_begin): Rewrote this function to perform consistency
+ checks with the new opcode table.
+Fri Aug 11 16:01:16 1989 Roland McGrath (roland at apple-gunkies.ai.mit.edu)
+ * sparc-opcode.h (struct sparc_opcode): Replaced `mask' field with
+ `lose'; removed `last' field. Updated all opcodes accordingly.
+ Fixed several opcodes that generated the wrong instructions.
+ sparc.c (md_begin, sparc_ip): Changed to use new struct sparc_opcode.
+Thu Aug 3 14:44:24 1989 Jay Fenlason (hack at apple-gunkies.ai.mit.edu)
+ * Makefile (a32k): Use read- and write-ns32k.o
+ * ns32k.c (encode_operand): Make sure pcrel_adjust starts out zeroed.
+ * read.c (cons): Call fix_new_ns32k() if NS32K is defined.
+ * write.c (write_object_file): Ditto.
+ These so that .word sym-sym (etc) will produce values with
+ the proper byte-order.
+Wed Aug 2 12:55:?? 1989 Jay Fenlason (hack at apple-gunkies.ai.mit.edu)
+ * sparc.c (comment_chars[]): Removed '|' because it was causing
+ problems. Probably not the best fix, since I suspect other
+ assemblers (68020) may get | in .stabs also, and the 68020 needs
+ the '|' comment character.
+Mon Jul 31 09:22:28 1989 Roland McGrath (roland at apple-gunkies.ai.mit.edu)
+ * sparc.c (sparc_ip): Allow the characters [0123] in opcodes.
+Tue Jul 25 16:32:12 1989 Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * atof-generic.c (atof_generic): Tried to keep
+ size_of_digits_in_littlenum from going negative.
+ * sparc-opcode.h: Added duplicate [i+1] entries to go with
+ the [1+i] entries already there. A kludgy fix, but it works.
+Mon Jul 24 17:20:03 1989 Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * write.c (relax_segment): Modified rs_org code so it won't
+ occasionally dump core.
+ * write.c (pseudo_set): Modified SEG_DIFFERENCE to (perhaps)
+ allow one to set a symbol to the difference of two other symbols.
+ * ns32k.c (convert_iif): Moved size_so_far+=size and size=0 inside
+ the check for a valid type.
+ * sparc-opcode.h: Modified the entries for std "q,[1+i]", "D,[1+i]",
+ and "Q,[1+i]".
+(In version 1.34) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * Makefile: Reorganized, added stuff to make asparc.
+ * sparc.c, sparc-opcode.h, sparc.h: Sparc port.
+ * write.c: Set the size of text and bss segments to a multiple of eight
+ bytes.
+ * m68k.c: Moved .single pseudo-op to machine independent part.
+ * atof-generic.c: Fixed type in #ifdef __GNUC__.
+ * sparc-opcode.h: Handle "mov REG, %y".
+ * make-gas.com: Know that error.c no longer exists.
+ * sparc.c: Handle [expr+reg].
+ Don't call getExpression when looking for an immediate and getting
+ something that starts with % and isn't %hi or %lo.
+ * Teach the 68k about long conditional branches.
+(In version 1.33) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * Use __builtin_alloca if available.
+ * README: Added more instructions for reporting bugs.
+ * ns32k-opcode.h: Changed the acbb, acbw, and acbd insns.
+ * vax.c: Replaced instances of LENGTH[STRING] with STRING[LENGTH].
+ * ns32k.c (encode_operand): Increased max size of bit field for exts
+ and inss instructions from 31 to 32 bits.
+ * flonum-mult.c (flonum_multip): Fixed typo.
+ * m68kc.: Allow #32 to be the same as #0 for bit-field ops.
+ * make-gas.com, version.c, hex-value.c, flonum-const.c: VMS fixes.
+ * ns32k.c, ns32k-opcode.h: More fixes from taylor@think.com.
+ Mostly typos in comments, etc.
+ * ns32k-opcode.h: Fixed size of immediate operands to andw and andd
+ instructions.
+(In version 1.32) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * read.c (s_set): Fixed misnamed variable.
+ * as.c: Don't hang if given an invalid option.
+ * m68k.c: Fixed bug in creating absolute long addresses for branches.
+ * ns3k*: Some small ns32k patches.
+ * m68k.c: Recognize 0rnan, 0rinf, 0r-inf.
+ * app.c: Don't dump core on unterminated strings.
+ * symbols.c: Give reasonable error messages.
+ * ns32k*: Allow -m32032 and -m32532 options.
+ * atof-*.c: Added support for NaN, Inf, and -Inf in atof_generic and
+ the various descriptions.
+ * m68k.c (add_fix): Replace occurrences of "width==" with
+ "(width)==". This correct a precedence problem.
+ * write.c, struc-symbol.h, m68k-opcode.h, m-hpux.h, Makefile: Changes
+ for HP-UX from Chris Hanson (cph@kleph.ai.mit.edu).
+ * m68k-opcode.h: Reorder movem insns so gdb will see the ones using the
+ register list syntax first.
+ * symbols.c (colon): Give more useful error messages when something was
+ defined as a .comm and is now trying to be defined locally.
+ Also, redefining a symbol is a fatal, not a warning.
+ * m68k.c: Fixed a bug in using bignums as literal bit patterns for
+ floating-point numbers.
+(In version 1.31) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * i386*: More patches.
+ * Moved machine-dependent option parsing into the machine-dependent
+ source files.
+(In version 1.30) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * i386*: New new version.
+ * atof-m68k.c: Changed to be smaller, with somewhat better modularity.
+ Also fixed an obscure bug wherein next_bits would return random bits.
+ * m68k.c: Be more careful about creating PC-relative addressing modes
+ on the 68000 and 68010.
+ * frags.c (frag_new): Zero out the new frag.
+ * Don't choke on "foo= bar" or on formfeeds.
+ * read.c: Allow Sun-syntax local labels #ifdef SUN_ASM_SYNTAX.
+ * m-sun3.h: Defined SUN_ASM_SYNTAX.
+(In version 1.29) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * i386.c: Newer version that fixes a bug wherein a jump instruction
+ would be split between two frags.
+ * i386*: New version.
+ * m68k.c: #ifdef M_SUN and -m68010, produce Sun-2 executables.
+(In version 1.28) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * m68k.c: Added .single pseudo-op.
+ * Made ". = X" and ".set .,X" equivalent to ".org X".
+ The pseudo-symbol "." has the value of the location the assembler is
+ currently assembling to.
+(In version 1.27) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * Merged ns32k and i386 support.
+(In version 1.26) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * Added partial ns32k support.
+ * Added RMS's evil .word misfeature. Invented the -k (kludge) option
+ to warn that this misfeature was used.
+ * Modified some files to get rid of warnings from GCC.
+ * Added fix so that / can also be a comment character by itself.
+(In version 1.25) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * Installed patches for VMS.
+ * as.h (SIZEOF_STRUCT_FRAG): Added space before backslash-newline.
+ * messages.c: Fixed typo.
+ * app.c: Handle : correctly.
+ * error.c: Removed; no longer used.
+ * m68k-opcode.h: Added fnop.
+ Fixed to correctly handle fmovem with a register list and
+ non-predecriment addressing mode.
+ * m68k-opcode.h: Fixed to know about long form of FBcc insns.
+ * write.c: Warn if a fixup ended up being wider than its field width.
+(In version 1.24) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * Accept and ignore -mc68010 and -m68010 switches.
+ * Correctly assemble long subroutine calls on the 68000 without using a
+ 68020-specific instruction.
+ * When calling with no filenames, read stdin.
+(In version 1.23) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * app.c: Rewritten.
+ * xmalloc.c, xrealloc.c: Replaced to work with GCC.
+(In version 1.22) Jay Fenlason (hack)
+ * write.c: Fixed a VMS bug.
+ * m68k.c: Fixed a bug having to do with turning absolute into
+ PC-relative.
+ * atof-m68k.c (atof_m68k, gen_to_words): Try to avoid a problem with
+ running off the end of the LITTLENUMS.
+ * vax.c: Fixed so parenthesized expressions work.
+ * atof-generic.c: Added a cast that fixes problems with some C
+ compilers.
+(In version 1.21)
+ * Changes for VMS support and correct bitfield order for
+ cross-assembly.
+(In version 1.20)
+ * m68k*: Fixed "fmovel #N, fpcr". Added fpcr and fpsr to the list of
+ registers.
+(In version 1.19)
+ * m68k.c? (md_convert_frag): Don't put the fixups for absolute long to
+ PC-relative in the data segment.
+ * atof-generic.c: #include <alloca.h> #ifdef sparc.
+(In version 1.18)
+ * Re-fixed _vfprintf stuff (?).
+ * Made "movem REG, ADDR" work.
+ * Improved preprocessing, without temporary files.
+(In version 1.17)
+ * Don't produce an undefined empty symbol for ".globl foo," (a line
+ ending with a comma).
+ * Fixed a bug wherein ".long X" became ".long 0" on the Sparc.
+ * Fixed a bug which caused many "#APP" "#NO_APP" pairs to dump core.
+ * Fixed calls to _doprnt to call _vfprintf #ifndef NO_VARARGS.
+(In version 1.16)
+ * Merged HP-UX changes from Chris Hanson (cph@zurich.ai.mit.edu).
+ * flonum-multip.c: Renamed to flonum-mult.c.
+ * m-hpux.h: Created.
+ * m68k.c (bcopy): Fixed.
+(In version 1.15)
+ * struct-symbol.h: Renamed to struc-symbol.h.
+(In version 1.14)
+ * vax.c: Added a quick fix for the offset of fixed-width branches not
+ fitting in the field given.
+ * gdb-lines.c, read.c: Added support for .gdline and .gdbline
+ pseudo-ops.
+(In version 1.13)
+ * read.c, atof-generic.c: Fixed bugs in reading in floating-point
+ numbers.
+ * m68k-opcode.h: Made "fmovep a0@, fp0" work.
+(In version 1.12)
+ * write.c: Fixed an obscure bug in relaction that would occasionally
+ cause the assembler to stop relaxing when it really had at least one
+ more pass to do.
+(In version 1.11)
+ * m68k*: Allow register lists in fmovem.
+ * Added more floating-point exponents.
+ * Print an error message on exponent overflow.
+(In version 1.10)
+ * Fixed floating point bugs that made it generate incorrect numbers for
+ values over 10^16 or so.
+(In version 1.09)
+ * Fixed bug wherein you couldn't forward reference local label 0.
+(In version 1.08)
+ * m68k.c, m68k-opcode.h: Added support for fmovem with register lists.
+ * Fixed an obscure bug having to do with generating PC-relative
+ addressing mode for things in the middle of the instruction instead of
+ at the end.
+Wed Mar 1 15:29:24 1989 Randall Smith (randy at apple-gunkies.ai.mit.edu)
+ * *.*: Modified copyright notices to reflect new General Public
+ License.
+ * Makefile: Added copyright notice.
+Fri Feb 17 09:42:01 1989 Jay Fenlason (hack at spiff)
+ * Patched frags.c so that new frags start out bzero()ed.
+Thu Jan 26 14:23:44 1989 Jay Fenlason (hack at apple-gunkies.ai.mit.edu)
+ * Added patches from pace to files as.h i386.c i386-opcode.h
+ imull foo,%eax no longer gets assembled into the 32-64 bit
+ multiply, which clobbers %edx behind gcc's back
+ jcxz/jecxz were backwards
+ There was a bug when using %ebp as a base register with no
+ displacement
+ Instructions like andb $0xffffff, %al used to put out too many
+ immediate bytes
+ The splitting jump instructions across frags could happen when
+ obstack_room()==6 too.
+Local Variables:
+mode: indented-text
+left-margin: 8
+version-control: never
diff --git a/gas/Makefile-intel b/gas/Makefile-intel
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..54487c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/Makefile-intel
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# Makefile for gas960
+# $Id$
+# The following two lines should be uncommented for system V (i386v).
+#__i386v__#USG = -DUSG
+#__i386v__#LIBS = -lmalloc -lPW
+# The following two lines should be uncommented for HP-UX
+#__hp9000__#USG = -DUSG
+# The following line should be uncommented for Macintosh A/UX.
+#__mac-aux__#USG = -DUSG
+#Always build with static libraries on Sun systems
+#__sun3__#LDFLAGS = -Bstatic
+#__sun386i__#LDFLAGS = -Bstatic
+#__sun4__#LDFLAGS = -Bstatic
+# Essential under System V, harmless elsewhere
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+TARG = gas960
+OPT = -g
+IPATH = ../../include
+CFLAGS = ${OPT} ${USG} -DI80960 -I${IPATH}
+OBJS = app.o append.o as.o atof-generic.o bignum-copy.o expr.o \
+ flonum-const.o flonum-copy.o flonum-mult.o frags.o gdb-blocks.o \
+ gdb-file.o gdb-lines.o gdb-symbols.o gdb.o hash.o hex-value.o \
+ input-file.o input-scrub.o messages.o obstack.o output-file.o read.o \
+ strstr.o subsegs.o symbols.o version.o write.o xmalloc.o xrealloc.o
+# Note that we use the 386 floating-point support for the i80960
+I960OBJ = i960.o i960-opcode.o atof-i386.o
+gas960: ${OBJS} ${I960OBJ} VERSION
+ make ver960.o
+ ${CC} -o gas960 ${LDFLAGS} ${OBJS} ${I960OBJ} ver960.o ${LIBS}
+hash.o: hash.c
+ ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} -Derror=as_fatal hash.c
+xmalloc.o: xmalloc.c
+ ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} -Derror=as_fatal xmalloc.c
+xrealloc.o: xrealloc.c
+ ${CC} -c ${CFLAGS} -Derror=as_fatal xrealloc.c
+app.o: as.h
+as.o: ${IPATH}/b.out.h as.h read.h struc-symbol.h write.h
+atof-generic.o: flonum.h
+bignum-copy.o: bignum.h
+expr.o: ${IPATH}/b.out.h as.h expr.h flonum.h obstack.h read.h
+expr.o: struc-symbol.h symbols.h
+flonum-const.o: flonum.h
+flonum-copy.o: flonum.h
+flonum-mult.o: flonum.h
+flonum-print.o: flonum.h
+frags.o: ${IPATH}/b.out.h as.h frags.h obstack.h struc-symbol.h subsegs.h
+gdb.o: as.h
+gdb-blocks.o: as.h
+gdb-lines.o: as.h frags.h obstack.h
+gdb-symbols.o: ${IPATH}/b.out.h as.h struc-symbol.h
+hash.o: hash.h
+i960.o: as.h ${IPATH}/b.out.h expr.h flonum.h frags.h hash.h
+i960.o: i960-opcode.h md.h obstack.h struc-symbol.h write.h
+i960-opcode.o: i960-opcode.h
+input-file.o: input-file.h
+input-scrub.o: as.h input-file.h read.h
+messages.o: as.h
+obstack.o: obstack.h
+read.o: ${IPATH}/b.out.h as.h expr.h flonum.h frags.h hash.h md.h
+read.o: obstack.h read.h struc-symbol.h symbols.h
+subsegs.o: ${IPATH}/b.out.h as.h frags.h obstack.h struc-symbol.h subsegs.h
+subsegs.o: write.h
+symbols.o: ${IPATH}/b.out.h as.h frags.h hash.h obstack.h struc-symbol.h
+symbols.o: symbols.h
+write.o: ${IPATH}/b.out.h as.h md.h obstack.h struc-symbol.h subsegs.h
+write.o: symbols.h write.h
+flonum.h: bignum.h
+# 'VERSION' file must be present and contain a string of the form "x.y"
+ver960.c: FORCE
+ rm -f ver960.c
+ echo "char ${TARG}_ver[]= \"${TARG} `cat VERSION`, `date`\";" > ver960.c
+# This target should be invoked before building a new release.
+# 'VERSION' file must be present and contain a string of the form "x.y"
+ @V=`cat VERSION` ; \
+ MAJ=`sed 's/\..*//' VERSION` ; \
+ MIN=`sed 's/.*\.//' VERSION` ; \
+ V=$$MAJ.`expr $$MIN + 1` ; \
+ rm -f VERSION ; \
+ echo $$V >VERSION ; \
+ echo Version $$V
+# Dummy target to force execution of dependent targets.
+# 'G960BASE' will be defined at invocation
+ make ${TARG} OPT=-O
+ strip ${TARG}
+ rm -f ${G960BASE}/bin/${TARG}
+ mv ${TARG} ${G960BASE}/bin/${TARG}
+ rm -f ${TARG} *.o core
+# Target to uncomment host-specific lines in this makefile. Such lines must
+# have the following string beginning in column 1: #__<hostname>__#
+# Original Makefile is backed up as 'Makefile.old'.
+# Invoke with: make make HOST=xxx
+ -@if test $(HOST)x = x ; then \
+ echo 'Specify "make make HOST=???"'; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi ; \
+ grep -s "^#The next line was generated by 'make make'" Makefile; \
+ if test $$? = 0 ; then \
+ echo "Makefile has already been processed with 'make make'";\
+ exit 1; \
+ fi ; \
+ mv -f Makefile Makefile.old; \
+ echo "#The next line was generated by 'make make'" >Makefile ; \
+ echo "HOST=$(HOST)" >>Makefile ; \
+ echo >>Makefile ; \
+ sed "s/^#__$(HOST)__#//" < Makefile.old >>Makefile
diff --git a/gas/Makefile.generic b/gas/Makefile.generic
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..1bf57a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/Makefile.generic
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+host = generic
+target = generic
+# Makefile for GNU Assembler
+# Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#This file is part of GNU GAS.
+#GNU GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#any later version.
+#GNU GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with GNU GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+#the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# $Id$
+# The targets for external use include:
+# all, doc, proto, install, uninstall, includes, TAGS,
+# clean, cleanconfig, realclean, stage1, stage2, stage3, stage4.
+# Variables that exist for you to override.
+# See below for how to change them for certain systems.
+CFLAGS = -g $(XCFLAGS) # -I$(srcdir)/../include
+OLDCC = cc
+BISON = bison
+AR = ar
+AR_FLAGS = rc
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# on sysV, define this as cp.
+INSTALL = install -c
+# These permit overriding just for certain files.
+# Define this as & to perform parallel make on a Sequent.
+# Note that this has some bugs, and it seems currently necessary
+# to compile all the gen* files first by hand to avoid erroneous results.
+P =
+# How to invoke ranlib.
+RANLIB = ranlib
+# Test to use to see whether ranlib exists on the system.
+RANLIB_TEST = [ -f /usr/bin/ranlib -o -f /bin/ranlib ]
+# CFLAGS for use with OLDCC, for compiling gnulib.
+# NOTE: -O does not work on some Unix systems!
+# Version of ar to use when compiling gnulib.
+OLDAR = ar
+version=`./gcc -dumpversion`
+# Directory where sources are, from where we are.
+srcdir = .
+# Common prefix for installation directories.
+# NOTE: This directory must exist when you start installation.
+prefix = /usr/local
+# Directory in which to put the executable for the command `gcc'
+bindir = $(prefix)/bin
+# Directory in which to put the directories used by the compiler.
+libdir = $(prefix)/lib
+# Directory in which the compiler finds executables, libraries, etc.
+libsubdir = $(libdir)/gcc/$(target)/$(version)
+# Number to put in man-page filename.
+manext = 1
+# Directory in which to put man pages.
+mandir = $(prefix)/man/man$(manext)
+# Additional system libraries to link with.
+# Change this to a null string if obstacks are installed in the
+# system library.
+# Specify the rule for actually making gnulib.
+GNULIB = gnulib.portable
+# Specify the rule for actually making gnulib2.
+GNULIB2 = gnulib2.portable
+# List of extra C and assembler files to add to gnulib.
+# Assembler files should have names ending in `.asm'.
+# Program to convert libraries.
+# Control whether header files are installed.
+# Change this to empty to prevent installing limits.h
+LIMITS_H = limits.h
+# Directory to link to, when using the target `maketest'.
+DIR = ../gcc
+# For better debugging under COFF, define SEPARATE_AUX_OUTPUT in config.h
+# and define the following variable as `aux-output2.c' in make-...
+# Flags to use when cross-building GCC.
+# Prefix to apply to names of object files when using them
+# to run on the machine we are compiling on.
+# Prefix to apply to names of object files when compiling them
+# to run on the machine we are compiling on.
+# The default for this variable is chosen to keep these rules
+# out of the way of the other rules for compiling the same source files.
+# Choose the real default target.
+# End of variables for you to override.
+# Lists of files for various purposes.
+ $(srcdir)/app.c \
+ $(srcdir)/as.c \
+ $(srcdir)/atof-generic.c \
+ $(srcdir)/bignum-copy.c \
+ $(srcdir)/cond.c \
+ $(srcdir)/expr.c \
+ $(srcdir)/flonum-const.c \
+ $(srcdir)/flonum-copy.c \
+ $(srcdir)/flonum-mult.c \
+ $(srcdir)/frags.c \
+ $(srcdir)/hash.c \
+ $(srcdir)/hex-value.c \
+ $(srcdir)/input-file.c \
+ $(srcdir)/input-scrub.c \
+ $(srcdir)/messages.c \
+ $(srcdir)/output-file.c \
+ $(srcdir)/read.c \
+ $(srcdir)/strstr.c \
+ $(srcdir)/subsegs.c \
+ $(srcdir)/symbols.c \
+ $(srcdir)/version.c \
+ $(srcdir)/write.c \
+ $(srcdir)/xmalloc.c \
+ $(srcdir)/xrealloc.c
+# in an expedient order
+ targ-cpu.c \
+ obj-format.c \
+ atof-targ.c
+ $(srcdir)/as.h \
+ $(srcdir)/bignum.h \
+ $(srcdir)/expr.h \
+ $(srcdir)/flonum.h \
+ $(srcdir)/frags.h \
+ $(srcdir)/hash.h \
+ $(srcdir)/input-file.h \
+ $(srcdir)/tc.h \
+ $(srcdir)/obj.h \
+ $(srcdir)/read.h \
+ $(srcdir)/reloc.h \
+ $(srcdir)/struc-symbol.h \
+ $(srcdir)/subsegs.h \
+ $(srcdir)/symbols.h \
+ $(srcdir)/syscalls.h \
+ $(srcdir)/write.h
+ a.out.gnu.h \
+ a.out.h \
+ host.h \
+ targ-env.h \
+ targ-cpu.h \
+ obj-format.h \
+ atof-targ.h
+OBJS = \
+ targ-cpu.o \
+ obj-format.o \
+ atof-targ.o \
+ app.o \
+ as.o \
+ atof-generic.o \
+ bignum-copy.o \
+ cond.o \
+ expr.o \
+ flonum-const.o \
+ flonum-copy.o \
+ flonum-mult.o \
+ frags.o \
+ hash.o \
+ hex-value.o \
+ input-file.o \
+ input-scrub.o \
+ messages.o \
+ output-file.o \
+ read.o \
+ strstr.o \
+ subsegs.o \
+ symbols.o \
+ version.o \
+ write.o \
+ xmalloc.o \
+ xrealloc.o
+# Definition of `all' is here so that new rules inserted by sed
+# do not specify the default target.
+# The real definition is under `all.internal'.
+all: $(ALL)
+# sed inserts variable overrides after the following line.
+# Now figure out from those variables how to compile and link.
+# This is the variable actually used when we compile.
+# Even if ALLOCA is set, don't use it if compiling with GCC.
+USE_ALLOCA= `if [ x"${CC}" = x"${OLDCC}" ] ; then echo ${ALLOCA}; else true; fi`
+USE_HOST_ALLOCA= `if [ x"${CC}" = x"${OLDCC}" ] ; then echo ${HOST_PREFIX}${ALLOCA}; else true; fi`
+# Dependency on obstack, alloca, malloc or whatever library facilities
+# are not installed in the system libraries.
+# We don't use USE_ALLOCA because backquote expansion doesn't work in deps.
+# Likewise, for use in the tools that must run on this machine
+# even if we are cross-building GCC.
+# We don't use USE_ALLOCA because backquote expansion doesn't work in deps.
+# How to link with both our special library facilities
+# and the system's installed libraries.
+# Likewise, for use in the tools that must run on this machine
+# even if we are cross-building GCC.
+# Specify the directories to be searched for header files.
+# Both . and srcdir are used, in that order,
+# so that tm.h and config.h will be found in the compilation
+# subdirectory rather than in the source directory.
+INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/config
+SUBDIR_INCLUDES = -I.. -I../$(srcdir) -I../$(srcdir)/config
+# Always use -I$(srcdir)/config when compiling.
+# This tells GNU make version 3 not to export all the variables
+# defined in this file into the environment.
+# Files to be copied away after each stage in building.
+STAGESTUFF = *.o gas
+# The files that "belong" in CONFIG_H are deliberately omitted
+# because having them there would not be useful in actual practice.
+# All they would do is cause complete recompilation every time
+# one of the machine description files is edited.
+# That may or may not be what one wants to do.
+# If it is, rm *.o is an easy way to do it.
+# CONFIG_H = config.h tm.h
+gas: $(OBJS) $(LIBDEPS)
+ $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o gas $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
+all.internal: native
+# This is what is made with the host's compiler if making a cross assembler.
+native: config.status gas
+ @echo You must configure gas. Look at the INSTALL file for details.
+ @false
+compilations: ${OBJS}
+# Compiling object files from source files.
+# Note that dependencies on obstack.h are not written
+# because that file is not part of GAS.
+app.o : app.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+as.o : as.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+atof-generic.o : atof-generic.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+bignum-copy.o : bignum-copy.c as.h host.h \
+ targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+cond.o : cond.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ obstack.h
+debug.o : debug.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ subsegs.h
+expr.o : expr.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ obstack.h
+flonum-const.o : flonum-const.c flonum.h bignum.h
+flonum-copy.o : flonum-copy.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+flonum-mult.o : flonum-mult.c flonum.h bignum.h
+frags.o : frags.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ subsegs.h obstack.h
+hash.o : hash.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+hex-value.o : hex-value.c
+input-file.o : input-file.c as.h host.h \
+ targ-env.h obj-format.h targ-cpu.h \
+ struc-symbol.h reloc.h write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h \
+ frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h input-file.h
+input-scrub.o : input-scrub.c /usr/include/errno.h /usr/include/sys/errno.h \
+ as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ input-file.h
+messages.o : messages.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+obstack.o : obstack.c obstack.h
+output-file.o : output-file.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ output-file.h
+read.o : read.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ obstack.h
+strstr.o : strstr.c
+subsegs.o : subsegs.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ subsegs.h obstack.h
+symbols.o : symbols.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ obstack.h subsegs.h
+version.o : version.c
+write.o : write.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ subsegs.h obstack.h output-file.h
+xmalloc.o : xmalloc.c
+xrealloc.o : xrealloc.c
+atof-targ.o : atof-targ.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h \
+ symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+obj-format.o : obj-format.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h \
+ symbols.h tc.h obj.h obstack.h
+targ-cpu.o : targ-cpu.c targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h \
+ symbols.h tc.h obj.h obstack.h
+# Normally this target is not used; but it is used if you
+# define ALLOCA=alloca.o. In that case, you must get a suitable alloca.c
+# from the GNU Emacs distribution.
+# Note some machines won't allow $(CC) without -S on this source file.
+alloca.o: alloca.c
+ $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -S `echo $(srcdir)/alloca.c | sed 's,^\./,,'`
+ as alloca.s -o alloca.o
+# Compile the libraries to be used by gen*.
+# If we are not cross-building, gen* use the same .o's that cc1 will use,
+# and HOST_PREFIX_1 is `foobar', just to ensure these rules don't conflict
+# with the rules for rtl.o, alloca.o, etc.
+$(HOST_PREFIX_1)alloca.o: alloca.c
+ rm -f $(HOST_PREFIX)alloca.c
+ cp $(srcdir)/alloca.c $(HOST_PREFIX)alloca.c
+$(HOST_PREFIX_1)obstack.o: obstack.c
+ rm -f $(HOST_PREFIX)obstack.c
+ cp $(srcdir)/obstack.c $(HOST_PREFIX)obstack.c
+$(HOST_PREFIX_1)malloc.o: malloc.c
+ rm -f $(HOST_PREFIX)malloc.c
+ cp $(srcdir)/malloc.c $(HOST_PREFIX)malloc.c
+# Remake the info files.
+doc: $(srcdir)/gas.info
+$(srcdir)/gas.info: $(srcdir)/gas.texinfo
+ makeinfo `echo $(srcdir)/gas.texinfo | sed 's,^\./,,'`
+# Deletion of files made during compilation.
+# There are three levels of this: `clean', `cleanconfig' and `realclean'.
+# `clean' deletes what you want to delete ordinarily to save space.
+# This is most, but not all, of the files made by compilation.
+# `cleanconfig' also deletes everything depending
+# on the choice of config files.
+# `realclean' also deletes everything that could be regenerated automatically.
+ -rm -f $(STAGESTUFF)
+# Delete the temporary source copies for cross compilation.
+ -rm -f $(HOST_PREFIX_1)alloca.c $(HOST_PREFIX_1)malloc.c
+ -rm -f $(HOST_PREFIX_1)obstack.c
+# Delete the stamp files except stamp-gnulib2.
+ -rm -f core
+# Like clean but also delete the links made to configure gas.
+cleanconfig: clean
+ -rm -f config.status Makefile host.h targ-env.h
+ -rm -f targ-cpu.h targ-cpu.c
+ -rm -f obj-format.h obj-format.c
+ -rm -f atof-targ.c
+# Get rid of every file that's generated from some other file (except INSTALL).
+realclean: cleanconfig
+ -rm -f gas.aux gas.cps gas.fns gas.info gas.kys gas.pgs gas.tps gas.vrs
+ -rm -f TAGS
+ -rm -f gas.info* gas.?? gas.??s gas.log gas.toc gas.*aux
+ -rm -f *.dvi
+# Entry points `install', `includes' and `uninstall'.
+# Copy the files into directories where they will be run.
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) gas $(bindir)/as
+# Create the installation directory.
+ -mkdir $(libdir)
+ -mkdir $(libdir)/gcc
+ -mkdir $(libdir)/gcc/$(target)
+ -mkdir $(libdir)/gcc/$(target)/$(version)
+# Install the compiler executables built during cross compilation.
+install-cross: native install-dir
+ -if [ -f cc1 ] ; then $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) cc1 $(libsubdir)/cc1; else true; fi
+ -if [ -f cc1plus ] ; then $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) cc1plus $(libsubdir)/cc1plus; else true; fi
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) cpp $(libsubdir)/cpp
+ ./gcc -dumpspecs > $(libsubdir)/specs
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) gcc $(bindir)/gcc
+# Install the man pages.
+install-man: install-dir $(srcdir)/gcc.1 protoize.1 unprotoize.1
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) $(srcdir)/gcc.1 $(mandir)/gcc.$(manext)
+ chmod a-x $(mandir)/gcc.$(manext)
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) $(srcdir)/protoize.1 $(mandir)/protoize.$(manext)
+ chmod a-x $(mandir)/protoize.$(manext)
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) $(srcdir)/unprotoize.1 $(mandir)/unprotoize.$(manext)
+ chmod a-x $(mandir)/unprotoize.$(manext)
+# Cancel installation by deleting the installed files.
+ -rm -rf $(libsubdir)
+ -rm -rf $(bindir)/gas
+ -rm -rf $(mandir)/gas.$(manext)
+# These exist for maintenance purposes.
+tags TAGS: force
+ etags $(REAL_SOURCES) $(REAL_HEADERS) README Makefile config/*.[hc]
+bootstrap: gas force
+ $(MAKE) stage1
+ $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-O -Bstage1/ $(CFLAGS)" libdir=$(libdir) ALLOCA= gas
+ $(MAKE) stage2
+ $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-O -Bstage2/ $(CFLAGS)" libdir=$(libdir) ALLOCA= gas
+ for i in *.o; do cmp $$i stage2/$$i; done
+bootstrap2: force
+ $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-O -Bstage1/ $(CFLAGS)" libdir=$(libdir) ALLOCA= gas
+ $(MAKE) stage2
+ $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-O -Bstage2/ $(CFLAGS)" libdir=$(libdir) ALLOCA= gas
+ for i in *.o; do cmp $$i stage2/$$i; done
+bootstrap3: force
+ $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-O -Bstage2/ $(CFLAGS)" libdir=$(libdir) ALLOCA= gas
+ for i in *.o; do cmp $$i stage2/$$i; done
+# Copy the object files from a particular stage into a subdirectory.
+stage1: force
+ -mkdir stage1
+ -mv $(STAGESTUFF) stage1
+ -(cd stage1 ; ln -s gas as)
+stage2: force
+ -mkdir stage2
+ -mv $(STAGESTUFF) stage2
+ -(cd stage2 ; ln -s gas as)
+stage3: force
+ -mkdir stage3
+ -mv $(STAGESTUFF) $(STAGE_GCC) stage3
+ -rm -f stage3/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage3
+ -if $(RANLIB_TEST) ; then $(RANLIB) stage3/gnulib; else true; fi
+stage4: force
+ -mkdir stage4
+ -mv $(STAGESTUFF) $(STAGE_GCC) stage4
+ -rm -f stage4/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage4
+ -if $(RANLIB_TEST) ; then $(RANLIB) stage4/gnulib; else true; fi
+# Copy just the executable files from a particular stage into a subdirectory,
+# and delete the object files. Use this if you're just verifying a version
+# that is pretty sure to work, and you are short of disk space.
+risky-stage1: force
+ -mkdir stage1
+ -mv cc1 cpp cccp gcc stage1
+ -rm -f stage1/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage1 && $(RANLIB) stage1/gnulib
+ -make clean
+risky-stage2: force
+ -mkdir stage2
+ -mv cc1 cpp cccp gcc stage2
+ -rm -f stage2/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage2 && $(RANLIB) stage2/gnulib
+ -make clean
+risky-stage3: force
+ -mkdir stage3
+ -mv cc1 cpp cccp gcc stage3
+ -rm -f stage3/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage3 && $(RANLIB) stage3/gnulib
+ -make clean
+risky-stage4: force
+ -mkdir stage4
+ -mv cc1 cpp cccp gcc stage4
+ -rm -f stage4/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage4 && $(RANLIB) stage4/gnulib
+ -make clean
+#In GNU Make, ignore whether `stage*' exists.
+.PHONY: stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 clean realclean TAGS bootstrap
+.PHONY: risky-stage1 risky-stage2 risky-stage3 risky-stage4
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/configure
+ $(srcdir)/configure.was -srcdir=$(srcdir) -host=$(host) $(target)
diff --git a/gas/Makefile.in b/gas/Makefile.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f263d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/Makefile.in
@@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
+# Makefile for GNU Assembler
+# Copyright (C) 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#This file is part of GNU GAS.
+#GNU GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#any later version.
+#GNU GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with GNU GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+#the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# $Id$
+# The targets for external use include:
+# all, doc, proto, install, uninstall, includes, TAGS,
+# clean, cleanconfig, realclean, stage1, stage2, stage3, stage4.
+# Variables that exist for you to override.
+# See below for how to change them for certain systems.
+CFLAGS = -g $(XCFLAGS) # -I$(srcdir)/../include
+OLDCC = cc
+BISON = bison
+AR = ar
+AR_FLAGS = rc
+SHELL = /bin/sh
+# on sysV, define this as cp.
+INSTALL = install -c
+# These permit overriding just for certain files.
+# Define this as & to perform parallel make on a Sequent.
+# Note that this has some bugs, and it seems currently necessary
+# to compile all the gen* files first by hand to avoid erroneous results.
+P =
+# How to invoke ranlib.
+RANLIB = ranlib
+# Test to use to see whether ranlib exists on the system.
+RANLIB_TEST = [ -f /usr/bin/ranlib -o -f /bin/ranlib ]
+# CFLAGS for use with OLDCC, for compiling gnulib.
+# NOTE: -O does not work on some Unix systems!
+# Version of ar to use when compiling gnulib.
+OLDAR = ar
+version=`./gcc -dumpversion`
+# Directory where sources are, from where we are.
+srcdir = .
+# Common prefix for installation directories.
+# NOTE: This directory must exist when you start installation.
+prefix = /usr/local
+# Directory in which to put the executable for the command `gcc'
+bindir = $(prefix)/bin
+# Directory in which to put the directories used by the compiler.
+libdir = $(prefix)/lib
+# Directory in which the compiler finds executables, libraries, etc.
+libsubdir = $(libdir)/gcc/$(target)/$(version)
+# Number to put in man-page filename.
+manext = 1
+# Directory in which to put man pages.
+mandir = $(prefix)/man/man$(manext)
+# Additional system libraries to link with.
+# Change this to a null string if obstacks are installed in the
+# system library.
+# Specify the rule for actually making gnulib.
+GNULIB = gnulib.portable
+# Specify the rule for actually making gnulib2.
+GNULIB2 = gnulib2.portable
+# List of extra C and assembler files to add to gnulib.
+# Assembler files should have names ending in `.asm'.
+# Program to convert libraries.
+# Control whether header files are installed.
+# Change this to empty to prevent installing limits.h
+LIMITS_H = limits.h
+# Directory to link to, when using the target `maketest'.
+DIR = ../gcc
+# For better debugging under COFF, define SEPARATE_AUX_OUTPUT in config.h
+# and define the following variable as `aux-output2.c' in make-...
+# Flags to use when cross-building GCC.
+# Prefix to apply to names of object files when using them
+# to run on the machine we are compiling on.
+# Prefix to apply to names of object files when compiling them
+# to run on the machine we are compiling on.
+# The default for this variable is chosen to keep these rules
+# out of the way of the other rules for compiling the same source files.
+# Choose the real default target.
+# End of variables for you to override.
+# Lists of files for various purposes.
+ $(srcdir)/app.c \
+ $(srcdir)/as.c \
+ $(srcdir)/atof-generic.c \
+ $(srcdir)/bignum-copy.c \
+ $(srcdir)/cond.c \
+ $(srcdir)/expr.c \
+ $(srcdir)/flonum-const.c \
+ $(srcdir)/flonum-copy.c \
+ $(srcdir)/flonum-mult.c \
+ $(srcdir)/frags.c \
+ $(srcdir)/hash.c \
+ $(srcdir)/hex-value.c \
+ $(srcdir)/input-file.c \
+ $(srcdir)/input-scrub.c \
+ $(srcdir)/messages.c \
+ $(srcdir)/output-file.c \
+ $(srcdir)/read.c \
+ $(srcdir)/strstr.c \
+ $(srcdir)/subsegs.c \
+ $(srcdir)/symbols.c \
+ $(srcdir)/version.c \
+ $(srcdir)/write.c \
+ $(srcdir)/xmalloc.c \
+ $(srcdir)/xrealloc.c
+# in an expedient order
+ targ-cpu.c \
+ obj-format.c \
+ atof-targ.c
+ $(srcdir)/as.h \
+ $(srcdir)/bignum.h \
+ $(srcdir)/expr.h \
+ $(srcdir)/flonum.h \
+ $(srcdir)/frags.h \
+ $(srcdir)/hash.h \
+ $(srcdir)/input-file.h \
+ $(srcdir)/tc.h \
+ $(srcdir)/obj.h \
+ $(srcdir)/read.h \
+ $(srcdir)/reloc.h \
+ $(srcdir)/struc-symbol.h \
+ $(srcdir)/subsegs.h \
+ $(srcdir)/symbols.h \
+ $(srcdir)/syscalls.h \
+ $(srcdir)/write.h
+ a.out.gnu.h \
+ a.out.h \
+ host.h \
+ targ-env.h \
+ targ-cpu.h \
+ obj-format.h \
+ atof-targ.h
+OBJS = \
+ targ-cpu.o \
+ obj-format.o \
+ atof-targ.o \
+ app.o \
+ as.o \
+ atof-generic.o \
+ bignum-copy.o \
+ cond.o \
+ expr.o \
+ flonum-const.o \
+ flonum-copy.o \
+ flonum-mult.o \
+ frags.o \
+ hash.o \
+ hex-value.o \
+ input-file.o \
+ input-scrub.o \
+ messages.o \
+ output-file.o \
+ read.o \
+ strstr.o \
+ subsegs.o \
+ symbols.o \
+ version.o \
+ write.o \
+ xmalloc.o \
+ xrealloc.o
+# Definition of `all' is here so that new rules inserted by sed
+# do not specify the default target.
+# The real definition is under `all.internal'.
+all: $(ALL)
+# sed inserts variable overrides after the following line.
+# Now figure out from those variables how to compile and link.
+# This is the variable actually used when we compile.
+# Even if ALLOCA is set, don't use it if compiling with GCC.
+USE_ALLOCA= `if [ x"${CC}" = x"${OLDCC}" ] ; then echo ${ALLOCA}; else true; fi`
+USE_HOST_ALLOCA= `if [ x"${CC}" = x"${OLDCC}" ] ; then echo ${HOST_PREFIX}${ALLOCA}; else true; fi`
+# Dependency on obstack, alloca, malloc or whatever library facilities
+# are not installed in the system libraries.
+# We don't use USE_ALLOCA because backquote expansion doesn't work in deps.
+# Likewise, for use in the tools that must run on this machine
+# even if we are cross-building GCC.
+# We don't use USE_ALLOCA because backquote expansion doesn't work in deps.
+# How to link with both our special library facilities
+# and the system's installed libraries.
+# Likewise, for use in the tools that must run on this machine
+# even if we are cross-building GCC.
+# Specify the directories to be searched for header files.
+# Both . and srcdir are used, in that order,
+# so that tm.h and config.h will be found in the compilation
+# subdirectory rather than in the source directory.
+INCLUDES = -I. -I$(srcdir) -I$(srcdir)/config
+SUBDIR_INCLUDES = -I.. -I../$(srcdir) -I../$(srcdir)/config
+# Always use -I$(srcdir)/config when compiling.
+# This tells GNU make version 3 not to export all the variables
+# defined in this file into the environment.
+# Files to be copied away after each stage in building.
+STAGESTUFF = *.o gas
+# The files that "belong" in CONFIG_H are deliberately omitted
+# because having them there would not be useful in actual practice.
+# All they would do is cause complete recompilation every time
+# one of the machine description files is edited.
+# That may or may not be what one wants to do.
+# If it is, rm *.o is an easy way to do it.
+# CONFIG_H = config.h tm.h
+gas: $(OBJS) $(LIBDEPS)
+ $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o gas $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
+all.internal: native
+# This is what is made with the host's compiler if making a cross assembler.
+native: config.status gas
+ @echo You must configure gas. Look at the INSTALL file for details.
+ @false
+compilations: ${OBJS}
+# Compiling object files from source files.
+# Note that dependencies on obstack.h are not written
+# because that file is not part of GAS.
+app.o : app.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+as.o : as.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+atof-generic.o : atof-generic.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+bignum-copy.o : bignum-copy.c as.h host.h \
+ targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+cond.o : cond.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ obstack.h
+debug.o : debug.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ subsegs.h
+expr.o : expr.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ obstack.h
+flonum-const.o : flonum-const.c flonum.h bignum.h
+flonum-copy.o : flonum-copy.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+flonum-mult.o : flonum-mult.c flonum.h bignum.h
+frags.o : frags.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ subsegs.h obstack.h
+hash.o : hash.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+hex-value.o : hex-value.c
+input-file.o : input-file.c as.h host.h \
+ targ-env.h obj-format.h targ-cpu.h \
+ struc-symbol.h reloc.h write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h \
+ frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h input-file.h
+input-scrub.o : input-scrub.c /usr/include/errno.h /usr/include/sys/errno.h \
+ as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ input-file.h
+messages.o : messages.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+obstack.o : obstack.c obstack.h
+output-file.o : output-file.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ output-file.h
+read.o : read.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ obstack.h
+strstr.o : strstr.c
+subsegs.o : subsegs.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ subsegs.h obstack.h
+symbols.o : symbols.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ obstack.h subsegs.h
+version.o : version.c
+write.o : write.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h symbols.h tc.h obj.h \
+ subsegs.h obstack.h output-file.h
+xmalloc.o : xmalloc.c
+xrealloc.o : xrealloc.c
+atof-targ.o : atof-targ.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h \
+ symbols.h tc.h obj.h
+obj-format.o : obj-format.c as.h host.h targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h \
+ symbols.h tc.h obj.h obstack.h
+targ-cpu.o : targ-cpu.c targ-env.h obj-format.h \
+ targ-cpu.h struc-symbol.h reloc.h \
+ write.h flonum.h bignum.h expr.h frags.h hash.h read.h \
+ symbols.h tc.h obj.h obstack.h
+# Normally this target is not used; but it is used if you
+# define ALLOCA=alloca.o. In that case, you must get a suitable alloca.c
+# from the GNU Emacs distribution.
+# Note some machines won't allow $(CC) without -S on this source file.
+alloca.o: alloca.c
+ $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -S `echo $(srcdir)/alloca.c | sed 's,^\./,,'`
+ as alloca.s -o alloca.o
+# Compile the libraries to be used by gen*.
+# If we are not cross-building, gen* use the same .o's that cc1 will use,
+# and HOST_PREFIX_1 is `foobar', just to ensure these rules don't conflict
+# with the rules for rtl.o, alloca.o, etc.
+$(HOST_PREFIX_1)alloca.o: alloca.c
+ rm -f $(HOST_PREFIX)alloca.c
+ cp $(srcdir)/alloca.c $(HOST_PREFIX)alloca.c
+$(HOST_PREFIX_1)obstack.o: obstack.c
+ rm -f $(HOST_PREFIX)obstack.c
+ cp $(srcdir)/obstack.c $(HOST_PREFIX)obstack.c
+$(HOST_PREFIX_1)malloc.o: malloc.c
+ rm -f $(HOST_PREFIX)malloc.c
+ cp $(srcdir)/malloc.c $(HOST_PREFIX)malloc.c
+# Remake the info files.
+doc: $(srcdir)/gas.info
+$(srcdir)/gas.info: $(srcdir)/gas.texinfo
+ makeinfo `echo $(srcdir)/gas.texinfo | sed 's,^\./,,'`
+# Deletion of files made during compilation.
+# There are three levels of this: `clean', `cleanconfig' and `realclean'.
+# `clean' deletes what you want to delete ordinarily to save space.
+# This is most, but not all, of the files made by compilation.
+# `cleanconfig' also deletes everything depending
+# on the choice of config files.
+# `realclean' also deletes everything that could be regenerated automatically.
+ -rm -f $(STAGESTUFF)
+# Delete the temporary source copies for cross compilation.
+ -rm -f $(HOST_PREFIX_1)alloca.c $(HOST_PREFIX_1)malloc.c
+ -rm -f $(HOST_PREFIX_1)obstack.c
+# Delete the stamp files except stamp-gnulib2.
+ -rm -f core
+# Like clean but also delete the links made to configure gas.
+cleanconfig: clean
+ -rm -f config.status Makefile host.h targ-env.h
+ -rm -f targ-cpu.h targ-cpu.c
+ -rm -f obj-format.h obj-format.c
+ -rm -f atof-targ.c
+# Get rid of every file that's generated from some other file (except INSTALL).
+realclean: cleanconfig
+ -rm -f gas.aux gas.cps gas.fns gas.info gas.kys gas.pgs gas.tps gas.vrs
+ -rm -f TAGS
+ -rm -f gas.info* gas.?? gas.??s gas.log gas.toc gas.*aux
+ -rm -f *.dvi
+# Entry points `install', `includes' and `uninstall'.
+# Copy the files into directories where they will be run.
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) gas $(bindir)/as
+# Create the installation directory.
+ -mkdir $(libdir)
+ -mkdir $(libdir)/gcc
+ -mkdir $(libdir)/gcc/$(target)
+ -mkdir $(libdir)/gcc/$(target)/$(version)
+# Install the compiler executables built during cross compilation.
+install-cross: native install-dir
+ -if [ -f cc1 ] ; then $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) cc1 $(libsubdir)/cc1; else true; fi
+ -if [ -f cc1plus ] ; then $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) cc1plus $(libsubdir)/cc1plus; else true; fi
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) cpp $(libsubdir)/cpp
+ ./gcc -dumpspecs > $(libsubdir)/specs
+ $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) gcc $(bindir)/gcc
+# Install the man pages.
+install-man: install-dir $(srcdir)/gcc.1 protoize.1 unprotoize.1
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) $(srcdir)/gcc.1 $(mandir)/gcc.$(manext)
+ chmod a-x $(mandir)/gcc.$(manext)
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) $(srcdir)/protoize.1 $(mandir)/protoize.$(manext)
+ chmod a-x $(mandir)/protoize.$(manext)
+ $(INSTALL_FILE) $(srcdir)/unprotoize.1 $(mandir)/unprotoize.$(manext)
+ chmod a-x $(mandir)/unprotoize.$(manext)
+# Cancel installation by deleting the installed files.
+ -rm -rf $(libsubdir)
+ -rm -rf $(bindir)/gas
+ -rm -rf $(mandir)/gas.$(manext)
+# These exist for maintenance purposes.
+tags TAGS: force
+ etags $(REAL_SOURCES) $(REAL_HEADERS) README Makefile config/*.[hc]
+bootstrap: gas force
+ $(MAKE) stage1
+ $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-O -Bstage1/ $(CFLAGS)" libdir=$(libdir) ALLOCA= gas
+ $(MAKE) stage2
+ $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-O -Bstage2/ $(CFLAGS)" libdir=$(libdir) ALLOCA= gas
+ for i in *.o; do cmp $$i stage2/$$i; done
+bootstrap2: force
+ $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-O -Bstage1/ $(CFLAGS)" libdir=$(libdir) ALLOCA= gas
+ $(MAKE) stage2
+ $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-O -Bstage2/ $(CFLAGS)" libdir=$(libdir) ALLOCA= gas
+ for i in *.o; do cmp $$i stage2/$$i; done
+bootstrap3: force
+ $(MAKE) CC="$(CC)" CFLAGS="-O -Bstage2/ $(CFLAGS)" libdir=$(libdir) ALLOCA= gas
+ for i in *.o; do cmp $$i stage2/$$i; done
+# Copy the object files from a particular stage into a subdirectory.
+stage1: force
+ -mkdir stage1
+ -mv $(STAGESTUFF) stage1
+ -(cd stage1 ; ln -s gas as)
+stage2: force
+ -mkdir stage2
+ -mv $(STAGESTUFF) stage2
+ -(cd stage2 ; ln -s gas as)
+stage3: force
+ -mkdir stage3
+ -mv $(STAGESTUFF) $(STAGE_GCC) stage3
+ -rm -f stage3/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage3
+ -if $(RANLIB_TEST) ; then $(RANLIB) stage3/gnulib; else true; fi
+stage4: force
+ -mkdir stage4
+ -mv $(STAGESTUFF) $(STAGE_GCC) stage4
+ -rm -f stage4/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage4
+ -if $(RANLIB_TEST) ; then $(RANLIB) stage4/gnulib; else true; fi
+# Copy just the executable files from a particular stage into a subdirectory,
+# and delete the object files. Use this if you're just verifying a version
+# that is pretty sure to work, and you are short of disk space.
+risky-stage1: force
+ -mkdir stage1
+ -mv cc1 cpp cccp gcc stage1
+ -rm -f stage1/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage1 && $(RANLIB) stage1/gnulib
+ -make clean
+risky-stage2: force
+ -mkdir stage2
+ -mv cc1 cpp cccp gcc stage2
+ -rm -f stage2/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage2 && $(RANLIB) stage2/gnulib
+ -make clean
+risky-stage3: force
+ -mkdir stage3
+ -mv cc1 cpp cccp gcc stage3
+ -rm -f stage3/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage3 && $(RANLIB) stage3/gnulib
+ -make clean
+risky-stage4: force
+ -mkdir stage4
+ -mv cc1 cpp cccp gcc stage4
+ -rm -f stage4/gnulib
+ -cp gnulib stage4 && $(RANLIB) stage4/gnulib
+ -make clean
+#In GNU Make, ignore whether `stage*' exists.
+.PHONY: stage1 stage2 stage3 stage4 clean realclean TAGS bootstrap
+.PHONY: risky-stage1 risky-stage2 risky-stage3 risky-stage4
+Makefile: $(srcdir)/Makefile.in $(srcdir)/configure
+ (cd $(srcdir) ; configure -host=$(host) $(target))
diff --git a/gas/README b/gas/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2042639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/README
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+This is the beta-test version of the GNU assembler. (Probably
+around Version 1.38, but check version.c which gets updated more
+often than this readme.)
+These files are currently set up to allow you to compile all of the
+versions of the assembler on the same machine. 'make all' compiles
+all of them. The resulting executable names are:
+ 68020 a68
+ Vax avax
+ NS 32xxx a32k
+ Intel 80386 a386
+ SPARC asparc
+ AMD 29000 asm29k
+The Makefile contains instructions on how to make one of the
+assemblers compile as the default.
+Before you can compile the 68020 version of the assembler, you must
+make m68k.h be a link to m-sun3.h , m-hpux.h or m-generic.h . If
+you are on a SUN-3 (or other machine that uses a magic number of
+(2 << 16) | OMAGIC type 'ln -s m-sun3.h m68k.h' else if you are on a
+machine running HP-UX, type 'ln m-hpux.h m689k.h' else type
+'ln -s m-generic.h m68k.h' If your machine does not support symbolic
+links, omit the '-s'.
+See the instructions in the Makefile for compiling gas for the Sequent
+Symmetry (dynix 3.0.12 + others?) or for the HP 9000/300
+If your machine does not have both varargs.h and vfprintf(), but does have
+_doprnt() add -DNO_VARARGS to the CFLAGS line in the makefile. If your
+machine has neither vfprintf() or _doprnt(), you will have to change
+messages.c in order to get readable error messages from the assembler.
+The assembler has been modified to support a feature that is
+potentially useful when assembling compiler output, but which may
+confuse assembly language programmers. If assembler encounters a
+.word pseudo-op of the form symbol1-symbol2 (the difference of two
+symbols), and the difference of those two symbols will not fit in 16
+bits, the assembler will create a branch around a long jump to
+symbol1, and insert this into the output directly before the next
+label: The .word will (instead of containing garbage, or giving an
+error message) contain (the address of the long jump)-symbol2. This
+allows the assembler to assemble jump tables that jump to locations
+very far away into code that works properly. If the next label is
+more than 32K away from the .word, you lose (silently); RMS claims
+this will never happen. If the -k option is given, you will get a
+warning message when this happens.
+Bugs in gas should be reported to bug-gnu-utils@prep.ai.mit.edu If you can't
+get through to prep, try hack@gnu.ai.mit.edu or hack@media-lab.media.mit.edu
+If you report a bug in GAS, please remember to include:
+A description of exactly what went wrong.
+The type of machine GAS was running on (VAX, 68020, etc),
+The Operating System GAS was running under.
+The options given to GAS.
+The actual input file that caused the problem.
+It is silly to report a bug in GAS without including an input file for
+GAS. Don't ask us to generate the file just because you made it from
+files you think we have access to.
+1. You might be mistaken.
+2. It might take us a lot of time to install things to regenerate that file.
+3. We might get a different file from the one you got, and might not see any
+To save us these delays and uncertainties, always send the input file
+for the program that failed.
+If the input file is very large, and you are on the internet, you may
+want to make it avaliable for anonymous FTP instead of mailing it. If you
+do, include instructions for FTP'ing it in your bug report.
+------------------------------ README.APOLLO ---------------------------------
+The changes required to get the GNU C compiler running on
+Apollo 68K platforms are available via anonymous ftp from
+labrea.stanford.edu ( in the form of a compressed
+tar file named "/pub/gnu/apollo-gcc-1.37.tar.Z".
+The size of the file is 84145 bytes.
+To build GCC for the Apollo you'll need the virgin FSF
+distributions of bison-1.03, gas-1.34, and gcc-1.37. They
+are also on labrea.stanford.edu as well as prep.ai.mit.edu.
+My changes are to enable gas to produce Apollo COFF object
+files and allow gcc to parse some of the syntax extensions
+which appear in Apollo C header files. Note that the
+COFF encapsulation technique cannot be used on the Apollo.
+The tar file should be unpacked in the directory containing
+the gas-1.34 and gcc-1.37 directories; a few files will be overlaid,
+and an APOLLO-GCC-README file will appear in the top directory.
+This file contains detailed instructions on how to proceed.
+These changes will only work for SR10.1 or later systems, using
+the 6.6 or later version of the Apollo C compiler.
+If you do not have ftp access, I can mail you the changes in the
+form of diffs; they are approximately 40K in length. If you request
+them, be sure to give me a voice phone number so I can contact you
+in case I can't send you mail; I've had several requests in the
+past from people I can't contact.
+By the way, I'm working on getting the GNU C++ compiler running;
+there are a couple problems to solve. I hope to be able to announce
+the Apollo version shortly after the 1.37 version is released.
+John Vasta Hewlett-Packard Apollo Systems Division
+vasta@apollo.hp.com M.S. CHA-01-LT
+(508) 256-6600 x6362 300 Apollo Drive, Chelmsford, MA 01824
+UUCP: {decwrl!decvax, mit-eddie, attunix}!apollo!vasta
+You might refer others who are interested in a similar thing.
+Kevin Buchs buchs@mayo.edu
+------------------------------ README.COFF -----------------------------------
+If you have a COFF system, you may wish to aquire
+ UUCP: osu-cis!~/gnu/coff/gnu-coff.tar.Z
+ or
+ FTP: tut.cis.ohio-state.edu:/pub/gnu/coff/gnu-coff.tar.Z
+These contain patches for gas that will make it produce COFF output.
+I have never seen these patches, so I don't know how well they work.
diff --git a/gas/app.c b/gas/app.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c806cb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/app.c
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+Modified by Allen Wirfs-Brock, Instantiations Inc 2/90
+/* This is the Assembler Pre-Processor
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* App, the assembler pre-processor. This pre-processor strips out excess
+ spaces, turns single-quoted characters into a decimal constant, and turns
+ # <number> <filename> <garbage> into a .line <number>\n.app-file <filename> pair.
+ This needs better error-handling.
+ */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "as.h" /* For BAD_CASE() only */
+#if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(const)
+#define const /* Nothing */
+static char lex [256];
+static char symbol_chars[] =
+ "$._ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
+/* These will go in BSS if not defined elsewhere, producing empty strings. */
+extern const char comment_chars[];
+extern const char line_comment_chars[];
+extern const char line_separator_chars[];
+#define LEX_IS_COLON 9
+#define LEX_IS_NEWLINE 10
+#define IS_WHITESPACE(c) (lex [c] == LEX_IS_WHITESPACE)
+#define IS_COMMENT(c) (lex [c] == LEX_IS_COMMENT_START)
+#define IS_NEWLINE(c) (lex [c] == LEX_IS_NEWLINE)
+void do_scrub_begin() {
+ const char *p;
+ lex [' '] = LEX_IS_WHITESPACE;
+ lex ['\t'] = LEX_IS_WHITESPACE;
+ lex ['\n'] = LEX_IS_NEWLINE;
+ lex [';'] = LEX_IS_LINE_SEPARATOR;
+ lex ['"'] = LEX_IS_STRINGQUOTE;
+ lex ['\''] = LEX_IS_ONECHAR_QUOTE;
+ lex [':'] = LEX_IS_COLON;
+ /* Note that these override the previous defaults, e.g. if ';'
+ is a comment char, then it isn't a line separator. */
+ for (p =symbol_chars;*p;++p)
+ for (p=comment_chars;*p;p++)
+ for (p=line_comment_chars;*p;p++)
+ for (p=line_separator_chars;*p;p++)
+ /* Only allow slash-star comments if slash is not in use */
+ if (lex['/'] == 0) {
+ }
+FILE *scrub_file;
+int scrub_from_file() {
+ return getc(scrub_file);
+void scrub_to_file(ch)
+int ch;
+ ungetc(ch,scrub_file);
+} /* scrub_to_file() */
+char *scrub_string;
+char *scrub_last_string;
+int scrub_from_string() {
+ return scrub_string == scrub_last_string ? EOF : *scrub_string++;
+} /* scrub_from_string() */
+void scrub_to_string(ch)
+int ch;
+ *--scrub_string=ch;
+} /* scrub_to_string() */
+/* Saved state of the scrubber */
+static int state;
+static int old_state;
+static char *out_string;
+static char out_buf[20];
+static int add_newlines = 0;
+/* Data structure for saving the state of app across #include's. Note that
+ app is called asynchronously to the parsing of the .include's, so our
+ state at the time .include is interpreted is completely unrelated.
+ That's why we have to save it all. */
+struct app_save {
+ int state;
+ int old_state;
+ char *out_string;
+ char out_buf[sizeof (out_buf)];
+ int add_newlines;
+ char *scrub_string;
+ char *scrub_last_string;
+ FILE *scrub_file;
+char *app_push() {
+ register struct app_save *saved;
+ saved = (struct app_save *) xmalloc(sizeof (*saved));
+ saved->state = state;
+ saved->old_state = old_state;
+ saved->out_string = out_string;
+ bcopy(saved->out_buf, out_buf, sizeof(out_buf));
+ saved->add_newlines = add_newlines;
+ saved->scrub_string = scrub_string;
+ saved->scrub_last_string = scrub_last_string;
+ saved->scrub_file = scrub_file;
+ /* do_scrub_begin() is not useful, just wastes time. */
+ return (char *)saved;
+void app_pop(arg)
+char *arg;
+ register struct app_save *saved = (struct app_save *)arg;
+ /* There is no do_scrub_end (). */
+ state = saved->state;
+ old_state = saved->old_state;
+ out_string = saved->out_string;
+ bcopy (out_buf, saved->out_buf, sizeof (out_buf));
+ add_newlines = saved->add_newlines;
+ scrub_string = saved->scrub_string;
+ scrub_last_string = saved->scrub_last_string;
+ scrub_file = saved->scrub_file;
+ free (arg);
+} /* app_pop() */
+int do_scrub_next_char(get,unget)
+int (*get)();
+void (*unget)();
+ /*State 0: beginning of normal line
+ 1: After first whitespace on line (flush more white)
+ 2: After first non-white (opcode) on line (keep 1white)
+ 3: after second white on line (into operands) (flush white)
+ 4: after putting out a .line, put out digits
+ 5: parsing a string, then go to old-state
+ 6: putting out \ escape in a "d string.
+ 7: After putting out a .app-file, put out string.
+ 8: After putting out a .app-file string, flush until newline.
+ -1: output string in out_string and go to the state in old_state
+ -2: flush text until a '*' '/' is seen, then go to state old_state
+ */
+ register int ch, ch2;
+ switch (state) {
+ case -1:
+ ch= *out_string++;
+ if(*out_string==0) {
+ state=old_state;
+ old_state=3;
+ }
+ return ch;
+ case -2:
+ for(;;) {
+ do {
+ ch=(*get)();
+ } while(ch!=EOF && ch!='\n' && ch!='*');
+ if(ch=='\n' || ch==EOF)
+ return ch;
+ /* At this point, ch must be a '*' */
+ while ( (ch=(*get)()) == '*' ){
+ ;
+ }
+ if(ch==EOF || ch=='/')
+ break;
+ (*unget)(ch);
+ }
+ state=old_state;
+ return ' ';
+ case 4:
+ ch=(*get)();
+ if(ch==EOF || (ch>='0' && ch<='9'))
+ return ch;
+ else {
+ while(ch!=EOF && IS_WHITESPACE(ch))
+ ch=(*get)();
+ if(ch=='"') {
+ (*unget)(ch);
+ out_string="\n.app-file ";
+ old_state=7;
+ state= -1;
+ return *out_string++;
+ } else {
+ while(ch!=EOF && ch!='\n')
+ ch=(*get)();
+ return ch;
+ }
+ }
+ case 5:
+ ch=(*get)();
+ if(ch=='"') {
+ state=old_state;
+ return '"';
+ } else if(ch=='\\') {
+ state=6;
+ return ch;
+ } else if(ch==EOF) {
+ as_warn("End of file in string: inserted '\"'");
+ state=old_state;
+ (*unget)('\n');
+ return '"';
+ } else {
+ return ch;
+ }
+ case 6:
+ state=5;
+ ch=(*get)();
+ switch(ch) {
+ /* This is neet. Turn "string
+ more string" into "string\n more string"
+ */
+ case '\n':
+ (*unget)('n');
+ add_newlines++;
+ return '\\';
+ case '"':
+ case '\\':
+ case 'b':
+ case 'f':
+ case 'n':
+ case 'r':
+ case 't':
+ case 'v':
+#endif /* BACKSLASH_V */
+ case '0':
+ case '1':
+ case '2':
+ case '3':
+ case '4':
+ case '5':
+ case '6':
+ case '7':
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_warn("Unknown escape '\\%c' in string: Ignored",ch);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Accept \x as x for any x */
+ break;
+ case EOF:
+ as_warn("End of file in string: '\"' inserted");
+ return '"';
+ }
+ return ch;
+ case 7:
+ ch=(*get)();
+ state=5;
+ old_state=8;
+ return ch;
+ case 8:
+ do ch= (*get)();
+ while(ch!='\n');
+ state=0;
+ return ch;
+ }
+ /* OK, we are somewhere in states 0 through 4 */
+/* flushchar: */
+ ch=(*get)();
+ recycle:
+ if (ch == EOF) {
+ if (state != 0)
+ as_warn("End of file not at end of a line: Newline inserted.");
+ return ch;
+ }
+ switch (lex[ch]) {
+ do ch=(*get)();
+ while(ch!=EOF && IS_WHITESPACE(ch));
+ if(ch==EOF)
+ return ch;
+ if(IS_COMMENT(ch) || (state==0 && IS_LINE_COMMENT(ch)) || ch=='/' || IS_LINE_SEPARATOR(ch)) {
+ goto recycle;
+ }
+ switch (state) {
+ case 0: state++; goto recycle; /* Punted leading sp */
+ case 1: BAD_CASE(state); /* We can't get here */
+ case 2: state++; (*unget)(ch); return ' '; /* Sp after opco */
+ case 3: goto recycle; /* Sp in operands */
+ default: BAD_CASE(state);
+ }
+ break;
+ ch2=(*get)();
+ if (ch2 != EOF && lex[ch2] == LEX_IS_TWOCHAR_COMMENT_2ND) {
+ for(;;) {
+ do {
+ ch2=(*get)();
+ if(ch2 != EOF && IS_NEWLINE(ch2))
+ add_newlines++;
+ } while(ch2!=EOF &&
+ (lex[ch2] != LEX_IS_TWOCHAR_COMMENT_2ND));
+ while (ch2!=EOF &&
+ (lex[ch2] == LEX_IS_TWOCHAR_COMMENT_2ND)){
+ ch2=(*get)();
+ }
+ if(ch2==EOF
+ || lex[ch2] == LEX_IS_TWOCHAR_COMMENT_1ST)
+ break;
+ (*unget)(ch);
+ }
+ if(ch2==EOF)
+ as_warn("End of file in multiline comment");
+ ch = ' ';
+ goto recycle;
+ } else {
+ if(ch2!=EOF)
+ (*unget)(ch2);
+ return ch;
+ }
+ break;
+ old_state=state;
+ state=5;
+ return ch;
+ ch=(*get)();
+ if(ch==EOF) {
+ as_warn("End-of-file after a one-character quote; \000 inserted");
+ ch=0;
+ }
+ sprintf(out_buf,"%d", (int)(unsigned char)ch);
+ /* None of these 'x constants for us. We want 'x'.
+ */
+ if ( (ch=(*get)()) != '\'' ) {
+ as_warn("Missing close quote: (assumed)");
+ (*unget)(ch);
+ }
+ old_state=state;
+ state= -1;
+ out_string=out_buf;
+ return *out_string++;
+ case LEX_IS_COLON:
+ if(state!=3)
+ state=0;
+ return ch;
+ /* Roll out a bunch of newlines from inside comments, etc. */
+ if(add_newlines) {
+ --add_newlines;
+ (*unget)(ch);
+ }
+ /* fall thru into... */
+ state=0;
+ return ch;
+ if (state != 0) /* Not at start of line, act normal */
+ goto de_fault;
+ do ch=(*get)();
+ while(ch!=EOF && IS_WHITESPACE(ch));
+ if(ch==EOF) {
+ as_warn("EOF in comment: Newline inserted");
+ return '\n';
+ }
+ if(ch<'0' || ch>'9') {
+ /* Non-numerics: Eat whole comment line */
+ while(ch!=EOF && !IS_NEWLINE(ch))
+ ch=(*get)();
+ if(ch==EOF)
+ as_warn("EOF in Comment: Newline inserted");
+ state=0;
+ return '\n';
+ }
+ /* Numerics begin comment. Perhaps CPP `# 123 "filename"' */
+ (*unget)(ch);
+ old_state=4;
+ state= -1;
+ out_string=".line ";
+ return *out_string++;
+ do ch=(*get)();
+ while(ch!=EOF && !IS_NEWLINE(ch));
+ if(ch==EOF)
+ as_warn("EOF in comment: Newline inserted");
+ state=0;
+ return '\n';
+ default:
+ de_fault:
+ /* Some relatively `normal' character. */
+ if(state==0) {
+ state=2; /* Now seeing opcode */
+ return ch;
+ } else if(state==1) {
+ state=2; /* Ditto */
+ return ch;
+ } else {
+ return ch; /* Opcode or operands already */
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+#ifdef TEST
+char comment_chars[] = "|";
+char line_comment_chars[] = "#";
+ int ch;
+ app_begin();
+ while((ch=do_scrub_next_char(stdin))!=EOF)
+ putc(ch,stdout);
+char *str;
+ fputs(str,stderr);
+ putc('\n',stderr);
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of app.c */
diff --git a/gas/as.c b/gas/as.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a885f0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/as.c
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+/* as.c - GAS main program.
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ * Main program for AS; a 32-bit assembler of GNU.
+ * Understands command arguments.
+ * Has a few routines that don't fit in other modules because they
+ * are shared.
+ *
+ *
+ * bugs
+ *
+ * : initialisers
+ * Since no-one else says they will support them in future: I
+ * don't support them now.
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/types.h> /* For pid_t in signal.h */
+#include <signal.h>
+#define COMMON
+#include "as.h"
+#ifdef __STDC__
+ /* This prototype for got_sig() is ansi. If you want
+ anything else, then your compiler is lying to you when
+ it says that it is __STDC__. If you want to change it,
+ #ifdef protect it from those of us with real ansi
+ compilers. */
+#define SIGTY void
+static void got_sig(int sig);
+static char *stralloc(char *str);
+static void perform_an_assembly_pass(int argc, char **argv);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+#ifndef SIGTY
+#define SIGTY int
+static SIGTY got_sig();
+static char *stralloc(); /* Make a (safe) copy of a string. */
+static void perform_an_assembly_pass();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+static char * gdb_symbol_file_name;
+long gdb_begin();
+char *myname; /* argv[0] */
+extern char version_string[];
+int main(argc,argv)
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ int work_argc; /* variable copy of argc */
+ char **work_argv; /* variable copy of argv */
+ char *arg; /* an arg to program */
+ char a; /* an arg flag (after -) */
+ static const int sig[] = { SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGPIPE, SIGTERM, 0};
+ for(a=0;sig[a]!=0;a++)
+ if(signal(sig[a], SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
+ signal(sig[a], got_sig);
+ myname=argv[0];
+ bzero (flagseen, sizeof(flagseen)); /* aint seen nothing yet */
+ symbol_begin(); /* symbols.c */
+ subsegs_begin(); /* subsegs.c */
+ read_begin(); /* read.c */
+ md_begin(); /* MACHINE.c */
+ input_scrub_begin(); /* input_scrub.c */
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ gdb_symbol_file_name = 0;
+ /*
+ * Parse arguments, but we are only interested in flags.
+ * When we find a flag, we process it then make it's argv[] NULL.
+ * This helps any future argv[] scanners avoid what we processed.
+ * Since it is easy to do here we interpret the special arg "-"
+ * to mean "use stdin" and we set that argv[] pointing to "".
+ * After we have munged argv[], the only things left are source file
+ * name(s) and ""(s) denoting stdin. These file names are used
+ * (perhaps more than once) later.
+ */
+ /* FIXME-SOMEDAY this should use getopt. */
+ work_argc = argc-1; /* don't count argv[0] */
+ work_argv = argv+1; /* skip argv[0] */
+ for (;work_argc--;work_argv++) {
+ arg = * work_argv; /* work_argv points to this argument */
+ if (*arg!='-') /* Filename. We need it later. */
+ continue; /* Keep scanning args looking for flags. */
+ if (arg[1] == '-' && arg[2] == 0) {
+ /* "--" as an argument means read STDIN */
+ /* on this scan, we don't want to think about filenames */
+ * work_argv = ""; /* Code that means 'use stdin'. */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* This better be a switch. */
+ arg ++; /*->letter. */
+ while ((a = * arg) != '\0') {/* scan all the 1-char flags */
+ arg ++; /* arg->after letter. */
+ a &= 0x7F; /* ascii only please */
+ if (flagseen[a])
+ as_tsktsk("%s: Flag option - %c has already been seen.", myname, a);
+ flagseen[a] = 1;
+ switch (a) {
+ case 'f':
+ break; /* -f means fast - no need for "app" preprocessor. */
+ case 'D':
+ /* DEBUG is implemented: it debugs different */
+ /* things to other people's assemblers. */
+ break;
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ case 'G': /* GNU AS switch: include gdbsyms. */
+ if (*arg) /* Rest of argument is file-name. */
+ gdb_symbol_file_name = stralloc (arg);
+ else if (work_argc) { /* Next argument is file-name. */
+ work_argc --;
+ * work_argv = NULL; /* Not a source file-name. */
+ gdb_symbol_file_name = * ++ work_argv;
+ } else
+ as_warn("%s: I expected a filename after -G", myname);
+ arg = ""; /* Finished with this arg. */
+ break;
+ case 'I': { /* Include file directory */
+ char *temp;
+ if (*arg)
+ temp = stralloc (arg);
+ else if (work_argc) {
+ * work_argv = NULL;
+ work_argc--;
+ temp = * ++ work_argv;
+ } else
+ as_warn("%s: I expected a filename after -I", myname);
+ add_include_dir (temp);
+ arg = ""; /* Finished with this arg. */
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'k':
+ break;
+ case 'L': /* -L means keep L* symbols */
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ if (*arg) /* Rest of argument is object file-name. */
+ out_file_name = stralloc (arg);
+ else if (work_argc) { /* Want next arg for a file-name. */
+ * work_argv = NULL; /* This is not a file-name. */
+ work_argc--;
+ out_file_name = * ++ work_argv;
+ } else
+ as_warn("%s: I expected a filename after -o. \"%s\" assumed.", myname, out_file_name);
+ arg = ""; /* Finished with this arg. */
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ /* -R means put data into text segment */
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+#ifdef VMS
+ {
+ extern char *compiler_version_string;
+ compiler_version_string = arg;
+ }
+#else /* not VMS */
+ fprintf(stderr,version_string);
+ if(*arg && strcmp(arg,"ersion"))
+ as_warn("Unknown -v option ignored");
+ while(*arg) arg++; /* Skip the rest */
+ break;
+ case 'W':
+ /* -W means don't warn about things */
+ case 'X':
+ /* -X means treat warnings as errors */
+ case 'Z':
+ /* -Z means attempt to generate object file even after errors. */
+ break;
+ default:
+ --arg;
+ if(md_parse_option(&arg,&work_argc,&work_argv)==0)
+ as_warn("%s: I don't understand '%c' flag.", myname, a);
+ if(arg && *arg)
+ arg++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * We have just processed a "-..." arg, which was not a
+ * file-name. Smash it so the
+ * things that look for filenames won't ever see it.
+ *
+ * Whatever work_argv points to, it has already been used
+ * as part of a flag, so DON'T re-use it as a filename.
+ */
+ *work_argv = NULL; /* NULL means 'not a file-name' */
+ }
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ if (gdb_begin(gdb_symbol_file_name) == 0)
+ flagseen ['G'] = 0; /* Don't do any gdbsym stuff. */
+ /* Here with flags set up in flagseen[]. */
+ perform_an_assembly_pass(argc,argv); /* Assemble it. */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ brtab_emit();
+ if (seen_at_least_1_file()
+ && !((had_warnings() && flagseen['Z'])
+ || had_errors() > 0)) {
+ write_object_file(); /* relax() addresses then emit object file */
+ } /* we also check in write_object_file() just before emit. */
+ input_scrub_end();
+ md_end(); /* MACHINE.c */
+#ifndef VMS
+ return((had_warnings() && flagseen['Z'])
+ || had_errors() > 0); /* WIN */
+#else /* VMS */
+ return(!((had_warnings() && flagseen['Z'])
+ || had_errors() > 0)); /* WIN */
+#endif /* VMS */
+} /* main() */
+/* perform_an_assembly_pass()
+ *
+ * Here to attempt 1 pass over each input file.
+ * We scan argv[*] looking for filenames or exactly "" which is
+ * shorthand for stdin. Any argv that is NULL is not a file-name.
+ * We set need_pass_2 TRUE if, after this, we still have unresolved
+ * expressions of the form (unknown value)+-(unknown value).
+ *
+ * Note the un*x semantics: there is only 1 logical input file, but it
+ * may be a catenation of many 'physical' input files.
+ */
+static void perform_an_assembly_pass(argc, argv)
+int argc;
+char **argv;
+ int saw_a_file = 0;
+ text_fix_root = NULL;
+ data_fix_root = NULL;
+ need_pass_2 = 0;
+ subseg_new (SEG_TEXT, 0);
+ argv++; /* skip argv[0] */
+ argc--; /* skip argv[0] */
+ while (argc--) {
+ if (*argv) { /* Is it a file-name argument? */
+ saw_a_file++;
+ /* argv->"" if stdin desired, else->filename */
+ read_a_source_file(*argv);
+ }
+ argv++; /* completed that argv */
+ }
+ if(!saw_a_file)
+ read_a_source_file("");
+} /* perform_an_assembly_pass() */
+ * stralloc()
+ *
+ * Allocate memory for a new copy of a string. Copy the string.
+ * Return the address of the new string. Die if there is any error.
+ */
+static char *
+stralloc (str)
+char * str;
+ register char * retval;
+ register long len;
+ len = strlen (str) + 1;
+ retval = xmalloc (len);
+ (void) strcpy(retval, str);
+ return(retval);
+#ifdef comment
+static void lose() {
+ as_fatal("%s: 2nd pass not implemented - get your code from random(3)", myname);
+ return;
+} /* lose() */
+#endif /* comment */
+static SIGTY
+int sig;
+ static here_before = 0;
+ as_bad("Interrupted by signal %d", sig);
+ if(here_before++)
+ exit(1);
+ return((SIGTY) 0);
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end: as.c */
diff --git a/gas/as.h b/gas/as.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f956893
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/as.h
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+/* as.h - global header file
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#define GAS 1
+#include "host.h"
+#include "flonum.h"
+#ifndef __STDC__
+#define volatile /**/
+#ifndef const
+#define const /**/
+#endif /* const */
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define alloca __builtin_alloca
+#define register
+#endif /* __GNUC__ */
+#ifndef __LINE__
+#define __LINE__ "unknown"
+#endif /* __LINE__ */
+#ifndef __FILE__
+#define __FILE__ "unknown"
+#endif /* __FILE__ */
+ * I think this stuff is largely out of date. xoxorich.
+ *
+ * CAPITALISED names are #defined.
+ * "lowercaseH" is #defined if "lowercase.h" has been #include-d.
+ * "lowercaseT" is a typedef of "lowercase" objects.
+ * "lowercaseP" is type "pointer to object of type 'lowercase'".
+ * "lowercaseS" is typedef struct ... lowercaseS.
+ *
+ * #define DEBUG to enable all the "know" assertion tests.
+ * #define SUSPECT when debugging.
+ * #define COMMON as "extern" for all modules except one, where you #define
+ * COMMON as "".
+ * If TEST is #defined, then we are testing a module: #define COMMON as "".
+ */
+/* These #defines are for parameters of entire assembler. */
+/* #define SUSPECT JF remove for speed testing */
+/* These #includes are for type definitions etc. */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#define obstack_chunk_alloc xmalloc
+#define obstack_chunk_free xfree
+#define BAD_CASE(value) \
+{ \
+ as_fatal("Case value %d unexpected at line %d of file \"%s\"\n", \
+ value, __LINE__, __FILE__); \
+/* These are assembler-wide concepts */
+#ifndef COMMON
+#ifdef TEST
+#define COMMON /* declare our COMMONs storage here. */
+#define COMMON extern /* our commons live elswhere */
+ /* COMMON now defined */
+#define DEBUG /* temporary */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#undef NDEBUG
+#define know(p) assert(p) /* Verify our assumptions! */
+#define know(p) /* know() checks are no-op.ed */
+#define xfree free
+/* input_scrub.c */
+ * Supplies sanitised buffers to read.c.
+ * Also understands printing line-number part of error messages.
+ */
+/* subsegs.c Sub-segments. Also, segment(=expression type)s.*/
+ * This table describes the use of segments as EXPRESSION types.
+ *
+ * X_seg X_add_symbol X_subtract_symbol X_add_number
+ * SEG_ABSENT no (legal) expression
+ * SEG_PASS1 no (defined) "
+ * SEG_BIG * > 32 bits const.
+ * SEG_DATA * 0
+ * SEG_TEXT * 0
+ * SEG_BSS * 0
+ *
+ * The blank fields MUST be 0, and are nugatory.
+ * The '0' fields MAY be 0. The '*' fields MAY NOT be 0.
+ *
+ * SEG_BIG: X_add_number is < 0 if the result is in
+ * generic_floating_point_number. The value is -'c' where c is the
+ * character that introduced the constant. e.g. "0f6.9" will have -'f'
+ * as a X_add_number value.
+ * X_add_number > 0 is a count of how many littlenums it took to
+ * represent a bignum.
+ * If segments of both symbols are known, they are the same segment.
+ * X_add_symbol != X_sub_symbol (then we just cancel them, => SEG_ABSOLUTE).
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ SEG_ABSENT, /* Mythical Segment (absent): NO expression seen. */
+ SEG_PASS1, /* Mythical Segment: Need another pass. */
+ SEG_GOOF, /* Only happens if AS has a logic error. */
+ /* Invented so we don't crash printing */
+ /* error message involving weird segment. */
+ SEG_BIG, /* Bigger than 32 bits constant. */
+ SEG_DIFFERENCE, /* Mythical Segment: absolute difference. */
+ SEG_DEBUG, /* Debug segment */
+ SEG_NTV, /* Transfert vector preload segment */
+ SEG_PTV, /* Transfert vector postload segment */
+ SEG_REGISTER, /* Mythical: a register-valued expression */
+} segT;
+typedef int subsegT;
+COMMON subsegT now_subseg;
+ /* What subseg we are accreting now? */
+COMMON segT now_seg;
+ /* Segment our instructions emit to. */
+ /* Only OK values are SEG_TEXT or SEG_DATA. */
+extern char *const seg_name[];
+extern int section_alignment[];
+/* relax() */
+typedef enum
+ rs_fill, /* Variable chars to be repeated fr_offset */
+ /* times. Fr_symbol unused. */
+ /* Used with fr_offset == 0 for a constant */
+ /* length frag. */
+ rs_align, /* Align: Fr_offset: power of 2. */
+ /* 1 variable char: fill character. */
+ rs_org, /* Org: Fr_offset, fr_symbol: address. */
+ /* 1 variable char: fill character. */
+ rs_machine_dependent,
+ rs_broken_word, /* JF: gunpoint */
+/* typedef unsigned char relax_substateT; */
+/* JF this is more likely to leave the end of a struct frag on an align
+ boundry. Be very careful with this. */
+typedef unsigned long relax_substateT;
+typedef unsigned long relax_addressT;/* Enough bits for address. */
+ /* Still an integer type. */
+/* frags.c */
+ * A code fragment (frag) is some known number of chars, followed by some
+ * unknown number of chars. Typically the unknown number of chars is an
+ * instruction address whose size is yet unknown. We always know the greatest
+ * possible size the unknown number of chars may become, and reserve that
+ * much room at the end of the frag.
+ * Once created, frags do not change address during assembly.
+ * We chain the frags in (a) forward-linked list(s). The object-file address
+ * of the 1st char of a frag is generally not known until after relax().
+ * Many things at assembly time describe an address by {object-file-address
+ * of a particular frag}+offset.
+ BUG: it may be smarter to have a single pointer off to various different
+notes for different frag kinds. See how code pans
+ */
+struct frag /* a code fragment */
+ unsigned long fr_address; /* Object file address. */
+ struct frag *fr_next; /* Chain forward; ascending address order. */
+ /* Rooted in frch_root. */
+ long fr_fix; /* (Fixed) number of chars we know we have. */
+ /* May be 0. */
+ long fr_var; /* (Variable) number of chars after above. */
+ /* May be 0. */
+ struct symbol *fr_symbol; /* For variable-length tail. */
+ long fr_offset; /* For variable-length tail. */
+ char *fr_opcode; /*->opcode low addr byte,for relax()ation*/
+ relax_stateT fr_type; /* What state is my tail in? */
+ relax_substateT fr_subtype;
+ /* These are needed only on the NS32K machines */
+ char fr_pcrel_adjust;
+ char fr_bsr;
+ char fr_literal [1]; /* Chars begin here. */
+ /* One day we will compile fr_literal[0]. */
+ ((int)zero_address_frag.fr_literal-(int)&zero_address_frag)
+ /* We want to say fr_literal[0] above. */
+typedef struct frag fragS;
+COMMON fragS * frag_now; /* -> current frag we are building. */
+ /* This frag is incomplete. */
+ /* It is, however, included in frchain_now. */
+ /* Frag_now->fr_fix is bogus. Use: */
+/* Virtual frag_now->fr_fix==obstack_next_free(&frags)-frag_now->fr_literal.*/
+COMMON fragS zero_address_frag; /* For foreign-segment symbol fixups. */
+COMMON fragS bss_address_frag; /* For local common (N_BSS segment) fixups. */
+/* main program "as.c" (command arguments etc) */
+COMMON char
+flagseen[128]; /* ['x'] TRUE if "-x" seen. */
+COMMON char *
+out_file_name; /* name of emitted object file */
+COMMON int need_pass_2; /* TRUE if we need a second pass. */
+typedef struct {
+ char * poc_name; /* assembler mnemonic, lower case, no '.' */
+ void (*poc_handler)(); /* Do the work */
+ int poc_val; /* Value to pass to handler */
+} pseudo_typeS;
+#if defined(__STDC__) & !defined(NO_STDARG)
+int had_errors(void);
+int had_warnings(void);
+void as_bad(const char *Format, ...);
+void as_fatal(const char *Format, ...);
+void as_tsktsk(const char *Format, ...);
+void as_warn(const char *Format, ...);
+int had_errors();
+int had_warnings();
+void as_bad();
+void as_fatal();
+void as_tsktsk();
+void as_warn();
+#endif /* __STDC__ & !NO_STDARG */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *app_push(void);
+char *atof_ieee(char *str, int what_kind, LITTLENUM_TYPE *words);
+char *input_scrub_include_file(char *filename, char *position);
+char *input_scrub_new_file(char *filename);
+char *input_scrub_next_buffer(char **bufp);
+char *strstr(const char *s, const char *wanted);
+char *xmalloc(int size);
+char *xrealloc(char *ptr, long n);
+int do_scrub_next_char(int (*get)(), void (*unget)());
+int gen_to_words(LITTLENUM_TYPE *words, int precision, long exponent_bits);
+int had_err(void);
+int had_errors(void);
+int had_warnings(void);
+int ignore_input(void);
+int scrub_from_file(void);
+int scrub_from_file(void);
+int scrub_from_string(void);
+int seen_at_least_1_file(void);
+void app_pop(char *arg);
+void as_howmuch(FILE *stream);
+void as_perror(char *gripe, char *filename);
+void as_where(void);
+void bump_line_counters(void);
+void do_scrub_begin(void);
+void input_scrub_begin(void);
+void input_scrub_close(void);
+void input_scrub_end(void);
+void int_to_gen(long x);
+void new_logical_line(char *fname, int line_number);
+void scrub_to_file(int ch);
+void scrub_to_string(int ch);
+void subseg_change(segT seg, int subseg);
+void subseg_new(segT seg, subsegT subseg);
+void subsegs_begin(void);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+char *app_push();
+char *atof_ieee();
+char *input_scrub_include_file();
+char *input_scrub_new_file();
+char *input_scrub_next_buffer();
+char *strstr();
+char *xmalloc();
+char *xrealloc();
+int do_scrub_next_char();
+int gen_to_words();
+int had_err();
+int had_errors();
+int had_warnings();
+int ignore_input();
+int scrub_from_file();
+int scrub_from_file();
+int scrub_from_string();
+int seen_at_least_1_file();
+void app_pop();
+void as_howmuch();
+void as_perror();
+void as_where();
+void bump_line_counters();
+void do_scrub_begin();
+void input_scrub_begin();
+void input_scrub_close();
+void input_scrub_end();
+void int_to_gen();
+void new_logical_line();
+void scrub_to_file();
+void scrub_to_string();
+void subseg_change();
+void subseg_new();
+void subsegs_begin();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+ /* this one starts the chain of target dependant headers */
+#include "targ-env.h"
+ /* these define types needed by the interfaces */
+#include "struc-symbol.h"
+#include "reloc.h"
+#include "write.h"
+#include "expr.h"
+#include "frags.h"
+#include "hash.h"
+#include "read.h"
+#include "symbols.h"
+#include "tc.h"
+#include "obj.h"
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end: as.h */
diff --git a/gas/atof-generic.c b/gas/atof-generic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d2d8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/atof-generic.c
@@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
+/* atof_generic.c - turn a string of digits into a Flonum
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "as.h"
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+#define alloca __builtin_alloca
+#ifdef sparc
+#include <alloca.h>
+#ifdef USG
+#define bzero(s,n) memset(s,0,n)
+/* #define FALSE (0) */
+/* #define TRUE (1) */
+* *
+* Given a string of decimal digits , with optional decimal *
+* mark and optional decimal exponent (place value) of the *
+* lowest_order decimal digit: produce a floating point *
+* number. The number is 'generic' floating point: our *
+* caller will encode it for a specific machine architecture. *
+* *
+* Assumptions *
+* uses base (radix) 2 *
+* this machine uses 2's complement binary integers *
+* target flonums use " " " " *
+* target flonums exponents fit in a long *
+* *
+ Syntax:
+<flonum> ::= <optional-sign> <decimal-number> <optional-exponent>
+<optional-sign> ::= '+' | '-' | {empty}
+<decimal-number> ::= <integer>
+ | <integer> <radix-character>
+ | <integer> <radix-character> <integer>
+ | <radix-character> <integer>
+<optional-exponent> ::= {empty} | <exponent-character> <optional-sign> <integer>
+<integer> ::= <digit> | <digit> <integer>
+<digit> ::= '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9'
+<exponent-character> ::= {one character from "string_of_decimal_exponent_marks"}
+<radix-character> ::= {one character from "string_of_decimal_marks"}
+int /* 0 if OK */
+atof_generic (
+ address_of_string_pointer, /* return pointer to just AFTER number we read. */
+ string_of_decimal_marks, /* At most one per number. */
+ string_of_decimal_exponent_marks,
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number)
+ char * * address_of_string_pointer;
+ const char * string_of_decimal_marks;
+ const char * string_of_decimal_exponent_marks;
+ FLONUM_TYPE * address_of_generic_floating_point_number;
+ int return_value; /* 0 means OK. */
+ char * first_digit;
+ /* char * last_digit; JF unused */
+ int number_of_digits_before_decimal;
+ int number_of_digits_after_decimal;
+ long decimal_exponent;
+ int number_of_digits_available;
+ char digits_sign_char;
+ {
+ /*
+ * Scan the input string, abstracting (1)digits (2)decimal mark (3) exponent.
+ * It would be simpler to modify the string, but we don't; just to be nice
+ * to caller.
+ * We need to know how many digits we have, so we can allocate space for
+ * the digits' value.
+ */
+ char * p;
+ char c;
+ int seen_significant_digit;
+ first_digit = * address_of_string_pointer;
+ c= *first_digit;
+ if (c=='-' || c=='+')
+ {
+ digits_sign_char = c;
+ first_digit ++;
+ }
+ else
+ digits_sign_char = '+';
+ if( (first_digit[0]=='n' || first_digit[0]=='N')
+ && (first_digit[1]=='a' || first_digit[1]=='A')
+ && (first_digit[2]=='n' || first_digit[2]=='N')) {
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number->sign=0;
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number->exponent=0;
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number->leader=address_of_generic_floating_point_number->low;
+ (*address_of_string_pointer)=first_digit+3;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( (first_digit[0]=='i' || first_digit[0]=='I')
+ && (first_digit[1]=='n' || first_digit[1]=='N')
+ && (first_digit[2]=='f' || first_digit[2]=='F')) {
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number->sign= digits_sign_char=='+' ? 'P' : 'N';
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number->exponent=0;
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number->leader=address_of_generic_floating_point_number->low;
+ if( (first_digit[3]=='i' || first_digit[3]=='I')
+ && (first_digit[4]=='n' || first_digit[4]=='N')
+ && (first_digit[5]=='i' || first_digit[5]=='I')
+ && (first_digit[6]=='t' || first_digit[6]=='T')
+ && (first_digit[7]=='y' || first_digit[7]=='Y'))
+ (*address_of_string_pointer)=first_digit+8;
+ else
+ (*address_of_string_pointer)=first_digit+3;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ number_of_digits_before_decimal = 0;
+ number_of_digits_after_decimal = 0;
+ decimal_exponent = 0;
+ seen_significant_digit = 0;
+ for (p = first_digit;
+ ((c = * p) != '\0')
+ && (!c || ! strchr (string_of_decimal_marks, c) )
+ && (!c || ! strchr (string_of_decimal_exponent_marks, c) );
+ p ++)
+ {
+ if (isdigit(c))
+ {
+ if (seen_significant_digit || c > '0')
+ {
+ number_of_digits_before_decimal ++;
+ seen_significant_digit = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ first_digit++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break; /* p -> char after pre-decimal digits. */
+ }
+ } /* For each digit before decimal mark. */
+ /* Ignore trailing 0's after the decimal point. The original code here
+ * (ifdef'd out) does not do this, and numbers like
+ * 4.29496729600000000000e+09 (2**31)
+ * come out inexact for some reason related to length of the digit
+ * string.
+ */
+ if ( c && strchr(string_of_decimal_marks,c) ){
+ int zeros = 0; /* Length of current string of zeros */
+ for ( p++; (c = *p) && isdigit(c); p++ ){
+ if ( c == '0'){
+ zeros++;
+ } else {
+ number_of_digits_after_decimal += 1 + zeros;
+ zeros = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (c && strchr (string_of_decimal_marks, c))
+ {
+ for (p ++;
+ ((c = * p) != '\0')
+ && (!c || ! strchr (string_of_decimal_exponent_marks, c) );
+ p ++)
+ {
+ if (isdigit(c))
+ {
+ number_of_digits_after_decimal ++; /* This may be retracted below. */
+ if (/* seen_significant_digit || */ c > '0')
+ {
+ seen_significant_digit = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( ! seen_significant_digit)
+ {
+ number_of_digits_after_decimal = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } /* For each digit after decimal mark. */
+ }
+ while(number_of_digits_after_decimal && first_digit[number_of_digits_before_decimal+number_of_digits_after_decimal]=='0')
+ --number_of_digits_after_decimal;
+/* last_digit = p; JF unused */
+ if (c && strchr (string_of_decimal_exponent_marks, c) )
+ {
+ char digits_exponent_sign_char;
+ c = * ++ p;
+ if (c && strchr ("+-",c))
+ {
+ digits_exponent_sign_char = c;
+ c = * ++ p;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ digits_exponent_sign_char = '+';
+ }
+ for (;
+ (c);
+ c = * ++ p)
+ {
+ if (isdigit(c))
+ {
+ decimal_exponent = decimal_exponent * 10 + c - '0';
+ /*
+ * BUG! If we overflow here, we lose!
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (digits_exponent_sign_char == '-')
+ {
+ decimal_exponent = - decimal_exponent;
+ }
+ }
+ * address_of_string_pointer = p;
+ }
+ number_of_digits_available =
+ number_of_digits_before_decimal
+ + number_of_digits_after_decimal;
+ return_value = 0;
+ if (number_of_digits_available == 0)
+ {
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number -> exponent = 0; /* Not strictly necessary */
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number -> leader
+ = -1 + address_of_generic_floating_point_number -> low;
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number -> sign = digits_sign_char;
+ /* We have just concocted (+/-)0.0E0 */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * digits_binary_low;
+ int precision;
+ int maximum_useful_digits;
+ int number_of_digits_to_use;
+ int more_than_enough_bits_for_digits;
+ int more_than_enough_littlenums_for_digits;
+ int size_of_digits_in_littlenums;
+ int size_of_digits_in_chars;
+ FLONUM_TYPE power_of_10_flonum;
+ FLONUM_TYPE digits_flonum;
+ precision = (address_of_generic_floating_point_number -> high
+ - address_of_generic_floating_point_number -> low
+ + 1
+ ); /* Number of destination littlenums. */
+ /* Includes guard bits (two littlenums worth) */
+ maximum_useful_digits = ( ((double) (precision - 2))
+ / (LOG_TO_BASE_2_OF_10)
+ )
+ + 2; /* 2 :: guard digits. */
+ if (number_of_digits_available > maximum_useful_digits)
+ {
+ number_of_digits_to_use = maximum_useful_digits;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ number_of_digits_to_use = number_of_digits_available;
+ }
+ decimal_exponent += number_of_digits_before_decimal - number_of_digits_to_use;
+ more_than_enough_bits_for_digits
+ = ((((double)number_of_digits_to_use) * LOG_TO_BASE_2_OF_10) + 1);
+ more_than_enough_littlenums_for_digits
+ = ( more_than_enough_bits_for_digits
+ )
+ + 2;
+ /*
+ * Compute (digits) part. In "12.34E56" this is the "1234" part.
+ * Arithmetic is exact here. If no digits are supplied then
+ * this part is a 0 valued binary integer.
+ * Allocate room to build up the binary number as littlenums.
+ * We want this memory to disappear when we leave this function.
+ * Assume no alignment problems => (room for n objects) ==
+ * n * (room for 1 object).
+ */
+ size_of_digits_in_littlenums = more_than_enough_littlenums_for_digits;
+ size_of_digits_in_chars = size_of_digits_in_littlenums
+ * sizeof( LITTLENUM_TYPE );
+ digits_binary_low = (LITTLENUM_TYPE *)
+ alloca (size_of_digits_in_chars);
+ bzero ((char *)digits_binary_low, size_of_digits_in_chars);
+ /* Digits_binary_low[] is allocated and zeroed. */
+ {
+ /*
+ * Parse the decimal digits as if * digits_low was in the units position.
+ * Emit a binary number into digits_binary_low[].
+ *
+ * Use a large-precision version of:
+ * (((1st-digit) * 10 + 2nd-digit) * 10 + 3rd-digit ...) * 10 + last-digit
+ */
+ char * p;
+ char c;
+ int count; /* Number of useful digits left to scan. */
+ for (p = first_digit, count = number_of_digits_to_use;
+ count;
+ p ++, -- count)
+ {
+ c = * p;
+ if (isdigit(c))
+ {
+ /*
+ * Multiply by 10. Assume can never overflow.
+ * Add this digit to digits_binary_low[].
+ */
+ long carry;
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * littlenum_pointer;
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * littlenum_limit;
+ littlenum_limit
+ = digits_binary_low
+ + more_than_enough_littlenums_for_digits
+ - 1;
+ carry = c - '0'; /* char -> binary */
+ for (littlenum_pointer = digits_binary_low;
+ littlenum_pointer <= littlenum_limit;
+ littlenum_pointer ++)
+ {
+ long work;
+ work = carry + 10 * (long)(*littlenum_pointer);
+ * littlenum_pointer = work & LITTLENUM_MASK;
+ carry = work >> LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS;
+ }
+ if (carry != 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ * We have a GROSS internal error.
+ * This should never happen.
+ */
+ abort(); /* RMS prefers abort() to any message. */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++ count; /* '.' doesn't alter digits used count. */
+ } /* if valid digit */
+ } /* for each digit */
+ }
+ /*
+ * Digits_binary_low[] properly encodes the value of the digits.
+ * Forget about any high-order littlenums that are 0.
+ */
+ while (digits_binary_low [size_of_digits_in_littlenums - 1] == 0
+ && size_of_digits_in_littlenums >= 2)
+ size_of_digits_in_littlenums --;
+ digits_flonum . low = digits_binary_low;
+ digits_flonum . high = digits_binary_low + size_of_digits_in_littlenums - 1;
+ digits_flonum . leader = digits_flonum . high;
+ digits_flonum . exponent = 0;
+ /*
+ * The value of digits_flonum . sign should not be important.
+ * We have already decided the output's sign.
+ * We trust that the sign won't influence the other parts of the number!
+ * So we give it a value for these reasons:
+ * (1) courtesy to humans reading/debugging
+ * these numbers so they don't get excited about strange values
+ * (2) in future there may be more meaning attached to sign,
+ * and what was
+ * harmless noise may become disruptive, ill-conditioned (or worse)
+ * input.
+ */
+ digits_flonum . sign = '+';
+ {
+ /*
+ * Compute the mantssa (& exponent) of the power of 10.
+ * If sucessful, then multiply the power of 10 by the digits
+ * giving return_binary_mantissa and return_binary_exponent.
+ */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE *power_binary_low;
+ int decimal_exponent_is_negative;
+ /* This refers to the "-56" in "12.34E-56". */
+ /* FALSE: decimal_exponent is positive (or 0) */
+ /* TRUE: decimal_exponent is negative */
+ FLONUM_TYPE temporary_flonum;
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE *temporary_binary_low;
+ int size_of_power_in_littlenums;
+ int size_of_power_in_chars;
+ size_of_power_in_littlenums = precision;
+/* Precision has a built-in fudge factor so we get a few guard bits. */
+ decimal_exponent_is_negative = decimal_exponent < 0;
+ if (decimal_exponent_is_negative)
+ {
+ decimal_exponent = - decimal_exponent;
+ }
+ /* From now on: the decimal exponent is > 0. Its sign is seperate. */
+ size_of_power_in_chars
+ = size_of_power_in_littlenums
+ * sizeof( LITTLENUM_TYPE ) + 2;
+ power_binary_low = (LITTLENUM_TYPE *) alloca ( size_of_power_in_chars );
+ temporary_binary_low = (LITTLENUM_TYPE *) alloca ( size_of_power_in_chars );
+ bzero ((char *)power_binary_low, size_of_power_in_chars);
+ * power_binary_low = 1;
+ power_of_10_flonum . exponent = 0;
+ power_of_10_flonum . low = power_binary_low;
+ power_of_10_flonum . leader = power_binary_low;
+ power_of_10_flonum . high = power_binary_low + size_of_power_in_littlenums - 1;
+ power_of_10_flonum . sign = '+';
+ temporary_flonum . low = temporary_binary_low;
+ temporary_flonum . high = temporary_binary_low + size_of_power_in_littlenums - 1;
+ /*
+ * (power) == 1.
+ * Space for temporary_flonum allocated.
+ */
+ /*
+ * ...
+ *
+ * WHILE more bits
+ * DO find next bit (with place value)
+ * multiply into power mantissa
+ * OD
+ */
+ {
+ int place_number_limit;
+ /* Any 10^(2^n) whose "n" exceeds this */
+ /* value will fall off the end of */
+ /* flonum_XXXX_powers_of_ten[]. */
+ int place_number;
+ const FLONUM_TYPE * multiplicand; /* -> 10^(2^n) */
+ place_number_limit = table_size_of_flonum_powers_of_ten;
+ multiplicand
+ = ( decimal_exponent_is_negative
+ ? flonum_negative_powers_of_ten
+ : flonum_positive_powers_of_ten);
+ for (place_number = 1; /* Place value of this bit of exponent. */
+ decimal_exponent; /* Quit when no more 1 bits in exponent. */
+ decimal_exponent >>= 1
+ , place_number ++)
+ {
+ if (decimal_exponent & 1)
+ {
+ if (place_number > place_number_limit)
+ {
+ /*
+ * The decimal exponent has a magnitude so great that
+ * our tables can't help us fragment it. Although this
+ * routine is in error because it can't imagine a
+ * number that big, signal an error as if it is the
+ * user's fault for presenting such a big number.
+ */
+ /*
+ * quit out of loop gracefully
+ */
+ decimal_exponent = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef TRACE
+printf("before multiply, place_number = %d., power_of_10_flonum:\n", place_number);
+flonum_print( & power_of_10_flonum );
+ flonum_multip(multiplicand + place_number, &power_of_10_flonum, &temporary_flonum);
+ flonum_copy (& temporary_flonum, & power_of_10_flonum);
+ } /* If this bit of decimal_exponent was computable.*/
+ } /* If this bit of decimal_exponent was set. */
+ } /* For each bit of binary representation of exponent */
+#ifdef TRACE
+printf( " after computing power_of_10_flonum: " );
+flonum_print( & power_of_10_flonum );
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * power_of_10_flonum is power of ten in binary (mantissa) , (exponent).
+ * It may be the number 1, in which case we don't NEED to multiply.
+ *
+ * Multiply (decimal digits) by power_of_10_flonum.
+ */
+ flonum_multip (& power_of_10_flonum, & digits_flonum, address_of_generic_floating_point_number);
+ /* Assert sign of the number we made is '+'. */
+ address_of_generic_floating_point_number -> sign = digits_sign_char;
+ } /* If we had any significant digits. */
+ return (return_value);
+} /* atof_generic () */
+/* end: atof_generic.c */
diff --git a/gas/bignum-copy.c b/gas/bignum-copy.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0dd5f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/bignum-copy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* bignum_copy.c - copy a bignum
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include "as.h"
+#ifdef USG
+#define bzero(s,n) memset(s,0,n)
+#define bcopy(from,to,n) memcpy(to,from,n)
+ * bignum_copy ()
+ *
+ * Copy a bignum from in to out.
+ * If the output is shorter than the input, copy lower-order littlenums.
+ * Return 0 or the number of significant littlenums dropped.
+ * Assumes littlenum arrays are densely packed: no unused chars between
+ * the littlenums. Uses bcopy() to move littlenums, and wants to
+ * know length (in chars) of the input bignum.
+ */
+/* void */
+bignum_copy (in, in_length, out, out_length)
+ register LITTLENUM_TYPE * in;
+ register int in_length; /* in sizeof(littlenum)s */
+ register LITTLENUM_TYPE * out;
+ register int out_length; /* in sizeof(littlenum)s */
+ register int significant_littlenums_dropped;
+ if (out_length < in_length)
+ {
+ register LITTLENUM_TYPE * p; /* -> most significant (non-zero) input littlenum. */
+ bcopy ((char *)in, (char *)out, out_length << LITTLENUM_SHIFT);
+ for (p = in + in_length - 1; p >= in; -- p)
+ {
+ if (* p) break;
+ }
+ significant_littlenums_dropped = p - in - in_length + 1;
+ if (significant_littlenums_dropped < 0)
+ {
+ significant_littlenums_dropped = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bcopy ((char *)in, (char *)out, in_length << LITTLENUM_SHIFT);
+ if (out_length > in_length)
+ {
+ bzero ((char *)(out + out_length), (out_length - in_length) << LITTLENUM_SHIFT);
+ }
+ significant_littlenums_dropped = 0;
+ }
+ return (significant_littlenums_dropped);
+/* end: bignum_copy.c */
diff --git a/gas/bignum.h b/gas/bignum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b1b8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/bignum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+/* bignum.h-arbitrary precision integers
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+* *
+* Arbitrary-precision integer arithmetic. *
+* For speed, we work in groups of bits, even though this *
+* complicates algorithms. *
+* Each group of bits is called a 'littlenum'. *
+* A bunch of littlenums representing a (possibly large) *
+* integer is called a 'bignum'. *
+* Bignums are >= 0. *
+* *
+#define LITTLENUM_SHIFT (1)
+#ifndef BITS_PER_CHAR
+#define BITS_PER_CHAR (8)
+typedef unsigned short LITTLENUM_TYPE;
+/* JF truncated this to get around a problem with GCC */
+#define LOG_TO_BASE_2_OF_10 (3.3219280948873623478703194294893901758651 )
+ /* WARNING: I haven't checked that the trailing digits are correct! */
+/* end: bignum.h */
diff --git a/gas/cond.c b/gas/cond.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38aec6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/cond.c
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+/* cond.c - conditional assembly pseudo-ops, and .include
+ Copyright (C) 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+void s_ifdef(arg)
+int arg;
+/* register char c; */
+ register char *name; /* points to name of symbol */
+ register struct symbol * symbolP; /* Points to symbol */
+ SKIP_WHITESPACE(); /* Leading whitespace is part of operand. */
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ if (!is_name_beginner(*name)) {
+ as_bad("invalid identifier for .ifdef");
+ obstack_1grow (&cond_obstack, 0);
+ } else {
+ get_symbol_end();
+ ++input_line_pointer;
+ symbolP = symbol_find(name);
+ /* ??? Should we try to optimize such that if we hit a .endif
+ before a .else, we don't need to push state? */
+ obstack_1grow(&cond_obstack, (symbolP != 0) ^ arg);
+ }
+} /* s_ifdef() */
+/* This is allocated to grow and shrink as .ifdef/.endif pairs
+ are scanned. When the top element is nonzero, it means
+ we should accept input. Otherwise, we should ignore input. */
+struct obstack cond_obstack;
+void s_if(arg)
+int arg;
+ expressionS operand;
+ SKIP_WHITESPACE(); /* Leading whitespace is part of operand. */
+ expr(0, &operand);
+ if (operand.X_add_symbol != NULL
+ || operand.X_subtract_symbol != NULL)
+ as_bad("non-constant expression in .if statement");
+ /* If the above error is signaled, this will dispatch
+ using an undefined result. No big deal. */
+ obstack_1grow(&cond_obstack, (operand.X_add_number != 0) ^ arg);
+} /* s_if() */
+void s_endif(arg)
+int arg;
+ char *base = obstack_base(&cond_obstack);
+ char *ptr = obstack_next_free(&cond_obstack);
+ if (ptr-1 == base) {
+ as_bad("unbalanced .endif");
+ } else {
+ obstack_free(&cond_obstack, ptr-1);
+ cond_obstack.object_base = base;
+ }
+} /* s_endif() */
+void s_else(arg)
+int arg;
+ char *ptr = obstack_next_free(&cond_obstack);
+ if (ptr-1 == obstack_base(&cond_obstack)) {
+ as_bad(".else without matching .if");
+ } else {
+ ptr[-1] = !ptr[-1];
+ }
+} /* s_else() */
+void s_ifeqs(arg)
+int arg;
+ as_bad("ifeqs not implemented.");
+} /* s_ifeqs() */
+void s_end(arg)
+int arg;
+ ;
+} /* s_end() */
+int ignore_input() {
+ char *ptr = obstack_next_free (&cond_obstack);
+ /* We cannot ignore certain pseudo ops. */
+ if (input_line_pointer[-1] == '.')
+ {
+ if (input_line_pointer[0] == 'i'
+ && (!strncmp (input_line_pointer, "if", 2)
+ || !strncmp (input_line_pointer, "ifdef", 5)
+ || !strncmp (input_line_pointer, "ifndef", 6)))
+ return 0;
+ if (input_line_pointer[0] == 'e'
+ && (!strncmp (input_line_pointer, "else", 4)
+ || !strncmp (input_line_pointer, "endif", 5)))
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return (ptr[-1] == 0);
+} /* ignore_input() */
+/* end of cond.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/a.out.h b/gas/config/a.out.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5043249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/a.out.h
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+/* This file describes the a.out file format
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#ifdef USE_HP_INC_HDR
+#include "../binutils/hp-include/a.out.h"
+#include "/usr/include/a.out.h"
+#ifdef USE_HP_HDR
+/* The `exec' structure and overall layout must be close to HP's when
+ we are running on an HP system, otherwise we will not be able to
+ execute the resulting file. */
+struct exec
+ unsigned short a_machtype; /* machine type */
+ unsigned short a_magic; /* magic number */
+ unsigned long a_spare1;
+ unsigned long a_spare2;
+ unsigned long a_text; /* length of text, in bytes */
+ unsigned long a_data; /* length of data, in bytes */
+ unsigned long a_bss; /* length of uninitialized data area for file, in bytes */
+ unsigned long a_trsize; /* length of relocation info for text, in bytes */
+ unsigned long a_drsize; /* length of relocation info for data, in bytes */
+ unsigned long a_spare3; /* HP = pascal interface size */
+ unsigned long a_spare4; /* HP = symbol table size */
+ unsigned long a_spare5; /* HP = debug name table size */
+ unsigned long a_entry; /* start address */
+ unsigned long a_spare6; /* HP = source line table size */
+ unsigned long a_spare7; /* HP = value table size */
+ unsigned long a_syms; /* length of symbol table data in file, in bytes */
+ unsigned long a_spare8;
+#define N_MAGIC(exec) ((exec) . a_magic)
+#define N_MACHTYPE(exec) ((exec) . a_machtype)
+#define N_SET_MAGIC(exec, magic) (((exec) . a_magic) = (magic))
+#define N_SET_MACHTYPE(exec, machtype) (((exec) . a_machtype) = (machtype))
+#define N_BADMAG(x) ((_N_BADMAG (x)) || (_N_BADMACH (x)))
+#define _N_BADMACH(x) \
+(((N_MACHTYPE (x)) != HP9000S200_ID) && \
+ ((N_MACHTYPE (x)) != HP98x6_ID))
+#define _N_BADMAG(x) \
+ (((x).a_magic)!=OMAGIC && ((x).a_magic)!=NMAGIC && ((x).a_magic)!=ZMAGIC)
+#define HP98x6_ID 0x20A
+#define HP9000S200_ID 0x20C
+ /* A Generic machine. . . */
+/* JF I'm not sure where this file came from. I put the permit.text message in
+ it anyway. This file came to me as part of the original VAX assembler, but had
+ no copyright notices in it. */
+struct exec {
+ long a_magic; /* number identifies as .o file and gives type of such. */
+ unsigned a_text; /* length of text, in bytes */
+ unsigned a_data; /* length of data, in bytes */
+ unsigned a_bss; /* length of uninitialized data area for file, in bytes */
+ unsigned a_syms; /* length of symbol table data in file, in bytes */
+ unsigned a_entry; /* start address */
+ unsigned a_trsize; /* length of relocation info for text, in bytes */
+ unsigned a_drsize; /* length of relocation info for data, in bytes */
+#define N_BADMAG(x) \
+ (((x).a_magic)!=OMAGIC && ((x).a_magic)!=NMAGIC && ((x).a_magic)!=ZMAGIC)
+ /* From here down is common to both the HP and the generic machine */
+#define OMAGIC 0407
+#define NMAGIC 0410
+#define ZMAGIC 0413
+#define N_TXTOFF(x) \
+ ((x).a_magic == ZMAGIC ? 1024 : sizeof(struct exec))
+#define N_SYMOFF(x) \
+ (N_TXTOFF(x) + (x).a_text + (x).a_data + (x).a_trsize + (x).a_drsize)
+#define N_STROFF(x) \
+ (N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms)
+struct nlist {
+ union {
+ char *n_name;
+ struct nlist *n_next;
+ long n_strx;
+ } n_un;
+ char n_type;
+ char n_other;
+ short n_desc;
+ unsigned n_value;
+#define N_UNDF 0
+#define N_ABS 2
+#define N_TEXT 4
+#define N_DATA 6
+#define N_BSS 8
+#define N_FN 31 /* JF: Someone claims this should be 31 instead of
+ 15. I just inherited this file; I didn't write
+ it. Who is right? */
+#define N_EXT 1
+#define N_TYPE 036
+#define N_STAB 0340
+struct relocation_info {
+ int r_address;
+ unsigned r_symbolnum:24,
+ r_pcrel:1,
+ r_length:2,
+ r_extern:1,
+ r_bsr:1, /* OVE: used on ns32k based systems, if you want */
+ r_disp:1, /* OVE: used on ns32k based systems, if you want */
+ nuthin:2;
diff --git a/gas/config/atof-ieee.c b/gas/config/atof-ieee.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..323d4e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/atof-ieee.c
@@ -0,0 +1,511 @@
+/* atof_ieee.c - turn a Flonum into an IEEE floating point number
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+#include "as.h"
+#ifdef USG
+#define bzero(s,n) memset(s,0,n)
+#define bcopy(from,to,n) memcpy((to),(from),(n))
+extern FLONUM_TYPE generic_floating_point_number; /* Flonums returned here. */
+#ifndef NULL
+#define NULL (0)
+extern char EXP_CHARS[];
+ /* Precision in LittleNums. */
+#define MAX_PRECISION (6)
+#define F_PRECISION (2)
+#define D_PRECISION (4)
+#define X_PRECISION (6)
+#define P_PRECISION (6)
+ /* Length in LittleNums of guard bits. */
+#define GUARD (2)
+static unsigned long mask [] = {
+ 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000001,
+ 0x00000003,
+ 0x00000007,
+ 0x0000000f,
+ 0x0000001f,
+ 0x0000003f,
+ 0x0000007f,
+ 0x000000ff,
+ 0x000001ff,
+ 0x000003ff,
+ 0x000007ff,
+ 0x00000fff,
+ 0x00001fff,
+ 0x00003fff,
+ 0x00007fff,
+ 0x0000ffff,
+ 0x0001ffff,
+ 0x0003ffff,
+ 0x0007ffff,
+ 0x000fffff,
+ 0x001fffff,
+ 0x003fffff,
+ 0x007fffff,
+ 0x00ffffff,
+ 0x01ffffff,
+ 0x03ffffff,
+ 0x07ffffff,
+ 0x0fffffff,
+ 0x1fffffff,
+ 0x3fffffff,
+ 0x7fffffff,
+ 0xffffffff
+ };
+static int bits_left_in_littlenum;
+static int littlenums_left;
+static LITTLENUM_TYPE *littlenum_pointer;
+static int
+next_bits (number_of_bits)
+ int number_of_bits;
+ int return_value;
+ if(!littlenums_left)
+ return 0;
+ if (number_of_bits >= bits_left_in_littlenum)
+ {
+ return_value = mask [bits_left_in_littlenum] & *littlenum_pointer;
+ number_of_bits -= bits_left_in_littlenum;
+ return_value <<= number_of_bits;
+ if(--littlenums_left) {
+ bits_left_in_littlenum = LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS - number_of_bits;
+ littlenum_pointer --;
+ return_value |= (*littlenum_pointer>>bits_left_in_littlenum) & mask[number_of_bits];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bits_left_in_littlenum -= number_of_bits;
+ return_value = mask [number_of_bits] & (*littlenum_pointer>>bits_left_in_littlenum);
+ }
+ return (return_value);
+/* Num had better be less than LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS */
+static void
+int num;
+ if(!littlenums_left) {
+ ++littlenum_pointer;
+ ++littlenums_left;
+ bits_left_in_littlenum=num;
+ } else if(bits_left_in_littlenum+num>LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS) {
+ bits_left_in_littlenum= num-(LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-bits_left_in_littlenum);
+ ++littlenum_pointer;
+ ++littlenums_left;
+ } else
+ bits_left_in_littlenum+=num;
+static void
+make_invalid_floating_point_number (words)
+ as_bad("cannot create floating-point number");
+ words[0]= ((unsigned)-1)>>1; /* Zero the leftmost bit */
+ words[1]= -1;
+ words[2]= -1;
+ words[3]= -1;
+ words[4]= -1;
+ words[5]= -1;
+* Warning: this returns 16-bit LITTLENUMs. It is up to the caller *
+* to figure out any alignment problems and to conspire for the *
+* bytes/word to be emitted in the right order. Bigendians beware! *
+* *
+/* Note that atof-ieee always has X and P precisions enabled. it is up
+ to md_atof to filter them out if the target machine does not support
+ them. */
+char * /* Return pointer past text consumed. */
+atof_ieee (str, what_kind, words)
+ char * str; /* Text to convert to binary. */
+ char what_kind; /* 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h' */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * words; /* Build the binary here. */
+ /* Extra bits for zeroed low-order bits. */
+ /* The 1st MAX_PRECISION are zeroed, */
+ /* the last contain flonum bits. */
+ char * return_value;
+ int precision; /* Number of 16-bit words in the format. */
+ long exponent_bits;
+ return_value = str;
+ generic_floating_point_number.low = bits + MAX_PRECISION;
+ generic_floating_point_number.high = NULL;
+ generic_floating_point_number.leader = NULL;
+ generic_floating_point_number.exponent = NULL;
+ generic_floating_point_number.sign = '\0';
+ /* Use more LittleNums than seems */
+ /* necessary: the highest flonum may have */
+ /* 15 leading 0 bits, so could be useless. */
+ bzero (bits, sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE) * MAX_PRECISION);
+ switch(what_kind) {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ precision = F_PRECISION;
+ exponent_bits = 8;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'r':
+ case 'R':
+ precision = D_PRECISION;
+ exponent_bits = 11;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ case 'e':
+ case 'E':
+ precision = X_PRECISION;
+ exponent_bits = 15;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P':
+ precision = P_PRECISION;
+ exponent_bits= -1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ make_invalid_floating_point_number (words);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ generic_floating_point_number.high = generic_floating_point_number.low + precision - 1 + GUARD;
+ if (atof_generic (& return_value, ".", EXP_CHARS, & generic_floating_point_number)) {
+ /* as_bad("Error converting floating point number (Exponent overflow?)"); */
+ make_invalid_floating_point_number (words);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ gen_to_words(words, precision, exponent_bits);
+ return return_value;
+/* Turn generic_floating_point_number into a real float/double/extended */
+int gen_to_words(words, precision, exponent_bits)
+int precision;
+long exponent_bits;
+ int return_value=0;
+ long exponent_1;
+ long exponent_2;
+ long exponent_3;
+ long exponent_4;
+ int exponent_skippage;
+ if (generic_floating_point_number.low > generic_floating_point_number.leader) {
+ /* 0.0e0 seen. */
+ if(generic_floating_point_number.sign=='+')
+ words[0]=0x0000;
+ else
+ words[0]=0x8000;
+ bzero (&words[1], sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE) * (precision-1));
+ return return_value;
+ }
+ /* NaN: Do the right thing */
+ if(generic_floating_point_number.sign==0) {
+ if(precision==F_PRECISION) {
+ words[0]=0x7fff;
+ words[1]=0xffff;
+ } else {
+ words[0]=0x7fff;
+ words[1]=0xffff;
+ words[2]=0xffff;
+ words[3]=0xffff;
+ }
+ return return_value;
+ } else if(generic_floating_point_number.sign=='P') {
+ /* +INF: Do the right thing */
+ if(precision==F_PRECISION) {
+ words[0]=0x7f80;
+ words[1]=0;
+ } else {
+ words[0]=0x7ff0;
+ words[1]=0;
+ words[2]=0;
+ words[3]=0;
+ }
+ return return_value;
+ } else if(generic_floating_point_number.sign=='N') {
+ /* Negative INF */
+ if(precision==F_PRECISION) {
+ words[0]=0xff80;
+ words[1]=0x0;
+ } else {
+ words[0]=0xfff0;
+ words[1]=0x0;
+ words[2]=0x0;
+ words[3]=0x0;
+ }
+ return return_value;
+ }
+ /*
+ * The floating point formats we support have:
+ * Bit 15 is sign bit.
+ * Bits 14:n are excess-whatever exponent.
+ * Bits n-1:0 (if any) are most significant bits of fraction.
+ * Bits 15:0 of the next word(s) are the next most significant bits.
+ *
+ * So we need: number of bits of exponent, number of bits of
+ * mantissa.
+ */
+ bits_left_in_littlenum = LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS;
+ littlenum_pointer = generic_floating_point_number.leader;
+ littlenums_left = 1+generic_floating_point_number.leader - generic_floating_point_number.low;
+ /* Seek (and forget) 1st significant bit */
+ for (exponent_skippage = 0;! next_bits(1); exponent_skippage ++)
+ ;
+ exponent_1 = generic_floating_point_number.exponent + generic_floating_point_number.leader + 1 -
+ generic_floating_point_number.low;
+ /* Radix LITTLENUM_RADIX, point just higher than generic_floating_point_number.leader. */
+ exponent_2 = exponent_1 * LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS;
+ /* Radix 2. */
+ exponent_3 = exponent_2 - exponent_skippage;
+ /* Forget leading zeros, forget 1st bit. */
+ exponent_4 = exponent_3 + ((1 << (exponent_bits - 1)) - 2);
+ /* Offset exponent. */
+ lp = words;
+ /* Word 1. Sign, exponent and perhaps high bits. */
+ word1 = (generic_floating_point_number.sign == '+') ? 0 : (1<<(LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-1));
+ /* Assume 2's complement integers. */
+ if(exponent_4<1 && exponent_4>=-62) {
+ int prec_bits;
+ int num_bits;
+ unget_bits(1);
+ num_bits= -exponent_4;
+ prec_bits=LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS*precision-(exponent_bits+1+num_bits);
+ if(precision==X_PRECISION && exponent_bits==15)
+ if(num_bits>=LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-exponent_bits) {
+ /* Bigger than one littlenum */
+ num_bits-=(LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-1)-exponent_bits;
+ *lp++=word1;
+ if(num_bits+exponent_bits+1>=precision*LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS) {
+ /* Exponent overflow */
+ make_invalid_floating_point_number(words);
+ return return_value;
+ }
+ if(precision==X_PRECISION && exponent_bits==15) {
+ *lp++=0;
+ *lp++=0;
+ }
+ while(num_bits>=LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS) {
+ *lp++=0;
+ }
+ if(num_bits)
+ *lp++=next_bits(LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-(num_bits));
+ } else {
+ if(precision==X_PRECISION && exponent_bits==15) {
+ *lp++=word1;
+ *lp++=0;
+ if(num_bits==LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS) {
+ *lp++=0;
+ *lp++=next_bits(LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-1);
+ } else if(num_bits==LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-1)
+ *lp++=0;
+ else
+ *lp++=next_bits(LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-1-num_bits);
+ num_bits=0;
+ } else {
+ word1|= next_bits ((LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-1) - (exponent_bits+num_bits));
+ *lp++=word1;
+ }
+ }
+ while(lp<words+precision)
+ *lp++=next_bits(LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS);
+ /* Round the mantissa up, but don't change the number */
+ if(next_bits(1)) {
+ --lp;
+ if(prec_bits>LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS) {
+ int n = 0;
+ int tmp_bits;
+ n=0;
+ tmp_bits=prec_bits;
+ while(tmp_bits>LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS) {
+ if(lp[n]!=(LITTLENUM_TYPE)-1)
+ break;
+ --n;
+ }
+ if(tmp_bits>LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS || (lp[n]&mask[tmp_bits])!=mask[tmp_bits]) {
+ unsigned long carry;
+ for (carry = 1; carry && (lp >= words); lp --) {
+ carry = * lp + carry;
+ * lp = carry;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if((*lp&mask[prec_bits])!=mask[prec_bits])
+ lp++;
+ }
+ return return_value;
+ } else if (exponent_4 & ~ mask [exponent_bits]) {
+ /*
+ * Exponent overflow. Lose immediately.
+ */
+ /*
+ * We leave return_value alone: admit we read the
+ * number, but return a floating exception
+ * because we can't encode the number.
+ */
+ make_invalid_floating_point_number (words);
+ return return_value;
+ } else {
+ word1 |= (exponent_4 << ((LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-1) - exponent_bits))
+ | next_bits ((LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS-1) - exponent_bits);
+ }
+ * lp ++ = word1;
+ /* X_PRECISION is special: it has 16 bits of zero in the middle,
+ followed by a 1 bit. */
+ if(exponent_bits==15 && precision==X_PRECISION) {
+ *lp++=0;
+ }
+ /* The rest of the words are just mantissa bits. */
+ while(lp < words + precision)
+ *lp++ = next_bits (LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS);
+ if (next_bits (1)) {
+ unsigned long carry;
+ /*
+ * Since the NEXT bit is a 1, round UP the mantissa.
+ * The cunning design of these hidden-1 floats permits
+ * us to let the mantissa overflow into the exponent, and
+ * it 'does the right thing'. However, we lose if the
+ * highest-order bit of the lowest-order word flips.
+ * Is that clear?
+ */
+/* #if (sizeof(carry)) < ((sizeof(bits[0]) * BITS_PER_CHAR) + 2)
+ Please allow at least 1 more bit in carry than is in a LITTLENUM.
+ We need that extra bit to hold a carry during a LITTLENUM carry
+ propagation. Another extra bit (kept 0) will assure us that we
+ don't get a sticky sign bit after shifting right, and that
+ permits us to propagate the carry without any masking of bits.
+#endif */
+ for (carry = 1, lp --; carry && (lp >= words); lp --) {
+ carry = * lp + carry;
+ * lp = carry;
+ }
+ if ( (word1 ^ *words) & (1 << (LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS - 1)) ) {
+ /* We leave return_value alone: admit we read the
+ * number, but return a floating exception
+ * because we can't encode the number.
+ */
+ *words&= ~ (1 << (LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS - 1));
+ /* make_invalid_floating_point_number (words); */
+ /* return return_value; */
+ }
+ }
+ return (return_value);
+/* This routine is a real kludge. Someone really should do it better, but
+ I'm too lazy, and I don't understand this stuff all too well anyway
+ (JF)
+ */
+long x;
+ char buf[20];
+ char *bufp;
+ sprintf(buf,"%ld",x);
+ bufp= &buf[0];
+ if(atof_generic(&bufp,".", EXP_CHARS, &generic_floating_point_number))
+ as_bad("Error converting number to floating point (Exponent overflow?)");
+#ifdef TEST
+char *
+ double dv;
+ float fv;
+ static char sbuf[40];
+ if(gen) {
+ f=generic_floating_point_number;
+ generic_floating_point_number= *gen;
+ }
+ gen_to_words(&arr[0],4,11);
+ bcopy(&arr[0],&dv,sizeof(double));
+ sprintf(sbuf,"%x %x %x %x %.14G ",arr[0],arr[1],arr[2],arr[3],dv);
+ gen_to_words(&arr[0],2,8);
+ bcopy(&arr[0],&fv,sizeof(float));
+ sprintf(sbuf+strlen(sbuf),"%x %x %.12g\n",arr[0],arr[1],fv);
+ if(gen)
+ generic_floating_point_number=f;
+ return sbuf;
diff --git a/gas/config/atof-vax.c b/gas/config/atof-vax.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43c81d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/atof-vax.c
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+/* atof_vax.c - turn a Flonum into a VAX floating point number
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+ /* JF added these two for md_atof() */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "flonum.h"
+ /* Precision in LittleNums. */
+#define MAX_PRECISION (8)
+#define H_PRECISION (8)
+#define G_PRECISION (4)
+#define D_PRECISION (4)
+#define F_PRECISION (2)
+ /* Length in LittleNums of guard bits. */
+#define GUARD (2)
+int /* Number of chars in flonum type 'letter'. */
+atof_vax_sizeof (letter)
+ char letter;
+ int return_value;
+ /*
+ * Permitting uppercase letters is probably a bad idea.
+ * Please use only lower-cased letters in case the upper-cased
+ * ones become unsupported!
+ */
+ switch (letter)
+ {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ return_value = 4;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'g':
+ case 'G':
+ return_value = 8;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ case 'H':
+ return_value = 16;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return_value = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return (return_value);
+} /* atof_vax_sizeof */
+static const long mask [] = {
+ 0x00000000,
+ 0x00000001,
+ 0x00000003,
+ 0x00000007,
+ 0x0000000f,
+ 0x0000001f,
+ 0x0000003f,
+ 0x0000007f,
+ 0x000000ff,
+ 0x000001ff,
+ 0x000003ff,
+ 0x000007ff,
+ 0x00000fff,
+ 0x00001fff,
+ 0x00003fff,
+ 0x00007fff,
+ 0x0000ffff,
+ 0x0001ffff,
+ 0x0003ffff,
+ 0x0007ffff,
+ 0x000fffff,
+ 0x001fffff,
+ 0x003fffff,
+ 0x007fffff,
+ 0x00ffffff,
+ 0x01ffffff,
+ 0x03ffffff,
+ 0x07ffffff,
+ 0x0fffffff,
+ 0x1fffffff,
+ 0x3fffffff,
+ 0x7fffffff,
+ 0xffffffff
+ };
+/* Shared between flonum_gen2vax and next_bits */
+static int bits_left_in_littlenum;
+static LITTLENUM_TYPE * littlenum_pointer;
+static LITTLENUM_TYPE * littlenum_end;
+static int
+next_bits (number_of_bits)
+ int number_of_bits;
+ int return_value;
+ if(littlenum_pointer<littlenum_end)
+ return 0;
+ if (number_of_bits >= bits_left_in_littlenum)
+ {
+ return_value = mask [bits_left_in_littlenum] & * littlenum_pointer;
+ number_of_bits -= bits_left_in_littlenum;
+ return_value <<= number_of_bits;
+ bits_left_in_littlenum = LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS - number_of_bits;
+ littlenum_pointer --;
+ if(littlenum_pointer>=littlenum_end)
+ return_value |= ( (* littlenum_pointer) >> (bits_left_in_littlenum) ) & mask [number_of_bits];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bits_left_in_littlenum -= number_of_bits;
+ return_value = mask [number_of_bits] & ( (* littlenum_pointer) >> bits_left_in_littlenum);
+ }
+ return (return_value);
+static void
+make_invalid_floating_point_number (words)
+ * words = 0x8000; /* Floating Reserved Operand Code */
+static int /* 0 means letter is OK. */
+what_kind_of_float (letter, precisionP, exponent_bitsP)
+ char letter; /* In: lowercase please. What kind of float? */
+ int * precisionP; /* Number of 16-bit words in the float. */
+ long * exponent_bitsP; /* Number of exponent bits. */
+ int retval; /* 0: OK. */
+ retval = 0;
+ switch (letter)
+ {
+ case 'f':
+ * precisionP = F_PRECISION;
+ * exponent_bitsP = 8;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ * precisionP = D_PRECISION;
+ * exponent_bitsP = 8;
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ * precisionP = G_PRECISION;
+ * exponent_bitsP = 11;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ * precisionP = H_PRECISION;
+ * exponent_bitsP = 15;
+ break;
+ default:
+ retval = 69;
+ break;
+ }
+ return (retval);
+* *
+* Warning: this returns 16-bit LITTLENUMs, because that is *
+* what the VAX thinks in. It is up to the caller to figure *
+* out any alignment problems and to conspire for the bytes/word *
+* to be emitted in the right order. Bigendians beware! *
+* *
+char * /* Return pointer past text consumed. */
+atof_vax (str, what_kind, words)
+ char * str; /* Text to convert to binary. */
+ char what_kind; /* 'd', 'f', 'g', 'h' */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * words; /* Build the binary here. */
+ /* Extra bits for zeroed low-order bits. */
+ /* The 1st MAX_PRECISION are zeroed, */
+ /* the last contain flonum bits. */
+ char * return_value;
+ int precision; /* Number of 16-bit words in the format. */
+ long exponent_bits;
+ return_value = str;
+ f . low = bits + MAX_PRECISION;
+ f . high = NULL;
+ f . leader = NULL;
+ f . exponent = NULL;
+ f . sign = '\0';
+ if (what_kind_of_float (what_kind, & precision, & exponent_bits))
+ {
+ return_value = NULL; /* We lost. */
+ make_invalid_floating_point_number (words);
+ }
+ if (return_value)
+ {
+ bzero (bits, sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE) * MAX_PRECISION);
+ /* Use more LittleNums than seems */
+ /* necessary: the highest flonum may have */
+ /* 15 leading 0 bits, so could be useless. */
+ f . high = f . low + precision - 1 + GUARD;
+ if (atof_generic (& return_value, ".", "eE", & f))
+ {
+ make_invalid_floating_point_number (words);
+ return_value = NULL; /* we lost */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (flonum_gen2vax (what_kind, & f, words))
+ {
+ return_value = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (return_value);
+ * In: a flonum, a vax floating point format.
+ * Out: a vax floating-point bit pattern.
+ */
+int /* 0: OK. */
+flonum_gen2vax (format_letter, f, words)
+ char format_letter; /* One of 'd' 'f' 'g' 'h'. */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * words; /* Deliver answer here. */
+ int precision;
+ long exponent_bits;
+ int return_value; /* 0 == OK. */
+ return_value = what_kind_of_float (format_letter, & precision, & exponent_bits);
+ if (return_value != 0)
+ {
+ make_invalid_floating_point_number (words);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (f -> low > f -> leader)
+ {
+ /* 0.0e0 seen. */
+ bzero (words, sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE) * precision);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ long exponent_1;
+ long exponent_2;
+ long exponent_3;
+ long exponent_4;
+ int exponent_skippage;
+ /* JF: Deal with new Nan, +Inf and -Inf codes */
+ if(f->sign!='-' && f->sign!='+') {
+ make_invalid_floating_point_number(words);
+ return return_value;
+ }
+ /*
+ * All vaxen floating_point formats (so far) have:
+ * Bit 15 is sign bit.
+ * Bits 14:n are excess-whatever exponent.
+ * Bits n-1:0 (if any) are most significant bits of fraction.
+ * Bits 15:0 of the next word are the next most significant bits.
+ * And so on for each other word.
+ *
+ * All this to be compatible with a KF11?? (Which is still faster
+ * than lots of vaxen I can think of, but it also has higher
+ * maintenance costs ... sigh).
+ *
+ * So we need: number of bits of exponent, number of bits of
+ * mantissa.
+ */
+#ifdef NEVER /******* This zeroing seems redundant - Dean 3may86 **********/
+ /*
+ * No matter how few bits we got back from the atof()
+ * routine, add enough zero littlenums so the rest of the
+ * code won't run out of "significant" bits in the mantissa.
+ */
+ {
+ for (ltp = f -> leader + 1;
+ ltp <= f -> low + precision;
+ ltp ++)
+ {
+ * ltp = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ bits_left_in_littlenum = LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS;
+ littlenum_pointer = f -> leader;
+ littlenum_end = f->low;
+ /* Seek (and forget) 1st significant bit */
+ for (exponent_skippage = 0;
+ ! next_bits(1);
+ exponent_skippage ++)
+ {
+ }
+ exponent_1 = f -> exponent + f -> leader + 1 - f -> low;
+ /* Radix LITTLENUM_RADIX, point just higher than f -> leader. */
+ exponent_2 = exponent_1 * LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS;
+ /* Radix 2. */
+ exponent_3 = exponent_2 - exponent_skippage;
+ /* Forget leading zeros, forget 1st bit. */
+ exponent_4 = exponent_3 + (1 << (exponent_bits - 1));
+ /* Offset exponent. */
+ if (exponent_4 & ~ mask [exponent_bits])
+ {
+ /*
+ * Exponent overflow. Lose immediately.
+ */
+ make_invalid_floating_point_number (words);
+ /*
+ * We leave return_value alone: admit we read the
+ * number, but return a floating exception
+ * because we can't encode the number.
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lp = words;
+ /* Word 1. Sign, exponent and perhaps high bits. */
+ /* Assume 2's complement integers. */
+ word1 = ((exponent_4 & mask [exponent_bits]) << (15 - exponent_bits))
+ | ((f -> sign == '+') ? 0 : 0x8000)
+ | next_bits (15 - exponent_bits);
+ * lp ++ = word1;
+ /* The rest of the words are just mantissa bits. */
+ for (; lp < words + precision; lp++)
+ {
+ * lp = next_bits (LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS);
+ }
+ if (next_bits (1))
+ {
+ /*
+ * Since the NEXT bit is a 1, round UP the mantissa.
+ * The cunning design of these hidden-1 floats permits
+ * us to let the mantissa overflow into the exponent, and
+ * it 'does the right thing'. However, we lose if the
+ * highest-order bit of the lowest-order word flips.
+ * Is that clear?
+ */
+ unsigned long carry;
+ /*
+ #if (sizeof(carry)) < ((sizeof(bits[0]) * BITS_PER_CHAR) + 2)
+ Please allow at least 1 more bit in carry than is in a LITTLENUM.
+ We need that extra bit to hold a carry during a LITTLENUM carry
+ propagation. Another extra bit (kept 0) will assure us that we
+ don't get a sticky sign bit after shifting right, and that
+ permits us to propagate the carry without any masking of bits.
+ #endif
+ */
+ for (carry = 1, lp --;
+ carry && (lp >= words);
+ lp --)
+ {
+ carry = * lp + carry;
+ * lp = carry;
+ }
+ if ( (word1 ^ *words) & (1 << (LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS - 1)) )
+ {
+ make_invalid_floating_point_number (words);
+ /*
+ * We leave return_value alone: admit we read the
+ * number, but return a floating exception
+ * because we can't encode the number.
+ */
+ }
+ } /* if (we needed to round up) */
+ } /* if (exponent overflow) */
+ } /* if (0.0e0) */
+ } /* if (float_type was OK) */
+ return (return_value);
+/* JF this used to be in vax.c but this looks like a better place for it */
+ * md_atof()
+ *
+ * In: input_line_pointer -> the 1st character of a floating-point
+ * number.
+ * 1 letter denoting the type of statement that wants a
+ * binary floating point number returned.
+ * Address of where to build floating point literal.
+ * Assumed to be 'big enough'.
+ * Address of where to return size of literal (in chars).
+ *
+ * Out: Input_line_pointer -> of next char after floating number.
+ * Error message, or "".
+ * Floating point literal.
+ * Number of chars we used for the literal.
+ */
+#define MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LITTLENUMS (8) /* For .hfloats. */
+char *
+md_atof (what_statement_type, literalP, sizeP)
+ char what_statement_type;
+ char * literalP;
+ int * sizeP;
+ register char kind_of_float;
+ register int number_of_chars;
+ register LITTLENUM_TYPE * littlenum_pointer;
+ switch (what_statement_type)
+ {
+ case 'F': /* .float */
+ case 'f': /* .ffloat */
+ kind_of_float = 'f';
+ break;
+ case 'D': /* .double */
+ case 'd': /* .dfloat */
+ kind_of_float = 'd';
+ break;
+ case 'g': /* .gfloat */
+ kind_of_float = 'g';
+ break;
+ case 'h': /* .hfloat */
+ kind_of_float = 'h';
+ break;
+ default:
+ kind_of_float = 0;
+ break;
+ };
+ if (kind_of_float)
+ {
+ register LITTLENUM_TYPE * limit;
+ input_line_pointer = atof_vax (input_line_pointer,
+ kind_of_float,
+ words);
+ /*
+ * The atof_vax() builds up 16-bit numbers.
+ * Since the assembler may not be running on
+ * a little-endian machine, be very careful about
+ * converting words to chars.
+ */
+ number_of_chars = atof_vax_sizeof (kind_of_float);
+ know( number_of_chars <= MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LITTLENUMS * sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE) );
+ limit = words + (number_of_chars / sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ for (littlenum_pointer = words;
+ littlenum_pointer < limit;
+ littlenum_pointer ++)
+ {
+ md_number_to_chars (literalP, * littlenum_pointer, sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ literalP += sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ number_of_chars = 0;
+ };
+ * sizeP = number_of_chars;
+ return (kind_of_float ? "" : "Bad call to md_atof()");
+} /* md_atof() */
+/* atof_vax.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/coff.gnu.h b/gas/config/coff.gnu.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..281ac17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/coff.gnu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
+/*** coff information for 80960. Origins: Intel, AMD, etc., natch. */
+ * At this point I'm sure this file is right for i960 and I'm pretty sure it's
+ * right for a29k, although it hasn't been tested rigorously. Please feel free
+ * to add your own machine's description here. Without that info, it isn't
+ * possible to build cross development tools from elsewhere nor is it easy to
+ * continue to support your machines format.
+ *
+ * The TC_foo ifdef's are mine. They are what gas uses. The other ifdef's
+ * remain for documentation from other scavenged files. xoxorich.
+ */
+/* $Id$ */
+/********************** FILE HEADER **********************/
+struct filehdr {
+ unsigned short f_magic; /* magic number */
+ unsigned short f_nscns; /* number of sections */
+ long f_timdat; /* time & date stamp */
+ long f_symptr; /* file pointer to symtab */
+ long f_nsyms; /* number of symtab entries */
+ unsigned short f_opthdr; /* sizeof(optional hdr) */
+ unsigned short f_flags; /* flags */
+/* Bits for f_flags:
+ * F_RELFLG relocation info stripped from file
+ * F_EXEC file is executable (no unresolved externel references)
+ * F_LNNO line nunbers stripped from file
+ * F_LSYMS local symbols stripped from file
+ * F_AR32WR file has byte ordering of an AR32WR machine (e.g. vax)
+ */
+#define F_RELFLG (0x0001)
+#define F_EXEC (0x0002)
+#define F_LNNO (0x0004)
+#define F_LSYMS (0x0008)
+#ifdef TC_I960
+#define F_AR32WR (0x0010) /* File has 32 bits per word, least
+ significant byte first. */
+#else /* TC_I960 */
+#define F_AR32WR (0x0100)
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#define F_MINMAL (0x0010) /* ??? */
+#define F_UPDATE (0x0020) /* ??? */
+#define F_SWABD (0x0040) /* ??? */
+#define F_AR16WR (0x0080) /* File has the byte ordering used by
+ the PDP*-11/70 processor. */
+#define F_AR32W (0x0200) /* File has 32 bits per word, most
+ significant byte first. */
+ * Intel 80960 (I960) processor flags.
+ * F_I960TYPE == mask for processor type field.
+ */
+#define F_I960TYPE (0xf000)
+#define F_I960CORE (0x1000)
+#define F_I960KB (0x2000)
+#define F_I960SB (0x2000)
+#define F_I960MC (0x3000)
+#define F_I960XA (0x4000)
+#define F_I960CA (0x5000)
+#define F_I960KA (0x6000)
+#define F_I960SA (0x6000)
+ * i80960 Magic Numbers
+ */
+#define I960ROMAGIC (0x160) /* read-only text segments */
+#define I960RWMAGIC (0x161) /* read-write text segments */
+#define I960BADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic != I960ROMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic != I960RWMAGIC))
+#define SIPFBOMAGIC (0x17a) /* Am29000 (Byte 0 is MSB - Big Endian) */
+#define SIPRBOMAGIC (0x17b) /* Am29000 (Byte 0 is LSB - Little Endian) */
+#define A29KBADMAG(x) (((x).f_magic != SIPFBOMAGIC) && ((x).f_magic != SIPRBOMAGIC))
+#define FILHDR struct filehdr
+#define FILHSZ sizeof(FILHDR)
+/********************** AOUT "OPTIONAL HEADER" **********************/
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned long phys_addr;
+ unsigned long bitarray;
+/* These appear to be used only by exec(2). I don't know who cares
+ about them in a cross development environment. In any case, this
+ is my collection after researching the issue for a few hours.
+ Apparently, most have these have remained essentially unchanged
+ since v7 days, although a few new ones have been added. xoxorich. */
+#define BAD0MAGIC (0401) /* (?) "lpd (UNIX/RT)" */
+#define BAD1MAGIC (0405) /* (?) overlay */
+#define OMAGIC (0407) /* old impure format. data immediately
+ follows text. both sections are rw. */
+#define NMAGIC (0410) /* split i&d, read-only text */
+#define A_MAGIC3 (0411) /* (?) "separated I&D" */
+#define ZMAGIC (0413) /* like NMAGIC, but demand loaded */
+#define PAGEMAGIC2 (0414) /* (?) like ZMAGIC, but address zero
+ explicitly unmapped. */
+#define REGMAGIC (0414) /* (?) a PAGEMAGIC2 alias? */
+#define PAGEMAGIC3 (0415) /* (?) like ZMAGIC, but address zero mapped. */
+#define A_MAGIC5 (0437) /* (?) "system overlay, separated I&D" */
+ /* intended for non-unix cross development */
+#define SASMAGIC (010000) /* Single Address Space */
+#define MASMAGIC (020000) /* (?) "Multiple (separate I & D) Address Spaces" */
+typedef struct aouthdr {
+ short magic; /* type of file */
+ short vstamp; /* version stamp */
+ unsigned long tsize; /* text size in bytes, padded to FW bdry*/
+ unsigned long dsize; /* initialized data " " */
+ unsigned long bsize; /* uninitialized data " " */
+#if U3B
+ unsigned long dum1;
+ unsigned long dum2; /* pad to entry point */
+ unsigned long entry; /* entry pt. */
+ unsigned long text_start; /* base of text used for this file */
+ unsigned long data_start; /* base of data used for this file */
+ /* CAREFUL: some formats omit the tagentries member. */
+ unsigned long tagentries; /* number of tag entries to
+ follow (always zero for i960) */
+/* return a pointer to the tag bits array */
+#define TAGPTR(aout) ((TAGBITS *) (&(aout.tagentries)+1))
+/* compute size of a header */
+/*#define AOUTSZ(aout) (sizeof(AOUTHDR)+(aout.tagentries*sizeof(TAGBITS)))*/
+#define AOUTSZ (sizeof(AOUTHDR))
+/********************** STORAGE CLASSES **********************/
+#define C_EFCN -1 /* physical end of function */
+#define C_NULL 0
+#define C_AUTO 1 /* automatic variable */
+#define C_EXT 2 /* external symbol */
+#define C_STAT 3 /* static */
+#define C_REG 4 /* register variable */
+#define C_EXTDEF 5 /* external definition */
+#define C_LABEL 6 /* label */
+#define C_ULABEL 7 /* undefined label */
+#define C_MOS 8 /* member of structure */
+#define C_ARG 9 /* function argument */
+#define C_STRTAG 10 /* structure tag */
+#define C_MOU 11 /* member of union */
+#define C_UNTAG 12 /* union tag */
+#define C_TPDEF 13 /* type definition */
+#define C_USTATIC 14 /* undefined static */
+#define C_ENTAG 15 /* enumeration tag */
+#define C_MOE 16 /* member of enumeration */
+#define C_REGPARM 17 /* register parameter */
+#define C_FIELD 18 /* bit field */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+#define C_AUTOARG 19 /* auto argument */
+#define C_LASTENT 20 /* dummy entry (end of block) */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#ifdef TC_A29K
+#define C_GLBLREG 19 /* global register */
+#define C_EXTREG 20 /* external global register */
+#define C_DEFREG 21 /* ext. def. of global register */
+#define C_STARTOF 22 /* as29 $SIZEOF and $STARTOF symbols */
+#endif /* TC_A29K */
+#define C_BLOCK 100 /* ".bb" or ".eb" */
+#define C_FCN 101 /* ".bf" or ".ef" */
+#define C_EOS 102 /* end of structure */
+#define C_FILE 103 /* file name */
+#define C_LINE 104 /* line # reformatted as symbol table entry */
+#define C_ALIAS 105 /* duplicate tag */
+#define C_HIDDEN 106 /* ext symbol in dmert public lib. like static,
+ used to avoid name conflicts. */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* New storage classes for 80960 */
+#define C_SCALL 107 /* Procedure reachable via system call */
+ /* C_LEAFPROC is obsolete. Use C_LEAFEXT or C_LEAFSTAT */
+#define C_LEAFPROC 108 /* Leaf procedure, "call" via BAL */
+#define C_LEAFEXT 108
+#define C_OPTVAR 109 /* Optimized variable */
+#define C_DEFINE 110 /* Preprocessor #define */
+#define C_PRAGMA 111 /* Advice to compiler or linker */
+#define C_SEGMENT 112 /* 80960 segment name */
+#define C_LEAFSTAT 113 /* Static leaf */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#ifdef TC_A29K
+#define C_SHADOW 107 /* shadow symbol */
+#endif /* TC_A29K */
+/********************** SECTION HEADER **********************/
+struct scnhdr {
+ char s_name[8]; /* section name */
+ long s_paddr; /* physical address, aliased s_nlib */
+ long s_vaddr; /* virtual address */
+ long s_size; /* section size */
+ long s_scnptr; /* file ptr to raw data for section */
+ long s_relptr; /* file ptr to relocation */
+ long s_lnnoptr; /* file ptr to line numbers */
+ unsigned short s_nreloc; /* number of relocation entries */
+ unsigned short s_nlnno; /* number of line number entries */
+ long s_flags; /* flags */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ unsigned long s_align; /* section alignment */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#define SCNHDR struct scnhdr
+#define SCNHSZ sizeof(SCNHDR)
+ * names of "special" sections
+ */
+#define _TEXT ".text"
+#define _DATA ".data"
+#define _BSS ".bss"
+ * s_flags "type"
+ */
+ * In instances where it is necessary for a linker to
+ * produce an output file which contains text or data not
+ * based at virtual address 0, e.g. for a ROM, then the
+ * linker should accept address base information as command
+ * input and use PAD sections to skip over unused addresses.
+ * (at least for a29k. Maybe others.)
+ */
+#define STYP_REG (0x0000) /* "regular" section: allocated, relocated, loaded */
+#define STYP_DSECT (0x0001) /* "dummy" section: not allocated, relocated, not loaded */
+#define STYP_NOLOAD (0x0002) /* "noload" section: allocated, relocated, not loaded */
+#define STYP_GROUP (0x0004) /* "grouped" section: formed of input sections */
+#define STYP_PAD (0x0008) /* "padding" section: not allocated, not relocated, loaded */
+#define STYP_COPY (0x0010) /* "copy" section: for decision function used by field update; not allocated, not relocated,
+ loaded; reloc & lineno entries processed normally */
+#define STYP_TEXT (0x0020) /* section contains text only */
+#define S_SHRSEG (0x0020) /* In 3b Update files (output of ogen), sections which appear in SHARED segments of the Pfile
+ will have the S_SHRSEG flag set by ogen, to inform dufr that updating 1 copy of the proc. will
+ update all process invocations. */
+#define STYP_DATA (0x0040) /* section contains data only */
+#define STYP_BSS (0x0080) /* section contains bss only */
+#define S_NEWFCN (0x0100) /* In a minimal file or an update file, a new function (as compared with a replaced function) */
+#define STYP_INFO (0x0200) /* comment section : not allocated not relocated, not loaded */
+#define STYP_OVER (0x0400) /* overlay section : relocated not allocated or loaded */
+#define STYP_LIB (0x0800) /* for .lib section : same as INFO */
+#define STYP_MERGE (0x2000) /* merge section -- combines with text, data or bss sections only */
+#define STYP_REVERSE_PAD (0x4000) /* section will be padded with no-op instructions wherever padding is necessary and there is a
+ word of contiguous bytes beginning on a word boundary. */
+#ifdef TC_A29K
+/* NOTE: The use of STYP_BSSREG for relocation is not yet defined. */
+#define STYP_BSSREG 0x1200 /* Global register area (like STYP_INFO) */
+#define STYP_ENVIR 0x2200 /* Environment (like STYP_INFO) */
+#define STYP_ABS 0x4000 /* Absolute (allocated, not reloc, loaded) */
+#define STYP_LIT 0x8020 /* Literal data (like STYP_TEXT) */
+#endif /* TC_A29K */
+/********************** LINE NUMBERS **********************/
+/* 1 line number entry for every "breakpointable" source line in a section.
+ * Line numbers are grouped on a per function basis; first entry in a function
+ * grouping will have l_lnno = 0 and in place of physical address will be the
+ * symbol table index of the function name.
+ */
+struct lineno {
+ union {
+ long l_symndx; /* symbol index of function name, iff l_lnno == 0*/
+ long l_paddr; /* (physical) address of line number */
+ } l_addr;
+ unsigned short l_lnno; /* line number */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* not used on a29k */
+ char padding[2]; /* force alignment */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#define LINENO struct lineno
+#define LINESZ sizeof(LINENO)
+/********************** SYMBOLS **********************/
+#define SYMNMLEN 8 /* # characters in a symbol name */
+#define FILNMLEN 14 /* # characters in a file name */
+#define DIMNUM 4 /* # array dimensions in auxiliary entry */
+struct syment {
+ union {
+ char _n_name[SYMNMLEN]; /* old COFF version */
+ struct {
+ long _n_zeroes; /* new == 0 */
+ long _n_offset; /* offset into string table */
+ } _n_n;
+ char *_n_nptr[2]; /* allows for overlaying */
+ } _n;
+ long n_value; /* value of symbol */
+ short n_scnum; /* section number */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* This isn't yet used on the i960. In some formats this
+ is two bytes of padding. In others, it is missing entirely. */
+ unsigned short n_flags; /* copy of flags from filhdr */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#ifdef TC_A29K
+ unsigned short n_type; /* type and derived type */
+#else /* TC_A29K */
+ /* at least i960 uses long */
+ unsigned long n_type; /* type and derived type */
+#endif /* TC_A29K */
+ char n_sclass; /* storage class */
+ char n_numaux; /* number of aux. entries */
+#ifndef TC_A29K
+ char pad2[2]; /* force alignment */
+#endif /* TC_A29K */
+#define SYMENT struct syment
+#define SYMESZ sizeof(SYMENT) /* This had better also be sizeof(AUXENT) */
+#define n_name _n._n_name
+#define n_ptr _n._n_nptr[1]
+#define n_zeroes _n._n_n._n_zeroes
+#define n_offset _n._n_n._n_offset
+ * Relocatable symbols have number of the section in which they are defined,
+ * or one of the following:
+ */
+#define N_SCNUM ((short) 1-65535) /* section num where symbol defined */
+#define N_UNDEF ((short)0) /* undefined symbol */
+#define N_ABS ((short)-1) /* value of symbol is absolute */
+#define N_DEBUG ((short)-2) /* debugging symbol -- symbol value is meaningless */
+#define N_TV ((short)-3) /* indicates symbol needs preload transfer vector */
+#define P_TV ((short)-4) /* indicates symbol needs transfer vector (postload) */
+ * Type of a symbol, in low 4 bits of the word
+ */
+#define T_NULL 0 /* type not assigned */
+#define T_VOID 1 /* function argument (only used by compiler) (but now
+ real void). */
+#define T_CHAR 2 /* character */
+#define T_SHORT 3 /* short integer */
+#define T_INT 4 /* integer */
+#define T_LONG 5 /* long integer */
+#define T_FLOAT 6 /* floating point */
+#define T_DOUBLE 7 /* double word */
+#define T_STRUCT 8 /* structure */
+#define T_UNION 9 /* union */
+#define T_ENUM 10 /* enumeration */
+#define T_MOE 11 /* member of enumeration */
+#define T_UCHAR 12 /* unsigned character */
+#define T_USHORT 13 /* unsigned short */
+#define T_UINT 14 /* unsigned integer */
+#define T_ULONG 15 /* unsigned long */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+#define T_LNGDBL 16 /* long double */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ * derived types, in n_type
+ */
+#define DT_NON (0) /* no derived type */
+#define DT_PTR (1) /* pointer */
+#define DT_FCN (2) /* function */
+#define DT_ARY (3) /* array */
+#ifndef TC_I960
+#define N_BTMASK (0x0f)
+#define N_TMASK (0x30)
+#define N_BTSHFT (4)
+#define N_TSHIFT (2)
+#else /* TC_I960 */
+#define N_BTMASK (0x1f)
+#define N_TMASK (0x60)
+#define N_BTSHFT (5)
+#define N_TSHIFT (2)
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#define BTYPE(x) ((x) & N_BTMASK)
+#define ISPTR(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_PTR << N_BTSHFT))
+#define ISFCN(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_FCN << N_BTSHFT))
+#define ISARY(x) (((x) & N_TMASK) == (DT_ARY << N_BTSHFT))
+#define DECREF(x) ((((x)>>N_TSHIFT)&~N_BTMASK)|((x)&N_BTMASK))
+union auxent {
+ struct {
+ long x_tagndx; /* str, un, or enum tag indx */
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned short x_lnno; /* declaration line number */
+ unsigned short x_size; /* str/union/array size */
+ } x_lnsz;
+ long x_fsize; /* size of function */
+ } x_misc;
+ union {
+ struct { /* if ISFCN, tag, or .bb */
+ long x_lnnoptr; /* ptr to fcn line # */
+ long x_endndx; /* entry ndx past block end */
+ } x_fcn;
+ struct { /* if ISARY, up to 4 dimen. */
+ unsigned short x_dimen[DIMNUM];
+ } x_ary;
+ } x_fcnary;
+ unsigned short x_tvndx; /* tv index */
+ } x_sym;
+ /* This was just a struct x_file with x_fname only in a29k. xoxorich. */
+ union {
+ char x_fname[FILNMLEN];
+ struct {
+ long x_zeroes;
+ long x_offset;
+ } x_n;
+ } x_file;
+ struct {
+ long x_scnlen; /* section length */
+ unsigned short x_nreloc; /* # relocation entries */
+ unsigned short x_nlinno; /* # line numbers */
+ } x_scn;
+ struct {
+ long x_tvfill; /* tv fill value */
+ unsigned short x_tvlen; /* length of .tv */
+ /* This field was typo'd x_tvrna on a29k. xoxorich. */
+ unsigned short x_tvran[2]; /* tv range */
+ } x_tv; /* info about .tv section (in auxent of symbol .tv)) */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /******************************************
+ * I960-specific *2nd* aux. entry formats
+ ******************************************/
+ struct {
+ /* This is a very old typo that keeps getting propogated. */
+#define x_stdindx x_stindx
+ long x_stindx; /* sys. table entry */
+ } x_sc; /* system call entry */
+ struct {
+ unsigned long x_balntry; /* BAL entry point */
+ } x_bal; /* BAL-callable function */
+ struct {
+ unsigned long x_timestamp; /* time stamp */
+ char x_idstring[20]; /* producer identity string */
+ } x_ident; /* Producer ident info */
+ char a[sizeof(struct syment)]; /* force auxent/syment sizes to match */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#define AUXENT union auxent
+#define AUXESZ sizeof(AUXENT) /* This had better also be sizeof(SYMENT) */
+#if VAX || I960
+# define _ETEXT "_etext"
+# define _ETEXT "etext"
+/********************** RELOCATION DIRECTIVES **********************/
+struct reloc {
+ long r_vaddr; /* Virtual address of reference */
+ long r_symndx; /* Index into symbol table */
+ unsigned short r_type; /* Relocation type */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* not used for a29k */
+ char pad[2]; /* Unused */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#define RELOC struct reloc
+#define RELSZ sizeof(RELOC)
+#ifdef TC_I960
+#define R_RELLONG (0x11) /* Direct 32-bit relocation */
+#define R_IPRSHORT (0x18)
+#define R_IPRMED (0x19) /* 24-bit ip-relative relocation */
+#define R_IPRLONG (0x1a)
+#define R_OPTCALL (0x1b) /* 32-bit optimizable call (leafproc/sysproc) */
+#define R_OPTCALLX (0x1c) /* 64-bit optimizable call (leafproc/sysproc) */
+#define R_GETSEG (0x1d)
+#define R_GETPA (0x1e)
+#define R_TAGWORD (0x1f)
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#ifdef TC_A29K
+ * NOTE: All the "I" forms refer to Am29000 instruction
+ * formats. The linker is expected to know how the numeric
+ * information is split and/or aligned within the
+ * instruction word(s). R_BYTE works for instructions, too.
+ *
+ * If the parameter to a CONSTH instruction is a relocatable
+ * type, two relocation records are written. The first has
+ * an r_type of R_IHIHALF (33 octal) and a normal r_vaddr
+ * and r_symndx. The second relocation record has an r_type
+ * of R_IHCONST (34 octal), a normal r_vaddr (which is
+ * redundant), and an r_symndx containing the 32-bit
+ * constant offset to the relocation instead of the actual
+ * symbol table index. This second record is always
+ * written, even if the constant offset is zero. The
+ * constant fields of the instruction are set to zero.
+ */
+#define R_ABS (0x00) /* reference is absolute */
+#define R_IREL (0x18) /* instruction relative (jmp/call) */
+#define R_IABS (0x19) /* instruction absolute (jmp/call) */
+#define R_ILOHALF (0x1a) /* instruction low half (const) */
+#define R_IHIHALF (0x1b) /* instruction high half (consth) part 1 */
+#define R_IHCONST (0x1c) /* instruction high half (consth) part 2
+ constant offset of R_IHIHALF relocation */
+#define R_BYTE (0x1d) /* relocatable byte value */
+#define R_HWORD (0x1e) /* relocatable halfword value */
+#define R_WORD (0x1f) /* relocatable word value */
+#define R_IGLBLRC (0x20) /* instruction global register RC */
+#define R_IGLBLRA (0x21) /* instruction global register RA */
+#define R_IGLBLRB (0x22) /* instruction global register RB */
+#endif /* TC_A29K */
+/* For new sections we havn't heard of before */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of coff.gnu.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/ho-ansi.h b/gas/config/ho-ansi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7fc587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/ho-ansi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+/* ho-ansi.h Host-specific header file for generic ansi environments.
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#define M_ANSI 1
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <memory.h>
+#define sys_nerr _sys_nerr
+#define sys_errlist _sys_errlist
+#define bzero(b,l) (memset((b),0,(l)))
+ * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.1 1991/04/04 18:15:38 rich
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/* end of ho-ansi.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/ho-cygnus.h b/gas/config/ho-cygnus.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9b39153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/ho-cygnus.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+/* ho-ansi.h Host-specific header file for generic ansi environments.
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#define M_ANSI 1
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define sys_nerr _sys_nerr
+#define sys_errlist _sys_errlist
+#define bzero(s,l) (memset((s),0,(l)))
+ * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.1 1991/04/04 18:15:40 rich
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/* end of ho-ansi.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/ho-generic.h b/gas/config/ho-generic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40c49e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/ho-generic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+/* ho-generic.h Generic host-specific header file.
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#define M_GENERIC 1
+ * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.1 1991/04/04 18:15:42 rich
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ *
+ */
+/* end of ho-generic.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/ho-hpux.h b/gas/config/ho-hpux.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..751b4ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/ho-hpux.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+/* ho-hpux.h -- Header to compile the assembler under HP-UX
+ Copyright (C) 1988, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#include "ho-sysv.h"
+/* This header file contains the #defines specific
+ to HPUX changes sent me by cph@zurich.ai.mit.edu */
+#ifndef hpux
+#define hpux
+#ifdef setbuffer
+#undef setbuffer
+#endif /* setbuffer */
+#define setbuffer(stream, buf, size)
diff --git a/gas/config/ho-i386.h b/gas/config/ho-i386.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94dd8c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/ho-i386.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+/* ho-i386.h i386 specific header file.
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#define HO_I386 1
+#define NO_STDARG
+#include "ho-sysv.h"
+/* end of ho-i386.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/ho-sun3.h b/gas/config/ho-sun3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33b74c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/ho-sun3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+#include <ho-sunos.h>
+extern int sprintf();
+/* end of ho-sun3.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/ho-sun386.h b/gas/config/ho-sun386.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00eacad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/ho-sun386.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+#include <ho-sunos.h>
+extern int sprintf();
+/* end of ho-sun386.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/ho-sun4.h b/gas/config/ho-sun4.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cfd6b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/ho-sun4.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+#include <ho-sunos.h>
+/* end of ho-sun4.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/ho-sunos.h b/gas/config/ho-sunos.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13d5c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/ho-sunos.h
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+#ifndef __STDC__
+#define NO_STDARG
+#include <memory.h>
+#endif /* not __STDC__ */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+/* externs for system libraries. */
+extern char *strchr();
+extern char *malloc();
+extern char *realloc();
+extern char *strrchr();
+extern int _filbuf();
+extern int _flsbuf();
+extern int abort();
+extern int bcopy();
+extern int bzero();
+extern int bzero();
+extern int exit();
+extern int fclose();
+extern int fprintf();
+extern int fread();
+extern int free();
+extern int perror();
+extern int printf();
+extern int setvbuf();
+extern int sscanf();
+extern int strcmp();
+extern int strlen();
+extern int strncmp();
+extern int time();
+extern int ungetc();
+extern int vfprintf();
+extern int vprintf();
+extern long atol();
+#ifndef tolower
+extern int tolower();
+#endif /* tolower */
+#ifndef toupper
+extern int toupper();
+#endif /* toupper */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * fill-column: 80
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of ho-sun4.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/ho-sysv.h b/gas/config/ho-sysv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af8dd6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/ho-sysv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* ho-sysv.h System V specific header file.
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#define HO_USG
+#define bcopy(from,to,n) memcpy((to),(from),(n))
+#define bzero(s,n) memset((s),0,(n))
+#define setbuffer(stream, buf, size) setvbuf((stream), (buf), _IOLBF, (size))
+extern int free();
+extern char *malloc();
+/* end of ho-sysv.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/obj-aout.c b/gas/config/obj-aout.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c1e100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/obj-aout.c
@@ -0,0 +1,500 @@
+/* a.out object file format
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write
+to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+ /* in: segT out: N_TYPE bits */
+const short seg_N_TYPE[] = {
+ N_ABS,
+ N_BSS,
+ N_UNDF, /* unknown */
+ N_UNDF, /* absent */
+ N_UNDF, /* pass1 */
+ N_UNDF, /* error */
+ N_UNDF, /* bignum/flonum */
+ N_UNDF, /* difference */
+ N_UNDF, /* debug */
+ N_UNDF, /* ntv */
+ N_UNDF, /* ptv */
+ N_REGISTER, /* register */
+const segT N_TYPE_seg [N_TYPE+2] = { /* N_TYPE == 0x1E = 32-2 */
+ SEG_UNKNOWN, /* N_UNDF == 0 */
+ SEG_ABSOLUTE, /* N_ABS == 2 */
+ SEG_TEXT, /* N_TEXT == 4 */
+ SEG_DATA, /* N_DATA == 6 */
+ SEG_BSS, /* N_BSS == 8 */
+ SEG_REGISTER, /* dummy N_REGISTER for regs = 30 */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static void obj_aout_stab(int what);
+static void obj_aout_line(void);
+static void obj_aout_desc(void);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+static void obj_aout_desc();
+static void obj_aout_stab();
+static void obj_aout_line();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+const pseudo_typeS obj_pseudo_table[] = {
+ { "line", obj_aout_line, 0 }, /* source code line number */
+ { "ln", obj_aout_line, 0 }, /* source code line number */
+ { "desc", obj_aout_desc, 0 }, /* def */
+ { "stabd", obj_aout_stab, 'd' }, /* stabs */
+ { "stabn", obj_aout_stab, 'n' }, /* stabs */
+ { "stabs", obj_aout_stab, 's' }, /* stabs */
+ { NULL} /* end sentinel */
+}; /* obj_pseudo_table */
+/* Relocation. */
+ * In: length of relocation (or of address) in chars: 1, 2 or 4.
+ * Out: GNU LD relocation length code: 0, 1, or 2.
+ */
+static unsigned char
+nbytes_r_length [] = {
+ 42, 0, 1, 42, 2
+ };
+ * emit_relocations()
+ *
+ * Crawl along a fixS chain. Emit the segment's relocations.
+ */
+void obj_emit_relocations(where, fixP, segment_address_in_file)
+char **where;
+fixS *fixP; /* Fixup chain for this segment. */
+relax_addressT segment_address_in_file;
+ struct reloc_info_generic ri;
+ register symbolS *symbolP;
+ /* If a machine dependent emitter is needed, call it instead. */
+ if (md_emit_relocations) {
+ (*md_emit_relocations) (fixP, segment_address_in_file);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* JF this is for paranoia */
+ bzero((char *)&ri,sizeof(ri));
+ for (; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next) {
+ if ((symbolP = fixP->fx_addsy) != 0) {
+ ri.r_bsr = fixP->fx_bsr;
+ ri.r_disp = fixP->fx_im_disp;
+ ri.r_callj = fixP->fx_callj;
+ ri.r_length = nbytes_r_length [fixP->fx_size];
+ ri.r_pcrel = fixP->fx_pcrel;
+ ri.r_address = fixP->fx_frag->fr_address + fixP->fx_where - segment_address_in_file;
+ if (S_GET_TYPE(symbolP) == N_UNDF) {
+ ri.r_extern = 1;
+ ri.r_symbolnum = symbolP->sy_number;
+ } else {
+ ri.r_extern = 0;
+ ri.r_symbolnum = S_GET_TYPE(symbolP);
+ }
+ /* Output the relocation information in machine-dependent form. */
+ md_ri_to_chars(*where, &ri);
+ *where += md_reloc_size;
+ } /* if there is an add symbol */
+ } /* for each fix */
+ return;
+} /* emit_relocations() */
+/* Aout file generation & utilities */
+void obj_header_append(where, headers)
+char **where;
+object_headers *headers;
+ tc_headers_hook(headers);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->header.a_info, sizeof(headers->header.a_info));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->header.a_info);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->header.a_text, sizeof(headers->header.a_text));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->header.a_text);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->header.a_data, sizeof(headers->header.a_data));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->header.a_data);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->header.a_bss, sizeof(headers->header.a_bss));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->header.a_bss);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->header.a_syms, sizeof(headers->header.a_syms));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->header.a_syms);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->header.a_entry, sizeof(headers->header.a_entry));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->header.a_entry);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->header.a_trsize, sizeof(headers->header.a_trsize));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->header.a_trsize);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->header.a_drsize, sizeof(headers->header.a_drsize));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->header.a_drsize);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->header.a_machtype, sizeof(headers->header.a_machtype));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->header.a_machtype);
+#endif /* EXEC_MACHINE_TYPE */
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->header.a_version, sizeof(headers->header.a_version));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->header.a_version);
+#endif /* EXEC_VERSION */
+#else /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ append(where, (char *) &headers->header, sizeof(headers->header));
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ return;
+} /* obj_append_header() */
+void obj_symbol_to_chars(where, symbolP)
+char **where;
+symbolS *symbolP;
+ md_number_to_chars((char *)&(S_GET_OFFSET(symbolP)), S_GET_OFFSET(symbolP), sizeof(S_GET_OFFSET(symbolP)));
+ md_number_to_chars((char *)&(S_GET_DESC(symbolP)), S_GET_DESC(symbolP), sizeof(S_GET_DESC(symbolP)));
+ md_number_to_chars((char *)&(S_GET_VALUE(symbolP)), S_GET_VALUE(symbolP), sizeof(S_GET_VALUE(symbolP)));
+ append(where, (char *)&symbolP->sy_symbol, sizeof(obj_symbol_type));
+} /* obj_symbol_to_chars() */
+void obj_emit_symbols(where, symbol_rootP)
+char **where;
+symbolS *symbol_rootP;
+ symbolS * symbolP;
+ /*
+ * Emit all symbols left in the symbol chain.
+ */
+ for(symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ /* Used to save the offset of the name. It is used to point
+ to the string in memory but must be a file offset. */
+ register char *temp;
+ temp = S_GET_NAME(symbolP);
+ S_SET_OFFSET(symbolP, symbolP->sy_name_offset);
+ /* Any symbol still undefined and is not a dbg symbol is made N_EXT. */
+ if (!S_IS_DEBUG(symbolP) && !S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)) S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP);
+ obj_symbol_to_chars(where, symbolP);
+ S_SET_NAME(symbolP,temp);
+ }
+} /* emit_symbols() */
+void obj_symbol_new_hook(symbolP)
+symbolS *symbolP;
+ S_SET_OTHER(symbolP, 0);
+ S_SET_DESC(symbolP, 0);
+ return;
+} /* obj_symbol_new_hook() */
+static void obj_aout_line() {
+ /* Assume delimiter is part of expression. */
+ /* BSD4.2 as fails with delightful bug, so we */
+ /* are not being incompatible here. */
+ new_logical_line((char *)NULL, (int)(get_absolute_expression()));
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* obj_aout_line() */
+ * stab()
+ *
+ * Handle .stabX directives, which used to be open-coded.
+ * So much creeping featurism overloaded the semantics that we decided
+ * to put all .stabX thinking in one place. Here.
+ *
+ * We try to make any .stabX directive legal. Other people's AS will often
+ * do assembly-time consistency checks: eg assigning meaning to n_type bits
+ * and "protecting" you from setting them to certain values. (They also zero
+ * certain bits before emitting symbols. Tut tut.)
+ *
+ * If an expression is not absolute we either gripe or use the relocation
+ * information. Other people's assemblers silently forget information they
+ * don't need and invent information they need that you didn't supply.
+ *
+ * .stabX directives always make a symbol table entry. It may be junk if
+ * the rest of your .stabX directive is malformed.
+ */
+static void obj_aout_stab(what)
+int what;
+ register symbolS * symbolP = 0;
+ register char * string;
+ int saved_type = 0;
+ int length;
+ int goof; /* TRUE if we have aborted. */
+ long longint;
+ * Enter with input_line_pointer pointing past .stabX and any following
+ * whitespace.
+ */
+ goof = 0; /* JF who forgot this?? */
+ if (what == 's') {
+ string = demand_copy_C_string(& length);
+ if (* input_line_pointer == ',')
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ else {
+ as_bad("I need a comma after symbol's name");
+ goof = 1;
+ }
+ } else
+ string = "";
+ * Input_line_pointer->after ','. String->symbol name.
+ */
+ if (! goof) {
+ symbolP = symbol_new(string,
+ 0,
+ (struct frag *)0);
+ switch (what) {
+ case 'd':
+ S_SET_NAME(symbolP, NULL); /* .stabd feature. */
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, obstack_next_free(&frags) - frag_now->fr_literal);
+ symbolP->sy_frag = frag_now;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ symbolP->sy_frag = &zero_address_frag;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ symbolP->sy_frag = & zero_address_frag;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE(what);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(&longint) == ',')
+ symbolP->sy_symbol.n_type = saved_type = longint;
+ else {
+ as_bad("I want a comma after the n_type expression");
+ goof = 1;
+ input_line_pointer --; /* Backup over a non-',' char. */
+ }
+ }
+ if (!goof) {
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(&longint) == ',')
+ S_SET_OTHER(symbolP, longint);
+ else {
+ as_bad("I want a comma after the n_other expression");
+ goof = 1;
+ input_line_pointer--; /* Backup over a non-',' char. */
+ }
+ }
+ if (!goof) {
+ S_SET_DESC(symbolP, get_absolute_expression());
+ if (what == 's' || what == 'n') {
+ if (*input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ as_bad("I want a comma after the n_desc expression");
+ goof = 1;
+ } else {
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((!goof) && (what=='s' || what=='n')) {
+ pseudo_set(symbolP);
+ symbolP->sy_symbol.n_type = saved_type;
+ }
+ if (goof)
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ else
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+} /* obj_aout_stab() */
+static void obj_aout_desc() {
+ register char *name;
+ register char c;
+ register char *p;
+ register symbolS *symbolP;
+ register int temp;
+ /*
+ * Frob invented at RMS' request. Set the n_desc of a symbol.
+ */
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end();
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ * p = c;
+ if (*input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ *p = 0;
+ as_bad("Expected comma after name \"%s\"", name);
+ *p = c;
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ } else {
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ temp = get_absolute_expression();
+ *p = 0;
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ *p = c;
+ S_SET_DESC(symbolP,temp);
+ }
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* obj_aout_desc() */
+void obj_read_begin_hook() {
+ return;
+} /* obj_read_begin_hook() */
+void obj_crawl_symbol_chain(headers)
+object_headers *headers;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ symbolS **symbolPP;
+ int symbol_number = 0;
+ /* JF deal with forward references first... */
+ for (symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ if (symbolP->sy_forward) {
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, S_GET_VALUE(symbolP)
+ + S_GET_VALUE(symbolP->sy_forward)
+ + symbolP->sy_forward->sy_frag->fr_address);
+ symbolP->sy_forward=0;
+ } /* if it has a forward reference */
+ } /* walk the symbol chain */
+ tc_crawl_symbol_chain(headers);
+ symbolPP = &symbol_rootP; /*->last symbol chain link. */
+ while ((symbolP = *symbolPP) != NULL) {
+ if (flagseen['R'] && (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_DATA)) {
+ } /* if pusing data into text */
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) + symbolP->sy_frag->fr_address);
+ /* OK, here is how we decide which symbols go out into the
+ brave new symtab. Symbols that do are:
+ * symbols with no name (stabd's?)
+ * symbols with debug info in their N_TYPE
+ Symbols that don't are:
+ * symbols that are registers
+ * symbols with \1 as their 3rd character (numeric labels)
+ * "local labels" as defined by S_LOCAL_NAME(name)
+ if the -L switch was passed to gas.
+ All other symbols are output. We complain if a deleted
+ symbol was marked external. */
+ if (!S_IS_REGISTER(symbolP)
+ && (!S_GET_NAME(symbolP)
+ || S_IS_DEBUG(symbolP)
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* FIXME-SOON this ifdef seems highly dubious to me. xoxorich. */
+ || !S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)
+ || S_IS_EXTERNAL(symbolP)
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ || (S_GET_NAME(symbolP)[0] != '\001' && (flagseen ['L'] || ! S_LOCAL_NAME(symbolP))))) {
+ symbolP->sy_number = symbol_number++;
+ /* The + 1 after strlen account for the \0 at the
+ end of each string */
+ if (!S_IS_STABD(symbolP)) {
+ /* Ordinary case. */
+ symbolP->sy_name_offset = string_byte_count;
+ string_byte_count += strlen(S_GET_NAME(symbolP)) + 1;
+ }
+ else /* .Stabd case. */
+ symbolP->sy_name_offset = 0;
+ symbolPP = &(symbol_next(symbolP));
+ } else {
+ if (S_IS_EXTERNAL(symbolP) || !S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)) {
+ as_bad("Local symbol %s never defined", S_GET_NAME(symbolP));
+ } /* oops. */
+ /* Unhook it from the chain */
+ *symbolPP = symbol_next(symbolP);
+ } /* if this symbol should be in the output */
+ } /* for each symbol */
+ H_SET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(headers, symbol_number);
+ return;
+} /* obj_crawl_symbol_chain() */
+ * Find strings by crawling along symbol table chain.
+ */
+void obj_emit_strings(where)
+char **where;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ /* Gotta do md_ byte-ordering stuff for string_byte_count first - KWK */
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, string_byte_count, sizeof(string_byte_count));
+ *where += sizeof(string_byte_count);
+#else /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ append (where, (char *)&string_byte_count, (unsigned long)sizeof(string_byte_count));
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ for(symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ if(S_GET_NAME(symbolP))
+ append(&next_object_file_charP, S_GET_NAME(symbolP),
+ (unsigned long)(strlen (S_GET_NAME(symbolP)) + 1));
+ } /* walk symbol chain */
+ return;
+} /* obj_emit_strings() */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of obj-aout.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/obj-aout.h b/gas/config/obj-aout.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..602d760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/obj-aout.h
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+/* a.out object file format
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write
+to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+/* Tag to validate a.out object file format processing */
+#define OBJ_AOUT 1
+#include "targ-cpu.h"
+#ifndef VMS
+#include "a.out.gnu.h" /* Needed to define struct nlist. Sigh. */
+#include "a_out.h"
+extern const short seg_N_TYPE[];
+extern const segT N_TYPE_seg[];
+/* Symbol table entry data type */
+typedef struct nlist obj_symbol_type; /* Symbol table entry */
+/* If compiler generate leading underscores, remove them. */
+#endif /* STRIP_UNDERSCORE */
+/* Symbol table macros and constants */
+ * Macros to extract information from a symbol table entry.
+ * This syntaxic indirection allows independence regarding a.out or coff.
+ * The argument (s) of all these macros is a pointer to a symbol table entry.
+ */
+/* True if the symbol is external */
+#define S_IS_EXTERNAL(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_EXT)
+/* True if symbol has been defined, ie is in N_{TEXT,DATA,BSS,ABS} or N_EXT */
+#define S_IS_DEFINED(s) ((S_GET_TYPE(s) != N_UNDF) || (S_GET_OTHER(s) != 0) || (S_GET_DESC(s) != 0))
+#define S_IS_REGISTER(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type == N_REGISTER)
+/* True if a debug special symbol entry */
+#define S_IS_DEBUG(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_STAB)
+/* True if a symbol is local symbol name */
+/* A symbol name whose name begin with ^A is a gas internal pseudo symbol
+ nameless symbols come from .stab directives. */
+#define S_IS_LOCAL(s) (S_GET_NAME(s) && \
+ !S_IS_DEBUG(s) && \
+ (S_GET_NAME(s)[0] == '\001' || \
+ (S_LOCAL_NAME(s) && !flagseen['L'])))
+/* True if a symbol is not defined in this file */
+#define S_IS_EXTERN(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_EXT)
+/* True if the symbol has been generated because of a .stabd directive */
+#define S_IS_STABD(s) (S_GET_NAME(s) == (char *)0)
+/* Accessors */
+/* The value of the symbol */
+#define S_GET_VALUE(s) (((s)->sy_symbol.n_value))
+/* The name of the symbol */
+#define S_GET_NAME(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_name)
+/* The pointer to the string table */
+#define S_GET_OFFSET(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_strx)
+/* The type of the symbol */
+#define S_GET_TYPE(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_TYPE)
+/* The numeric value of the segment */
+#define S_GET_SEGMENT(s) (N_TYPE_seg[S_GET_TYPE(s)])
+/* The n_other expression value */
+#define S_GET_OTHER(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_other)
+/* The n_desc expression value */
+#define S_GET_DESC(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_desc)
+/* Modifiers */
+/* Set the value of the symbol */
+#define S_SET_VALUE(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_value = (unsigned long) (v))
+/* Assume that a symbol cannot be simultaneously in more than on segment */
+ /* set segment */
+#define S_SET_SEGMENT(s,seg) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type &= ~N_TYPE,(s)->sy_symbol.n_type|=SEGMENT_TO_SYMBOL_TYPE(seg))
+/* The symbol is external */
+#define S_SET_EXTERNAL(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type |= N_EXT)
+/* The symbol is not external */
+#define S_CLEAR_EXTERNAL(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type &= ~N_EXT)
+/* Set the name of the symbol */
+#define S_SET_NAME(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_name = (v))
+/* Set the offset in the string table */
+#define S_SET_OFFSET(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_strx = (v))
+/* Set the n_other expression value */
+#define S_SET_OTHER(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_other = (v))
+/* Set the n_desc expression value */
+#define S_SET_DESC(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_desc = (v))
+/* File header macro and type definition */
+#define H_GET_FILE_SIZE(h) (sizeof(struct exec) + \
+ (h)->string_table_size)
+#define H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_text)
+#define H_GET_DATA_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_data)
+#define H_GET_BSS_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_bss)
+#define H_GET_TEXT_RELOCATION_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_trsize)
+#define H_GET_DATA_RELOCATION_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_drsize)
+#define H_GET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_syms)
+#define H_GET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h) ((h)->header.a_info)
+#define H_GET_ENTRY_POINT(h) ((h)->header.a_entry)
+#define H_GET_STRING_SIZE(h) ((h)->string_table_size)
+#define H_GET_MACHINE_TYPE(h) ((h)->header.a_machtype)
+#endif /* EXEC_MACHINE_TYPE */
+#define H_GET_VERSION(h) ((h)->header.a_version)
+#endif /* EXEC_VERSION */
+#define H_SET_TEXT_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_text = md_section_align(SEG_TEXT, (v)))
+#define H_SET_DATA_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_data = md_section_align(SEG_DATA, (v)))
+#define H_SET_BSS_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_bss = md_section_align(SEG_BSS, (v)))
+#define H_SET_TEXT_RELOCATION_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_trsize = (v))
+#define H_SET_DATA_RELOCATION_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_drsize = (v))
+#define H_SET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_syms = (v) * \
+ sizeof(struct nlist))
+#define H_SET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h,v) ((h)->header.a_info = (v))
+#define H_SET_ENTRY_POINT(h,v) ((h)->header.a_entry = (v))
+#define H_SET_STRING_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->string_table_size = (v))
+#define H_SET_MACHINE_TYPE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_machtype = (v))
+#endif /* EXEC_MACHINE_TYPE */
+#define H_SET_VERSION(h,v) ((h)->header.a_version = (v))
+#endif /* EXEC_VERSION */
+ * Current means for getting the name of a segment.
+ * This will change for infinite-segments support (e.g. COFF).
+ */
+#define segment_name(seg) ( seg_name[(int)(seg)] )
+extern char *const seg_name[];
+typedef struct {
+ struct exec header; /* a.out header */
+ long string_table_size; /* names + '\0' + sizeof(int) */
+} object_headers;
+/* line numbering stuff. */
+#define OBJ_EMIT_LINENO(a, b, c) ;
+#define obj_pre_write_hook(a) ;
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of obj-aout.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/obj-bout.c b/gas/config/obj-bout.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abfdaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/obj-bout.c
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+/* b.out object file format
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write
+to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+const short /* in: segT out: N_TYPE bits */
+seg_N_TYPE[] = {
+ N_ABS,
+ N_BSS,
+ N_UNDF, /* unknown */
+ N_UNDF, /* absent */
+ N_UNDF, /* pass1 */
+ N_UNDF, /* error */
+ N_UNDF, /* bignum/flonum */
+ N_UNDF, /* difference */
+ N_REGISTER, /* register */
+const segT N_TYPE_seg [N_TYPE+2] = { /* N_TYPE == 0x1E = 32-2 */
+ SEG_UNKNOWN, /* N_UNDF == 0 */
+ SEG_ABSOLUTE, /* N_ABS == 2 */
+ SEG_TEXT, /* N_TEXT == 4 */
+ SEG_DATA, /* N_DATA == 6 */
+ SEG_BSS, /* N_BSS == 8 */
+ SEG_REGISTER, /* dummy N_REGISTER for regs = 30 */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static void obj_bout_stab(int what);
+static void obj_bout_line(void);
+static void obj_bout_desc(void);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+static void obj_bout_desc();
+static void obj_bout_stab();
+static void obj_bout_line();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+const pseudo_typeS obj_pseudo_table[] = {
+ /* stabs (aka a.out aka b.out directives for debug symbols) */
+ { "desc", obj_bout_desc, 0 }, /* def */
+ { "line", obj_bout_line, 0 }, /* source code line number */
+ { "stabd", obj_bout_stab, 'd' }, /* stabs */
+ { "stabn", obj_bout_stab, 'n' }, /* stabs */
+ { "stabs", obj_bout_stab, 's' }, /* stabs */
+ /* coff debugging directives. Currently ignored silently */
+ { "def", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "dim", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "endef", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "ln", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "scl", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "size", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "tag", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "type", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "val", s_ignore, 0 },
+ /* other stuff we don't handle */
+ { "ABORT", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "ident", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { NULL} /* end sentinel */
+}; /* obj_pseudo_table */
+/* Relocation. */
+ * In: length of relocation (or of address) in chars: 1, 2 or 4.
+ * Out: GNU LD relocation length code: 0, 1, or 2.
+ */
+static unsigned char
+nbytes_r_length [] = {
+ 42, 0, 1, 42, 2
+ };
+ * emit_relocations()
+ *
+ * Crawl along a fixS chain. Emit the segment's relocations.
+ */
+void obj_emit_relocations(where, fixP, segment_address_in_file)
+char **where;
+fixS *fixP; /* Fixup chain for this segment. */
+relax_addressT segment_address_in_file;
+ struct reloc_info_generic ri;
+ register symbolS * symbolP;
+ /* If a machine dependent emitter is needed, call it instead. */
+ if (md_emit_relocations) {
+ (*md_emit_relocations) (fixP, segment_address_in_file);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* JF this is for paranoia */
+ bzero((char *)&ri,sizeof(ri));
+ for (; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next) {
+ if ((symbolP = fixP->fx_addsy) != 0) {
+ ri . r_bsr = fixP->fx_bsr;
+ ri . r_disp = fixP->fx_im_disp;
+ ri . r_callj = fixP->fx_callj;
+ ri . r_length = nbytes_r_length [fixP->fx_size];
+ ri . r_pcrel = fixP->fx_pcrel;
+ ri . r_address = fixP->fx_frag->fr_address + fixP->fx_where - segment_address_in_file;
+ if (S_GET_TYPE(symbolP) == N_UNDF) {
+ ri . r_extern = 1;
+ ri . r_symbolnum = symbolP->sy_number;
+ } else {
+ ri . r_extern = 0;
+ ri . r_symbolnum = S_GET_TYPE(symbolP);
+ }
+ /* Output the relocation information in machine-dependent form. */
+ md_ri_to_chars(*where, &ri);
+ *where += md_reloc_size;
+ }
+ }
+} /* emit_relocations() */
+/* Aout file generation & utilities */
+/* Convert a lvalue to machine dependent data */
+void obj_header_append(where, headers)
+char **where;
+object_headers *headers;
+ /* Always leave in host byte order */
+ headers->header.a_talign = section_alignment[SEG_TEXT];
+ if (headers->header.a_talign < 2){
+ headers->header.a_talign = 2;
+ } /* force to at least 2 */
+ headers->header.a_dalign = section_alignment[SEG_DATA];
+ headers->header.a_balign = section_alignment[SEG_BSS];
+ headers->header.a_tload = 0;
+ headers->header.a_dload = md_section_align(SEG_DATA, headers->header.a_text);
+ append(where, (char *) &headers->header, sizeof(headers->header));
+} /* a_header_append() */
+void obj_symbol_to_chars(where, symbolP)
+char **where;
+symbolS *symbolP;
+ /* leave in host byte order */
+ append(where, (char *)&symbolP->sy_symbol, sizeof(obj_symbol_type));
+} /* obj_symbol_to_chars() */
+void obj_emit_symbols(where, symbol_rootP)
+char **where;
+symbolS *symbol_rootP;
+ symbolS * symbolP;
+ /*
+ * Emit all symbols left in the symbol chain.
+ */
+ for(symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ /* Used to save the offset of the name. It is used to point
+ to the string in memory but must be a file offset. */
+ char *temp;
+ temp = S_GET_NAME(symbolP);
+ S_SET_OFFSET(symbolP, symbolP->sy_name_offset);
+ /* Any symbol still undefined and is not a dbg symbol is made N_EXT. */
+ if (!S_IS_DEBUG(symbolP) && !S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)) S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP);
+ obj_symbol_to_chars(where, symbolP);
+ S_SET_NAME(symbolP,temp);
+ }
+} /* emit_symbols() */
+void obj_symbol_new_hook(symbolP)
+symbolS *symbolP;
+ S_SET_OTHER(symbolP, 0);
+ S_SET_DESC(symbolP, 0);
+ return;
+} /* obj_symbol_new_hook() */
+static void obj_bout_line() {
+ /* Assume delimiter is part of expression. */
+ /* BSD4.2 as fails with delightful bug, so we */
+ /* are not being incompatible here. */
+ new_logical_line ((char *)NULL, (int)(get_absolute_expression ()));
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* obj_bout_line() */
+ * stab()
+ *
+ * Handle .stabX directives, which used to be open-coded.
+ * So much creeping featurism overloaded the semantics that we decided
+ * to put all .stabX thinking in one place. Here.
+ *
+ * We try to make any .stabX directive legal. Other people's AS will often
+ * do assembly-time consistency checks: eg assigning meaning to n_type bits
+ * and "protecting" you from setting them to certain values. (They also zero
+ * certain bits before emitting symbols. Tut tut.)
+ *
+ * If an expression is not absolute we either gripe or use the relocation
+ * information. Other people's assemblers silently forget information they
+ * don't need and invent information they need that you didn't supply.
+ *
+ * .stabX directives always make a symbol table entry. It may be junk if
+ * the rest of your .stabX directive is malformed.
+ */
+static void obj_bout_stab(what)
+int what;
+ register symbolS * symbolP = 0;
+ register char * string;
+ int saved_type = 0;
+ int length;
+ int goof; /* TRUE if we have aborted. */
+ long longint;
+ * Enter with input_line_pointer pointing past .stabX and any following
+ * whitespace.
+ */
+ goof = 0; /* JF who forgot this?? */
+ if (what == 's') {
+ string = demand_copy_C_string(& length);
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ',')
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ else {
+ as_bad("I need a comma after symbol's name");
+ goof = 1;
+ }
+ } else
+ string = "";
+ * Input_line_pointer->after ','. String->symbol name.
+ */
+ if (!goof) {
+ symbolP = symbol_new(string,
+ 0,
+ (struct frag *)0);
+ switch (what) {
+ case 'd':
+ S_SET_NAME(symbolP,NULL); /* .stabd feature. */
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP,obstack_next_free(&frags) -
+ frag_now->fr_literal);
+ symbolP->sy_frag = frag_now;
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ symbolP->sy_frag = &zero_address_frag;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ symbolP->sy_frag = & zero_address_frag;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE(what);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(& longint) == ',')
+ symbolP->sy_symbol.n_type = saved_type = longint;
+ else {
+ as_bad("I want a comma after the n_type expression");
+ goof = 1;
+ input_line_pointer--; /* Backup over a non-',' char. */
+ }
+ }
+ if (! goof) {
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator (& longint) == ',')
+ S_SET_OTHER(symbolP,longint);
+ else {
+ as_bad("I want a comma after the n_other expression");
+ goof = 1;
+ input_line_pointer--; /* Backup over a non-',' char. */
+ }
+ }
+ if (! goof) {
+ S_SET_DESC(symbolP, get_absolute_expression ());
+ if (what == 's' || what == 'n') {
+ if (* input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ as_bad("I want a comma after the n_desc expression");
+ goof = 1;
+ } else {
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((! goof) && (what=='s' || what=='n')) {
+ pseudo_set(symbolP);
+ symbolP->sy_symbol.n_type = saved_type;
+ }
+ if (goof)
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ else
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+} /* obj_bout_stab() */
+static void obj_bout_desc() {
+ register char *name;
+ register char c;
+ register char *p;
+ register symbolS * symbolP;
+ register int temp;
+ /*
+ * Frob invented at RMS' request. Set the n_desc of a symbol.
+ */
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end();
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ * p = c;
+ if (*input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ *p = 0;
+ as_bad("Expected comma after name \"%s\"", name);
+ *p = c;
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ } else {
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ temp = get_absolute_expression ();
+ *p = 0;
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ *p = c;
+ S_SET_DESC(symbolP,temp);
+ }
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* obj_bout_desc() */
+void obj_read_begin_hook() {
+ return;
+} /* obj_read_begin_hook() */
+void obj_crawl_symbol_chain(headers)
+object_headers *headers;
+ symbolS **symbolPP;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ int symbol_number = 0;
+ /* JF deal with forward references first... */
+ for (symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ if (symbolP->sy_forward) {
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, S_GET_VALUE(symbolP)
+ + S_GET_VALUE(symbolP->sy_forward)
+ + symbolP->sy_forward->sy_frag->fr_address);
+ symbolP->sy_forward=0;
+ } /* if it has a forward reference */
+ } /* walk the symbol chain */
+ tc_crawl_symbol_chain(headers);
+ symbolPP = & symbol_rootP; /*->last symbol chain link. */
+ while ((symbolP = *symbolPP) != NULL) {
+ if (flagseen['R'] && (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_DATA)) {
+ } /* if pusing data into text */
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) + symbolP->sy_frag->fr_address);
+ /* OK, here is how we decide which symbols go out into the
+ brave new symtab. Symbols that do are:
+ * symbols with no name (stabd's?)
+ * symbols with debug info in their N_TYPE
+ Symbols that don't are:
+ * symbols that are registers
+ * symbols with \1 as their 3rd character (numeric labels)
+ * "local labels" as defined by S_LOCAL_NAME(name)
+ if the -L switch was passed to gas.
+ All other symbols are output. We complain if a deleted
+ symbol was marked external. */
+ if (1
+ && !S_IS_REGISTER(symbolP)
+ && (!S_GET_NAME(symbolP)
+ || S_IS_DEBUG(symbolP)
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* FIXME-SOON this ifdef seems highly dubious to me. xoxorich. */
+ || !S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)
+ || S_IS_EXTERNAL(symbolP)
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ || (S_GET_NAME(symbolP)[0] != '\001' && (flagseen ['L'] || ! S_LOCAL_NAME(symbolP))))) {
+ symbolP->sy_number = symbol_number++;
+ /* The + 1 after strlen account for the \0 at the
+ end of each string */
+ if (!S_IS_STABD(symbolP)) {
+ /* Ordinary case. */
+ symbolP->sy_name_offset = string_byte_count;
+ string_byte_count += strlen(S_GET_NAME(symbolP)) + 1;
+ }
+ else /* .Stabd case. */
+ symbolP->sy_name_offset = 0;
+ symbolPP = &(symbol_next(symbolP));
+ } else {
+ if (S_IS_EXTERNAL(symbolP) || !S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)) {
+ as_bad("Local symbol %s never defined", S_GET_NAME(symbolP));
+ } /* oops. */
+ /* Unhook it from the chain */
+ *symbolPP = symbol_next(symbolP);
+ } /* if this symbol should be in the output */
+ } /* for each symbol */
+ H_SET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(headers, symbol_number);
+ return;
+} /* obj_crawl_symbol_chain() */
+ * Find strings by crawling along symbol table chain.
+ */
+void obj_emit_strings(where)
+char **where;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ /* Gotta do md_ byte-ordering stuff for string_byte_count first - KWK */
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, string_byte_count, sizeof(string_byte_count));
+ *where += sizeof(string_byte_count);
+#else /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ append(where, (char *) &string_byte_count, (unsigned long) sizeof(string_byte_count));
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ for(symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ if(S_GET_NAME(symbolP))
+ append(where, S_GET_NAME(symbolP), (unsigned long)(strlen (S_GET_NAME(symbolP)) + 1));
+ } /* walk symbol chain */
+ return;
+} /* obj_emit_strings() */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of obj-bout.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/obj-bout.h b/gas/config/obj-bout.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc95a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/obj-bout.h
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+/* b.out object file format
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write
+to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA
+02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+ * This file is a modified version of 'a.out.h'. It is to be used in all GNU
+ * tools modified to support the i80960 b.out format (or tools that operate on
+ * object files created by such tools).
+ *
+ * All i80960 development is done in a CROSS-DEVELOPMENT environment. I.e.,
+ * object code is generated on, and executed under the direction of a symbolic
+ * debugger running on, a host system. We do not want to be subject to the
+ * vagaries of which host it is or whether it supports COFF or a.out format, or
+ * anything else. We DO want to:
+ *
+ * o always generate the same format object files, regardless of host.
+ *
+ * o have an 'a.out' header that we can modify for our own purposes
+ * (the 80960 is typically an embedded processor and may require
+ * enhanced linker support that the normal a.out.h header can't
+ * accommodate).
+ *
+ * As for byte-ordering, the following rules apply:
+ *
+ * o Text and data that is actually downloaded to the target is always
+ * in i80960 (little-endian) order.
+ *
+ * o All other numbers (in the header, symbols, relocation directives)
+ * are in host byte-order: object files CANNOT be lifted from a
+ * little-end host and used on a big-endian (or vice versa) without
+ * modification.
+ *
+ * o The downloader ('comm960') takes care to generate a pseudo-header
+ * with correct (i80960) byte-ordering before shipping text and data
+ * off to the NINDY monitor in the target systems. Symbols and
+ * relocation info are never sent to the target.
+ */
+#define OBJ_BOUT 1
+#include "targ-cpu.h"
+ /* bout uses host byte order for headers */
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ /* We want \v. */
+#define BACKSLASH_V 1
+extern const short seg_N_TYPE[];
+extern const segT N_TYPE_seg[];
+#define BMAGIC 0415
+/* We don't accept the following (see N_BADMAG macro).
+ * They're just here so GNU code will compile.
+ */
+#define OMAGIC 0407 /* old impure format */
+#define NMAGIC 0410 /* read-only text */
+#define ZMAGIC 0413 /* demand load format */
+ * All 'lengths' are given as a number of bytes.
+ * All 'alignments' are for relinkable files only; an alignment of
+ * 'n' indicates the corresponding segment must begin at an
+ * address that is a multiple of (2**n).
+ */
+struct exec {
+ /* Standard stuff */
+ unsigned long a_magic; /* Identifies this as a b.out file */
+ unsigned long a_text; /* Length of text */
+ unsigned long a_data; /* Length of data */
+ unsigned long a_bss; /* Length of runtime uninitialized data area */
+ unsigned long a_syms; /* Length of symbol table */
+ unsigned long a_entry; /* Runtime start address */
+ unsigned long a_trsize; /* Length of text relocation info */
+ unsigned long a_drsize; /* Length of data relocation info */
+ /* Added for i960 */
+ unsigned long a_tload; /* Text runtime load address */
+ unsigned long a_dload; /* Data runtime load address */
+ unsigned char a_talign; /* Alignment of text segment */
+ unsigned char a_dalign; /* Alignment of data segment */
+ unsigned char a_balign; /* Alignment of bss segment */
+ unsigned char unused; /* (Just to make struct size a multiple of 4) */
+#define N_BADMAG(x) (((x).a_magic)!=BMAGIC)
+#define N_TXTOFF(x) ( sizeof(struct exec) )
+#define N_DATOFF(x) ( N_TXTOFF(x) + (x).a_text )
+#define N_TROFF(x) ( N_DATOFF(x) + (x).a_data )
+#define N_DROFF(x) ( N_TROFF(x) + (x).a_trsize )
+#define N_SYMOFF(x) ( N_DROFF(x) + (x).a_drsize )
+#define N_STROFF(x) ( N_SYMOFF(x) + (x).a_syms )
+/* A single entry in the symbol table
+ */
+struct nlist {
+ union {
+ char *n_name;
+ struct nlist *n_next;
+ long n_strx; /* Index into string table */
+ } n_un;
+ unsigned char n_type; /* See below */
+ char n_other; /* Used in i80960 support -- see below */
+ short n_desc;
+ unsigned long n_value;
+typedef struct nlist obj_symbol_type;
+/* Legal values of n_type
+ */
+#define N_UNDF 0 /* Undefined symbol */
+#define N_ABS 2 /* Absolute symbol */
+#define N_TEXT 4 /* Text symbol */
+#define N_DATA 6 /* Data symbol */
+#define N_BSS 8 /* BSS symbol */
+#define N_FN 31 /* Filename symbol */
+#define N_EXT 1 /* External symbol (OR'd in with one of above) */
+#define N_TYPE 036 /* Mask for all the type bits */
+#define N_STAB 0340 /* Mask for all bits used for SDB entries */
+struct relocation_info {
+ int r_address; /* File address of item to be relocated */
+ unsigned
+ r_index:24,/* Index of symbol on which relocation is based*/
+ r_pcrel:1, /* 1 => relocate PC-relative; else absolute
+ * On i960, pc-relative implies 24-bit
+ * address, absolute implies 32-bit.
+ */
+ r_length:2, /* Number of bytes to relocate:
+ * 0 => 1 byte
+ * 1 => 2 bytes
+ * 2 => 4 bytes -- only value used for i960
+ */
+ r_extern:1,
+ r_bsr:1, /* Something for the GNU NS32K assembler */
+ r_disp:1, /* Something for the GNU NS32K assembler */
+ r_callj:1, /* 1 if relocation target is an i960 'callj' */
+ nuthin:1; /* Unused */
+/* If compiler generate leading underscores, remove them. */
+#endif /* STRIP_UNDERSCORE */
+ * Macros to extract information from a symbol table entry.
+ * This syntaxic indirection allows independence regarding a.out or coff.
+ * The argument (s) of all these macros is a pointer to a symbol table entry.
+ */
+/* Predicates */
+/* True if the symbol is external */
+#define S_IS_EXTERNAL(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_EXT)
+/* True if symbol has been defined, ie is in N_{TEXT,DATA,BSS,ABS} or N_EXT */
+#define S_IS_DEFINED(s) ((S_GET_TYPE(s) != N_UNDF) || (S_GET_DESC(s) != 0))
+#define S_IS_REGISTER(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type == N_REGISTER)
+/* True if a debug special symbol entry */
+#define S_IS_DEBUG(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_STAB)
+/* True if a symbol is local symbol name */
+/* A symbol name whose name begin with ^A is a gas internal pseudo symbol
+ nameless symbols come from .stab directives. */
+#define S_IS_LOCAL(s) (S_GET_NAME(s) && \
+ !S_IS_DEBUG(s) && \
+ (S_GET_NAME(s)[0] == '\001' || \
+ (S_LOCAL_NAME(s) && !flagseen['L'])))
+/* True if a symbol is not defined in this file */
+#define S_IS_EXTERN(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_EXT)
+/* True if the symbol has been generated because of a .stabd directive */
+#define S_IS_STABD(s) (S_GET_NAME(s) == NULL)
+/* Accessors */
+/* The value of the symbol */
+#define S_GET_VALUE(s) ((long) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_value))
+/* The name of the symbol */
+#define S_GET_NAME(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_name)
+/* The pointer to the string table */
+#define S_GET_OFFSET(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_strx)
+/* The type of the symbol */
+#define S_GET_TYPE(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type & N_TYPE)
+/* The numeric value of the segment */
+#define S_GET_SEGMENT(s) (N_TYPE_seg[S_GET_TYPE(s)])
+/* The n_other expression value */
+#define S_GET_OTHER(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_other)
+/* The n_desc expression value */
+#define S_GET_DESC(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_desc)
+/* Modifiers */
+/* Set the value of the symbol */
+#define S_SET_VALUE(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_value = (unsigned long) (v))
+/* Assume that a symbol cannot be simultaneously in more than on segment */
+ /* set segment */
+#define S_SET_SEGMENT(s,seg) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type &= ~N_TYPE,(s)->sy_symbol.n_type|=SEGMENT_TO_SYMBOL_TYPE(seg))
+/* The symbol is external */
+#define S_SET_EXTERNAL(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type |= N_EXT)
+/* The symbol is not external */
+#define S_CLEAR_EXTERNAL(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_type &= ~N_EXT)
+/* Set the name of the symbol */
+#define S_SET_NAME(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_name = (v))
+/* Set the offset in the string table */
+#define S_SET_OFFSET(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_un.n_strx = (v))
+/* Set the n_other expression value */
+#define S_SET_OTHER(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_other = (v))
+/* Set the n_desc expression value */
+#define S_SET_DESC(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.n_desc = (v))
+/* File header macro and type definition */
+#define H_GET_FILE_SIZE(h) (sizeof(struct exec) + \
+ (h)->string_table_size)
+#define H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_text)
+#define H_GET_DATA_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_data)
+#define H_GET_BSS_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_bss)
+#define H_GET_TEXT_RELOCATION_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_trsize)
+#define H_GET_DATA_RELOCATION_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_drsize)
+#define H_GET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(h) ((h)->header.a_syms)
+#define H_GET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h) ((h)->header.a_info)
+#define H_GET_ENTRY_POINT(h) ((h)->header.a_entry)
+#define H_GET_STRING_SIZE(h) ((h)->string_table_size)
+#define H_GET_MACHINE_TYPE(h) ((h)->header.a_machtype)
+#endif /* EXEC_MACHINE_TYPE */
+#define H_GET_VERSION(h) ((h)->header.a_version)
+#endif /* EXEC_VERSION */
+#define H_SET_TEXT_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_text = md_section_align(SEG_TEXT, (v)))
+#define H_SET_DATA_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_data = md_section_align(SEG_DATA, (v)))
+#define H_SET_BSS_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_bss = md_section_align(SEG_BSS, (v)))
+#define H_SET_TEXT_RELOCATION_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_trsize = (v))
+#define H_SET_DATA_RELOCATION_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_drsize = (v))
+#define H_SET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_syms = (v) * \
+ sizeof(struct nlist))
+#define H_SET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h,v) ((h)->header.a_magic = (v))
+#define H_SET_ENTRY_POINT(h,v) ((h)->header.a_entry = (v))
+#define H_SET_STRING_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->string_table_size = (v))
+#define H_SET_MACHINE_TYPE(h,v) ((h)->header.a_machtype = (v))
+#endif /* EXEC_MACHINE_TYPE */
+#define H_SET_VERSION(h,v) ((h)->header.a_version = (v))
+#endif /* EXEC_VERSION */
+ * Current means for getting the name of a segment.
+ * This will change for infinite-segments support (e.g. COFF).
+ */
+#define segment_name(seg) ( seg_name[(int)(seg)] )
+extern char *const seg_name[];
+typedef struct {
+ struct exec header; /* a.out header */
+ long string_table_size; /* names + '\0' + sizeof(int) */
+} object_headers;
+/* unused hooks. */
+#define OBJ_EMIT_LINENO(a, b, c) ;
+#define obj_pre_write_hook(a) ;
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of obj-bout.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/obj-coff.c b/gas/config/obj-coff.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef48334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/obj-coff.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1772 @@
+/* coff object file format
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+lineno* lineno_rootP;
+const short seg_N_TYPE[] = { /* in: segT out: N_TYPE bits */
+/* Add 4 to the real value to get the index and compensate the negatives */
+const segT N_TYPE_seg [32] =
+ SEG_PTV, /* C_PTV_SECTION == -4 */
+ SEG_NTV, /* C_NTV_SECTION == -3 */
+ SEG_BSS, /* C_BSS_SECTION == 3 */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *s_get_name(symbolS *s);
+static symbolS *tag_find_or_make(char *name);
+static symbolS* tag_find(char *name);
+static void c_section_header_append(char **where, SCNHDR *header);
+static void obj_coff_def(int what);
+static void obj_coff_dim(void);
+static void obj_coff_endef(void);
+static void obj_coff_line(void);
+static void obj_coff_ln(void);
+static void obj_coff_scl(void);
+static void obj_coff_size(void);
+static void obj_coff_stab(int what);
+static void obj_coff_tag(void);
+static void obj_coff_type(void);
+static void obj_coff_val(void);
+static void tag_init(void);
+static void tag_insert(char *name, symbolS *symbolP);
+char *s_get_name();
+static symbolS *tag_find();
+static symbolS *tag_find_or_make();
+static void c_section_header_append();
+static void obj_coff_def();
+static void obj_coff_dim();
+static void obj_coff_endef();
+static void obj_coff_line();
+static void obj_coff_ln();
+static void obj_coff_scl();
+static void obj_coff_size();
+static void obj_coff_stab();
+static void obj_coff_tag();
+static void obj_coff_type();
+static void obj_coff_val();
+static void tag_init();
+static void tag_insert();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+static struct hash_control *tag_hash;
+static symbolS *def_symbol_in_progress = NULL;
+const pseudo_typeS obj_pseudo_table[] = {
+ { "def", obj_coff_def, 0 },
+ { "dim", obj_coff_dim, 0 },
+ { "endef", obj_coff_endef, 0 },
+ { "line", obj_coff_line, 0 },
+ { "ln", obj_coff_ln, 0 },
+ { "scl", obj_coff_scl, 0 },
+ { "size", obj_coff_size, 0 },
+ { "tag", obj_coff_tag, 0 },
+ { "type", obj_coff_type, 0 },
+ { "val", obj_coff_val, 0 },
+ { "def", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "dim", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "endef", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "line", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "ln", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "scl", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "size", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "tag", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "type", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "val", s_ignore, 0 },
+#endif /* ignore debug */
+ /* stabs aka a.out aka b.out directives for debug symbols.
+ Currently ignored silently. Except for .line which we
+ guess at from context. */
+ { "desc", s_ignore, 0 }, /* def */
+/* { "line", s_ignore, 0 }, */ /* source code line number */
+ { "stabd", obj_coff_stab, 'd' }, /* stabs */
+ { "stabn", obj_coff_stab, 'n' }, /* stabs */
+ { "stabs", obj_coff_stab, 's' }, /* stabs */
+ /* other stuff */
+ { "ABORT", s_abort, 0 },
+ { "ident", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { NULL} /* end sentinel */
+}; /* obj_pseudo_table */
+ /* obj dependant output values */
+static SCNHDR bss_section_header;
+static SCNHDR data_section_header;
+static SCNHDR text_section_header;
+/* Relocation. */
+ * emit_relocations()
+ *
+ * Crawl along a fixS chain. Emit the segment's relocations.
+ */
+void obj_emit_relocations(where, fixP, segment_address_in_file)
+char **where;
+fixS *fixP; /* Fixup chain for this segment. */
+relax_addressT segment_address_in_file;
+ RELOC ri;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ bzero((char *)&ri,sizeof(ri));
+ for (; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next) {
+ if (symbolP = fixP->fx_addsy) {
+#if defined(TC_M68K)
+ ri.r_type = (fixP->fx_pcrel ?
+ (fixP->fx_size == 1 ? R_PCRBYTE :
+ fixP->fx_size == 2 ? R_PCRWORD :
+ (fixP->fx_size == 1 ? R_RELBYTE :
+ fixP->fx_size == 2 ? R_RELWORD :
+#elif defined(TC_I386)
+ /* FIXME-SOON R_OFF8 & R_DIR16 are a vague guess, completly untested. */
+ ri.r_type = (fixP->fx_pcrel ?
+ (fixP->fx_size == 1 ? R_PCRBYTE :
+ fixP->fx_size == 2 ? R_PCRWORD :
+ (fixP->fx_size == 1 ? R_OFF8 :
+ fixP->fx_size == 2 ? R_DIR16 :
+ R_DIR32));
+#elif defined(TC_I960)
+ ri.r_type = (fixP->fx_pcrel
+#elif defined(TC_A29K)
+ ri.r_type = tc_coff_fix2rtype(fixP);
+ you lose
+#endif /* TC_M68K || TC_I386 */
+ ri.r_vaddr = fixP->fx_frag->fr_address + fixP->fx_where;
+ /* If symbol associated to relocation entry is a bss symbol
+ or undefined symbol just remember the index of the symbol.
+ Otherwise store the index of the symbol describing the
+ section the symbol belong to. This heuristic speeds up ld.
+ */
+ /* Local symbols can generate relocation information. In case
+ of structure return for instance. But they have no symbol
+ number because they won't be emitted in the final object.
+ In the case where they are in the BSS section, this leads
+ to an incorrect r_symndx.
+ Under bsd the loader do not care if the symbol reference is
+ incorrect. But the SYS V ld complains about this. To avoid
+ this we associate the symbol to the associated section,
+ *even* if it is the BSS section. */
+ /* If someone can tell me why the other symbols of the bss
+ section are not associated with the .bss section entry,
+ I'd be gratefull. I guess that it has to do with the special
+ nature of the .bss section. Or maybe this is because the
+ bss symbols are declared in the common section and can
+ be resized later. Can it break code some where ? */
+ ri.r_symndx = (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_TEXT
+ ? dot_text_symbol->sy_number
+ : (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_DATA
+ ? dot_data_symbol->sy_number
+ : ((SF_GET_LOCAL(symbolP)
+ ? dot_bss_symbol->sy_number
+ : symbolP->sy_number)))); /* bss or undefined */
+ /* md_ri_to_chars((char *) &ri, ri); */ /* Last step : write md f */
+ append(where, (char *) &ri, sizeof(ri));
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ if (fixP->fx_callj) {
+ ri.r_type = R_OPTCALL;
+ append(where, (char *) &ri, sizeof(ri));
+ } /* if it's a callj, do it again for the opcode */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ } /* if there's a symbol */
+ } /* for each fixP */
+ return;
+} /* obj_emit_relocations() */
+/* Coff file generation & utilities */
+void obj_header_append(where, headers)
+char **where;
+object_headers *headers;
+ tc_headers_hook(headers);
+ /* Eventually swap bytes for cross compilation for file header */
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->filehdr.f_magic, sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_magic));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_magic);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->filehdr.f_nscns, sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_nscns));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_nscns);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->filehdr.f_timdat, sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_timdat));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_timdat);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->filehdr.f_symptr, sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_symptr));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_symptr);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->filehdr.f_nsyms, sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_nsyms));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_nsyms);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->filehdr.f_opthdr, sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_opthdr));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_opthdr);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->filehdr.f_flags, sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_flags));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->filehdr.f_flags);
+ /* Eventually swap bytes for cross compilation for a.out header */
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->aouthdr.magic, sizeof(headers->aouthdr.magic));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->aouthdr.magic);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->aouthdr.vstamp, sizeof(headers->aouthdr.vstamp));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->aouthdr.vstamp);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->aouthdr.tsize, sizeof(headers->aouthdr.tsize));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->aouthdr.tsize);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->aouthdr.dsize, sizeof(headers->aouthdr.dsize));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->aouthdr.dsize);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->aouthdr.bsize, sizeof(headers->aouthdr.bsize));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->aouthdr.bsize);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->aouthdr.entry, sizeof(headers->aouthdr.entry));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->aouthdr.entry);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->aouthdr.text_start, sizeof(headers->aouthdr.text_start));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->aouthdr.text_start);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, headers->aouthdr.data_start, sizeof(headers->aouthdr.data_start));
+ *where += sizeof(headers->aouthdr.data_start);
+#else /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ append(where, (char *) &headers->filehdr, sizeof(headers->filehdr));
+ append(where, (char *) &headers->aouthdr, sizeof(headers->aouthdr));
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ /* Output the section headers */
+ c_section_header_append(where, &text_section_header);
+ c_section_header_append(where, &data_section_header);
+ c_section_header_append(where, &bss_section_header);
+ return;
+} /* obj_header_append() */
+void obj_symbol_to_chars(where, symbolP)
+char **where;
+symbolS *symbolP;
+ SYMENT *syment = &symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_entry;
+ int i;
+ char numaux = syment->n_numaux;
+ unsigned short type = S_GET_DATA_TYPE(symbolP);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, syment->n_value, sizeof(syment->n_value));
+ *where += sizeof(syment->n_value);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, syment->n_scnum, sizeof(syment->n_scnum));
+ *where += sizeof(syment->n_scnum);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, syment->n_type, sizeof(syment->n_type));
+ *where += sizeof(syment->n_type);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, syment->n_sclass, sizeof(syment->n_sclass));
+ *where += sizeof(syment->n_sclass);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, syment->n_numaux, sizeof(syment->n_numaux));
+ *where += sizeof(syment->n_numaux);
+#else /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ append(where, (char *) syment, sizeof(*syment));
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ /* Should do the following : if (.file entry) MD(..)... else if (static entry) MD(..) */
+ if (numaux > OBJ_COFF_MAX_AUXENTRIES) {
+ as_bad("Internal error? too many auxents for symbol");
+ } /* too many auxents */
+ for (i = 0; i < numaux; ++i) {
+#if 0 /* This code has never been tested */
+ /* The most common case, x_sym entry. */
+ if ((SF_GET(symbolP) & (SF_FILE | SF_STATICS)) == 0) {
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_sym.x_tagndx, sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_tagndx));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_tagndx);
+ if (ISFCN(type)) {
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize, sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize);
+ } else {
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnno, sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnno));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_misc.x_lnno);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_sym.x_misc.x_size, sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_misc.x_size));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_misc.x_size);
+ }
+ if (ISARY(type)) {
+ register int index;
+ for (index = 0; index < DIMNUM; index++)
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[index], sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[index]));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[index]);
+ } else {
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr, sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx, sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx);
+ }
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_sym.x_tvndx, sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_tvndx));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_sym.x_tvndx);
+ } else if (SF_GET_FILE(symbolP)) { /* .file */
+ ;
+ } else if (SF_GET_STATICS(symbolP)) { /* .text, .data, .bss symbols */
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_scn.x_scnlen, sizeof(auxP->x_scn.x_scnlen));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_scn.x_scnlen);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_scn.x_nreloc, sizeof(auxP->x_scn.x_nreloc));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_scn.x_nreloc);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, auxP->x_scn.x_nlinno, sizeof(auxP->x_scn.x_nlinno));
+ *where += sizeof(auxP->x_scn.x_nlinno);
+ }
+#endif /* 0 */
+#else /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ append(where, (char *) &symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[i], sizeof(symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[i]));
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ }; /* for each aux in use */
+ return;
+} /* obj_symbol_to_chars() */
+static void c_section_header_append(where, header)
+char **where;
+SCNHDR *header;
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, header->s_paddr, sizeof(header->s_paddr));
+ *where += sizeof(header->s_paddr);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, header->s_vaddr, sizeof(header->s_vaddr));
+ *where += sizeof(header->s_vaddr);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, header->s_size, sizeof(header->s_size));
+ *where += sizeof(header->s_size);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, header->s_scnptr, sizeof(header->s_scnptr));
+ *where += sizeof(header->s_scnptr);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, header->s_relptr, sizeof(header->s_relptr));
+ *where += sizeof(header->s_relptr);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, header->s_lnnoptr, sizeof(header->s_lnnoptr));
+ *where += sizeof(header->s_lnnoptr);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, header->s_nreloc, sizeof(header->s_nreloc));
+ *where += sizeof(header->s_nreloc);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, header->s_nlnno, sizeof(header->s_nlnno));
+ *where += sizeof(header->s_nlnno);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, header->s_flags, sizeof(header->s_flags));
+ *where += sizeof(header->s_flags);
+#else /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ append(where, (char *) header, sizeof(*header));
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ return;
+} /* c_section_header_append() */
+void obj_emit_symbols(where, symbol_rootP)
+char **where;
+symbolS *symbol_rootP;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ /*
+ * Emit all symbols left in the symbol chain.
+ */
+ for (symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ /* Used to save the offset of the name. It is used to point
+ to the string in memory but must be a file offset. */
+ register char * temp;
+ tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook(symbolP);
+ temp = S_GET_NAME(symbolP);
+ if (SF_GET_STRING(symbolP)) {
+ S_SET_OFFSET(symbolP, symbolP->sy_name_offset);
+ S_SET_ZEROES(symbolP, 0);
+ } else {
+ bzero(symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_name, SYMNMLEN);
+ strncpy(symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_name, temp, SYMNMLEN);
+ }
+ obj_symbol_to_chars(where, symbolP);
+ S_SET_NAME(symbolP,temp);
+ }
+} /* obj_emit_symbols() */
+/* Merge a debug symbol containing debug information into a normal symbol. */
+void c_symbol_merge(debug, normal)
+symbolS *debug;
+symbolS *normal;
+ S_SET_DATA_TYPE(normal, S_GET_DATA_TYPE(debug));
+ } /* take the most we have */
+ if (S_GET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(debug) > 0) {
+ memcpy((char*)&normal->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0], (char*)&debug->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0], S_GET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(debug) * AUXESZ);
+ } /* Move all the auxiliary information */
+ /* Move the debug flags. */
+} /* c_symbol_merge() */
+static symbolS *previous_file_symbol = NULL;
+void c_dot_file_symbol(filename)
+char *filename;
+ symbolS* symbolP;
+ symbolP = symbol_new(".file",
+ 0,
+ &zero_address_frag);
+ SA_SET_FILE_FNAME(symbolP, filename);
+ SF_SET_DEBUG(symbolP);
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, (long) previous_file_symbol);
+ previous_file_symbol = symbolP;
+ /* Make sure that the symbol is first on the symbol chain */
+ if (symbol_rootP != symbolP) {
+ if (symbolP == symbol_lastP) {
+ symbol_lastP = symbol_lastP->sy_previous;
+ } /* if it was the last thing on the list */
+ symbol_remove(symbolP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ symbol_insert(symbolP, symbol_rootP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ symbol_rootP = symbolP;
+ } /* if not first on the list */
+} /* c_dot_file_symbol() */
+ * Build a 'section static' symbol.
+ */
+char *c_section_symbol(name, value, length, nreloc, nlnno)
+char *name;
+long value;
+long length;
+unsigned short nreloc;
+unsigned short nlnno;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ symbolP = symbol_new(name,
+ (name[1] == 't'
+ : (name[1] == 'd'
+ : SEG_BSS)),
+ value,
+ &zero_address_frag);
+ SA_SET_SCN_SCNLEN(symbolP, length);
+ SA_SET_SCN_NRELOC(symbolP, nreloc);
+ SA_SET_SCN_NLINNO(symbolP, nlnno);
+ SF_SET_STATICS(symbolP);
+ return (char*)symbolP;
+} /* c_section_symbol() */
+void c_section_header(header,
+ name,
+ core_address,
+ size,
+ data_ptr,
+ reloc_ptr,
+ lineno_ptr,
+ reloc_number,
+ lineno_number,
+ alignment)
+SCNHDR *header;
+char *name;
+long core_address;
+long size;
+long data_ptr;
+long reloc_ptr;
+long lineno_ptr;
+long reloc_number;
+long lineno_number;
+long alignment;
+ strncpy(header->s_name, name, 8);
+ header->s_paddr = header->s_vaddr = core_address;
+ header->s_scnptr = ((header->s_size = size) != 0) ? data_ptr : 0;
+ header->s_relptr = reloc_ptr;
+ header->s_lnnoptr = lineno_ptr;
+ header->s_nreloc = reloc_number;
+ header->s_nlnno = lineno_number;
+ header->s_align = ((name[1] == 'b' || (size > 0)) ? 16 : 0);
+ header->s_align = ((alignment == 0)
+ ? 0
+ : (1 << alignment));
+ header->s_flags = STYP_REG | (name[1] == 't'
+ : (name[1] == 'd'
+ : (name[1] == 'b'
+ : STYP_INFO)));
+ return;
+} /* c_section_header() */
+/* Line number handling */
+int function_lineoff = -1; /* Offset in line#s where the last function
+ started (the odd entry for line #0) */
+int text_lineno_number = 0;
+int our_lineno_number = 0; /* we use this to build pointers from .bf's
+ into the linetable. It should match
+ exactly the values that are later
+ assigned in text_lineno_number by
+ write.c. */
+lineno* lineno_lastP = (lineno*)0;
+c_line_new(paddr, line_number, frag)
+long paddr;
+unsigned short line_number;
+fragS* frag;
+ lineno* new_line = (lineno*)xmalloc(sizeof(lineno));
+ new_line->line.l_addr.l_paddr = paddr;
+ new_line->line.l_lnno = line_number;
+ new_line->frag = (char*)frag;
+ new_line->next = (lineno*)0;
+ if (lineno_rootP == (lineno*)0)
+ lineno_rootP = new_line;
+ else
+ lineno_lastP->next = new_line;
+ lineno_lastP = new_line;
+ return LINESZ * our_lineno_number++;
+void obj_emit_lineno(where, line, file_start)
+char **where;
+lineno *line;
+char *file_start;
+ LINENO *line_entry;
+ for (; line; line = line->next) {
+ line_entry = &line->line;
+ /* FIXME-SOMEDAY Resolving the sy_number of function linno's used to be done in
+ write_object_file() but their symbols need a fileptr to the lnno, so
+ I moved this resolution check here. xoxorich. */
+ if (line_entry->l_lnno == 0) {
+ /* There is a good chance that the symbol pointed to
+ is not the one that will be emitted and that the
+ sy_number is not accurate. */
+/* char *name; */
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ symbolP = (symbolS *) line_entry->l_addr.l_symndx;
+ line_entry->l_addr.l_symndx = symbolP->sy_number;
+ symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr = *where - file_start;
+ } /* if this is a function linno */
+ /* No matter which member of the union we process, they are
+ both long. */
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, line_entry->l_addr.l_paddr, sizeof(line_entry->l_addr.l_paddr));
+ *where += sizeof(line_entry->l_addr.l_paddr);
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, line_entry->l_lnno, sizeof(line_entry->l_lnno));
+ *where += sizeof(line_entry->l_lnno);
+#else /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ append(where, (char *) line_entry, LINESZ);
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ } /* for each line number */
+ return ;
+} /* obj_emit_lineno() */
+void obj_symbol_new_hook(symbolP)
+symbolS *symbolP;
+ char underscore = 0; /* Symbol has leading _ */
+ /* Effective symbol */
+ /* Store the pointer in the offset. */
+ S_SET_ZEROES(symbolP, 0L);
+ S_SET_STORAGE_CLASS(symbolP, 0);
+ /* Additional information */
+ symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_flags = 0;
+ /* Auxiliary entries */
+ bzero((char*)&symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0], AUXESZ);
+ /* Remove leading underscore at the beginning of the symbol.
+ * This is to be compatible with the standard librairies.
+ */
+ if (*S_GET_NAME(symbolP) == '_') {
+ underscore = 1;
+ S_SET_NAME(symbolP, S_GET_NAME(symbolP) + 1);
+ } /* strip underscore */
+#endif /* STRIP_UNDERSCORE */
+ if (S_IS_STRING(symbolP))
+ SF_SET_STRING(symbolP);
+ if (!underscore && S_IS_LOCAL(symbolP))
+ SF_SET_LOCAL(symbolP);
+ return;
+} /* obj_symbol_new_hook() */
+ /* stack stuff */
+stack* stack_init(chunk_size, element_size)
+unsigned long chunk_size;
+unsigned long element_size;
+ stack* st;
+ if ((st = (stack*)malloc(sizeof(stack))) == (stack*)0)
+ return (stack*)0;
+ if ((st->data = malloc(chunk_size)) == (char*)0) {
+ free(st);
+ return (stack*)0;
+ }
+ st->pointer = 0;
+ st->size = chunk_size;
+ st->chunk_size = chunk_size;
+ st->element_size = element_size;
+ return st;
+} /* stack_init() */
+void stack_delete(st)
+stack* st;
+ free(st->data);
+ free(st);
+char *stack_push(st, element)
+stack *st;
+char *element;
+ if (st->pointer + st->element_size >= st->size) {
+ st->size += st->chunk_size;
+ if ((st->data = xrealloc(st->data, st->size)) == (char*)0)
+ return (char*)0;
+ }
+ memcpy(st->data + st->pointer, element, st->element_size);
+ st->pointer += st->element_size;
+ return st->data + st->pointer;
+} /* stack_push() */
+char* stack_pop(st)
+stack* st;
+ if ((st->pointer -= st->element_size) < 0) {
+ st->pointer = 0;
+ return (char*)0;
+ }
+ return st->data + st->pointer;
+char* stack_top(st)
+stack* st;
+ return st->data + st->pointer - st->element_size;
+ * Handle .ln directives.
+ */
+static void obj_coff_ln() {
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress != NULL) {
+ as_warn(".ln pseudo-op inside .def/.endef: ignored.");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* wrong context */
+ c_line_new(obstack_next_free(&frags) - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ get_absolute_expression(),
+ frag_now);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_line() */
+ * def()
+ *
+ * Handle .def directives.
+ *
+ * One might ask : why can't we symbol_new if the symbol does not
+ * already exist and fill it with debug information. Because of
+ * the C_EFCN special symbol. It would clobber the value of the
+ * function symbol before we have a chance to notice that it is
+ * a C_EFCN. And a second reason is that the code is more clear this
+ * way. (at least I think it is :-).
+ *
+ */
+#define SKIP_SEMI_COLON() while (*input_line_pointer++ != ';')
+#define SKIP_WHITESPACES() while (*input_line_pointer == ' ' || \
+ *input_line_pointer == '\t') \
+ input_line_pointer++;
+static void obj_coff_def(what)
+int what;
+ char name_end; /* Char after the end of name */
+ char *symbol_name; /* Name of the debug symbol */
+ char *symbol_name_copy; /* Temporary copy of the name */
+ unsigned int symbol_name_length;
+ /*$char* directiveP;$ */ /* Name of the pseudo opcode */
+ /*$char directive[MAX_DIRECTIVE];$ */ /* Backup of the directive */
+ /*$char end = 0;$ */ /* If 1, stop parsing */
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress != NULL) {
+ as_warn(".def pseudo-op used inside of .def/.endef: ignored.");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* if not inside .def/.endef */
+ def_symbol_in_progress = (symbolS *) obstack_alloc(&notes, sizeof(*def_symbol_in_progress));
+ bzero(def_symbol_in_progress, sizeof(*def_symbol_in_progress));
+ symbol_name = input_line_pointer;
+ name_end = get_symbol_end();
+ symbol_name_length = strlen(symbol_name);
+ symbol_name_copy = xmalloc(symbol_name_length + 1);
+ strcpy(symbol_name_copy, symbol_name);
+ /* Initialize the new symbol */
+ S_SET_NAME(def_symbol_in_progress, (*symbol_name_copy == '_'
+ ? symbol_name_copy + 1
+ : symbol_name_copy));
+ S_SET_NAME(def_symbol_in_progress, symbol_name_copy);
+#endif /* STRIP_UNDERSCORE */
+ /* free(symbol_name_copy); */
+ def_symbol_in_progress->sy_name_offset = ~0;
+ def_symbol_in_progress->sy_number = ~0;
+ def_symbol_in_progress->sy_frag = &zero_address_frag;
+ if (S_IS_STRING(def_symbol_in_progress)) {
+ SF_SET_STRING(def_symbol_in_progress);
+ } /* "long" name */
+ *input_line_pointer = name_end;
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_def() */
+unsigned int dim_index;
+static void obj_coff_endef() {
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+/* DIM BUG FIX sac@cygnus.com */
+ dim_index =0;
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress == NULL) {
+ as_warn(".endef pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef: ignored.");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* if not inside .def/.endef */
+ /* Set the section number according to storage class. */
+ switch (S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(def_symbol_in_progress)) {
+ case C_STRTAG:
+ case C_ENTAG:
+ case C_UNTAG:
+ SF_SET_TAG(def_symbol_in_progress);
+ /* intentional fallthrough */
+ case C_FILE:
+ case C_TPDEF:
+ SF_SET_DEBUG(def_symbol_in_progress);
+ S_SET_SEGMENT(def_symbol_in_progress, SEG_DEBUG);
+ break;
+ case C_EFCN:
+ SF_SET_LOCAL(def_symbol_in_progress); /* Do not emit this symbol. */
+ /* intentional fallthrough */
+ case C_BLOCK:
+ SF_SET_PROCESS(def_symbol_in_progress); /* Will need processing before writing */
+ /* intentional fallthrough */
+ case C_FCN:
+ S_SET_SEGMENT(def_symbol_in_progress, SEG_TEXT);
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_name[1] == 'b') { /* .bf */
+ if (function_lineoff < 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "`.bf' symbol without preceding function\n");
+ } /* missing function symbol */
+ SA_GET_SYM_LNNOPTR(def_symbol_in_progress) = function_lineoff;
+ SF_SET_PROCESS(def_symbol_in_progress); /* Will need relocating */
+ function_lineoff = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+#ifdef C_AUTOARG
+ case C_AUTOARG:
+#endif /* C_AUTOARG */
+ case C_AUTO:
+ case C_REG:
+ case C_MOS:
+ case C_MOE:
+ case C_MOU:
+ case C_ARG:
+ case C_REGPARM:
+ case C_FIELD:
+ case C_EOS:
+ SF_SET_DEBUG(def_symbol_in_progress);
+ S_SET_SEGMENT(def_symbol_in_progress, SEG_ABSOLUTE);
+ break;
+ case C_EXT:
+ case C_STAT:
+ case C_LABEL:
+ /* Valid but set somewhere else (s_comm, s_lcomm, colon) */
+ break;
+ case C_USTATIC:
+ case C_EXTDEF:
+ case C_ULABEL:
+ as_warn("unexpected storage class %d", S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(def_symbol_in_progress));
+ break;
+ } /* switch on storage class */
+ /* Now that we have built a debug symbol, try to
+ find if we should merge with an existing symbol
+ or not. If a symbol is C_EFCN or SEG_ABSOLUTE or
+ untagged SEG_DEBUG it never merges. */
+ /* Two cases for functions. Either debug followed
+ by definition or definition followed by debug.
+ For definition first, we will merge the debug
+ symbol into the definition. For debug first, the
+ lineno entry MUST point to the definition
+ function or else it will point off into space
+ when obj_crawl_symbol_chain() merges the debug
+ symbol into the real symbol. Therefor, let's
+ presume the debug symbol is a real function
+ reference. */
+ /* FIXME-SOON If for some reason the definition
+ label/symbol is never seen, this will probably
+ leave an undefined symbol at link time. */
+ if (S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(def_symbol_in_progress) == C_EFCN
+ || (S_GET_SEGMENT(def_symbol_in_progress) == SEG_DEBUG
+ && !SF_GET_TAG(def_symbol_in_progress))
+ || S_GET_SEGMENT(def_symbol_in_progress) == SEG_ABSOLUTE
+ || (symbolP = symbol_find_base(S_GET_NAME(def_symbol_in_progress), DO_NOT_STRIP)) == NULL) {
+ symbol_append(def_symbol_in_progress, symbol_lastP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ } else {
+ /* This symbol already exists, merge the
+ newly created symbol into the old one.
+ This is not mandatory. The linker can
+ handle duplicate symbols correctly. But I
+ guess that it save a *lot* of space if
+ the assembly file defines a lot of
+ symbols. [loic] */
+ /* The debug entry (def_symbol_in_progress)
+ is merged into the previous definition. */
+ c_symbol_merge(def_symbol_in_progress, symbolP);
+ /* FIXME-SOON Should *def_symbol_in_progress be free'd? xoxorich. */
+ def_symbol_in_progress = symbolP;
+ if (SF_GET_FUNCTION(def_symbol_in_progress)
+ || SF_GET_TAG(def_symbol_in_progress)) {
+ /* For functions, and tags, the symbol *must* be where the debug symbol
+ appears. Move the existing symbol to the current place. */
+ /* If it already is at the end of the symbol list, do nothing */
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress != symbol_lastP) {
+ symbol_remove(def_symbol_in_progress, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ symbol_append(def_symbol_in_progress, symbol_lastP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ } /* if not already in place */
+ } /* if function */
+ } /* normal or mergable */
+ if (SF_GET_TAG(def_symbol_in_progress)
+ && symbol_find_base(S_GET_NAME(def_symbol_in_progress), DO_NOT_STRIP) == NULL) {
+ tag_insert(S_GET_NAME(def_symbol_in_progress), def_symbol_in_progress);
+ } /* If symbol is a {structure,union} tag, associate symbol to its name. */
+ if (SF_GET_FUNCTION(def_symbol_in_progress)) {
+ know(sizeof(def_symbol_in_progress) <= sizeof(long));
+ function_lineoff = c_line_new((long) def_symbol_in_progress, 0, &zero_address_frag);
+ SF_SET_PROCESS(def_symbol_in_progress);
+ if (symbolP == NULL) {
+ /* That is, if this is the first
+ time we've seen the function... */
+ symbol_table_insert(def_symbol_in_progress);
+ } /* definition follows debug */
+ } /* Create the line number entry pointing to the function being defined */
+ def_symbol_in_progress = NULL;
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_endef() */
+#if 0
+This code expects all the dims to be after one another, and that is not true
+for gcc960
+static void obj_coff_dim() {
+ register int dim_index;
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress == NULL) {
+ as_warn(".dim pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef: ignored.");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* if not inside .def/.endef */
+ S_SET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(def_symbol_in_progress, 1);
+ for (dim_index = 0; dim_index < DIMNUM; dim_index++) {
+ SA_SET_SYM_DIMEN(def_symbol_in_progress, dim_index, get_absolute_expression());
+ switch (*input_line_pointer) {
+ case ',':
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_warn("badly formed .dim directive ignored");
+ /* intentional fallthrough */
+ case ';':
+ dim_index = DIMNUM;
+ break;
+ } /* switch on following character */
+ } /* for each dimension */
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_dim() */
+static void
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress == NULL) {
+ as_warn(".dim pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef: ignored.");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* if not inside .def/.endef */
+ S_SET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(def_symbol_in_progress, 1);
+ /* Grab as many dims as we can fit, until ; or full */
+ while (dim_index < DIMNUM)
+ {
+ SA_SET_SYM_DIMEN(def_symbol_in_progress, dim_index, get_absolute_expression());
+ dim_index++;
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ';') break;
+ if (*input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ as_warn("badly formed .dim directive ignored");
+ break;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ }
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_dim() */
+static void obj_coff_line() {
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress == NULL) {
+ obj_coff_ln();
+ return;
+ } /* if it looks like a stabs style line */
+ S_SET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(def_symbol_in_progress, 1);
+ SA_SET_SYM_LNNO(def_symbol_in_progress, get_absolute_expression());
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_line() */
+static void obj_coff_size() {
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress == NULL) {
+ as_warn(".size pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* if not inside .def/.endef */
+ S_SET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(def_symbol_in_progress, 1);
+ SA_SET_SYM_SIZE(def_symbol_in_progress, get_absolute_expression());
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_size() */
+static void obj_coff_scl() {
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress == NULL) {
+ as_warn(".scl pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* if not inside .def/.endef */
+ S_SET_STORAGE_CLASS(def_symbol_in_progress, get_absolute_expression());
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_scl() */
+static void obj_coff_tag() {
+ char *symbol_name;
+ char name_end;
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress == NULL) {
+ as_warn(".tag pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* if not inside .def/.endef */
+ S_SET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(def_symbol_in_progress, 1);
+ symbol_name = input_line_pointer;
+ name_end = get_symbol_end();
+ /* Assume that the symbol referred to by .tag is always defined. */
+ /* This was a bad assumption. I've added find_or_make. xoxorich. */
+ SA_SET_SYM_TAGNDX(def_symbol_in_progress, (long) tag_find_or_make(symbol_name));
+ if (SA_GET_SYM_TAGNDX(def_symbol_in_progress) == 0L) {
+ as_warn("tag not found for .tag %s", symbol_name);
+ } /* not defined */
+ SF_SET_TAGGED(def_symbol_in_progress);
+ *input_line_pointer = name_end;
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_tag() */
+static void obj_coff_type() {
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress == NULL) {
+ as_warn(".type pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* if not inside .def/.endef */
+ S_SET_DATA_TYPE(def_symbol_in_progress, get_absolute_expression());
+ if (ISFCN(S_GET_DATA_TYPE(def_symbol_in_progress)) &&
+ S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(def_symbol_in_progress) != C_TPDEF) {
+ SF_SET_FUNCTION(def_symbol_in_progress);
+ } /* is a function */
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_type() */
+static void obj_coff_val() {
+ if (def_symbol_in_progress == NULL) {
+ as_warn(".val pseudo-op used outside of .def/.endef ignored.");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* if not inside .def/.endef */
+ if (is_name_beginner(*input_line_pointer)) {
+ char *symbol_name = input_line_pointer;
+ char name_end = get_symbol_end();
+ if (!strcmp(symbol_name, ".")) {
+ def_symbol_in_progress->sy_frag = frag_now;
+ S_SET_VALUE(def_symbol_in_progress, obstack_next_free(&frags) - frag_now->fr_literal);
+ /* If the .val is != from the .def (e.g. statics) */
+ } else if (strcmp(S_GET_NAME(def_symbol_in_progress), symbol_name)) {
+ def_symbol_in_progress->sy_forward = symbol_find_or_make(symbol_name);
+ /* If the segment is undefined when the forward
+ reference is solved, then copy the segment id
+ from the forward symbol. */
+ SF_SET_GET_SEGMENT(def_symbol_in_progress);
+ }
+ /* Otherwise, it is the name of a non debug symbol and its value will be calculated later. */
+ *input_line_pointer = name_end;
+ } else {
+ S_SET_VALUE(def_symbol_in_progress, get_absolute_expression());
+ } /* if symbol based */
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* obj_coff_val() */
+ * Maintain a list of the tagnames of the structres.
+ */
+static void tag_init() {
+ tag_hash = hash_new();
+ return ;
+} /* tag_init() */
+static void tag_insert(name, symbolP)
+char *name;
+symbolS *symbolP;
+ register char * error_string;
+ if (*(error_string = hash_jam(tag_hash, name, (char *)symbolP))) {
+ as_fatal("Inserting \"%s\" into structure table failed: %s",
+ name, error_string);
+ }
+ return ;
+} /* tag_insert() */
+static symbolS *tag_find_or_make(name)
+char *name;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ if ((symbolP = tag_find(name)) == NULL) {
+ symbolP = symbol_new(name,
+ 0,
+ &zero_address_frag);
+ tag_insert(S_GET_NAME(symbolP), symbolP);
+ symbol_table_insert(symbolP);
+ } /* not found */
+ return(symbolP);
+} /* tag_find_or_make() */
+static symbolS *tag_find(name)
+char *name;
+ if (*name == '_') name++;
+#endif /* STRIP_UNDERSCORE */
+ return((symbolS*)hash_find(tag_hash, name));
+} /* tag_find() */
+void obj_read_begin_hook() {
+ /* These had better be the same. Usually 18 bytes. */
+ know(sizeof(SYMENT) == sizeof(AUXENT));
+ know(SYMESZ == AUXESZ);
+ tag_init();
+ return;
+} /* obj_read_begin_hook() */
+void obj_crawl_symbol_chain(headers)
+object_headers *headers;
+ int symbol_number = 0;
+ lineno *lineP;
+ symbolS *last_functionP = NULL;
+ symbolS *last_tagP;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ symbolS *symbol_externP = NULL;
+ symbolS *symbol_extern_lastP = NULL;
+ /* Initialize the stack used to keep track of the matching .bb .be */
+ stack* block_stack = stack_init(512, sizeof(symbolS*));
+ /* JF deal with forward references first... */
+ for (symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ if (symbolP->sy_forward) {
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, (S_GET_VALUE(symbolP)
+ + S_GET_VALUE(symbolP->sy_forward)
+ + symbolP->sy_forward->sy_frag->fr_address));
+ if (SF_GET_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP)) {
+ S_SET_SEGMENT(symbolP, S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP->sy_forward));
+ } /* forward segment also */
+ symbolP->sy_forward=0;
+ } /* if it has a forward reference */
+ } /* walk the symbol chain */
+ tc_crawl_symbol_chain(headers);
+ /* The symbol list should be ordered according to the following sequence
+ * order :
+ * . .file symbol
+ * . debug entries for functions
+ * . fake symbols for .text .data and .bss
+ * . defined symbols
+ * . undefined symbols
+ * But this is not mandatory. The only important point is to put the
+ * undefined symbols at the end of the list.
+ */
+ if (symbol_rootP == NULL
+ || S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(symbol_rootP) != C_FILE) {
+ know(!previous_file_symbol);
+ c_dot_file_symbol("fake");
+ } /* Is there a .file symbol ? If not insert one at the beginning. */
+ /*
+ * Build up static symbols for .text, .data and .bss
+ */
+ dot_text_symbol = (symbolS*)
+ c_section_symbol(".text",
+ 0,
+ H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(headers),
+ 0/*text_relocation_number */,
+ 0/*text_lineno_number */);
+ dot_data_symbol = (symbolS*)
+ c_section_symbol(".data",
+ H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(headers),
+ H_GET_DATA_SIZE(headers),
+ 0/*data_relocation_number */,
+ 0); /* There are no data lineno entries */
+ dot_bss_symbol = (symbolS*)
+ c_section_symbol(".bss",
+ H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(headers) + H_GET_DATA_SIZE(headers),
+ H_GET_BSS_SIZE(headers),
+ 0, /* No relocation for a bss section. */
+ 0); /* There are no bss lineno entries */
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ verify_symbol_chain(symbol_rootP, symbol_lastP);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ /* Three traversals of symbol chains here. The
+ first traversal yanks externals into a temporary
+ chain, removing the externals from the global
+ chain, numbers symbols, and does some other guck.
+ The second traversal is on the temporary chain of
+ externals and just appends them to the global
+ chain again, numbering them as we go. The third
+ traversal patches pointers to symbols (using sym
+ indexes). The last traversal was once done as
+ part of the first pass, but that fails when a
+ reference preceeds a definition as the definition
+ has no number at the time we process the
+ reference. */
+ /* Note that symbolP will be NULL at the end of a loop
+ if an external was at the beginning of the list (it
+ gets moved off the list). Hence the weird check in
+ the loop control.
+ */
+ for (symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbolP ? symbol_next(symbolP) : symbol_rootP) {
+ if (!SF_GET_DEBUG(symbolP)) {
+ /* Debug symbols do not need all this rubbish */
+ symbolS* real_symbolP;
+ /* L* and C_EFCN symbols never merge. */
+ if (!SF_GET_LOCAL(symbolP)
+ && (real_symbolP = symbol_find_base(S_GET_NAME(symbolP), DO_NOT_STRIP))
+ && real_symbolP != symbolP) {
+ /* FIXME-SOON: where do dups come from? Maybe tag references before definitions? xoxorich. */
+ /* Move the debug data from the debug symbol to the
+ real symbol. Do NOT do the oposite (i.e. move from
+ real symbol to debug symbol and remove real symbol from the
+ list.) Because some pointers refer to the real symbol
+ whereas no pointers refer to the debug symbol. */
+ c_symbol_merge(symbolP, real_symbolP);
+ /* Replace the current symbol by the real one */
+ /* The symbols will never be the last or the first
+ because : 1st symbol is .file and 3 last symbols are
+ .text, .data, .bss */
+ symbol_remove(real_symbolP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ symbol_insert(real_symbolP, symbolP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ symbol_remove(symbolP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ symbolP = real_symbolP;
+ } /* if not local but dup'd */
+ if (flagseen['R'] && (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_DATA)) {
+ } /* push data into text */
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) + symbolP->sy_frag->fr_address);
+ if (!S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP) && !SF_GET_LOCAL(symbolP)) {
+ S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP);
+ } else if (S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(symbolP) == C_NULL) {
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_TEXT){
+ } else {
+ }
+ } /* no storage class yet */
+ /* Mainly to speed up if not -g */
+ if (SF_GET_PROCESS(symbolP)) {
+ /* Handle the nested blocks auxiliary info. */
+ if (S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(symbolP) == C_BLOCK) {
+ if (!strcmp(S_GET_NAME(symbolP), ".bb"))
+ stack_push(block_stack, (char *) &symbolP);
+ else { /* .eb */
+ register symbolS* begin_symbolP;
+ begin_symbolP = *(symbolS**)stack_pop(block_stack);
+ if (begin_symbolP == (symbolS*)0)
+ as_warn("mismatched .eb");
+ else
+ SA_SET_SYM_ENDNDX(begin_symbolP, symbol_number+2);
+ }
+ }
+ /* If we are able to identify the type of a function, and we
+ are out of a function (last_functionP == 0) then, the
+ function symbol will be associated with an auxiliary
+ entry. */
+ if (last_functionP == (symbolS*)0 &&
+ SF_GET_FUNCTION(symbolP)) {
+ last_functionP = symbolP;
+ if (S_GET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(symbolP) < 1) {
+ } /* make it at least 1 */
+ /* Clobber possible stale .dim information. */
+ bzero(symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen,
+ sizeof(symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen));
+ }
+ /* The C_FCN doesn't need any additional information.
+ I don't even know if this is needed for sdb. But the
+ standard assembler generates it, so...
+ */
+ if (S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(symbolP) == C_EFCN) {
+ if (last_functionP == (symbolS*)0)
+ as_fatal("C_EFCN symbol out of scope");
+ SA_SET_SYM_FSIZE(last_functionP,
+ (long)(S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) -
+ S_GET_VALUE(last_functionP)));
+ SA_SET_SYM_ENDNDX(last_functionP, symbol_number);
+ last_functionP = (symbolS*)0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (SF_GET_TAG(symbolP)) {
+ /* First descriptor of a structure must point to
+ the first slot after the structure description. */
+ last_tagP = symbolP;
+ } else if (S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(symbolP) == C_EOS) {
+ /* +2 take in account the current symbol */
+ SA_SET_SYM_ENDNDX(last_tagP, symbol_number + 2);
+ } else if (S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(symbolP) == C_FILE) {
+ if (S_GET_VALUE(symbolP)) {
+ S_SET_VALUE((symbolS *) S_GET_VALUE(symbolP), symbol_number);
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, 0);
+ } /* no one points at the first .file symbol */
+ } /* if debug or tag or eos or file */
+ /* We must put the external symbols apart. The loader
+ does not bomb if we do not. But the references in
+ the endndx field for a .bb symbol are not corrected
+ if an external symbol is removed between .bb and .be.
+ I.e in the following case :
+ [20] .bb endndx = 22
+ [21] foo external
+ [22] .be
+ ld will move the symbol 21 to the end of the list but
+ endndx will still be 22 instead of 21. */
+ if (SF_GET_LOCAL(symbolP)) {
+ /* remove C_EFCN and LOCAL (L...) symbols */
+ /* next pointer remains valid */
+ symbol_remove(symbolP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ } else if (!S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP) && !S_IS_DEBUG(symbolP) && !SF_GET_STATICS(symbolP)) {
+/* S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(symbolP) == C_EXT && !SF_GET_FUNCTION(symbolP)) { */
+ /* if external, Remove from the list */
+ symbolS *hold = symbol_previous(symbolP);
+ symbol_remove(symbolP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ symbol_clear_list_pointers(symbolP);
+ symbol_append(symbolP, symbol_extern_lastP, &symbol_externP, &symbol_extern_lastP);
+ symbolP = hold;
+ } else {
+ if (SF_GET_STRING(symbolP)) {
+ symbolP->sy_name_offset = string_byte_count;
+ string_byte_count += strlen(S_GET_NAME(symbolP)) + 1;
+ } else {
+ symbolP->sy_name_offset = 0;
+ } /* fix "long" names */
+ symbolP->sy_number = symbol_number;
+ symbol_number += 1 + S_GET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(symbolP);
+ } /* if local symbol */
+ } /* traverse the symbol list */
+ for (symbolP = symbol_externP; symbol_externP;) {
+ symbolS *tmp = symbol_externP;
+ /* append */
+ symbol_remove(tmp, &symbol_externP, &symbol_extern_lastP);
+ symbol_append(tmp, symbol_lastP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ /* and process */
+ if (SF_GET_STRING(tmp)) {
+ tmp->sy_name_offset = string_byte_count;
+ string_byte_count += strlen(S_GET_NAME(tmp)) + 1;
+ } else {
+ tmp->sy_name_offset = 0;
+ } /* fix "long" names */
+ tmp->sy_number = symbol_number;
+ symbol_number += 1 + S_GET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(tmp);
+ } /* append the entire extern chain */
+ /* When a tag reference preceeds the tag definition,
+ the definition will not have a number at the time
+ we process the reference during the first
+ traversal. Thus, a second traversal. */
+ for (symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ if (SF_GET_TAGGED(symbolP)) {
+ SA_SET_SYM_TAGNDX(symbolP, ((symbolS*) SA_GET_SYM_TAGNDX(symbolP))->sy_number);
+ } /* If the symbol has a tagndx entry, resolve it */
+ } /* second traversal */
+ know(symbol_externP == NULL);
+ know(symbol_extern_lastP == NULL);
+ /* FIXME-SOMEDAY I'm counting line no's here so we know what to put in the section
+ headers, and I'm resolving the addresses since I'm not sure how to
+ do it later. I am NOT resolving the linno's representing functions.
+ Their symbols need a fileptr pointing to this linno when emitted.
+ Thus, I resolve them on emit. xoxorich. */
+ for (lineP = lineno_rootP; lineP; lineP = lineP->next) {
+ if (lineP->line.l_lnno > 0) {
+ lineP->line.l_addr.l_paddr += ((fragS*)lineP->frag)->fr_address;
+ } else {
+ ;
+ }
+ text_lineno_number++;
+ } /* for each line number */
+ H_SET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(headers, symbol_number);
+ return;
+} /* obj_crawl_symbol_chain() */
+ * Find strings by crawling along symbol table chain.
+ */
+void obj_emit_strings(where)
+char **where;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ /* Gotta do md_ byte-ordering stuff for string_byte_count first - KWK */
+ md_number_to_chars(*where, string_byte_count, sizeof(string_byte_count));
+ where += sizeof(string_byte_count);
+#else /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ append(where, (char *) &string_byte_count, (unsigned long) sizeof(string_byte_count));
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+ for (symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ if (SF_GET_STRING(symbolP)) {
+ append(where, S_GET_NAME(symbolP), (unsigned long)(strlen(S_GET_NAME(symbolP)) + 1));
+ } /* if it has a string */
+ } /* walk the symbol chain */
+ return;
+} /* obj_emit_strings() */
+void obj_pre_write_hook(headers)
+object_headers *headers;
+ register int text_relocation_number = 0;
+ register int data_relocation_number = 0;
+ register fixS *fixP;
+ /* FIXME-SOMEDAY this should be done at
+ fixup_segment time but I'm going to wait until I
+ do multiple segments. xoxorich. */
+ /* Count the number of relocation entries for text and data */
+ for (fixP = text_fix_root; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next) {
+ if (fixP->fx_addsy) {
+ ++text_relocation_number;
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* two relocs per callj under coff. */
+ if (fixP->fx_callj) {
+ ++text_relocation_number;
+ } /* if callj and not already fixed. */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ } /* if not yet fixed */
+ } /* for each fix */
+ SA_SET_SCN_NRELOC(dot_text_symbol, text_relocation_number);
+ /* Assign the number of line number entries for the text section */
+ SA_SET_SCN_NLINNO(dot_text_symbol, text_lineno_number);
+ /* Assign the size of the section */
+ SA_SET_SCN_SCNLEN(dot_text_symbol, H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(headers));
+ for (fixP = data_fix_root; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next) {
+ if (fixP->fx_addsy) {
+ ++data_relocation_number;
+ } /* if still relocatable */
+ } /* for each fix */
+ SA_SET_SCN_NRELOC(dot_data_symbol, data_relocation_number);
+ /* Assign the size of the section */
+ SA_SET_SCN_SCNLEN(dot_data_symbol, H_GET_DATA_SIZE(headers));
+ /* Assign the size of the section */
+ SA_SET_SCN_SCNLEN(dot_bss_symbol, H_GET_BSS_SIZE(headers));
+ /* Fill in extra coff fields */
+ /* Initialize general line number information. */
+ H_SET_LINENO_SIZE(headers, text_lineno_number * LINESZ);
+ /* filehdr */
+ H_SET_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS(headers, 3); /* text+data+bss */
+ H_SET_TIME_STAMP(headers, (long)time((long*)0));
+ /* symbol table size allready set */
+ H_SET_FLAGS(headers, (text_lineno_number == 0 ? F_LNNO : 0)
+ | ((text_relocation_number + data_relocation_number) ? 0 : F_EXEC)
+ H_SET_FLAGS(headers, (text_lineno_number == 0 ? F_LNNO : 0)
+ /* aouthdr */
+ /* magic number allready set */
+ H_SET_VERSION_STAMP(headers, 0);
+ /* Text, data, bss size; entry point; text_start and data_start are already set */
+ /* Build section headers */
+ c_section_header(&text_section_header,
+ ".text",
+ 0,
+ H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(headers),
+ (SA_GET_SCN_NRELOC(dot_text_symbol)
+ : 0),
+ (text_lineno_number
+ : 0),
+ SA_GET_SCN_NRELOC(dot_text_symbol),
+ text_lineno_number,
+ section_alignment[(int) SEG_TEXT]);
+ c_section_header(&data_section_header,
+ ".data",
+ H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(headers),
+ H_GET_DATA_SIZE(headers),
+ (H_GET_DATA_SIZE(headers)
+ : 0),
+ (SA_GET_SCN_NRELOC(dot_data_symbol)
+ + text_section_header.s_nreloc * RELSZ)
+ : 0),
+ 0, /* No line number information */
+ SA_GET_SCN_NRELOC(dot_data_symbol),
+ 0, /* No line number information */
+ section_alignment[(int) SEG_DATA]);
+ c_section_header(&bss_section_header,
+ ".bss",
+ H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(headers) + H_GET_DATA_SIZE(headers),
+ H_GET_BSS_SIZE(headers),
+ 0, /* No file offset */
+ 0, /* No relocation information */
+ 0, /* No line number information */
+ 0, /* No relocation information */
+ 0, /* No line number information */
+ section_alignment[(int) SEG_BSS]);
+ return;
+} /* obj_pre_write_hook() */
+/* This is a copy from aout. All I do is neglect to actually build the symbol. */
+static void obj_coff_stab(what)
+int what;
+ char *string;
+ expressionS e;
+ int goof = 0; /* TRUE if we have aborted. */
+ int length;
+ int saved_type = 0;
+ long longint;
+ symbolS *symbolP = 0;
+ if (what == 's') {
+ string = demand_copy_C_string(&length);
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ',') {
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ } else {
+ as_bad("I need a comma after symbol's name");
+ goof = 1;
+ } /* better be a comma */
+ } /* skip the string */
+ /*
+ * Input_line_pointer->after ','. String->symbol name.
+ */
+ if (!goof) {
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(&longint) != ',') {
+ as_bad("I want a comma after the n_type expression");
+ goof = 1;
+ input_line_pointer--; /* Backup over a non-',' char. */
+ } /* on error */
+ } /* no error */
+ if (!goof) {
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(&longint) != ',') {
+ as_bad("I want a comma after the n_other expression");
+ goof = 1;
+ input_line_pointer--; /* Backup over a non-',' char. */
+ } /* on error */
+ } /* no error */
+ if (!goof) {
+ get_absolute_expression();
+ if (what == 's' || what == 'n') {
+ if (*input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ as_bad("I want a comma after the n_desc expression");
+ goof = 1;
+ } else {
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ } /* on goof */
+ } /* not stabd */
+ } /* no error */
+ expression(&e);
+ if (goof) {
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ } else {
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ } /* on error */
+} /* obj_coff_stab() */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ /* for debugging */
+char *s_get_name(s)
+symbolS *s;
+ return((s == NULL) ? "(NULL)" : S_GET_NAME(s));
+} /* s_get_name() */
+void symbol_dump() {
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ for (symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ printf("%3ld: 0x%lx \"%s\" type = %ld, class = %d, segment = %d\n",
+ symbolP->sy_number,
+ (unsigned long) symbolP,
+ S_GET_NAME(symbolP),
+ (long) S_GET_DATA_TYPE(symbolP),
+ (int) S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP));
+ } /* traverse symbols */
+ return;
+} /* symbol_dump() */
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of obj-coff.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/obj-coff.h b/gas/config/obj-coff.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ed5c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/obj-coff.h
@@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
+/* coff object file format
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#define OBJ_COFF 1
+#include "targ-cpu.h"
+#include "coff.gnu.h"
+#include <filehdr.h>
+#include <aouthdr.h>
+#include <scnhdr.h>
+#include <storclass.h>
+#include <linenum.h>
+#include <syms.h>
+#include <reloc.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#endif /* USE_NATIVE_HEADERS */
+/* Define some processor dependent values according to the processor we are
+ on. */
+#ifdef TC_M68K
+#define BYTE_ORDERING F_AR32W /* See filehdr.h for more info. */
+#define FILE_HEADER_MAGIC MC68MAGIC /* ... */
+#endif /* FILE_HEADER_MAGIC */
+#elif defined(TC_I386)
+#define BYTE_ORDERING F_AR32WR /* See filehdr.h for more info. */
+#define FILE_HEADER_MAGIC I386MAGIC /* ... */
+#endif /* FILE_HEADER_MAGIC */
+#elif defined(TC_I960)
+#define BYTE_ORDERING F_AR32WR /* See filehdr.h for more info. */
+#define FILE_HEADER_MAGIC I960ROMAGIC /* ... */
+#endif /* FILE_HEADER_MAGIC */
+#elif defined(TC_A29K)
+#define BYTE_ORDERING F_AR32W /* big endian. */
+#endif /* FILE_HEADER_MAGIC */
+you lose
+extern const short seg_N_TYPE[];
+extern const segT N_TYPE_seg[];
+/* Magic number of paged executable. */
+/* Add these definitions to have a consistent convention for all the
+ types used in COFF format. */
+#define AOUTHDR struct aouthdr
+#define AOUTHDRSZ sizeof(AOUTHDR)
+ /* targets may also set this */
+/* Symbol table entry data type */
+typedef struct {
+ SYMENT ost_entry; /* Basic symbol */
+ AUXENT ost_auxent[OBJ_COFF_MAX_AUXENTRIES]; /* Auxiliary entry. */
+ unsigned int ost_flags; /* obj_coff internal use only flags */
+} obj_symbol_type;
+/* If compiler generate leading underscores, remove them. */
+#endif /* STRIP_UNDERSCORE */
+#define DO_NOT_STRIP 0
+#define DO_STRIP 1
+/* Symbol table macros and constants */
+/* Possible and usefull section number in symbol table
+ * The values of TEXT, DATA and BSS may not be portable.
+ */
+#define C_TEXT_SECTION ((short)1)
+#define C_DATA_SECTION ((short)2)
+#define C_BSS_SECTION ((short)3)
+ * Macros to extract information from a symbol table entry.
+ * This syntaxic indirection allows independence regarding a.out or coff.
+ * The argument (s) of all these macros is a pointer to a symbol table entry.
+ */
+/* Predicates */
+/* True if the symbol is external */
+#define S_IS_EXTERNAL(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_scnum == C_UNDEF_SECTION)
+/* True if symbol has been defined, ie :
+ section > 0 (DATA, TEXT or BSS)
+ section == 0 and value > 0 (external bss symbol) */
+#define S_IS_DEFINED(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_scnum > C_UNDEF_SECTION || \
+ ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_scnum == C_UNDEF_SECTION && \
+ (s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_value > 0))
+/* True if a debug special symbol entry */
+#define S_IS_DEBUG(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_scnum == C_DEBUG_SECTION)
+/* True if a symbol is local symbol name */
+/* A symbol name whose name begin with ^A is a gas internal pseudo symbol */
+#define S_IS_LOCAL(s) (S_GET_NAME(s)[0] == '\001' || \
+ (S_LOCAL_NAME(s) && !flagseen['L']))
+/* True if a symbol is not defined in this file */
+#define S_IS_EXTERN(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_scnum == 0 && (s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_value == 0)
+ * True if a symbol can be multiply defined (bss symbols have this def
+ * though it is bad practice)
+ */
+#define S_IS_COMMON(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_scnum == 0 && (s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_value != 0)
+/* True if a symbol name is in the string table, i.e. its length is > 8. */
+#define S_IS_STRING(s) (strlen(S_GET_NAME(s)) > 8 ? 1 : 0)
+/* Accessors */
+/* The name of the symbol */
+#define S_GET_NAME(s) ((char*)(s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_offset)
+/* The pointer to the string table */
+#define S_GET_OFFSET(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_offset)
+/* The zeroes if symbol name is longer than 8 chars */
+#define S_GET_ZEROES(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_zeroes)
+/* The value of the symbol */
+#define S_GET_VALUE(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_value)
+/* The numeric value of the segment */
+#define S_GET_SEGMENT(s) (N_TYPE_seg[(s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_scnum+4])
+/* The data type */
+#define S_GET_DATA_TYPE(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_type)
+/* The storage class */
+#define S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_sclass)
+/* The number of auxiliary entries */
+#define S_GET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_numaux)
+/* Modifiers */
+/* Set the name of the symbol */
+#define S_SET_NAME(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_offset = (unsigned long)(v))
+/* Set the offset of the symbol */
+#define S_SET_OFFSET(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_offset = (v))
+/* The zeroes if symbol name is longer than 8 chars */
+#define S_SET_ZEROES(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_zeroes = (v))
+/* Set the value of the symbol */
+#define S_SET_VALUE(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_value = (v))
+/* The numeric value of the segment */
+#define S_SET_SEGMENT(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_scnum = SEGMENT_TO_SYMBOL_TYPE(v))
+/* The data type */
+#define S_SET_DATA_TYPE(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_type = (v))
+/* The storage class */
+#define S_SET_STORAGE_CLASS(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_sclass = (v))
+/* The number of auxiliary entries */
+#define S_SET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_entry.n_numaux = (v))
+/* Additional modifiers */
+/* The symbol is external (does not mean undefined) */
+/* Auxiliary entry macros. SA_ stands for symbol auxiliary */
+/* Omit the tv related fields */
+/* Accessors */
+#define SA_GET_SYM_TAGNDX(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_tagndx)
+#define SA_GET_SYM_LNNO(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno)
+#define SA_GET_SYM_SIZE(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size)
+#define SA_GET_SYM_FSIZE(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize)
+#define SA_GET_SYM_LNNOPTR(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr)
+#define SA_GET_SYM_ENDNDX(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx)
+#define SA_GET_SYM_DIMEN(s,i) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[(i)])
+#define SA_GET_FILE_FNAME(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_file.x_fname)
+#define SA_GET_SCN_SCNLEN(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_scn.x_scnlen)
+#define SA_GET_SCN_NRELOC(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_scn.x_nreloc)
+#define SA_GET_SCN_NLINNO(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_scn.x_nlinno)
+/* Modifiers */
+#define SA_SET_SYM_TAGNDX(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_tagndx=(v))
+#define SA_SET_SYM_LNNO(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_lnno=(v))
+#define SA_SET_SYM_SIZE(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_misc.x_lnsz.x_size=(v))
+#define SA_SET_SYM_FSIZE(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_misc.x_fsize=(v))
+#define SA_SET_SYM_LNNOPTR(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_lnnoptr=(v))
+#define SA_SET_SYM_ENDNDX(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_fcnary.x_fcn.x_endndx=(v))
+#define SA_SET_SYM_DIMEN(s,i,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_sym.x_fcnary.x_ary.x_dimen[(i)]=(v))
+#define SA_SET_FILE_FNAME(s,v) strncpy((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_file.x_fname,(v),FILNMLEN)
+#define SA_SET_SCN_SCNLEN(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_scn.x_scnlen=(v))
+#define SA_SET_SCN_NRELOC(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_scn.x_nreloc=(v))
+#define SA_SET_SCN_NLINNO(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[0].x_scn.x_nlinno=(v))
+ * Internal use only definitions. SF_ stands for symbol flags.
+ *
+ * These values can be assigned to sy_symbol.ost_flags field of a symbolS.
+ *
+ * You'll break i960 if you shift the SYSPROC bits anywhere else. for
+ * more on the balname/callname hack, see tc-i960.h. b.out is done
+ * differently.
+ */
+#define SF_I960_MASK (0x000001ff) /* Bits 0-8 are used by the i960 port. */
+#define SF_SYSPROC (0x0000003f) /* bits 0-5 are used to store the sysproc number */
+#define SF_IS_SYSPROC (0x00000040) /* bit 6 marks symbols that are sysprocs */
+#define SF_BALNAME (0x00000080) /* bit 7 marks BALNAME symbols */
+#define SF_CALLNAME (0x00000100) /* bit 8 marks CALLNAME symbols */
+#define SF_NORMAL_MASK (0x0000ffff) /* bits 12-15 are general purpose. */
+#define SF_STATICS (0x00001000) /* Mark the .text & all symbols */
+#define SF_DEFINED (0x00002000) /* Symbol is defined in this file */
+#define SF_STRING (0x00004000) /* Symbol name length > 8 */
+#define SF_LOCAL (0x00008000) /* Symbol must not be emitted */
+#define SF_DEBUG_MASK (0xffff0000) /* bits 16-31 are debug info */
+#define SF_FUNCTION (0x00010000) /* The symbol is a function */
+#define SF_PROCESS (0x00020000) /* Process symbol before write */
+#define SF_TAGGED (0x00040000) /* Is associated with a tag */
+#define SF_TAG (0x00080000) /* Is a tag */
+#define SF_DEBUG (0x00100000) /* Is in debug or abs section */
+#define SF_GET_SEGMENT (0x00200000) /* Get the section of the forward symbol. */
+ /* All other bits are unused. */
+/* Accessors */
+#define SF_GET(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags)
+#define SF_GET_NORMAL_FIELD(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_NORMAL_MASK)
+#define SF_GET_DEBUG_FIELD(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_DEBUG_MASK)
+#define SF_GET_FILE(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_FILE)
+#define SF_GET_STATICS(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_STATICS)
+#define SF_GET_DEFINED(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_DEFINED)
+#define SF_GET_STRING(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_STRING)
+#define SF_GET_LOCAL(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_LOCAL)
+#define SF_GET_FUNCTION(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_FUNCTION)
+#define SF_GET_PROCESS(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_PROCESS)
+#define SF_GET_DEBUG(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_DEBUG)
+#define SF_GET_TAGGED(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_TAGGED)
+#define SF_GET_TAG(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_TAG)
+#define SF_GET_GET_SEGMENT(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_GET_SEGMENT)
+#define SF_GET_I960(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_I960_MASK) /* used by i960 */
+#define SF_GET_BALNAME(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_BALNAME) /* used by i960 */
+#define SF_GET_CALLNAME(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_CALLNAME) /* used by i960 */
+#define SF_GET_IS_SYSPROC(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_IS_SYSPROC) /* used by i960 */
+#define SF_GET_SYSPROC(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags & SF_SYSPROC) /* used by i960 */
+/* Modifiers */
+#define SF_SET(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags = (v))
+#define SF_SET_NORMAL_FIELD(s,v)((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= ((v) & SF_NORMAL_MASK))
+#define SF_SET_DEBUG_FIELD(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= ((v) & SF_DEBUG_MASK))
+#define SF_SET_FILE(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_FILE)
+#define SF_SET_STATICS(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_STATICS)
+#define SF_SET_DEFINED(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_DEFINED)
+#define SF_SET_STRING(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_STRING)
+#define SF_SET_LOCAL(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_LOCAL)
+#define SF_CLEAR_LOCAL(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags &= ~SF_LOCAL)
+#define SF_SET_FUNCTION(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_FUNCTION)
+#define SF_SET_PROCESS(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_PROCESS)
+#define SF_SET_DEBUG(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_DEBUG)
+#define SF_SET_TAGGED(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_TAGGED)
+#define SF_SET_TAG(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_TAG)
+#define SF_SET_GET_SEGMENT(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_GET_SEGMENT)
+#define SF_SET_I960(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= ((v) & SF_I960_MASK)) /* used by i960 */
+#define SF_SET_BALNAME(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_BALNAME) /* used by i960 */
+#define SF_SET_CALLNAME(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_CALLNAME) /* used by i960 */
+#define SF_SET_IS_SYSPROC(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= SF_IS_SYSPROC) /* used by i960 */
+#define SF_SET_SYSPROC(s,v) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_flags |= ((v) & SF_SYSPROC)) /* used by i960 */
+/* File header macro and type definition */
+ * File position calculators. Beware to use them when all the
+ * appropriate fields are set in the header.
+ */
+#define H_GET_FILE_SIZE(h) \
+ (h)->string_table_size)
+#define H_GET_TEXT_FILE_OFFSET(h) \
+#define H_GET_DATA_FILE_OFFSET(h) \
+#define H_GET_BSS_FILE_OFFSET(h) 0
+/* Accessors */
+/* aouthdr */
+#define H_GET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h) ((h)->aouthdr.magic)
+#define H_GET_VERSION_STAMP(h) ((h)->aouthdr.vstamp)
+#define H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(h) ((h)->aouthdr.tsize)
+#define H_GET_DATA_SIZE(h) ((h)->aouthdr.dsize)
+#define H_GET_BSS_SIZE(h) ((h)->aouthdr.bsize)
+#define H_GET_ENTRY_POINT(h) ((h)->aouthdr.entry)
+#define H_GET_TEXT_START(h) ((h)->aouthdr.text_start)
+#define H_GET_DATA_START(h) ((h)->aouthdr.data_start)
+/* filehdr */
+#define H_GET_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER(h) ((h)->filehdr.f_magic)
+#define H_GET_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS(h) ((h)->filehdr.f_nscns)
+#define H_GET_TIME_STAMP(h) ((h)->filehdr.f_timdat)
+#define H_GET_SYMBOL_TABLE_POINTER(h) ((h)->filehdr.f_symptr)
+#define H_GET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(h) ((h)->filehdr.f_nsyms)
+#define H_GET_SIZEOF_OPTIONAL_HEADER(h) ((h)->filehdr.f_opthdr)
+#define H_GET_FLAGS(h) ((h)->filehdr.f_flags)
+/* Extra fields to achieve bsd a.out compatibility and for convenience */
+#define H_GET_RELOCATION_SIZE(h) ((h)->relocation_size)
+#define H_GET_STRING_SIZE(h) ((h)->string_table_size)
+#define H_GET_LINENO_SIZE(h) ((h)->lineno_size)
+/* Modifiers */
+/* aouthdr */
+#define H_SET_MAGIC_NUMBER(h,v) ((h)->aouthdr.magic = (v))
+#define H_SET_VERSION_STAMP(h,v) ((h)->aouthdr.vstamp = (v))
+#define H_SET_TEXT_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->aouthdr.tsize = (v))
+#define H_SET_DATA_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->aouthdr.dsize = (v))
+#define H_SET_BSS_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->aouthdr.bsize = (v))
+#define H_SET_ENTRY_POINT(h,v) ((h)->aouthdr.entry = (v))
+#define H_SET_TEXT_START(h,v) ((h)->aouthdr.text_start = (v))
+#define H_SET_DATA_START(h,v) ((h)->aouthdr.data_start = (v))
+/* filehdr */
+#define H_SET_FILE_MAGIC_NUMBER(h,v) ((h)->filehdr.f_magic = (v))
+#define H_SET_NUMBER_OF_SECTIONS(h,v) ((h)->filehdr.f_nscns = (v))
+#define H_SET_TIME_STAMP(h,v) ((h)->filehdr.f_timdat = (v))
+#define H_SET_SYMBOL_TABLE_POINTER(h,v) ((h)->filehdr.f_symptr = (v))
+#define H_SET_SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->filehdr.f_nsyms = (v))
+#define H_SET_SIZEOF_OPTIONAL_HEADER(h,v) ((h)->filehdr.f_opthdr = (v))
+#define H_SET_FLAGS(h,v) ((h)->filehdr.f_flags = (v))
+/* Extra fields to achieve bsd a.out compatibility and for convinience */
+#define H_SET_RELOCATION_SIZE(h,t,d) ((h)->relocation_size = (t)+(d))
+#define H_SET_STRING_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->string_table_size = (v))
+#define H_SET_LINENO_SIZE(h,v) ((h)->lineno_size = (v))
+ /* Segment flipping */
+#define segment_name(v) (seg_name[(int) (v)])
+typedef struct {
+ AOUTHDR aouthdr; /* a.out header */
+ FILHDR filehdr; /* File header, not machine dep. */
+ long string_table_size; /* names + '\0' + sizeof(int) */
+ long relocation_size; /* Cumulated size of relocation
+ information for all sections in
+ bytes. */
+ long lineno_size; /* Size of the line number information
+ table in bytes */
+} object_headers;
+/* -------------- Line number handling ------- */
+extern int text_lineno_number;
+/* line numbering stuff. */
+typedef struct internal_lineno {
+ LINENO line; /* The lineno structure itself */
+ char* frag; /* Frag to which the line number is related */
+ struct internal_lineno* next; /* Forward chain pointer */
+} lineno;
+extern lineno *lineno_lastP;
+extern lineno *lineno_rootP;
+#define OBJ_EMIT_LINENO(a, b, c) obj_emit_lineno((a),(b),(c))
+#ifdef __STDC__
+void obj_emit_lineno(char **where, lineno *line, char *file_start);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+void obj_emit_lineno();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+ /* stack stuff */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned long chunk_size;
+ unsigned long element_size;
+ unsigned long size;
+ char* data;
+ unsigned long pointer;
+} stack;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *stack_pop(stack *st);
+char *stack_push(stack *st, char *element);
+char *stack_top(stack *st);
+stack *stack_init(unsigned long chunk_size, unsigned long element_size);
+void c_dot_file_symbol(char *filename);
+void obj_extra_stuff(object_headers *headers);
+void stack_delete(stack *st);
+#ifndef tc_headers_hook
+void tc_headers_hook(object_headers *headers);
+#endif /* tc_headers_hook */
+#ifndef tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook
+void tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook(); /* really tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook(symbolS *symbolP) */
+#endif /* tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook */
+void c_section_header(SCNHDR *header,
+ char *name,
+ long core_address,
+ long size,
+ long data_ptr,
+ long reloc_ptr,
+ long lineno_ptr,
+ long reloc_number,
+ long lineno_number,
+ long alignment);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+char *stack_pop();
+char *stack_push();
+char *stack_top();
+stack *stack_init();
+void c_dot_file_symbol();
+void c_section_header();
+void obj_extra_stuff();
+void stack_delete();
+void tc_headers_hook();
+void tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+ /* sanity check */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+#ifndef C_LEAFSTAT
+hey! Where is the C_LEAFSTAT definition? i960-coff support is depending on it.
+#endif /* no C_LEAFSTAT */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of obj-coff.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-a29k.c b/gas/config/tc-a29k.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bb6d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-a29k.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1157 @@
+/* tc-a29k.c -- Assemble for the AMD 29000.
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+/* John Gilmore has reorganized this module somewhat, to make it easier
+ to convert it to new machines' assemblers as desired. There was too
+ much bloody rewriting required before. There still probably is. */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "a29k-opcode.h"
+/* Make it easier to clone this machine desc into another one. */
+#define machine_opcode a29k_opcode
+#define machine_opcodes a29k_opcodes
+#define machine_ip a29k_ip
+#define machine_it a29k_it
+const relax_typeS md_relax_table[] = { 0 };
+#define IMMEDIATE_BIT 0x01000000 /* Turns RB into Immediate */
+#define ABSOLUTE_BIT 0x01000000 /* Turns PC-relative to Absolute */
+#define CE_BIT 0x00800000 /* Coprocessor enable in LOAD */
+#define UI_BIT 0x00000080 /* Unsigned integer in CONVERT */
+/* handle of the OPCODE hash table */
+static struct hash_control *op_hash = NULL;
+struct machine_it {
+ char *error;
+ unsigned long opcode;
+ struct nlist *nlistp;
+ expressionS exp;
+ int pcrel;
+ int reloc_offset; /* Offset of reloc within insn */
+ enum reloc_type reloc;
+} the_insn;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+/* static int getExpression(char *str); */
+static void machine_ip(char *str);
+/* static void print_insn(struct machine_it *insn); */
+static void s_data1(void);
+static void s_use(void);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+/* static int getExpression(); */
+static void machine_ip();
+/* static void print_insn(); */
+static void s_data1();
+static void s_use();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+const pseudo_typeS
+md_pseudo_table[] = {
+ { "align", s_align_bytes, 4 },
+ { "block", s_space, 0 },
+ { "cputype", s_ignore, 0 }, /* CPU as 29000 or 29050 */
+ { "file", s_ignore, 0 }, /* COFF File name for debug info? */
+ { "line", s_ignore, 0 }, /* Line number of coff symbol */
+ { "reg", s_lsym, 0 }, /* Register equate, same as equ */
+ { "space", s_ignore, 0 }, /* Listing control */
+ { "sect", s_ignore, 0 }, /* Creation of coff sections */
+ { "use", s_use, 0 },
+ { "word", cons, 4 },
+ { NULL, 0, 0 },
+int md_short_jump_size = 4;
+int md_long_jump_size = 4;
+int md_reloc_size = 12;
+/* This array holds the chars that always start a comment. If the
+ pre-processor is disabled, these aren't very useful */
+char comment_chars[] = ";";
+/* This array holds the chars that only start a comment at the beginning of
+ a line. If the line seems to have the form '# 123 filename'
+ .line and .file directives will appear in the pre-processed output */
+/* Note that input_file.c hand checks for '#' at the beginning of the
+ first line of the input file. This is because the compiler outputs
+ #NO_APP at the beginning of its output. */
+/* Also note that comments like this one will always work */
+char line_comment_chars[] = "#";
+/* We needed an unused char for line separation to work around the
+ lack of macros, using sed and such. */
+char line_separator_chars[] = "@";
+/* Chars that can be used to separate mant from exp in floating point nums */
+char EXP_CHARS[] = "eE";
+/* Chars that mean this number is a floating point constant */
+/* As in 0f12.456 */
+/* or 0d1.2345e12 */
+char FLT_CHARS[] = "rRsSfFdDxXpP";
+/* Also be aware that MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CHARS_FOR_FLOAT may have to be
+ changed in read.c . Ideally it shouldn't have to know about it at all,
+ but nothing is ideal around here.
+ */
+static unsigned char octal[256];
+#define isoctal(c) octal[c]
+static unsigned char toHex[256];
+ * anull bit - causes the branch delay slot instructions to not be executed
+ */
+#define ANNUL (1 << 29)
+static void
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, ".text", 5) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 5;
+ s_text();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, ".data", 5) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 5;
+ s_data();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, ".data1", 6) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 6;
+ s_data1();
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Literals can't go in the text segment because you can't read
+ from instruction memory on some 29k's. So, into initialized data. */
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, ".lit", 4) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 4;
+ subseg_new(SEG_DATA, 200);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ as_bad("Unknown segment type");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+static void
+ subseg_new(SEG_DATA, 1);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+/* Install symbol definition that maps REGNAME to REGNO.
+ FIXME-SOON: These are not recognized in mixed case. */
+static void
+insert_sreg (regname, regnum)
+ char *regname;
+ int regnum;
+ /* FIXME-SOON, put something in these syms so they won't be output to the symbol
+ table of the resulting object file. */
+ /* Must be large enough to hold the names of the special registers. */
+ char buf[80];
+ int i;
+ symbol_table_insert(symbol_new(regname, SEG_REGISTER, regnum, &zero_address_frag));
+ for (i = 0; regname[i]; i++)
+ buf[i] = islower (regname[i]) ? toupper (regname[i]) : regname[i];
+ buf[i] = '\0';
+ symbol_table_insert(symbol_new(buf, SEG_REGISTER, regnum, &zero_address_frag));
+} /* insert_sreg() */
+/* Install symbol definitions for assorted special registers.
+ See ASM29K Ref page 2-9. */
+void define_some_regs() {
+#define SREG 256
+ /* Protected special-purpose register names */
+ insert_sreg ("vab", SREG+0);
+ insert_sreg ("ops", SREG+1);
+ insert_sreg ("cps", SREG+2);
+ insert_sreg ("cfg", SREG+3);
+ insert_sreg ("cha", SREG+4);
+ insert_sreg ("chd", SREG+5);
+ insert_sreg ("chc", SREG+6);
+ insert_sreg ("rbp", SREG+7);
+ insert_sreg ("tmc", SREG+8);
+ insert_sreg ("tmr", SREG+9);
+ insert_sreg ("pc0", SREG+10);
+ insert_sreg ("pc1", SREG+11);
+ insert_sreg ("pc2", SREG+12);
+ insert_sreg ("mmu", SREG+13);
+ insert_sreg ("lru", SREG+14);
+ /* Unprotected special-purpose register names */
+ insert_sreg ("ipc", SREG+128);
+ insert_sreg ("ipa", SREG+129);
+ insert_sreg ("ipb", SREG+130);
+ insert_sreg ("q", SREG+131);
+ insert_sreg ("alu", SREG+132);
+ insert_sreg ("bp", SREG+133);
+ insert_sreg ("fc", SREG+134);
+ insert_sreg ("cr", SREG+135);
+ insert_sreg ("fpe", SREG+160);
+ insert_sreg ("inte",SREG+161);
+ insert_sreg ("fps", SREG+162);
+ /* "", SREG+163); Reserved */
+ insert_sreg ("exop",SREG+164);
+} /* define_some_regs() */
+/* This function is called once, at assembler startup time. It should
+ set up all the tables, etc. that the MD part of the assembler will need. */
+ register char *retval = NULL;
+ int lose = 0;
+ register int skipnext = 0;
+ register unsigned int i;
+ register char *strend, *strend2;
+ /* Hash up all the opcodes for fast use later. */
+ op_hash = hash_new();
+ if (op_hash == NULL)
+ as_fatal("Virtual memory exhausted");
+ for (i = 0; i < num_opcodes; i++)
+ {
+ const char *name = machine_opcodes[i].name;
+ if (skipnext) {
+ skipnext = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Hack to avoid multiple opcode entries. We pre-locate all the
+ variations (b/i field and P/A field) and handle them. */
+ if (!strcmp (name, machine_opcodes[i+1].name)) {
+ if ((machine_opcodes[i].opcode ^ machine_opcodes[i+1].opcode)
+ != 0x01000000)
+ goto bad_table;
+ strend = machine_opcodes[i ].args+strlen(machine_opcodes[i ].args)-1;
+ strend2 = machine_opcodes[i+1].args+strlen(machine_opcodes[i+1].args)-1;
+ switch (*strend) {
+ case 'b':
+ if (*strend2 != 'i') goto bad_table;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ if (*strend2 != 'b') goto bad_table;
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ if (*strend2 != 'A') goto bad_table;
+ break;
+ case 'A':
+ if (*strend2 != 'P') goto bad_table;
+ break;
+ default:
+ bad_table:
+ fprintf (stderr, "internal error: can't handle opcode %s\n", name);
+ lose = 1;
+ }
+ /* OK, this is an i/b or A/P pair. We skip the higher-valued one,
+ and let the code for operand checking handle OR-ing in the bit. */
+ if (machine_opcodes[i].opcode & 1)
+ continue;
+ else
+ skipnext = 1;
+ }
+ retval = hash_insert (op_hash, name, &machine_opcodes[i]);
+ if (retval != NULL && *retval != '\0')
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "internal error: can't hash `%s': %s\n",
+ machine_opcodes[i].name, retval);
+ lose = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lose)
+ as_fatal("Broken assembler. No assembly attempted.");
+ for (i = '0'; i < '8'; ++i)
+ octal[i] = 1;
+ for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; ++i)
+ toHex[i] = i - '0';
+ for (i = 'a'; i <= 'f'; ++i)
+ toHex[i] = i + 10 - 'a';
+ for (i = 'A'; i <= 'F'; ++i)
+ toHex[i] = i + 10 - 'A';
+ define_some_regs ();
+void md_end() {
+ return;
+/* Assemble a single instruction. Its label has already been handled
+ by the generic front end. We just parse opcode and operands, and
+ produce the bytes of data and relocation. */
+void md_assemble(str)
+ char *str;
+ char *toP;
+/* !!!! int rsd; */
+ know(str);
+ machine_ip(str);
+ toP = frag_more(4);
+ /* put out the opcode */
+ md_number_to_chars(toP, the_insn.opcode, 4);
+ /* put out the symbol-dependent stuff */
+ if (the_insn.reloc != NO_RELOC) {
+ fix_new(
+ frag_now, /* which frag */
+ (toP - frag_now->fr_literal + the_insn.reloc_offset), /* where */
+ 4, /* size */
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_symbol,
+ the_insn.exp.X_subtract_symbol,
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_number,
+ the_insn.pcrel,
+ the_insn.reloc
+ );
+ }
+char *
+parse_operand (s, operandp)
+ char *s;
+ expressionS *operandp;
+ char *save = input_line_pointer;
+ char *new;
+ segT seg;
+ input_line_pointer = s;
+ seg = expr (0, operandp);
+ new = input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer = save;
+ switch (seg) {
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ case SEG_BIG:
+ return new;
+ case SEG_ABSENT:
+ as_bad("Missing operand");
+ return new;
+ default:
+ as_bad("Don't understand operand of type %s", segment_name (seg));
+ return new;
+ }
+/* Instruction parsing. Takes a string containing the opcode.
+ Operands are at input_line_pointer. Output is in the_insn.
+ Warnings or errors are generated. */
+static void
+ char *str;
+ char *s;
+ const char *args;
+/* !!!! char c; */
+/* !!!! unsigned long i; */
+ struct machine_opcode *insn;
+ char *argsStart;
+ unsigned long opcode;
+/* !!!! unsigned int mask; */
+ expressionS the_operand;
+ expressionS *operand = &the_operand;
+ unsigned int reg;
+ /* Must handle `div0' opcode. */
+ s = str;
+ if (isalpha(*s))
+ for (; isalnum(*s); ++s)
+ if (isupper (*s))
+ *s = tolower (*s);
+ switch (*s) {
+ case '\0':
+ break;
+ case ' ': /* FIXME-SOMEDAY more whitespace */
+ *s++ = '\0';
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("Unknown opcode: `%s'", str);
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((insn = (struct machine_opcode *) hash_find(op_hash, str)) == NULL) {
+ as_bad("Unknown opcode `%s'.", str);
+ return;
+ }
+ argsStart = s;
+ opcode = insn->opcode;
+ bzero(&the_insn, sizeof(the_insn));
+ the_insn.reloc = NO_RELOC;
+ /*
+ * Build the opcode, checking as we go to make
+ * sure that the operands match.
+ *
+ * If an operand matches, we modify the_insn or opcode appropriately,
+ * and do a "continue". If an operand fails to match, we "break".
+ */
+ if (insn->args[0] != '\0')
+ s = parse_operand (s, operand); /* Prime the pump */
+ for (args = insn->args; ; ++args) {
+ switch (*args) {
+ case '\0': /* end of args */
+ if (*s == '\0') {
+ /* We are truly done. */
+ the_insn.opcode = opcode;
+ return;
+ }
+ as_bad("Too many operands: %s", s);
+ break;
+ case ',': /* Must match a comma */
+ if (*s++ == ',') {
+ s = parse_operand (s, operand); /* Parse next opnd */
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'v': /* Trap numbers (immediate field) */
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ if (operand->X_add_number < 256) {
+ opcode |= (operand->X_add_number << 16);
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ as_bad("Immediate value of %d is too large",
+ operand->X_add_number);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_8;
+ the_insn.reloc_offset = 1; /* BIG-ENDIAN Byte 1 of insn */
+ the_insn.exp = *operand;
+ continue;
+ case 'b': /* A general register or 8-bit immediate */
+ case 'i':
+ /* We treat the two cases identically since we mashed
+ them together in the opcode table. */
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_REGISTER)
+ goto general_reg;
+ opcode |= IMMEDIATE_BIT;
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ if (operand->X_add_number < 256) {
+ opcode |= operand->X_add_number;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ as_bad("Immediate value of %d is too large",
+ operand->X_add_number);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_8;
+ the_insn.reloc_offset = 3; /* BIG-ENDIAN Byte 3 of insn */
+ the_insn.exp = *operand;
+ continue;
+ case 'a': /* next operand must be a register */
+ case 'c':
+ general_reg:
+ /* lrNNN or grNNN or %%expr or a user-def register name */
+ if (operand->X_seg != SEG_REGISTER)
+ break; /* Only registers */
+ know (operand->X_add_symbol == 0);
+ know (operand->X_subtract_symbol == 0);
+ reg = operand->X_add_number;
+ if (reg >= SREG)
+ break; /* No special registers */
+ /*
+ * Got the register, now figure out where
+ * it goes in the opcode.
+ */
+ switch (*args) {
+ case 'a':
+ opcode |= reg << 8;
+ continue;
+ case 'b':
+ case 'i':
+ opcode |= reg;
+ continue;
+ case 'c':
+ opcode |= reg << 16;
+ continue;
+ }
+ abort();
+ break;
+ case 'x': /* 16 bit constant, zero-extended */
+ case 'X': /* 16 bit constant, one-extended */
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ opcode |= (operand->X_add_number & 0xFF) << 0 |
+ ((operand->X_add_number & 0xFF00) << 8);
+ continue;
+ }
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_CONST;
+ the_insn.exp = *operand;
+ continue;
+ case 'h':
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ opcode |= (operand->X_add_number & 0x00FF0000) >> 16 |
+ (((unsigned long)operand->X_add_number
+ /* avoid sign ext */ & 0xFF000000) >> 8);
+ continue;
+ }
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_CONSTH;
+ the_insn.exp = *operand;
+ continue;
+ case 'P': /* PC-relative jump address */
+ case 'A': /* Absolute jump address */
+ /* These two are treated together since we folded the
+ opcode table entries together. */
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ opcode |= ABSOLUTE_BIT |
+ (operand->X_add_number & 0x0003FC00) << 6 |
+ ((operand->X_add_number & 0x000003FC) >> 2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_JUMPTARG;
+ the_insn.exp = *operand;
+ the_insn.pcrel = 1; /* Assume PC-relative jump */
+ /* FIXME-SOON, Do we figure out whether abs later, after know sym val? */
+ continue;
+ case 'e': /* Coprocessor enable bit for LOAD/STORE insn */
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ if (operand->X_add_number == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (operand->X_add_number == 1) {
+ opcode |= CE_BIT;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n': /* Control bits for LOAD/STORE instructions */
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE &&
+ operand->X_add_number < 128) {
+ opcode |= (operand->X_add_number << 16);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's': /* Special register number */
+ if (operand->X_seg != SEG_REGISTER)
+ break; /* Only registers */
+ if (operand->X_add_number < SREG)
+ break; /* Not a special register */
+ opcode |= (operand->X_add_number & 0xFF) << 8;
+ continue;
+ case 'u': /* UI bit of CONVERT */
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ if (operand->X_add_number == 0)
+ continue;
+ if (operand->X_add_number == 1) {
+ opcode |= UI_BIT;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'r': /* RND bits of CONVERT */
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE &&
+ operand->X_add_number < 8) {
+ opcode |= operand->X_add_number << 4;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd': /* FD bits of CONVERT */
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE &&
+ operand->X_add_number < 4) {
+ opcode |= operand->X_add_number << 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'f': /* FS bits of CONVERT */
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE &&
+ operand->X_add_number < 4) {
+ opcode |= operand->X_add_number << 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE &&
+ operand->X_add_number < 4) {
+ opcode |= operand->X_add_number << 16;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ if (operand->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE &&
+ operand->X_add_number < 16) {
+ opcode |= operand->X_add_number << 18;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE (*args);
+ }
+ /* Types or values of args don't match. */
+ as_bad("Invalid operands");
+ return;
+ }
+ This is identical to the md_atof in m68k.c. I think this is right,
+ but I'm not sure.
+ Turn a string in input_line_pointer into a floating point constant of type
+ type, and store the appropriate bytes in *litP. The number of LITTLENUMS
+ emitted is stored in *sizeP . An error message is returned, or NULL on OK.
+ */
+/* Equal to MAX_PRECISION in atof-ieee.c */
+char *
+ char type;
+ char *litP;
+ int *sizeP;
+ int prec;
+ char *t;
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ prec = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'r':
+ case 'R':
+ prec = 4;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ prec = 6;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P':
+ prec = 6;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *sizeP=0;
+ return "Bad call to MD_ATOF()";
+ }
+ t=atof_ieee(input_line_pointer,type,words);
+ if(t)
+ input_line_pointer=t;
+ *sizeP=prec * sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ for(wordP=words;prec--;) {
+ md_number_to_chars(litP,(long)(*wordP++),sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ litP+=sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ }
+ return ""; /* Someone should teach Dean about null pointers */
+ * Write out big-endian.
+ */
+ char *buf;
+ long val;
+ int n;
+ switch(n) {
+ case 4:
+ *buf++ = val >> 24;
+ *buf++ = val >> 16;
+ case 2:
+ *buf++ = val >> 8;
+ case 1:
+ *buf = val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ return;
+void md_apply_fix(fixP, val)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ long val;
+ char *buf = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal;
+ fixP->fx_addnumber = val; /* Remember value for emit_reloc */
+ if (fixP->fx_r_type == NO_RELOC) {
+ abort(); /* FIXME-SOON, if this is never used, remove */
+ switch (fixP->fx_size) {
+ case 1:
+ *buf = val;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ *buf++ = (val>>8);
+ *buf = val;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ *buf++ = (val>>24);
+ *buf++ = (val>>16);
+ *buf++ = (val>>8);
+ *buf = val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ know(fixP->fx_size == 4);
+ know(fixP->fx_r_type < NO_RELOC);
+ /*
+ * This is a hack. There should be a better way to
+ * handle this.
+ */
+ if (fixP->fx_r_type == RELOC_WDISP30 && fixP->fx_addsy) {
+ val += fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
+ }
+ switch (fixP->fx_r_type) {
+ case RELOC_32:
+ buf[0] = val >> 24;
+ buf[1] = val >> 16;
+ buf[2] = val >> 8;
+ buf[3] = val;
+ break;
+ case RELOC_8:
+ buf[0] = val;
+ break;
+ case RELOC_WDISP30:
+ val = (val >>= 2) + 1;
+ buf[0] |= (val >> 24) & 0x3f;
+ buf[1]= (val >> 16);
+ buf[2] = val >> 8;
+ buf[3] = val;
+ break;
+ case RELOC_HI22:
+ buf[1] |= (val >> 26) & 0x3f;
+ buf[2] = val >> 18;
+ buf[3] = val >> 10;
+ break;
+ case RELOC_LO10:
+ buf[2] |= (val >> 8) & 0x03;
+ buf[3] = val;
+ break;
+ case RELOC_BASE13:
+ buf[2] |= (val >> 8) & 0x1f;
+ buf[3] = val;
+ break;
+ case RELOC_WDISP22:
+ val = (val >>= 2) + 1;
+ case RELOC_BASE22:
+ buf[1] |= (val >> 16) & 0x3f;
+ buf[2] = val >> 8;
+ buf[3] = val;
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case RELOC_PC10:
+ case RELOC_PC22:
+ case RELOC_SEGOFF16:
+ case RELOC_JUMPTARG: /* 00XX00XX pattern in a word */
+ buf[1] = val >> 10; /* Holds bits 0003FFFC of address */
+ buf[3] = val >> 2;
+ break;
+ case RELOC_CONST: /* 00XX00XX pattern in a word */
+ buf[1] = val >> 8; /* Holds bits 0000XXXX */
+ buf[3] = val;
+ break;
+ case RELOC_CONSTH: /* 00XX00XX pattern in a word */
+ buf[1] = val >> 24; /* Holds bits XXXX0000 */
+ buf[3] = val >> 16;
+ break;
+ case NO_RELOC:
+ default:
+ as_bad("bad relocation type: 0x%02x", fixP->fx_r_type);
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+short tc_coff_fix2rtype(fixP)
+fixS *fixP;
+ /* FIXME-NOW: relocation type handling is not yet written for
+ a29k. */
+ know(0);
+ switch (fixP->fx_r_type) {
+ case RELOC_32: return(R_WORD);
+ case RELOC_8: return(R_BYTE);
+ default: know(0);
+ } /* switch on type */
+ return(0);
+} /* tc_coff_fix2rtype() */
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+/* should never be called for sparc */
+void md_create_short_jump(ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+ char *ptr;
+ long from_addr, to_addr;
+fragS *frag;
+symbolS *to_symbol;
+ fprintf(stderr, "a29k_create_short_jmp\n");
+ abort();
+/* Translate internal representation of relocation info to target format.
+ On sparc/29k: first 4 bytes are normal unsigned long address, next three
+ bytes are index, most sig. byte first. Byte 7 is broken up with
+ bit 7 as external, bits 6 & 5 unused, and the lower
+ five bits as relocation type. Next 4 bytes are long addend. */
+/* Thanx and a tip of the hat to Michael Bloom, mb@ttidca.tti.com */
+md_ri_to_chars(the_bytes, ri)
+ char *the_bytes;
+ struct reloc_info_generic *ri;
+ /* this is easy */
+ md_number_to_chars(the_bytes, ri->r_address, 4);
+ /* now the fun stuff */
+ the_bytes[4] = (ri->r_index >> 16) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[5] = (ri->r_index >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[6] = ri->r_index & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[7] = ((ri->r_extern << 7) & 0x80) | (0 & 0x60) | (ri->r_type & 0x1F);
+ /* Also easy */
+ md_number_to_chars(&the_bytes[8], ri->r_addend, 4);
+/* should never be called for 29k */
+void md_convert_frag(fragP)
+ register fragS *fragP;
+ fprintf(stderr, "sparc_convert_frag\n");
+ abort();
+/* should never be called for 29k */
+void md_create_long_jump(ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+ char *ptr;
+ long from_addr,
+ to_addr;
+ fragS *frag;
+ symbolS *to_symbol;
+ fprintf(stderr, "sparc_create_long_jump\n");
+ abort();
+/* should never be called for sparc */
+int md_estimate_size_before_relax(fragP, segtype)
+ register fragS *fragP;
+segT segtype;
+ fprintf(stderr, "sparc_estimate_size_before_relax\n");
+ abort();
+ return 0;
+#if 0
+/* for debugging only */
+static void
+ struct machine_it *insn;
+ char *Reloc[] = {
+ "RELOC_8",
+ "RELOC_16",
+ "RELOC_32",
+ "RELOC_HI22",
+ "RELOC_22",
+ "RELOC_13",
+ "RELOC_LO10",
+ "RELOC_PC10",
+ "RELOC_PC22",
+ };
+ if (insn->error) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "opcode=0x%08x\n", insn->opcode);
+ fprintf(stderr, "reloc = %s\n", Reloc[insn->reloc]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "exp = {\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t\tX_add_symbol = %s\n",
+ insn->exp.X_add_symbol ?
+ (S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_add_symbol) ?
+ S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_add_symbol) : "???") : "0");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t\tX_sub_symbol = %s\n",
+ insn->exp.X_subtract_symbol ?
+ (S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_subtract_symbol) ?
+ S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_subtract_symbol) : "???") : "0");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t\tX_add_number = %d\n",
+ insn->exp.X_add_number);
+ fprintf(stderr, "}\n");
+ return;
+ * Sparc/A29K relocations are completely different, so it needs
+ * this machine dependent routine to emit them.
+ */
+#ifdef OBJ_AOUT
+static void emit_machine_reloc(fixP, segment_address_in_file)
+register fixS *fixP;
+relax_addressT segment_address_in_file;
+ struct reloc_info_generic ri;
+ register symbolS *symbolP;
+ extern char *next_object_file_charP;
+/* !!!! long add_number; */
+ bzero((char *) &ri, sizeof(ri));
+ for (; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next) {
+ if (fixP->fx_r_type >= NO_RELOC) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "fixP->fx_r_type = %d\n", fixP->fx_r_type);
+ abort();
+ }
+ if ((symbolP = fixP->fx_addsy) != NULL) {
+ ri.r_address = fixP->fx_frag->fr_address +
+ fixP->fx_where - segment_address_in_file;
+ ri.r_addend = fixP->fx_addnumber;
+ if (!S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)) {
+ ri.r_extern = 1;
+ ri.r_index = symbolP->sy_number;
+ } else {
+ ri.r_extern = 0;
+ ri.r_index = S_GET_TYPE(symbolP);
+ }
+ ri.r_type = fixP->fx_r_type;
+ md_ri_to_chars (next_object_file_charP, &ri);
+ next_object_file_charP += md_reloc_size;
+ }
+ }
+} /* emit_machine_reloc() */
+void (*md_emit_relocations)() = emit_machine_reloc;
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT */
+ char **argP;
+ int *cntP;
+ char ***vecP;
+ return 1;
+/* Default the values of symbols known that should be "predefined". We
+ don't bother to predefine them unless you actually use one, since there
+ are a lot of them. */
+symbolS *md_undefined_symbol (name)
+ char *name;
+ long regnum;
+ char testbuf[5+ /*SLOP*/ 5];
+ if (name[0] == 'g' || name[0] == 'G' || name[0] == 'l' || name[0] == 'L')
+ {
+ /* Perhaps a global or local register name */
+ if (name[1] == 'r' || name[1] == 'R')
+ {
+ /* Parse the number, make sure it has no extra zeroes or trailing
+ chars */
+ regnum = atol(&name[2]);
+ if (regnum > 127)
+ return 0;
+ sprintf(testbuf, "%ld", regnum);
+ if (strcmp (testbuf, &name[2]) != 0)
+ return 0; /* gr007 or lr7foo or whatever */
+ /* We have a wiener! Define and return a new symbol for it. */
+ if (name[0] == 'l' || name[0] == 'L')
+ regnum += 128;
+ return(symbol_new(name, SEG_REGISTER, regnum, &zero_address_frag));
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Parse an operand that is machine-specific. */
+void md_operand(expressionP)
+ expressionS *expressionP;
+ if (input_line_pointer[0] == '%' && input_line_pointer[1] == '%')
+ {
+ /* We have a numeric register expression. No biggy. */
+ input_line_pointer += 2; /* Skip %% */
+ (void)expression (expressionP);
+ if (expressionP->X_seg != SEG_ABSOLUTE
+ || expressionP->X_add_number > 255)
+ as_bad("Invalid expression after %%%%\n");
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_REGISTER;
+ }
+ else if (input_line_pointer[0] == '&')
+ {
+ /* We are taking the 'address' of a register...this one is not
+ in the manual, but it *is* in traps/fpsymbol.h! What they
+ seem to want is the register number, as an absolute number. */
+ input_line_pointer++; /* Skip & */
+ (void)expression (expressionP);
+ if (expressionP->X_seg != SEG_REGISTER)
+ as_bad("Invalid register in & expression");
+ else
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ }
+/* Round up a section size to the appropriate boundary. */
+md_section_align (segment, size)
+ segT segment;
+ long size;
+ return size; /* Byte alignment is fine */
+/* Exactly what point is a PC-relative offset relative TO?
+ On the 29000, they're relative to the address of the instruction,
+ which we have set up as the address of the fixup too. */
+long md_pcrel_from (fixP)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ return fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tc-a29k.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-a29k.h b/gas/config/tc-a29k.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e689cfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-a29k.h
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+/* tc-a29k.h -- Assemble for the AMD 29000.
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#define TC_A29K
+#define tc_headers_hook(a) ; /* not used */
+#define tc_headers_hook(a) ; /* not used */
+#define tc_crawl_symbol_chain(a) ; /* not used */
+#define tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook(a) ; /* not used */
+/* end of tc-a29k.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-generic.c b/gas/config/tc-generic.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-generic.c
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-generic.h b/gas/config/tc-generic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa63410
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-generic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ * This file is tc-generic.h and is intended to be a template for
+ * target cpu specific header files.
+ */
+#define TC_GENERIC 1
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tc-generic.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-i386.c b/gas/config/tc-i386.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff66a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-i386.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1983 @@
+/* i386.c -- Assemble code for the Intel 80386
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+ Intel 80386 machine specific gas.
+ Written by Eliot Dresselhaus (eliot@mgm.mit.edu).
+ Bugs & suggestions are completely welcome. This is free software.
+ Please help us make it better.
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+#include "i386-opcode.h"
+/* 'md_assemble ()' gathers together information and puts it into a
+ i386_insn. */
+typedef struct {
+ /* TM holds the template for the insn were currently assembling. */
+ template tm;
+ /* SUFFIX holds the opcode suffix (e.g. 'l' for 'movl') if given. */
+ char suffix;
+ /* Operands are coded with OPERANDS, TYPES, DISPS, IMMS, and REGS. */
+ /* OPERANDS gives the number of given operands. */
+ unsigned int operands;
+ given register, displacement, memory operands and immediate operands. */
+ unsigned int reg_operands, disp_operands, mem_operands, imm_operands;
+ /* TYPES [i] is the type (see above #defines) which tells us how to
+ search through DISPS [i] & IMMS [i] & REGS [i] for the required
+ operand. */
+ unsigned int types [MAX_OPERANDS];
+ /* Displacements (if given) for each operand. */
+ expressionS * disps [MAX_OPERANDS];
+ /* Immediate operands (if given) for each operand. */
+ expressionS * imms [MAX_OPERANDS];
+ /* Register operands (if given) for each operand. */
+ reg_entry * regs [MAX_OPERANDS];
+ /* BASE_REG, INDEX_REG, and LOG2_SCALE_FACTOR are used to encode
+ the base index byte below. */
+ reg_entry * base_reg;
+ reg_entry * index_reg;
+ unsigned int log2_scale_factor;
+ /* SEG gives the seg_entry of this insn. It is equal to zero unless
+ an explicit segment override is given. */
+ seg_entry * seg; /* segment for memory operands (if given) */
+ /* PREFIX holds all the given prefix opcodes (usually null).
+ PREFIXES is the size of PREFIX. */
+ char prefix [MAX_PREFIXES];
+ unsigned int prefixes;
+ /* RM and IB are the modrm byte and the base index byte where the addressing
+ modes of this insn are encoded. */
+ modrm_byte rm;
+ base_index_byte bi;
+} i386_insn;
+char FLT_CHARS[] = "fFdDxX";
+char EXP_CHARS[] = "eE";
+char line_comment_chars[] = "#";
+char comment_chars[] = "#/";
+/* tables for lexical analysis */
+static char opcode_chars[256];
+static char register_chars[256];
+static char operand_chars[256];
+static char space_chars[256];
+static char identifier_chars[256];
+static char digit_chars[256];
+/* lexical macros */
+#define is_opcode_char(x) (opcode_chars[(unsigned char) x])
+#define is_operand_char(x) (operand_chars[(unsigned char) x])
+#define is_register_char(x) (register_chars[(unsigned char) x])
+#define is_space_char(x) (space_chars[(unsigned char) x])
+#define is_identifier_char(x) (identifier_chars[(unsigned char) x])
+#define is_digit_char(x) (digit_chars[(unsigned char) x])
+/* put here all non-digit non-letter charcters that may occur in an operand */
+static char operand_special_chars[] = "%$-+(,)*._~/<>|&^!:";
+static char *ordinal_names[] = { "first", "second", "third" }; /* for printfs */
+/* md_assemble() always leaves the strings it's passed unaltered. To
+ effect this we maintain a stack of saved characters that we've smashed
+ with '\0's (indicating end of strings for various sub-fields of the
+ assembler instruction). */
+static char save_stack[32];
+static char *save_stack_p; /* stack pointer */
+#define END_STRING_AND_SAVE(s) *save_stack_p++ = *s; *s = '\0'
+#define RESTORE_END_STRING(s) *s = *--save_stack_p
+/* The instruction we're assembling. */
+static i386_insn i;
+/* Per instruction expressionS buffers: 2 displacements & 2 immediate max. */
+static expressionS disp_expressions[2], im_expressions[2];
+/* pointers to ebp & esp entries in reg_hash hash table */
+static reg_entry *ebp, *esp;
+static int this_operand; /* current operand we are working on */
+Interface to relax_segment.
+There are 2 relax states for 386 jump insns: one for conditional & one
+for unconditional jumps. This is because the these two types of jumps
+add different sizes to frags when we're figuring out what sort of jump
+to choose to reach a given label. */
+/* types */
+#define COND_JUMP 1 /* conditional jump */
+#define UNCOND_JUMP 2 /* unconditional jump */
+/* sizes */
+#define BYTE 0
+#define WORD 1
+#define DWORD 2
+#define UNKNOWN_SIZE 3
+#define ENCODE_RELAX_STATE(type,size) ((type<<2) | (size))
+ ( (((s) & 0x3) == BYTE ? 1 : (((s) & 0x3) == WORD ? 2 : 4)) )
+const relax_typeS md_relax_table[] = {
+ The fields are:
+ 1) most positive reach of this state,
+ 2) most negative reach of this state,
+ 3) how many bytes this mode will add to the size of the current frag
+ 4) which index into the table to try if we can't fit into this one.
+ {1, 1, 0, 0},
+ {1, 1, 0, 0},
+ {1, 1, 0, 0},
+ {1, 1, 0, 0},
+ /* For now we don't use word displacement jumps: they may be
+ untrustworthy. */
+ {127+1, -128+1, 0, ENCODE_RELAX_STATE(COND_JUMP,DWORD) },
+ /* word conditionals add 3 bytes to frag:
+ 2 opcode prefix; 1 displacement bytes */
+ {32767+2, -32768+2, 3, ENCODE_RELAX_STATE(COND_JUMP,DWORD) },
+ /* dword conditionals adds 4 bytes to frag:
+ 1 opcode prefix; 3 displacement bytes */
+ {0, 0, 4, 0},
+ {1, 1, 0, 0},
+ /* word jmp adds 2 bytes to frag:
+ 1 opcode prefix; 1 displacement bytes */
+ {32767+2, -32768+2, 2, ENCODE_RELAX_STATE(UNCOND_JUMP,DWORD) },
+ /* dword jmp adds 3 bytes to frag:
+ 0 opcode prefix; 3 displacement bytes */
+ {0, 0, 3, 0},
+ {1, 1, 0, 0},
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static char *output_invalid(int c);
+static int i386_operand(char *operand_string);
+static reg_entry *parse_register(char *reg_string);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+static char *output_invalid();
+static int i386_operand();
+static reg_entry *parse_register();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+/* Ignore certain directives generated by gcc. This probably should
+ not be here. */
+void dummy ()
+ while (*input_line_pointer && *input_line_pointer != '\n')
+ input_line_pointer++;
+const pseudo_typeS md_pseudo_table[] = {
+ { "ffloat", float_cons, 'f' },
+ { "dfloat", float_cons, 'd' },
+ { "tfloat", float_cons, 'x' },
+ { "value", cons, 2 },
+ { "ident", dummy, 0 }, /* ignore these directives */
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ { "def", dummy, 0 },
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+ { "def", dummy, 0 },
+ { "optim", dummy, 0 }, /* For sun386i cc */
+ { "version", dummy, 0 },
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ { "ln", dummy, 0 },
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+ { "ln", dummy, 0 },
+ { 0, 0, 0 }
+/* for interface with expression () */
+extern char * input_line_pointer;
+/* obstack for constructing various things in md_begin */
+struct obstack o;
+/* hash table for opcode lookup */
+static struct hash_control *op_hash = (struct hash_control *) 0;
+/* hash table for register lookup */
+static struct hash_control *reg_hash = (struct hash_control *) 0;
+/* hash table for prefix lookup */
+static struct hash_control *prefix_hash = (struct hash_control *) 0;
+void md_begin ()
+ char * hash_err;
+ obstack_begin (&o,4096);
+ /* initialize op_hash hash table */
+ op_hash = hash_new(); /* xmalloc handles error */
+ {
+ register const template *optab;
+ register templates *core_optab;
+ char *prev_name;
+ optab = i386_optab; /* setup for loop */
+ prev_name = optab->name;
+ obstack_grow (&o, optab, sizeof(template));
+ core_optab = (templates *) xmalloc (sizeof (templates));
+ for (optab++; optab < i386_optab_end; optab++) {
+ if (! strcmp (optab->name, prev_name)) {
+ /* same name as before --> append to current template list */
+ obstack_grow (&o, optab, sizeof(template));
+ } else {
+ /* different name --> ship out current template list;
+ add to hash table; & begin anew */
+ /* Note: end must be set before start! since obstack_next_free changes
+ upon opstack_finish */
+ core_optab->end = (template *) obstack_next_free(&o);
+ core_optab->start = (template *) obstack_finish(&o);
+ hash_err = hash_insert (op_hash, prev_name, (char *) core_optab);
+ if (hash_err && *hash_err) {
+ hash_error:
+ as_fatal("Internal Error: Can't hash %s: %s", prev_name, hash_err);
+ }
+ prev_name = optab->name;
+ core_optab = (templates *) xmalloc (sizeof(templates));
+ obstack_grow (&o, optab, sizeof(template));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* initialize reg_hash hash table */
+ reg_hash = hash_new();
+ {
+ register const reg_entry *regtab;
+ for (regtab = i386_regtab; regtab < i386_regtab_end; regtab++) {
+ hash_err = hash_insert (reg_hash, regtab->reg_name, regtab);
+ if (hash_err && *hash_err) goto hash_error;
+ }
+ }
+ esp = (reg_entry *) hash_find (reg_hash, "esp");
+ ebp = (reg_entry *) hash_find (reg_hash, "ebp");
+ /* initialize reg_hash hash table */
+ prefix_hash = hash_new();
+ {
+ register const prefix_entry *prefixtab;
+ for (prefixtab = i386_prefixtab;
+ prefixtab < i386_prefixtab_end; prefixtab++) {
+ hash_err = hash_insert (prefix_hash, prefixtab->prefix_name, prefixtab);
+ if (hash_err && *hash_err) goto hash_error;
+ }
+ }
+ /* fill in lexical tables: opcode_chars, operand_chars, space_chars */
+ {
+ register unsigned int c;
+ bzero (opcode_chars, sizeof(opcode_chars));
+ bzero (operand_chars, sizeof(operand_chars));
+ bzero (space_chars, sizeof(space_chars));
+ bzero (identifier_chars, sizeof(identifier_chars));
+ bzero (digit_chars, sizeof(digit_chars));
+ for (c = 0; c < 256; c++) {
+ if (islower(c) || isdigit(c)) {
+ opcode_chars[c] = c;
+ register_chars[c] = c;
+ } else if (isupper(c)) {
+ opcode_chars[c] = tolower(c);
+ register_chars[c] = opcode_chars[c];
+ } else if (c == PREFIX_SEPERATOR) {
+ opcode_chars[c] = c;
+ } else if (c == ')' || c == '(') {
+ register_chars[c] = c;
+ }
+ if (isupper(c) || islower(c) || isdigit(c))
+ operand_chars[c] = c;
+ else if (c && strchr(operand_special_chars, c))
+ operand_chars[c] = c;
+ if (isdigit(c) || c == '-') digit_chars[c] = c;
+ if (isalpha(c) || c == '_' || c == '.' || isdigit(c))
+ identifier_chars[c] = c;
+ if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') space_chars[c] = c;
+ }
+ }
+void md_end() {} /* not much to do here. */
+#ifdef DEBUG386
+/* debugging routines for md_assemble */
+/* static void pi (), pte (), pt (), pe (), ps (); */
+static void pi (line, x)
+ char * line;
+ i386_insn *x;
+ register template *p;
+ int i;
+ fprintf (stdout, "%s: template ", line);
+ pte (&x->tm);
+ fprintf (stdout, " modrm: mode %x reg %x reg/mem %x",
+ x->rm.mode, x->rm.reg, x->rm.regmem);
+ fprintf (stdout, " base %x index %x scale %x\n",
+ x->bi.base, x->bi.index, x->bi.scale);
+ for (i = 0; i < x->operands; i++) {
+ fprintf (stdout, " #%d: ", i+1);
+ pt (x->types[i]);
+ fprintf (stdout, "\n");
+ if (x->types[i] & Reg) fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", x->regs[i]->reg_name);
+ if (x->types[i] & Imm) pe (x->imms[i]);
+ if (x->types[i] & (Disp|Abs)) pe (x->disps[i]);
+ }
+static void pte (t)
+ template *t;
+ int i;
+ fprintf (stdout, " %d operands ", t->operands);
+ fprintf (stdout, "opcode %x ",
+ t->base_opcode);
+ if (t->extension_opcode != None)
+ fprintf (stdout, "ext %x ", t->extension_opcode);
+ if (t->opcode_modifier&D)
+ fprintf (stdout, "D");
+ if (t->opcode_modifier&W)
+ fprintf (stdout, "W");
+ fprintf (stdout, "\n");
+ for (i = 0; i < t->operands; i++) {
+ fprintf (stdout, " #%d type ", i+1);
+ pt (t->operand_types[i]);
+ fprintf (stdout, "\n");
+ }
+static void pe (e)
+ expressionS *e;
+ fprintf (stdout, " segment %s\n", segment_name (e->X_seg));
+ fprintf (stdout, " add_number %d (%x)\n",
+ e->X_add_number, e->X_add_number);
+ if (e->X_add_symbol) {
+ fprintf (stdout, " add_symbol ");
+ ps (e->X_add_symbol);
+ fprintf (stdout, "\n");
+ }
+ if (e->X_subtract_symbol) {
+ fprintf (stdout, " sub_symbol ");
+ ps (e->X_subtract_symbol);
+ fprintf (stdout, "\n");
+ }
+static void ps (s)
+ symbolS *s;
+ fprintf (stdout, "%s type %s%s",
+ S_GET_NAME(s),
+ S_IS_EXTERNAL(s) ? "EXTERNAL " : "",
+ segment_name(S_GET_SEGMENT(s)));
+struct type_name {
+ unsigned int mask;
+ char *tname;
+} type_names[] = {
+ { Reg8, "r8" }, { Reg16, "r16" }, { Reg32, "r32" }, { Imm8, "i8" },
+ { Imm8S, "i8s" },
+ { Imm16, "i16" }, { Imm32, "i32" }, { Mem8, "Mem8"}, { Mem16, "Mem16"},
+ { Mem32, "Mem32"}, { BaseIndex, "BaseIndex" },
+ { Abs8, "Abs8" }, { Abs16, "Abs16" }, { Abs32, "Abs32" },
+ { Disp8, "d8" }, { Disp16, "d16" },
+ { Disp32, "d32" }, { SReg2, "SReg2" }, { SReg3, "SReg3" }, { Acc, "Acc" },
+ { InOutPortReg, "InOutPortReg" }, { ShiftCount, "ShiftCount" },
+ { Imm1, "i1" }, { Control, "control reg" }, {Test, "test reg"},
+ { FloatReg, "FReg"}, {FloatAcc, "FAcc"},
+ { JumpAbsolute, "Jump Absolute"},
+ { 0, "" }
+static void pt (t)
+ unsigned int t;
+ register struct type_name *ty;
+ if (t == Unknown) {
+ fprintf (stdout, "Unknown");
+ } else {
+ for (ty = type_names; ty->mask; ty++)
+ if (t & ty->mask) fprintf (stdout, "%s, ", ty->tname);
+ }
+ fflush (stdout);
+#endif /* DEBUG386 */
+ This is the guts of the machine-dependent assembler. LINE points to a
+ machine dependent instruction. This funciton is supposed to emit
+ the frags/bytes it assembles to.
+ */
+void md_assemble (line)
+ char *line;
+ /* Holds temlate once we've found it. */
+ register template * t;
+ /* Possible templates for current insn */
+ templates *current_templates = (templates *) 0;
+ /* Initialize globals. */
+ bzero (&i, sizeof(i));
+ bzero (disp_expressions, sizeof(disp_expressions));
+ bzero (im_expressions, sizeof(im_expressions));
+ save_stack_p = save_stack; /* reset stack pointer */
+ /* Fist parse an opcode & call i386_operand for the operands.
+ We assume that the scrubber has arranged it so that line[0] is the valid
+ start of a (possibly prefixed) opcode. */
+ {
+ register char *l = line; /* Fast place to put LINE. */
+ /* 1 if operand is pending after ','. */
+ unsigned int expecting_operand = 0;
+ /* 1 if we found a prefix only acceptable with string insns. */
+ unsigned int expecting_string_instruction = 0;
+ /* Non-zero if operand parens not balenced. */
+ unsigned int paren_not_balenced;
+ char * token_start = l;
+ while (! is_space_char(*l) && *l != END_OF_INSN) {
+ if (! is_opcode_char(*l)) {
+ as_bad("invalid character %s in opcode", output_invalid(*l));
+ return;
+ } else if (*l != PREFIX_SEPERATOR) {
+ *l = opcode_chars[(unsigned char) *l]; /* fold case of opcodes */
+ l++;
+ } else { /* this opcode's got a prefix */
+ register unsigned int q;
+ register prefix_entry * prefix;
+ if (l == token_start) {
+ as_bad("expecting prefix; got nothing");
+ return;
+ }
+ prefix = (prefix_entry *) hash_find (prefix_hash, token_start);
+ if (! prefix) {
+ as_bad("no such opcode prefix ('%s')", token_start);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* check for repeated prefix */
+ for (q = 0; q < i.prefixes; q++)
+ if (i.prefix[q] == prefix->prefix_code) {
+ as_bad("same prefix used twice; you don't really want this!");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (i.prefixes == MAX_PREFIXES) {
+ as_bad("too many opcode prefixes");
+ return;
+ }
+ i.prefix[i.prefixes++] = prefix->prefix_code;
+ if (prefix->prefix_code == REPE || prefix->prefix_code == REPNE)
+ expecting_string_instruction = 1;
+ /* skip past PREFIX_SEPERATOR and reset token_start */
+ token_start = ++l;
+ }
+ }
+ if (token_start == l) {
+ as_bad("expecting opcode; got nothing");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Lookup insn in hash; try intel & att naming conventions if appropriate;
+ that is: we only use the opcode suffix 'b' 'w' or 'l' if we need to. */
+ current_templates = (templates *) hash_find (op_hash, token_start);
+ if (! current_templates) {
+ int last_index = strlen(token_start) - 1;
+ char last_char = token_start[last_index];
+ switch (last_char) {
+ token_start[last_index] = '\0';
+ current_templates = (templates *) hash_find (op_hash, token_start);
+ token_start[last_index] = last_char;
+ i.suffix = last_char;
+ }
+ if (!current_templates) {
+ as_bad("no such 386 instruction: `%s'", token_start); return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* check for rep/repne without a string instruction */
+ if (expecting_string_instruction &&
+ ! IS_STRING_INSTRUCTION (current_templates->
+ start->base_opcode)) {
+ as_bad("expecting string instruction after rep/repne");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* There may be operands to parse. */
+ if (*l != END_OF_INSN &&
+ /* For string instructions, we ignore any operands if given. This
+ kludges, for example, 'rep/movsb %ds:(%esi), %es:(%edi)' where
+ the operands are always going to be the same, and are not really
+ encoded in machine code. */
+ ! IS_STRING_INSTRUCTION (current_templates->
+ start->base_opcode)) {
+ /* parse operands */
+ do {
+ /* skip optional white space before operand */
+ while (! is_operand_char(*l) && *l != END_OF_INSN) {
+ if (! is_space_char(*l)) {
+ as_bad("invalid character %s before %s operand",
+ output_invalid(*l),
+ ordinal_names[i.operands]);
+ return;
+ }
+ l++;
+ }
+ token_start = l; /* after white space */
+ paren_not_balenced = 0;
+ while (paren_not_balenced || *l != ',') {
+ if (*l == END_OF_INSN) {
+ if (paren_not_balenced) {
+ as_bad("unbalenced parenthesis in %s operand.",
+ ordinal_names[i.operands]);
+ return;
+ } else break; /* we are done */
+ } else if (! is_operand_char(*l)) {
+ as_bad("invalid character %s in %s operand",
+ output_invalid(*l),
+ ordinal_names[i.operands]);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*l == '(') ++paren_not_balenced;
+ if (*l == ')') --paren_not_balenced;
+ l++;
+ }
+ if (l != token_start) { /* yes, we've read in another operand */
+ unsigned int operand_ok;
+ this_operand = i.operands++;
+ if (i.operands > MAX_OPERANDS) {
+ as_bad("spurious operands; (%d operands/instruction max)",
+ return;
+ }
+ /* now parse operand adding info to 'i' as we go along */
+ operand_ok = i386_operand (token_start);
+ RESTORE_END_STRING (l); /* restore old contents */
+ if (!operand_ok) return;
+ } else {
+ if (expecting_operand) {
+ expecting_operand_after_comma:
+ as_bad("expecting operand after ','; got nothing");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (*l == ',') {
+ as_bad("expecting operand before ','; got nothing");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* now *l must be either ',' or END_OF_INSN */
+ if (*l == ',') {
+ if (*++l == END_OF_INSN) { /* just skip it, if it's \n complain */
+ goto expecting_operand_after_comma;
+ }
+ expecting_operand = 1;
+ }
+ } while (*l != END_OF_INSN); /* until we get end of insn */
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now we've parsed the opcode into a set of templates, and have the
+ operands at hand.
+ Next, we find a template that matches the given insn,
+ making sure the overlap of the given operands types is consistent
+ with the template operand types. */
+#define MATCH(overlap,given_type) \
+ (overlap && \
+ (overlap & (JumpAbsolute|BaseIndex|Mem8)) \
+ == (given_type & (JumpAbsolute|BaseIndex|Mem8)))
+ /* If m0 and m1 are register matches they must be consistent
+ with the expected operand types t0 and t1.
+ That is, if both m0 & m1 are register matches
+ i.e. ( ((m0 & (Reg)) && (m1 & (Reg)) ) ?
+ then, either 1. or 2. must be true:
+ 1. the expected operand type register overlap is null:
+ (t0 & t1 & Reg) == 0
+ the given register overlap is null:
+ (m0 & m1 & Reg) == 0
+ 2. the expected operand type register overlap == the given
+ operand type overlap: (t0 & t1 & m0 & m1 & Reg).
+ */
+#define CONSISTENT_REGISTER_MATCH(m0, m1, t0, t1) \
+ ( ((m0 & (Reg)) && (m1 & (Reg))) ? \
+ ( ((t0 & t1 & (Reg)) == 0 && (m0 & m1 & (Reg)) == 0) || \
+ ((t0 & t1) & (m0 & m1) & (Reg)) \
+ ) : 1)
+ {
+ register unsigned int overlap0, overlap1;
+ expressionS * exp;
+ unsigned int overlap2;
+ unsigned int found_reverse_match;
+ overlap0 = overlap1 = overlap2 = found_reverse_match = 0;
+ for (t = current_templates->start;
+ t < current_templates->end;
+ t++) {
+ /* must have right number of operands */
+ if (i.operands != t->operands) continue;
+ else if (!t->operands) break; /* 0 operands always matches */
+ overlap0 = i.types[0] & t->operand_types[0];
+ switch (t->operands) {
+ case 1:
+ if (! MATCH (overlap0,i.types[0])) continue;
+ break;
+ case 2: case 3:
+ overlap1 = i.types[1] & t->operand_types[1];
+ if (! MATCH (overlap0,i.types[0]) ||
+ ! MATCH (overlap1,i.types[1]) ||
+ ! CONSISTENT_REGISTER_MATCH(overlap0, overlap1,
+ t->operand_types[0],
+ t->operand_types[1])) {
+ /* check if other direction is valid ... */
+ if (! (t->opcode_modifier & COMES_IN_BOTH_DIRECTIONS))
+ continue;
+ /* try reversing direction of operands */
+ overlap0 = i.types[0] & t->operand_types[1];
+ overlap1 = i.types[1] & t->operand_types[0];
+ if (! MATCH (overlap0,i.types[0]) ||
+ ! MATCH (overlap1,i.types[1]) ||
+ ! CONSISTENT_REGISTER_MATCH (overlap0, overlap1,
+ t->operand_types[0],
+ t->operand_types[1])) {
+ /* does not match either direction */
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* found a reverse match here -- slip through */
+ /* found_reverse_match holds which of D or FloatD we've found */
+ found_reverse_match = t->opcode_modifier & COMES_IN_BOTH_DIRECTIONS;
+ } /* endif: not forward match */
+ /* found either forward/reverse 2 operand match here */
+ if (t->operands == 3) {
+ overlap2 = i.types[2] & t->operand_types[2];
+ if (! MATCH (overlap2,i.types[2]) ||
+ ! CONSISTENT_REGISTER_MATCH (overlap0, overlap2,
+ t->operand_types[0],
+ t->operand_types[2]) ||
+ ! CONSISTENT_REGISTER_MATCH (overlap1, overlap2,
+ t->operand_types[1],
+ t->operand_types[2]))
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* found either forward/reverse 2 or 3 operand match here:
+ slip through to break */
+ }
+ break; /* we've found a match; break out of loop */
+ } /* for (t = ... */
+ if (t == current_templates->end) { /* we found no match */
+ as_bad("operands given don't match any known 386 instruction");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Copy the template we found (we may change it!). */
+ bcopy (t, &i.tm, sizeof (template));
+ t = &i.tm; /* alter new copy of template */
+ /* If there's no opcode suffix we try to invent one based on register
+ operands. */
+ if (! i.suffix && i.reg_operands) {
+ /* We take i.suffix from the LAST register operand specified. This
+ assumes that the last register operands is the destination register
+ operand. */
+ int o;
+ for (o = 0; o < MAX_OPERANDS; o++)
+ if (i.types[o] & Reg) {
+ i.suffix = (i.types[o] == Reg8) ? BYTE_OPCODE_SUFFIX :
+ (i.types[o] == Reg16) ? WORD_OPCODE_SUFFIX :
+ }
+ }
+ /* Make still unresolved immediate matches conform to size of immediate
+ given in i.suffix. Note: overlap2 cannot be an immediate!
+ We assume this. */
+ if ((overlap0 & (Imm8|Imm8S|Imm16|Imm32))
+ && overlap0 != Imm8 && overlap0 != Imm8S
+ && overlap0 != Imm16 && overlap0 != Imm32) {
+ if (! i.suffix) {
+ as_bad("no opcode suffix given; can't determine immediate size");
+ return;
+ }
+ overlap0 &= (i.suffix == BYTE_OPCODE_SUFFIX ? (Imm8|Imm8S) :
+ (i.suffix == WORD_OPCODE_SUFFIX ? Imm16 : Imm32));
+ }
+ if ((overlap1 & (Imm8|Imm8S|Imm16|Imm32))
+ && overlap1 != Imm8 && overlap1 != Imm8S
+ && overlap1 != Imm16 && overlap1 != Imm32) {
+ if (! i.suffix) {
+ as_bad("no opcode suffix given; can't determine immediate size");
+ return;
+ }
+ overlap1 &= (i.suffix == BYTE_OPCODE_SUFFIX ? (Imm8|Imm8S) :
+ (i.suffix == WORD_OPCODE_SUFFIX ? Imm16 : Imm32));
+ }
+ i.types[0] = overlap0;
+ i.types[1] = overlap1;
+ i.types[2] = overlap2;
+ if (overlap0 & ImplicitRegister) i.reg_operands--;
+ if (overlap1 & ImplicitRegister) i.reg_operands--;
+ if (overlap2 & ImplicitRegister) i.reg_operands--;
+ if (overlap0 & Imm1) i.imm_operands = 0; /* kludge for shift insns */
+ if (found_reverse_match) {
+ unsigned int save;
+ save = t->operand_types[0];
+ t->operand_types[0] = t->operand_types[1];
+ t->operand_types[1] = save;
+ }
+ /* Finalize opcode. First, we change the opcode based on the operand
+ size given by i.suffix: we never have to change things for byte insns,
+ or when no opcode suffix is need to size the operands. */
+ if (! i.suffix && (t->opcode_modifier & W)) {
+ as_bad("no opcode suffix given and no register operands; can't size instruction");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (i.suffix && i.suffix != BYTE_OPCODE_SUFFIX) {
+ /* Select between byte and word/dword operations. */
+ if (t->opcode_modifier & W)
+ t->base_opcode |= W;
+ /* Now select between word & dword operations via the
+ operand size prefix. */
+ if (i.suffix == WORD_OPCODE_SUFFIX) {
+ if (i.prefixes == MAX_PREFIXES) {
+ as_bad("%d prefixes given and 'w' opcode suffix gives too many prefixes",
+ return;
+ }
+ i.prefix[i.prefixes++] = WORD_PREFIX_OPCODE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* For insns with operands there are more diddles to do to the opcode. */
+ if (i.operands) {
+ /* If we found a reverse match we must alter the opcode direction bit
+ found_reverse_match holds bit to set (different for int &
+ float insns). */
+ if (found_reverse_match) {
+ t->base_opcode |= found_reverse_match;
+ }
+ /*
+ The imul $imm, %reg instruction is converted into
+ imul $imm, %reg, %reg. */
+ if (t->opcode_modifier & imulKludge) {
+ i.regs[2] = i.regs[1]; /* Pretend we saw the 3 operand case. */
+ i.reg_operands = 2;
+ }
+ /* Certain instructions expect the destination to be in the i.rm.reg
+ field. This is by far the exceptional case. For these instructions,
+ if the source operand is a register, we must reverse the i.rm.reg
+ and i.rm.regmem fields. We accomplish this by faking that the
+ two register operands were given in the reverse order. */
+ if ((t->opcode_modifier & ReverseRegRegmem) && i.reg_operands == 2) {
+ unsigned int first_reg_operand = (i.types[0] & Reg) ? 0 : 1;
+ unsigned int second_reg_operand = first_reg_operand + 1;
+ reg_entry *tmp = i.regs[first_reg_operand];
+ i.regs[first_reg_operand] = i.regs[second_reg_operand];
+ i.regs[second_reg_operand] = tmp;
+ }
+ if (t->opcode_modifier & ShortForm) {
+ /* The register or float register operand is in operand 0 or 1. */
+ unsigned int o = (i.types[0] & (Reg|FloatReg)) ? 0 : 1;
+ /* Register goes in low 3 bits of opcode. */
+ t->base_opcode |= i.regs[o]->reg_num;
+ } else if (t->opcode_modifier & ShortFormW) {
+ /* Short form with 0x8 width bit. Register is always dest. operand */
+ t->base_opcode |= i.regs[1]->reg_num;
+ if (i.suffix == WORD_OPCODE_SUFFIX ||
+ i.suffix == DWORD_OPCODE_SUFFIX)
+ t->base_opcode |= 0x8;
+ } else if (t->opcode_modifier & Seg2ShortForm) {
+ if (t->base_opcode == POP_SEG_SHORT && i.regs[0]->reg_num == 1) {
+ as_bad("you can't 'pop cs' on the 386.");
+ return;
+ }
+ t->base_opcode |= (i.regs[0]->reg_num << 3);
+ } else if (t->opcode_modifier & Seg3ShortForm) {
+ /* 'push %fs' is 0x0fa0; 'pop %fs' is 0x0fa1.
+ 'push %gs' is 0x0fa8; 'pop %fs' is 0x0fa9.
+ So, only if i.regs[0]->reg_num == 5 (%gs) do we need
+ to change the opcode. */
+ if (i.regs[0]->reg_num == 5)
+ t->base_opcode |= 0x08;
+ } else if (t->opcode_modifier & Modrm) {
+ /* The opcode is completed (modulo t->extension_opcode which must
+ be put into the modrm byte.
+ Now, we make the modrm & index base bytes based on all the info
+ we've collected. */
+ /* i.reg_operands MUST be the number of real register operands;
+ implicit registers do not count. */
+ if (i.reg_operands == 2) {
+ unsigned int source, dest;
+ source = (i.types[0] & (Reg|SReg2|SReg3|Control|Debug|Test)) ? 0 : 1;
+ dest = source + 1;
+ i.rm.mode = 3;
+ /* We must be careful to make sure that all segment/control/test/
+ debug registers go into the i.rm.reg field (despite the whether
+ they are source or destination operands). */
+ if (i.regs[dest]->reg_type & (SReg2|SReg3|Control|Debug|Test)) {
+ i.rm.reg = i.regs[dest]->reg_num;
+ i.rm.regmem = i.regs[source]->reg_num;
+ } else {
+ i.rm.reg = i.regs[source]->reg_num;
+ i.rm.regmem = i.regs[dest]->reg_num;
+ }
+ } else { /* if it's not 2 reg operands... */
+ if (i.mem_operands) {
+ unsigned int fake_zero_displacement = 0;
+ unsigned int o = (i.types[0] & Mem) ? 0 : ((i.types[1] & Mem) ? 1 : 2);
+ /* Encode memory operand into modrm byte and base index byte. */
+ if (i.base_reg == esp && ! i.index_reg) {
+ /* <disp>(%esp) becomes two byte modrm with no index register. */
+ i.rm.mode = MODE_FROM_DISP_SIZE (i.types[o]);
+ i.bi.base = ESP_REG_NUM;
+ i.bi.index = NO_INDEX_REGISTER;
+ i.bi.scale = 0; /* Must be zero! */
+ } else if (i.base_reg == ebp && !i.index_reg) {
+ if (! (i.types[o] & Disp)) {
+ /* Must fake a zero byte displacement.
+ There is no direct way to code '(%ebp)' directly. */
+ fake_zero_displacement = 1;
+ /* fake_zero_displacement code does not set this. */
+ i.types[o] |= Disp8;
+ }
+ i.rm.mode = MODE_FROM_DISP_SIZE (i.types[o]);
+ i.rm.regmem = EBP_REG_NUM;
+ } else if (! i.base_reg && (i.types[o] & BaseIndex)) {
+ /* There are three cases here.
+ Case 1: '<32bit disp>(,1)' -- indirect absolute.
+ (Same as cases 2 & 3 with NO index register)
+ Case 2: <32bit disp> (,<index>) -- no base register with disp
+ Case 3: (, <index>) --- no base register;
+ no disp (must add 32bit 0 disp). */
+ i.rm.mode = 0; /* 32bit mode */
+ i.bi.base = NO_BASE_REGISTER;
+ i.types[o] &= ~Disp;
+ i.types[o] |= Disp32; /* Must be 32bit! */
+ if (i.index_reg) { /* case 2 or case 3 */
+ i.bi.index = i.index_reg->reg_num;
+ i.bi.scale = i.log2_scale_factor;
+ if (i.disp_operands == 0)
+ fake_zero_displacement = 1; /* case 3 */
+ } else {
+ i.bi.index = NO_INDEX_REGISTER;
+ i.bi.scale = 0;
+ }
+ } else if (i.disp_operands && !i.base_reg && !i.index_reg) {
+ /* Operand is just <32bit disp> */
+ i.rm.regmem = EBP_REG_NUM;
+ i.rm.mode = 0;
+ i.types[o] &= ~Disp;
+ i.types[o] |= Disp32;
+ } else {
+ /* It's not a special case; rev'em up. */
+ i.rm.regmem = i.base_reg->reg_num;
+ i.rm.mode = MODE_FROM_DISP_SIZE (i.types[o]);
+ if (i.index_reg) {
+ i.bi.base = i.base_reg->reg_num;
+ i.bi.index = i.index_reg->reg_num;
+ i.bi.scale = i.log2_scale_factor;
+ if (i.base_reg == ebp && i.disp_operands == 0) { /* pace */
+ fake_zero_displacement = 1;
+ i.types[o] |= Disp8;
+ i.rm.mode = MODE_FROM_DISP_SIZE (i.types[o]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (fake_zero_displacement) {
+ /* Fakes a zero displacement assuming that i.types[o] holds
+ the correct displacement size. */
+ exp = &disp_expressions[i.disp_operands++];
+ i.disps[o] = exp;
+ exp->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ exp->X_add_number = 0;
+ exp->X_add_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;
+ exp->X_subtract_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;
+ }
+ /* Select the correct segment for the memory operand. */
+ if (i.seg) {
+ const unsigned int seg_index;
+ const seg_entry * default_seg;
+ if (i.rm.regmem == ESCAPE_TO_TWO_BYTE_ADDRESSING) {
+ seg_index = (i.rm.mode<<3) | i.bi.base;
+ default_seg = two_byte_segment_defaults [seg_index];
+ } else {
+ seg_index = (i.rm.mode<<3) | i.rm.regmem;
+ default_seg = one_byte_segment_defaults [seg_index];
+ }
+ /* If the specified segment is not the default, use an
+ opcode prefix to select it */
+ if (i.seg != default_seg) {
+ if (i.prefixes == MAX_PREFIXES) {
+ as_bad("%d prefixes given and %s segment override gives too many prefixes",
+ MAX_PREFIXES, i.seg->seg_name);
+ return;
+ }
+ i.prefix[i.prefixes++] = i.seg->seg_prefix;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Fill in i.rm.reg or i.rm.regmem field with register operand
+ (if any) based on t->extension_opcode. Again, we must be careful
+ to make sure that segment/control/debug/test registers are coded
+ into the i.rm.reg field. */
+ if (i.reg_operands) {
+ unsigned int o =
+ (i.types[0] & (Reg|SReg2|SReg3|Control|Debug|Test)) ? 0 :
+ (i.types[1] & (Reg|SReg2|SReg3|Control|Debug|Test)) ? 1 : 2;
+ /* If there is an extension opcode to put here, the register number
+ must be put into the regmem field. */
+ if (t->extension_opcode != None)
+ i.rm.regmem = i.regs[o]->reg_num;
+ else i.rm.reg = i.regs[o]->reg_num;
+ /* Now, if no memory operand has set i.rm.mode = 0, 1, 2
+ we must set it to 3 to indicate this is a register operand
+ int the regmem field */
+ if (! i.mem_operands) i.rm.mode = 3;
+ }
+ /* Fill in i.rm.reg field with extension opcode (if any). */
+ if (t->extension_opcode != None)
+ i.rm.reg = t->extension_opcode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Handle conversion of 'int $3' --> special int3 insn. */
+ if (t->base_opcode == INT_OPCODE && i.imms[0]->X_add_number == 3) {
+ t->base_opcode = INT3_OPCODE;
+ i.imm_operands = 0;
+ }
+ /* We are ready to output the insn. */
+ {
+ register char * p;
+ /* Output jumps. */
+ if (t->opcode_modifier & Jump) {
+ int n = i.disps[0]->X_add_number;
+ switch (i.disps[0]->X_seg) {
+ if (FITS_IN_SIGNED_BYTE (n)) {
+ p = frag_more (2);
+ p[0] = t->base_opcode;
+ p[1] = n;
+#if 0 /* leave out 16 bit jumps - pace */
+ } else if (FITS_IN_SIGNED_WORD (n)) {
+ p = frag_more (4);
+ p[1] = t->base_opcode;
+ md_number_to_chars (&p[2], n, 2);
+ } else { /* It's an absolute dword displacement. */
+ if (t->base_opcode == JUMP_PC_RELATIVE) { /* pace */
+ /* unconditional jump */
+ p = frag_more (5);
+ p[0] = 0xe9;
+ md_number_to_chars (&p[1], n, 4);
+ } else {
+ /* conditional jump */
+ p = frag_more (6);
+ p[1] = t->base_opcode + 0x10;
+ md_number_to_chars (&p[2], n, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* It's a symbol; end frag & setup for relax.
+ Make sure there are 6 chars left in the current frag; if not
+ we'll have to start a new one. */
+ /* I caught it failing with obstack_room == 6,
+ so I changed to <= pace */
+ if (obstack_room (&frags) <= 6) {
+ frag_wane(frag_now);
+ frag_new (0);
+ }
+ p = frag_more (1);
+ p[0] = t->base_opcode;
+ frag_var (rs_machine_dependent,
+ 6, /* 2 opcode/prefix + 4 displacement */
+ 1,
+ ((unsigned char) *p == JUMP_PC_RELATIVE
+ i.disps[0]->X_add_symbol,
+ n, p);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (t->opcode_modifier & (JumpByte|JumpDword)) {
+ int size = (t->opcode_modifier & JumpByte) ? 1 : 4;
+ int n = i.disps[0]->X_add_number;
+ if (FITS_IN_UNSIGNED_BYTE(t->base_opcode)) {
+ FRAG_APPEND_1_CHAR (t->base_opcode);
+ } else {
+ p = frag_more (2); /* opcode can be at most two bytes */
+ /* put out high byte first: can't use md_number_to_chars! */
+ *p++ = (t->base_opcode >> 8) & 0xff;
+ *p = t->base_opcode & 0xff;
+ }
+ p = frag_more (size);
+ switch (i.disps[0]->X_seg) {
+ md_number_to_chars (p, n, size);
+ if (size == 1 && ! FITS_IN_SIGNED_BYTE (n)) {
+ as_bad("loop/jecx only takes byte displacement; %d shortened to %d",
+ n, *p);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fix_new (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal, size,
+ i.disps[0]->X_add_symbol, i.disps[0]->X_subtract_symbol,
+ i.disps[0]->X_add_number, 1, NO_RELOC);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (t->opcode_modifier & JumpInterSegment) {
+ p = frag_more (1 + 2 + 4); /* 1 opcode; 2 segment; 4 offset */
+ p[0] = t->base_opcode;
+ if (i.imms[1]->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ md_number_to_chars (p + 1, i.imms[1]->X_add_number, 4);
+ else
+ fix_new (frag_now, p + 1 - frag_now->fr_literal, 4,
+ i.imms[1]->X_add_symbol,
+ i.imms[1]->X_subtract_symbol,
+ i.imms[1]->X_add_number, 0, NO_RELOC);
+ if (i.imms[0]->X_seg != SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ as_bad("can't handle non absolute segment in long call/jmp");
+ md_number_to_chars (p + 5, i.imms[0]->X_add_number, 2);
+ } else {
+ /* Output normal instructions here. */
+ register char *q;
+ /* First the prefix bytes. */
+ for (q = i.prefix; q < i.prefix + i.prefixes; q++) {
+ p = frag_more (1);
+ md_number_to_chars (p, (unsigned int) *q, 1);
+ }
+ /* Now the opcode; be careful about word order here! */
+ if (FITS_IN_UNSIGNED_BYTE(t->base_opcode)) {
+ FRAG_APPEND_1_CHAR (t->base_opcode);
+ } else if (FITS_IN_UNSIGNED_WORD(t->base_opcode)) {
+ p = frag_more (2);
+ /* put out high byte first: can't use md_number_to_chars! */
+ *p++ = (t->base_opcode >> 8) & 0xff;
+ *p = t->base_opcode & 0xff;
+ } else { /* opcode is either 3 or 4 bytes */
+ if (t->base_opcode & 0xff000000) {
+ p = frag_more (4);
+ *p++ = (t->base_opcode >> 24) & 0xff;
+ } else p = frag_more (3);
+ *p++ = (t->base_opcode >> 16) & 0xff;
+ *p++ = (t->base_opcode >> 8) & 0xff;
+ *p = (t->base_opcode ) & 0xff;
+ }
+ /* Now the modrm byte and base index byte (if present). */
+ if (t->opcode_modifier & Modrm) {
+ p = frag_more (1);
+ /* md_number_to_chars (p, i.rm, 1); */
+ md_number_to_chars (p, (i.rm.regmem<<0 | i.rm.reg<<3 | i.rm.mode<<6), 1);
+ /* If i.rm.regmem == ESP (4) && i.rm.mode != Mode 3 (Register mode)
+ ==> need second modrm byte. */
+ if (i.rm.regmem == ESCAPE_TO_TWO_BYTE_ADDRESSING && i.rm.mode != 3) {
+ p = frag_more (1);
+ /* md_number_to_chars (p, i.bi, 1); */
+ md_number_to_chars (p,(i.bi.base<<0 | i.bi.index<<3 | i.bi.scale<<6), 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (i.disp_operands) {
+ register unsigned int n;
+ for (n = 0; n < i.operands; n++) {
+ if (i.disps[n]) {
+ if (i.disps[n]->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ if (i.types[n] & (Disp8|Abs8)) {
+ p = frag_more (1);
+ md_number_to_chars (p, i.disps[n]->X_add_number, 1);
+ } else if (i.types[n] & (Disp16|Abs16)) {
+ p = frag_more (2);
+ md_number_to_chars (p, i.disps[n]->X_add_number, 2);
+ } else { /* Disp32|Abs32 */
+ p = frag_more (4);
+ md_number_to_chars (p, i.disps[n]->X_add_number, 4);
+ }
+ } else { /* not SEG_ABSOLUTE */
+ /* need a 32-bit fixup (don't support 8bit non-absolute disps) */
+ p = frag_more (4);
+ fix_new (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal, 4,
+ i.disps[n]->X_add_symbol, i.disps[n]->X_subtract_symbol,
+ i.disps[n]->X_add_number, 0, NO_RELOC);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* end displacement output */
+ /* output immediate */
+ if (i.imm_operands) {
+ register unsigned int n;
+ for (n = 0; n < i.operands; n++) {
+ if (i.imms[n]) {
+ if (i.imms[n]->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ if (i.types[n] & (Imm8|Imm8S)) {
+ p = frag_more (1);
+ md_number_to_chars (p, i.imms[n]->X_add_number, 1);
+ } else if (i.types[n] & Imm16) {
+ p = frag_more (2);
+ md_number_to_chars (p, i.imms[n]->X_add_number, 2);
+ } else {
+ p = frag_more (4);
+ md_number_to_chars (p, i.imms[n]->X_add_number, 4);
+ }
+ } else { /* not SEG_ABSOLUTE */
+ /* need a 32-bit fixup (don't support 8bit non-absolute ims) */
+ /* try to support other sizes ... */
+ int size;
+ if (i.types[n] & (Imm8|Imm8S))
+ size = 1;
+ else if (i.types[n] & Imm16)
+ size = 2;
+ else
+ size = 4;
+ p = frag_more (size);
+ fix_new (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal, size,
+ i.imms[n]->X_add_symbol, i.imms[n]->X_subtract_symbol,
+ i.imms[n]->X_add_number, 0, NO_RELOC);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* end immediate output */
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG386
+ if (flagseen ['D']) {
+ pi (line, &i);
+ }
+#endif /* DEBUG386 */
+ }
+ return;
+/* Parse OPERAND_STRING into the i386_insn structure I. Returns non-zero
+ on error. */
+static int i386_operand (operand_string)
+ char *operand_string;
+ register char *op_string = operand_string;
+ /* Address of '\0' at end of operand_string. */
+ char * end_of_operand_string = operand_string + strlen(operand_string);
+ /* Start and end of displacement string expression (if found). */
+ char * displacement_string_start = 0;
+ char * displacement_string_end;
+ /* We check for an absolute prefix (differentiating,
+ for example, 'jmp pc_relative_label' from 'jmp *absolute_label'. */
+ if (*op_string == ABSOLUTE_PREFIX) {
+ op_string++;
+ i.types[this_operand] |= JumpAbsolute;
+ }
+ /* Check if operand is a register. */
+ if (*op_string == REGISTER_PREFIX) {
+ register reg_entry * r;
+ if (! (r = parse_register (op_string))) {
+ as_bad("bad register name ('%s')", op_string);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Check for segment override, rather than segment register by
+ searching for ':' after %<x>s where <x> = s, c, d, e, f, g. */
+ if ((r->reg_type & (SReg2|SReg3)) && op_string[3] == ':') {
+ switch (r->reg_num) {
+ case 0:
+ i.seg = &es; break;
+ case 1:
+ i.seg = &cs; break;
+ case 2:
+ i.seg = &ss; break;
+ case 3:
+ i.seg = &ds; break;
+ case 4:
+ i.seg = &fs; break;
+ case 5:
+ i.seg = &gs; break;
+ }
+ op_string += 4; /* skip % <x> s : */
+ operand_string = op_string; /* Pretend given string starts here. */
+ if (!is_digit_char(*op_string) && !is_identifier_char(*op_string)
+ && *op_string != '(' && *op_string != ABSOLUTE_PREFIX) {
+ as_bad("bad memory operand after segment override");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Handle case of %es:*foo. */
+ if (*op_string == ABSOLUTE_PREFIX) {
+ op_string++;
+ i.types[this_operand] |= JumpAbsolute;
+ }
+ goto do_memory_reference;
+ }
+ i.types[this_operand] |= r->reg_type;
+ i.regs[this_operand] = r;
+ i.reg_operands++;
+ } else if (*op_string == IMMEDIATE_PREFIX) { /* ... or an immediate */
+ char * save_input_line_pointer;
+ register expressionS *exp;
+ segT exp_seg;
+ if (i.imm_operands == MAX_IMMEDIATE_OPERANDS) {
+ as_bad("only 1 or 2 immediate operands are allowed");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ exp = &im_expressions[i.imm_operands++];
+ i.imms [this_operand] = exp;
+ save_input_line_pointer = input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer = ++op_string; /* must advance op_string! */
+ exp_seg = expression (exp);
+ input_line_pointer = save_input_line_pointer;
+ switch (exp_seg) {
+ case SEG_ABSENT: /* missing or bad expr becomes absolute 0 */
+ as_bad("missing or invalid immediate expression '%s' taken as 0",
+ operand_string);
+ exp->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ exp->X_add_number = 0;
+ exp->X_add_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;
+ exp->X_subtract_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;
+ i.types[this_operand] |= Imm;
+ break;
+ i.types[this_operand] |= SMALLEST_IMM_TYPE (exp->X_add_number);
+ break;
+ case SEG_TEXT: case SEG_DATA: case SEG_BSS: case SEG_UNKNOWN:
+ i.types[this_operand] |= Imm32; /* this is an address ==> 32bit */
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("Unimplemented segment type %d in parse_operand", exp_seg);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* shorten this type of this operand if the instruction wants
+ * fewer bits than are present in the immediate. The bit field
+ * code can put out 'andb $0xffffff, %al', for example. pace
+ * also 'movw $foo,(%eax)'
+ */
+ switch (i.suffix) {
+ i.types[this_operand] |= Imm16;
+ break;
+ i.types[this_operand] |= Imm16 | Imm8 | Imm8S;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (is_digit_char(*op_string) || is_identifier_char(*op_string)
+ || *op_string == '(') {
+ /* This is a memory reference of some sort. */
+ register char * base_string;
+ unsigned int found_base_index_form;
+ do_memory_reference:
+ if (i.mem_operands == MAX_MEMORY_OPERANDS) {
+ as_bad("more than 1 memory reference in instruction");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ i.mem_operands++;
+ /* Determine type of memory operand from opcode_suffix;
+ no opcode suffix implies general memory references. */
+ switch (i.suffix) {
+ i.types[this_operand] |= Mem8;
+ break;
+ i.types[this_operand] |= Mem16;
+ break;
+ default:
+ i.types[this_operand] |= Mem32;
+ }
+ /* Check for base index form. We detect the base index form by
+ looking for an ')' at the end of the operand, searching
+ for the '(' matching it, and finding a REGISTER_PREFIX or ','
+ after it. */
+ base_string = end_of_operand_string - 1;
+ found_base_index_form = 0;
+ if (*base_string == ')') {
+ unsigned int parens_balenced = 1;
+ /* We've already checked that the number of left & right ()'s are equal,
+ so this loop will not be infinite. */
+ do {
+ base_string--;
+ if (*base_string == ')') parens_balenced++;
+ if (*base_string == '(') parens_balenced--;
+ } while (parens_balenced);
+ base_string++; /* Skip past '('. */
+ if (*base_string == REGISTER_PREFIX || *base_string == ',')
+ found_base_index_form = 1;
+ }
+ /* If we can't parse a base index register expression, we've found
+ a pure displacement expression. We set up displacement_string_start
+ and displacement_string_end for the code below. */
+ if (! found_base_index_form) {
+ displacement_string_start = op_string;
+ displacement_string_end = end_of_operand_string;
+ } else {
+ char *base_reg_name, *index_reg_name, *num_string;
+ int num;
+ i.types[this_operand] |= BaseIndex;
+ /* If there is a displacement set-up for it to be parsed later. */
+ if (base_string != op_string + 1) {
+ displacement_string_start = op_string;
+ displacement_string_end = base_string - 1;
+ }
+ /* Find base register (if any). */
+ if (*base_string != ',') {
+ base_reg_name = base_string++;
+ /* skip past register name & parse it */
+ while (isalpha(*base_string)) base_string++;
+ if (base_string == base_reg_name+1) {
+ as_bad("can't find base register name after '(%c'",
+ return 0;
+ }
+ END_STRING_AND_SAVE (base_string);
+ if (! (i.base_reg = parse_register (base_reg_name))) {
+ as_bad("bad base register name ('%s')", base_reg_name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ RESTORE_END_STRING (base_string);
+ }
+ /* Now check seperator; must be ',' ==> index reg
+ OR num ==> no index reg. just scale factor
+ OR ')' ==> end. (scale factor = 1) */
+ if (*base_string != ',' && *base_string != ')') {
+ as_bad("expecting ',' or ')' after base register in `%s'",
+ operand_string);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* There may index reg here; and there may be a scale factor. */
+ if (*base_string == ',' && *(base_string+1) == REGISTER_PREFIX) {
+ index_reg_name = ++base_string;
+ while (isalpha(*++base_string));
+ END_STRING_AND_SAVE (base_string);
+ if (! (i.index_reg = parse_register(index_reg_name))) {
+ as_bad("bad index register name ('%s')", index_reg_name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ RESTORE_END_STRING (base_string);
+ }
+ /* Check for scale factor. */
+ if (*base_string == ',' && isdigit(*(base_string+1))) {
+ num_string = ++base_string;
+ while (is_digit_char(*base_string)) base_string++;
+ if (base_string == num_string) {
+ as_bad("can't find a scale factor after ','");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ END_STRING_AND_SAVE (base_string);
+ /* We've got a scale factor. */
+ if (! sscanf (num_string, "%d", &num)) {
+ as_bad("can't parse scale factor from '%s'", num_string);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ RESTORE_END_STRING (base_string);
+ switch (num) { /* must be 1 digit scale */
+ case 1: i.log2_scale_factor = 0; break;
+ case 2: i.log2_scale_factor = 1; break;
+ case 4: i.log2_scale_factor = 2; break;
+ case 8: i.log2_scale_factor = 3; break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("expecting scale factor of 1, 2, 4, 8; got %d", num);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (! i.index_reg && *base_string == ',') {
+ as_bad("expecting index register or scale factor after ','; got '%c'",
+ *(base_string+1));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* If there's an expression begining the operand, parse it,
+ assuming displacement_string_start and displacement_string_end
+ are meaningful. */
+ if (displacement_string_start) {
+ register expressionS * exp;
+ segT exp_seg;
+ char * save_input_line_pointer;
+ exp = &disp_expressions[i.disp_operands];
+ i.disps [this_operand] = exp;
+ i.disp_operands++;
+ save_input_line_pointer = input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer = displacement_string_start;
+ END_STRING_AND_SAVE (displacement_string_end);
+ exp_seg = expression (exp);
+ if(*input_line_pointer)
+ as_bad("Ignoring junk '%s' after expression",input_line_pointer);
+ RESTORE_END_STRING (displacement_string_end);
+ input_line_pointer = save_input_line_pointer;
+ switch (exp_seg) {
+ case SEG_ABSENT:
+ /* missing expr becomes absolute 0 */
+ as_bad("missing or invalid displacement '%s' taken as 0",
+ operand_string);
+ i.types[this_operand] |= (Disp|Abs);
+ exp->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ exp->X_add_number = 0;
+ exp->X_add_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;
+ exp->X_subtract_symbol = (symbolS *) 0;
+ break;
+ i.types[this_operand] |= SMALLEST_DISP_TYPE (exp->X_add_number);
+ break;
+ case SEG_TEXT: case SEG_DATA: case SEG_BSS:
+ case SEG_UNKNOWN: /* must be 32 bit displacement (i.e. address) */
+ i.types[this_operand] |= Disp32;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto seg_unimplemented;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Make sure the memory operand we've been dealt is valid. */
+ if (i.base_reg && i.index_reg &&
+ ! (i.base_reg->reg_type & i.index_reg->reg_type & Reg)) {
+ as_bad("register size mismatch in (base,index,scale) expression");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if ((i.base_reg && (i.base_reg->reg_type & Reg32) == 0) ||
+ (i.index_reg && (i.index_reg->reg_type & Reg32) == 0)) {
+ as_bad("base/index register must be 32 bit register");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (i.index_reg && i.index_reg == esp) {
+ as_bad("%s may not be used as an index register", esp->reg_name);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else { /* it's not a memory operand; argh! */
+ as_bad("invalid char %s begining %s operand '%s'",
+ output_invalid(*op_string), ordinal_names[this_operand],
+ op_string);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1; /* normal return */
+ * md_estimate_size_before_relax()
+ *
+ * Called just before relax().
+ * Any symbol that is now undefined will not become defined.
+ * Return the correct fr_subtype in the frag.
+ * Return the initial "guess for fr_var" to caller.
+ * The guess for fr_var is ACTUALLY the growth beyond fr_fix.
+ * Whatever we do to grow fr_fix or fr_var contributes to our returned value.
+ * Although it may not be explicit in the frag, pretend fr_var starts with a
+ * 0 value.
+ */
+md_estimate_size_before_relax (fragP, segment)
+ register fragS * fragP;
+ register segT segment;
+ register unsigned char * opcode;
+ register int old_fr_fix;
+ old_fr_fix = fragP -> fr_fix;
+ opcode = (unsigned char *) fragP -> fr_opcode;
+ /* We've already got fragP->fr_subtype right; all we have to do is check
+ for un-relaxable symbols. */
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP -> fr_symbol) != segment) {
+ /* symbol is undefined in this segment */
+ switch (opcode[0]) {
+ case JUMP_PC_RELATIVE: /* make jmp (0xeb) a dword displacement jump */
+ opcode[0] = 0xe9; /* dword disp jmp */
+ fragP -> fr_fix += 4;
+ fix_new (fragP, old_fr_fix, 4,
+ fragP -> fr_symbol,
+ (symbolS *) 0,
+ fragP -> fr_offset, 1, NO_RELOC);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* This changes the byte-displacement jump 0x7N -->
+ the dword-displacement jump 0x0f8N */
+ opcode[1] = opcode[0] + 0x10;
+ opcode[0] = TWO_BYTE_OPCODE_ESCAPE; /* two-byte escape */
+ fragP -> fr_fix += 1 + 4; /* we've added an opcode byte */
+ fix_new (fragP, old_fr_fix + 1, 4,
+ fragP -> fr_symbol,
+ (symbolS *) 0,
+ fragP -> fr_offset, 1, NO_RELOC);
+ break;
+ }
+ frag_wane (fragP);
+ }
+ return (fragP -> fr_var + fragP -> fr_fix - old_fr_fix);
+} /* md_estimate_size_before_relax() */
+ * md_convert_frag();
+ *
+ * Called after relax() is finished.
+ * In: Address of frag.
+ * fr_type == rs_machine_dependent.
+ * fr_subtype is what the address relaxed to.
+ *
+ * Out: Any fixSs and constants are set up.
+ * Caller will turn frag into a ".space 0".
+ */
+md_convert_frag (fragP)
+ register fragS * fragP;
+ register unsigned char * opcode;
+ unsigned char * where_to_put_displacement;
+ unsigned int target_address, opcode_address;
+ unsigned int extension;
+ int displacement_from_opcode_start;
+ opcode = (unsigned char *) fragP -> fr_opcode;
+ /* Address we want to reach in file space. */
+ target_address = S_GET_VALUE(fragP->fr_symbol) + fragP->fr_offset;
+ /* Address opcode resides at in file space. */
+ opcode_address = fragP->fr_address + fragP->fr_fix;
+ /* Displacement from opcode start to fill into instruction. */
+ displacement_from_opcode_start = target_address - opcode_address;
+ switch (fragP->fr_subtype) {
+ /* don't have to change opcode */
+ extension = 1; /* 1 opcode + 1 displacement */
+ where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[1];
+ break;
+ opcode[2] = opcode[0] + 0x10;
+ opcode[0] = WORD_PREFIX_OPCODE;
+ extension = 4; /* 3 opcode + 2 displacement */
+ where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[3];
+ break;
+ opcode[1] = 0xe9;
+ opcode[0] = WORD_PREFIX_OPCODE;
+ extension = 3; /* 2 opcode + 2 displacement */
+ where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[2];
+ break;
+ opcode[1] = opcode[0] + 0x10;
+ extension = 5; /* 2 opcode + 4 displacement */
+ where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[2];
+ break;
+ opcode[0] = 0xe9;
+ extension = 4; /* 1 opcode + 4 displacement */
+ where_to_put_displacement = &opcode[1];
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE(fragP -> fr_subtype);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* now put displacement after opcode */
+ md_number_to_chars (where_to_put_displacement,
+ displacement_from_opcode_start - extension,
+ SIZE_FROM_RELAX_STATE (fragP->fr_subtype));
+ fragP -> fr_fix += extension;
+int md_short_jump_size = 2; /* size of byte displacement jmp */
+int md_long_jump_size = 5; /* size of dword displacement jmp */
+int md_reloc_size = 8; /* Size of relocation record */
+void md_create_short_jump(ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+ char *ptr;
+ long from_addr, to_addr;
+fragS *frag;
+symbolS *to_symbol;
+ long offset;
+ offset = to_addr - (from_addr + 2);
+ md_number_to_chars (ptr, (long) 0xeb, 1); /* opcode for byte-disp jump */
+ md_number_to_chars (ptr + 1, offset, 1);
+void md_create_long_jump (ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+ char *ptr;
+ long from_addr, to_addr;
+ fragS *frag;
+ symbolS *to_symbol;
+ long offset;
+ if (flagseen['m']) {
+ offset = to_addr - S_GET_VALUE(to_symbol);
+ md_number_to_chars (ptr, 0xe9, 1); /* opcode for long jmp */
+ md_number_to_chars (ptr + 1, offset, 4);
+ fix_new (frag, (ptr+1) - frag->fr_literal, 4,
+ to_symbol, (symbolS *) 0, (long) 0, 0, NO_RELOC);
+ } else {
+ offset = to_addr - (from_addr + 5);
+ md_number_to_chars(ptr, (long) 0xe9, 1);
+ md_number_to_chars(ptr + 1, offset, 4);
+ }
+char **argP;
+int *cntP;
+char ***vecP;
+ return 1;
+void /* Knows about order of bytes in address. */
+md_number_to_chars (con, value, nbytes)
+ char con []; /* Return 'nbytes' of chars here. */
+ long value; /* The value of the bits. */
+ int nbytes; /* Number of bytes in the output. */
+ register char * p = con;
+ switch (nbytes) {
+ case 1:
+ p[0] = value & 0xff;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ p[0] = value & 0xff;
+ p[1] = (value >> 8) & 0xff;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ p[0] = value & 0xff;
+ p[1] = (value>>8) & 0xff;
+ p[2] = (value>>16) & 0xff;
+ p[3] = (value>>24) & 0xff;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE (nbytes);
+ }
+/* Apply a fixup (fixS) to segment data, once it has been determined
+ by our caller that we have all the info we need to fix it up.
+ On the 386, immediates, displacements, and data pointers are all in
+ the same (little-endian) format, so we don't need to care about which
+ we are handling. */
+md_apply_fix (fixP, value)
+ fixS * fixP; /* The fix we're to put in */
+ long value; /* The value of the bits. */
+ register char * p = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal;
+ switch (fixP->fx_size) {
+ case 1:
+ *p = value;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ *p++ = value;
+ *p = (value>>8);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ *p++ = value;
+ *p++ = (value>>8);
+ *p++ = (value>>16);
+ *p = (value>>24);
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE (fixP->fx_size);
+ }
+long /* Knows about the byte order in a word. */
+md_chars_to_number (con, nbytes)
+unsigned char con[]; /* Low order byte 1st. */
+ int nbytes; /* Number of bytes in the input. */
+ long retval;
+ for (retval=0, con+=nbytes-1; nbytes--; con--)
+ {
+ retval <<= BITS_PER_CHAR;
+ retval |= *con;
+ }
+ return retval;
+/* Not needed for coff since relocation structure does not
+ contain bitfields. */
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+/* Output relocation information in the target's format. */
+md_ri_to_chars(the_bytes, ri)
+ char *the_bytes;
+ struct reloc_info_generic *ri;
+ /* this is easy */
+ md_number_to_chars(the_bytes, ri->r_address, 4);
+ /* now the fun stuff */
+ the_bytes[6] = (ri->r_symbolnum >> 16) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[5] = (ri->r_symbolnum >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[4] = ri->r_symbolnum & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[7] = (((ri->r_extern << 3) & 0x08) | ((ri->r_length << 1) & 0x06) |
+ ((ri->r_pcrel << 0) & 0x01)) & 0x0F;
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+/* Turn the string pointed to by litP into a floating point constant of type
+ type, and emit the appropriate bytes. The number of LITTLENUMS emitted
+ is stored in *sizeP . An error message is returned, or NULL on OK.
+ */
+char *
+ char type;
+ char *litP;
+ int *sizeP;
+ int prec;
+ char *t;
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ prec = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ prec = 4;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ prec = 5;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *sizeP=0;
+ return "Bad call to md_atof ()";
+ }
+ t = atof_ieee (input_line_pointer,type,words);
+ if(t)
+ input_line_pointer=t;
+ *sizeP = prec * sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ /* this loops outputs the LITTLENUMs in REVERSE order; in accord with
+ the bigendian 386 */
+ for(wordP = words + prec - 1;prec--;) {
+ md_number_to_chars (litP, (long) (*wordP--), sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ litP += sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ }
+ return ""; /* Someone should teach Dean about null pointers */
+char output_invalid_buf[8];
+static char * output_invalid (c)
+ char c;
+ if (isprint(c)) sprintf (output_invalid_buf, "'%c'", c);
+ else sprintf (output_invalid_buf, "(0x%x)", (unsigned) c);
+ return output_invalid_buf;
+static reg_entry *parse_register (reg_string)
+ char *reg_string; /* reg_string starts *before* REGISTER_PREFIX */
+ register char *s = reg_string;
+ register char *p;
+ char reg_name_given[MAX_REG_NAME_SIZE];
+ s++; /* skip REGISTER_PREFIX */
+ for (p = reg_name_given; is_register_char (*s); p++, s++) {
+ *p = register_chars [*s];
+ if (p >= reg_name_given + MAX_REG_NAME_SIZE)
+ return (reg_entry *) 0;
+ }
+ *p = '\0';
+ return (reg_entry *) hash_find (reg_hash, reg_name_given);
+/* We have no need to default values of symbols. */
+symbolS *
+md_undefined_symbol (name)
+ char *name;
+ return 0;
+/* Parse an operand that is machine-specific.
+ We just return without modifying the expression if we have nothing
+ to do. */
+md_operand (expressionP)
+ expressionS *expressionP;
+/* Round up a section size to the appropriate boundary. */
+md_section_align (segment, size)
+ segT segment;
+ long size;
+ return size; /* Byte alignment is fine */
+/* Exactly what point is a PC-relative offset relative TO?
+ On the i386, they're relative to the address of the offset, plus
+ its size. (??? Is this right? FIXME-SOON!) */
+md_pcrel_from (fixP)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ return fixP->fx_size + fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
+ * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.1 1991/04/04 18:16:41 rich
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2 1991/03/30 17:11:30 rich
+ * Updated md_create_short_jump calling protocol.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tc-i386.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-i386.h b/gas/config/tc-i386.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2b853e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-i386.h
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+/* i386.h -- Header file for i386.c
+ Copyright (C) 1989, Free Software Foundation.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+#define TC_I386 1
+#define tc_crawl_symbol_chain(a) ; /* not used */
+#define tc_headers_hook(a) ; /* not used */
+#define MAX_OPERANDS 3 /* max operands per insn */
+#define MAX_PREFIXES 4 /* max prefixes per opcode */
+#define MAX_IMMEDIATE_OPERANDS 2 /* max immediates per insn */
+#define MAX_MEMORY_OPERANDS 2 /* max memory ref per insn
+ * lcall uses 2
+ */
+/* we define the syntax here (modulo base,index,scale syntax) */
+#define REGISTER_PREFIX '%'
+#define ABSOLUTE_PREFIX '*'
+/* register numbers */
+#define EBP_REG_NUM 5
+#define ESP_REG_NUM 4
+/* modrm_byte.regmem for twobyte escape */
+/* index_base_byte.index for no index register addressing */
+/* index_base_byte.base for no base register addressing */
+/* these are the att as opcode suffixes, making movl --> mov, for example */
+/* modrm.mode = REGMEM_FIELD_HAS_REG when a register is in there */
+#define REGMEM_FIELD_HAS_REG 0x3 /* always = 0x3 */
+#define END_OF_INSN '\0'
+When an operand is read in it is classified by its type. This type includes
+all the possible ways an operand can be used. Thus, '%eax' is both 'register
+# 0' and 'The Accumulator'. In our language this is expressed by OR'ing
+'Reg32' (any 32 bit register) and 'Acc' (the accumulator).
+Operands are classified so that we can match given operand types with
+the opcode table in i386-opcode.h.
+ */
+#define Unknown 0x0
+/* register */
+#define Reg8 0x1 /* 8 bit reg */
+#define Reg16 0x2 /* 16 bit reg */
+#define Reg32 0x4 /* 32 bit reg */
+#define Reg (Reg8|Reg16|Reg32) /* gen'l register */
+#define WordReg (Reg16|Reg32) /* for push/pop operands */
+/* immediate */
+#define Imm8 0x8 /* 8 bit immediate */
+#define Imm8S 0x10 /* 8 bit immediate sign extended */
+#define Imm16 0x20 /* 16 bit immediate */
+#define Imm32 0x40 /* 32 bit immediate */
+#define Imm1 0x80 /* 1 bit immediate */
+#define ImmUnknown Imm32 /* for unknown expressions */
+#define Imm (Imm8|Imm8S|Imm16|Imm32) /* gen'l immediate */
+/* memory */
+#define Disp8 0x200 /* 8 bit displacement (for jumps) */
+#define Disp16 0x400 /* 16 bit displacement */
+#define Disp32 0x800 /* 32 bit displacement */
+#define Disp (Disp8|Disp16|Disp32) /* General displacement */
+#define DispUnknown Disp32 /* for unknown size displacements */
+#define Mem8 0x1000
+#define Mem16 0x2000
+#define Mem32 0x4000
+#define BaseIndex 0x8000
+#define Mem (Disp|Mem8|Mem16|Mem32|BaseIndex) /* General memory */
+#define WordMem (Mem16|Mem32|Disp|BaseIndex)
+#define ByteMem (Mem8|Disp|BaseIndex)
+/* specials */
+#define InOutPortReg 0x10000 /* register to hold in/out port addr = dx */
+#define ShiftCount 0x20000 /* register to hold shift cound = cl */
+#define Control 0x40000 /* Control register */
+#define Debug 0x80000 /* Debug register */
+#define Test 0x100000 /* Test register */
+#define FloatReg 0x200000 /* Float register */
+#define FloatAcc 0x400000 /* Float stack top %st(0) */
+#define SReg2 0x800000 /* 2 bit segment register */
+#define SReg3 0x1000000 /* 3 bit segment register */
+#define Acc 0x2000000 /* Accumulator %al or %ax or %eax */
+#define ImplicitRegister (InOutPortReg|ShiftCount|Acc|FloatAcc)
+#define JumpAbsolute 0x4000000
+#define Abs8 0x08000000
+#define Abs16 0x10000000
+#define Abs32 0x20000000
+#define Abs (Abs8|Abs16|Abs32)
+#define MODE_FROM_DISP_SIZE(t) \
+ ((t&(Disp8)) ? 1 : \
+ ((t&(Disp32)) ? 2 : 0))
+#define Byte (Reg8|Imm8|Imm8S)
+#define Word (Reg16|Imm16)
+#define DWord (Reg32|Imm32)
+/* convert opcode suffix ('b' 'w' 'l' typically) into type specifyer */
+ (s == BYTE_OPCODE_SUFFIX ? Byte : \
+ (s == WORD_OPCODE_SUFFIX ? Word : DWord))
+#define FITS_IN_SIGNED_BYTE(num) ((num) >= -128 && (num) <= 127)
+#define FITS_IN_UNSIGNED_BYTE(num) ((num) >= 0 && (num) <= 255)
+#define FITS_IN_UNSIGNED_WORD(num) ((num) >= 0 && (num) <= 65535)
+#define FITS_IN_SIGNED_WORD(num) ((num) >= -32768 && (num) <= 32767)
+#define SMALLEST_DISP_TYPE(num) \
+ FITS_IN_SIGNED_BYTE(num) ? (Disp8|Disp32|Abs8|Abs32) : (Disp32|Abs32)
+#define SMALLEST_IMM_TYPE(num) \
+ (num == 1) ? (Imm1|Imm8|Imm8S|Imm16|Imm32): \
+ FITS_IN_SIGNED_BYTE(num) ? (Imm8S|Imm8|Imm16|Imm32) : \
+ FITS_IN_UNSIGNED_BYTE(num) ? (Imm8|Imm16|Imm32): \
+ (FITS_IN_SIGNED_WORD(num)||FITS_IN_UNSIGNED_WORD(num)) ? (Imm16|Imm32) : \
+ (Imm32)
+typedef struct {
+ /* instruction name sans width suffix ("mov" for movl insns) */
+ char *name;
+ /* how many operands */
+ unsigned int operands;
+ /* base_opcode is the fundamental opcode byte with a optional prefix(es). */
+ unsigned int base_opcode;
+ /* extension_opcode is the 3 bit extension for group <n> insns.
+ If this template has no extension opcode (the usual case) use None */
+ unsigned char extension_opcode;
+#define None 0xff /* If no extension_opcode is possible. */
+ /* the bits in opcode_modifier are used to generate the final opcode from
+ the base_opcode. These bits also are used to detect alternate forms of
+ the same instruction */
+ unsigned int opcode_modifier;
+/* opcode_modifier bits: */
+#define W 0x1 /* set if operands are words or dwords */
+#define D 0x2 /* D = 0 if Reg --> Regmem; D = 1 if Regmem --> Reg */
+/* direction flag for floating insns: MUST BE 0x400 */
+#define FloatD 0x400
+/* shorthand */
+#define DW (D|W)
+#define ShortForm 0x10 /* register is in low 3 bits of opcode */
+#define ShortFormW 0x20 /* ShortForm and W bit is 0x8 */
+#define Seg2ShortForm 0x40 /* encoding of load segment reg insns */
+#define Seg3ShortForm 0x80 /* fs/gs segment register insns. */
+#define Jump 0x100 /* special case for jump insns. */
+#define JumpInterSegment 0x200 /* special case for intersegment leaps/calls */
+/* 0x400 CANNOT BE USED since it's already used by FloatD above */
+#define DONT_USE 0x400
+#define NoModrm 0x800
+#define Modrm 0x1000
+#define imulKludge 0x2000
+#define JumpByte 0x4000
+#define JumpDword 0x8000
+#define ReverseRegRegmem 0x10000
+ /* (opcode_modifier & COMES_IN_ALL_SIZES) is true if the
+ instuction comes in byte, word, and dword sizes and is encoded into
+ machine code in the canonical way. */
+ /* (opcode_modifier & COMES_IN_BOTH_DIRECTIONS) indicates that the
+ source and destination operands can be reversed by setting either
+ the D (for integer insns) or the FloatD (for floating insns) bit
+ in base_opcode. */
+ /* operand_types[i] describes the type of operand i. This is made
+ by OR'ing together all of the possible type masks. (e.g.
+ 'operand_types[i] = Reg|Imm' specifies that operand i can be
+ either a register or an immediate operand */
+ unsigned int operand_types[3];
+} template;
+ 'templates' is for grouping together 'template' structures for opcodes
+ of the same name. This is only used for storing the insns in the grand
+ ole hash table of insns.
+ The templates themselves start at START and range up to (but not including)
+ END.
+typedef struct {
+ template *start;
+ template *end;
+} templates;
+/* these are for register name --> number & type hash lookup */
+typedef struct {
+ char * reg_name;
+ unsigned int reg_type;
+ unsigned int reg_num;
+} reg_entry;
+typedef struct {
+ char * seg_name;
+ unsigned int seg_prefix;
+} seg_entry;
+/* these are for prefix name --> prefix code hash lookup */
+typedef struct {
+ char * prefix_name;
+ unsigned char prefix_code;
+} prefix_entry;
+/* 386 operand encoding bytes: see 386 book for details of this. */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned regmem:3; /* codes register or memory operand */
+ unsigned reg:3; /* codes register operand (or extended opcode) */
+ unsigned mode:2; /* how to interpret regmem & reg */
+} modrm_byte;
+/* 386 opcode byte to code indirect addressing. */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned base:3;
+ unsigned index:3;
+ unsigned scale:2;
+} base_index_byte;
+/* end of tc-i386.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-i860.c b/gas/config/tc-i860.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9dd84c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-i860.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1255 @@
+/* i860.c -- Assemble for the I860
+ Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "i860-opcode.h"
+/* incorporated from i860.h */
+enum reloc_type /* NOTE: three bits max, see struct reloc_info_i860.r_type */
+enum highlow_type /* NOTE: two bits max, see reloc_info_i860.r_type */
+struct reloc_info_i860
+ unsigned long r_address;
+ * Using bit fields here is a bad idea because the order is not portable. :-(
+ */
+ unsigned int r_symbolnum: 24;
+ unsigned int r_pcrel : 1;
+ unsigned int r_extern : 1;
+ /* combining the two field simplifies the argument passing in "new_fix()" */
+ /* and is compatible with the existing Sparc #ifdef's */
+ /* r_type: highlow_type - bits 5,4; reloc_type - bits 3-0 */
+ unsigned int r_type : 6;
+ long r_addend;
+#define relocation_info reloc_info_i860
+void md_begin();
+void md_end();
+void md_number_to_chars();
+void md_assemble();
+char *md_atof();
+void md_convert_frag();
+void md_create_short_jump();
+void md_create_long_jump();
+int md_estimate_size_before_relax();
+void md_number_to_imm();
+void md_number_to_disp();
+void md_number_to_field();
+void md_ri_to_chars();
+static void i860_ip();
+void emit_machine_reloc();
+int md_reloc_size = sizeof(struct relocation_info);
+void (*md_emit_relocations)() = emit_machine_reloc;
+const relax_typeS md_relax_table[] = { 0 };
+/* handle of the OPCODE hash table */
+static struct hash_control *op_hash = NULL;
+static void s_dual(), s_enddual();
+static void s_atmp();
+const pseudo_typeS
+md_pseudo_table[] = {
+ { "dual", s_dual, 4 },
+ { "enddual", s_enddual, 4 },
+ { "atmp", s_atmp, 4 },
+ { NULL, 0, 0 },
+int md_short_jump_size = 4;
+int md_long_jump_size = 4;
+/* This array holds the chars that always start a comment. If the
+ pre-processor is disabled, these aren't very useful */
+char comment_chars[] = "!/"; /* JF removed '|' from comment_chars */
+/* This array holds the chars that only start a comment at the beginning of
+ a line. If the line seems to have the form '# 123 filename'
+ .line and .file directives will appear in the pre-processed output */
+/* Note that input_file.c hand checks for '#' at the beginning of the
+ first line of the input file. This is because the compiler outputs
+ #NO_APP at the beginning of its output. */
+/* Also note that comments like this one will always work. */
+char line_comment_chars[] = "#/";
+/* Chars that can be used to separate mant from exp in floating point nums */
+char EXP_CHARS[] = "eE";
+/* Chars that mean this number is a floating point constant */
+/* As in 0f12.456 */
+/* or 0d1.2345e12 */
+char FLT_CHARS[] = "rRsSfFdDxXpP";
+/* Also be aware that MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CHARS_FOR_FLOAT may have to be
+ changed in read.c . Ideally it shouldn't have to know about it at all,
+ but nothing is ideal around here.
+ */
+int size_reloc_info = sizeof(struct relocation_info);
+static unsigned char octal[256];
+#define isoctal(c) octal[c]
+static unsigned char toHex[256];
+struct i860_it {
+ char *error;
+ unsigned long opcode;
+ struct nlist *nlistp;
+ expressionS exp;
+ int pcrel;
+ enum expand_type expand;
+ enum highlow_type highlow;
+ enum reloc_type reloc;
+} the_insn;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static void print_insn(struct i860_it *insn);
+static int getExpression(char *str);
+static void print_insn();
+static int getExpression();
+static char *expr_end;
+static char last_expand; /* error if expansion after branch */
+enum dual
+static enum dual dual_mode = DUAL_OFF; /* dual-instruction mode */
+static void
+s_dual() /* floating point instructions have dual set */
+ dual_mode = DUAL_ON;
+static void
+s_enddual() /* floating point instructions have dual set */
+ dual_mode = DUAL_OFF;
+static int atmp = 31; /* temporary register for pseudo's */
+static void
+ register int temp;
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, "sp", 2) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 2;
+ atmp = 2;
+ }
+ else if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, "fp", 2) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 2;
+ atmp = 3;
+ }
+ else if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, "r", 1) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 1;
+ temp = get_absolute_expression();
+ if (temp >= 0 && temp <= 31)
+ atmp = temp;
+ else
+ as_bad("Unknown temporary pseudo register");
+ }
+ else {
+ as_bad("Unknown temporary pseudo register");
+ }
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+/* This function is called once, at assembler startup time. It should
+ set up all the tables, etc. that the MD part of the assembler will need. */
+ register char *retval = NULL;
+ int lose = 0;
+ register unsigned int i = 0;
+ op_hash = hash_new();
+ if (op_hash == NULL)
+ as_fatal("Virtual memory exhausted");
+ while (i < NUMOPCODES)
+ {
+ const char *name = i860_opcodes[i].name;
+ retval = hash_insert(op_hash, name, &i860_opcodes[i]);
+ if(retval != NULL && *retval != '\0')
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "internal error: can't hash `%s': %s\n",
+ i860_opcodes[i].name, retval);
+ lose = 1;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ if (i860_opcodes[i].match & i860_opcodes[i].lose)
+ {
+ fprintf (stderr, "internal error: losing opcode: `%s' \"%s\"\n",
+ i860_opcodes[i].name, i860_opcodes[i].args);
+ lose = 1;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ } while (i < NUMOPCODES
+ && !strcmp(i860_opcodes[i].name, name));
+ }
+ if (lose)
+ as_fatal("Broken assembler. No assembly attempted.");
+ for (i = '0'; i < '8'; ++i)
+ octal[i] = 1;
+ for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; ++i)
+ toHex[i] = i - '0';
+ for (i = 'a'; i <= 'f'; ++i)
+ toHex[i] = i + 10 - 'a';
+ for (i = 'A'; i <= 'F'; ++i)
+ toHex[i] = i + 10 - 'A';
+ return;
+ char *str;
+ char *toP;
+ int rsd;
+ int no_opcodes = 1;
+ int i;
+ struct i860_it pseudo[3];
+ assert(str);
+ i860_ip(str);
+ /* check for expandable flag to produce pseudo-instructions */
+ if (the_insn.expand != 0 && the_insn.highlow == NO_SPEC) {
+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ pseudo[i] = the_insn;
+ switch (the_insn.expand) {
+ case E_DELAY:
+ no_opcodes = 1;
+ break;
+ case E_MOV:
+ if (the_insn.exp.X_add_symbol == NULL &&
+ the_insn.exp.X_subtract_symbol == NULL &&
+ (the_insn.exp.X_add_number < (1 << 15) &&
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_number >= -(1 << 15)))
+ break;
+ /* or l%const,r0,ireg_dest */
+ pseudo[0].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & 0x001f0000) | 0xe4000000;
+ pseudo[0].highlow = PAIR;
+ /* orh h%const,ireg_dest,ireg_dest */
+ pseudo[1].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & 0x03ffffff) | 0xec000000 |
+ ((the_insn.opcode & 0x001f0000) << 5);
+ pseudo[1].highlow = HIGH;
+ no_opcodes = 2;
+ break;
+ case E_ADDR:
+ if (the_insn.exp.X_add_symbol == NULL &&
+ the_insn.exp.X_subtract_symbol == NULL)
+ break;
+ /* orh ha%addr_expr,r0,r31 */
+ pseudo[0].opcode = 0xec000000 | (atmp<<16);
+ pseudo[0].highlow = HIGHADJ;
+ pseudo[0].reloc = LOW0; /* must overwrite */
+ /* l%addr_expr(r31),ireg_dest */
+ pseudo[1].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & ~0x003e0000) | (atmp << 21);
+ pseudo[1].highlow = PAIR;
+ no_opcodes = 2;
+ break;
+ case E_U32: /* 2nd version emulates Intel as, not doc. */
+ if (the_insn.exp.X_add_symbol == NULL &&
+ the_insn.exp.X_subtract_symbol == NULL &&
+ (the_insn.exp.X_add_number < (1 << 16) &&
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_number >= 0))
+ break;
+ /* $(opcode)h h%const,ireg_src2,ireg_dest
+ pseudo[0].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & 0xf3ffffff) | 0x0c000000; */
+ /* $(opcode)h h%const,ireg_src2,r31 */
+ pseudo[0].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & 0xf3e0ffff) | 0x0c000000 |
+ (atmp << 16);
+ pseudo[0].highlow = HIGH;
+ /* $(opcode) l%const,ireg_dest,ireg_dest
+ pseudo[1].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & 0xf01f0000) | 0x04000000 |
+ ((the_insn.opcode & 0x001f0000) << 5); */
+ /* $(opcode) l%const,r31,ireg_dest */
+ pseudo[1].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & 0xf01f0000) | 0x04000000 |
+ (atmp << 21);
+ pseudo[1].highlow = PAIR;
+ no_opcodes = 2;
+ break;
+ case E_AND: /* 2nd version emulates Intel as, not doc. */
+ if (the_insn.exp.X_add_symbol == NULL &&
+ the_insn.exp.X_subtract_symbol == NULL &&
+ (the_insn.exp.X_add_number < (1 << 16) &&
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_number >= 0))
+ break;
+ /* andnot h%const,ireg_src2,ireg_dest
+ pseudo[0].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & 0x03ffffff) | 0xd4000000; */
+ /* andnot h%const,ireg_src2,r31 */
+ pseudo[0].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & 0x03e0ffff) | 0xd4000000 |
+ (atmp << 16);
+ pseudo[0].highlow = HIGH;
+ pseudo[0].exp.X_add_number = -1 - the_insn.exp.X_add_number;
+ /* andnot l%const,ireg_dest,ireg_dest
+ pseudo[1].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & 0x001f0000) | 0xd4000000 |
+ ((the_insn.opcode & 0x001f0000) << 5); */
+ /* andnot l%const,r31,ireg_dest */
+ pseudo[1].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & 0x001f0000) | 0xd4000000 |
+ (atmp << 21);
+ pseudo[1].highlow = PAIR;
+ pseudo[1].exp.X_add_number = -1 - the_insn.exp.X_add_number;
+ no_opcodes = 2;
+ break;
+ case E_S32:
+ if (the_insn.exp.X_add_symbol == NULL &&
+ the_insn.exp.X_subtract_symbol == NULL &&
+ (the_insn.exp.X_add_number < (1 << 15) &&
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_number >= -(1 << 15)))
+ break;
+ /* orh h%const,r0,r31 */
+ pseudo[0].opcode = 0xec000000 | (atmp << 16);
+ pseudo[0].highlow = HIGH;
+ /* or l%const,r31,r31 */
+ pseudo[1].opcode = 0xe4000000 | (atmp << 21) | (atmp << 16);
+ pseudo[1].highlow = PAIR;
+ /* r31,ireg_src2,ireg_dest */
+ pseudo[2].opcode = (the_insn.opcode & ~0x0400ffff) | (atmp << 11);
+ pseudo[2].reloc = NO_RELOC;
+ no_opcodes = 3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ the_insn = pseudo[0];
+ /* check for expanded opcode after branch or in dual */
+ if (no_opcodes > 1 && last_expand == 1)
+ as_warn("Expanded opcode after delayed branch: `%s'", str);
+ if (no_opcodes > 1 && dual_mode != DUAL_OFF)
+ as_warn("Expanded opcode in dual mode: `%s'", str);
+ }
+ i = 0;
+ do { /* always produce at least one opcode */
+ toP = frag_more(4);
+ /* put out the opcode */
+ md_number_to_chars(toP, the_insn.opcode, 4);
+ /* check for expanded opcode after branch or in dual */
+ last_expand = the_insn.pcrel;
+ /* put out the symbol-dependent stuff */
+ if (the_insn.reloc != NO_RELOC) {
+ fix_new(
+ frag_now, /* which frag */
+ (toP - frag_now->fr_literal), /* where */
+ 4, /* size */
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_symbol,
+ the_insn.exp.X_subtract_symbol,
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_number,
+ the_insn.pcrel,
+ /* merge bit fields into one argument */
+ (int)(((the_insn.highlow & 0x3) << 4) | (the_insn.reloc & 0xf))
+ );
+ }
+ the_insn = pseudo[++i];
+ } while (--no_opcodes > 0);
+static void
+ char *str;
+ char *s;
+ const char *args;
+ char c;
+ unsigned long i;
+ struct i860_opcode *insn;
+ char *argsStart;
+ unsigned long opcode;
+ unsigned int mask;
+ int match = 0;
+ int comma = 0;
+ for (s = str; islower(*s) || *s == '.' || *s == '3'; ++s)
+ ;
+ switch (*s) {
+ case '\0':
+ break;
+ case ',':
+ comma = 1;
+ case ' ':
+ *s++ = '\0';
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("Unknown opcode: `%s'", str);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (strncmp(str, "d.", 2) == 0) { /* check for d. opcode prefix */
+ if (dual_mode == DUAL_ON)
+ dual_mode = DUAL_ONDDOT;
+ else
+ dual_mode = DUAL_DDOT;
+ str += 2;
+ }
+ if ((insn = (struct i860_opcode *) hash_find(op_hash, str)) == NULL) {
+ if (dual_mode == DUAL_DDOT || dual_mode == DUAL_ONDDOT)
+ str -= 2;
+ as_bad("Unknown opcode: `%s'", str);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (comma) {
+ *--s = ',';
+ }
+ argsStart = s;
+ for (;;) {
+ opcode = insn->match;
+ bzero(&the_insn, sizeof(the_insn));
+ the_insn.reloc = NO_RELOC;
+ /*
+ * Build the opcode, checking as we go to make
+ * sure that the operands match
+ */
+ for (args = insn->args; ; ++args) {
+ switch (*args) {
+ case '\0': /* end of args */
+ if (*s == '\0') {
+ match = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ case '(': /* these must match exactly */
+ case ')':
+ case ',':
+ case ' ':
+ if (*s++ == *args)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ case '#': /* must be at least one digit */
+ if (isdigit(*s++)) {
+ while (isdigit(*s)) {
+ ++s;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '1': /* next operand must be a register */
+ case '2':
+ case 'd':
+ switch (*s) {
+ case 'f': /* frame pointer */
+ s++;
+ if (*s++ == 'p') {
+ mask = 0x3;
+ break;
+ }
+ goto error;
+ case 's': /* stack pointer */
+ s++;
+ if (*s++ == 'p') {
+ mask= 0x2;
+ break;
+ }
+ goto error;
+ case 'r': /* any register */
+ s++;
+ if (!isdigit(c = *s++)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if (isdigit(*s)) {
+ if ((c = 10 * (c - '0') + (*s++ - '0')) >= 32) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ } else {
+ c -= '0';
+ }
+ mask= c;
+ break;
+ default: /* not this opcode */
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Got the register, now figure out where
+ * it goes in the opcode.
+ */
+ switch (*args) {
+ case '1':
+ opcode |= mask << 11;
+ continue;
+ case '2':
+ opcode |= mask << 21;
+ continue;
+ case 'd':
+ opcode |= mask << 16;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e': /* next operand is a floating point register */
+ case 'f':
+ case 'g':
+ if (*s++ == 'f' && isdigit(*s)) {
+ mask = *s++;
+ if (isdigit(*s)) {
+ mask = 10 * (mask - '0') + (*s++ - '0');
+ if (mask >= 32) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ mask -= '0';
+ }
+ switch (*args) {
+ case 'e':
+ opcode |= mask << 11;
+ continue;
+ case 'f':
+ opcode |= mask << 21;
+ continue;
+ case 'g':
+ opcode |= mask << 16;
+ if (dual_mode != DUAL_OFF)
+ opcode |= (1 << 9); /* dual mode instruction */
+ if (dual_mode == DUAL_DDOT)
+ dual_mode = DUAL_OFF;
+ if (dual_mode == DUAL_ONDDOT)
+ dual_mode = DUAL_ON;
+ if ((opcode & (1 << 10)) && (mask == ((opcode >> 11) & 0x1f)))
+ as_warn("Fsr1 equals fdest with Pipelining");
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c': /* next operand must be a control register */
+ if (strncmp(s, "fir", 3) == 0) {
+ opcode |= 0x0 << 21;
+ s += 3;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(s, "psr", 3) == 0) {
+ opcode |= 0x1 << 21;
+ s += 3;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(s, "dirbase", 7) == 0) {
+ opcode |= 0x2 << 21;
+ s += 7;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(s, "db", 2) == 0) {
+ opcode |= 0x3 << 21;
+ s += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(s, "fsr", 3) == 0) {
+ opcode |= 0x4 << 21;
+ s += 3;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(s, "epsr", 4) == 0) {
+ opcode |= 0x5 << 21;
+ s += 4;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '5': /* 5 bit immediate in src1 */
+ bzero(&the_insn, sizeof(the_insn));
+ if ( !getExpression(s)) {
+ s = expr_end;
+ if (the_insn.exp.X_add_number & ~0x1f)
+ as_bad("5-bit immediate too large");
+ opcode |= (the_insn.exp.X_add_number & 0x1f) << 11;
+ bzero(&the_insn, sizeof(the_insn));
+ the_insn.reloc = NO_RELOC;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'l': /* 26 bit immediate, relative branch */
+ the_insn.reloc = BRADDR;
+ the_insn.pcrel = 1;
+ goto immediate;
+ case 's': /* 16 bit immediate, split relative branch */
+ /* upper 5 bits of offset in dest field */
+ the_insn.pcrel = 1;
+ the_insn.reloc = SPLIT0;
+ goto immediate;
+ case 'S': /* 16 bit immediate, split (st), aligned */
+ if (opcode & (1 << 28))
+ if (opcode & 0x1)
+ the_insn.reloc = SPLIT2;
+ else
+ the_insn.reloc = SPLIT1;
+ else
+ the_insn.reloc = SPLIT0;
+ goto immediate;
+ case 'I': /* 16 bit immediate, aligned */
+ if (opcode & (1 << 28))
+ if (opcode & 0x1)
+ the_insn.reloc = LOW2;
+ else
+ the_insn.reloc = LOW1;
+ else
+ the_insn.reloc = LOW0;
+ goto immediate;
+ case 'i': /* 16 bit immediate */
+ the_insn.reloc = LOW0;
+ immediate:
+ if(*s==' ')
+ s++;
+ if (strncmp(s, "ha%", 3) == 0) {
+ the_insn.highlow = HIGHADJ;
+ s += 3;
+ } else if (strncmp(s, "h%", 2) == 0) {
+ the_insn.highlow = HIGH;
+ s += 2;
+ } else if (strncmp(s, "l%", 2) == 0) {
+ the_insn.highlow = PAIR;
+ s += 2;
+ }
+ the_insn.expand = insn->expand;
+ /* Note that if the getExpression() fails, we will still have
+ created U entries in the symbol table for the 'symbols'
+ in the input string. Try not to create U symbols for
+ registers, etc. */
+ if ( !getExpression(s)) {
+ s = expr_end;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ error:
+ if (match == 0)
+ {
+ /* Args don't match. */
+ if (&insn[1] - i860_opcodes < NUMOPCODES
+ && !strcmp(insn->name, insn[1].name))
+ {
+ ++insn;
+ s = argsStart;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_bad("Illegal operands");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ the_insn.opcode = opcode;
+ return;
+static int
+ char *str;
+ char *save_in;
+ segT seg;
+ save_in = input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer = str;
+ switch (seg = expression(&the_insn.exp)) {
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ case SEG_BIG:
+ case SEG_ABSENT:
+ break;
+ default:
+ the_insn.error = "bad segment";
+ expr_end = input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer=save_in;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ expr_end = input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer = save_in;
+ return 0;
+ This is identical to the md_atof in m68k.c. I think this is right,
+ but I'm not sure.
+ Turn a string in input_line_pointer into a floating point constant of type
+ type, and store the appropriate bytes in *litP. The number of LITTLENUMS
+ emitted is stored in *sizeP . An error message is returned, or NULL on OK.
+ */
+/* Equal to MAX_PRECISION in atof-ieee.c */
+char *
+ char type;
+ char *litP;
+ int *sizeP;
+ int prec;
+ char *t;
+ char *atof_ieee();
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ prec = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'r':
+ case 'R':
+ prec = 4;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ prec = 6;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P':
+ prec = 6;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *sizeP=0;
+ return "Bad call to MD_ATOF()";
+ }
+ t=atof_ieee(input_line_pointer,type,words);
+ if(t)
+ input_line_pointer=t;
+ *sizeP=prec * sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ for(wordP=words;prec--;) {
+ md_number_to_chars(litP,(long)(*wordP++),sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ litP+=sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ }
+ return ""; /* Someone should teach Dean about null pointers */
+ * Write out big-endian.
+ */
+ char *buf;
+ long val;
+ int n;
+ switch(n) {
+ case 4:
+ *buf++ = val >> 24;
+ *buf++ = val >> 16;
+ case 2:
+ *buf++ = val >> 8;
+ case 1:
+ *buf = val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ return;
+void md_number_to_imm(buf,val,n, fixP)
+ char *buf;
+ long val;
+ int n;
+ fixS *fixP;
+ enum reloc_type reloc = fixP->fx_r_type & 0xf;
+ enum highlow_type highlow = (fixP->fx_r_type >> 4) & 0x3;
+ assert(buf);
+ assert(n == 4); /* always on i860 */
+ switch(highlow)
+ {
+ case HIGHADJ: /* adjusts the high-order 16-bits */
+ if (val & (1 << 15))
+ val += (1 << 16);
+ case HIGH: /* selects the high-order 16-bits */
+ val >>= 16;
+ break;
+ case PAIR: /* selects the low-order 16-bits */
+ val = val & 0xffff;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ switch(reloc)
+ {
+ case BRADDR: /* br,call,bc,bc.t,bnc,bnc.t w/26-bit immediate */
+ if (fixP->fx_pcrel != 1)
+ as_bad("26-bit branch w/o pc relative set: 0x%08x", val);
+ val >>= 2; /* align pcrel offset, see manual */
+ if (val >= (1 << 25) || val < -(1 << 25)) /* check for overflow */
+ as_bad("26-bit branch offset overflow: 0x%08x", val);
+ buf[0] = (buf[0] & 0xfc) | ((val >> 24) & 0x3);
+ buf[1] = val >> 16;
+ buf[2] = val >> 8;
+ buf[3] = val;
+ break;
+ case SPLIT2: /* 16 bit immediate, 4-byte aligned */
+ if (val & 0x3)
+ as_bad("16-bit immediate 4-byte alignment error: 0x%08x", val);
+ val &= ~0x3; /* 4-byte align value */
+ case SPLIT1: /* 16 bit immediate, 2-byte aligned */
+ if (val & 0x1)
+ as_bad("16-bit immediate 2-byte alignment error: 0x%08x", val);
+ val &= ~0x1; /* 2-byte align value */
+ case SPLIT0: /* st,bla,bte,btne w/16-bit immediate */
+ if (fixP->fx_pcrel == 1)
+ val >>= 2; /* align pcrel offset, see manual */
+ /* check for bounds */
+ if (highlow != PAIR && (val >= (1 << 16) || val < -(1 << 15)))
+ as_bad("16-bit branch offset overflow: 0x%08x", val);
+ buf[1] = (buf[1] & ~0x1f) | ((val >> 11) & 0x1f);
+ buf[2] = (buf[2] & ~0x7) | ((val >> 8) & 0x7);
+ buf[3] |= val; /* perserve bottom opcode bits */
+ break;
+ case LOW4: /* fld,pfld,pst,flush 16-byte aligned */
+ if (val & 0xf)
+ as_bad("16-bit immediate 16-byte alignment error: 0x%08x", val);
+ val &= ~0xf; /* 16-byte align value */
+ case LOW3: /* fld,pfld,pst,flush 8-byte aligned */
+ if (val & 0x7)
+ as_bad("16-bit immediate 8-byte alignment error: 0x%08x", val);
+ val &= ~0x7; /* 8-byte align value */
+ case LOW2: /* 16 bit immediate, 4-byte aligned */
+ if (val & 0x3)
+ as_bad("16-bit immediate 4-byte alignment error: 0x%08x", val);
+ val &= ~0x3; /* 4-byte align value */
+ case LOW1: /* 16 bit immediate, 2-byte aligned */
+ if (val & 0x1)
+ as_bad("16-bit immediate 2-byte alignment error: 0x%08x", val);
+ val &= ~0x1; /* 2-byte align value */
+ case LOW0: /* 16 bit immediate, byte aligned */
+ /* check for bounds */
+ if (highlow != PAIR && (val >= (1 << 16) || val < -(1 << 15)))
+ as_bad("16-bit immediate overflow: 0x%08x", val);
+ buf[2] = val >> 8;
+ buf[3] |= val; /* perserve bottom opcode bits */
+ break;
+ case NO_RELOC:
+ default:
+ as_bad("bad relocation type: 0x%02x", reloc);
+ break;
+ }
+ return;
+/* should never be called for i860 */
+md_create_short_jump(ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+ char *ptr;
+ long from_addr, to_addr;
+fragS *frag;
+symbolS *to_symbol;
+ fprintf(stderr, "i860_create_short_jmp\n");
+ abort();
+/* should never be called for i860 */
+ char *buf;
+ long val;
+ fprintf(stderr, "md_number_to_disp\n");
+ abort();
+/* should never be called for i860 */
+ char *buf;
+ long val;
+ void *fix;
+ fprintf(stderr, "i860_number_to_field\n");
+ abort();
+/* the bit-field entries in the relocation_info struct plays hell
+ with the byte-order problems of cross-assembly. So as a hack,
+ I added this mach. dependent ri twiddler. Ugly, but it gets
+ you there. -KWK */
+/* on i860: first 4 bytes are normal unsigned long address, next three
+ bytes are index, most sig. byte first. Byte 7 is broken up with
+ bit 7 as pcrel, bit 6 as extern, and the lower six bits as
+ relocation type (highlow 5-4). Next 4 bytes are long addend. */
+/* Thanx and a tip of the hat to Michael Bloom, mb@ttidca.tti.com */
+md_ri_to_chars(ri_p, ri)
+ struct relocation_info *ri_p, ri;
+#if 0
+ unsigned char the_bytes[sizeof(*ri_p)];
+ /* this is easy */
+ md_number_to_chars(the_bytes, ri.r_address, sizeof(ri.r_address));
+ /* now the fun stuff */
+ the_bytes[4] = (ri.r_index >> 16) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[5] = (ri.r_index >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[6] = ri.r_index & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[7] = ((ri.r_extern << 7) & 0x80) | (0 & 0x60) | (ri.r_type & 0x1F);
+ /* Also easy */
+ md_number_to_chars(&the_bytes[8], ri.r_addend, sizeof(ri.r_addend));
+ /* now put it back where you found it, Junior... */
+ bcopy (the_bytes, (char *)ri_p, sizeof(*ri_p));
+/* should never be called for i860 */
+ register fragS *fragP;
+ fprintf(stderr, "i860_convert_frag\n");
+ abort();
+/* should never be called for i860 */
+md_create_long_jump(ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+ char *ptr;
+ long from_addr,
+ to_addr;
+ fragS *frag;
+ symbolS *to_symbol;
+ fprintf(stderr, "i860_create_long_jump\n");
+ abort();
+/* should never be called for i860 */
+md_estimate_size_before_relax(fragP, segtype)
+ register fragS *fragP;
+segT segtype;
+ fprintf(stderr, "i860_estimate_size_before_relax\n");
+ abort();
+ return 0;
+/* for debugging only, must match enum reloc_type */
+static char *Reloc[] = {
+ "LOW0",
+ "LOW1",
+ "LOW2",
+ "LOW3",
+ "LOW4",
+ "SPLIT0",
+ "SPLIT1",
+ "SPLIT2",
+ "RELOC_32",
+static char *Highlow[] = {
+ "NO_SPEC",
+ "PAIR",
+ "HIGH",
+static void
+ struct i860_it *insn;
+ if (insn->error) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "opcode=0x%08x\t", insn->opcode);
+ fprintf(stderr, "expand=0x%08x\t", insn->expand);
+ fprintf(stderr, "reloc = %s\t", Reloc[insn->reloc]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "highlow = %s\n", Highlow[insn->highlow]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "exp = {\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t\tX_add_symbol = %s\n",
+ insn->exp.X_add_symbol ?
+ (S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_add_symbol) ?
+ S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_add_symbol) : "???") : "0");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t\tX_sub_symbol = %s\n",
+ insn->exp.X_subtract_symbol ?
+ (S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_subtract_symbol) ?
+ S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_subtract_symbol) : "???") : "0");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t\tX_add_number = %d\n",
+ insn->exp.X_add_number);
+ fprintf(stderr, "}\n");
+ return;
+ char **argP;
+ int *cntP;
+ char ***vecP;
+ return 1;
+ * I860 relocations are completely different, so it needs
+ * this machine dependent routine to emit them.
+ */
+emit_machine_reloc(fixP, segment_address_in_file)
+ register fixS *fixP;
+ relax_addressT segment_address_in_file;
+ struct reloc_info_i860 ri;
+ register symbolS *symbolP;
+ extern char *next_object_file_charP;
+ long add_number;
+ bzero((char *) &ri, sizeof(ri));
+ for (; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next) {
+ if (fixP->fx_r_type & ~0x3f) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "fixP->fx_r_type = %d\n", fixP->fx_r_type);
+ abort();
+ }
+ ri.r_pcrel = fixP->fx_pcrel;
+ ri.r_type = fixP->fx_r_type;
+ if ((symbolP = fixP->fx_addsy) != NULL) {
+ ri.r_address = fixP->fx_frag->fr_address +
+ fixP->fx_where - segment_address_in_file;
+ if ((symbolP->sy_type & N_TYPE) == N_UNDF) {
+ ri.r_extern = 1;
+ ri.r_symbolnum = symbolP->sy_number;
+ } else {
+ ri.r_extern = 0;
+ ri.r_symbolnum = symbolP->sy_type & N_TYPE;
+ }
+ if (symbolP && symbolP->sy_frag) {
+ ri.r_addend = symbolP->sy_frag->fr_address;
+ }
+ ri.r_type = fixP->fx_r_type;
+ if (fixP->fx_pcrel) {
+ /* preserve actual offset vs. pc + 4 */
+ ri.r_addend -= (ri.r_address + 4);
+ } else {
+ ri.r_addend = fixP->fx_addnumber;
+ }
+ md_ri_to_chars((char *) &ri, ri);
+ append(&next_object_file_charP, (char *)& ri, sizeof(ri));
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+/* Parse an operand that is machine-specific.
+ We just return without modifying the expression if we have nothing
+ to do. */
+md_operand (expressionP)
+ expressionS *expressionP;
+/* We have no need to default values of symbols. */
+symbolS *
+md_undefined_symbol (name)
+ char *name;
+ return 0;
+/* Round up a section size to the appropriate boundary. */
+md_section_align (segment, size)
+ segT segment;
+ long size;
+ return size; /* Byte alignment is fine */
+/* Exactly what point is a PC-relative offset relative TO?
+ On the i860, they're relative to the address of the offset, plus
+ its size. (??? Is this right? FIXME-SOON!) */
+md_pcrel_from (fixP)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ return fixP->fx_size + fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
+md_apply_fix(fixP, val)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ long val;
+ char *place = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal;
+ if (!fixP->fx_bit_fixP) {
+ switch (fixP->fx_im_disp) {
+ case 0:
+ fixP->fx_addnumber = val;
+ md_number_to_imm(place, val, fixP->fx_size, fixP);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ md_number_to_disp (place,
+ fixP->fx_pcrel ? val+fixP->fx_pcrel_adjust:val,
+ fixP->fx_size);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* fix requested for .long .word etc */
+ md_number_to_chars (place, val, fixP->fx_size);
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Internal error in md_apply_fix() in file \"%s\"", __FILE__);
+ } /* OVE: maybe one ought to put _imm _disp _chars in one md-func */
+ } else {
+ md_number_to_field (place, val, fixP->fx_bit_fixP);
+ }
+ return;
+} /* md_apply_fix() */
+ * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.1 1991/04/04 18:16:48 rich
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ * Revision 1.2 1991/03/30 17:11:32 rich
+ * Updated md_create_short_jump calling protocol.
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * comment-column: 0
+ */
+/* end of i860.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-i860.h b/gas/config/tc-i860.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fc6514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-i860.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ * This file is tc-i860.h.
+ */
+#define TC_I860 1
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tc-i860.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-i960.c b/gas/config/tc-i960.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a32325b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-i960.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2800 @@
+/* i960.c - All the i80960-specific stuff
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+/* See comment on md_parse_option for 80960-specific invocation options. */
+ * i80690 NOTE!!!:
+ * Header, symbol, and relocation info will be used on the host machine
+ * only -- only executable code is actually downloaded to the i80960.
+ * Therefore, leave all such information in host byte order.
+ *
+ * (That's a slight lie -- we DO download some header information, but
+ * the downloader converts the file format and corrects the byte-ordering
+ * of the relevant fields while doing so.)
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************** */
+/* There are 4 different lengths of (potentially) symbol-based displacements
+ * in the 80960 instruction set, each of which could require address fix-ups
+ * and (in the case of external symbols) emission of relocation directives:
+ *
+ * 32-bit (MEMB)
+ * This is a standard length for the base assembler and requires no
+ * special action.
+ *
+ * 13-bit (COBR)
+ * This is a non-standard length, but the base assembler has a hook for
+ * bit field address fixups: the fixS structure can point to a descriptor
+ * of the field, in which case our md_number_to_field() routine gets called
+ * to process it.
+ *
+ * I made the hook a little cleaner by having fix_new() (in the base
+ * assembler) return a pointer to the fixS in question. And I made it a
+ * little simpler by storing the field size (in this case 13) instead of
+ * of a pointer to another structure: 80960 displacements are ALWAYS
+ * stored in the low-order bits of a 4-byte word.
+ *
+ * Since the target of a COBR cannot be external, no relocation directives
+ * for this size displacement have to be generated. But the base assembler
+ * had to be modified to issue error messages if the symbol did turn out
+ * to be external.
+ *
+ * 24-bit (CTRL)
+ * Fixups are handled as for the 13-bit case (except that 24 is stored
+ * in the fixS).
+ *
+ * The relocation directive generated is the same as that for the 32-bit
+ * displacement, except that it's PC-relative (the 32-bit displacement
+ * never is). The i80960 version of the linker needs a mod to
+ * distinguish and handle the 24-bit case.
+ *
+ * 12-bit (MEMA)
+ * MEMA formats are always promoted to MEMB (32-bit) if the displacement
+ * is based on a symbol, because it could be relocated at link time.
+ * The only time we use the 12-bit format is if an absolute value of
+ * less than 4096 is specified, in which case we need neither a fixup nor
+ * a relocation directive.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+#include "i960-opcode.h"
+extern char *input_line_pointer;
+extern struct hash_control *po_hash;
+extern unsigned char nbytes_r_length[];
+extern char *next_object_file_charP;
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+int md_reloc_size = sizeof(struct reloc);
+#else /* OBJ_COFF */
+int md_reloc_size = sizeof(struct relocation_info);
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static void emit_machine_reloc(fixS *fixP, relax_addressT segment_address_in_file);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+static void emit_machine_reloc();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+void (*md_emit_relocations)() = emit_machine_reloc;
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+ /***************************
+ * Local i80960 routines *
+ ************************** */
+static void brcnt_emit(); /* Emit branch-prediction instrumentation code */
+static char * brlab_next(); /* Return next branch local label */
+ void brtab_emit(); /* Emit br-predict instrumentation table */
+static void cobr_fmt(); /* Generate COBR instruction */
+static void ctrl_fmt(); /* Generate CTRL instruction */
+static char * emit(); /* Emit (internally) binary */
+static int get_args(); /* Break arguments out of comma-separated list */
+static void get_cdisp(); /* Handle COBR or CTRL displacement */
+static char * get_ispec(); /* Find index specification string */
+static int get_regnum(); /* Translate text to register number */
+static int i_scan(); /* Lexical scan of instruction source */
+static void mem_fmt(); /* Generate MEMA or MEMB instruction */
+static void mema_to_memb(); /* Convert MEMA instruction to MEMB format */
+static segT parse_expr(); /* Parse an expression */
+static int parse_ldconst();/* Parse and replace a 'ldconst' pseudo-op */
+static void parse_memop(); /* Parse a memory operand */
+static void parse_po(); /* Parse machine-dependent pseudo-op */
+static void parse_regop(); /* Parse a register operand */
+static void reg_fmt(); /* Generate a REG format instruction */
+ void reloc_callj(); /* Relocate a 'callj' instruction */
+static void relax_cobr(); /* "De-optimize" cobr into compare/branch */
+static void s_leafproc(); /* Process '.leafproc' pseudo-op */
+static void s_sysproc(); /* Process '.sysproc' pseudo-op */
+static int shift_ok(); /* Will a 'shlo' substiture for a 'ldconst'? */
+static void syntax(); /* Give syntax error */
+static int targ_has_sfr(); /* Target chip supports spec-func register? */
+static int targ_has_iclass();/* Target chip supports instruction set? */
+/* static void unlink_sym(); */ /* Remove a symbol from the symbol list */
+/* See md_parse_option() for meanings of these options */
+static char norelax = 0; /* True if -norelax switch seen */
+static char instrument_branches = 0; /* True if -b switch seen */
+/* Characters that always start a comment.
+ * If the pre-processor is disabled, these aren't very useful.
+ */
+char comment_chars[] = "#";
+/* Characters that only start a comment at the beginning of
+ * a line. If the line seems to have the form '# 123 filename'
+ * .line and .file directives will appear in the pre-processed output.
+ *
+ * Note that input_file.c hand checks for '#' at the beginning of the
+ * first line of the input file. This is because the compiler outputs
+ * #NO_APP at the beginning of its output.
+ */
+/* Also note that comments started like this one will always work. */
+char line_comment_chars[] = "";
+/* Chars that can be used to separate mant from exp in floating point nums */
+char EXP_CHARS[] = "eE";
+/* Chars that mean this number is a floating point constant,
+ * as in 0f12.456 or 0d1.2345e12
+ */
+char FLT_CHARS[] = "fFdDtT";
+/* Table used by base assembler to relax addresses based on varying length
+ * instructions. The fields are:
+ * 1) most positive reach of this state,
+ * 2) most negative reach of this state,
+ * 3) how many bytes this mode will add to the size of the current frag
+ * 4) which index into the table to try if we can't fit into this one.
+ *
+ * For i80960, the only application is the (de-)optimization of cobr
+ * instructions into separate compare and branch instructions when a 13-bit
+ * displacement won't hack it.
+ */
+const relax_typeS
+md_relax_table[] = {
+ {0, 0, 0,0}, /* State 0 => no more relaxation possible */
+ {4088, -4096, 0,2}, /* State 1: conditional branch (cobr) */
+ {0x800000-8,-0x800000,4,0}, /* State 2: compare (reg) & branch (ctrl) */
+/* These are the machine dependent pseudo-ops.
+ *
+ * This table describes all the machine specific pseudo-ops the assembler
+ * has to support. The fields are:
+ * pseudo-op name without dot
+ * function to call to execute this pseudo-op
+ * integer arg to pass to the function
+ */
+#define S_LEAFPROC 1
+#define S_SYSPROC 2
+const pseudo_typeS
+md_pseudo_table[] = {
+ { "bss", s_lcomm, 1 },
+ { "extended", float_cons, 't' },
+ { "leafproc", parse_po, S_LEAFPROC },
+ { "sysproc", parse_po, S_SYSPROC },
+ { "word", cons, 4 },
+ { "quad", big_cons, 16 },
+ { 0, 0, 0 }
+/* Macros to extract info from an 'expressionS' structure 'e' */
+#define adds(e) e.X_add_symbol
+#define subs(e) e.X_subtract_symbol
+#define offs(e) e.X_add_number
+#define segs(e) e.X_seg
+/* Branch-prediction bits for CTRL/COBR format opcodes */
+#define BP_MASK 0x00000002 /* Mask for branch-prediction bit */
+#define BP_TAKEN 0x00000000 /* Value to OR in to predict branch */
+#define BP_NOT_TAKEN 0x00000002 /* Value to OR in to predict no branch */
+/* Some instruction opcodes that we need explicitly */
+#define BE 0x12000000
+#define BG 0x11000000
+#define BGE 0x13000000
+#define BL 0x14000000
+#define BLE 0x16000000
+#define BNE 0x15000000
+#define BNO 0x10000000
+#define BO 0x17000000
+#define CHKBIT 0x5a002700
+#define CMPI 0x5a002080
+#define CMPO 0x5a002000
+#define B 0x08000000
+#define BAL 0x0b000000
+#define CALL 0x09000000
+#define CALLS 0x66003800
+#define RET 0x0a000000
+/* These masks are used to build up a set of MEMB mode bits. */
+#define A_BIT 0x0400
+#define I_BIT 0x0800
+#define MEMB_BIT 0x1000
+#define D_BIT 0x2000
+/* Mask for the only mode bit in a MEMA instruction (if set, abase reg is used) */
+#define MEMA_ABASE 0x2000
+/* Info from which a MEMA or MEMB format instruction can be generated */
+typedef struct {
+ long opcode; /* (First) 32 bits of instruction */
+ int disp; /* 0-(none), 12- or, 32-bit displacement needed */
+ char *e; /* The expression in the source instruction from
+ * which the displacement should be determined
+ */
+} memS;
+/* The two pieces of info we need to generate a register operand */
+struct regop {
+ int mode; /* 0 =>local/global/spec reg; 1=> literal or fp reg */
+ int special; /* 0 =>not a sfr; 1=> is a sfr (not valid w/mode=0) */
+ int n; /* Register number or literal value */
+/* Number and assembler mnemonic for all registers that can appear in operands */
+static struct {
+ char *reg_name;
+ int reg_num;
+} regnames[] = {
+ { "pfp", 0 }, { "sp", 1 }, { "rip", 2 }, { "r3", 3 },
+ { "r4", 4 }, { "r5", 5 }, { "r6", 6 }, { "r7", 7 },
+ { "r8", 8 }, { "r9", 9 }, { "r10", 10 }, { "r11", 11 },
+ { "r12", 12 }, { "r13", 13 }, { "r14", 14 }, { "r15", 15 },
+ { "g0", 16 }, { "g1", 17 }, { "g2", 18 }, { "g3", 19 },
+ { "g4", 20 }, { "g5", 21 }, { "g6", 22 }, { "g7", 23 },
+ { "g8", 24 }, { "g9", 25 }, { "g10", 26 }, { "g11", 27 },
+ { "g12", 28 }, { "g13", 29 }, { "g14", 30 }, { "fp", 31 },
+ /* Numbers for special-function registers are for assembler internal
+ * use only: they are scaled back to range [0-31] for binary output.
+ */
+# define SF0 32
+ { "sf0", 32 }, { "sf1", 33 }, { "sf2", 34 }, { "sf3", 35 },
+ { "sf4", 36 }, { "sf5", 37 }, { "sf6", 38 }, { "sf7", 39 },
+ { "sf8", 40 }, { "sf9", 41 }, { "sf10",42 }, { "sf11",43 },
+ { "sf12",44 }, { "sf13",45 }, { "sf14",46 }, { "sf15",47 },
+ { "sf16",48 }, { "sf17",49 }, { "sf18",50 }, { "sf19",51 },
+ { "sf20",52 }, { "sf21",53 }, { "sf22",54 }, { "sf23",55 },
+ { "sf24",56 }, { "sf25",57 }, { "sf26",58 }, { "sf27",59 },
+ { "sf28",60 }, { "sf29",61 }, { "sf30",62 }, { "sf31",63 },
+ /* Numbers for floating point registers are for assembler internal use
+ * only: they are scaled back to [0-3] for binary output.
+ */
+# define FP0 64
+ { "fp0", 64 }, { "fp1", 65 }, { "fp2", 66 }, { "fp3", 67 },
+ { NULL, 0 }, /* END OF LIST */
+#define IS_RG_REG(n) ((0 <= (n)) && ((n) < SF0))
+#define IS_SF_REG(n) ((SF0 <= (n)) && ((n) < FP0))
+#define IS_FP_REG(n) ((n) >= FP0)
+/* Number and assembler mnemonic for all registers that can appear as 'abase'
+ * (indirect addressing) registers.
+ */
+static struct {
+ char *areg_name;
+ int areg_num;
+} aregs[] = {
+ { "(pfp)", 0 }, { "(sp)", 1 }, { "(rip)", 2 }, { "(r3)", 3 },
+ { "(r4)", 4 }, { "(r5)", 5 }, { "(r6)", 6 }, { "(r7)", 7 },
+ { "(r8)", 8 }, { "(r9)", 9 }, { "(r10)", 10 }, { "(r11)", 11 },
+ { "(r12)", 12 }, { "(r13)", 13 }, { "(r14)", 14 }, { "(r15)", 15 },
+ { "(g0)", 16 }, { "(g1)", 17 }, { "(g2)", 18 }, { "(g3)", 19 },
+ { "(g4)", 20 }, { "(g5)", 21 }, { "(g6)", 22 }, { "(g7)", 23 },
+ { "(g8)", 24 }, { "(g9)", 25 }, { "(g10)", 26 }, { "(g11)", 27 },
+ { "(g12)", 28 }, { "(g13)", 29 }, { "(g14)", 30 }, { "(fp)", 31 },
+# define IPREL 32
+ /* for assembler internal use only: this number never appears in binary
+ * output.
+ */
+ { "(ip)", IPREL },
+ { NULL, 0 }, /* END OF LIST */
+/* Hash tables */
+static struct hash_control *op_hash = NULL; /* Opcode mnemonics */
+static struct hash_control *reg_hash = NULL; /* Register name hash table */
+static struct hash_control *areg_hash = NULL; /* Abase register hash table */
+/* Architecture for which we are assembling */
+#define ARCH_ANY 0 /* Default: no architecture checking done */
+#define ARCH_KA 1
+#define ARCH_KB 2
+#define ARCH_MC 3
+#define ARCH_CA 4
+int architecture = ARCH_ANY; /* Architecture requested on invocation line */
+int iclasses_seen = 0; /* OR of instruction classes (I_* constants)
+ * for which we've actually assembled
+ * instructions.
+ */
+ *
+ * The following supports generation of branch-prediction instrumentation
+ * (turned on by -b switch). The instrumentation collects counts
+ * of branches taken/not-taken for later input to a utility that will
+ * set the branch prediction bits of the instructions in accordance with
+ * the behavior observed. (Note that the KX series does not have
+ * brach-prediction.)
+ *
+ * The instrumentation consists of:
+ *
+ * (1) before and after each conditional branch, a call to an external
+ * routine that increments and steps over an inline counter. The
+ * counter itself, initialized to 0, immediately follows the call
+ * instruction. For each branch, the counter following the branch
+ * is the number of times the branch was not taken, and the difference
+ * between the counters is the number of times it was taken. An
+ * example of an instrumented conditional branch:
+ *
+ * call BR_CNT_FUNC
+ * .word 0
+ * LBRANCH23: be label
+ * call BR_CNT_FUNC
+ * .word 0
+ *
+ * (2) a table of pointers to the instrumented branches, so that an
+ * external postprocessing routine can locate all of the counters.
+ * the table begins with a 2-word header: a pointer to the next in
+ * a linked list of such tables (initialized to 0); and a count
+ * of the number of entries in the table (exclusive of the header.
+ *
+ * Note that input source code is expected to already contain calls
+ * an external routine that will link the branch local table into a
+ * list of such tables.
+ */
+static int br_cnt = 0; /* Number of branches instrumented so far.
+ * Also used to generate unique local labels
+ * for each instrumented branch
+ */
+ /* Basename of local labels on instrumented
+ * branches, to avoid conflict with compiler-
+ * generated local labels.
+ */
+#define BR_CNT_FUNC "__inc_branch"
+ /* Name of the external routine that will
+ * increment (and step over) an inline counter.
+ */
+ /* Name of the table of pointers to branches.
+ * A local (i.e., non-external) symbol.
+ */
+ * md_begin: One-time initialization.
+ *
+ * Set up hash tables.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ int i; /* Loop counter */
+ const struct i960_opcode *oP; /* Pointer into opcode table */
+ char *retval; /* Value returned by hash functions */
+ if (((op_hash = hash_new()) == 0)
+ || ((reg_hash = hash_new()) == 0)
+ || ((areg_hash = hash_new()) == 0)) {
+ as_fatal("virtual memory exceeded");
+ }
+ retval = ""; /* For some reason, the base assembler uses an empty
+ * string for "no error message", instead of a NULL
+ * pointer.
+ */
+ for (oP=i960_opcodes; oP->name && !*retval; oP++) {
+ retval = hash_insert(op_hash, oP->name, oP);
+ }
+ for (i=0; regnames[i].reg_name && !*retval; i++) {
+ retval = hash_insert(reg_hash, regnames[i].reg_name,
+ &regnames[i].reg_num);
+ }
+ for (i=0; aregs[i].areg_name && !*retval; i++){
+ retval = hash_insert(areg_hash, aregs[i].areg_name,
+ &aregs[i].areg_num);
+ }
+ if (*retval) {
+ as_fatal("Hashing returned \"%s\".", retval);
+ }
+} /* md_begin() */
+ * md_end: One-time final cleanup
+ *
+ * None necessary
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ * md_assemble: Assemble an instruction
+ *
+ * Assumptions about the passed-in text:
+ * - all comments, labels removed
+ * - text is an instruction
+ * - all white space compressed to single blanks
+ * - all character constants have been replaced with decimal
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ char *textP; /* Source text of instruction */
+ char *args[4]; /* Parsed instruction text, containing NO whitespace:
+ * arg[0]->opcode mnemonic
+ * arg[1-3]->operands, with char constants
+ * replaced by decimal numbers
+ */
+ int n_ops; /* Number of instruction operands */
+ struct i960_opcode *oP;
+ /* Pointer to instruction description */
+ int branch_predict;
+ /* TRUE iff opcode mnemonic included branch-prediction
+ * suffix (".f" or ".t")
+ */
+ long bp_bits; /* Setting of branch-prediction bit(s) to be OR'd
+ * into instruction opcode of CTRL/COBR format
+ * instructions.
+ */
+ int n; /* Offset of last character in opcode mnemonic */
+ static const char bp_error_msg[] = "branch prediction invalid on this opcode";
+ /* Parse instruction into opcode and operands */
+ bzero(args, sizeof(args));
+ n_ops = i_scan(textP, args);
+ if (n_ops == -1){
+ return; /* Error message already issued */
+ }
+ /* Do "macro substitution" (sort of) on 'ldconst' pseudo-instruction */
+ if (!strcmp(args[0],"ldconst")){
+ n_ops = parse_ldconst(args);
+ if (n_ops == -1){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check for branch-prediction suffix on opcode mnemonic, strip it off */
+ n = strlen(args[0]) - 1;
+ branch_predict = 0;
+ bp_bits = 0;
+ if (args[0][n-1] == '.' && (args[0][n] == 't' || args[0][n] == 'f')){
+ /* We could check here to see if the target architecture
+ * supports branch prediction, but why bother? The bit
+ * will just be ignored by processors that don't use it.
+ */
+ branch_predict = 1;
+ bp_bits = (args[0][n] == 't') ? BP_TAKEN : BP_NOT_TAKEN;
+ args[0][n-1] = '\0'; /* Strip suffix from opcode mnemonic */
+ }
+ /* Look up opcode mnemonic in table and check number of operands.
+ * Check that opcode is legal for the target architecture.
+ * If all looks good, assemble instruction.
+ */
+ oP = (struct i960_opcode *) hash_find(op_hash, args[0]);
+ if (!oP || !targ_has_iclass(oP->iclass)) {
+ as_bad("invalid opcode, \"%s\".", args[0]);
+ } else if (n_ops != oP->num_ops) {
+ as_bad("improper number of operands. expecting %d, got %d", oP->num_ops, n_ops);
+ } else {
+ switch (oP->format){
+ case FBRA:
+ case CTRL:
+ ctrl_fmt(args[1], oP->opcode | bp_bits, oP->num_ops);
+ if (oP->format == FBRA){
+ /* Now generate a 'bno' to same arg */
+ ctrl_fmt(args[1], BNO | bp_bits, 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case COBR:
+ case COJ:
+ cobr_fmt(args, oP->opcode | bp_bits, oP);
+ break;
+ case REG:
+ if (branch_predict){
+ as_warn(bp_error_msg);
+ }
+ reg_fmt(args, oP);
+ break;
+ case MEM1:
+ case MEM2:
+ case MEM4:
+ case MEM8:
+ case MEM12:
+ case MEM16:
+ if (branch_predict){
+ as_warn(bp_error_msg);
+ }
+ mem_fmt(args, oP);
+ break;
+ case CALLJ:
+ if (branch_predict){
+ as_warn(bp_error_msg);
+ }
+ /* Output opcode & set up "fixup" (relocation);
+ * flag relocation as 'callj' type.
+ */
+ know(oP->num_ops == 1);
+ get_cdisp(args[1], "CTRL", oP->opcode, 24, 0, 1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE(oP->format);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+} /* md_assemble() */
+ * md_number_to_chars: convert a number to target byte order
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+md_number_to_chars(buf, value, n)
+ char *buf; /* Put output here */
+ long value; /* The integer to be converted */
+ int n; /* Number of bytes to output (significant bytes
+ * in 'value')
+ */
+ while (n--){
+ *buf++ = value;
+ value >>= 8;
+ }
+ /* XXX line number probably botched for this warning message. */
+ if (value != 0 && value != -1){
+ as_bad("Displacement too long for instruction field length.");
+ }
+} /* md_number_to_chars() */
+ * md_chars_to_number: convert from target byte order to host byte order.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+md_chars_to_number(val, n)
+ unsigned char *val; /* Value in target byte order */
+ int n; /* Number of bytes in the input */
+ int retval;
+ for (retval=0; n--;){
+ retval <<= 8;
+ retval |= val[n];
+ }
+ return retval;
+ * md_atof: convert ascii to floating point
+ *
+ * Turn a string at input_line_pointer into a floating point constant of type
+ * 'type', and store the appropriate bytes at *litP. The number of LITTLENUMS
+ * emitted is returned at 'sizeP'. An error message is returned, or a pointer
+ * to an empty message if OK.
+ *
+ * Note we call the i386 floating point routine, rather than complicating
+ * things with more files or symbolic links.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+char * md_atof(type, litP, sizeP)
+int type;
+char *litP;
+int *sizeP;
+ int prec;
+ char *t;
+ char *atof_ieee();
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ prec = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ prec = 4;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ case 'T':
+ prec = 5;
+ type = 'x'; /* That's what atof_ieee() understands */
+ break;
+ default:
+ *sizeP=0;
+ return "Bad call to md_atof()";
+ }
+ t = atof_ieee(input_line_pointer, type, words);
+ if (t){
+ input_line_pointer = t;
+ }
+ *sizeP = prec * LNUM_SIZE;
+ /* Output the LITTLENUMs in REVERSE order in accord with i80960
+ * word-order. (Dunno why atof_ieee doesn't do it in the right
+ * order in the first place -- probably because it's a hack of
+ * atof_m68k.)
+ */
+ for(wordP = words + prec - 1; prec--;){
+ md_number_to_chars(litP, (long) (*wordP--), LNUM_SIZE);
+ litP += sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ }
+ return ""; /* Someone should teach Dean about null pointers */
+ * md_number_to_imm
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+md_number_to_imm(buf, val, n)
+ char *buf;
+ long val;
+ int n;
+ md_number_to_chars(buf, val, n);
+ * md_number_to_disp
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+md_number_to_disp(buf, val, n)
+ char *buf;
+ long val;
+ int n;
+ md_number_to_chars(buf, val, n);
+ * md_number_to_field:
+ *
+ * Stick a value (an address fixup) into a bit field of
+ * previously-generated instruction.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+md_number_to_field(instrP, val, bfixP)
+ char *instrP; /* Pointer to instruction to be fixed */
+ long val; /* Address fixup value */
+ bit_fixS *bfixP; /* Description of bit field to be fixed up */
+ int numbits; /* Length of bit field to be fixed */
+ long instr; /* 32-bit instruction to be fixed-up */
+ long sign; /* 0 or -1, according to sign bit of 'val' */
+ /* Convert instruction back to host byte order
+ */
+ instr = md_chars_to_number(instrP, 4);
+ /* Surprise! -- we stored the number of bits
+ * to be modified rather than a pointer to a structure.
+ */
+ numbits = (int)bfixP;
+ if (numbits == 1){
+ /* This is a no-op, stuck here by reloc_callj() */
+ return;
+ }
+ know ((numbits==13) || (numbits==24));
+ /* Propagate sign bit of 'val' for the given number of bits.
+ * Result should be all 0 or all 1
+ */
+ sign = val >> ((int)numbits - 1);
+ if (((val < 0) && (sign != -1))
+ || ((val > 0) && (sign != 0))){
+ as_bad("Fixup of %d too large for field width of %d",
+ val, numbits);
+ } else {
+ /* Put bit field into instruction and write back in target
+ * byte order.
+ */
+ val &= ~(-1 << (int)numbits); /* Clear unused sign bits */
+ instr |= val;
+ md_number_to_chars(instrP, instr, 4);
+ }
+} /* md_number_to_field() */
+ * md_parse_option
+ * Invocation line includes a switch not recognized by the base assembler.
+ * See if it's a processor-specific option. For the 960, these are:
+ *
+ * -norelax:
+ * Conditional branch instructions that require displacements
+ * greater than 13 bits (or that have external targets) should
+ * generate errors. The default is to replace each such
+ * instruction with the corresponding compare (or chkbit) and
+ * branch instructions. Note that the Intel "j" cobr directives
+ * are ALWAYS "de-optimized" in this way when necessary,
+ * regardless of the setting of this option.
+ *
+ * -b:
+ * Add code to collect information about branches taken, for
+ * later optimization of branch prediction bits by a separate
+ * tool. COBR and CNTL format instructions have branch
+ * prediction bits (in the CX architecture); if "BR" represents
+ * an instruction in one of these classes, the following rep-
+ * resents the code generated by the assembler:
+ *
+ * call <increment routine>
+ * .word 0 # pre-counter
+ * Label: BR
+ * call <increment routine>
+ * .word 0 # post-counter
+ *
+ * A table of all such "Labels" is also generated.
+ *
+ *
+ * -AKA, -AKB, -AKC, -ASA, -ASB, -AMC, -ACA:
+ * Select the 80960 architecture. Instructions or features not
+ * supported by the selected architecture cause fatal errors.
+ * The default is to generate code for any instruction or feature
+ * that is supported by SOME version of the 960 (even if this
+ * means mixing architectures!).
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+md_parse_option(argP, cntP, vecP)
+ char **argP;
+ int *cntP;
+ char ***vecP;
+ char *p;
+ struct tabentry { char *flag; int arch; };
+ static struct tabentry arch_tab[] = {
+ "KA", ARCH_KA,
+ "KB", ARCH_KB,
+ "SA", ARCH_KA, /* Synonym for KA */
+ "SB", ARCH_KB, /* Synonym for KB */
+ "KC", ARCH_MC, /* Synonym for MC */
+ "MC", ARCH_MC,
+ "CA", ARCH_CA,
+ NULL, 0
+ };
+ struct tabentry *tp;
+ if (!strcmp(*argP,"norelax")){
+ norelax = 1;
+ } else if (**argP == 'b'){
+ instrument_branches = 1;
+ } else if (**argP == 'A'){
+ p = (*argP) + 1;
+ for (tp = arch_tab; tp->flag != NULL; tp++){
+ if (!strcmp(p,tp->flag)){
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tp->flag == NULL){
+ as_bad("unknown architecture: %s", p);
+ } else {
+ architecture = tp->arch;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Unknown option */
+ (*argP)++;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ **argP = '\0'; /* Done parsing this switch */
+ return 1;
+ * md_convert_frag:
+ * Called by base assembler after address relaxation is finished: modify
+ * variable fragments according to how much relaxation was done.
+ *
+ * If the fragment substate is still 1, a 13-bit displacement was enough
+ * to reach the symbol in question. Set up an address fixup, but otherwise
+ * leave the cobr instruction alone.
+ *
+ * If the fragment substate is 2, a 13-bit displacement was not enough.
+ * Replace the cobr with a two instructions (a compare and a branch).
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ fragS * fragP;
+ fixS *fixP; /* Structure describing needed address fix */
+ switch (fragP->fr_subtype){
+ case 1:
+ fixP = fix_new(fragP,
+ fragP->fr_opcode-fragP->fr_literal,
+ 4,
+ fragP->fr_symbol,
+ 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset,
+ 1,
+ 0);
+ fixP->fx_bit_fixP = (bit_fixS *) 13; /* size of bit field */
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ relax_cobr(fragP);
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE(fragP->fr_subtype);
+ break;
+ }
+ * md_estimate_size_before_relax: How much does it look like *fragP will grow?
+ *
+ * Called by base assembler just before address relaxation.
+ * Return the amount by which the fragment will grow.
+ *
+ * Any symbol that is now undefined will not become defined; cobr's
+ * based on undefined symbols will have to be replaced with a compare
+ * instruction and a branch instruction, and the code fragment will grow
+ * by 4 bytes.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+md_estimate_size_before_relax(fragP, segment_type)
+ register fragS *fragP;
+ register segT segment_type;
+ /* If symbol is undefined in this segment, go to "relaxed" state
+ * (compare and branch instructions instead of cobr) right now.
+ */
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) != segment_type) {
+ relax_cobr(fragP);
+ return 4;
+ }
+ return 0;
+} /* md_estimate_size_before_relax() */
+ * md_ri_to_chars:
+ * This routine exists in order to overcome machine byte-order problems
+ * when dealing with bit-field entries in the relocation_info struct.
+ *
+ * But relocation info will be used on the host machine only (only
+ * executable code is actually downloaded to the i80960). Therefore,
+ * we leave it in host byte order.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+void md_ri_to_chars(the_bytes, ri)
+char *the_bytes;
+struct reloc_info_generic *ri;
+ struct relocation_info br;
+ (void) bzero(&br, sizeof(br));
+ br.r_address = ri->r_address;
+ br.r_index = ri->r_index;
+ br.r_pcrel = ri->r_pcrel;
+ br.r_length = ri->r_length;
+ br.r_extern = ri->r_extern;
+ br.r_bsr = ri->r_bsr;
+ br.r_disp = ri->r_disp;
+ br.r_callj = ri->r_callj;
+ *((struct relocation_info *) the_bytes) = br;
+} /* md_ri_to_chars() */
+int md_short_jump_size = 0;
+int md_long_jump_size = 0;
+void md_create_short_jump(ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+char *ptr;
+long from_addr;
+long to_addr;
+fragS *frag;
+symbolS *to_symbol;
+ abort();
+ char *ptr;
+ long from_addr, to_addr;
+ fragS *frag;
+ symbolS *to_symbol;
+ abort();
+ /*************************************************************
+ * *
+ * *
+ ************************************************************ */
+ * brcnt_emit: Emit code to increment inline branch counter.
+ *
+ * See the comments above the declaration of 'br_cnt' for details on
+ * branch-prediction instrumentation.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+static void
+ ctrl_fmt(BR_CNT_FUNC,CALL,1);/* Emit call to "increment" routine */
+ emit(0); /* Emit inline counter to be incremented */
+ * brlab_next: generate the next branch local label
+ *
+ * See the comments above the declaration of 'br_cnt' for details on
+ * branch-prediction instrumentation.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+static char *
+ static char buf[20];
+ sprintf(buf, "%s%d", BR_LABEL_BASE, br_cnt++);
+ return buf;
+ * brtab_emit: generate the fetch-prediction branch table.
+ *
+ * See the comments above the declaration of 'br_cnt' for details on
+ * branch-prediction instrumentation.
+ *
+ * The code emitted here would be functionally equivalent to the following
+ * example assembler source.
+ *
+ * .data
+ * .align 2
+ * .word 0 # link to next table
+ * .word 3 # length of table
+ * .word LBRANCH0 # 1st entry in table proper
+ * .word LBRANCH1
+ * .word LBRANCH2
+ ***************************************************************************** */
+ int i;
+ char buf[20];
+ char *p; /* Where the binary was output to */
+ fixS *fixP; /*->description of deferred address fixup */
+ if (!instrument_branches){
+ return;
+ }
+ subseg_new(SEG_DATA,0); /* .data */
+ frag_align(2,0); /* .align 2 */
+ record_alignment(now_seg,2);
+ colon(BR_TAB_NAME); /* BR_TAB_NAME: */
+ emit(0); /* .word 0 #link to next table */
+ emit(br_cnt); /* .word n #length of table */
+ for (i=0; i<br_cnt; i++){
+ sprintf(buf, "%s%d", BR_LABEL_BASE, i);
+ p = emit(0);
+ fixP = fix_new(frag_now,
+ p - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ 4,
+ symbol_find(buf),
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ 0);
+ fixP->fx_im_disp = 2; /* 32-bit displacement fix */
+ }
+ * cobr_fmt: generate a COBR-format instruction
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+cobr_fmt(arg, opcode, oP)
+ char *arg[]; /* arg[0]->opcode mnemonic, arg[1-3]->operands (ascii) */
+ long opcode; /* Opcode, with branch-prediction bits already set
+ * if necessary.
+ */
+ struct i960_opcode *oP;
+ /*->description of instruction */
+ long instr; /* 32-bit instruction */
+ struct regop regop; /* Description of register operand */
+ int n; /* Number of operands */
+ int var_frag; /* 1 if varying length code fragment should
+ * be emitted; 0 if an address fix
+ * should be emitted.
+ */
+ instr = opcode;
+ n = oP->num_ops;
+ if (n >= 1) {
+ /* First operand (if any) of a COBR is always a register
+ * operand. Parse it.
+ */
+ parse_regop(&regop, arg[1], oP->operand[0]);
+ instr |= (regop.n << 19) | (regop.mode << 13);
+ }
+ if (n >= 2) {
+ /* Second operand (if any) of a COBR is always a register
+ * operand. Parse it.
+ */
+ parse_regop(&regop, arg[2], oP->operand[1]);
+ instr |= (regop.n << 14) | regop.special;
+ }
+ if (n < 3){
+ emit(instr);
+ } else {
+ if (instrument_branches){
+ brcnt_emit();
+ colon(brlab_next());
+ }
+ /* A third operand to a COBR is always a displacement.
+ * Parse it; if it's relaxable (a cobr "j" directive, or any
+ * cobr other than bbs/bbc when the "-norelax" option is not in
+ * use) set up a variable code fragment; otherwise set up an
+ * address fix.
+ */
+ var_frag = !norelax || (oP->format == COJ); /* TRUE or FALSE */
+ get_cdisp(arg[3], "COBR", instr, 13, var_frag, 0);
+ if (instrument_branches){
+ brcnt_emit();
+ }
+ }
+} /* cobr_fmt() */
+ * ctrl_fmt: generate a CTRL-format instruction
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ctrl_fmt(targP, opcode, num_ops)
+ char *targP; /* Pointer to text of lone operand (if any) */
+ long opcode; /* Template of instruction */
+ int num_ops; /* Number of operands */
+ int instrument; /* TRUE iff we should add instrumentation to track
+ * how often the branch is taken
+ */
+ if (num_ops == 0){
+ emit(opcode); /* Output opcode */
+ } else {
+ instrument = instrument_branches && (opcode!=CALL)
+ && (opcode!=B) && (opcode!=RET) && (opcode!=BAL);
+ if (instrument){
+ brcnt_emit();
+ colon(brlab_next());
+ }
+ /* The operand MUST be an ip-relative displacment. Parse it
+ * and set up address fix for the instruction we just output.
+ */
+ get_cdisp(targP, "CTRL", opcode, 24, 0, 0);
+ if (instrument){
+ brcnt_emit();
+ }
+ }
+ * emit: output instruction binary
+ *
+ * Output instruction binary, in target byte order, 4 bytes at a time.
+ * Return pointer to where it was placed.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+char *
+ long instr; /* Word to be output, host byte order */
+ char *toP; /* Where to output it */
+ toP = frag_more(4); /* Allocate storage */
+ md_number_to_chars(toP, instr, 4); /* Convert to target byte order */
+ return toP;
+ * get_args: break individual arguments out of comma-separated list
+ *
+ * Input assumptions:
+ * - all comments and labels have been removed
+ * - all strings of whitespace have been collapsed to a single blank.
+ * - all character constants ('x') have been replaced with decimal
+ *
+ * Output:
+ * args[0] is untouched. args[1] points to first operand, etc. All args:
+ * - are NULL-terminated
+ * - contain no whitespace
+ *
+ * Return value:
+ * Number of operands (0,1,2, or 3) or -1 on error.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+static int get_args(p, args)
+ register char *p; /* Pointer to comma-separated operands; MUCKED BY US */
+ char *args[]; /* Output arg: pointers to operands placed in args[1-3].
+ */
+ register int n; /* Number of operands */
+ register char *to;
+/* char buf[4]; */
+/* int len; */
+ /* Skip lead white space */
+ while (*p == ' '){
+ p++;
+ }
+ if (*p == '\0'){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ n = 1;
+ args[1] = p;
+ /* Squeze blanks out by moving non-blanks toward start of string.
+ * Isolate operands, whenever comma is found.
+ */
+ to = p;
+ while (*p != '\0'){
+ if (*p == ' '){
+ p++;
+ } else if (*p == ','){
+ /* Start of operand */
+ if (n == 3){
+ as_bad("too many operands");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ *to++ = '\0'; /* Terminate argument */
+ args[++n] = to; /* Start next argument */
+ p++;
+ } else {
+ *to++ = *p++;
+ }
+ }
+ *to = '\0';
+ return n;
+ * get_cdisp: handle displacement for a COBR or CTRL instruction.
+ *
+ * Parse displacement for a COBR or CTRL instruction.
+ *
+ * If successful, output the instruction opcode and set up for it,
+ * depending on the arg 'var_frag', either:
+ * o an address fixup to be done when all symbol values are known, or
+ * o a varying length code fragment, with address fixup info. This
+ * will be done for cobr instructions that may have to be relaxed
+ * in to compare/branch instructions (8 bytes) if the final address
+ * displacement is greater than 13 bits.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+get_cdisp(dispP, ifmtP, instr, numbits, var_frag, callj)
+ char *dispP; /*->displacement as specified in source instruction */
+ char *ifmtP; /*->"COBR" or "CTRL" (for use in error message) */
+ long instr; /* Instruction needing the displacement */
+ int numbits; /* # bits of displacement (13 for COBR, 24 for CTRL) */
+ int var_frag; /* 1 if varying length code fragment should be emitted;
+ * 0 if an address fix should be emitted.
+ */
+ int callj; /* 1 if callj relocation should be done; else 0 */
+ expressionS e; /* Parsed expression */
+ fixS *fixP; /* Structure describing needed address fix */
+ char *outP; /* Where instruction binary is output to */
+ fixP = NULL;
+ switch (parse_expr(dispP,&e)) {
+ case SEG_GOOF:
+ as_bad("expression syntax error");
+ break;
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ if (var_frag) {
+ outP = frag_more(8); /* Allocate worst-case storage */
+ md_number_to_chars(outP, instr, 4);
+ frag_variant(rs_machine_dependent, 4, 4, 1,
+ adds(e), offs(e), outP, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ /* Set up a new fix structure, so address can be updated
+ * when all symbol values are known.
+ */
+ outP = emit(instr);
+ fixP = fix_new(frag_now,
+ outP - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ 4,
+ adds(e),
+ 0,
+ offs(e),
+ 1,
+ 0);
+ fixP->fx_callj = callj;
+ /* We want to modify a bit field when the address is
+ * known. But we don't need all the garbage in the
+ * bit_fix structure. So we're going to lie and store
+ * the number of bits affected instead of a pointer.
+ */
+ fixP->fx_bit_fixP = (bit_fixS *) numbits;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ as_bad("attempt to branch into different segment");
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("target of %s instruction must be a label", ifmtP);
+ break;
+ }
+ * get_ispec: parse a memory operand for an index specification
+ *
+ * Here, an "index specification" is taken to be anything surrounded
+ * by square brackets and NOT followed by anything else.
+ *
+ * If it's found, detach it from the input string, remove the surrounding
+ * square brackets, and return a pointer to it. Otherwise, return NULL.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+char *
+ char *textP; /*->memory operand from source instruction, no white space */
+ char *start; /*->start of index specification */
+ char *end; /*->end of index specification */
+ /* Find opening square bracket, if any
+ */
+ start = index(textP, '[');
+ if (start != NULL){
+ /* Eliminate '[', detach from rest of operand */
+ *start++ = '\0';
+ end = index(start, ']');
+ if (end == NULL){
+ as_bad("unmatched '['");
+ } else {
+ /* Eliminate ']' and make sure it was the last thing
+ * in the string.
+ */
+ *end = '\0';
+ if (*(end+1) != '\0'){
+ as_bad("garbage after index spec ignored");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return start;
+ * get_regnum:
+ *
+ * Look up a (suspected) register name in the register table and return the
+ * associated register number (or -1 if not found).
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ char *regname; /* Suspected register name */
+ int *rP;
+ rP = (int *) hash_find(reg_hash, regname);
+ return (rP == NULL) ? -1 : *rP;
+ * i_scan: perform lexical scan of ascii assembler instruction.
+ *
+ * Input assumptions:
+ * - input string is an i80960 instruction (not a pseudo-op)
+ * - all comments and labels have been removed
+ * - all strings of whitespace have been collapsed to a single blank.
+ *
+ * Output:
+ * args[0] points to opcode, other entries point to operands. All strings:
+ * - are NULL-terminated
+ * - contain no whitespace
+ * - have character constants ('x') replaced with a decimal number
+ *
+ * Return value:
+ * Number of operands (0,1,2, or 3) or -1 on error.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+static int i_scan(iP, args)
+ register char *iP; /* Pointer to ascii instruction; MUCKED BY US. */
+ char *args[]; /* Output arg: pointers to opcode and operands placed
+ */
+ /* Isolate opcode */
+ if (*(iP) == ' ') {
+ iP++;
+ } /* Skip lead space, if any */
+ args[0] = iP;
+ for (; *iP != ' '; iP++) {
+ if (*iP == '\0') {
+ /* There are no operands */
+ if (args[0] == iP) {
+ /* We never moved: there was no opcode either! */
+ as_bad("missing opcode");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ *iP++ = '\0'; /* Terminate opcode */
+ return(get_args(iP, args));
+} /* i_scan() */
+ * mem_fmt: generate a MEMA- or MEMB-format instruction
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+static void mem_fmt(args, oP)
+ char *args[]; /* args[0]->opcode mnemonic, args[1-3]->operands */
+ struct i960_opcode *oP; /* Pointer to description of instruction */
+ int i; /* Loop counter */
+ struct regop regop; /* Description of register operand */
+ char opdesc; /* Operand descriptor byte */
+ memS instr; /* Description of binary to be output */
+ char *outP; /* Where the binary was output to */
+ expressionS expr; /* Parsed expression */
+ fixS *fixP; /*->description of deferred address fixup */
+ bzero(&instr, sizeof(memS));
+ instr.opcode = oP->opcode;
+ /* Process operands. */
+ for (i = 1; i <= oP->num_ops; i++){
+ opdesc = oP->operand[i-1];
+ if (MEMOP(opdesc)){
+ parse_memop(&instr, args[i], oP->format);
+ } else {
+ parse_regop(&regop, args[i], opdesc);
+ instr.opcode |= regop.n << 19;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Output opcode */
+ outP = emit(instr.opcode);
+ if (instr.disp == 0){
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Parse and process the displacement */
+ switch (parse_expr(instr.e,&expr)){
+ case SEG_GOOF:
+ as_bad("expression syntax error");
+ break;
+ if (instr.disp == 32){
+ (void) emit(offs(expr)); /* Output displacement */
+ } else {
+ /* 12-bit displacement */
+ if (offs(expr) & ~0xfff){
+ /* Won't fit in 12 bits: convert already-output
+ * instruction to MEMB format, output
+ * displacement.
+ */
+ mema_to_memb(outP);
+ (void) emit(offs(expr));
+ } else {
+ /* WILL fit in 12 bits: OR into opcode and
+ * overwrite the binary we already put out
+ */
+ instr.opcode |= offs(expr);
+ md_number_to_chars(outP, instr.opcode, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ if (instr.disp == 12){
+ /* Displacement is dependent on a symbol, whose value
+ * may change at link time. We HAVE to reserve 32 bits.
+ * Convert already-output opcode to MEMB format.
+ */
+ mema_to_memb(outP);
+ }
+ /* Output 0 displacement and set up address fixup for when
+ * this symbol's value becomes known.
+ */
+ outP = emit((long) 0);
+ fixP = fix_new(frag_now,
+ outP - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ 4,
+ adds(expr),
+ subs(expr),
+ offs(expr),
+ 0,
+ 0);
+ fixP->fx_im_disp = 2; /* 32-bit displacement fix */
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE(segs(expr));
+ break;
+ }
+} /* memfmt() */
+ * mema_to_memb: convert a MEMA-format opcode to a MEMB-format opcode.
+ *
+ * There are 2 possible MEMA formats:
+ * - displacement only
+ * - displacement + abase
+ *
+ * They are distinguished by the setting of the MEMA_ABASE bit.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+static void mema_to_memb(opcodeP)
+ char *opcodeP; /* Where to find the opcode, in target byte order */
+ long opcode; /* Opcode in host byte order */
+ long mode; /* Mode bits for MEMB instruction */
+ opcode = md_chars_to_number(opcodeP, 4);
+ know(!(opcode & MEMB_BIT));
+ mode = MEMB_BIT | D_BIT;
+ if (opcode & MEMA_ABASE){
+ mode |= A_BIT;
+ }
+ opcode &= 0xffffc000; /* Clear MEMA offset and mode bits */
+ opcode |= mode; /* Set MEMB mode bits */
+ md_number_to_chars(opcodeP, opcode, 4);
+} /* mema_to_memb() */
+ * parse_expr: parse an expression
+ *
+ * Use base assembler's expression parser to parse an expression.
+ * It, unfortunately, runs off a global which we have to save/restore
+ * in order to make it work for us.
+ *
+ * An empty expression string is treated as an absolute 0.
+ *
+ * Return "segment" to which the expression evaluates.
+ * Return SEG_GOOF regardless of expression evaluation if entire input
+ * string is not consumed in the evaluation -- tolerate no dangling junk!
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+parse_expr(textP, expP)
+ char *textP; /* Text of expression to be parsed */
+ expressionS *expP; /* Where to put the results of parsing */
+ char *save_in; /* Save global here */
+ segT seg; /* Segment to which expression evaluates */
+ symbolS *symP;
+ know(textP);
+ if (*textP == '\0') {
+ /* Treat empty string as absolute 0 */
+ expP->X_add_symbol = expP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ expP->X_add_number = 0;
+ seg = expP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ } else {
+ save_in = input_line_pointer; /* Save global */
+ input_line_pointer = textP; /* Make parser work for us */
+ seg = expression(expP);
+ if (input_line_pointer - textP != strlen(textP)) {
+ /* Did not consume all of the input */
+ seg = SEG_GOOF;
+ }
+ symP = expP->X_add_symbol;
+ if (symP && (hash_find(reg_hash, S_GET_NAME(symP)))) {
+ /* Register name in an expression */
+ seg = SEG_GOOF;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer = save_in; /* Restore global */
+ }
+ return seg;
+ * parse_ldcont:
+ * Parse and replace a 'ldconst' pseudo-instruction with an appropriate
+ * i80960 instruction.
+ *
+ * Assumes the input consists of:
+ * arg[0] opcode mnemonic ('ldconst')
+ * arg[1] first operand (constant)
+ * arg[2] name of register to be loaded
+ *
+ * Replaces opcode and/or operands as appropriate.
+ *
+ * Returns the new number of arguments, or -1 on failure.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ char *arg[]; /* See above */
+ int n; /* Constant to be loaded */
+ int shift; /* Shift count for "shlo" instruction */
+ static char buf[5]; /* Literal for first operand */
+ static char buf2[5]; /* Literal for second operand */
+ expressionS e; /* Parsed expression */
+ arg[3] = NULL; /* So we can tell at the end if it got used or not */
+ switch(parse_expr(arg[1],&e)){
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ /* We're dependent on one or more symbols -- use "lda" */
+ arg[0] = "lda";
+ break;
+ /* Try the following mappings:
+ * ldconst 0,<reg> ->mov 0,<reg>
+ * ldconst 31,<reg> ->mov 31,<reg>
+ * ldconst 32,<reg> ->addo 1,31,<reg>
+ * ldconst 62,<reg> ->addo 31,31,<reg>
+ * ldconst 64,<reg> ->shlo 8,3,<reg>
+ * ldconst -1,<reg> ->subo 1,0,<reg>
+ * ldconst -31,<reg>->subo 31,0,<reg>
+ *
+ * anthing else becomes:
+ * lda xxx,<reg>
+ */
+ n = offs(e);
+ if ((0 <= n) && (n <= 31)){
+ arg[0] = "mov";
+ } else if ((-31 <= n) && (n <= -1)){
+ arg[0] = "subo";
+ arg[3] = arg[2];
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", -n);
+ arg[1] = buf;
+ arg[2] = "0";
+ } else if ((32 <= n) && (n <= 62)){
+ arg[0] = "addo";
+ arg[3] = arg[2];
+ arg[1] = "31";
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", n-31);
+ arg[2] = buf;
+ } else if ((shift = shift_ok(n)) != 0){
+ arg[0] = "shlo";
+ arg[3] = arg[2];
+ sprintf(buf, "%d", shift);
+ arg[1] = buf;
+ sprintf(buf2, "%d", n >> shift);
+ arg[2] = buf2;
+ } else {
+ arg[0] = "lda";
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("invalid constant");
+ return -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ return (arg[3] == 0) ? 2: 3;
+ * parse_memop: parse a memory operand
+ *
+ * This routine is based on the observation that the 4 mode bits of the
+ * MEMB format, taken individually, have fairly consistent meaning:
+ *
+ * M3 (bit 13): 1 if displacement is present (D_BIT)
+ * M2 (bit 12): 1 for MEMB instructions (MEMB_BIT)
+ * M1 (bit 11): 1 if index is present (I_BIT)
+ * M0 (bit 10): 1 if abase is present (A_BIT)
+ *
+ * So we parse the memory operand and set bits in the mode as we find
+ * things. Then at the end, if we go to MEMB format, we need only set
+ * the MEMB bit (M2) and our mode is built for us.
+ *
+ * Unfortunately, I said "fairly consistent". The exceptions:
+ *
+ * DBIA
+ * 0100 Would seem illegal, but means "abase-only".
+ *
+ * 0101 Would seem to mean "abase-only" -- it means IP-relative.
+ * Must be converted to 0100.
+ *
+ * 0110 Would seem to mean "index-only", but is reserved.
+ * We turn on the D bit and provide a 0 displacement.
+ *
+ * The other thing to observe is that we parse from the right, peeling
+ * things * off as we go: first any index spec, then any abase, then
+ * the displacement.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+parse_memop(memP, argP, optype)
+ memS *memP; /* Where to put the results */
+ char *argP; /* Text of the operand to be parsed */
+ int optype; /* MEM1, MEM2, MEM4, MEM8, MEM12, or MEM16 */
+ char *indexP; /* Pointer to index specification with "[]" removed */
+ char *p; /* Temp char pointer */
+ char iprel_flag;/* True if this is an IP-relative operand */
+ int regnum; /* Register number */
+ int scale; /* Scale factor: 1,2,4,8, or 16. Later converted
+ * to internal format (0,1,2,3,4 respectively).
+ */
+ int mode; /* MEMB mode bits */
+ int *intP; /* Pointer to register number */
+ /* The following table contains the default scale factors for each
+ * type of memory instruction. It is accessed using (optype-MEM1)
+ * as an index -- thus it assumes the 'optype' constants are assigned
+ * consecutive values, in the order they appear in this table
+ */
+ static int def_scale[] = {
+ 1, /* MEM1 */
+ 2, /* MEM2 */
+ 4, /* MEM4 */
+ 8, /* MEM8 */
+ -1, /* MEM12 -- no valid default */
+ 16 /* MEM16 */
+ };
+ iprel_flag = mode = 0;
+ /* Any index present? */
+ indexP = get_ispec(argP);
+ if (indexP) {
+ p = strchr(indexP, '*');
+ if (p == NULL) {
+ /* No explicit scale -- use default for this
+ *instruction type.
+ */
+ scale = def_scale[ optype - MEM1 ];
+ } else {
+ *p++ = '\0'; /* Eliminate '*' */
+ /* Now indexP->a '\0'-terminated register name,
+ * and p->a scale factor.
+ */
+ if (!strcmp(p,"16")){
+ scale = 16;
+ } else if (strchr("1248",*p) && (p[1] == '\0')){
+ scale = *p - '0';
+ } else {
+ scale = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ regnum = get_regnum(indexP); /* Get index reg. # */
+ if (!IS_RG_REG(regnum)){
+ as_bad("invalid index register");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Convert scale to its binary encoding */
+ switch (scale){
+ case 1: scale = 0 << 7; break;
+ case 2: scale = 1 << 7; break;
+ case 4: scale = 2 << 7; break;
+ case 8: scale = 3 << 7; break;
+ case 16: scale = 4 << 7; break;
+ default: as_bad("invalid scale factor"); return;
+ };
+ memP->opcode |= scale | regnum; /* Set index bits in opcode */
+ mode |= I_BIT; /* Found a valid index spec */
+ }
+ /* Any abase (Register Indirect) specification present? */
+ if ((p = strrchr(argP,'(')) != NULL) {
+ /* "(" is there -- does it start a legal abase spec?
+ * (If not it could be part of a displacement expression.)
+ */
+ intP = (int *) hash_find(areg_hash, p);
+ if (intP != NULL){
+ /* Got an abase here */
+ regnum = *intP;
+ *p = '\0'; /* discard register spec */
+ if (regnum == IPREL){
+ /* We have to specialcase ip-rel mode */
+ iprel_flag = 1;
+ } else {
+ memP->opcode |= regnum << 14;
+ mode |= A_BIT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Any expression present? */
+ memP->e = argP;
+ if (*argP != '\0'){
+ mode |= D_BIT;
+ }
+ /* Special-case ip-relative addressing */
+ if (iprel_flag){
+ if (mode & I_BIT){
+ syntax();
+ } else {
+ memP->opcode |= 5 << 10; /* IP-relative mode */
+ memP->disp = 32;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Handle all other modes */
+ switch (mode){
+ case D_BIT | A_BIT:
+ /* Go with MEMA instruction format for now (grow to MEMB later
+ * if 12 bits is not enough for the displacement).
+ * MEMA format has a single mode bit: set it to indicate
+ * that abase is present.
+ */
+ memP->opcode |= MEMA_ABASE;
+ memP->disp = 12;
+ break;
+ case D_BIT:
+ /* Go with MEMA instruction format for now (grow to MEMB later
+ * if 12 bits is not enough for the displacement).
+ */
+ memP->disp = 12;
+ break;
+ case A_BIT:
+ /* For some reason, the bit string for this mode is not
+ * consistent: it should be 0 (exclusive of the MEMB bit),
+ * so we set it "by hand" here.
+ */
+ memP->opcode |= MEMB_BIT;
+ break;
+ case A_BIT | I_BIT:
+ /* set MEMB bit in mode, and OR in mode bits */
+ memP->opcode |= mode | MEMB_BIT;
+ break;
+ case I_BIT:
+ /* Treat missing displacement as displacement of 0 */
+ mode |= D_BIT;
+ /***********************
+ * Fall into next case *
+ ********************** */
+ case D_BIT | A_BIT | I_BIT:
+ case D_BIT | I_BIT:
+ /* set MEMB bit in mode, and OR in mode bits */
+ memP->opcode |= mode | MEMB_BIT;
+ memP->disp = 32;
+ break;
+ default:
+ syntax();
+ break;
+ }
+ * parse_po: parse machine-dependent pseudo-op
+ *
+ * This is a top-level routine for machine-dependent pseudo-ops. It slurps
+ * up the rest of the input line, breaks out the individual arguments,
+ * and dispatches them to the correct handler.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ int po_num; /* Pseudo-op number: currently S_LEAFPROC or S_SYSPROC */
+ char *args[4]; /* Pointers operands, with no embedded whitespace.
+ * arg[0] unused.
+ * arg[1-3]->operands
+ */
+ int n_ops; /* Number of operands */
+ char *p; /* Pointer to beginning of unparsed argument string */
+ char eol; /* Character that indicated end of line */
+ extern char is_end_of_line[];
+ /* Advance input pointer to end of line. */
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ while (!is_end_of_line[ *input_line_pointer ]){
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ }
+ eol = *input_line_pointer; /* Save end-of-line char */
+ *input_line_pointer = '\0'; /* Terminate argument list */
+ /* Parse out operands */
+ n_ops = get_args(p, args);
+ if (n_ops == -1){
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Dispatch to correct handler */
+ switch(po_num){
+ case S_SYSPROC: s_sysproc(n_ops, args); break;
+ case S_LEAFPROC: s_leafproc(n_ops, args); break;
+ default: BAD_CASE(po_num); break;
+ }
+ /* Restore eol, so line numbers get updated correctly. Base assembler
+ * assumes we leave input pointer pointing at char following the eol.
+ */
+ *input_line_pointer++ = eol;
+ * parse_regop: parse a register operand.
+ *
+ * In case of illegal operand, issue a message and return some valid
+ * information so instruction processing can continue.
+ **************************************************************************** */
+parse_regop(regopP, optext, opdesc)
+ struct regop *regopP; /* Where to put description of register operand */
+ char *optext; /* Text of operand */
+ char opdesc; /* Descriptor byte: what's legal for this operand */
+ int n; /* Register number */
+ expressionS e; /* Parsed expression */
+ /* See if operand is a register */
+ n = get_regnum(optext);
+ if (n >= 0){
+ if (IS_RG_REG(n)){
+ /* global or local register */
+ if (!REG_ALIGN(opdesc,n)){
+ as_bad("unaligned register");
+ }
+ regopP->n = n;
+ regopP->mode = 0;
+ regopP->special = 0;
+ return;
+ } else if (IS_FP_REG(n) && FP_OK(opdesc)){
+ /* Floating point register, and it's allowed */
+ regopP->n = n - FP0;
+ regopP->mode = 1;
+ regopP->special = 0;
+ return;
+ } else if (IS_SF_REG(n) && SFR_OK(opdesc)){
+ /* Special-function register, and it's allowed */
+ regopP->n = n - SF0;
+ regopP->mode = 0;
+ regopP->special = 1;
+ if (!targ_has_sfr(regopP->n)){
+ as_bad("no such sfr in this architecture");
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (LIT_OK(opdesc)){
+ /*
+ * How about a literal?
+ */
+ regopP->mode = 1;
+ regopP->special = 0;
+ if (FP_OK(opdesc)){ /* floating point literal acceptable */
+ /* Skip over 0f, 0d, or 0e prefix */
+ if ( (optext[0] == '0')
+ && (optext[1] >= 'd')
+ && (optext[1] <= 'f') ){
+ optext += 2;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(optext,"0.0") || !strcmp(optext,"0") ){
+ regopP->n = 0x10;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(optext,"1.0") || !strcmp(optext,"1") ){
+ regopP->n = 0x16;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else { /* fixed point literal acceptable */
+ if ((parse_expr(optext,&e) != SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ || (offs(e) < 0) || (offs(e) > 31)){
+ as_bad("illegal literal");
+ offs(e) = 0;
+ }
+ regopP->n = offs(e);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Nothing worked */
+ syntax();
+ regopP->mode = 0; /* Register r0 is always a good one */
+ regopP->n = 0;
+ regopP->special = 0;
+} /* parse_regop() */
+ * reg_fmt: generate a REG-format instruction
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+static void reg_fmt(args, oP)
+ char *args[]; /* args[0]->opcode mnemonic, args[1-3]->operands */
+ struct i960_opcode *oP; /* Pointer to description of instruction */
+ long instr; /* Binary to be output */
+ struct regop regop; /* Description of register operand */
+ int n_ops; /* Number of operands */
+ instr = oP->opcode;
+ n_ops = oP->num_ops;
+ if (n_ops >= 1){
+ parse_regop(&regop, args[1], oP->operand[0]);
+ if ((n_ops == 1) && !(instr & M3)){
+ /* 1-operand instruction in which the dst field should
+ * be used (instead of src1).
+ */
+ regop.n <<= 19;
+ if (regop.special){
+ regop.mode = regop.special;
+ }
+ regop.mode <<= 13;
+ regop.special = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* regop.n goes in bit 0, needs no shifting */
+ regop.mode <<= 11;
+ regop.special <<= 5;
+ }
+ instr |= regop.n | regop.mode | regop.special;
+ }
+ if (n_ops >= 2) {
+ parse_regop(&regop, args[2], oP->operand[1]);
+ if ((n_ops == 2) && !(instr & M3)){
+ /* 2-operand instruction in which the dst field should
+ * be used instead of src2).
+ */
+ regop.n <<= 19;
+ if (regop.special){
+ regop.mode = regop.special;
+ }
+ regop.mode <<= 13;
+ regop.special = 0;
+ } else {
+ regop.n <<= 14;
+ regop.mode <<= 12;
+ regop.special <<= 6;
+ }
+ instr |= regop.n | regop.mode | regop.special;
+ }
+ if (n_ops == 3){
+ parse_regop(&regop, args[3], oP->operand[2]);
+ if (regop.special){
+ regop.mode = regop.special;
+ }
+ instr |= (regop.n <<= 19) | (regop.mode <<= 13);
+ }
+ emit(instr);
+ * relax_cobr:
+ * Replace cobr instruction in a code fragment with equivalent branch and
+ * compare instructions, so it can reach beyond a 13-bit displacement.
+ * Set up an address fix/relocation for the new branch instruction.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+/* This "conditional jump" table maps cobr instructions into equivalent
+ * compare and branch opcodes.
+ */
+struct {
+ long compare;
+ long branch;
+} coj[] = { /* COBR OPCODE: */
+ CHKBIT, BNO, /* 0x30 - bbc */
+ CMPO, BG, /* 0x31 - cmpobg */
+ CMPO, BE, /* 0x32 - cmpobe */
+ CMPO, BGE, /* 0x33 - cmpobge */
+ CMPO, BL, /* 0x34 - cmpobl */
+ CMPO, BNE, /* 0x35 - cmpobne */
+ CMPO, BLE, /* 0x36 - cmpoble */
+ CHKBIT, BO, /* 0x37 - bbs */
+ CMPI, BNO, /* 0x38 - cmpibno */
+ CMPI, BG, /* 0x39 - cmpibg */
+ CMPI, BE, /* 0x3a - cmpibe */
+ CMPI, BGE, /* 0x3b - cmpibge */
+ CMPI, BL, /* 0x3c - cmpibl */
+ CMPI, BNE, /* 0x3d - cmpibne */
+ CMPI, BLE, /* 0x3e - cmpible */
+ CMPI, BO, /* 0x3f - cmpibo */
+ register fragS *fragP; /* fragP->fr_opcode is assumed to point to
+ * the cobr instruction, which comes at the
+ * end of the code fragment.
+ */
+ int opcode, src1, src2, m1, s2;
+ /* Bit fields from cobr instruction */
+ long bp_bits; /* Branch prediction bits from cobr instruction */
+ long instr; /* A single i960 instruction */
+ char *iP; /*->instruction to be replaced */
+ fixS *fixP; /* Relocation that can be done at assembly time */
+ iP = fragP->fr_opcode;
+ instr = md_chars_to_number(iP, 4);
+ opcode = ((instr >> 24) & 0xff) - 0x30; /* "-0x30" for table index */
+ src1 = (instr >> 19) & 0x1f;
+ m1 = (instr >> 13) & 1;
+ s2 = instr & 1;
+ src2 = (instr >> 14) & 0x1f;
+ bp_bits= instr & BP_MASK;
+ instr = coj[opcode].compare
+ | src1 | (m1 << 11) | (s2 << 6) | (src2 << 14);
+ md_number_to_chars(iP, instr, 4);
+ md_number_to_chars(iP+4, coj[opcode].branch | bp_bits, 4);
+ fixP = fix_new(fragP,
+ iP+4 - fragP->fr_literal,
+ 4,
+ fragP->fr_symbol,
+ 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset,
+ 1,
+ 0);
+ fixP->fx_bit_fixP = (bit_fixS *) 24; /* Store size of bit field */
+ fragP->fr_fix += 4;
+ frag_wane(fragP);
+ * reloc_callj: Relocate a 'callj' instruction
+ *
+ * This is a "non-(GNU)-standard" machine-dependent hook. The base
+ * assembler calls it when it decides it can relocate an address at
+ * assembly time instead of emitting a relocation directive.
+ *
+ * Check to see if the relocation involves a 'callj' instruction to a:
+ * sysproc: Replace the default 'call' instruction with a 'calls'
+ * leafproc: Replace the default 'call' instruction with a 'bal'.
+ * other proc: Do nothing.
+ *
+ * See b.out.h for details on the 'n_other' field in a symbol structure.
+ *
+ * Assumes the caller has already figured out, in the case of a leafproc,
+ * to use the 'bal' entry point, and has substituted that symbol into the
+ * passed fixup structure.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+void reloc_callj(fixP)
+fixS *fixP; /* Relocation that can be done at assembly time */
+ char *where; /*->the binary for the instruction being relocated */
+ if (!fixP->fx_callj) {
+ return;
+ } /* This wasn't a callj instruction in the first place */
+ where = fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal + fixP->fx_where;
+ if (TC_S_IS_SYSPROC(fixP->fx_addsy)) {
+ /* Symbol is a .sysproc: replace 'call' with 'calls'.
+ * System procedure number is (other-1).
+ */
+ md_number_to_chars(where, CALLS|TC_S_GET_SYSPROC(fixP->fx_addsy), 4);
+ /* Nothing else needs to be done for this instruction.
+ * Make sure 'md_number_to_field()' will perform a no-op.
+ */
+ fixP->fx_bit_fixP = (bit_fixS *) 1;
+ } else if (TC_S_IS_CALLNAME(fixP->fx_addsy)) {
+ /* Should not happen: see block comment above */
+ as_fatal("Trying to 'bal' to %s", S_GET_NAME(fixP->fx_addsy));
+ } else if (TC_S_IS_BALNAME(fixP->fx_addsy)) {
+ /* Replace 'call' with 'bal'; both instructions have
+ * the same format, so calling code should complete
+ * relocation as if nothing happened here.
+ */
+ md_number_to_chars(where, BAL, 4);
+ } else if (TC_S_IS_BADPROC(fixP->fx_addsy)) {
+ as_bad("Looks like a proc, but can't tell what kind.\n");
+ } /* switch on proc type */
+ /* else Symbol is neither a sysproc nor a leafproc */
+ return;
+} /* reloc_callj() */
+ * s_leafproc: process .leafproc pseudo-op
+ *
+ * .leafproc takes two arguments, the second one is optional:
+ * arg[1]: name of 'call' entry point to leaf procedure
+ * arg[2]: name of 'bal' entry point to leaf procedure
+ *
+ * If the two arguments are identical, or if the second one is missing,
+ * the first argument is taken to be the 'bal' entry point.
+ *
+ * If there are 2 distinct arguments, we must make sure that the 'bal'
+ * entry point immediately follows the 'call' entry point in the linked
+ * list of symbols.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+static void s_leafproc(n_ops, args)
+int n_ops; /* Number of operands */
+char *args[]; /* args[1]->1st operand, args[2]->2nd operand */
+ symbolS *callP; /* Pointer to leafproc 'call' entry point symbol */
+ symbolS *balP; /* Pointer to leafproc 'bal' entry point symbol */
+ if ((n_ops != 1) && (n_ops != 2)) {
+ as_bad("should have 1 or 2 operands");
+ return;
+ } /* Check number of arguments */
+ /* Find or create symbol for 'call' entry point. */
+ callP = symbol_find_or_make(args[1]);
+ if (TC_S_IS_CALLNAME(callP)) {
+ as_warn("Redefining leafproc %s", S_GET_NAME(callP));
+ } /* is leafproc */
+ /* If that was the only argument, use it as the 'bal' entry point.
+ * Otherwise, mark it as the 'call' entry point and find or create
+ * another symbol for the 'bal' entry point.
+ */
+ if ((n_ops == 1) || !strcmp(args[1],args[2])) {
+ } else {
+ balP = symbol_find_or_make(args[2]);
+ if (TC_S_IS_CALLNAME(balP)) {
+ as_warn("Redefining leafproc %s", S_GET_NAME(balP));
+ }
+ tc_set_bal_of_call(callP, balP);
+ } /* if only one arg, or the args are the same */
+ return;
+} /* s_leafproc() */
+ * s_sysproc: process .sysproc pseudo-op
+ *
+ * .sysproc takes two arguments:
+ * arg[1]: name of entry point to system procedure
+ * arg[2]: 'entry_num' (index) of system procedure in the range
+ * [0,31] inclusive.
+ *
+ * For [ab].out, we store the 'entrynum' in the 'n_other' field of
+ * the symbol. Since that entry is normally 0, we bias 'entrynum'
+ * by adding 1 to it. It must be unbiased before it is used.
+ */
+static void s_sysproc(n_ops, args)
+int n_ops; /* Number of operands */
+char *args[]; /* args[1]->1st operand, args[2]->2nd operand */
+ expressionS exp;
+ symbolS *symP;
+ if (n_ops != 2) {
+ as_bad("should have two operands");
+ return;
+ } /* bad arg count */
+ /* Parse "entry_num" argument and check it for validity. */
+ if ((parse_expr(args[2],&exp) != SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ || (offs(exp) < 0)
+ || (offs(exp) > 31)) {
+ as_bad("'entry_num' must be absolute number in [0,31]");
+ return;
+ }
+ /* Find/make symbol and stick entry number (biased by +1) into it */
+ symP = symbol_find_or_make(args[1]);
+ if (TC_S_IS_SYSPROC(symP)) {
+ as_warn("Redefining entrynum for sysproc %s", S_GET_NAME(symP));
+ } /* redefining */
+ TC_S_SET_SYSPROC(symP, offs(exp)); /* encode entry number */
+ return;
+} /* s_sysproc() */
+ * shift_ok:
+ * Determine if a "shlo" instruction can be used to implement a "ldconst".
+ * This means that some number X < 32 can be shifted left to produce the
+ * constant of interest.
+ *
+ * Return the shift count, or 0 if we can't do it.
+ * Caller calculates X by shifting original constant right 'shift' places.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ int n; /* The constant of interest */
+ int shift; /* The shift count */
+ if (n <= 0){
+ /* Can't do it for negative numbers */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Shift 'n' right until a 1 is about to be lost */
+ for (shift = 0; (n & 1) == 0; shift++){
+ n >>= 1;
+ }
+ if (n >= 32){
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return shift;
+ * syntax: issue syntax error
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+static void syntax() {
+ as_bad("syntax error");
+} /* syntax() */
+ * targ_has_sfr:
+ * Return TRUE iff the target architecture supports the specified
+ * special-function register (sfr).
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ int n; /* Number (0-31) of sfr */
+ switch (architecture){
+ case ARCH_KA:
+ case ARCH_KB:
+ case ARCH_MC:
+ return 0;
+ case ARCH_CA:
+ default:
+ return ((0<=n) && (n<=2));
+ }
+ * targ_has_iclass:
+ * Return TRUE iff the target architecture supports the indicated
+ * class of instructions.
+ *
+ **************************************************************************** */
+ int ic; /* Instruction class; one of:
+ */
+ iclasses_seen |= ic;
+ switch (architecture){
+ case ARCH_KA: return ic & (I_BASE | I_KX);
+ case ARCH_KB: return ic & (I_BASE | I_KX | I_FP | I_DEC);
+ case ARCH_MC: return ic & (I_BASE | I_KX | I_FP | I_DEC | I_MIL);
+ case ARCH_CA: return ic & (I_BASE | I_CX | I_CASIM);
+ default:
+ if ((iclasses_seen & (I_KX|I_FP|I_DEC|I_MIL))
+ && (iclasses_seen & I_CX)){
+ as_warn("architecture of opcode conflicts with that of earlier instruction(s)");
+ iclasses_seen &= ~ic;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+/* Parse an operand that is machine-specific.
+ We just return without modifying the expression if we have nothing
+ to do. */
+md_operand (expressionP)
+ expressionS *expressionP;
+/* We have no need to default values of symbols. */
+symbolS *md_undefined_symbol(name)
+char *name;
+ return 0;
+} /* md_undefined_symbol() */
+/* Exactly what point is a PC-relative offset relative TO?
+ On the i960, they're relative to the address of the instruction,
+ which we have set up as the address of the fixup too. */
+md_pcrel_from (fixP)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ return fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
+md_apply_fix(fixP, val)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ long val;
+ char *place = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal;
+ if (!fixP->fx_bit_fixP) {
+ switch (fixP->fx_im_disp) {
+ case 0:
+ fixP->fx_addnumber = val;
+ md_number_to_imm(place, val, fixP->fx_size, fixP);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ md_number_to_disp(place,
+ fixP->fx_pcrel ? val + fixP->fx_pcrel_adjust : val,
+ fixP->fx_size);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* fix requested for .long .word etc */
+ md_number_to_chars(place, val, fixP->fx_size);
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Internal error in md_apply_fix() in file \"%s\"", __FILE__);
+ } /* OVE: maybe one ought to put _imm _disp _chars in one md-func */
+ } else {
+ md_number_to_field(place, val, fixP->fx_bit_fixP);
+ }
+ return;
+} /* md_apply_fix() */
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ * emit_relocations()
+ *
+ * Crawl along a fixS chain. Emit the segment's relocations.
+ */
+static void
+emit_machine_reloc (fixP, segment_address_in_file)
+ register fixS * fixP; /* Fixup chain for this segment. */
+ relax_addressT segment_address_in_file;
+ struct reloc_info_generic ri;
+ register symbolS * symbolP;
+ /* JF this is for paranoia */
+ bzero((char *)&ri,sizeof(ri));
+ for (; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next)
+ {
+ if ((symbolP = fixP->fx_addsy) != 0)
+ {
+ /* These two 'cuz of NS32K */
+ ri . r_bsr = fixP->fx_bsr;
+ ri . r_disp = fixP->fx_im_disp;
+ ri . r_callj = fixP->fx_callj;
+ ri . r_length = nbytes_r_length [fixP->fx_size];
+ ri . r_pcrel = fixP->fx_pcrel;
+ ri . r_address = fixP->fx_frag->fr_address
+ + fixP->fx_where
+ - segment_address_in_file;
+ if (!S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP))
+ {
+ ri . r_extern = 1;
+ ri . r_symbolnum = symbolP->sy_number;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ri . r_extern = 0;
+ ri . r_symbolnum = S_GET_TYPE(symbolP);
+ }
+ /* Output the relocation information in machine-dependent form. */
+ md_ri_to_chars(next_object_file_charP, &ri);
+ next_object_file_charP += sizeof(struct relocation_info);
+ }
+ }
+} /* emit_machine_reloc() */
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+/* Align an address by rounding it up to the specified boundary.
+ */
+long md_section_align(seg, addr)
+segT seg;
+long addr; /* Address to be rounded up */
+ return((addr + (1 << section_alignment[(int) seg]) - 1) & (-1 << section_alignment[(int) seg]));
+} /* md_section_align() */
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+void tc_headers_hook(headers)
+object_headers *headers;
+ unsigned short arch_flag = 0;
+ if (iclasses_seen == I_BASE){
+ headers->filehdr.f_flags |= F_I960CORE;
+ } else if (iclasses_seen & I_CX){
+ headers->filehdr.f_flags |= F_I960CA;
+ } else if (iclasses_seen & I_MIL){
+ headers->filehdr.f_flags |= F_I960MC;
+ } else if (iclasses_seen & (I_DEC|I_FP)){
+ headers->filehdr.f_flags |= F_I960KB;
+ } else {
+ headers->filehdr.f_flags |= F_I960KA;
+ } /* set arch flag */
+ if (flagseen['R']) {
+ headers->filehdr.f_magic = I960RWMAGIC;
+ headers->aouthdr.magic = OMAGIC;
+ } else {
+ headers->filehdr.f_magic = I960ROMAGIC;
+ headers->aouthdr.magic = NMAGIC;
+ } /* set magic numbers */
+ return;
+} /* tc_headers_hook() */
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+ * Things going on here:
+ *
+ * For bout, We need to assure a couple of simplifying
+ * assumptions about leafprocs for the linker: the leafproc
+ * entry symbols will be defined in the same assembly in
+ * which they're declared with the '.leafproc' directive;
+ * and if a leafproc has both 'call' and 'bal' entry points
+ * they are both global or both local.
+ *
+ * For coff, the call symbol has a second aux entry that
+ * contains the bal entry point. The bal symbol becomes a
+ * label.
+ *
+ * For coff representation, the call symbol has a second aux entry that
+ * contains the bal entry point. The bal symbol becomes a label.
+ *
+ */
+void tc_crawl_symbol_chain(headers)
+object_headers *headers;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ for (symbolP = symbol_rootP; symbolP; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+ if (TC_S_IS_SYSPROC(symbolP)) {
+ /* second aux entry already contains the sysproc number */
+ S_SET_DATA_TYPE(symbolP, S_GET_DATA_TYPE(symbolP) | (DT_FCN << N_BTSHFT));
+ continue;
+ } /* rewrite sysproc */
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+ if (!TC_S_IS_BALNAME(symbolP) && !TC_S_IS_CALLNAME(symbolP)) {
+ continue;
+ } /* Not a leafproc symbol */
+ if (!S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)) {
+ as_bad("leafproc symbol '%s' undefined", S_GET_NAME(symbolP));
+ } /* undefined leaf */
+ if (TC_S_IS_CALLNAME(symbolP)) {
+ symbolS *balP = tc_get_bal_of_call(symbolP);
+ if (S_IS_EXTERNAL(symbolP) != S_IS_EXTERNAL(balP)) {
+ S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP);
+ as_warn("Warning: making leafproc entries %s and %s both global\n",
+ S_GET_NAME(symbolP), S_GET_NAME(balP));
+ } /* externality mismatch */
+ } /* if callname */
+ } /* walk the symbol chain */
+ return;
+} /* tc_crawl_symbol_chain() */
+ * For aout or bout, the bal immediately follows the call.
+ *
+ * For coff, we cheat and store a pointer to the bal symbol
+ * in the second aux entry of the call.
+ */
+void tc_set_bal_of_call(callP, balP)
+symbolS *callP;
+symbolS *balP;
+ know(TC_S_IS_CALLNAME(callP));
+ know(TC_S_IS_BALNAME(balP));
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+ callP->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[1].x_bal.x_balntry = (int) balP;
+#elif defined(OBJ_AOUT) || defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ /* If the 'bal' entry doesn't immediately follow the 'call'
+ * symbol, unlink it from the symbol list and re-insert it.
+ */
+ if (symbol_next(callP) != balP) {
+ symbol_remove(balP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ symbol_append(balP, callP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ } /* if not in order */
+ (as yet unwritten.);
+#endif /* switch on OBJ_FORMAT */
+ return;
+} /* tc_set_bal_of_call() */
+char *_tc_get_bal_of_call(callP)
+symbolS *callP;
+ symbolS *retval;
+ know(TC_S_IS_CALLNAME(callP));
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+ retval = (symbolS *) (callP->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[1].x_bal.x_balntry);
+#elif defined(OBJ_AOUT) || defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ retval = symbol_next(callP);
+ (as yet unwritten.);
+#endif /* switch on OBJ_FORMAT */
+ know(TC_S_IS_BALNAME(retval));
+ return((char *) retval);
+} /* _tc_get_bal_of_call() */
+void tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook(symbolP)
+symbolS *symbolP;
+ if (TC_S_IS_CALLNAME(symbolP)) {
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+ symbolS *balP = tc_get_bal_of_call(symbolP);
+ /* second aux entry contains the bal entry point */
+/* S_SET_NUMBER_AUXILIARY(symbolP, 2); */
+ symbolP->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[1].x_bal.x_balntry = S_GET_VALUE(balP);
+ S_SET_DATA_TYPE(symbolP, S_GET_DATA_TYPE(symbolP) | (DT_FCN << N_BTSHFT));
+ /* fix up the bal symbol */
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+ } /* only on calls */
+ return;
+} /* tc_coff_symbol_emit_hook() */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of i960.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-i960.h b/gas/config/tc-i960.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b05340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-i960.h
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+/* tc-i960.h - Basic 80960 instruction formats.
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write
+to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+ * The 'COJ' instructions are actually COBR instructions with the 'b' in
+ * the mnemonic replaced by a 'j'; they are ALWAYS "de-optimized" if necessary:
+ * if the displacement will not fit in 13 bits, the assembler will replace them
+ * with the corresponding compare and branch instructions.
+ *
+ * All of the 'MEMn' instructions are the same format; the 'n' in the name
+ * indicates the default index scale factor (the size of the datum operated on).
+ *
+ * The FBRA formats are not actually an instruction format. They are the
+ * "convenience directives" for branching on floating-point comparisons,
+ * each of which generates 2 instructions (a 'bno' and one other branch).
+ *
+ * The CALLJ format is not actually an instruction format. It indicates that
+ * the instruction generated (a CTRL-format 'call') should have its relocation
+ * specially flagged for link-time replacement with a 'bal' or 'calls' if
+ * appropriate.
+ */
+#define TC_I960 1
+ /* tailor gas */
+ /* tailor the coff format */
+ /* other */
+#define CTRL 0
+#define COBR 1
+#define COJ 2
+#define REG 3
+#define MEM1 4
+#define MEM2 5
+#define MEM4 6
+#define MEM8 7
+#define MEM12 8
+#define MEM16 9
+#define FBRA 10
+#define CALLJ 11
+/* Masks for the mode bits in REG format instructions */
+#define M1 0x0800
+#define M2 0x1000
+#define M3 0x2000
+/* Generate the 12-bit opcode for a REG format instruction by placing the
+ * high 8 bits in instruction bits 24-31, the low 4 bits in instruction bits
+ * 7-10.
+ */
+#define REG_OPC(opc) ((opc & 0xff0) << 20) | ((opc & 0xf) << 7)
+/* Generate a template for a REG format instruction: place the opcode bits
+ * in the appropriate fields and OR in mode bits for the operands that will not
+ * be used. I.e.,
+ * set m1=1, if src1 will not be used
+ * set m2=1, if src2 will not be used
+ * set m3=1, if dst will not be used
+ *
+ * Setting the "unused" mode bits to 1 speeds up instruction execution(!).
+ * The information is also useful to us because some 1-operand REG instructions
+ * use the src1 field, others the dst field; and some 2-operand REG instructions
+ * use src1/src2, others src1/dst. The set mode bits enable us to distinguish.
+ */
+#define R_0(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) | M1 | M2 | M3 ) /* No operands */
+#define R_1(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) | M2 | M3 ) /* 1 operand: src1 */
+#define R_1D(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) | M1 | M2 ) /* 1 operand: dst */
+#define R_2(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) | M3 ) /* 2 ops: src1/src2 */
+#define R_2D(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) | M2 ) /* 2 ops: src1/dst */
+#define R_3(opc) ( REG_OPC(opc) ) /* 3 operands */
+ *
+ * Interpret names as follows:
+ * R: global or local register only
+ * RS: global, local, or (if target allows) special-function register only
+ * RL: global or local register, or integer literal
+ * RSL: global, local, or (if target allows) special-function register;
+ * or integer literal
+ * F: global, local, or floating-point register
+ * FL: global, local, or floating-point register; or literal (including
+ * floating point)
+ *
+ * A number appended to a name indicates that registers must be aligned,
+ * as follows:
+ * 2: register number must be multiple of 2
+ * 4: register number must be multiple of 4
+ */
+#define SFR 0x10 /* Mask for the "sfr-OK" bit */
+#define LIT 0x08 /* Mask for the "literal-OK" bit */
+#define FP 0x04 /* Mask for "floating-point-OK" bit */
+/* This macro ors the bits together. Note that 'align' is a mask
+ * for the low 0, 1, or 2 bits of the register number, as appropriate.
+ */
+#define OP(align,lit,fp,sfr) ( align | lit | fp | sfr )
+#define R OP( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
+#define RS OP( 0, 0, 0, SFR )
+#define RL OP( 0, LIT, 0, 0 )
+#define RSL OP( 0, LIT, 0, SFR )
+#define F OP( 0, 0, FP, 0 )
+#define FL OP( 0, LIT, FP, 0 )
+#define R2 OP( 1, 0, 0, 0 )
+#define RL2 OP( 1, LIT, 0, 0 )
+#define F2 OP( 1, 0, FP, 0 )
+#define FL2 OP( 1, LIT, FP, 0 )
+#define R4 OP( 3, 0, 0, 0 )
+#define RL4 OP( 3, LIT, 0, 0 )
+#define F4 OP( 3, 0, FP, 0 )
+#define FL4 OP( 3, LIT, FP, 0 )
+#define M 0x7f /* Memory operand (MEMA & MEMB format instructions) */
+/* Macros to extract info from the register operand descriptor byte 'od'.
+ */
+#define SFR_OK(od) (od & SFR) /* TRUE if sfr operand allowed */
+#define LIT_OK(od) (od & LIT) /* TRUE if literal operand allowed */
+#define FP_OK(od) (od & FP) /* TRUE if floating-point op allowed */
+#define REG_ALIGN(od,n) ((od & 0x3 & n) == 0)
+ /* TRUE if reg #n is properly aligned */
+#define MEMOP(od) (od == M) /* TRUE if operand is a memory operand*/
+/* Classes of 960 intructions:
+ * - each instruction falls into one class.
+ * - each target architecture supports one or more classes.
+ *
+ * EACH CONSTANT MUST CONTAIN 1 AND ONLY 1 SET BIT!: see targ_has_iclass().
+ */
+#define I_BASE 0x01 /* 80960 base instruction set */
+#define I_CX 0x02 /* 80960Cx instruction */
+#define I_DEC 0x04 /* Decimal instruction */
+#define I_FP 0x08 /* Floating point instruction */
+#define I_KX 0x10 /* 80960Kx instruction */
+#define I_MIL 0x20 /* Military instruction */
+/* MEANING OF 'n_other' in the symbol record.
+ *
+ * If non-zero, the 'n_other' fields indicates either a leaf procedure or
+ * a system procedure, as follows:
+ *
+ * 1 <= n_other <= 32 :
+ * The symbol is the entry point to a system procedure.
+ * 'n_value' is the address of the entry, as for any other
+ * procedure. The system procedure number (which can be used in
+ * a 'calls' instruction) is (n_other-1). These entries come from
+ * '.sysproc' directives.
+ *
+ * n_other == N_CALLNAME
+ * the symbol is the 'call' entry point to a leaf procedure.
+ * The *next* symbol in the symbol table must be the corresponding
+ * 'bal' entry point to the procedure (see following). These
+ * entries come from '.leafproc' directives in which two different
+ * symbols are specified (the first one is represented here).
+ *
+ *
+ * n_other == N_BALNAME
+ * the symbol is the 'bal' entry point to a leaf procedure.
+ * These entries result from '.leafproc' directives in which only
+ * one symbol is specified, or in which the same symbol is
+ * specified twice.
+ *
+ * Note that an N_CALLNAME entry *must* have a corresponding N_BALNAME entry,
+ * but not every N_BALNAME entry must have an N_CALLNAME entry.
+ */
+#define N_CALLNAME (-1)
+#define N_BALNAME (-2)
+ /* i960 uses a custom relocation record. */
+ /* let obj-aout.h know */
+ /* let a.out.gnu.h know */
+struct relocation_info {
+ int r_address; /* File address of item to be relocated */
+ unsigned
+ r_index:24,/* Index of symbol on which relocation is based*/
+ r_pcrel:1, /* 1 => relocate PC-relative; else absolute
+ * On i960, pc-relative implies 24-bit
+ * address, absolute implies 32-bit.
+ */
+ r_length:2, /* Number of bytes to relocate:
+ * 0 => 1 byte
+ * 1 => 2 bytes
+ * 2 => 4 bytes -- only value used for i960
+ */
+ r_extern:1,
+ r_bsr:1, /* Something for the GNU NS32K assembler */
+ r_disp:1, /* Something for the GNU NS32K assembler */
+ r_callj:1, /* 1 if relocation target is an i960 'callj' */
+ nuthin:1; /* Unused */
+ /* hacks for tracking callj's */
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+#define TC_S_IS_SYSPROC(s) ((1<=S_GET_OTHER(s)) && (S_GET_OTHER(s)<=32))
+#define TC_S_IS_BADPROC(s) ((S_GET_OTHER(s) != 0) && !TC_S_IS_CALLNAME(s) && !TC_S_IS_BALNAME(s) && !TC_S_IS_SYSPROC(s))
+#define TC_S_SET_SYSPROC(s, p) (S_SET_OTHER((s), (p)+1))
+#define TC_S_GET_SYSPROC(s) (S_GET_OTHER(s)-1)
+#define TC_S_FORCE_TO_SYSPROC(s) {;}
+#elif defined(OBJ_COFF)
+#define TC_S_IS_BADPROC(s) (TC_S_IS_SYSPROC(s) && TC_S_GET_SYSPROC(s) < 0 && 31 < TC_S_GET_SYSPROC(s))
+#define TC_S_SET_SYSPROC(s, p) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[1].x_sc.x_stindx = (p))
+#define TC_S_GET_SYSPROC(s) ((s)->sy_symbol.ost_auxent[1].x_sc.x_stindx)
+#else /* switch on OBJ */
+you lose
+#endif /* witch on OBJ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+void brtab_emit(void);
+void reloc_callj(); /* this is really reloc_callj(fixS *fixP) but I don't want to change header inclusion order. */
+void tc_set_bal_of_call(); /* this is really tc_set_bal_of_call(symbolS *callP, symbolS *balP) */
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+void brtab_emit();
+void reloc_callj();
+void tc_set_bal_of_call();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+char *_tc_get_bal_of_call(); /* this is really symbolS *tc_get_bal_of_call(symbolS *callP). */
+#define tc_get_bal_of_call(c) ((symbolS *) _tc_get_bal_of_call(c))
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tp-i960.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-m68851.h b/gas/config/tc-m68851.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff984fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-m68851.h
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+ * pmmu.h
+ */
+/* I suppose we have to copyright this file. Someone on the net sent it
+ to us as part of the changes for the m68851 Memory Management Unit */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of Gas, the GNU Assembler.
+The GNU assembler is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
+accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
+or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
+unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Assembler General
+Public License for full details.
+Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+the GNU Assembler, but only under the conditions described in the
+GNU Assembler General Public License. A copy of this license is
+supposed to have been given to you along with the GNU Assembler
+so you can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be
+in a file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright
+notice and this notice must be preserved on all copies. */
+#ifdef m68851
+ I didn't use much imagination in choosing the
+ following codes, so many of them aren't very
+ mnemonic. -rab
+ P pmmu register
+ Possible values:
+ 000 TC Translation Control reg
+ 100 CAL Current Access Level
+ 101 VAL Validate Access Level
+ 110 SCC Stack Change Control
+ 111 AC Access Control
+ W wide pmmu registers
+ Possible values:
+ 001 DRP Dma Root Pointer
+ 010 SRP Supervisor Root Pointer
+ 011 CRP Cpu Root Pointer
+ f function code register
+ 0 SFC
+ 1 DFC
+ V VAL register only
+ X BADx, BACx
+ 100 BAD Breakpoint Acknowledge Data
+ 101 BAC Breakpoint Acknowledge Control
+ | memory (modes 2-6, 7.*)
+ * these defines should be in m68k.c but
+ * i put them here to keep all the m68851 stuff
+ * together -rab
+ * JF--Make sure these #s don't clash with the ones in m68k.c
+ * That would be BAD.
+ */
+#define TC (FPS+1) /* 48 */
+#define DRP (TC+1) /* 49 */
+#define SRP (DRP+1) /* 50 */
+#define CRP (SRP+1) /* 51 */
+#define CAL (CRP+1) /* 52 */
+#define VAL (CAL+1) /* 53 */
+#define SCC (VAL+1) /* 54 */
+#define AC (SCC+1) /* 55 */
+#define BAD (AC+1) /* 56,57,58,59, 60,61,62,63 */
+#define BAC (BAD+8) /* 64,65,66,67, 68,69,70,71 */
+#define PSR (BAC+8) /* 72 */
+#define PCSR (PSR+1) /* 73 */
+ /* name */ /* opcode */ /* match */ /* args */
+{"pbac", one(0xf0c7), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbacw", one(0xf087), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbas", one(0xf0c6), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbasw", one(0xf086), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbbc", one(0xf0c1), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbbcw", one(0xf081), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbbs", one(0xf0c0), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbbsw", one(0xf080), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbcc", one(0xf0cf), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbccw", one(0xf08f), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbcs", one(0xf0ce), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbcsw", one(0xf08e), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbgc", one(0xf0cd), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbgcw", one(0xf08d), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbgs", one(0xf0cc), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbgsw", one(0xf08c), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbic", one(0xf0cb), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbicw", one(0xf08b), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbis", one(0xf0ca), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbisw", one(0xf08a), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pblc", one(0xf0c3), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pblcw", one(0xf083), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbls", one(0xf0c2), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pblsw", one(0xf082), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbsc", one(0xf0c5), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbscw", one(0xf085), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbss", one(0xf0c4), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbssw", one(0xf084), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbwc", one(0xf0c9), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbwcw", one(0xf089), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbws", one(0xf0c8), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pbwsw", one(0xf088), one(0xffbf), "Bc"},
+{"pdbac", two(0xf048, 0x0007), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbas", two(0xf048, 0x0006), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbbc", two(0xf048, 0x0001), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbbs", two(0xf048, 0x0000), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbcc", two(0xf048, 0x000f), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbcs", two(0xf048, 0x000e), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbgc", two(0xf048, 0x000d), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbgs", two(0xf048, 0x000c), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbic", two(0xf048, 0x000b), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbis", two(0xf048, 0x000a), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdblc", two(0xf048, 0x0003), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbls", two(0xf048, 0x0002), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbsc", two(0xf048, 0x0005), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbss", two(0xf048, 0x0004), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbwc", two(0xf048, 0x0009), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pdbws", two(0xf048, 0x0008), two(0xfff8, 0xffff), "DsBw"},
+{"pflusha", two(0xf000, 0x2400), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "" },
+{"pflush", two(0xf000, 0x3010), two(0xffc0, 0xfe10), "T3T9" },
+{"pflush", two(0xf000, 0x3810), two(0xffc0, 0xfe10), "T3T9&s" },
+{"pflush", two(0xf000, 0x3008), two(0xffc0, 0xfe18), "D3T9" },
+{"pflush", two(0xf000, 0x3808), two(0xffc0, 0xfe18), "D3T9&s" },
+{"pflush", two(0xf000, 0x3000), two(0xffc0, 0xfe1e), "f3T9" },
+{"pflush", two(0xf000, 0x3800), two(0xffc0, 0xfe1e), "f3T9&s" },
+{"pflushs", two(0xf000, 0x3410), two(0xfff8, 0xfe10), "T3T9" },
+{"pflushs", two(0xf000, 0x3c00), two(0xfff8, 0xfe00), "T3T9&s" },
+{"pflushs", two(0xf000, 0x3408), two(0xfff8, 0xfe18), "D3T9" },
+{"pflushs", two(0xf000, 0x3c08), two(0xfff8, 0xfe18), "D3T9&s" },
+{"pflushs", two(0xf000, 0x3400), two(0xfff8, 0xfe1e), "f3T9" },
+{"pflushs", two(0xf000, 0x3c00), two(0xfff8, 0xfe1e), "f3T9&s"},
+{"pflushr", two(0xf000, 0xa000), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "|s" },
+{"ploadr", two(0xf000, 0x2210), two(0xffc0, 0xfff0), "T3&s" },
+{"ploadr", two(0xf000, 0x2208), two(0xffc0, 0xfff8), "D3&s" },
+{"ploadr", two(0xf000, 0x2200), two(0xffc0, 0xfffe), "f3&s" },
+{"ploadw", two(0xf000, 0x2010), two(0xffc0, 0xfff0), "T3&s" },
+{"ploadw", two(0xf000, 0x2008), two(0xffc0, 0xfff8), "D3&s" },
+{"ploadw", two(0xf000, 0x2000), two(0xffc0, 0xfffe), "f3&s" },
+{"pmove", two(0xf000, 0x4000), two(0xffc0, 0xe3ff), "*sP8" },
+{"pmove", two(0xf000, 0x4200), two(0xffc0, 0xe3ff), "P8%s" },
+{"pmove", two(0xf000, 0x4000), two(0xffc0, 0xe3ff), "|sW8" },
+{"pmove", two(0xf000, 0x4200), two(0xffc0, 0xe3ff), "W8~s" },
+/* BADx, BACx */
+{"pmove", two(0xf000, 0x6200), two(0xffc0, 0xe3e3), "*sX3" },
+{"pmove", two(0xf000, 0x6000), two(0xffc0, 0xe3e3), "X3%s" },
+/* PSR, PCSR */
+/* {"pmove", two(0xf000, 0x6100), two(oxffc0, oxffff), "*sZ8" }, */
+{"pmove", two(0xf000, 0x6000), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "*sY8" },
+{"pmove", two(0xf000, 0x6200), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "Y8%s" },
+{"pmove", two(0xf000, 0x6600), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "Z8%s" },
+{"prestore", one(0xf140), one(0xffc0), "&s"},
+{"prestore", one(0xf158), one(0xfff8), "+s"},
+{"psave", one(0xf100), one(0xffc0), "&s"},
+{"psave", one(0xf100), one(0xffc0), "+s"},
+{"psac", two(0xf040, 0x0007), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"psas", two(0xf040, 0x0006), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"psbc", two(0xf040, 0x0001), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"psbs", two(0xf040, 0x0000), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"pscc", two(0xf040, 0x000f), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"pscs", two(0xf040, 0x000e), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"psgc", two(0xf040, 0x000d), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"psgs", two(0xf040, 0x000c), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"psic", two(0xf040, 0x000b), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"psis", two(0xf040, 0x000a), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"pslc", two(0xf040, 0x0003), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"psls", two(0xf040, 0x0002), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"pssc", two(0xf040, 0x0005), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"psss", two(0xf040, 0x0004), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"pswc", two(0xf040, 0x0009), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"psws", two(0xf040, 0x0008), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "@s"},
+{"ptestr", two(0xf000, 0x8210), two(0xffc0, 0xe3f0), "T3&sQ8" },
+{"ptestr", two(0xf000, 0x8310), two(0xffc0, 0xe310), "T3&sQ8A9" },
+{"ptestr", two(0xf000, 0x8208), two(0xffc0, 0xe3f8), "D3&sQ8" },
+{"ptestr", two(0xf000, 0x8308), two(0xffc0, 0xe318), "D3&sQ8A9" },
+{"ptestr", two(0xf000, 0x8200), two(0xffc0, 0xe3fe), "f3&sQ8" },
+{"ptestr", two(0xf000, 0x8300), two(0xffc0, 0xe31e), "f3&sQ8A9" },
+{"ptestw", two(0xf000, 0x8010), two(0xffc0, 0xe3f0), "T3&sQ8" },
+{"ptestw", two(0xf000, 0x8110), two(0xffc0, 0xe310), "T3&sQ8A9" },
+{"ptestw", two(0xf000, 0x8008), two(0xffc0, 0xe3f8), "D3&sQ8" },
+{"ptestw", two(0xf000, 0x8108), two(0xffc0, 0xe318), "D3&sQ8A9" },
+{"ptestw", two(0xf000, 0x8000), two(0xffc0, 0xe3fe), "f3&sQ8" },
+{"ptestw", two(0xf000, 0x8100), two(0xffc0, 0xe31e), "f3&sQ8A9" },
+{"ptrapacw", two(0xf07a, 0x0007), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapacl", two(0xf07b, 0x0007), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapac", two(0xf07c, 0x0007), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapasw", two(0xf07a, 0x0006), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapasl", two(0xf07b, 0x0006), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapas", two(0xf07c, 0x0006), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapbcw", two(0xf07a, 0x0001), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapbcl", two(0xf07b, 0x0001), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapbc", two(0xf07c, 0x0001), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapbsw", two(0xf07a, 0x0000), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapbsl", two(0xf07b, 0x0000), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapbs", two(0xf07c, 0x0000), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapccw", two(0xf07a, 0x000f), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapccl", two(0xf07b, 0x000f), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapcc", two(0xf07c, 0x000f), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapcsw", two(0xf07a, 0x000e), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapcsl", two(0xf07b, 0x000e), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapcs", two(0xf07c, 0x000e), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapgcw", two(0xf07a, 0x000d), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapgcl", two(0xf07b, 0x000d), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapgc", two(0xf07c, 0x000d), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapgsw", two(0xf07a, 0x000c), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapgsl", two(0xf07b, 0x000c), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapgs", two(0xf07c, 0x000c), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapicw", two(0xf07a, 0x000b), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapicl", two(0xf07b, 0x000b), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapic", two(0xf07c, 0x000b), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapisw", two(0xf07a, 0x000a), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapisl", two(0xf07b, 0x000a), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapis", two(0xf07c, 0x000a), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptraplcw", two(0xf07a, 0x0003), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptraplcl", two(0xf07b, 0x0003), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptraplc", two(0xf07c, 0x0003), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptraplsw", two(0xf07a, 0x0002), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptraplsl", two(0xf07b, 0x0002), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapls", two(0xf07c, 0x0002), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapscw", two(0xf07a, 0x0005), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapscl", two(0xf07b, 0x0005), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapsc", two(0xf07c, 0x0005), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapssw", two(0xf07a, 0x0004), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapssl", two(0xf07b, 0x0004), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapss", two(0xf07c, 0x0004), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapwcw", two(0xf07a, 0x0009), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapwcl", two(0xf07b, 0x0009), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapwc", two(0xf07c, 0x0009), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"ptrapwsw", two(0xf07a, 0x0008), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#w"},
+{"ptrapwsl", two(0xf07b, 0x0008), two(0xffff, 0xffff), "#l"},
+{"ptrapws", two(0xf07c, 0x0008), two(0xffff, 0xffff), ""},
+{"pvalid", two(0xf000, 0x2800), two(0xffc0, 0xffff), "Vs&s"},
+{"pvalid", two(0xf000, 0x2c00), two(0xffc0, 0xfff8), "A3&s" },
+#endif /* m68851 */
+/* end pmmu.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-m68k.c b/gas/config/tc-m68k.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2ba228
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-m68k.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3808 @@
+/* m68k.c All the m68020 specific stuff in one convenient, huge,
+ slow to compile, easy to find file.
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+ /* note that this file includes real declarations and thus can only be included by one source file per executable. */
+#include "m68k-opcode.h"
+/* This array holds the chars that always start a comment. If the
+ pre-processor is disabled, these aren't very useful */
+const char comment_chars[] = "|";
+/* This array holds the chars that only start a comment at the beginning of
+ a line. If the line seems to have the form '# 123 filename'
+ .line and .file directives will appear in the pre-processed output */
+/* Note that input_file.c hand checks for '#' at the beginning of the
+ first line of the input file. This is because the compiler outputs
+ #NO_APP at the beginning of its output. */
+/* Also note that comments like this one will always work. */
+const char line_comment_chars[] = "#";
+/* Chars that can be used to separate mant from exp in floating point nums */
+const char EXP_CHARS[] = "eE";
+/* Chars that mean this number is a floating point constant */
+/* As in 0f12.456 */
+/* or 0d1.2345e12 */
+const char FLT_CHARS[] = "rRsSfFdDxXeEpP";
+/* Also be aware that MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CHARS_FOR_FLOAT may have to be
+ changed in read.c . Ideally it shouldn't have to know about it at all,
+ but nothing is ideal around here.
+ */
+int md_reloc_size = 8; /* Size of relocation record */
+/* Its an arbitrary name: This means I don't approve of it */
+/* See flames below */
+static struct obstack robyn;
+#define TAB(x,y) (((x)<<2)+(y))
+#define TABTYPE(xy) ((xy) >> 2)
+#define BYTE 0
+#define SHORT 1
+#define LONG 2
+#define SZ_UNDEF 3
+#define BRANCH 1
+#define FBRANCH 2
+#define PCREL 3
+#define BCC68000 4
+#define DBCC 5
+#define PCLEA 6
+struct m68k_exp {
+ char *e_beg;
+ char *e_end;
+ expressionS e_exp;
+ short e_siz; /* 0== default 1==short/byte 2==word 3==long */
+/* Internal form of an operand. */
+struct m68k_op {
+ char *error; /* Couldn't parse it */
+ int mode; /* What mode this instruction is in. */
+ unsigned long reg; /* Base register */
+ struct m68k_exp *con1;
+ int ireg; /* Index register */
+ int isiz; /* 0==unspec 1==byte(?) 2==short 3==long */
+ int imul; /* Multipy ireg by this (1,2,4,or 8) */
+ struct m68k_exp *con2;
+/* internal form of a 68020 instruction */
+struct m68_it {
+ char *error;
+ char *args; /* list of opcode info */
+ int numargs;
+ int numo; /* Number of shorts in opcode */
+ short opcode[11];
+ struct m68k_op operands[6];
+ int nexp; /* number of exprs in use */
+ struct m68k_exp exprs[4];
+ int nfrag; /* Number of frags we have to produce */
+ struct {
+ int fragoff; /* Where in the current opcode[] the frag ends */
+ symbolS *fadd;
+ long foff;
+ int fragty;
+ } fragb[4];
+ int nrel; /* Num of reloc strucs in use */
+ struct {
+ int n;
+ symbolS *add,
+ *sub;
+ long off;
+ char wid;
+ char pcrel;
+ } reloc[5]; /* Five is enough??? */
+struct m68_it the_ins; /* the instruction being assembled */
+/* Macros for adding things to the m68_it struct */
+#define addword(w) the_ins.opcode[the_ins.numo++]=(w)
+/* Like addword, but goes BEFORE general operands */
+#define insop(w) {int z;\
+ for(z=the_ins.numo;z>opcode->m_codenum;--z)\
+ the_ins.opcode[z]=the_ins.opcode[z-1];\
+ for(z=0;z<the_ins.nrel;z++)\
+ the_ins.reloc[z].n+=2;\
+ the_ins.opcode[opcode->m_codenum]=w;\
+ the_ins.numo++;\
+#define add_exp(beg,end) (\
+ the_ins.exprs[the_ins.nexp].e_beg=beg,\
+ the_ins.exprs[the_ins.nexp].e_end=end,\
+ &the_ins.exprs[the_ins.nexp++]\
+/* The numo+1 kludge is so we can hit the low order byte of the prev word. Blecch*/
+#define add_fix(width,exp,pc_rel) {\
+ the_ins.reloc[the_ins.nrel].n= ((width)=='B') ? (the_ins.numo*2-1) : \
+ (((width)=='b') ? ((the_ins.numo-1)*2) : (the_ins.numo*2));\
+ the_ins.reloc[the_ins.nrel].add=adds((exp));\
+ the_ins.reloc[the_ins.nrel].sub=subs((exp));\
+ the_ins.reloc[the_ins.nrel].off=offs((exp));\
+ the_ins.reloc[the_ins.nrel].wid=width;\
+ the_ins.reloc[the_ins.nrel++].pcrel=pc_rel;\
+#define add_frag(add,off,type) {\
+ the_ins.fragb[the_ins.nfrag].fragoff=the_ins.numo;\
+ the_ins.fragb[the_ins.nfrag].fadd=add;\
+ the_ins.fragb[the_ins.nfrag].foff=off;\
+ the_ins.fragb[the_ins.nfrag++].fragty=type;\
+#define isvar(exp) ((exp) && (adds(exp) || subs(exp)))
+#define seg(exp) ((exp)->e_exp.X_seg)
+#define adds(exp) ((exp)->e_exp.X_add_symbol)
+#define subs(exp) ((exp)->e_exp.X_subtract_symbol)
+#define offs(exp) ((exp)->e_exp.X_add_number)
+struct m68_incant {
+ char *m_operands;
+ unsigned long m_opcode;
+ short m_opnum;
+ short m_codenum;
+ struct m68_incant *m_next;
+#define getone(x) ((((x)->m_opcode)>>16)&0xffff)
+#define gettwo(x) (((x)->m_opcode)&0xffff)
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static char *crack_operand(char *str, struct m68k_op *opP);
+static int get_num(struct m68k_exp *exp, int ok);
+static int get_regs(int i, char *str, struct m68k_op *opP);
+static int reverse_16_bits(int in);
+static int reverse_8_bits(int in);
+static int try_index(char **s, struct m68k_op *opP);
+static void install_gen_operand(int mode, int val);
+static void install_operand(int mode, int val);
+static void s_bss(void);
+static void s_data1(void);
+static void s_data2(void);
+static void s_even(void);
+static void s_proc(void);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+static char *crack_operand();
+static int get_num();
+static int get_regs();
+static int reverse_16_bits();
+static int reverse_8_bits();
+static int try_index();
+static void install_gen_operand();
+static void install_operand();
+static void s_bss();
+static void s_data1();
+static void s_data2();
+static void s_even();
+static void s_proc();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+/* BCC68000 is for patching in an extra jmp instruction for long offsets
+ on the 68000. The 68000 doesn't support long branches with branchs */
+/* This table desribes how you change sizes for the various types of variable
+ size expressions. This version only supports two kinds. */
+/* Note that calls to frag_var need to specify the maximum expansion needed */
+/* This is currently 10 bytes for DBCC */
+/* The fields are:
+ How far Forward this mode will reach:
+ How far Backward this mode will reach:
+ How many bytes this mode will add to the size of the frag
+ Which mode to go to if the offset won't fit in this one
+ */
+const relax_typeS
+md_relax_table[] = {
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* First entries aren't used */
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* For no good reason except */
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* that the VAX doesn't either */
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+{ (127), (-128), 0, TAB(BRANCH,SHORT)},
+{ (32767), (-32768), 2, TAB(BRANCH,LONG) },
+{ 0, 0, 4, 0 },
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* FBRANCH doesn't come BYTE */
+{ (32767), (-32768), 2, TAB(FBRANCH,LONG)},
+{ 0, 0, 4, 0 },
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* PCREL doesn't come BYTE */
+{ (32767), (-32768), 2, TAB(PCREL,LONG)},
+{ 0, 0, 4, 0 },
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+{ (127), (-128), 0, TAB(BCC68000,SHORT)},
+{ (32767), (-32768), 2, TAB(BCC68000,LONG) },
+{ 0, 0, 6, 0 }, /* jmp long space */
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* DBCC doesn't come BYTE */
+{ (32767), (-32768), 2, TAB(DBCC,LONG) },
+{ 0, 0, 10, 0 }, /* bra/jmp long space */
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 }, /* PCLEA doesn't come BYTE */
+{ 32767, -32768, 2, TAB(PCLEA,LONG) },
+{ 0, 0, 6, 0 },
+{ 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+/* These are the machine dependent pseudo-ops. These are included so
+ the assembler can work on the output from the SUN C compiler, which
+ generates these.
+ */
+/* This table describes all the machine specific pseudo-ops the assembler
+ has to support. The fields are:
+ pseudo-op name without dot
+ function to call to execute this pseudo-op
+ Integer arg to pass to the function
+ */
+const pseudo_typeS md_pseudo_table[] = {
+ { "data1", s_data1, 0 },
+ { "data2", s_data2, 0 },
+ { "bss", s_bss, 0 },
+ { "even", s_even, 0 },
+ { "skip", s_space, 0 },
+ { "proc", s_proc, 0 },
+ { 0, 0, 0 }
+/* #define isbyte(x) ((x)>=-128 && (x)<=127) */
+/* #define isword(x) ((x)>=-32768 && (x)<=32767) */
+#define issbyte(x) ((x)>=-128 && (x)<=127)
+#define isubyte(x) ((x)>=0 && (x)<=255)
+#define issword(x) ((x)>=-32768 && (x)<=32767)
+#define isuword(x) ((x)>=0 && (x)<=65535)
+#define isbyte(x) ((x)>=-128 && (x)<=255)
+#define isword(x) ((x)>=-32768 && (x)<=65535)
+#define islong(x) (1)
+extern char *input_line_pointer;
+/* Operands we can parse: (And associated modes)
+numb: 8 bit num
+numw: 16 bit num
+numl: 32 bit num
+dreg: data reg 0-7
+reg: address or data register
+areg: address register
+apc: address register, PC, ZPC or empty string
+num: 16 or 32 bit num
+num2: like num
+sz: w or l if omitted, l assumed
+scale: 1 2 4 or 8 if omitted, 1 assumed
+7.4 IMMED #num --> NUM
+0.? DREG dreg --> dreg
+1.? AREG areg --> areg
+2.? AINDR areg@ --> *(areg)
+3.? AINC areg@+ --> *(areg++)
+4.? ADEC areg@- --> *(--areg)
+5.? AOFF apc@(numw) --> *(apc+numw) -- empty string and ZPC not allowed here
+6.? AINDX apc@(num,reg:sz:scale) --> *(apc+num+reg*scale)
+6.? AINDX apc@(reg:sz:scale) --> same, with num=0
+6.? APODX apc@(num)@(num2,reg:sz:scale) --> *(*(apc+num)+num2+reg*scale)
+6.? APODX apc@(num)@(reg:sz:scale) --> same, with num2=0
+6.? AMIND apc@(num)@(num2) --> *(*(apc+num)+num2) (previous mode without an index reg)
+6.? APRDX apc@(num,reg:sz:scale)@(num2) --> *(*(apc+num+reg*scale)+num2)
+6.? APRDX apc@(reg:sz:scale)@(num2) --> same, with num=0
+7.0 ABSL num:sz --> *(num)
+ num --> *(num) (sz L assumed)
+*** MSCR otherreg --> Magic
+With -l option
+5.? AOFF apc@(num) --> *(apc+num) -- empty string and ZPC not allowed here still
+ #foo #0x35 #12
+ d2
+ a4
+ a3@
+ a5@+
+ a6@-
+ a2@(12) pc@(14)
+ a1@(5,d2:w:1) @(45,d6:l:4)
+ pc@(a2) @(d4)
+ etc . . .
+#name@(numw) -->turn into PC rel mode
+apc@(num8,reg:sz:scale) --> *(apc+num8+reg*scale)
+#define IMMED 1
+#define DREG 2
+#define AREG 3
+#define AINDR 4
+#define ADEC 5
+#define AINC 6
+#define AOFF 7
+#define AINDX 8
+#define APODX 9
+#define AMIND 10
+#define APRDX 11
+#define ABSL 12
+#define MSCR 13
+#define REGLST 14
+#define FAIL 0
+#define OK 1
+/* DATA and ADDR have to be contiguous, so that reg-DATA gives 0-7==data reg,
+ 8-15==addr reg for operands that take both types */
+#define DATA 1 /* 1- 8 == data registers 0-7 */
+#define ADDR (DATA+8) /* 9-16 == address regs 0-7 */
+#define FPREG (ADDR+8) /* 17-24 Eight FP registers */
+#define COPNUM (FPREG+8) /* 25-32 Co-processor #1-#8 */
+#define PC (COPNUM+8) /* 33 Program counter */
+#define ZPC (PC+1) /* 34 Hack for Program space, but 0 addressing */
+#define SR (ZPC+1) /* 35 Status Reg */
+#define CCR (SR+1) /* 36 Condition code Reg */
+/* These have to be in order for the movec instruction to work. */
+#define USP (CCR+1) /* 37 User Stack Pointer */
+#define ISP (USP+1) /* 38 Interrupt stack pointer */
+#define SFC (ISP+1) /* 39 */
+#define DFC (SFC+1) /* 40 */
+#define CACR (DFC+1) /* 41 */
+#define VBR (CACR+1) /* 42 */
+#define CAAR (VBR+1) /* 43 */
+#define MSP (CAAR+1) /* 44 */
+#define FPI (MSP+1) /* 45 */
+#define FPS (FPI+1) /* 46 */
+#define FPC (FPS+1) /* 47 */
+ * these defines should be in m68k.c but
+ * i put them here to keep all the m68851 stuff
+ * together -rab
+ * JF--Make sure these #s don't clash with the ones in m68k.c
+ * That would be BAD.
+ */
+#define TC (FPC+1) /* 48 */
+#define DRP (TC+1) /* 49 */
+#define SRP (DRP+1) /* 50 */
+#define CRP (SRP+1) /* 51 */
+#define CAL (CRP+1) /* 52 */
+#define VAL (CAL+1) /* 53 */
+#define SCC (VAL+1) /* 54 */
+#define AC (SCC+1) /* 55 */
+#define BAD (AC+1) /* 56,57,58,59, 60,61,62,63 */
+#define BAC (BAD+8) /* 64,65,66,67, 68,69,70,71 */
+#define PSR (BAC+8) /* 72 */
+#define PCSR (PSR+1) /* 73 */
+/* Note that COPNUM==processor #1 -- COPNUM+7==#8, which stores as 000 */
+/* I think. . . */
+#define SP ADDR+7
+/* JF these tables here are for speed at the expense of size */
+/* You can replace them with the #if 0 versions if you really
+ need space and don't mind it running a bit slower */
+static char mklower_table[256];
+#define mklower(c) (mklower_table[(unsigned char)(c)])
+static char notend_table[256];
+static char alt_notend_table[256];
+#define notend(s) ( !(notend_table[(unsigned char)(*s)] || (*s==':' &&\
+ alt_notend_table[(unsigned char)(s[1])])))
+#if 0
+#define mklower(c) (isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : c)
+/* JF modified this to handle cases where the first part of a symbol name
+ looks like a register */
+register char **ccp;
+ register char c1,
+ c2,
+ c3,
+ c4;
+ register int n = 0,
+ ret = FAIL;
+ c1=mklower(ccp[0][0]);
+ return FAIL;
+ c1=mklower(ccp[0][1]);
+ c2=mklower(ccp[0][2]);
+ c3=mklower(ccp[0][3]);
+ c4=mklower(ccp[0][4]);
+ c2=mklower(ccp[0][1]);
+ c3=mklower(ccp[0][2]);
+ c4=mklower(ccp[0][3]);
+ switch(c1) {
+ case 'a':
+ if(c2>='0' && c2<='7') {
+ n=2;
+ ret=ADDR+c2-'0';
+ }
+#ifdef m68851
+ else if (c2 == 'c') {
+ n = 2;
+ ret = AC;
+ }
+ break;
+#ifdef m68851
+ case 'b':
+ if (c2 == 'a') {
+ if (c3 == 'd') {
+ if (c4 >= '0' && c4 <= '7') {
+ n = 4;
+ ret = BAD + c4 - '0';
+ }
+ }
+ if (c3 == 'c') {
+ if (c4 >= '0' && c4 <= '7') {
+ n = 4;
+ ret = BAC + c4 - '0';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+#ifdef m68851
+ if (c2 == 'a' && c3 == 'l') {
+ n = 3;
+ ret = CAL;
+ } else
+ /* This supports both CCR and CC as the ccr reg. */
+ if(c2=='c' && c3=='r') {
+ n=3;
+ ret = CCR;
+ } else if(c2=='c') {
+ n=2;
+ ret = CCR;
+ } else if(c2=='a' && (c3=='a' || c3=='c') && c4=='r') {
+ n=4;
+ ret = c3=='a' ? CAAR : CACR;
+ }
+#ifdef m68851
+ else if (c2 == 'r' && c3 == 'p') {
+ n = 3;
+ ret = (CRP);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if(c2>='0' && c2<='7') {
+ n=2;
+ ret = DATA+c2-'0';
+ } else if(c2=='f' && c3=='c') {
+ n=3;
+ ret = DFC;
+ }
+#ifdef m68851
+ else if (c2 == 'r' && c3 == 'p') {
+ n = 3;
+ ret = (DRP);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if(c2=='p') {
+ if(c3>='0' && c3<='7') {
+ n=3;
+ ret = FPREG+c3-'0';
+ if(c4==':')
+ ccp[0][3]=',';
+ } else if(c3=='i') {
+ n=3;
+ ret = FPI;
+ } else if(c3=='s') {
+ n= (c4 == 'r' ? 4 : 3);
+ ret = FPS;
+ } else if(c3=='c') {
+ n= (c4 == 'r' ? 4 : 3);
+ ret = FPC;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ if(c2=='s' && c3=='p') {
+ n=3;
+ ret = ISP;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ if(c2=='s' && c3=='p') {
+ n=3;
+ ret = MSP;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ if(c2=='c') {
+#ifdef m68851
+ if(c3 == 's' && c4=='r') {
+ n=4;
+ ret = (PCSR);
+ } else
+ {
+ n=2;
+ ret = PC;
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef m68851
+ else if (c2 == 's' && c3 == 'r') {
+ n = 3;
+ ret = (PSR);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+#ifdef m68851
+ if (c2 == 'c' && c3 == 'c') {
+ n = 3;
+ ret = (SCC);
+ } else if (c2 == 'r' && c3 == 'p') {
+ n = 3;
+ ret = (SRP);
+ } else
+ if(c2=='r') {
+ n=2;
+ ret = SR;
+ } else if(c2=='p') {
+ n=2;
+ ret = ADDR+7;
+ } else if(c2=='f' && c3=='c') {
+ n=3;
+ ret = SFC;
+ }
+ break;
+#ifdef m68851
+ case 't':
+ if(c2 == 'c') {
+ n=2;
+ ret=TC;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ if(c2=='s' && c3=='p') {
+ n=3;
+ ret = USP;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+#ifdef m68851
+ if (c2 == 'a' && c3 == 'l') {
+ n = 3;
+ ret = (VAL);
+ } else
+ if(c2=='b' && c3=='r') {
+ n=3;
+ ret = VBR;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'z':
+ if(c2=='p' && c3=='c') {
+ n=3;
+ ret = ZPC;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if(n) {
+ n++;
+ if(isalnum(ccp[0][n]) || ccp[0][n]=='_')
+ ret=FAIL;
+ else
+ ccp[0]+=n;
+ } else
+ ret = FAIL;
+ return ret;
+#define SKIP_WHITE() { str++; if(*str==' ') str++;}
+char *str;
+register struct m68k_op *opP;
+ char *strend;
+ long i;
+ if(*str==' ')
+ str++;
+ /* Find the end of the string */
+ if(!*str) {
+ /* Out of gas */
+ opP->error="Missing operand";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ for(strend=str;*strend;strend++)
+ ;
+ --strend;
+ /* Guess what: A constant. Shar and enjoy */
+ if(*str=='#') {
+ str++;
+ opP->con1=add_exp(str,strend);
+ opP->mode=IMMED;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ i=m68k_reg_parse(&str);
+ if((i==FAIL || *str!='\0') && *str!='@') {
+ char *stmp;
+ if(i!=FAIL && (*str=='/' || *str=='-')) {
+ opP->mode=REGLST;
+ return get_regs(i,str,opP);
+ }
+ if((stmp=strchr(str,'@')) != '\0') {
+ opP->con1=add_exp(str,stmp-1);
+ if(stmp==strend) {
+ opP->mode=AINDX;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ stmp++;
+ if(*stmp++!='(' || *strend--!=')') {
+ opP->error="Malformed operand";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ i=try_index(&stmp,opP);
+ opP->con2=add_exp(stmp,strend);
+ if(i==FAIL) opP->mode=AMIND;
+ else opP->mode=APODX;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ opP->mode=ABSL;
+ opP->con1=add_exp(str,strend);
+ return OK;
+ }
+ opP->reg=i;
+ if(*str=='\0') {
+ if(i>=DATA+0 && i<=DATA+7)
+ opP->mode=DREG;
+ else if(i>=ADDR+0 && i<=ADDR+7)
+ opP->mode=AREG;
+ else
+ opP->mode=MSCR;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ if((i<ADDR+0 || i>ADDR+7) && i!=PC && i!=ZPC && i!=FAIL) { /* Can't indirect off non address regs */
+ opP->error="Invalid indirect register";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ if(*str!='@')
+ abort();
+ str++;
+ switch(*str) {
+ case '\0':
+ opP->mode=AINDR;
+ return OK;
+ case '-':
+ opP->mode=ADEC;
+ return OK;
+ case '+':
+ opP->mode=AINC;
+ return OK;
+ case '(':
+ str++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ opP->error="Junk after indirect";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ /* Some kind of indexing involved. Lets find out how bad it is */
+ i=try_index(&str,opP);
+ /* Didn't start with an index reg, maybe its offset or offset,reg */
+ if(i==FAIL) {
+ char *beg_str;
+ beg_str=str;
+ for(i=1;i;) {
+ switch(*str++) {
+ case '\0':
+ opP->error="Missing )";
+ return FAIL;
+ case ',': i=0; break;
+ case '(': i++; break;
+ case ')': --i; break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* if(str[-3]==':') {
+ int siz;
+ switch(str[-2]) {
+ case 'b':
+ case 'B':
+ siz=1;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ siz=2;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ siz=3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ opP->error="Specified size isn't :w or :l";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ opP->con1=add_exp(beg_str,str-4);
+ opP->con1->e_siz=siz;
+ } else */
+ opP->con1=add_exp(beg_str,str-2);
+ /* Should be offset,reg */
+ if(str[-1]==',') {
+ i=try_index(&str,opP);
+ if(i==FAIL) {
+ opP->error="Malformed index reg";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* We've now got offset) offset,reg) or reg) */
+ if(*str=='\0') {
+ /* Th-the-thats all folks */
+ if(opP->reg==FAIL) opP->mode=AINDX; /* Other form of indirect */
+ else if(opP->ireg==FAIL) opP->mode=AOFF;
+ else opP->mode=AINDX;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ /* Next thing had better be another @ */
+ if(*str!='@' || str[1]!='(') {
+ opP->error="junk after indirect";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ str+=2;
+ if(opP->ireg!=FAIL) {
+ opP->mode=APRDX;
+ i=try_index(&str,opP);
+ if(i!=FAIL) {
+ opP->error="Two index registers! not allowed!";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ } else
+ i=try_index(&str,opP);
+ if(i==FAIL) {
+ char *beg_str;
+ beg_str=str;
+ for(i=1;i;) {
+ switch(*str++) {
+ case '\0':
+ opP->error="Missing )";
+ return FAIL;
+ case ',': i=0; break;
+ case '(': i++; break;
+ case ')': --i; break;
+ }
+ }
+ opP->con2=add_exp(beg_str,str-2);
+ if(str[-1]==',') {
+ if(opP->ireg!=FAIL) {
+ opP->error="Can't have two index regs";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ i=try_index(&str,opP);
+ if(i==FAIL) {
+ opP->error="malformed index reg";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ opP->mode=APODX;
+ } else if(opP->ireg!=FAIL)
+ opP->mode=APRDX;
+ else
+ opP->mode=AMIND;
+ } else
+ opP->mode=APODX;
+ if(*str!='\0') {
+ opP->error="Junk after indirect";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ return OK;
+static int try_index(s,opP)
+char **s;
+struct m68k_op *opP;
+ register int i;
+ char *ss;
+#define SKIP_W() { ss++; if(*ss==' ') ss++;}
+ ss= *s;
+ /* SKIP_W(); */
+ i=m68k_reg_parse(&ss);
+ if(!(i>=DATA+0 && i<=ADDR+7)) { /* if i is not DATA or ADDR reg */
+ *s=ss;
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ opP->ireg=i;
+ /* SKIP_W(); */
+ if(*ss==')') {
+ opP->isiz=0;
+ opP->imul=1;
+ SKIP_W();
+ *s=ss;
+ return OK;
+ }
+ if(*ss!=':') {
+ opP->error="Missing : in index register";
+ *s=ss;
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ SKIP_W();
+ switch(*ss) {
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ opP->isiz=2;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ opP->isiz=3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ opP->error="Index register size spec not :w or :l";
+ *s=ss;
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ SKIP_W();
+ if(*ss==':') {
+ SKIP_W();
+ switch(*ss) {
+ case '1':
+ case '2':
+ case '4':
+ case '8':
+ opP->imul= *ss-'0';
+ break;
+ default:
+ opP->error="index multiplier not 1, 2, 4 or 8";
+ *s=ss;
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ SKIP_W();
+ } else opP->imul=1;
+ if(*ss!=')') {
+ opP->error="Missing )";
+ *s=ss;
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ SKIP_W();
+ *s=ss;
+ return OK;
+} /* try_index() */
+#ifdef TEST1 /* TEST1 tests m68k_ip_op(), which parses operands */
+ char buf[128];
+ struct m68k_op thark;
+ for(;;) {
+ if(!gets(buf))
+ break;
+ bzero(&thark,sizeof(thark));
+ if(!m68k_ip_op(buf,&thark)) printf("FAIL:");
+ if(thark.error)
+ printf("op1 error %s in %s\n",thark.error,buf);
+ printf("mode %d, reg %d, ",thark.mode,thark.reg);
+ if(thark.b_const)
+ printf("Constant: '%.*s',",1+thark.e_const-thark.b_const,thark.b_const);
+ printf("ireg %d, isiz %d, imul %d ",thark.ireg,thark.isiz,thark.imul);
+ if(thark.b_iadd)
+ printf("Iadd: '%.*s'",1+thark.e_iadd-thark.b_iadd,thark.b_iadd);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ exit(0);
+static struct hash_control* op_hash = NULL; /* handle of the OPCODE hash table
+ NULL means any use before m68_ip_begin()
+ will crash */
+ * m 6 8 _ i p ( )
+ *
+ * This converts a string into a 68k instruction.
+ * The string must be a bare single instruction in sun format
+ * with RMS-style 68020 indirects
+ * (example: )
+ *
+ * It provides some error messages: at most one fatal error message (which
+ * stops the scan) and at most one warning message for each operand.
+ * The 68k instruction is returned in exploded form, since we have no
+ * knowledge of how you parse (or evaluate) your expressions.
+ * We do however strip off and decode addressing modes and operation
+ * mnemonic.
+ *
+ * This function's value is a string. If it is not "" then an internal
+ * logic error was found: read this code to assign meaning to the string.
+ * No argument string should generate such an error string:
+ * it means a bug in our code, not in the user's text.
+ *
+ * You MUST have called m86_ip_begin() once and m86_ip_end() never before using
+ * this function.
+ */
+/* JF this function no longer returns a useful value. Sorry */
+m68_ip (instring)
+char *instring;
+ register char *p;
+ register struct m68k_op *opP;
+ register struct m68_incant *opcode;
+ register char *s;
+ register int tmpreg,
+ baseo,
+ outro,
+ nextword;
+ int siz1,
+ siz2;
+ char c;
+ int losing;
+ int opsfound;
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE words[6];
+ if (*instring == ' ')
+ instring++; /* skip leading whitespace */
+ /* Scan up to end of operation-code, which MUST end in end-of-string
+ or exactly 1 space. */
+ for (p = instring; *p != '\0'; p++)
+ if (*p == ' ')
+ break;
+ if (p == instring) {
+ the_ins.error = "No operator";
+ the_ins.opcode[0] = (short) NULL;
+ /* the_ins.numo=1; */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* p now points to the end of the opcode name, probably whitespace.
+ make sure the name is null terminated by clobbering the whitespace,
+ look it up in the hash table, then fix it back. */
+ c = *p;
+ *p = '\0';
+ opcode = (struct m68_incant *)hash_find (op_hash, instring);
+ *p = c;
+ if (opcode == NULL) {
+ the_ins.error = "Unknown operator";
+ the_ins.opcode[0] = (short) NULL;
+ /* the_ins.numo=1; */
+ return;
+ }
+ /* found a legitimate opcode, start matching operands */
+ for(opP= &the_ins.operands[0];*p;opP++) {
+ p = crack_operand (p, opP);
+ if(opP->error) {
+ the_ins.error=opP->error;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ opsfound=opP- &the_ins.operands[0];
+ /* This ugly hack is to support the floating pt opcodes in their standard form */
+ /* Essentially, we fake a first enty of type COP#1 */
+ if(opcode->m_operands[0]=='I') {
+ int n;
+ for(n=opsfound;n>0;--n)
+ the_ins.operands[n]=the_ins.operands[n-1];
+ /* bcopy((char *)(&the_ins.operands[0]),(char *)(&the_ins.operands[1]),opsfound*sizeof(the_ins.operands[0])); */
+ bzero((char *)(&the_ins.operands[0]),sizeof(the_ins.operands[0]));
+ the_ins.operands[0].mode=MSCR;
+ the_ins.operands[0].reg=COPNUM; /* COP #1 */
+ opsfound++;
+ }
+ /* We've got the operands. Find an opcode that'll
+ accept them */
+ for(losing=0;;) {
+ if(opsfound!=opcode->m_opnum)
+ losing++;
+ else for(s=opcode->m_operands,opP= &the_ins.operands[0];*s && !losing;s+=2,opP++) {
+ /* Warning: this switch is huge! */
+ /* I've tried to organize the cases into this order:
+ non-alpha first, then alpha by letter. lower-case goes directly
+ before uppercase counterpart. */
+ /* Code with multiple case ...: gets sorted by the lowest case ...
+ it belongs to. I hope this makes sense. */
+ switch(*s) {
+ case '!':
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->mode==IMMED ||
+ opP->mode==DREG || opP->mode==AREG || opP->mode==AINC || opP->mode==ADEC || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ if(opP->mode!=IMMED)
+ losing++;
+ else {
+ long t;
+ t=get_num(opP->con1,80);
+ if(s[1]=='b' && !isbyte(t))
+ losing++;
+ else if(s[1]=='w' && !isword(t))
+ losing++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '^':
+ case 'T':
+ if(opP->mode!=IMMED)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '$':
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->mode==AREG ||
+ opP->mode==IMMED || opP->reg==PC || opP->reg==ZPC || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '%':
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->reg==PC ||
+ opP->reg==ZPC || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '&':
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->mode==DREG ||
+ opP->mode==AREG || opP->mode==IMMED || opP->reg==PC || opP->reg==ZPC ||
+ opP->mode==AINC || opP->mode==ADEC || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ if(opP->mode!=AINC)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ if(opP->mode!=ADEC)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '/':
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->mode==AREG ||
+ opP->mode==AINC || opP->mode==ADEC || opP->mode==IMMED || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case ';':
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->mode==AREG || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->mode==AREG ||
+ opP->mode==AINC || opP->mode==ADEC || opP->mode==IMMED || opP->reg==PC ||
+ opP->reg==ZPC || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '@':
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->mode==AREG ||
+ opP->mode==IMMED || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case '~': /* For now! (JF FOO is this right?) */
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->mode==DREG ||
+ opP->mode==AREG || opP->mode==IMMED || opP->reg==PC || opP->reg==ZPC || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'A':
+ if(opP->mode!=AREG)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'B': /* FOO */
+ if(opP->mode!=ABSL)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ if(opP->mode!=MSCR || opP->reg!=CCR)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'd': /* FOO This mode is a KLUDGE!! */
+ if(opP->mode!=AOFF && (opP->mode!=ABSL ||
+ opP->con1->e_beg[0]!='(' || opP->con1->e_end[0]!=')'))
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ if(opP->mode!=DREG)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ if(opP->mode!=MSCR || opP->reg<(FPREG+0) || opP->reg>(FPREG+7))
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ if(opP->mode!=MSCR || opP->reg<COPNUM ||
+ opP->reg>=COPNUM+7)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'J':
+ if(opP->mode!=MSCR || opP->reg<USP || opP->reg>MSP)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ if(opP->mode!=IMMED)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ if(opP->mode==DREG || opP->mode==AREG || opP->mode==FPREG) {
+ if(s[1]=='8')
+ losing++;
+ else {
+ opP->mode=REGLST;
+ opP->reg=1<<(opP->reg-DATA);
+ }
+ } else if(opP->mode!=REGLST) {
+ losing++;
+ } else if(s[1]=='8' && opP->reg&0x0FFffFF)
+ losing++;
+ else if(s[1]=='3' && opP->reg&0x7000000)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ if(opP->mode!=IMMED)
+ losing++;
+ else {
+ long t;
+ t=get_num(opP->con1,80);
+ if(!issbyte(t) || isvar(opP->con1))
+ losing++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'O':
+ if(opP->mode!=DREG && opP->mode!=IMMED)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'Q':
+ if(opP->mode!=IMMED)
+ losing++;
+ else {
+ long t;
+ t=get_num(opP->con1,80);
+ if(t<1 || t>8 || isvar(opP->con1))
+ losing++;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ if(opP->mode!=DREG && opP->mode!=AREG)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if(opP->mode!=MSCR || !(opP->reg==FPI || opP->reg==FPS || opP->reg==FPC))
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ if(opP->mode!=MSCR || opP->reg!=SR)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'U':
+ if(opP->mode!=MSCR || opP->reg!=USP)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ /* JF these are out of order. We could put them
+ in order if we were willing to put up with
+ bunches of #ifdef m68851s in the code */
+#ifdef m68851
+ /* Memory addressing mode used by pflushr */
+ case '|':
+ if(opP->mode==MSCR || opP->mode==DREG ||
+ opP->mode==AREG || opP->mode==REGLST)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ if (opP->mode != MSCR || (opP->reg != SFC && opP->reg != DFC))
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ if (opP->mode != MSCR || (opP->reg != TC && opP->reg != CAL &&
+ opP->reg != VAL && opP->reg != SCC && opP->reg != AC))
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'V':
+ if (opP->reg != VAL)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'W':
+ if (opP->mode != MSCR || (opP->reg != DRP && opP->reg != SRP &&
+ opP->reg != CRP))
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ if (opP->mode != MSCR ||
+ (!(opP->reg >= BAD && opP->reg <= BAD+7) &&
+ !(opP->reg >= BAC && opP->reg <= BAC+7)))
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'Y':
+ if (opP->reg != PSR)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ case 'Z':
+ if (opP->reg != PCSR)
+ losing++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Internal error: Operand mode %c unknown in line %s of file \"%s\"",
+ *s, __LINE__, __FILE__);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!losing)
+ break;
+ opcode=opcode->m_next;
+ if(!opcode) { /* Fell off the end */
+ the_ins.error="instruction/operands mismatch";
+ return;
+ }
+ losing=0;
+ }
+ the_ins.args=opcode->m_operands;
+ the_ins.numargs=opcode->m_opnum;
+ the_ins.numo=opcode->m_codenum;
+ the_ins.opcode[0]=getone(opcode);
+ the_ins.opcode[1]=gettwo(opcode);
+ for(s=the_ins.args,opP= &the_ins.operands[0];*s;s+=2,opP++) {
+ /* This switch is a doozy.
+ What the first step; its a big one! */
+ switch(s[0]) {
+ case '*':
+ case '~':
+ case '%':
+ case ';':
+ case '@':
+ case '!':
+ case '&':
+ case '$':
+ case '?':
+ case '/':
+#ifdef m68851
+ case '|':
+ switch(opP->mode) {
+ case IMMED:
+ tmpreg=0x3c; /* 7.4 */
+ if(strchr("bwl",s[1])) nextword=get_num(opP->con1,80);
+ else nextword=nextword=get_num(opP->con1,0);
+ if(isvar(opP->con1))
+ add_fix(s[1],opP->con1,0);
+ switch(s[1]) {
+ case 'b':
+ if(!isbyte(nextword))
+ opP->error="operand out of range";
+ addword(nextword);
+ baseo=0;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ if(!isword(nextword))
+ opP->error="operand out of range";
+ addword(nextword);
+ baseo=0;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ addword(nextword>>16);
+ addword(nextword);
+ baseo=0;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ baseo=2;
+ outro=8;
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ baseo=4;
+ outro=11;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ baseo=6;
+ outro=15;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ baseo=6;
+ outro= -1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Internal error: Can't decode %c%c in line %s of file \"%s\"",
+ *s, s[1], __LINE__, __FILE__);
+ }
+ if(!baseo)
+ break;
+ /* We gotta put out some float */
+ if(seg(opP->con1)!=SEG_BIG) {
+ int_to_gen(nextword);
+ gen_to_words(words,baseo,(long)outro);
+ for(wordp=words;baseo--;wordp++)
+ addword(*wordp);
+ break;
+ } /* Its BIG */
+ if(offs(opP->con1)>0) {
+ as_warn("Bignum assumed to be binary bit-pattern");
+ if(offs(opP->con1)>baseo) {
+ as_bad("Bignum too big for %c format; truncated",s[1]);
+ offs(opP->con1)=baseo;
+ }
+ baseo-=offs(opP->con1);
+ for(wordp=generic_bignum+offs(opP->con1)-1;offs(opP->con1)--;--wordp)
+ addword(*wordp);
+ while(baseo--)
+ addword(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ gen_to_words(words,baseo,(long)outro);
+ for(wordp=words;baseo--;wordp++)
+ addword(*wordp);
+ break;
+ case DREG:
+ tmpreg=opP->reg-DATA; /* 0.dreg */
+ break;
+ case AREG:
+ tmpreg=0x08+opP->reg-ADDR; /* 1.areg */
+ break;
+ case AINDR:
+ tmpreg=0x10+opP->reg-ADDR; /* 2.areg */
+ break;
+ case ADEC:
+ tmpreg=0x20+opP->reg-ADDR; /* 4.areg */
+ break;
+ case AINC:
+ tmpreg=0x18+opP->reg-ADDR; /* 3.areg */
+ break;
+ case AOFF:
+ nextword=get_num(opP->con1,80);
+ /* Force into index mode. Hope this works */
+ /* We do the first bit for 32-bit displacements,
+ and the second bit for 16 bit ones. It is
+ possible that we should make the default be
+ WORD instead of LONG, but I think that'd
+ break GCC, so we put up with a little
+ inefficiency for the sake of working output.
+ */
+ if( !issword(nextword)
+ || ( isvar(opP->con1)
+ && ( ( opP->con1->e_siz==0
+ && flagseen['l']==0)
+ || opP->con1->e_siz==3))) {
+ if(opP->reg==PC)
+ tmpreg=0x3B; /* 7.3 */
+ else
+ tmpreg=0x30+opP->reg-ADDR; /* 6.areg */
+ if(isvar(opP->con1)) {
+ if(opP->reg==PC) {
+ add_frag(adds(opP->con1),
+ offs(opP->con1),
+ break;
+ } else {
+ addword(0x0170);
+ add_fix('l',opP->con1,1);
+ }
+ } else
+ addword(0x0170);
+ addword(nextword>>16);
+ } else {
+ if(opP->reg==PC)
+ tmpreg=0x3A; /* 7.2 */
+ else
+ tmpreg=0x28+opP->reg-ADDR; /* 5.areg */
+ if(isvar(opP->con1)) {
+ if(opP->reg==PC) {
+ add_fix('w',opP->con1,1);
+ } else
+ add_fix('w',opP->con1,0);
+ }
+ }
+ addword(nextword);
+ break;
+ case AINDX:
+ case APODX:
+ case AMIND:
+ case APRDX:
+ nextword=0;
+ baseo=get_num(opP->con1,80);
+ outro=get_num(opP->con2,80);
+ /* Figure out the 'addressing mode' */
+ /* Also turn on the BASE_DISABLE bit, if needed */
+ if(opP->reg==PC || opP->reg==ZPC) {
+ tmpreg=0x3b; /* 7.3 */
+ if(opP->reg==ZPC)
+ nextword|=0x80;
+ } else if(opP->reg==FAIL) {
+ nextword|=0x80;
+ tmpreg=0x30; /* 6.garbage */
+ } else tmpreg=0x30+opP->reg-ADDR; /* 6.areg */
+ siz1= (opP->con1) ? opP->con1->e_siz : 0;
+ siz2= (opP->con2) ? opP->con2->e_siz : 0;
+ /* Index register stuff */
+ if(opP->ireg>=DATA+0 && opP->ireg<=ADDR+7) {
+ nextword|=(opP->ireg-DATA)<<12;
+ if(opP->isiz==0 || opP->isiz==3)
+ nextword|=0x800;
+ switch(opP->imul) {
+ case 1: break;
+ case 2: nextword|=0x200; break;
+ case 4: nextword|=0x400; break;
+ case 8: nextword|=0x600; break;
+ default: abort();
+ }
+ /* IF its simple,
+ /* Must be INDEX, with an index
+ register. Address register
+ cannot be ZERO-PC, and either
+ :b was forced, or we know
+ it will fit */
+ if( opP->mode==AINDX
+ && opP->reg!=FAIL
+ && opP->reg!=ZPC
+ && ( siz1==1
+ || ( issbyte(baseo)
+ && !isvar(opP->con1)))) {
+ nextword +=baseo&0xff;
+ addword(nextword);
+ if(isvar(opP->con1))
+ add_fix('B',opP->con1,0);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else
+ nextword|=0x40; /* No index reg */
+ /* It aint simple */
+ nextword|=0x100;
+ /* If the guy specified a width, we assume that
+ it is wide enough. Maybe it isn't. Ifso, we lose
+ */
+ switch(siz1) {
+ case 0:
+ if(isvar(opP->con1) || !issword(baseo)) {
+ siz1=3;
+ nextword|=0x30;
+ } else if(baseo==0)
+ nextword|=0x10;
+ else {
+ nextword|=0x20;
+ siz1=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ as_warn("Byte dispacement won't work. Defaulting to :w");
+ case 2:
+ nextword|=0x20;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ nextword|=0x30;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Figure out innner displacement stuff */
+ if(opP->mode!=AINDX) {
+ switch(siz2) {
+ case 0:
+ if(isvar(opP->con2) || !issword(outro)) {
+ siz2=3;
+ nextword|=0x3;
+ } else if(outro==0)
+ nextword|=0x1;
+ else {
+ nextword|=0x2;
+ siz2=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ as_warn("Byte dispacement won't work. Defaulting to :w");
+ case 2:
+ nextword|=0x2;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ nextword|=0x3;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(opP->mode==APODX) nextword|=0x04;
+ else if(opP->mode==AMIND) nextword|=0x40;
+ }
+ addword(nextword);
+ if(isvar(opP->con1)) {
+ if(opP->reg==PC || opP->reg==ZPC) {
+ add_fix(siz1==3 ? 'l' : 'w',opP->con1,1);
+ opP->con1->e_exp.X_add_number+=6;
+ } else
+ add_fix(siz1==3 ? 'l' : 'w',opP->con1,0);
+ }
+ if(siz1==3)
+ addword(baseo>>16);
+ if(siz1)
+ addword(baseo);
+ if(isvar(opP->con2)) {
+ if(opP->reg==PC || opP->reg==ZPC) {
+ add_fix(siz2==3 ? 'l' : 'w',opP->con2,1);
+ opP->con1->e_exp.X_add_number+=6;
+ } else
+ add_fix(siz2==3 ? 'l' : 'w',opP->con2,0);
+ }
+ if(siz2==3)
+ addword(outro>>16);
+ if(siz2)
+ addword(outro);
+ break;
+ case ABSL:
+ nextword=get_num(opP->con1,80);
+ switch(opP->con1->e_siz) {
+ default:
+ as_bad("Unknown size for absolute reference");
+ case 0:
+ if(!isvar(opP->con1) && issword(offs(opP->con1))) {
+ tmpreg=0x38; /* 7.0 */
+ addword(nextword);
+ break;
+ }
+ if(isvar(opP->con1) &&
+ !subs(opP->con1) &&
+ !strchr("~%&$?", s[0])) {
+ tmpreg=0x3A; /* 7.2 */
+ add_frag(adds(opP->con1),
+ offs(opP->con1),
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3: /* Fall through into long */
+ if(isvar(opP->con1))
+ add_fix('l',opP->con1,0);
+ tmpreg=0x39; /* 7.1 mode */
+ addword(nextword>>16);
+ addword(nextword);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* Word */
+ if(isvar(opP->con1))
+ add_fix('w',opP->con1,0);
+ tmpreg=0x38; /* 7.0 mode */
+ addword(nextword);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case MSCR:
+ default:
+ as_bad("unknown/incorrect operand");
+ /* abort(); */
+ }
+ install_gen_operand(s[1],tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ case '^':
+ switch(s[1]) { /* JF: I hate floating point! */
+ case 'j':
+ tmpreg=70;
+ break;
+ case '8':
+ tmpreg=20;
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ tmpreg=50;
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ default:
+ tmpreg=80;
+ break;
+ }
+ tmpreg=get_num(opP->con1,tmpreg);
+ if(isvar(opP->con1))
+ add_fix(s[1],opP->con1,0);
+ switch(s[1]) {
+ case 'b': /* Danger: These do no check for
+ certain types of overflow.
+ user beware! */
+ if(!isbyte(tmpreg))
+ opP->error="out of range";
+ insop(tmpreg);
+ if(isvar(opP->con1))
+ the_ins.reloc[the_ins.nrel-1].n=(opcode->m_codenum)*2;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ if(!isword(tmpreg))
+ opP->error="out of range";
+ insop(tmpreg);
+ if(isvar(opP->con1))
+ the_ins.reloc[the_ins.nrel-1].n=(opcode->m_codenum)*2;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ insop(tmpreg); /* Because of the way insop works, we put these two out backwards */
+ insop(tmpreg>>16);
+ if(isvar(opP->con1))
+ the_ins.reloc[the_ins.nrel-1].n=(opcode->m_codenum)*2;
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ tmpreg&=0xFF;
+ case '8':
+ case 'C':
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Internal error: Unknown mode #%c in line %s of file \"%s\"", s[1], __LINE__, __FILE__);
+ }
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ case '-':
+ case 'A':
+ install_operand(s[1],opP->reg-ADDR);
+ break;
+ case 'B':
+ tmpreg=get_num(opP->con1,80);
+ switch(s[1]) {
+ case 'g':
+ if(opP->con1->e_siz) { /* Deal with fixed size stuff by hand */
+ switch(opP->con1->e_siz) {
+ case 1:
+ add_fix('b',opP->con1,1);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ add_fix('w',opP->con1,1);
+ addword(0);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ add_fix('l',opP->con1,1);
+ addword(0);
+ addword(0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("Bad size for expression %d", opP->con1->e_siz);
+ }
+ } else if(subs(opP->con1)) {
+ /* We can't relax it */
+ the_ins.opcode[the_ins.numo-1]|=0xff;
+ add_fix('l',opP->con1,1);
+ addword(0);
+ addword(0);
+ } else if(adds(opP->con1)) {
+ if (flagseen['m'] &&
+ (the_ins.opcode[0] >= 0x6200) &&
+ (the_ins.opcode[0] <= 0x6f00)) {
+ add_frag(adds(opP->con1),offs(opP->con1),TAB(BCC68000,SZ_UNDEF));
+ } else {
+ add_frag(adds(opP->con1),offs(opP->con1),TAB(BRANCH,SZ_UNDEF));
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* JF: This is the WRONG thing to do
+ add_frag((symbolS *)0,offs(opP->con1),TAB(BRANCH,BYTE)); */
+ the_ins.opcode[the_ins.numo-1]|=0xff;
+ offs(opP->con1)+=4;
+ add_fix('l',opP->con1,1);
+ addword(0);
+ addword(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ if(isvar(opP->con1)) {
+ /* check for DBcc instruction */
+ if ((the_ins.opcode[0] & 0xf0f8) ==0x50c8) {
+ /* size varies if patch */
+ /* needed for long form */
+ add_frag(adds(opP->con1),offs(opP->con1),TAB(DBCC,SZ_UNDEF));
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Don't ask! */
+ opP->con1->e_exp.X_add_number+=2;
+ add_fix('w',opP->con1,1);
+ }
+ addword(0);
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ if(opP->con1->e_siz) {
+ switch(opP->con1->e_siz) {
+ case 2:
+ add_fix('w',opP->con1,1)
+ addword(0);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ the_ins.opcode[the_ins.numo-1]|=0x40;
+ add_fix('l',opP->con1,1);
+ addword(0);
+ addword(0);
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("Bad size for offset, must be word or long");
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if(subs(opP->con1)) {
+ add_fix('l',opP->con1,1);
+ add_frag((symbolS *)0,(long)0,TAB(FBRANCH,LONG));
+ } else if(adds(opP->con1)) {
+ add_frag(adds(opP->con1),offs(opP->con1),TAB(FBRANCH,SZ_UNDEF));
+ } else {
+ /* add_frag((symbolS *)0,offs(opP->con1),TAB(FBRANCH,SHORT)); */
+ the_ins.opcode[the_ins.numo-1]|=0x40;
+ add_fix('l',opP->con1,1);
+ addword(0);
+ addword(4);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Internal error: operand type B%c unknown in line %s of file \"%s\"",
+ s[1], __LINE__, __FILE__);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'C': /* Ignore it */
+ break;
+ case 'd': /* JF this is a kludge */
+ if(opP->mode==AOFF) {
+ install_operand('s',opP->reg-ADDR);
+ } else {
+ char *tmpP;
+ tmpP=opP->con1->e_end-2;
+ opP->con1->e_beg++;
+ opP->con1->e_end-=4; /* point to the , */
+ baseo=m68k_reg_parse(&tmpP);
+ if(baseo<ADDR+0 || baseo>ADDR+7) {
+ as_bad("Unknown address reg, using A0");
+ baseo=0;
+ } else baseo-=ADDR;
+ install_operand('s',baseo);
+ }
+ tmpreg=get_num(opP->con1,80);
+ if(!issword(tmpreg)) {
+ as_bad("Expression out of range, using 0");
+ tmpreg=0;
+ }
+ addword(tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ install_operand(s[1],opP->reg-DATA);
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ install_operand(s[1],opP->reg-FPREG);
+ break;
+ case 'I':
+ tmpreg=1+opP->reg-COPNUM;
+ if(tmpreg==8)
+ tmpreg=0;
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case 'J': /* JF foo */
+ switch(opP->reg) {
+ case SFC:
+ tmpreg=0;
+ break;
+ case DFC:
+ tmpreg=0x001;
+ break;
+ case CACR:
+ tmpreg=0x002;
+ break;
+ case USP:
+ tmpreg=0x800;
+ break;
+ case VBR:
+ tmpreg=0x801;
+ break;
+ case CAAR:
+ tmpreg=0x802;
+ break;
+ case MSP:
+ tmpreg=0x803;
+ break;
+ case ISP:
+ tmpreg=0x804;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ tmpreg=get_num(opP->con1,55);
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg&0x7f);
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ tmpreg=opP->reg;
+ if(s[1]=='w') {
+ if(tmpreg&0x7FF0000)
+ as_bad("Floating point register in register list");
+ insop(reverse_16_bits(tmpreg));
+ } else {
+ if(tmpreg&0x700FFFF)
+ as_bad("Wrong register in floating-point reglist");
+ install_operand(s[1],reverse_8_bits(tmpreg>>16));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ tmpreg=opP->reg;
+ if(s[1]=='w') {
+ if(tmpreg&0x7FF0000)
+ as_bad("Floating point register in register list");
+ insop(tmpreg);
+ } else if(s[1]=='8') {
+ if(tmpreg&0x0FFFFFF)
+ as_bad("incorrect register in reglist");
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg>>24);
+ } else {
+ if(tmpreg&0x700FFFF)
+ as_bad("wrong register in floating-point reglist");
+ else
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg>>16);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'M':
+ install_operand(s[1],get_num(opP->con1,60));
+ break;
+ case 'O':
+ tmpreg= (opP->mode==DREG)
+ ? 0x20+opP->reg-DATA
+ : (get_num(opP->con1,40)&0x1F);
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case 'Q':
+ tmpreg=get_num(opP->con1,10);
+ if(tmpreg==8)
+ tmpreg=0;
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case 'R':
+ /* This depends on the fact that ADDR registers are
+ eight more than their corresponding DATA regs, so
+ the result will have the ADDR_REG bit set */
+ install_operand(s[1],opP->reg-DATA);
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if(opP->reg==FPI) tmpreg=0x1;
+ else if(opP->reg==FPS) tmpreg=0x2;
+ else if(opP->reg==FPC) tmpreg=0x4;
+ else abort();
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case 'S': /* Ignore it */
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ install_operand(s[1],get_num(opP->con1,30));
+ break;
+ case 'U': /* Ignore it */
+ break;
+#ifdef m68851
+ /* JF: These are out of order, I fear. */
+ case 'f':
+ switch (opP->reg) {
+ case SFC:
+ tmpreg=0;
+ break;
+ case DFC:
+ tmpreg=1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ switch(opP->reg) {
+ case TC:
+ tmpreg=0;
+ break;
+ case CAL:
+ tmpreg=4;
+ break;
+ case VAL:
+ tmpreg=5;
+ break;
+ case SCC:
+ tmpreg=6;
+ break;
+ case AC:
+ tmpreg=7;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case 'V':
+ if (opP->reg == VAL)
+ break;
+ abort();
+ case 'W':
+ switch(opP->reg) {
+ case DRP:
+ tmpreg=1;
+ break;
+ case SRP:
+ tmpreg=2;
+ break;
+ case CRP:
+ tmpreg=3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ install_operand(s[1],tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ switch (opP->reg) {
+ case BAD: case BAD+1: case BAD+2: case BAD+3:
+ case BAD+4: case BAD+5: case BAD+6: case BAD+7:
+ tmpreg = (4 << 10) | ((opP->reg - BAD) << 2);
+ break;
+ case BAC: case BAC+1: case BAC+2: case BAC+3:
+ case BAC+4: case BAC+5: case BAC+6: case BAC+7:
+ tmpreg = (5 << 10) | ((opP->reg - BAC) << 2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ install_operand(s[1], tmpreg);
+ break;
+ case 'Y':
+ if (opP->reg == PSR)
+ break;
+ abort();
+ case 'Z':
+ if (opP->reg == PCSR)
+ break;
+ abort();
+#endif /* m68851 */
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Internal error: Operand type %c unknown in line %s of file \"%s\"", s[0], __LINE__, __FILE__);
+ }
+ }
+ /* By the time whe get here (FINALLY) the_ins contains the complete
+ instruction, ready to be emitted. . . */
+static int get_regs(i,str,opP)
+int i;
+struct m68k_op *opP;
+char *str;
+ /* 26, 25, 24, 23-16, 15-8, 0-7 */
+ /* Low order 24 bits encoded fpc,fps,fpi,fp7-fp0,a7-a0,d7-d0 */
+ unsigned long cur_regs = 0;
+ int reg1,
+ reg2;
+#define ADD_REG(x) { if(x==FPI) cur_regs|=(1<<24);\
+ else if(x==FPS) cur_regs|=(1<<25);\
+ else if(x==FPC) cur_regs|=(1<<26);\
+ else cur_regs|=(1<<(x-1)); }
+ reg1=i;
+ for(;;) {
+ if(*str=='/') {
+ ADD_REG(reg1);
+ str++;
+ } else if(*str=='-') {
+ str++;
+ reg2=m68k_reg_parse(&str);
+ if(reg2<DATA || reg2>=FPREG+8 || reg1==FPI || reg1==FPS || reg1==FPC) {
+ opP->error="unknown register in register list";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ while(reg1<=reg2) {
+ ADD_REG(reg1);
+ reg1++;
+ }
+ if(*str=='\0')
+ break;
+ } else if(*str=='\0') {
+ ADD_REG(reg1);
+ break;
+ } else {
+ opP->error="unknow character in register list";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+/* DJA -- Bug Fix. Did't handle d1-d2/a1 until the following instruction was added */
+ if (*str=='/')
+ str ++;
+ reg1=m68k_reg_parse(&str);
+ if((reg1<DATA || reg1>=FPREG+8) && !(reg1==FPI || reg1==FPS || reg1==FPC)) {
+ opP->error="unknown register in register list";
+ return FAIL;
+ }
+ }
+ opP->reg=cur_regs;
+ return OK;
+} /* get_regs() */
+static int reverse_16_bits(in)
+int in;
+ int out=0;
+ int n;
+ static int mask[16] = {
+ };
+ for(n=0;n<16;n++) {
+ if(in&mask[n])
+ out|=mask[15-n];
+ }
+ return out;
+} /* reverse_16_bits() */
+static int reverse_8_bits(in)
+int in;
+ int out=0;
+ int n;
+ static int mask[8] = {
+ };
+ for(n=0;n<8;n++) {
+ if(in&mask[n])
+ out|=mask[7-n];
+ }
+ return out;
+} /* reverse_8_bits() */
+static void install_operand(mode,val)
+int mode;
+int val;
+ switch(mode) {
+ case 's':
+ the_ins.opcode[0]|=val & 0xFF; /* JF FF is for M kludge */
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ the_ins.opcode[0]|=val<<9;
+ break;
+ case '1':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=val<<12;
+ break;
+ case '2':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=val<<6;
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=val;
+ break;
+ case '4':
+ the_ins.opcode[2]|=val<<12;
+ break;
+ case '5':
+ the_ins.opcode[2]|=val<<6;
+ break;
+ case '6':
+ /* DANGER! This is a hack to force cas2l and cas2w cmds
+ to be three words long! */
+ the_ins.numo++;
+ the_ins.opcode[2]|=val;
+ break;
+ case '7':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=val<<7;
+ break;
+ case '8':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=val<<10;
+ break;
+#ifdef m68851
+ case '9':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=val<<5;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=(val<<10)|(val<<7);
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=(val<<12)|val;
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ the_ins.opcode[0]|=val=0xff;
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ the_ins.opcode[0]|=val<<9;
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=val;
+ break;
+ case 'j':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=val;
+ the_ins.numo++; /* What a hack */
+ break;
+ case 'k':
+ the_ins.opcode[1]|=val<<4;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ case 'w':
+ case 'l':
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+} /* install_operand() */
+static void install_gen_operand(mode,val)
+int mode;
+int val;
+ switch(mode) {
+ case 's':
+ the_ins.opcode[0]|=val;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ /* This is a kludge!!! */
+ the_ins.opcode[0]|=(val&0x07)<<9|(val&0x38)<<3;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ case 'w':
+ case 'l':
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ case 'x':
+ case 'p':
+ the_ins.opcode[0]|=val;
+ break;
+ /* more stuff goes here */
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+} /* install_gen_operand() */
+static char *crack_operand(str,opP)
+register char *str;
+register struct m68k_op *opP;
+ register int parens;
+ register int c;
+ register char *beg_str;
+ if(!str) {
+ return str;
+ }
+ beg_str=str;
+ for(parens=0;*str && (parens>0 || notend(str));str++) {
+ if(*str=='(') parens++;
+ else if(*str==')') {
+ if(!parens) { /* ERROR */
+ opP->error="Extra )";
+ return str;
+ }
+ --parens;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!*str && parens) { /* ERROR */
+ opP->error="Missing )";
+ return str;
+ }
+ c= *str;
+ *str='\0';
+ if(m68k_ip_op(beg_str,opP)==FAIL) {
+ *str=c;
+ return str;
+ }
+ *str=c;
+ if(c=='}')
+ c= *++str; /* JF bitfield hack */
+ if(c) {
+ c= *++str;
+ if(!c)
+ as_bad("Missing operand");
+ }
+ return str;
+/* See the comment up above where the #define notend(... is */
+#if 0
+char *s;
+ if(*s==',') return 0;
+ if(*s=='{' || *s=='}')
+ return 0;
+ if(*s!=':') return 1;
+ /* This kludge here is for the division cmd, which is a kludge */
+ if(strchr("aAdD#",s[1])) return 0;
+ return 1;
+/* This is the guts of the machine-dependent assembler. STR points to a
+ machine dependent instruction. This funciton is supposed to emit
+ the frags/bytes it assembles to.
+ */
+char *str;
+ char *er;
+ short *fromP;
+ char *toP;
+ int m,n;
+ char *to_beg_P;
+ int shorts_this_frag;
+ bzero((char *)(&the_ins),sizeof(the_ins)); /* JF for paranoia sake */
+ m68_ip(str);
+ er=the_ins.error;
+ if(!er) {
+ for(n=the_ins.numargs;n;--n)
+ if(the_ins.operands[n].error) {
+ er=the_ins.operands[n].error;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(er) {
+ as_bad("\"%s\" -- Statement '%s' ignored",er,str);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(the_ins.nfrag==0) { /* No frag hacking involved; just put it out */
+ toP=frag_more(2*the_ins.numo);
+ fromP= &the_ins.opcode[0];
+ for(m=the_ins.numo;m;--m) {
+ md_number_to_chars(toP,(long)(*fromP),2);
+ toP+=2;
+ fromP++;
+ }
+ /* put out symbol-dependent info */
+ for(m=0;m<the_ins.nrel;m++) {
+ switch(the_ins.reloc[m].wid) {
+ case 'B':
+ n=1;
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ n=1;
+ break;
+ case '3':
+ n=2;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ n=2;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ n=4;
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Don't know how to figure width of %c in md_assemble()",the_ins.reloc[m].wid);
+ }
+ fix_new(frag_now,
+ (toP-frag_now->fr_literal)-the_ins.numo*2+the_ins.reloc[m].n,
+ n,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].add,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].sub,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].off,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].pcrel,
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* There's some frag hacking */
+ for(n=0,fromP= &the_ins.opcode[0];n<the_ins.nfrag;n++) {
+ int wid;
+ if(n==0) wid=2*the_ins.fragb[n].fragoff;
+ else wid=2*(the_ins.numo-the_ins.fragb[n-1].fragoff);
+ toP=frag_more(wid);
+ to_beg_P=toP;
+ shorts_this_frag=0;
+ for(m=wid/2;m;--m) {
+ md_number_to_chars(toP,(long)(*fromP),2);
+ toP+=2;
+ fromP++;
+ shorts_this_frag++;
+ }
+ for(m=0;m<the_ins.nrel;m++) {
+ if((the_ins.reloc[m].n)>= 2*shorts_this_frag /* 2*the_ins.fragb[n].fragoff */) {
+ the_ins.reloc[m].n-= 2*shorts_this_frag /* 2*the_ins.fragb[n].fragoff */;
+ break;
+ }
+ wid=the_ins.reloc[m].wid;
+ if(wid==0)
+ continue;
+ the_ins.reloc[m].wid=0;
+ wid = (wid=='b') ? 1 : (wid=='w') ? 2 : (wid=='l') ? 4 : 4000;
+ fix_new(frag_now,
+ (toP-frag_now->fr_literal)-the_ins.numo*2+the_ins.reloc[m].n,
+ wid,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].add,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].sub,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].off,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].pcrel,
+ }
+ know(the_ins.fragb[n].fadd);
+ (void)frag_var(rs_machine_dependent,10,0,(relax_substateT)(the_ins.fragb[n].fragty),
+ the_ins.fragb[n].fadd,the_ins.fragb[n].foff,to_beg_P);
+ }
+ n=(the_ins.numo-the_ins.fragb[n-1].fragoff);
+ shorts_this_frag=0;
+ if(n) {
+ toP=frag_more(n*sizeof(short));
+ while(n--) {
+ md_number_to_chars(toP,(long)(*fromP),2);
+ toP+=2;
+ fromP++;
+ shorts_this_frag++;
+ }
+ }
+ for(m=0;m<the_ins.nrel;m++) {
+ int wid;
+ wid=the_ins.reloc[m].wid;
+ if(wid==0)
+ continue;
+ the_ins.reloc[m].wid=0;
+ wid = (wid=='b') ? 1 : (wid=='w') ? 2 : (wid=='l') ? 4 : 4000;
+ fix_new(frag_now,
+ (the_ins.reloc[m].n + toP-frag_now->fr_literal)-/* the_ins.numo */ shorts_this_frag*2,
+ wid,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].add,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].sub,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].off,
+ the_ins.reloc[m].pcrel,
+ }
+/* This function is called once, at assembler startup time. This should
+ set up all the tables, etc that the MD part of the assembler needs
+ */
+ * md_begin -- set up hash tables with 68000 instructions.
+ * similar to what the vax assembler does. ---phr
+ */
+ /* RMS claims the thing to do is take the m68k-opcode.h table, and make
+ a copy of it at runtime, adding in the information we want but isn't
+ there. I think it'd be better to have an awk script hack the table
+ at compile time. Or even just xstr the table and use it as-is. But
+ my lord ghod hath spoken, so we do it this way. Excuse the ugly var
+ names. */
+ register const struct m68k_opcode *ins;
+ register struct m68_incant *hack,
+ *slak;
+ register char *retval = 0; /* empty string, or error msg text */
+ register unsigned int i;
+ register char c;
+ if ((op_hash = hash_new()) == NULL)
+ as_fatal("Virtual memory exhausted");
+ obstack_begin(&robyn,4000);
+ for (ins = m68k_opcodes; ins < endop; ins++) {
+ hack=slak=(struct m68_incant *)obstack_alloc(&robyn,sizeof(struct m68_incant));
+ do {
+ slak->m_operands=ins->args;
+ slak->m_opnum=strlen(slak->m_operands)/2;
+ slak->m_opcode=ins->opcode;
+ /* This is kludgey */
+ slak->m_codenum=((ins->match)&0xffffL) ? 2 : 1;
+ if((ins+1)!=endop && !strcmp(ins->name,(ins+1)->name)) {
+ slak->m_next=(struct m68_incant *)
+obstack_alloc(&robyn,sizeof(struct m68_incant));
+ ins++;
+ } else
+ slak->m_next=0;
+ slak=slak->m_next;
+ } while(slak);
+ retval = hash_insert (op_hash, ins->name,(char *)hack);
+ /* Didn't his mommy tell him about null pointers? */
+ if(retval && *retval)
+ as_fatal("Internal Error: Can't hash %s: %s", ins->name,retval);
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(mklower_table) ; i++)
+ mklower_table[i] = (isupper(c = (char) i)) ? tolower(c) : c;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(notend_table) ; i++) {
+ notend_table[i] = 0;
+ alt_notend_table[i] = 0;
+ }
+ notend_table[','] = 1;
+ notend_table['{'] = 1;
+ notend_table['}'] = 1;
+ alt_notend_table['a'] = 1;
+ alt_notend_table['A'] = 1;
+ alt_notend_table['d'] = 1;
+ alt_notend_table['D'] = 1;
+ alt_notend_table['#'] = 1;
+ alt_notend_table['f'] = 1;
+ alt_notend_table['F'] = 1;
+ alt_notend_table[REGISTER_PREFIX] = 1;
+#if 0
+#define notend(s) ((*s == ',' || *s == '}' || *s == '{' \
+ || (*s == ':' && strchr("aAdD#", s[1]))) \
+ ? 0 : 1)
+/* This funciton is called once, before the assembler exits. It is
+ supposed to do any final cleanup for this part of the assembler.
+ */
+/* Equal to MAX_PRECISION in atof-ieee.c */
+/* Turn a string in input_line_pointer into a floating point constant of type
+ type, and store the appropriate bytes in *litP. The number of LITTLENUMS
+ emitted is stored in *sizeP . An error message is returned, or NULL on OK.
+ */
+char *
+char type;
+char *litP;
+int *sizeP;
+ int prec;
+ char *t;
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ prec = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'r':
+ case 'R':
+ prec = 4;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ prec = 6;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P':
+ prec = 6;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *sizeP=0;
+ return "Bad call to MD_ATOF()";
+ }
+ t=atof_ieee(input_line_pointer,type,words);
+ if(t)
+ input_line_pointer=t;
+ *sizeP=prec * sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ for(wordP=words;prec--;) {
+ md_number_to_chars(litP,(long)(*wordP++),sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ litP+=sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ }
+ return ""; /* Someone should teach Dean about null pointers */
+/* Turn an integer of n bytes (in val) into a stream of bytes appropriate
+ for use in the a.out file, and stores them in the array pointed to by buf.
+ This knows about the endian-ness of the target machine and does
+ THE RIGHT THING, whatever it is. Possible values for n are 1 (byte)
+ 2 (short) and 4 (long) Floating numbers are put out as a series of
+ LITTLENUMS (shorts, here at least)
+ */
+char *buf;
+long val;
+int n;
+ switch(n) {
+ case 1:
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ *buf++=(val>>8);
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ *buf++=(val>>24);
+ *buf++=(val>>16);
+ *buf++=(val>>8);
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+md_apply_fix(fixP, val)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ long val;
+ char *buf = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal;
+ switch(fixP->fx_size) {
+ case 1:
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ *buf++=(val>>8);
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ *buf++=(val>>24);
+ *buf++=(val>>16);
+ *buf++=(val>>8);
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE (fixP->fx_size);
+ }
+/* *fragP has been relaxed to its final size, and now needs to have
+ the bytes inside it modified to conform to the new size There is UGLY
+ MAGIC here. ..
+ */
+register fragS *fragP;
+ long disp;
+ long ext;
+ /* Address in gas core of the place to store the displacement. */
+ register char *buffer_address = fragP -> fr_fix + fragP -> fr_literal;
+ /* Address in object code of the displacement. */
+ register int object_address = fragP -> fr_fix + fragP -> fr_address;
+ know(fragP->fr_symbol);
+ /* The displacement of the address, from current location. */
+ disp = (S_GET_VALUE(fragP->fr_symbol) + fragP->fr_offset) - object_address;
+ switch(fragP->fr_subtype) {
+ case TAB(BCC68000,BYTE):
+ know(issbyte(disp));
+ if(disp==0)
+ as_bad("short branch with zero offset: use :w");
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]=disp;
+ ext=0;
+ break;
+ know(issword(disp));
+ ext=2;
+ break;
+ case TAB(BCC68000,SHORT):
+ know(issword(disp));
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]=0x00;
+ ext=2;
+ break;
+ if(flagseen['m']) {
+ if(fragP->fr_opcode[0]==0x61) {
+ fragP->fr_opcode[0]= 0x4E;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]= 0xB9; /* JSR with ABSL LONG offset */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT, 0);
+ fix_new(fragP,
+ fragP->fr_fix,
+ 4,
+ fragP->fr_symbol,
+ 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset,
+ 0,
+ fragP->fr_fix+=4;
+ ext=0;
+ } else if(fragP->fr_opcode[0]==0x60) {
+ fragP->fr_opcode[0]= 0x4E;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]= 0xF9; /* JMP with ABSL LONG offset */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT, 0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0, fragP->fr_offset,0,
+ fragP->fr_fix+=4;
+ ext=0;
+ }else {
+ as_bad("Long branch offset not supported.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]=0xff;
+ ext=4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TAB(BCC68000,LONG):
+ /* only Bcc 68000 instructions can come here */
+ /* change bcc into b!cc/jmp absl long */
+ fragP->fr_opcode[0] ^= 0x01; /* invert bcc */
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1] = 0x6; /* branch offset = 6 */
+ /* JF: these used to be fr_opcode[2,3], but they may be in a
+ different frag, in which case refering to them is a no-no.
+ Only fr_opcode[0,1] are guaranteed to work. */
+ *buffer_address++ = 0x4e; /* put in jmp long (0x4ef9) */
+ *buffer_address++ = 0xf9;
+ fragP->fr_fix += 2; /* account for jmp instruction */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT,0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset,0,
+ fragP->fr_fix += 4;
+ ext=0;
+ break;
+ case TAB(DBCC,LONG):
+ /* only DBcc 68000 instructions can come here */
+ /* change dbcc into dbcc/jmp absl long */
+ /* JF: these used to be fr_opcode[2-7], but that's wrong */
+ *buffer_address++ = 0x00; /* branch offset = 4 */
+ *buffer_address++ = 0x04;
+ *buffer_address++ = 0x60; /* put in bra pc+6 */
+ *buffer_address++ = 0x06;
+ *buffer_address++ = 0x4e; /* put in jmp long (0x4ef9) */
+ *buffer_address++ = 0xf9;
+ fragP->fr_fix += 6; /* account for bra/jmp instructions */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT,0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset,0,
+ fragP->fr_fix += 4;
+ ext=0;
+ break;
+ know((fragP->fr_opcode[1]&0x40)==0);
+ ext=2;
+ break;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]|=0x40; /* Turn on LONG bit */
+ ext=4;
+ break;
+ ext=2;
+ break;
+ /* FIXME-SOMEDAY, this should allow pcrel-long to be generated if -pic is on.
+ Else we can't handle position independent code. Pcrel-long costs an
+ extra index word though. Doing it requires more relax tables and
+ stuff elsewhere in this module though. */
+ /* The thing to do here is force it to ABSOLUTE LONG, since
+ PCREL is really trying to shorten an ABSOLUTE address anyway */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT,0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0, fragP->fr_offset, 0,
+ if((fragP->fr_opcode[1] & 0x3F) != 0x3A)
+ as_bad("Internal error (long PC-relative operand) for insn 0x%04lx at 0x%lx",
+ fragP->fr_opcode[0],fragP->fr_address);
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]&= ~0x3F;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]|=0x39; /* Mode 7.1 */
+ fragP->fr_fix+=4;
+ ext=0;
+ break;
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT,0);
+ fix_new(fragP,(int)(fragP->fr_fix),2,fragP->fr_symbol,(symbolS *)0,fragP->fr_offset,1,
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1] &= ~0x3F;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1] |= 0x3A;
+ ext=2;
+ break;
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT,0);
+ fix_new(fragP,(int)(fragP->fr_fix)+2,4,fragP->fr_symbol,(symbolS *)0,fragP->fr_offset+2,1,
+ *buffer_address++ = 0x01;
+ *buffer_address++ = 0x70;
+ fragP->fr_fix+=2;
+ /* buffer_address+=2; */
+ ext=4;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(ext) {
+ md_number_to_chars(buffer_address,(long)disp,(int)ext);
+ fragP->fr_fix+=ext;
+ }
+/* Force truly undefined symbols to their maximum size, and generally set up
+ the frag list to be relaxed
+ */
+int md_estimate_size_before_relax(fragP, segment)
+register fragS *fragP;
+segT segment;
+ int old_fix;
+ register char *buffer_address = fragP -> fr_fix + fragP -> fr_literal;
+ old_fix=fragP->fr_fix;
+ /* handle SZ_UNDEF first, it can be changed to BYTE or SHORT */
+ switch(fragP->fr_subtype) {
+ if(S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment) {
+ /* Symbol now defined; start at byte-size. */
+ fragP->fr_subtype=TAB(TABTYPE(fragP->fr_subtype),BYTE);
+ break;
+ } else if(!flagseen['p'] || (!flagseen['l'] && flagseen['m'])) {
+ /* Symbol in another segment, or undef.
+ If we don't care about position independent code,
+ or if we're using long displacements on a 68000,
+ rewrite to short or long absolute. */
+ if(fragP->fr_opcode[0]==0x61) {
+ if(flagseen['l']) {
+ fragP->fr_opcode[0]= 0x4E;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]= 0xB9; /* JBSR with ABSL WORD offset */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT, 0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 2,
+ fragP->fr_symbol, 0, fragP->fr_offset, 0,
+ fragP->fr_fix+=2;
+ } else {
+ fragP->fr_opcode[0]= 0x4E;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]= 0xB9; /* JBSR with ABSL LONG offset */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT, 0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 4,
+ fragP->fr_symbol, 0, fragP->fr_offset, 0,
+ fragP->fr_fix+=4;
+ }
+ frag_wane(fragP);
+ } else if(fragP->fr_opcode[0]==0x60) {
+ if(flagseen['l']) {
+ fragP->fr_opcode[0]= 0x4E;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]= 0xF8; /* JMP with ABSL WORD offset */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT, 0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 2,
+ fragP->fr_symbol, 0, fragP->fr_offset, 0,
+ fragP->fr_fix+=2;
+ } else {
+ fragP->fr_opcode[0]= 0x4E;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]= 0xF9; /* JMP with ABSL LONG offset */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT, 0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 4,
+ fragP->fr_symbol, 0, fragP->fr_offset, 0,
+ fragP->fr_fix+=4;
+ }
+ frag_wane(fragP);
+ } else {
+ as_bad("Long branch offset to extern symbol not supported.");
+ }
+ } else if(flagseen['l']) {
+ /* Symbol in other seg or undefined, and user
+ wants short pcrel offsets (-l). Set size to 2, fix
+ pcrel displacement after relax. */
+ fix_new(fragP,(int)(fragP->fr_fix),2,fragP->fr_symbol,
+ (symbolS *)0,fragP->fr_offset+2,1,
+ fragP->fr_fix+=2;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]=0x00;
+ frag_wane(fragP);
+ } else {
+ /* Symbol in other seg or undefined, and user
+ wants long pcrel offsets. Set size to 4, and fix
+ pcrel displacement after relax. */
+ fix_new(fragP,(int)(fragP->fr_fix),4,fragP->fr_symbol,
+ (symbolS *)0,fragP->fr_offset + 4,1,
+ fragP->fr_fix+=4;
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1]=0xff;
+ frag_wane(fragP);
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ if(S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment
+ || flagseen['l']) {
+ fragP->fr_subtype=TAB(FBRANCH,SHORT);
+ fragP->fr_var+=2;
+ } else {
+ fragP->fr_subtype=TAB(FBRANCH,LONG);
+ fragP->fr_var+=4;
+ }
+ break;
+ if(S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment
+ || flagseen['l']) {
+ fragP->fr_subtype=TAB(PCREL,SHORT);
+ fragP->fr_var+=2;
+ } else {
+ fragP->fr_subtype=TAB(PCREL,LONG);
+ fragP->fr_var+=4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case TAB(BCC68000,SZ_UNDEF):
+ if(S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment) {
+ fragP->fr_subtype=TAB(BCC68000,BYTE);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* only Bcc 68000 instructions can come here */
+ /* change bcc into b!cc/jmp absl long */
+ fragP->fr_opcode[0] ^= 0x01; /* invert bcc */
+ if(flagseen['l']) {
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1] = 0x04; /* branch offset = 6 */
+ /* JF: these were fr_opcode[2,3] */
+ buffer_address[0] = 0x4e; /* put in jmp long (0x4ef9) */
+ buffer_address[1] = 0xf8;
+ fragP->fr_fix += 2; /* account for jmp instruction */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT,0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 2, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset,0,
+ fragP->fr_fix += 2;
+ } else {
+ fragP->fr_opcode[1] = 0x06; /* branch offset = 6 */
+ /* JF: these were fr_opcode[2,3] */
+ buffer_address[2] = 0x4e; /* put in jmp long (0x4ef9) */
+ buffer_address[3] = 0xf9;
+ fragP->fr_fix += 2; /* account for jmp instruction */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT,0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset,0,
+ fragP->fr_fix += 4;
+ }
+ frag_wane(fragP);
+ break;
+ if(S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment) {
+ fragP->fr_subtype=TAB(DBCC,SHORT);
+ fragP->fr_var+=2;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* only DBcc 68000 instructions can come here */
+ /* change dbcc into dbcc/jmp absl long */
+ /* JF: these used to be fr_opcode[2-4], which is wrong. */
+ buffer_address[0] = 0x00; /* branch offset = 4 */
+ buffer_address[1] = 0x04;
+ buffer_address[2] = 0x60; /* put in bra pc + ... */
+ if(flagseen['l']) {
+ /* JF: these were fr_opcode[5-7] */
+ buffer_address[3] = 0x04; /* plus 4 */
+ buffer_address[4] = 0x4e;/* Put in Jump Word */
+ buffer_address[5] = 0xf8;
+ fragP->fr_fix += 6; /* account for bra/jmp instruction */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT,0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 2, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset,0,
+ fragP->fr_fix+=2;
+ } else {
+ /* JF: these were fr_opcode[5-7] */
+ buffer_address[3] = 0x06; /* Plus 6 */
+ buffer_address[4] = 0x4e; /* put in jmp long (0x4ef9) */
+ buffer_address[5] = 0xf9;
+ fragP->fr_fix += 6; /* account for bra/jmp instruction */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT,0);
+ fix_new(fragP, fragP->fr_fix, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset,0,
+ fragP->fr_fix += 4;
+ }
+ frag_wane(fragP);
+ break;
+ if((S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol))==segment || flagseen['l']) {
+ fragP->fr_subtype=TAB(PCLEA,SHORT);
+ fragP->fr_var+=2;
+ } else {
+ fragP->fr_subtype=TAB(PCLEA,LONG);
+ fragP->fr_var+=6;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ /* now that SZ_UNDEF are taken care of, check others */
+ switch(fragP->fr_subtype) {
+ case TAB(BCC68000,BYTE):
+ /* We can't do a short jump to the next instruction,
+ so we force word mode. */
+ if(fragP->fr_symbol && S_GET_VALUE(fragP->fr_symbol)==0 &&
+ fragP->fr_symbol->sy_frag==fragP->fr_next) {
+ fragP->fr_subtype=TAB(TABTYPE(fragP->fr_subtype),SHORT);
+ fragP->fr_var+=2;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return fragP->fr_var + fragP->fr_fix - old_fix;
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+/* the bit-field entries in the relocation_info struct plays hell
+ with the byte-order problems of cross-assembly. So as a hack,
+ I added this mach. dependent ri twiddler. Ugly, but it gets
+ you there. -KWK */
+/* on m68k: first 4 bytes are normal unsigned long, next three bytes
+are symbolnum, most sig. byte first. Last byte is broken up with
+bit 7 as pcrel, bits 6 & 5 as length, bit 4 as pcrel, and the lower
+nibble as nuthin. (on Sun 3 at least) */
+/* Translate the internal relocation information into target-specific
+ format. */
+md_ri_to_chars(the_bytes, ri)
+ char *the_bytes;
+ struct reloc_info_generic *ri;
+ /* this is easy */
+ md_number_to_chars(the_bytes, ri->r_address, 4);
+ /* now the fun stuff */
+ the_bytes[4] = (ri->r_symbolnum >> 16) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[5] = (ri->r_symbolnum >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[6] = ri->r_symbolnum & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[7] = (((ri->r_pcrel << 7) & 0x80) | ((ri->r_length << 5) & 0x60) |
+ ((ri->r_extern << 4) & 0x10));
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+const int md_short_jump_size = 4;
+const int md_long_jump_size = 6;
+char *ptr;
+long from_addr,
+ to_addr;
+fragS *frag;
+symbolS *to_symbol;
+ long offset;
+ offset = to_addr - (from_addr+2);
+ md_number_to_chars(ptr ,(long)0x6000,2);
+ md_number_to_chars(ptr+2,(long)offset,2);
+char *ptr;
+long from_addr,
+ to_addr;
+fragS *frag;
+symbolS *to_symbol;
+ long offset;
+ if(flagseen['m']) {
+ offset=to_addr-S_GET_VALUE(to_symbol);
+ md_number_to_chars(ptr ,(long)0x4EF9,2);
+ md_number_to_chars(ptr+2,(long)offset,4);
+ fix_new(frag,(ptr+2)-frag->fr_literal,4,to_symbol,(symbolS *)0,(long)0,0,
+ } else {
+ offset=to_addr - (from_addr+2);
+ md_number_to_chars(ptr ,(long)0x60ff,2);
+ md_number_to_chars(ptr+2,(long)offset,4);
+ }
+/* Different values of OK tell what its OK to return. Things that aren't OK are an error (what a shock, no?)
+ 0: Everything is OK
+ 10: Absolute 1:8 only
+ 20: Absolute 0:7 only
+ 30: absolute 0:15 only
+ 40: Absolute 0:31 only
+ 50: absolute 0:127 only
+ 55: absolute -64:63 only
+ 60: absolute -128:127 only
+ 70: absolute 0:4095 only
+ 80: No bignums
+static int get_num(exp,ok)
+struct m68k_exp *exp;
+int ok;
+#ifdef TEST2
+ long l = 0;
+ if(!exp->e_beg)
+ return 0;
+ if(*exp->e_beg=='0') {
+ if(exp->e_beg[1]=='x')
+ sscanf(exp->e_beg+2,"%x",&l);
+ else
+ sscanf(exp->e_beg+1,"%O",&l);
+ return l;
+ }
+ return atol(exp->e_beg);
+ char *save_in;
+ char c_save;
+ if(!exp) {
+ /* Can't do anything */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(!exp->e_beg || !exp->e_end) {
+ seg(exp)=SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ adds(exp)=0;
+ subs(exp)=0;
+ offs(exp)= (ok==10) ? 1 : 0;
+ as_bad("Null expression defaults to %ld", offs(exp));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ exp->e_siz=0;
+ if(/* ok!=80 && */exp->e_end[-1]==':' && (exp->e_end-exp->e_beg)>=2) {
+ switch(exp->e_end[0]) {
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ case 'b':
+ case 'B':
+ exp->e_siz=1;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ case 'W':
+ exp->e_siz=2;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ case 'L':
+ exp->e_siz=3;
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("Unknown size for expression \"%c\"", exp->e_end[0]);
+ }
+ exp->e_end-=2;
+ }
+ c_save=exp->e_end[1];
+ exp->e_end[1]='\0';
+ save_in=input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer=exp->e_beg;
+ switch(expression(&(exp->e_exp))) {
+ case SEG_PASS1:
+ seg(exp)=SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ adds(exp)=0;
+ subs(exp)=0;
+ offs(exp)= (ok==10) ? 1 : 0;
+ as_bad("Unknown expression: '%s' defaulting to %d",exp->e_beg,offs(exp));
+ break;
+ case SEG_ABSENT:
+ /* Do the same thing the VAX asm does */
+ seg(exp)=SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ adds(exp)=0;
+ subs(exp)=0;
+ offs(exp)=0;
+ if(ok==10) {
+ as_bad("expression out of range: defaulting to 1");
+ offs(exp)=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ switch(ok) {
+ case 10:
+ if(offs(exp)<1 || offs(exp)>8) {
+ as_bad("expression out of range: defaulting to 1");
+ offs(exp)=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ if(offs(exp)<0 || offs(exp)>7)
+ goto outrange;
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ if(offs(exp)<0 || offs(exp)>15)
+ goto outrange;
+ break;
+ case 40:
+ if(offs(exp)<0 || offs(exp)>32)
+ goto outrange;
+ break;
+ case 50:
+ if(offs(exp)<0 || offs(exp)>127)
+ goto outrange;
+ break;
+ case 55:
+ if(offs(exp)<-64 || offs(exp)>63)
+ goto outrange;
+ break;
+ case 60:
+ if(offs(exp)<-128 || offs(exp)>127)
+ goto outrange;
+ break;
+ case 70:
+ if(offs(exp)<0 || offs(exp)>4095) {
+ outrange:
+ as_bad("expression out of range: defaulting to 0");
+ offs(exp)=0;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ if(ok>=10 && ok<=70) {
+ seg(exp)=SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ adds(exp)=0;
+ subs(exp)=0;
+ offs(exp)= (ok==10) ? 1 : 0;
+ as_bad("Can't deal with expression \"%s\": defaulting to %ld",exp->e_beg,offs(exp));
+ }
+ break;
+ case SEG_BIG:
+ if(ok==80 && offs(exp)<0) { /* HACK! Turn it into a long */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE words[6];
+ gen_to_words(words,2,8L);/* These numbers are magic! */
+ seg(exp)=SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ adds(exp)=0;
+ subs(exp)=0;
+ offs(exp)=words[1]|(words[0]<<16);
+ } else if(ok!=0) {
+ seg(exp)=SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ adds(exp)=0;
+ subs(exp)=0;
+ offs(exp)= (ok==10) ? 1 : 0;
+ as_bad("Can't deal with expression \"%s\": defaulting to %ld",exp->e_beg,offs(exp));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ if(input_line_pointer!=exp->e_end+1)
+ as_bad("Ignoring junk after expression");
+ exp->e_end[1]=c_save;
+ input_line_pointer=save_in;
+ if(exp->e_siz) {
+ switch(exp->e_siz) {
+ case 1:
+ if(!isbyte(offs(exp)))
+ as_bad("expression doesn't fit in BYTE");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if(!isword(offs(exp)))
+ as_bad("expression doesn't fit in WORD");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return offs(exp);
+} /* get_num() */
+/* These are the back-ends for the various machine dependent pseudo-ops. */
+static void s_data1() {
+ subseg_new(SEG_DATA,1);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_data1() */
+static void s_data2() {
+ subseg_new(SEG_DATA,2);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_data2() */
+static void s_bss() {
+ /* We don't support putting frags in the BSS segment, but we
+ can put them into initialized data for now... */
+ subseg_new(SEG_DATA,255); /* FIXME-SOON */
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_bss() */
+static void s_even() {
+ register int temp;
+ register long temp_fill;
+ temp = 1; /* JF should be 2? */
+ temp_fill = get_absolute_expression ();
+ if ( ! need_pass_2 ) /* Never make frag if expect extra pass. */
+ frag_align (temp, (int)temp_fill);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_even() */
+static void s_proc() {
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_proc() */
+/* s_space is defined in read.c .skip is simply an alias to it. */
+char **argP;
+int *cntP;
+char ***vecP;
+ switch(**argP) {
+ case 'l': /* -l means keep externals to 2 byte branch offsets
+ rather than 4 byte branch offsets */
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ /* Gas almost ignores this option! */
+ (*argP)++;
+ if(**argP=='c')
+ (*argP)++;
+ if(!strcmp(*argP,"68000"))
+ flagseen['m']=2;
+ else if(!strcmp(*argP,"68010")) {
+#ifdef TE_SUN
+ magic_number_for_object_file = 1<<16|OMAGIC;
+ flagseen['m']=1;
+ } else if(!strcmp(*argP,"68020"))
+ flagseen['m']=0;
+ else
+ as_warn("Unknown -m option ignored");
+ while(**argP)
+ (*argP)++;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ if (!strcmp(*argP,"pic")) {
+ (*argP) += 3;
+ break; /* -pic, Position Independent Code */
+ }
+ else
+ return 0;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+#ifdef TEST2
+/* TEST2: Test md_assemble() */
+/* Warning, this routine probably doesn't work anymore */
+ struct m68_it the_ins;
+ char buf[120];
+ char *cp;
+ int n;
+ m68_ip_begin();
+ for(;;) {
+ if(!gets(buf) || !*buf)
+ break;
+ if(buf[0]=='|' || buf[1]=='.')
+ continue;
+ for(cp=buf;*cp;cp++)
+ if(*cp=='\t')
+ *cp=' ';
+ if(is_label(buf))
+ continue;
+ bzero(&the_ins,sizeof(the_ins));
+ m68_ip(&the_ins,buf);
+ if(the_ins.error) {
+ printf("Error %s in %s\n",the_ins.error,buf);
+ } else {
+ printf("Opcode(%d.%s): ",the_ins.numo,the_ins.args);
+ for(n=0;n<the_ins.numo;n++)
+ printf(" 0x%x",the_ins.opcode[n]&0xffff);
+ printf(" ");
+ print_the_insn(&the_ins.opcode[0],stdout);
+ (void)putchar('\n');
+ }
+ for(n=0;n<strlen(the_ins.args)/2;n++) {
+ if(the_ins.operands[n].error) {
+ printf("op%d Error %s in %s\n",n,the_ins.operands[n].error,buf);
+ continue;
+ }
+ printf("mode %d, reg %d, ",the_ins.operands[n].mode,the_ins.operands[n].reg);
+ if(the_ins.operands[n].b_const)
+ printf("Constant: '%.*s', ",1+the_ins.operands[n].e_const-the_ins.operands[n].b_const,the_ins.operands[n].b_const);
+ printf("ireg %d, isiz %d, imul %d, ",the_ins.operands[n].ireg,the_ins.operands[n].isiz,the_ins.operands[n].imul);
+ if(the_ins.operands[n].b_iadd)
+ printf("Iadd: '%.*s',",1+the_ins.operands[n].e_iadd-the_ins.operands[n].b_iadd,the_ins.operands[n].b_iadd);
+ (void)putchar('\n');
+ }
+ }
+ m68_ip_end();
+ return 0;
+char *str;
+ while(*str==' ')
+ str++;
+ while(*str && *str!=' ')
+ str++;
+ if(str[-1]==':' || str[1]=='=')
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+/* Possible states for relaxation:
+0 0 branch offset byte (bra, etc)
+0 1 word
+0 2 long
+1 0 indexed offsets byte a0@(32,d4:w:1) etc
+1 1 word
+1 2 long
+2 0 two-offset index word-word a0@(32,d4)@(45) etc
+2 1 word-long
+2 2 long-word
+2 3 long-long
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ printf("ABORT!\n");
+ exit(12);
+char *index(s,c)
+char *s;
+ while(*s!=c) {
+ if(!*s) return 0;
+ s++;
+ }
+ return s;
+char *s;
+ while(n--)
+ *s++=0;
+ fragS *fragP;
+ extern fragS *text_frag_root;
+ for(fragP=text_frag_root;fragP;fragP=fragP->fr_next) {
+ printf("addr %lu next 0x%x fix %ld var %ld symbol 0x%x offset %ld\n",
+ fragP->fr_address,fragP->fr_next,fragP->fr_fix,fragP->fr_var,fragP->fr_symbol,fragP->fr_offset);
+ printf("opcode 0x%x type %d subtype %d\n\n",fragP->fr_opcode,fragP->fr_type,fragP->fr_subtype);
+ }
+ fflush(stdout);
+ return 0;
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+char *format;
+ fputs("Internal error:",stderr);
+ _doprnt(format,&args,stderr);
+ (void)putc('\n',stderr);
+ as_where();
+ abort();
+/* We have no need to default values of symbols. */
+symbolS *
+md_undefined_symbol (name)
+ char *name;
+ return 0;
+/* Parse an operand that is machine-specific.
+ We just return without modifying the expression if we have nothing
+ to do. */
+md_operand (expressionP)
+ expressionS *expressionP;
+/* Round up a section size to the appropriate boundary. */
+md_section_align (segment, size)
+ segT segment;
+ long size;
+ return size; /* Byte alignment is fine */
+/* Exactly what point is a PC-relative offset relative TO?
+ On the 68k, they're relative to the address of the offset, plus
+ its size. (??? Is this right? FIXME-SOON!) */
+md_pcrel_from (fixP)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ return fixP->fx_size + fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
+/* Opcode table for m68000/m68020 and m68881.
+ Copyright (C) 1989, Free Software Foundation.
+This file is part of GDB, the GNU Debugger and GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+Both GDB and GAS are free software; you can redistribute and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GDB and GAS are distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GDB or GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* We store four bytes of opcode for all opcodes because that
+ is the most any of them need. The actual length of an instruction
+ is always at least 2 bytes, and is as much longer as necessary to
+ hold the operands it has.
+ The match component is a mask saying which bits must match
+ particular opcode in order for an instruction to be an instance
+ of that opcode.
+ The args component is a string containing two characters
+ for each operand of the instruction. The first specifies
+ the kind of operand; the second, the place it is stored. */
+/* Kinds of operands:
+ D data register only. Stored as 3 bits.
+ A address register only. Stored as 3 bits.
+ R either kind of register. Stored as 4 bits.
+ F floating point coprocessor register only. Stored as 3 bits.
+ O an offset (or width): immediate data 0-31 or data register.
+ Stored as 6 bits in special format for BF... insns.
+ + autoincrement only. Stored as 3 bits (number of the address register).
+ - autodecrement only. Stored as 3 bits (number of the address register).
+ Q quick immediate data. Stored as 3 bits.
+ This matches an immediate operand only when value is in range 1 .. 8.
+ M moveq immediate data. Stored as 8 bits.
+ This matches an immediate operand only when value is in range -128..127
+ T trap vector immediate data. Stored as 4 bits.
+ k K-factor for fmove.p instruction. Stored as a 7-bit constant or
+ a three bit register offset, depending on the field type.
+ # immediate data. Stored in special places (b, w or l)
+ which say how many bits to store.
+ ^ immediate data for floating point instructions. Special places
+ are offset by 2 bytes from '#'...
+ B pc-relative address, converted to an offset
+ that is treated as immediate data.
+ d displacement and register. Stores the register as 3 bits
+ and stores the displacement in the entire second word.
+ C the CCR. No need to store it; this is just for filtering validity.
+ S the SR. No need to store, just as with CCR.
+ U the USP. No need to store, just as with CCR.
+ I Coprocessor ID. Not printed if 1. The Coprocessor ID is always
+ extracted from the 'd' field of word one, which means that an extended
+ coprocessor opcode can be skipped using the 'i' place, if needed.
+ s System Control register for the floating point coprocessor.
+ S List of system control registers for floating point coprocessor.
+ J Misc register for movec instruction, stored in 'j' format.
+ Possible values:
+ 000 SFC Source Function Code reg
+ 001 DFC Data Function Code reg
+ 002 CACR Cache Control Register
+ 800 USP User Stack Pointer
+ 801 VBR Vector Base reg
+ 802 CAAR Cache Address Register
+ 803 MSP Master Stack Pointer
+ 804 ISP Interrupt Stack Pointer
+ L Register list of the type d0-d7/a0-a7 etc.
+ (New! Improved! Can also hold fp0-fp7, as well!)
+ The assembler tries to see if the registers match the insn by
+ looking at where the insn wants them stored.
+ l Register list like L, but with all the bits reversed.
+ Used for going the other way. . .
+ They are all stored as 6 bits using an address mode and a register number;
+ they differ in which addressing modes they match.
+ * all (modes 0-6,7.*)
+ ~ alterable memory (modes 2-6,7.0,7.1)(not 0,1,7.~)
+ % alterable (modes 0-6,7.0,7.1)(not 7.~)
+ ; data (modes 0,2-6,7.*)(not 1)
+ @ data, but not immediate (modes 0,2-6,7.? ? ?)(not 1,7.?) This may really be ;, the 68020 book says it is
+ ! control (modes 2,5,6,7.*-)(not 0,1,3,4,7.4)
+ & alterable control (modes 2,5,6,7.0,7.1)(not 0,1,7.? ? ?)
+ $ alterable data (modes 0,2-6,7.0,7.1)(not 1,7.~)
+ ? alterable control, or data register (modes 0,2,5,6,7.0,7.1)(not 1,3,4,7.~)
+ / control, or data register (modes 0,2,5,6,7.0,7.1,7.2,7.3)(not 1,3,4,7.4)
+/* JF: for the 68851 */
+ I didn't use much imagination in choosing the
+ following codes, so many of them aren't very
+ mnemonic. -rab
+ P pmmu register
+ Possible values:
+ 000 TC Translation Control reg
+ 100 CAL Current Access Level
+ 101 VAL Validate Access Level
+ 110 SCC Stack Change Control
+ 111 AC Access Control
+ W wide pmmu registers
+ Possible values:
+ 001 DRP Dma Root Pointer
+ 010 SRP Supervisor Root Pointer
+ 011 CRP Cpu Root Pointer
+ f function code register
+ 0 SFC
+ 1 DFC
+ V VAL register only
+ X BADx, BACx
+ 100 BAD Breakpoint Acknowledge Data
+ 101 BAC Breakpoint Acknowledge Control
+ | memory (modes 2-6, 7.*)
+/* Places to put an operand, for non-general operands:
+ s source, low bits of first word.
+ d dest, shifted 9 in first word
+ 1 second word, shifted 12
+ 2 second word, shifted 6
+ 3 second word, shifted 0
+ 4 third word, shifted 12
+ 5 third word, shifted 6
+ 6 third word, shifted 0
+ 7 second word, shifted 7
+ 8 second word, shifted 10
+ D store in both place 1 and place 3; for divul and divsl.
+ b second word, low byte
+ w second word (entire)
+ l second and third word (entire)
+ g branch offset for bra and similar instructions.
+ The place to store depends on the magnitude of offset.
+ t store in both place 7 and place 8; for floating point operations
+ c branch offset for cpBcc operations.
+ The place to store is word two if bit six of word one is zero,
+ and words two and three if bit six of word one is one.
+ i Increment by two, to skip over coprocessor extended operands. Only
+ works with the 'I' format.
+ k Dynamic K-factor field. Bits 6-4 of word 2, used as a register number.
+ Also used for dynamic fmovem instruction.
+ C floating point coprocessor constant - 7 bits. Also used for static
+ K-factors...
+ j Movec register #, stored in 12 low bits of second word.
+ Places to put operand, for general operands:
+ d destination, shifted 6 bits in first word
+ b source, at low bit of first word, and immediate uses one byte
+ w source, at low bit of first word, and immediate uses two bytes
+ l source, at low bit of first word, and immediate uses four bytes
+ s source, at low bit of first word.
+ Used sometimes in contexts where immediate is not allowed anyway.
+ f single precision float, low bit of 1st word, immediate uses 4 bytes
+ F double precision float, low bit of 1st word, immediate uses 8 bytes
+ x extended precision float, low bit of 1st word, immediate uses 12 bytes
+ p packed float, low bit of 1st word, immediate uses 12 bytes
+#define one(x) ((x) << 16)
+#define two(x, y) (((x) << 16) + y)
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tc-m68k.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-m68k.h b/gas/config/tc-m68k.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fa516c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-m68k.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ * This file is tp-generic.h and is intended to be a template for
+ * target processor specific header files.
+ */
+#define TC_M68K 1
+#ifdef TE_SUN3
+/* This variable contains the value to write out at the beginning of
+ the a.out file. The 2<<16 means that this is a 68020 file instead
+ of an old-style 68000 file */
+#define DEFAULT_MAGIC_NUMBER_FOR_OBJECT_FILE (2<<16|OMAGIC); /* Magic byte for file header */
+#endif /* TE_SUN3 */
+#define tc_crawl_symbol_chain(a) ; /* not used */
+#define tc_headers_hook(a) ; /* not used */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tc-m68k.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-ns32k.c b/gas/config/tc-ns32k.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4fd883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-ns32k.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1867 @@
+/* ns32k.c -- Assemble on the National Semiconductor 32k series
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/*#define SHOW_NUM 1*/ /* uncomment for debugging */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#ifdef USG
+#include <string.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include "ns32k-opcode.h"
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+/* Macros */
+#define IIF_ENTRIES 13 /* number of entries in iif */
+#define PRIVATE_SIZE 256 /* size of my garbage memory */
+#define MAX_ARGS 4
+#define DEFAULT -1 /* addr_mode returns this value when plain constant or label is encountered */
+#define IIF(ptr,a1,c1,e1,g1,i1,k1,m1,o1,q1,s1,u1) \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].type= a1; \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].size= c1; \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].object= e1; \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].object_adjust= g1; \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].pcrel= i1; \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].pcrel_adjust= k1; \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].im_disp= m1; \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].relax_substate= o1; \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].bit_fixP= q1; \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].addr_mode= s1; \
+ iif.iifP[ptr].bsr= u1;
+#define ABSOLUTE_PREFIX '@'
+char comment_chars[] = "#";
+char line_comment_chars[] = LINE_COMMENT_CHARS;
+#if !defined(ABSOLUTE_PREFIX) && !defined(IMMEDIATE_PREFIX)
+#define ABSOLUTE_PREFIX '@' /* One or the other MUST be defined */
+struct addr_mode {
+ char mode; /* addressing mode of operand (0-31) */
+ char scaled_mode; /* mode combined with scaled mode */
+ char scaled_reg; /* register used in scaled+1 (1-8) */
+ char float_flag; /* set if R0..R7 was F0..F7 ie a floating-point-register */
+ char am_size; /* estimated max size of general addr-mode parts*/
+ char im_disp; /* if im_disp==1 we have a displacement */
+ char pcrel; /* 1 if pcrel, this is really redundant info */
+ char disp_suffix[2]; /* length of displacement(s), 0=undefined */
+ char *disp[2]; /* pointer(s) at displacement(s)
+ or immediates(s) (ascii) */
+ char index_byte; /* index byte */
+typedef struct addr_mode addr_modeS;
+char *freeptr,*freeptr_static; /* points at some number of free bytes */
+struct hash_control *inst_hash_handle;
+struct ns32k_opcode *desc; /* pointer at description of instruction */
+addr_modeS addr_modeP;
+char EXP_CHARS[] = "eE";
+char FLT_CHARS[] = "fd"; /* we don't want to support lowercase, do we */
+/* UPPERCASE denotes live names
+ * when an instruction is built, IIF is used as an intermidiate form to store
+ * the actual parts of the instruction. A ns32k machine instruction can
+ * be divided into a couple of sub PARTs. When an instruction is assembled
+ * the appropriate PART get an assignment. When an IIF has been completed it's
+ * converted to a FRAGment as specified in AS.H */
+/* internal structs */
+struct option {
+ char *pattern;
+ unsigned long or;
+ unsigned long and;
+typedef struct {
+ int type; /* how to interpret object */
+ int size; /* Estimated max size of object */
+ unsigned long object; /* binary data */
+ int object_adjust; /* number added to object */
+ int pcrel; /* True if object is pcrel */
+ int pcrel_adjust; /* It's value reflects the length in bytes from the instruction start to the displacement */
+ int im_disp; /* True if the object is a displacement */
+ relax_substateT relax_substate; /* Initial relaxsubstate */
+ bit_fixS *bit_fixP; /* Pointer at bit_fix struct */
+ int addr_mode; /* What addrmode do we associate with this iif-entry */
+ char bsr; /* Sequent hack */
+}iif_entryT; /* Internal Instruction Format */
+struct int_ins_form {
+ int instr_size; /* Max size of instruction in bytes. */
+ iif_entryT iifP[IIF_ENTRIES+1];
+struct int_ins_form iif;
+expressionS exprP;
+char *input_line_pointer;
+/* description of the PARTs in IIF
+ *object[n]:
+ * 0 total length in bytes of entries in iif
+ * 1 opcode
+ * 2 index_byte_a
+ * 3 index_byte_b
+ * 4 disp_a_1
+ * 5 disp_a_2
+ * 6 disp_b_1
+ * 7 disp_b_2
+ * 8 imm_a
+ * 9 imm_b
+ * 10 implied1
+ * 11 implied2
+ *
+ * For every entry there is a datalength in bytes. This is stored in size[n].
+ * 0, the objectlength is not explicitly given by the instruction
+ * and the operand is undefined. This is a case for relaxation.
+ * Reserve 4 bytes for the final object.
+ *
+ * 1, the entry contains one byte
+ * 2, the entry contains two bytes
+ * 3, the entry contains three bytes
+ * 4, the entry contains four bytes
+ * etc
+ *
+ * Furthermore, every entry has a data type identifier in type[n].
+ *
+ * 0, the entry is void, ignore it.
+ * 1, the entry is a binary number.
+ * 2, the entry is a pointer at an expression.
+ * Where expression may be as simple as a single '1',
+ * and as complicated as foo-bar+12,
+ * foo and bar may be undefined but suffixed by :{b|w|d} to
+ * control the length of the object.
+ *
+ * 3, the entry is a pointer at a bignum struct
+ *
+ *
+ * The low-order-byte coresponds to low physical memory.
+ * Obviously a FRAGment must be created for each valid disp in PART whose
+ * datalength is undefined (to bad) .
+ * The case where just the expression is undefined is less severe and is
+ * handled by fix. Here the number of bytes in the objectfile is known.
+ * With this representation we simplify the assembly and separates the
+ * machine dependent/independent parts in a more clean way (said OE)
+ */
+struct option opt1[]= /* restore, exit */
+ { "r0", 0x80, 0xff },
+ { "r1", 0x40, 0xff },
+ { "r2", 0x20, 0xff },
+ { "r3", 0x10, 0xff },
+ { "r4", 0x08, 0xff },
+ { "r5", 0x04, 0xff },
+ { "r6", 0x02, 0xff },
+ { "r7", 0x01, 0xff },
+ { 0 , 0x00, 0xff }
+struct option opt2[]= /* save, enter */
+ { "r0", 0x01, 0xff },
+ { "r1", 0x02, 0xff },
+ { "r2", 0x04, 0xff },
+ { "r3", 0x08, 0xff },
+ { "r4", 0x10, 0xff },
+ { "r5", 0x20, 0xff },
+ { "r6", 0x40, 0xff },
+ { "r7", 0x80, 0xff },
+ { 0 , 0x00, 0xff }
+struct option opt3[]= /* setcfg */
+ { "c", 0x8, 0xff },
+ { "m", 0x4, 0xff },
+ { "f", 0x2, 0xff },
+ { "i", 0x1, 0xff },
+ { 0 , 0x0, 0xff }
+struct option opt4[]= /* cinv */
+ { "a", 0x4, 0xff },
+ { "i", 0x2, 0xff },
+ { "d", 0x1, 0xff },
+ { 0 , 0x0, 0xff }
+struct option opt5[]= /* string inst */
+ { "b", 0x2, 0xff },
+ { "u", 0xc, 0xff },
+ { "w", 0x4, 0xff },
+ { 0 , 0x0, 0xff }
+struct option opt6[]= /* plain reg ext,cvtp etc */
+ { "r0", 0x00, 0xff },
+ { "r1", 0x01, 0xff },
+ { "r2", 0x02, 0xff },
+ { "r3", 0x03, 0xff },
+ { "r4", 0x04, 0xff },
+ { "r5", 0x05, 0xff },
+ { "r6", 0x06, 0xff },
+ { "r7", 0x07, 0xff },
+ { 0 , 0x00, 0xff }
+#if !defined(NS32032) && !defined(NS32532)
+#define NS32032
+struct option cpureg_532[]= /* lpr spr */
+ { "us", 0x0, 0xff },
+ { "dcr", 0x1, 0xff },
+ { "bpc", 0x2, 0xff },
+ { "dsr", 0x3, 0xff },
+ { "car", 0x4, 0xff },
+ { "fp", 0x8, 0xff },
+ { "sp", 0x9, 0xff },
+ { "sb", 0xa, 0xff },
+ { "usp", 0xb, 0xff },
+ { "cfg", 0xc, 0xff },
+ { "psr", 0xd, 0xff },
+ { "intbase", 0xe, 0xff },
+ { "mod", 0xf, 0xff },
+ { 0 , 0x00, 0xff }
+struct option mmureg_532[]= /* lmr smr */
+ { "mcr", 0x9, 0xff },
+ { "msr", 0xa, 0xff },
+ { "tear", 0xb, 0xff },
+ { "ptb0", 0xc, 0xff },
+ { "ptb1", 0xd, 0xff },
+ { "ivar0", 0xe, 0xff },
+ { "ivar1", 0xf, 0xff },
+ { 0 , 0x0, 0xff }
+struct option cpureg_032[]= /* lpr spr */
+ { "upsr", 0x0, 0xff },
+ { "fp", 0x8, 0xff },
+ { "sp", 0x9, 0xff },
+ { "sb", 0xa, 0xff },
+ { "psr", 0xd, 0xff },
+ { "intbase", 0xe, 0xff },
+ { "mod", 0xf, 0xff },
+ { 0 , 0x0, 0xff }
+struct option mmureg_032[]= /* lmr smr */
+ { "bpr0", 0x0, 0xff },
+ { "bpr1", 0x1, 0xff },
+ { "pf0", 0x4, 0xff },
+ { "pf1", 0x5, 0xff },
+ { "sc", 0x8, 0xff },
+ { "msr", 0xa, 0xff },
+ { "bcnt", 0xb, 0xff },
+ { "ptb0", 0xc, 0xff },
+ { "ptb1", 0xd, 0xff },
+ { "eia", 0xf, 0xff },
+ { 0 , 0x0, 0xff }
+#if defined(NS32532)
+struct option *cpureg = cpureg_532;
+struct option *mmureg = mmureg_532;
+struct option *cpureg = cpureg_032;
+struct option *mmureg = mmureg_032;
+const pseudo_typeS md_pseudo_table[]={ /* so far empty */
+ { 0, 0, 0 }
+#define IND(x,y) (((x)<<2)+(y))
+/* those are index's to relax groups in md_relax_table
+ ie it must be multiplied by 4 to point at a group start. Viz IND(x,y)
+ Se function relax_segment in write.c for more info */
+#define BRANCH 1
+#define PCREL 2
+/* those are index's to entries in a relax group */
+#define BYTE 0
+#define WORD 1
+#define DOUBLE 2
+#define UNDEF 3
+/* Those limits are calculated from the displacement start in memory.
+ The ns32k uses the begining of the instruction as displacement base.
+ This type of displacements could be handled here by moving the limit window
+ up or down. I choose to use an internal displacement base-adjust as there
+ are other routines that must consider this. Also, as we have two various
+ offset-adjusts in the ns32k (acb versus br/brs/jsr/bcond), two set of limits
+ would have had to be used.
+ Now we dont have to think about that. */
+const relax_typeS md_relax_table[]={
+ { 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+ { 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+ { 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+ { 1, 1, 0, 0 },
+ { (63), (-64), 1, IND(BRANCH,WORD) },
+ { (8192), (-8192), 2, IND(BRANCH,DOUBLE) },
+ { 0, 0, 4, 0 },
+ { 1, 1, 0, 0 }
+/* Array used to test if mode contains displacements.
+ Value is true if mode contains displacement. */
+char disp_test[]={ 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
+ 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
+ 1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,
+ 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 };
+/* Array used to calculate max size of displacements */
+char disp_size[]={ 4,1,2,0,4 };
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static segT evaluate_expr(expressionS *resultP, char *ptr);
+static void md_number_to_disp(char *buf, long val, int n);
+static void md_number_to_imm(char *buf, long val, int n);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+static segT evaluate_expr();
+static void md_number_to_disp();
+static void md_number_to_imm();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+/* Parses a general operand into an addressingmode struct
+ in: pointer at operand in ascii form
+ pointer at addr_mode struct for result
+ the level of recursion. (always 0 or 1)
+ out: data in addr_mode struct
+ */
+int addr_mode(operand,addr_modeP,recursive_level)
+ char *operand;
+ register addr_modeS *addr_modeP;
+int recursive_level;
+ register char *str;
+ register int i;
+ register int strl;
+ register int mode;
+ int j;
+ mode = DEFAULT; /* default */
+ addr_modeP->scaled_mode=0; /* why not */
+ addr_modeP->scaled_reg=0; /* if 0, not scaled index */
+ addr_modeP->float_flag=0;
+ addr_modeP->am_size=0;
+ addr_modeP->im_disp=0;
+ addr_modeP->pcrel=0; /* not set in this function */
+ addr_modeP->disp_suffix[0]=0;
+ addr_modeP->disp_suffix[1]=0;
+ addr_modeP->disp[0]=NULL;
+ addr_modeP->disp[1]=NULL;
+ str=operand;
+ if (str[0]==0) {return (0);} /* we don't want this */
+ strl=strlen(str);
+ switch (str[0]) {
+ /* the following three case statements controls the mode-chars
+ this is the place to ed if you want to change them */
+ if (str[strl-1]==']') break;
+ addr_modeP->mode=21; /* absolute */
+ addr_modeP->disp[0]=str+1;
+ return (-1);
+ if (str[strl-1]==']') break;
+ addr_modeP->mode=20; /* immediate */
+ addr_modeP->disp[0]=str+1;
+ return (-1);
+ case '.':
+ if (str[strl-1]!=']') {
+ switch (str[1]) {
+ case'-':case'+':
+ if (str[2]!='\000') {
+ addr_modeP->mode=27; /* pc-relativ */
+ addr_modeP->disp[0]=str+2;
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ default:
+ as_warn("Invalid syntax in PC-relative addressing mode");
+ return(0);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case'e':
+ if (str[strl-1]!=']') {
+ if((!strncmp(str,"ext(",4)) && strl>7) { /* external */
+ addr_modeP->disp[0]=str+4;
+ i=0;
+ j=2;
+ do { /* disp[0]'s termination point */
+ j+=1;
+ if (str[j]=='(') i++;
+ if (str[j]==')') i--;
+ } while (j<strl && i!=0);
+ if (i!=0 || !(str[j+1]=='-' || str[j+1]=='+') ) {
+ as_warn("Invalid syntax in External addressing mode");
+ return(0);
+ }
+ str[j]='\000'; /* null terminate disp[0] */
+ addr_modeP->disp[1]=str+j+2;
+ addr_modeP->mode=22;
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:;
+ }
+ strl=strlen(str);
+ switch(strl) {
+ case 2:
+ switch (str[0]) {
+ case'f':addr_modeP->float_flag=1;
+ case'r':
+ if (str[1]>='0' && str[1]<'8') {
+ addr_modeP->mode=str[1]-'0';
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ case 3:
+ if (!strncmp(str,"tos",3)) {
+ addr_modeP->mode=23; /* TopOfStack */
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ default:;
+ }
+ if (strl>4) {
+ if (str[strl-1]==')') {
+ if (str[strl-2]==')') {
+ if (!strncmp(&str[strl-5],"(fp",3)) {
+ mode=16; /* Memory Relative */
+ }
+ if (!strncmp(&str[strl-5],"(sp",3)) {
+ mode=17;
+ }
+ if (!strncmp(&str[strl-5],"(sb",3)) {
+ mode=18;
+ }
+ if (mode!=DEFAULT) { /* memory relative */
+ addr_modeP->mode=mode;
+ j=strl-5; /* temp for end of disp[0] */
+ i=0;
+ do {
+ strl-=1;
+ if (str[strl]==')') i++;
+ if (str[strl]=='(') i--;
+ } while (strl>-1 && i!=0);
+ if (i!=0) {
+ as_warn("Invalid syntax in Memory Relative addressing mode");
+ return(0);
+ }
+ addr_modeP->disp[1]=str;
+ addr_modeP->disp[0]=str+strl+1;
+ str[j]='\000'; /* null terminate disp[0] */
+ str[strl]='\000'; /* null terminate disp[1] */
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (str[strl-3]) {
+ case'r':case'R':
+ if (str[strl-2]>='0' && str[strl-2]<'8' && str[strl-4]=='(') {
+ addr_modeP->mode=str[strl-2]-'0'+8;
+ addr_modeP->disp[0]=str;
+ str[strl-4]=0;
+ return (-1); /* reg rel */
+ }
+ default:
+ if (!strncmp(&str[strl-4],"(fp",3)) {
+ mode=24;
+ }
+ if (!strncmp(&str[strl-4],"(sp",3)) {
+ mode=25;
+ }
+ if (!strncmp(&str[strl-4],"(sb",3)) {
+ mode=26;
+ }
+ if (!strncmp(&str[strl-4],"(pc",3)) {
+ mode=27;
+ }
+ if (mode!=DEFAULT) {
+ addr_modeP->mode=mode;
+ addr_modeP->disp[0]=str;
+ str[strl-4]='\0';
+ return (-1); /* memory space */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* no trailing ')' do we have a ']' ? */
+ if (str[strl-1]==']') {
+ switch (str[strl-2]) {
+ case'b':mode=28;break;
+ case'w':mode=29;break;
+ case'd':mode=30;break;
+ case'q':mode=31;break;
+ default:;
+ as_warn("Invalid scaled-indexed mode, use (b,w,d,q)");
+ if (str[strl-3]!=':' || str[strl-6]!='[' ||
+ str[strl-5]=='r' || str[strl-4]<'0' || str[strl-4]>'7') {
+ as_warn("Syntax in scaled-indexed mode, use [Rn:m] where n=[0..7] m={b,w,d,q}");
+ }
+ } /* scaled index */
+ {
+ if (recursive_level>0) {
+ as_warn("Scaled-indexed addressing mode combined with scaled-index");
+ return(0);
+ }
+ addr_modeP->am_size+=1; /* scaled index byte */
+ j=str[strl-4]-'0'; /* store temporary */
+ str[strl-6]='\000'; /* nullterminate for recursive call */
+ i=addr_mode(str,addr_modeP,1);
+ if (!i || addr_modeP->mode==20) {
+ as_warn("Invalid or illegal addressing mode combined with scaled-index");
+ return(0);
+ }
+ addr_modeP->scaled_mode=addr_modeP->mode; /* store the inferior mode */
+ addr_modeP->mode=mode;
+ addr_modeP->scaled_reg=j+1;
+ return (-1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ addr_modeP->mode = DEFAULT; /* default to whatever */
+ addr_modeP->disp[0]=str;
+ return (-1);
+/* ptr points at string
+ addr_modeP points at struct with result
+ This routine calls addr_mode to determine the general addr.mode of
+ the operand. When this is ready it parses the displacements for size
+ specifying suffixes and determines size of immediate mode via ns32k-opcode.
+ Also builds index bytes if needed.
+ */
+int get_addr_mode(ptr,addr_modeP)
+ char *ptr;
+ addr_modeS *addr_modeP;
+ int tmp;
+ addr_mode(ptr,addr_modeP,0);
+ if (addr_modeP->mode == DEFAULT || addr_modeP->scaled_mode == -1) {
+ /* resolve ambigious operands, this shouldn't
+ be necessary if one uses standard NSC operand
+ syntax. But the sequent compiler doesn't!!!
+ This finds a proper addressinging mode if it
+ is implicitly stated. See ns32k-opcode.h */
+ (void)evaluate_expr(&exprP,ptr); /* this call takes time Sigh! */
+ if (addr_modeP->mode == DEFAULT) {
+ if (exprP.X_add_symbol || exprP.X_subtract_symbol) {
+ addr_modeP->mode=desc->default_model; /* we have a label */
+ } else {
+ addr_modeP->mode=desc->default_modec; /* we have a constant */
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (exprP.X_add_symbol || exprP.X_subtract_symbol) {
+ addr_modeP->scaled_mode=desc->default_model;
+ } else {
+ addr_modeP->scaled_mode=desc->default_modec;
+ }
+ }
+ /* must put this mess down in addr_mode to handle the scaled case better */
+ }
+ /* It appears as the sequent compiler wants an absolute when we have a
+ label without @. Constants becomes immediates besides the addr case.
+ Think it does so with local labels too, not optimum, pcrel is better.
+ When I have time I will make gas check this and select pcrel when possible
+ Actually that is trivial.
+ */
+ if (tmp=addr_modeP->scaled_reg) { /* build indexbyte */
+ tmp--; /* remember regnumber comes incremented for flagpurpose */
+ tmp|=addr_modeP->scaled_mode<<3;
+ addr_modeP->index_byte=(char)tmp;
+ addr_modeP->am_size+=1;
+ }
+ if (disp_test[addr_modeP->mode]) { /* there was a displacement, probe for length specifying suffix*/
+ {
+ register char c;
+ register char suffix;
+ register char suffix_sub;
+ register int i;
+ register char *toP;
+ register char *fromP;
+ addr_modeP->pcrel=0;
+ if (disp_test[addr_modeP->mode]) { /* there is a displacement */
+ if (addr_modeP->mode==27 || addr_modeP->scaled_mode==27) { /* do we have pcrel. mode */
+ addr_modeP->pcrel=1;
+ }
+ addr_modeP->im_disp=1;
+ for(i=0;i<2;i++) {
+ suffix_sub=suffix=0;
+ if (toP=addr_modeP->disp[i]) { /* suffix of expression, the largest size rules */
+ fromP=toP;
+ while (c = *fromP++) {
+ *toP++=c;
+ if (c==':') {
+ switch (*fromP) {
+ case '\0':
+ as_warn("Premature end of suffix--Defaulting to d");
+ suffix=4;
+ continue;
+ case 'b':suffix_sub=1;break;
+ case 'w':suffix_sub=2;break;
+ case 'd':suffix_sub=4;break;
+ default:
+ as_warn("Bad suffix after ':' use {b|w|d} Defaulting to d");
+ suffix=4;
+ }
+ fromP++;
+ toP--; /* So we write over the ':' */
+ if (suffix<suffix_sub) suffix=suffix_sub;
+ }
+ }
+ *toP='\0'; /* terminate properly */
+ addr_modeP->disp_suffix[i]=suffix;
+ addr_modeP->am_size+=suffix ? suffix : 4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (addr_modeP->mode==20) { /* look in ns32k_opcode for size */
+ addr_modeP->disp_suffix[0]=addr_modeP->am_size=desc->im_size;
+ addr_modeP->im_disp=0;
+ }
+ }
+ return addr_modeP->mode;
+/* read an optionlist */
+void optlist(str,optionP,default_map)
+ char *str; /* the string to extract options from */
+ struct option *optionP; /* how to search the string */
+ unsigned long *default_map; /* default pattern and output */
+ register int i,j,k,strlen1,strlen2;
+ register char *patternP,*strP;
+ strlen1=strlen(str);
+ if (strlen1<1) {
+ as_fatal("Very short instr to option, ie you can't do it on a NULLstr");
+ }
+ for (i=0;optionP[i].pattern!=0;i++) {
+ strlen2=strlen(optionP[i].pattern);
+ for (j=0;j<strlen1;j++) {
+ patternP=optionP[i].pattern;
+ strP = &str[j];
+ for (k=0;k<strlen2;k++) {
+ if (*(strP++)!=*(patternP++)) break;
+ }
+ if (k==strlen2) { /* match */
+ *default_map|=optionP[i].or;
+ *default_map&=optionP[i].and;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* search struct for symbols
+ This function is used to get the short integer form of reg names
+ in the instructions lmr, smr, lpr, spr
+ return true if str is found in list */
+int list_search(str,optionP,default_map)
+ char *str; /* the string to match */
+ struct option *optionP; /* list to search */
+ unsigned long *default_map; /* default pattern and output */
+ register int i;
+ for (i=0;optionP[i].pattern!=0;i++) {
+ if (!strncmp(optionP[i].pattern,str,20)) { /* use strncmp to be safe */
+ *default_map|=optionP[i].or;
+ *default_map&=optionP[i].and;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ as_warn("No such entry in list. (cpu/mmu register)");
+ return 0;
+static segT evaluate_expr(resultP,ptr)
+expressionS *resultP;
+char *ptr;
+ register char *tmp_line;
+ register segT segment;
+ tmp_line=input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer=ptr;
+ segment=expression(&exprP);
+ input_line_pointer=tmp_line;
+ return (segment);
+/* Convert operands to iif-format and adds bitfields to the opcode.
+ Operands are parsed in such an order that the opcode is updated from
+ its most significant bit, that is when the operand need to alter the
+ opcode.
+ Be carefull not to put to objects in the same iif-slot.
+ */
+void encode_operand(argc,argv,operandsP,suffixP,im_size,opcode_bit_ptr)
+ int argc;
+ char **argv;
+ char *operandsP;
+ char *suffixP;
+ char im_size;
+ char opcode_bit_ptr;
+ register int i,j;
+ int pcrel,tmp,b,loop,pcrel_adjust;
+ for(loop=0;loop<argc;loop++) {
+ i=operandsP[loop<<1]-'1'; /* what operand are we supposed to work on */
+ if (i>3) as_fatal("Internal consistency error. check ns32k-opcode.h");
+ pcrel=0;
+ pcrel_adjust=0;
+ tmp=0;
+ switch (operandsP[(loop<<1)+1]) {
+ case 'f': /* operand of sfsr turns out to be a nasty specialcase */
+ opcode_bit_ptr-=5;
+ case 'F': /* 32 bit float general form */
+ case 'L': /* 64 bit float */
+ case 'Q': /* quad-word */
+ case 'B': /* byte */
+ case 'W': /* word */
+ case 'D': /* double-word */
+ case 'A': /* double-word gen-address-form ie no regs allowed */
+ get_addr_mode(argv[i],&addr_modeP);
+ iif.instr_size+=addr_modeP.am_size;
+ if (opcode_bit_ptr==desc->opcode_size) b=4; else b=6;
+ for (j=b;j<(b+2);j++) {
+ if (addr_modeP.disp[j-b]) {
+ IIF(j,
+ 2,
+ addr_modeP.disp_suffix[j-b],
+ (unsigned long)addr_modeP.disp[j-b],
+ 0,
+ addr_modeP.pcrel,
+ iif.instr_size-addr_modeP.am_size, /* this aint used (now) */
+ addr_modeP.im_disp,
+ addr_modeP.scaled_reg ? addr_modeP.scaled_mode:addr_modeP.mode,
+ 0);
+ }
+ }
+ opcode_bit_ptr-=5;
+ iif.iifP[1].object|=((long)addr_modeP.mode)<<opcode_bit_ptr;
+ if (addr_modeP.scaled_reg) {
+ j=b/2;
+ IIF(j,1,1, (unsigned long)addr_modeP.index_byte,0,0,0,0,0, NULL,-1,0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'b': /* multiple instruction disp */
+ freeptr++; /* OVE:this is an useful hack */
+ tmp=(int)sprintf(freeptr,"((%s-1)*%d)\000",argv[i],desc->im_size);
+ argv[i]=freeptr;
+ freeptr=(char*)tmp;
+ pcrel-=1; /* make pcrel 0 inspite of what case 'p': wants */
+ /* fall thru */
+ case 'p': /* displacement - pc relative addressing */
+ pcrel+=1;
+ /* fall thru */
+ case 'd': /* displacement */
+ iif.instr_size+=suffixP[i] ? suffixP[i] : 4;
+ IIF(12, 2, suffixP[i], (unsigned long)argv[i], 0,
+ pcrel, pcrel_adjust, 1, IND(BRANCH,BYTE), NULL,-1,0);
+ break;
+ case 'H': /* sequent-hack: the linker wants a bit set when bsr */
+ pcrel=1;
+ iif.instr_size+=suffixP[i] ? suffixP[i] : 4;
+ IIF(12, 2, suffixP[i], (unsigned long)argv[i], 0,
+ pcrel, pcrel_adjust, 1, IND(BRANCH,BYTE), NULL,-1,1);break;
+ case 'q': /* quick */
+ opcode_bit_ptr-=4;
+ IIF(11,2,42,(unsigned long)argv[i],0,0,0,0,0,
+ bit_fix_new(4,opcode_bit_ptr,-8,7,0,1,0),-1,0);
+ break;
+ case 'r': /* register number (3 bits) */
+ list_search(argv[i],opt6,&tmp);
+ opcode_bit_ptr-=3;
+ iif.iifP[1].object|=tmp<<opcode_bit_ptr;
+ break;
+ case 'O': /* setcfg instruction optionslist */
+ optlist(argv[i],opt3,&tmp);
+ opcode_bit_ptr-=4;
+ iif.iifP[1].object|=tmp<<15;
+ break;
+ case 'C': /* cinv instruction optionslist */
+ optlist(argv[i],opt4,&tmp);
+ opcode_bit_ptr-=4;
+ iif.iifP[1].object|=tmp<<15;/*insert the regtype in opcode */
+ break;
+ case 'S': /* stringinstruction optionslist */
+ optlist(argv[i],opt5,&tmp);
+ opcode_bit_ptr-=4;
+ iif.iifP[1].object|=tmp<<15;
+ break;
+ case 'u':case 'U': /* registerlist */
+ IIF(10,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,NULL,-1,0);
+ switch (operandsP[(i<<1)+1]) {
+ case 'u': /* restore, exit */
+ optlist(argv[i],opt1,&iif.iifP[10].object);
+ break;
+ case 'U': /* save,enter */
+ optlist(argv[i],opt2,&iif.iifP[10].object);
+ break;
+ }
+ iif.instr_size+=1;
+ break;
+ case 'M': /* mmu register */
+ list_search(argv[i],mmureg,&tmp);
+ opcode_bit_ptr-=4;
+ iif.iifP[1].object|=tmp<<opcode_bit_ptr;
+ break;
+ case 'P': /* cpu register */
+ list_search(argv[i],cpureg,&tmp);
+ opcode_bit_ptr-=4;
+ iif.iifP[1].object|=tmp<<opcode_bit_ptr;
+ break;
+ case 'g': /* inss exts */
+ iif.instr_size+=1; /* 1 byte is allocated after the opcode */
+ IIF(10,2,1,
+ (unsigned long)argv[i], /* i always 2 here */
+ 0,0,0,0,0,
+ bit_fix_new(3,5,0,7,0,0,0), /* a bit_fix is targeted to the byte */
+ -1,0);
+ case 'G':
+ IIF(11,2,42,
+ (unsigned long)argv[i], /* i always 3 here */
+ 0,0,0,0,0,
+ bit_fix_new(5,0,1,32,-1,0,-1),-1,0);
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ iif.instr_size+=1;
+ b=2+i; /* put the extension byte after opcode */
+ IIF(b,2,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0);
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Bad opcode-table-option, check in file ns32k-opcode.h");
+ }
+ }
+/* in: instruction line
+ out: internal structure of instruction
+ that has been prepared for direct conversion to fragment(s) and
+ fixes in a systematical fashion
+ Return-value = recursive_level
+/* build iif of one assembly text line */
+int parse(line,recursive_level)
+ char *line;
+ int recursive_level;
+ register char *lineptr,c,suffix_separator;
+ register int i;
+ int argc,arg_type;
+ char sqr,sep;
+ char suffix[MAX_ARGS],*argv[MAX_ARGS];/* no more than 4 operands */
+ if (recursive_level<=0) { /* called from md_assemble */
+ for (lineptr=line;(*lineptr)!='\0' && (*lineptr)!=' ';lineptr++);
+ c = *lineptr;
+ *lineptr='\0';
+ if (!(desc=(struct ns32k_opcode*)hash_find(inst_hash_handle,line))) {
+ as_fatal("No such opcode");
+ }
+ *lineptr=c;
+ } else {
+ lineptr=line;
+ }
+ argc=0;
+ if (*desc->operands) {
+ if (*lineptr++!='\0') {
+ sqr='[';
+ sep=',';
+ while (*lineptr!='\0') {
+ if (desc->operands[argc<<1]) {
+ suffix[argc]=0;
+ arg_type=desc->operands[(argc<<1)+1];
+ switch (arg_type) {
+ case 'd': case 'b': case 'p': case 'H': /* the operand is supposed to be a displacement */
+ /* Hackwarning: do not forget to update the 4 cases above when editing ns32k-opcode.h */
+ suffix_separator=':';
+ break;
+ default:
+ suffix_separator='\255'; /* if this char occurs we loose */
+ }
+ suffix[argc]=0; /* 0 when no ':' is encountered */
+ argv[argc]=freeptr;
+ *freeptr='\0';
+ while ((c = *lineptr)!='\0' && c!=sep) {
+ if (c==sqr) {
+ if (sqr=='[') {
+ sqr=']';sep='\0';
+ } else {
+ sqr='[';sep=',';
+ }
+ }
+ if (c==suffix_separator) { /* ':' - label/suffix separator */
+ switch (lineptr[1]) {
+ case 'b':suffix[argc]=1;break;
+ case 'w':suffix[argc]=2;break;
+ case 'd':suffix[argc]=4;break;
+ default: as_warn("Bad suffix, defaulting to d");
+ suffix[argc]=4;
+ if (lineptr[1]=='\0' || lineptr[1]==sep) {
+ lineptr+=1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ lineptr+=2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ *freeptr++=c;
+ lineptr++;
+ }
+ *freeptr++='\0';
+ argc+=1;
+ if (*lineptr=='\0') continue;
+ lineptr+=1;
+ } else {
+ as_fatal("Too many operands passed to instruction");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (argc!=strlen(desc->operands)/2) {
+ if (strlen(desc->default_args)) { /* we can apply default, dont goof */
+ if (parse(desc->default_args,1)!=1) { /* check error in default */
+ as_fatal("Wrong numbers of operands in default, check ns32k-opcodes.h");
+ }
+ } else {
+ as_fatal("Wrong number of operands");
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<IIF_ENTRIES;i++) {
+ iif.iifP[i].type=0; /* mark all entries as void*/
+ }
+ /* build opcode iif-entry */
+ iif.instr_size=desc->opcode_size/8;
+ IIF(1,1,iif.instr_size,desc->opcode_seed,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1,0);
+ /* this call encodes operands to iif format */
+ if (argc) {
+ encode_operand(argc,
+ argv,
+ &desc->operands[0],
+ &suffix[0],
+ desc->im_size,
+ desc->opcode_size);
+ }
+ return recursive_level;
+ /* Convert iif to fragments.
+ From this point we start to dribble with functions in other files than
+ this one.(Except hash.c) So, if it's possible to make an iif for an other
+ CPU, you don't need to know what frags, relax, obstacks, etc is in order
+ to port this assembler. You only need to know if it's possible to reduce
+ your cpu-instruction to iif-format (takes some work) and adopt the other
+ md_? parts according to given instructions
+ Note that iif was invented for the clean ns32k`s architecure.
+ */
+void convert_iif() {
+ register int i,j;
+ fragS *inst_frag;
+ char *inst_offset,*inst_opcode;
+ char *memP;
+ segT segment;
+ int l,k;
+ register int rem_size; /* count the remaining bytes of instruction */
+ register char type;
+ register char size = 0;
+ int size_so_far=0; /* used to calculate pcrel_adjust */
+ rem_size=iif.instr_size;
+ memP=frag_more(iif.instr_size); /* make sure we have enough bytes for instruction */
+ inst_opcode=memP;
+ inst_offset=(char*)(memP-frag_now->fr_literal);
+ inst_frag=frag_now;
+ for (i=0;i<IIF_ENTRIES;i++) {
+ if (type=iif.iifP[i].type) { /* the object exist, so handle it */
+ switch (size=iif.iifP[i].size) {
+ case 42: size=0; /* it's a bitfix that operates on an existing object*/
+ if (iif.iifP[i].bit_fixP->fx_bit_base) { /* expand fx_bit_base to point at opcode */
+ iif.iifP[i].bit_fixP->fx_bit_base=(long)inst_opcode;
+ }
+ case 8: /* bignum or doublefloat */
+ bzero (memP,8);
+ case 1:case 2:case 3:case 4:/* the final size in objectmemory is known */
+ j=(unsigned long)iif.iifP[i].bit_fixP;
+ switch (type) {
+ case 1: /* the object is pure binary */
+ if (j || iif.iifP[i].pcrel) {
+ fix_new_ns32k(frag_now,
+ (long)(memP-frag_now->fr_literal),
+ size,
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ iif.iifP[i].object,
+ iif.iifP[i].pcrel,
+ (char)size_so_far, /*iif.iifP[i].pcrel_adjust,*/
+ iif.iifP[i].im_disp,
+ j,
+ iif.iifP[i].bsr); /* sequent hack */
+ } else { /* good, just put them bytes out */
+ switch (iif.iifP[i].im_disp) {
+ case 0:
+ md_number_to_chars(memP,iif.iifP[i].object,size);break;
+ case 1:
+ md_number_to_disp(memP,iif.iifP[i].object,size);break;
+ default: as_fatal("iif convert internal pcrel/binary");
+ }
+ }
+ memP+=size;
+ rem_size-=size;
+ break;
+ case 2: /* the object is a pointer at an expression, so unpack
+ it, note that bignums may result from the expression
+ */
+ if ((segment=evaluate_expr(&exprP,(char*)iif.iifP[i].object))==SEG_BIG || size==8) {
+ if ((k=exprP.X_add_number)>0) { /* we have a bignum ie a quad */
+ /* this can only happens in a long suffixed instruction */
+ bzero(memP,size); /* size normally is 8 */
+ if (k*2>size) as_warn("Bignum too big for long");
+ if (k==3) memP+=2;
+ for (l=0;k>0;k--,l+=2) {
+ md_number_to_chars(memP+l,generic_bignum[l>>1],sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ }
+ } else { /* flonum */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE words[4];
+ switch(size) {
+ case 4:
+ gen_to_words(words,2,8);
+ md_number_to_imm(memP ,(long)words[0],sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ md_number_to_imm(memP+sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE),(long)words[1],sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ gen_to_words(words,4,11);
+ md_number_to_imm(memP ,(long)words[0],sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ md_number_to_imm(memP+sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE) ,(long)words[1],sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ md_number_to_imm(memP+2*sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE),(long)words[2],sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ md_number_to_imm(memP+3*sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE),(long)words[3],sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ memP+=size;
+ rem_size-=size;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (j ||
+ exprP.X_add_symbol ||
+ exprP.X_subtract_symbol ||
+ iif.iifP[i].pcrel) { /* fixit */
+ /* the expression was undefined due to an undefined label */
+ /* create a fix so we can fix the object later */
+ exprP.X_add_number+=iif.iifP[i].object_adjust;
+ fix_new_ns32k(frag_now,
+ (long)(memP-frag_now->fr_literal),
+ size,
+ exprP.X_add_symbol,
+ exprP.X_subtract_symbol,
+ exprP.X_add_number,
+ iif.iifP[i].pcrel,
+ (char)size_so_far, /*iif.iifP[i].pcrel_adjust,*/
+ iif.iifP[i].im_disp,
+ j,
+ iif.iifP[i].bsr); /* sequent hack */
+ } else { /* good, just put them bytes out */
+ switch (iif.iifP[i].im_disp) {
+ case 0:
+ md_number_to_imm(memP,exprP.X_add_number,size);break;
+ case 1:
+ md_number_to_disp(memP,exprP.X_add_number,size);break;
+ default: as_fatal("iif convert internal pcrel/pointer");
+ }
+ }
+ memP+=size;
+ rem_size-=size;
+ break;
+ default: as_fatal("Internal logic error in iif.iifP[n].type");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0: /* To bad, the object may be undefined as far as its final
+ nsize in object memory is concerned. The size of the object
+ in objectmemory is not explicitly given.
+ If the object is defined its length can be determined and
+ a fix can replace the frag.
+ */
+ {
+ int temp;
+ segment=evaluate_expr(&exprP,(char*)iif.iifP[i].object);
+ if ((exprP.X_add_symbol || exprP.X_subtract_symbol) &&
+ !iif.iifP[i].pcrel) { /* OVE: hack, clamp to 4 bytes */
+ size=4; /* we dont wan't to frag this, use 4 so it reaches */
+ fix_new_ns32k(frag_now,
+ (long)(memP-frag_now->fr_literal),
+ size,
+ exprP.X_add_symbol,
+ exprP.X_subtract_symbol,
+ exprP.X_add_number,
+ 0, /* never iif.iifP[i].pcrel, */
+ (char)size_so_far, /*iif.iifP[i].pcrel_adjust,*/
+ 1, /* always iif.iifP[i].im_disp, */
+ 0,0);
+ memP+=size;
+ rem_size-=4;
+ break; /* exit this absolute hack */
+ }
+ if (exprP.X_add_symbol || exprP.X_subtract_symbol) { /* frag it */
+ if (exprP.X_subtract_symbol) { /* We cant relax this case */
+ as_fatal("Can't relax difference");
+ }
+ else {
+ /* at this stage we must undo some of the effect caused
+ by frag_more, ie we must make sure that frag_var causes
+ frag_new to creat a valid fix-size in the frag it`s closing
+ */
+ temp = -(rem_size-4);
+ obstack_blank_fast(&frags,temp);
+ /* we rewind none, some or all of the requested size we
+ requested by the first frag_more for this iif chunk.
+ Note: that we allocate 4 bytes to an object we NOT YET
+ know the size of, thus rem_size-4.
+ */
+ (void)frag_variant(rs_machine_dependent,
+ 4,
+ 0,
+ IND(BRANCH,UNDEF), /* expecting the worst */
+ exprP.X_add_symbol,
+ exprP.X_add_number,
+ (char*)inst_opcode,
+ (char)size_so_far, /*iif.iifP[i].pcrel_adjust);*/
+ iif.iifP[i].bsr); /* sequent linker hack */
+ rem_size-=4;
+ if (rem_size>0) {
+ memP=frag_more(rem_size);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {/* Double work, this is done in md_number_to_disp */
+/* exprP.X_add_number; what was this supposed to be?
+ xoxorich. */
+ if (-64<=exprP.X_add_number && exprP.X_add_number<=63) {
+ size=1;
+ } else {
+ if (-8192<=exprP.X_add_number && exprP.X_add_number<=8191) {
+ size=2;
+ } else {
+ if (-0x1f000000<=exprP.X_add_number &&
+ exprP.X_add_number<=0x1fffffff)
+ /* if (-0x40000000<=exprP.X_add_number &&
+ exprP.X_add_number<=0x3fffffff) */
+ {
+ size=4;
+ } else {
+ as_warn("Displacement to large for :d");
+ size=4;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* rewind the bytes not used */
+ temp = -(4-size);
+ md_number_to_disp(memP,exprP.X_add_number,size);
+ obstack_blank_fast(&frags,temp);
+ memP+=size;
+ rem_size-=4; /* we allocated this amount */
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Internal logic error in iif.iifP[].type");
+ }
+ size_so_far+=size;
+ size=0;
+ }
+ }
+void md_assemble(line)
+char *line;
+ freeptr=freeptr_static;
+ parse(line,0); /* explode line to more fix form in iif */
+ convert_iif(); /* convert iif to frags, fix's etc */
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf(" \t\t\t%s\n",line);
+void md_begin() {
+ /* build a hashtable of the instructions */
+ register const struct ns32k_opcode *ptr;
+ register char *stat;
+ inst_hash_handle=hash_new();
+ for (ptr=ns32k_opcodes;ptr<endop;ptr++) {
+ if (*(stat=hash_insert(inst_hash_handle,ptr->name,(char*)ptr))) {
+ as_fatal("Can't hash %s: %s", ptr->name,stat); /*fatal*/
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ freeptr_static=(char*)malloc(PRIVATE_SIZE); /* some private space please! */
+md_end() {
+ free(freeptr_static);
+/* Must be equal to MAX_PRECISON in atof-ieee.c */
+/* Turn the string pointed to by litP into a floating point constant of type
+ type, and emit the appropriate bytes. The number of LITTLENUMS emitted
+ is stored in *sizeP . An error message is returned, or NULL on OK.
+ */
+char *
+char type;
+char *litP;
+int *sizeP;
+ int prec;
+ char *t;
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'f':
+ prec = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ prec = 4;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *sizeP=0;
+ return "Bad call to MD_ATOF()";
+ }
+ t=atof_ieee(input_line_pointer,type,words);
+ if(t)
+ input_line_pointer=t;
+ *sizeP=prec * sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ for(wordP=words+prec;prec--;) {
+ md_number_to_chars(litP,(long)(*--wordP),sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ litP+=sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ }
+ return ""; /* Someone should teach Dean about null pointers */
+/* Convert number to chars in correct order */
+md_number_to_chars (buf, value, nbytes)
+ char *buf;
+ long value;
+ int nbytes;
+ while (nbytes--)
+ {
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",value & 0xff);
+ *buf++ = value; /* Lint wants & MASK_CHAR. */
+ value >>= BITS_PER_CHAR;
+ }
+/* Convert number to chars in correct order */
+/* This is a variant of md_numbers_to_chars. The reason for its' existence
+ is the fact that ns32k uses Huffman coded displacements. This implies
+ that the bit order is reversed in displacements and that they are prefixed
+ with a size-tag.
+ binary: msb -> lsb 0xxxxxxx byte
+ 10xxxxxx xxxxxxxx word
+ 11xxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx double word
+ This must be taken care of and we do it here!
+ */
+static void md_number_to_disp(buf,val,n)
+ char *buf;
+ long val;
+ char n;
+ switch(n) {
+ case 1:
+ if (val < -64 || val > 63)
+ as_warn("Byte displacement out of range. line number not valid");
+ val&=0x7f;
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val & 0xff);
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (val < -8192 || val > 8191)
+ as_warn("Word displacement out of range. line number not valid");
+ val&=0x3fff;
+ val|=0x8000;
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val>>8 & 0xff);
+ *buf++=(val>>8);
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val & 0xff);
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ if (val < -0x1f000000 || val >= 0x20000000)
+ /* if (val < -0x20000000 || val >= 0x20000000) */
+ as_warn("Double word displacement out of range");
+ val|=0xc0000000;
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val>>24 & 0xff);
+ *buf++=(val>>24);
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val>>16 & 0xff);
+ *buf++=(val>>16);
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val>>8 & 0xff);
+ *buf++=(val>>8);
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val & 0xff);
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Internal logic error. line %s, file \"%s\"", __LINE__, __FILE__);
+ }
+static void md_number_to_imm(buf,val,n)
+ char *buf;
+ long val;
+ char n;
+ switch(n) {
+ case 1:
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val & 0xff);
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val>>8 & 0xff);
+ *buf++=(val>>8);
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val & 0xff);
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val>>24 & 0xff);
+ *buf++=(val>>24);
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val>>16 & 0xff);
+ *buf++=(val>>16);
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val>>8 & 0xff);
+ *buf++=(val>>8);
+#ifdef SHOW_NUM
+ printf("%x ",val & 0xff);
+ *buf++=val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_fatal("Internal logic error. line %s, file \"%s\"", __LINE__, __FILE__);
+ }
+/* Translate internal representation of relocation info into target format.
+ OVE: on a ns32k the twiddling continues at an even deeper level
+ here we have to distinguish between displacements and immediates.
+ The sequent has a bit for this. It also has a bit for relocobjects that
+ points at the target for a bsr (BranchSubRoutine) !?!?!?!
+ This md_ri.... is tailored for sequent.
+ */
+md_ri_to_chars(the_bytes, ri)
+ char *the_bytes;
+ struct reloc_info_generic *ri;
+ if (ri->r_bsr) {ri->r_pcrel=0;} /* sequent seems to want this */
+ md_number_to_chars(the_bytes, ri->r_address, sizeof(ri->r_address));
+ md_number_to_chars(the_bytes+4,
+ (long)(ri->r_symbolnum ) |
+ (long)(ri->r_pcrel << 24 ) |
+ (long)(ri->r_length << 25 ) |
+ (long)(ri->r_extern << 27 ) |
+ (long)(ri->r_bsr << 28 ) |
+ (long)(ri->r_disp << 29 ),
+ 4);
+ /* the first and second md_number_to_chars never overlaps (32bit cpu case) */
+/* fast bitfiddling support */
+/* mask used to zero bitfield before oring in the true field */
+static unsigned long l_mask[]={ 0xffffffff, 0xfffffffe, 0xfffffffc, 0xfffffff8,
+ 0xfffffff0, 0xffffffe0, 0xffffffc0, 0xffffff80,
+ 0xffffff00, 0xfffffe00, 0xfffffc00, 0xfffff800,
+ 0xfffff000, 0xffffe000, 0xffffc000, 0xffff8000,
+ 0xffff0000, 0xfffe0000, 0xfffc0000, 0xfff80000,
+ 0xfff00000, 0xffe00000, 0xffc00000, 0xff800000,
+ 0xff000000, 0xfe000000, 0xfc000000, 0xf8000000,
+ 0xf0000000, 0xe0000000, 0xc0000000, 0x80000000,
+ };
+static unsigned long r_mask[]={ 0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000003, 0x00000007,
+ 0x0000000f, 0x0000001f, 0x0000003f, 0x0000007f,
+ 0x000000ff, 0x000001ff, 0x000003ff, 0x000007ff,
+ 0x00000fff, 0x00001fff, 0x00003fff, 0x00007fff,
+ 0x0000ffff, 0x0001ffff, 0x0003ffff, 0x0007ffff,
+ 0x000fffff, 0x001fffff, 0x003fffff, 0x007fffff,
+ 0x00ffffff, 0x01ffffff, 0x03ffffff, 0x07ffffff,
+ 0x0fffffff, 0x1fffffff, 0x3fffffff, 0x7fffffff,
+ };
+#define MASK_BITS 31
+/* Insert bitfield described by field_ptr and val at buf
+ This routine is written for modification of the first 4 bytes pointed
+ to by buf, to yield speed.
+ The ifdef stuff is for selection between a ns32k-dependent routine
+ and a general version. (My advice: use the general version!)
+ */
+static void
+ register char *buf;
+ register long val;
+ register bit_fixS *field_ptr;
+ register unsigned long object;
+ register unsigned long mask;
+/* define ENDIAN on a ns32k machine */
+#ifdef ENDIAN
+ register unsigned long *mem_ptr;
+ register char *mem_ptr;
+ if (field_ptr->fx_bit_min<=val && val<=field_ptr->fx_bit_max) {
+#ifdef ENDIAN
+ if (field_ptr->fx_bit_base) { /* override buf */
+ mem_ptr=(unsigned long*)field_ptr->fx_bit_base;
+ } else {
+ mem_ptr=(unsigned long*)buf;
+ }
+ if (field_ptr->fx_bit_base) { /* override buf */
+ mem_ptr=(char*)field_ptr->fx_bit_base;
+ } else {
+ mem_ptr=buf;
+ }
+ mem_ptr+=field_ptr->fx_bit_base_adj;
+#ifdef ENDIAN /* we have a nice ns32k machine with lowbyte at low-physical mem */
+ object = *mem_ptr; /* get some bytes */
+#else /* OVE Goof! the machine is a m68k or dito */
+ /* That takes more byte fiddling */
+ object=0;
+ object|=mem_ptr[3] & 0xff;
+ object<<=8;
+ object|=mem_ptr[2] & 0xff;
+ object<<=8;
+ object|=mem_ptr[1] & 0xff;
+ object<<=8;
+ object|=mem_ptr[0] & 0xff;
+ mask=0;
+ mask|=(r_mask[field_ptr->fx_bit_offset]);
+ mask|=(l_mask[field_ptr->fx_bit_offset+field_ptr->fx_bit_size]);
+ object&=mask;
+ val+=field_ptr->fx_bit_add;
+ object|=((val<<field_ptr->fx_bit_offset) & (mask ^ 0xffffffff));
+#ifdef ENDIAN
+ *mem_ptr=object;
+ mem_ptr[0]=(char)object;
+ object>>=8;
+ mem_ptr[1]=(char)object;
+ object>>=8;
+ mem_ptr[2]=(char)object;
+ object>>=8;
+ mem_ptr[3]=(char)object;
+ } else {
+ as_warn("Bit field out of range");
+ }
+/* Apply a fixS (fixup of an instruction or data that we didn't have
+ enough info to complete immediately) to the data in a frag.
+ On the ns32k, everything is in a different format, so we have broken
+ out separate functions for each kind of thing we could be fixing.
+ They all get called from here. */
+md_apply_fix(fixP, val)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ long val;
+ char *buf = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal;
+ if (fixP->fx_bit_fixP) { /* Bitfields to fix, sigh */
+ md_number_to_field (buf, val, fixP->fx_bit_fixP);
+ } else switch (fixP->fx_im_disp) {
+ case 0: /* Immediate field */
+ md_number_to_imm (buf, val, fixP->fx_size);
+ break;
+ case 1: /* Displacement field */
+ md_number_to_disp (buf,
+ fixP->fx_pcrel? val + fixP->fx_pcrel_adjust: val,
+ fixP->fx_size);
+ break;
+ case 2: /* Pointer in a data object */
+ md_number_to_chars (buf, val, fixP->fx_size);
+ break;
+ }
+/* Convert a relaxed displacement to ditto in final output */
+register fragS *fragP;
+ long disp;
+ long ext;
+ /* Address in gas core of the place to store the displacement. */
+ register char *buffer_address = fragP -> fr_fix + fragP -> fr_literal;
+ /* Address in object code of the displacement. */
+ register int object_address = fragP -> fr_fix + fragP -> fr_address;
+ know(fragP->fr_symbol);
+ /* The displacement of the address, from current location. */
+ disp = (S_GET_VALUE(fragP->fr_symbol) + fragP->fr_offset) - object_address;
+ disp+= fragP->fr_pcrel_adjust;
+ switch(fragP->fr_subtype) {
+ ext=1;
+ break;
+ ext=2;
+ break;
+ ext=4;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(ext) {
+ md_number_to_disp(buffer_address,(long)disp,(int)ext);
+ fragP->fr_fix+=ext;
+ }
+/* This function returns the estimated size a variable object will occupy,
+ one can say that we tries to guess the size of the objects before we
+ actually know it */
+int md_estimate_size_before_relax(fragP, segment)
+ register fragS *fragP;
+ segT segment;
+ int old_fix;
+ old_fix=fragP->fr_fix;
+ switch(fragP->fr_subtype) {
+ if(S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment) {
+ /* the symbol has been assigned a value */
+ fragP->fr_subtype=IND(BRANCH,BYTE);
+ } else {
+ /* we don't relax symbols defined in an other segment
+ the thing to do is to assume the object will occupy 4 bytes */
+ fix_new_ns32k(fragP,
+ (int)(fragP->fr_fix),
+ 4,
+ fragP->fr_symbol,
+ (symbolS *)0,
+ fragP->fr_offset,
+ 1,
+ fragP->fr_pcrel_adjust,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ fragP->fr_bsr); /*sequent hack */
+ fragP->fr_fix+=4;
+ /* fragP->fr_opcode[1]=0xff; */
+ frag_wane(fragP);
+ break;
+ }
+ fragP->fr_var+=1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return fragP->fr_var + fragP->fr_fix - old_fix;
+int md_short_jump_size = 3;
+int md_long_jump_size = 5;
+int md_reloc_size = 8; /* Size of relocation record */
+char *ptr;
+long from_addr,
+ to_addr;
+fragS *frag;
+symbolS *to_symbol;
+ long offset;
+ offset = to_addr - from_addr;
+ md_number_to_chars(ptr, (long)0xEA ,1);
+ md_number_to_disp(ptr+1,(long)offset,2);
+char *ptr;
+long from_addr,
+ to_addr;
+fragS *frag;
+symbolS *to_symbol;
+ long offset;
+ offset= to_addr - from_addr;
+ md_number_to_chars(ptr, (long)0xEA, 2);
+ md_number_to_disp(ptr+2,(long)offset,4);
+/* JF this is a new function to parse machine-dep options */
+char **argP;
+int *cntP;
+char ***vecP;
+ switch(**argP) {
+ case 'm':
+ (*argP)++;
+ if(!strcmp(*argP,"32032")) {
+ cpureg = cpureg_032;
+ mmureg = mmureg_032;
+ } else if(!strcmp(*argP, "32532")) {
+ cpureg = cpureg_532;
+ mmureg = mmureg_532;
+ } else
+ as_warn("Unknown -m option ignored");
+ while(**argP)
+ (*argP)++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ * bit_fix_new()
+ *
+ * Create a bit_fixS in obstack 'notes'.
+ * This struct is used to profile the normal fix. If the bit_fixP is a
+ * valid pointer (not NULL) the bit_fix data will be used to format the fix.
+ */
+bit_fixS *bit_fix_new (size,offset,min,max,add,base_type,base_adj)
+ char size; /* Length of bitfield */
+ char offset; /* Bit offset to bitfield */
+ long base_type; /* 0 or 1, if 1 it's exploded to opcode ptr */
+ long base_adj;
+ long min; /* Signextended min for bitfield */
+ long max; /* Signextended max for bitfield */
+ long add; /* Add mask, used for huffman prefix */
+ register bit_fixS * bit_fixP;
+ bit_fixP = (bit_fixS *)obstack_alloc(&notes,sizeof(bit_fixS));
+ bit_fixP -> fx_bit_size = size;
+ bit_fixP -> fx_bit_offset = offset;
+ bit_fixP -> fx_bit_base = base_type;
+ bit_fixP -> fx_bit_base_adj = base_adj;
+ bit_fixP -> fx_bit_max = max;
+ bit_fixP -> fx_bit_min = min;
+ bit_fixP -> fx_bit_add = add;
+ return bit_fixP;
+fix_new_ns32k (frag, where, size, add_symbol, sub_symbol, offset, pcrel,
+ pcrel_adjust, im_disp, bit_fixP, bsr)
+ fragS * frag; /* Which frag? */
+ int where; /* Where in that frag? */
+ short int size; /* 1, 2 or 4 usually. */
+ symbolS * add_symbol; /* X_add_symbol. */
+ symbolS * sub_symbol; /* X_subtract_symbol. */
+ long offset; /* X_add_number. */
+ int pcrel; /* TRUE if PC-relative relocation. */
+ char pcrel_adjust; /* not zero if adjustment of pcrel offset is needed */
+ char im_disp; /* true if the value to write is a displacement */
+ bit_fixS *bit_fixP; /* pointer at struct of bit_fix's, ignored if NULL */
+ char bsr; /* sequent-linker-hack: 1 when relocobject is a bsr */
+ register fixS * fixP;
+ fixP = (fixS *)obstack_alloc(&notes,sizeof(fixS));
+ fixP -> fx_frag = frag;
+ fixP -> fx_where = where;
+ fixP -> fx_size = size;
+ fixP -> fx_addsy = add_symbol;
+ fixP -> fx_subsy = sub_symbol;
+ fixP -> fx_offset = offset;
+ fixP -> fx_pcrel = pcrel;
+ fixP -> fx_pcrel_adjust = pcrel_adjust;
+ fixP -> fx_im_disp = im_disp;
+ fixP -> fx_bit_fixP = bit_fixP;
+ fixP -> fx_bsr = bsr;
+ fixP -> fx_next = * seg_fix_rootP;
+ * seg_fix_rootP = fixP;
+/* We have no need to default values of symbols. */
+symbolS *
+md_undefined_symbol (name)
+ char *name;
+ return 0;
+/* Parse an operand that is machine-specific.
+ We just return without modifying the expression if we have nothing
+ to do. */
+md_operand (expressionP)
+ expressionS *expressionP;
+/* Round up a section size to the appropriate boundary. */
+md_section_align (segment, size)
+ segT segment;
+ long size;
+ return size; /* Byte alignment is fine */
+/* Exactly what point is a PC-relative offset relative TO?
+ On the National warts, they're relative to the address of the offset,
+ with some funny adjustments in some circumstances during blue moons.
+ (??? Is this right? FIXME-SOON) */
+md_pcrel_from (fixP)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ long res;
+ res = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
+ if (fixP->fx_frag->fr_bsr)
+ res += 0x12 /* FOO Kludge alert! */
+ return res;
+ * $Log$
+ * Revision 1.1 1991/04/04 18:17:05 rich
+ * Initial revision
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tc-ns32k.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-ns32k.h b/gas/config/tc-ns32k.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b96b650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-ns32k.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* ns32k-opcode.h -- Opcode table for National Semi 32k processor
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+#define DEF_MODEC 20
+#define DEF_MODEL 21
+#ifndef DEF_MODEC
+#define DEF_MODEC 20
+#ifndef DEF_MODEL
+#define DEF_MODEL 20
+#define MAX_ARGS 4
+#define ARG_LEN 50
+#ifdef __STDC__
+void fix_new_ns32k(fragS *frag,
+ int where,
+ void *add_symbol, /* really symbolS */
+ void *sub_symbol, /* really symbolS */
+ long offset,
+ int pcrel,
+ int pcrel_adjust,
+ int im_disp,
+ void *bit_fixP, /* really bit_fixS */
+ int bsr);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+void fix_new_ns32k();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+/* end of tc-ns32k.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-sparc.c b/gas/config/tc-sparc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd71fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-sparc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1297 @@
+/* tc-sparc.c -- Assemble for the SPARC
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+ GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "as.h"
+/* careful, this file includes data *declarations* */
+#include "sparc-opcode.h"
+void md_begin();
+void md_end();
+void md_number_to_chars();
+void md_assemble();
+char *md_atof();
+void md_convert_frag();
+void md_create_short_jump();
+void md_create_long_jump();
+int md_estimate_size_before_relax();
+void md_ri_to_chars();
+symbolS *md_undefined_symbol();
+static void sparc_ip();
+const relax_typeS md_relax_table[] = {
+ 0 };
+/* handle of the OPCODE hash table */
+static struct hash_control *op_hash = NULL;
+static void s_seg(), s_proc(), s_data1(), s_reserve(), s_common();
+extern void s_globl(), s_long(), s_short(), s_space(), cons();
+extern void s_align_bytes(), s_ignore();
+const pseudo_typeS md_pseudo_table[] = {
+ { "align", s_align_bytes, 0 }, /* Defaulting is invalid (0) */
+ { "common", s_common, 0 },
+ { "global", s_globl, 0 },
+ { "half", cons, 2 },
+ { "optim", s_ignore, 0 },
+ { "proc", s_proc, 0 },
+ { "reserve", s_reserve, 0 },
+ { "seg", s_seg, 0 },
+ { "skip", s_space, 0 },
+ { "word", cons, 4 },
+ { NULL, 0, 0 },
+int md_short_jump_size = 4;
+int md_long_jump_size = 4;
+int md_reloc_size = 12; /* Size of relocation record */
+/* This array holds the chars that always start a comment. If the
+ pre-processor is disabled, these aren't very useful */
+char comment_chars[] = "!"; /* JF removed '|' from comment_chars */
+/* This array holds the chars that only start a comment at the beginning of
+ a line. If the line seems to have the form '# 123 filename'
+ .line and .file directives will appear in the pre-processed output */
+/* Note that input_file.c hand checks for '#' at the beginning of the
+ first line of the input file. This is because the compiler outputs
+ #NO_APP at the beginning of its output. */
+/* Also note that comments started like this one will always work */
+char line_comment_chars[] = "#";
+/* Chars that can be used to separate mant from exp in floating point nums */
+char EXP_CHARS[] = "eE";
+/* Chars that mean this number is a floating point constant */
+/* As in 0f12.456 */
+/* or 0d1.2345e12 */
+char FLT_CHARS[] = "rRsSfFdDxXpP";
+/* Also be aware that MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CHARS_FOR_FLOAT may have to be
+ changed in read.c . Ideally it shouldn't have to know about it at all,
+ but nothing is ideal around here.
+ */
+static unsigned char octal[256];
+#define isoctal(c) octal[c]
+static unsigned char toHex[256];
+ * anull bit - causes the branch delay slot instructions to not be executed
+ */
+#define ANNUL (1 << 29)
+struct sparc_it {
+ char *error;
+ unsigned long opcode;
+ struct nlist *nlistp;
+ expressionS exp;
+ int pcrel;
+ enum reloc_type reloc;
+} the_insn, set_insn;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#if 0
+static void print_insn(struct sparc_it *insn);
+static int getExpression(char *str);
+#if 0
+static void print_insn();
+static int getExpression();
+static char *expr_end;
+static int special_case;
+ * Instructions that require wierd handling because they're longer than
+ * 4 bytes.
+ */
+ * sort of like s_lcomm
+ *
+ */
+static void s_reserve() {
+ char *name;
+ char c;
+ char *p;
+ int temp;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end();
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ *p = c;
+ if (* input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ as_bad("Expected comma after name");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ if ((temp = get_absolute_expression()) < 0) {
+ as_bad("BSS length (%d.) <0! Ignored.", temp);
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ *p = c;
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, ",\"bss\"", 6) != 0) {
+ as_bad("bad .reserve segment: `%s'", input_line_pointer);
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer += 6;
+ if (S_GET_OTHER(symbolP) == 0
+ && S_GET_DESC(symbolP) == 0
+ && ((S_GET_TYPE(symbolP) == N_BSS
+ && S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) == local_bss_counter)
+ || !S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP))) {
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, local_bss_counter);
+ symbolP->sy_frag = & bss_address_frag;
+ local_bss_counter += temp;
+ } else {
+ as_warn("Ignoring attempt to re-define symbol from %d. to %d.",
+ S_GET_VALUE(symbolP), local_bss_counter);
+ }
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* s_reserve() */
+static void s_common() {
+ register char *name;
+ register char c;
+ register char *p;
+ register int temp;
+ register symbolS * symbolP;
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end();
+ /* just after name is now '\0' */
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ *p = c;
+ if (* input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ as_bad("Expected comma after symbol-name");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer ++; /* skip ',' */
+ if ((temp = get_absolute_expression ()) < 0) {
+ as_bad(".COMMon length (%d.) <0! Ignored.", temp);
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ *p = c;
+ if (S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)) {
+ as_bad("Ignoring attempt to re-define symbol");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) != 0) {
+ if (S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) != temp) {
+ as_warn("Length of .comm \"%s\" is already %d. Not changed to %d.",
+ S_GET_NAME(symbolP), S_GET_VALUE(symbolP), temp);
+ }
+ } else {
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, temp);
+ S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP);
+ }
+ know(symbolP->sy_frag == &zero_address_frag);
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, ",\"bss\"", 6) != 0
+ && strncmp(input_line_pointer, ",\"data\"", 7) != 0) {
+ p=input_line_pointer;
+ while(*p && *p!='\n')
+ p++;
+ c= *p;
+ *p='\0';
+ as_bad("bad .common segment: `%s'", input_line_pointer);
+ *p=c;
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer += 6 + (input_line_pointer[2] == 'd'); /* Skip either */
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* s_common() */
+static void s_seg() {
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, "\"text\"", 6) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 6;
+ s_text();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, "\"data\"", 6) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 6;
+ s_data();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, "\"data1\"", 7) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 7;
+ s_data1();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(input_line_pointer, "\"bss\"", 5) == 0) {
+ input_line_pointer += 5;
+ /* We only support 2 segments -- text and data -- for now, so
+ things in the "bss segment" will have to go into data for now.
+ You can still allocate SEG_BSS stuff with .lcomm or .reserve. */
+ subseg_new(SEG_DATA, 255); /* FIXME-SOMEDAY */
+ return;
+ }
+ as_bad("Unknown segment type");
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* s_seg() */
+static void s_data1() {
+ subseg_new(SEG_DATA, 1);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* s_data1() */
+static void s_proc() {
+ extern char is_end_of_line[];
+ while (!is_end_of_line[*input_line_pointer]) {
+ ++input_line_pointer;
+ }
+ ++input_line_pointer;
+ return;
+} /* s_proc() */
+/* This function is called once, at assembler startup time. It should
+ set up all the tables, etc. that the MD part of the assembler will need. */
+void md_begin() {
+ register char *retval = NULL;
+ int lose = 0;
+ register unsigned int i = 0;
+ op_hash = hash_new();
+ if (op_hash == NULL)
+ as_fatal("Virtual memory exhausted");
+ while (i < NUMOPCODES) {
+ const char *name = sparc_opcodes[i].name;
+ retval = hash_insert(op_hash, name, &sparc_opcodes[i]);
+ if(retval != NULL && *retval != '\0') {
+ fprintf (stderr, "internal error: can't hash `%s': %s\n",
+ sparc_opcodes[i].name, retval);
+ lose = 1;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ if (sparc_opcodes[i].match & sparc_opcodes[i].lose) {
+ fprintf (stderr, "internal error: losing opcode: `%s' \"%s\"\n",
+ sparc_opcodes[i].name, sparc_opcodes[i].args);
+ lose = 1;
+ }
+ ++i;
+ } while (i < NUMOPCODES
+ && !strcmp(sparc_opcodes[i].name, name));
+ }
+ if (lose)
+ as_fatal("Broken assembler. No assembly attempted.");
+ for (i = '0'; i < '8'; ++i)
+ octal[i] = 1;
+ for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; ++i)
+ toHex[i] = i - '0';
+ for (i = 'a'; i <= 'f'; ++i)
+ toHex[i] = i + 10 - 'a';
+ for (i = 'A'; i <= 'F'; ++i)
+ toHex[i] = i + 10 - 'A';
+} /* md_begin() */
+void md_end() {
+ return;
+} /* md_end() */
+void md_assemble(str)
+char *str;
+ char *toP;
+ int rsd;
+ know(str);
+ sparc_ip(str);
+ /* See if "set" operand is absolute and small; skip sethi if so. */
+ if (special_case == SPECIAL_CASE_SET && the_insn.exp.X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ if (the_insn.exp.X_add_number >= -(1<<12)
+ && the_insn.exp.X_add_number < (1<<12)) {
+ the_insn.opcode = 0x80102000 /* or %g0,imm,... */
+ | (the_insn.opcode & 0x3E000000) /* dest reg */
+ | (the_insn.exp.X_add_number & 0x1FFF); /* imm */
+ special_case = 0; /* No longer special */
+ the_insn.reloc = NO_RELOC; /* No longer relocated */
+ }
+ }
+ toP = frag_more(4);
+ /* put out the opcode */
+ md_number_to_chars(toP, the_insn.opcode, 4);
+ /* put out the symbol-dependent stuff */
+ if (the_insn.reloc != NO_RELOC) {
+ fix_new(frag_now, /* which frag */
+ (toP - frag_now->fr_literal), /* where */
+ 4, /* size */
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_symbol,
+ the_insn.exp.X_subtract_symbol,
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_number,
+ the_insn.pcrel,
+ the_insn.reloc);
+ }
+ switch (special_case) {
+ special_case = 0;
+ assert(the_insn.reloc == RELOC_HI22);
+ /* See if "set" operand has no low-order bits; skip OR if so. */
+ if (the_insn.exp.X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE
+ && ((the_insn.exp.X_add_number & 0x3FF) == 0))
+ return;
+ toP = frag_more(4);
+ rsd = (the_insn.opcode >> 25) & 0x1f;
+ the_insn.opcode = 0x80102000 | (rsd << 25) | (rsd << 14);
+ md_number_to_chars(toP, the_insn.opcode, 4);
+ fix_new(frag_now, /* which frag */
+ (toP - frag_now->fr_literal), /* where */
+ 4, /* size */
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_symbol,
+ the_insn.exp.X_subtract_symbol,
+ the_insn.exp.X_add_number,
+ the_insn.pcrel,
+ RELOC_LO10);
+ return;
+ /* According to information leaked from Sun, the "fdiv" instructions
+ on early SPARC machines would produce incorrect results sometimes.
+ The workaround is to add an fmovs of the destination register to
+ itself just after the instruction. This was true on machines
+ with Weitek 1165 float chips, such as the Sun-4/260 and /280. */
+ special_case = 0;
+ assert(the_insn.reloc == NO_RELOC);
+ toP = frag_more(4);
+ rsd = (the_insn.opcode >> 25) & 0x1f;
+ the_insn.opcode = 0x81A00020 | (rsd << 25) | rsd; /* fmovs dest,dest */
+ md_number_to_chars(toP, the_insn.opcode, 4);
+ return;
+ case 0:
+ return;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+} /* md_assemble() */
+static void sparc_ip(str)
+char *str;
+ char *s;
+ const char *args;
+ char c;
+ struct sparc_opcode *insn;
+ char *argsStart;
+ unsigned long opcode;
+ unsigned int mask;
+ int match = 0;
+ int comma = 0;
+ for (s = str; islower(*s) || (*s >= '0' && *s <= '3'); ++s)
+ ;
+ switch (*s) {
+ case '\0':
+ break;
+ case ',':
+ comma = 1;
+ case ' ':
+ *s++ = '\0';
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("Unknown opcode: `%s'", str);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ((insn = (struct sparc_opcode *) hash_find(op_hash, str)) == NULL) {
+ as_bad("Unknown opcode: `%s'", str);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (comma) {
+ *--s = ',';
+ }
+ argsStart = s;
+ for (;;) {
+ opcode = insn->match;
+ bzero(&the_insn, sizeof(the_insn));
+ the_insn.reloc = NO_RELOC;
+ /*
+ * Build the opcode, checking as we go to make
+ * sure that the operands match
+ */
+ for (args = insn->args; ; ++args) {
+ switch (*args) {
+ case '\0': /* end of args */
+ if (*s == '\0') {
+ match = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ if (*s == '+') {
+ ++s;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (*s == '-') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '[': /* these must match exactly */
+ case ']':
+ case ',':
+ case ' ':
+ if (*s++ == *args)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ case '#': /* must be at least one digit */
+ if (isdigit(*s++)) {
+ while (isdigit(*s)) {
+ ++s;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'C': /* coprocessor state register */
+ if (strncmp(s, "%csr", 4) == 0) {
+ s += 4;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'b': /* next operand is a coprocessor register */
+ case 'c':
+ case 'D':
+ if (*s++ == '%' && *s++ == 'c' && isdigit(*s)) {
+ mask = *s++;
+ if (isdigit(*s)) {
+ mask = 10 * (mask - '0') + (*s++ - '0');
+ if (mask >= 32) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ mask -= '0';
+ }
+ switch (*args) {
+ case 'b':
+ opcode |= mask << 14;
+ continue;
+ case 'c':
+ opcode |= mask;
+ continue;
+ case 'D':
+ opcode |= mask << 25;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'r': /* next operand must be a register */
+ case '1':
+ case '2':
+ case 'd':
+ if (*s++ == '%') {
+ switch (c = *s++) {
+ case 'f': /* frame pointer */
+ if (*s++ == 'p') {
+ mask = 0x1e;
+ break;
+ }
+ goto error;
+ case 'g': /* global register */
+ if (isoctal(c = *s++)) {
+ mask = c - '0';
+ break;
+ }
+ goto error;
+ case 'i': /* in register */
+ if (isoctal(c = *s++)) {
+ mask = c - '0' + 24;
+ break;
+ }
+ goto error;
+ case 'l': /* local register */
+ if (isoctal(c = *s++)) {
+ mask= (c - '0' + 16) ;
+ break;
+ }
+ goto error;
+ case 'o': /* out register */
+ if (isoctal(c = *s++)) {
+ mask= (c - '0' + 8) ;
+ break;
+ }
+ goto error;
+ case 's': /* stack pointer */
+ if (*s++ == 'p') {
+ mask= 0xe;
+ break;
+ }
+ goto error;
+ case 'r': /* any register */
+ if (!isdigit(c = *s++)) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
+ case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
+ if (isdigit(*s)) {
+ if ((c = 10 * (c - '0') + (*s++ - '0')) >= 32) {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ } else {
+ c -= '0';
+ }
+ mask= c;
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Got the register, now figure out where
+ * it goes in the opcode.
+ */
+ switch (*args) {
+ case '1':
+ opcode |= mask << 14;
+ continue;
+ case '2':
+ opcode |= mask;
+ continue;
+ case 'd':
+ opcode |= mask << 25;
+ continue;
+ case 'r':
+ opcode |= (mask << 25) | (mask << 14);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e': /* next operand is a floating point register */
+ case 'f':
+ case 'g':
+ if (*s++ == '%' && *s++ == 'f' && isdigit(*s)) {
+ mask = *s++;
+ if (isdigit(*s)) {
+ mask = 10 * (mask - '0') + (*s++ - '0');
+ if (mask >= 32) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ mask -= '0';
+ }
+ switch (*args) {
+ case 'e':
+ opcode |= mask << 14;
+ continue;
+ case 'f':
+ opcode |= mask;
+ continue;
+ case 'g':
+ opcode |= mask << 25;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ if (strncmp(s, "%fsr", 4) == 0) {
+ s += 4;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'h': /* high 22 bits */
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_HI22;
+ goto immediate;
+ case 'l': /* 22 bit PC relative immediate */
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_WDISP22;
+ the_insn.pcrel = 1;
+ goto immediate;
+ case 'L': /* 30 bit immediate */
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_WDISP30;
+ the_insn.pcrel = 1;
+ goto immediate;
+ case 'i': /* 13 bit immediate */
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_BASE13;
+ immediate:
+ if(*s==' ')
+ s++;
+ if (*s == '%') {
+ if ((c = s[1]) == 'h' && s[2] == 'i') {
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_HI22;
+ s+=3;
+ } else if (c == 'l' && s[2] == 'o') {
+ the_insn.reloc = RELOC_LO10;
+ s+=3;
+ } else
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Note that if the getExpression() fails, we will still have
+ created U entries in the symbol table for the 'symbols'
+ in the input string. Try not to create U symbols for
+ registers, etc. */
+ {
+ /* This stuff checks to see if the expression ends
+ in +%reg If it does, it removes the register from
+ the expression, and re-sets 's' to point to the
+ right place */
+ char *s1;
+ for(s1=s;*s1 && *s1!=','&& *s1!=']';s1++)
+ ;
+ if(s1!=s && isdigit(s1[-1])) {
+ if(s1[-2]=='%' && s1[-3]=='+') {
+ s1-=3;
+ *s1='\0';
+ (void)getExpression(s);
+ *s1='+';
+ s=s1;
+ continue;
+ } else if(strchr("goli0123456789",s1[-2]) && s1[-3]=='%' && s1[-4]=='+') {
+ s1-=4;
+ *s1='\0';
+ (void)getExpression(s);
+ *s1='+';
+ s=s1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ (void)getExpression(s);
+ s = expr_end;
+ continue;
+ case 'a':
+ if (*s++ == 'a') {
+ opcode |= ANNUL;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'A': /* alternate space */
+ if (isdigit(*s)) {
+ long num;
+ num=0;
+ while (isdigit(*s)) {
+ num= num*10 + *s-'0';
+ ++s;
+ }
+ opcode |= num<<5;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* abort(); */
+ case 'p':
+ if (strncmp(s, "%psr", 4) == 0) {
+ s += 4;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'q': /* floating point queue */
+ if (strncmp(s, "%fq", 3) == 0) {
+ s += 3;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'Q': /* coprocessor queue */
+ if (strncmp(s, "%cq", 3) == 0) {
+ s += 3;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ if (strcmp(str, "set") == 0) {
+ special_case = SPECIAL_CASE_SET;
+ continue;
+ } else if (strncmp(str, "fdiv", 4) == 0) {
+ special_case = SPECIAL_CASE_FDIV;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if (strncmp(s, "%tbr", 4) != 0)
+ break;
+ s += 4;
+ continue;
+ case 'w':
+ if (strncmp(s, "%wim", 4) != 0)
+ break;
+ s += 4;
+ continue;
+ case 'y':
+ if (strncmp(s, "%y", 2) != 0)
+ break;
+ s += 2;
+ continue;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ error:
+ if (match == 0) {
+ /* Args don't match. */
+ if (((unsigned) (&insn[1] - sparc_opcodes)) < NUMOPCODES
+ && !strcmp(insn->name, insn[1].name)) {
+ ++insn;
+ s = argsStart;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_bad("Illegal operands");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ the_insn.opcode = opcode;
+ return;
+} /* sparc_ip() */
+static int getExpression(str)
+char *str;
+ char *save_in;
+ segT seg;
+ save_in = input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer = str;
+ switch (seg = expression(&the_insn.exp)) {
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ case SEG_BIG:
+ case SEG_ABSENT:
+ break;
+ default:
+ the_insn.error = "bad segment";
+ expr_end = input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer=save_in;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ expr_end = input_line_pointer;
+ input_line_pointer = save_in;
+ return 0;
+} /* getExpression() */
+ This is identical to the md_atof in m68k.c. I think this is right,
+ but I'm not sure.
+ Turn a string in input_line_pointer into a floating point constant of type
+ type, and store the appropriate bytes in *litP. The number of LITTLENUMS
+ emitted is stored in *sizeP . An error message is returned, or NULL on OK.
+ */
+/* Equal to MAX_PRECISION in atof-ieee.c */
+char *md_atof(type,litP,sizeP)
+char type;
+char *litP;
+int *sizeP;
+ int prec;
+ char *t;
+ char *atof_ieee();
+ switch(type) {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'F':
+ case 's':
+ case 'S':
+ prec = 2;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'r':
+ case 'R':
+ prec = 4;
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ case 'X':
+ prec = 6;
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ case 'P':
+ prec = 6;
+ break;
+ default:
+ *sizeP=0;
+ return "Bad call to MD_ATOF()";
+ }
+ t=atof_ieee(input_line_pointer,type,words);
+ if(t)
+ input_line_pointer=t;
+ *sizeP=prec * sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ for(wordP=words;prec--;) {
+ md_number_to_chars(litP,(long)(*wordP++),sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE));
+ litP+=sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE);
+ }
+ return ""; /* Someone should teach Dean about null pointers */
+} /* md_atof() */
+ * Write out big-endian.
+ */
+void md_number_to_chars(buf,val,n)
+char *buf;
+long val;
+int n;
+ switch(n) {
+ case 4:
+ *buf++ = val >> 24;
+ *buf++ = val >> 16;
+ case 2:
+ *buf++ = val >> 8;
+ case 1:
+ *buf = val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ abort();
+ }
+ return;
+} /* md_number_to_chars() */
+/* Apply a fixS to the frags, now that we know the value it ought to
+ hold. */
+void md_apply_fix(fixP, val)
+fixS *fixP;
+long val;
+ char *buf = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal;
+ assert(fixP->fx_size == 4);
+ assert(fixP->fx_r_type < NO_RELOC);
+ fixP->fx_addnumber = val; /* Remember value for emit_reloc */
+ /*
+ * This is a hack. There should be a better way to
+ * handle this.
+ */
+ if (fixP->fx_r_type == RELOC_WDISP30 && fixP->fx_addsy) {
+ val += fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
+ }
+ switch (fixP->fx_r_type) {
+ case RELOC_32:
+ buf[0] = 0; /* val >> 24; */
+ buf[1] = 0; /* val >> 16; */
+ buf[2] = 0; /* val >> 8; */
+ buf[3] = 0; /* val; */
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case RELOC_8: /* These don't seem to ever be needed. */
+ case RELOC_16:
+ case RELOC_DISP8:
+ case RELOC_DISP16:
+ case RELOC_DISP32:
+ case RELOC_WDISP30:
+ val = (val >>= 2) + 1;
+ buf[0] |= (val >> 24) & 0x3f;
+ buf[1]= (val >> 16);
+ buf[2] = val >> 8;
+ buf[3] = val;
+ break;
+ case RELOC_HI22:
+ if(!fixP->fx_addsy) {
+ buf[1] |= (val >> 26) & 0x3f;
+ buf[2] = val >> 18;
+ buf[3] = val >> 10;
+ } else {
+ buf[2]=0;
+ buf[3]=0;
+ }
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case RELOC_22:
+ case RELOC_13:
+ case RELOC_LO10:
+ if(!fixP->fx_addsy) {
+ buf[2] |= (val >> 8) & 0x03;
+ buf[3] = val;
+ } else
+ buf[3]=0;
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case RELOC_SFA_OFF13:
+ case RELOC_BASE10:
+ case RELOC_BASE13:
+ buf[2] |= (val >> 8) & 0x1f;
+ buf[3] = val;
+ break;
+ case RELOC_WDISP22:
+ val = (val >>= 2) + 1;
+ case RELOC_BASE22:
+ buf[1] |= (val >> 16) & 0x3f;
+ buf[2] = val >> 8;
+ buf[3] = val;
+ break;
+#if 0
+ case RELOC_PC10:
+ case RELOC_PC22:
+ case RELOC_SEGOFF16:
+ case NO_RELOC:
+ default:
+ as_bad("bad relocation type: 0x%02x", fixP->fx_r_type);
+ break;
+ }
+} /* md_apply_fix() */
+/* should never be called for sparc */
+void md_create_short_jump(ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+char *ptr;
+long from_addr;
+long to_addr;
+fragS *frag;
+symbolS *to_symbol;
+ fprintf(stderr, "sparc_create_short_jmp\n");
+ abort();
+} /* md_create_short_jump() */
+/* Translate internal representation of relocation info to target format.
+ On sparc: first 4 bytes are normal unsigned long address, next three
+ bytes are index, most sig. byte first. Byte 7 is broken up with
+ bit 7 as external, bits 6 & 5 unused, and the lower
+ five bits as relocation type. Next 4 bytes are long addend. */
+/* Thanx and a tip of the hat to Michael Bloom, mb@ttidca.tti.com */
+void md_ri_to_chars(the_bytes, ri)
+char *the_bytes;
+struct reloc_info_generic *ri;
+ /* this is easy */
+ md_number_to_chars(the_bytes, ri->r_address, 4);
+ /* now the fun stuff */
+ the_bytes[4] = (ri->r_index >> 16) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[5] = (ri->r_index >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[6] = ri->r_index & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[7] = ((ri->r_extern << 7) & 0x80) | (0 & 0x60) | (ri->r_type & 0x1F);
+ /* Also easy */
+ md_number_to_chars(&the_bytes[8], ri->r_addend, 4);
+} /* md_ri_to_chars() */
+/* should never be called for sparc */
+void md_convert_frag(fragP)
+register fragS *fragP;
+ fprintf(stderr, "sparc_convert_frag\n");
+ abort();
+} /* md_convert_frag() */
+/* should never be called for sparc */
+void md_create_long_jump(ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+char *ptr;
+long from_addr, to_addr;
+fragS *frag;
+symbolS *to_symbol;
+ fprintf(stderr, "sparc_create_long_jump\n");
+ abort();
+} /* md_create_long_jump() */
+/* should never be called for sparc */
+int md_estimate_size_before_relax(fragP, segtype)
+fragS *fragP;
+segT segtype;
+ fprintf(stderr, "sparc_estimate_size_before_relax\n");
+ abort();
+ return 0;
+} /* md_estimate_size_before_relax() */
+#if 0
+/* for debugging only */
+static void print_insn(insn)
+struct sparc_it *insn;
+ char *Reloc[] = {
+ "RELOC_8",
+ "RELOC_16",
+ "RELOC_32",
+ "RELOC_HI22",
+ "RELOC_22",
+ "RELOC_13",
+ "RELOC_LO10",
+ "RELOC_PC10",
+ "RELOC_PC22",
+ };
+ if (insn->error) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s\n");
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "opcode=0x%08x\n", insn->opcode);
+ fprintf(stderr, "reloc = %s\n", Reloc[insn->reloc]);
+ fprintf(stderr, "exp = {
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t\tX_add_symbol = %s\n",
+ ((insn->exp.X_add_symbol != NULL)
+ ? ((S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_add_symbol) != NULL)
+ ? S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_add_symbol)
+ : "???")
+ : "0"));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t\tX_sub_symbol = %s\n",
+ ((insn->exp.X_subtract_symbol != NULL)
+ ? (S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_subtract_symbol)
+ ? S_GET_NAME(insn->exp.X_subtract_symbol)
+ : "???")
+ : "0"));
+ fprintf(stderr, "\t\tX_add_number = %d\n",
+ insn->exp.X_add_number);
+ fprintf(stderr, "}\n");
+ return;
+} /* print_insn() */
+/* Set the hook... */
+void emit_sparc_reloc();
+void (*md_emit_relocations)() = emit_sparc_reloc;
+ * Sparc/AM29K relocations are completely different, so it needs
+ * this machine dependent routine to emit them.
+ */
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) || defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+void emit_sparc_reloc(fixP, segment_address_in_file)
+register fixS *fixP;
+relax_addressT segment_address_in_file;
+ struct reloc_info_generic ri;
+ register symbolS *symbolP;
+ extern char *next_object_file_charP;
+ /* long add_number; */
+ bzero((char *) &ri, sizeof(ri));
+ for (; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next) {
+ if (fixP->fx_r_type >= NO_RELOC) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "fixP->fx_r_type = %d\n", fixP->fx_r_type);
+ abort();
+ }
+ if ((symbolP = fixP->fx_addsy) != NULL) {
+ ri.r_address = fixP->fx_frag->fr_address +
+ fixP->fx_where - segment_address_in_file;
+ if ((S_GET_TYPE(symbolP)) == N_UNDF) {
+ ri.r_extern = 1;
+ ri.r_index = symbolP->sy_number;
+ } else {
+ ri.r_extern = 0;
+ ri.r_index = S_GET_TYPE(symbolP);
+ }
+ if (symbolP && symbolP->sy_frag) {
+ ri.r_addend = symbolP->sy_frag->fr_address;
+ }
+ ri.r_type = fixP->fx_r_type;
+ if (fixP->fx_pcrel) {
+ /* ri.r_addend -= fixP->fx_where; */
+ ri.r_addend -= ri.r_address;
+ } else {
+ ri.r_addend = fixP->fx_addnumber;
+ }
+ md_ri_to_chars(next_object_file_charP, &ri);
+ next_object_file_charP += md_reloc_size;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+} /* emit_sparc_reloc() */
+#endif /* aout or bout */
+int md_parse_option(argP,cntP,vecP)
+char **argP;
+int *cntP;
+char ***vecP;
+ return 1;
+} /* md_parse_option() */
+/* We have no need to default values of symbols. */
+symbolS *md_undefined_symbol(name)
+char *name;
+ return 0;
+} /* md_undefined_symbol() */
+/* Parse an operand that is machine-specific.
+ We just return without modifying the expression if we have nothing
+ to do. */
+void md_operand(expressionP)
+expressionS *expressionP;
+} /* md_operand() */
+/* Round up a section size to the appropriate boundary. */
+long md_section_align (segment, size)
+segT segment;
+long size;
+ return (size + 7) & ~7; /* Round all sects to multiple of 8 */
+} /* md_section_align() */
+/* Exactly what point is a PC-relative offset relative TO?
+ On the sparc, they're relative to the address of the offset, plus
+ its size. This gets us to the following instruction.
+ (??? Is this right? FIXME-SOON) */
+long md_pcrel_from(fixP)
+fixS *fixP;
+ return fixP->fx_size + fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
+} /* md_pcrel_from() */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tp-sparc.c */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-sparc.h b/gas/config/tc-sparc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd19fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-sparc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+/* tc-sparc.h - Macros and type defines for the sparc.
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 1,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+License along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write
+to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#define TC_SPARC 1
+#ifdef OBJ_BOUT
+#define DEFAULT_MAGIC_NUMBER_FOR_OBJECT_FILE ((0x103 << 16) | BMAGIC) /* Magic number for header */
+#ifdef OBJ_AOUT
+#define DEFAULT_MAGIC_NUMBER_FOR_OBJECT_FILE ((0x103 << 16) | OMAGIC) /* Magic number for header */
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT */
+#endif /* OBJ_BOUT */
+#define tc_headers_hook(a) ; /* don't need it. */
+#define tc_crawl_symbol_chain(a) ; /* don't need it. */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tp-sparc.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-vax.c b/gas/config/tc-vax.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11095c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-vax.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3337 @@
+/* vax.c - vax-specific -
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+/* JF I moved almost all the vax specific stuff into this one file 'cuz RMS
+ seems to think its a good idea. I hope I managed to get all the VAX-isms */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "read.h"
+#include "flonum.h"
+#include "vax-inst.h"
+#include "obstack.h" /* For FRAG_APPEND_1_CHAR macro in "frags.h" */
+#include "frags.h"
+#include "expr.h"
+#include "symbols.h"
+/* These chars start a comment anywhere in a source file (except inside
+ another comment */
+const char comment_chars[] = "#";
+/* These chars only start a comment at the beginning of a line. */
+/* Note that for the VAX the are the same as comment_chars above. */
+const char line_comment_chars[] = "#";
+/* Chars that can be used to separate mant from exp in floating point nums */
+const char EXP_CHARS[] = "eE";
+/* Chars that mean this number is a floating point constant */
+/* as in 0f123.456 */
+/* or 0H1.234E-12 (see exp chars above) */
+const char FLT_CHARS[] = "dDfFgGhH";
+/* Also be aware that MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_CHARS_FOR_FLOAT may have to be
+ changed in read.c . Ideally it shouldn't have to know about it at all,
+ but nothing is ideal around here.
+ */
+static expressionS /* Hold details of an operand expression */
+ exp_of_operand[VIT_MAX_OPERANDS];
+static struct vit
+ v; /* A vax instruction after decoding. */
+ /* Hold details of big operands. */
+ /* Above is made to point into */
+ /* big_operand_bits by md_begin(). */
+ * For VAX, relative addresses of "just the right length" are easy.
+ * The branch displacement is always the last operand, even in
+ * synthetic instructions.
+ * For VAX, we encode the relax_substateTs (in e.g. fr_substate) as:
+ *
+ * 4 3 2 1 0 bit number
+ * ---/ /--+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ * | what state ? | how long ? |
+ * ---/ /--+-------+-------+-------+-------+-------+
+ *
+ * The "how long" bits are 00=byte, 01=word, 10=long.
+ * This is a Un*x convention.
+ * Not all lengths are legit for a given value of (what state).
+ * The "how long" refers merely to the displacement length.
+ * The address usually has some constant bytes in it as well.
+ *
+groups for VAX address relaxing.
+1. "foo" pc-relative.
+ length of byte, word, long
+2a. J<cond> where <cond> is a simple flag test.
+ length of byte, word, long.
+ VAX opcodes are: (Hex)
+ bneq/bnequ 12
+ beql/beqlu 13
+ bgtr 14
+ bleq 15
+ bgeq 18
+ blss 19
+ bgtru 1a
+ blequ 1b
+ bvc 1c
+ bvs 1d
+ bgequ/bcc 1e
+ blssu/bcs 1f
+ Always, you complement 0th bit to reverse condition.
+ Always, 1-byte opcode, then 1-byte displacement.
+2b. J<cond> where cond tests a memory bit.
+ length of byte, word, long.
+ Vax opcodes are: (Hex)
+ bbs e0
+ bbc e1
+ bbss e2
+ bbcs e3
+ bbsc e4
+ bbcc e5
+ bbssi e6
+ bbcci e7
+ Always, you complement 0th bit to reverse condition.
+ Always, 1-byte opcde, longword-address, byte-address, 1-byte-displacement
+2c. J<cond> where cond tests low-order memory bit
+ length of byte,word,long.
+ Vax opcodes are: (Hex)
+ blbs e8
+ blbc e9
+ Always, you complement 0th bit to reverse condition.
+ Always, 1-byte opcode, longword-address, 1-byte displacement.
+3. Jbs/Jbr.
+ length of byte,word,long.
+ Vax opcodes are: (Hex)
+ bsbb 10
+ brb 11
+ These are like (2) but there is no condition to reverse.
+ Always, 1 byte opcode, then displacement/absolute.
+4a. JacbX
+ length of word, long.
+ Vax opcodes are: (Hex)
+ acbw 3d
+ acbf 4f
+ acbd 6f
+ abcb 9d
+ acbl f1
+ acbg 4ffd
+ acbh 6ffd
+ Always, we cannot reverse the sense of the branch; we have a word
+ displacement.
+ The double-byte op-codes don't hurt: we never want to modify the
+ opcode, so we don't care how many bytes are between the opcode and
+ the operand.
+4b. JXobXXX
+ length of long, long, byte.
+ Vax opcodes are: (Hex)
+ aoblss f2
+ aobleq f3
+ sobgeq f4
+ sobgtr f5
+ Always, we cannot reverse the sense of the branch; we have a byte
+ displacement.
+The only time we need to modify the opcode is for class 2 instructions.
+After relax() we may complement the lowest order bit of such instruction
+to reverse sense of branch.
+For class 2 instructions, we store context of "where is the opcode literal".
+We can change an opcode's lowest order bit without breaking anything else.
+We sometimes store context in the operand literal. This way we can figure out
+after relax() what the original addressing mode was.
+ /* These displacements are relative to */
+ /* the start address of the displacement. */
+ /* The first letter is Byte, Word. */
+ /* 2nd letter is Forward, Backward. */
+#define BF (1+ 127)
+#define BB (1+-128)
+#define WF (2+ 32767)
+#define WB (2+-32768)
+ /* Dont need LF, LB because they always */
+ /* reach. [They are coded as 0.] */
+#define C(a,b) ENCODE_RELAX(a,b)
+ /* This macro has no side-effects. */
+#define ENCODE_RELAX(what,length) (((what) << 2) + (length))
+const relax_typeS
+md_relax_table[] =
+ {
+ 1, 1, 0, 0
+ }, /* error sentinel 0,0 */
+ {
+ 1, 1, 0, 0
+ }, /* unused 0,1 */
+ {
+ 1, 1, 0, 0
+ }, /* unused 0,2 */
+ {
+ 1, 1, 0, 0
+ }, /* unused 0,3 */
+ {
+ BF + 1, BB + 1, 2, C (1, 1)
+ }, /* B^"foo" 1,0 */
+ {
+ WF + 1, WB + 1, 3, C (1, 2)
+ }, /* W^"foo" 1,1 */
+ {
+ 0, 0, 5, 0
+ }, /* L^"foo" 1,2 */
+ {
+ 1, 1, 0, 0
+ }, /* unused 1,3 */
+ {
+ BF, BB, 1, C (2, 1)
+ }, /* b<cond> B^"foo" 2,0 */
+ {
+ WF + 2, WB + 2, 4, C (2, 2)
+ }, /* br.+? brw X 2,1 */
+ {
+ 0, 0, 7, 0
+ }, /* br.+? jmp X 2,2 */
+ {
+ 1, 1, 0, 0
+ }, /* unused 2,3 */
+ {
+ BF, BB, 1, C (3, 1)
+ }, /* brb B^foo 3,0 */
+ {
+ WF, WB, 2, C (3, 2)
+ }, /* brw W^foo 3,1 */
+ {
+ 0, 0, 5, 0
+ }, /* Jmp L^foo 3,2 */
+ {
+ 1, 1, 0, 0
+ }, /* unused 3,3 */
+ {
+ 1, 1, 0, 0
+ }, /* unused 4,0 */
+ {
+ WF, WB, 2, C (4, 2)
+ }, /* acb_ ^Wfoo 4,1 */
+ {
+ 0, 0, 10, 0
+ }, /* acb_,br,jmp L^foo4,2 */
+ {
+ 1, 1, 0, 0
+ }, /* unused 4,3 */
+ {
+ BF, BB, 1, C (5, 1)
+ }, /* Xob___,,foo 5,0 */
+ {
+ WF + 4, WB + 4, 6, C (5, 2)
+ }, /* Xob.+2,brb.+3,brw5,1 */
+ {
+ 0, 0, 9, 0
+ }, /* Xob.+2,brb.+6,jmp5,2 */
+#undef C
+#undef BF
+#undef BB
+#undef WF
+#undef WB
+void float_cons ();
+const pseudo_typeS md_pseudo_table[] =
+ {"dfloat", float_cons, 'd'},
+ {"ffloat", float_cons, 'f'},
+ {"gfloat", float_cons, 'g'},
+ {"hfloat", float_cons, 'h'},
+ {0}
+#define STATE_PC_RELATIVE (1)
+#define STATE_ALWAYS_BRANCH (3) /* includes BSB... */
+#define STATE_COMPLEX_HOP (5)
+#define STATE_BYTE (0)
+#define STATE_WORD (1)
+#define STATE_LONG (2)
+#define STATE_UNDF (3) /* Symbol undefined in pass1 */
+#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+md_begin ()
+ char *vip_begin ();
+ char *errtxt;
+ int i;
+ if (*(errtxt = vip_begin (TRUE, "$", "*", "`")))
+ {
+ as_fatal("VIP_BEGIN error:%s", errtxt);
+ }
+ for (i = 0, fP = float_operand;
+ fP < float_operand + VIT_MAX_OPERANDS;
+ i++, fP++)
+ {
+ fP->low = &big_operand_bits[i][0];
+ fP->high = &big_operand_bits[i][SIZE_OF_LARGE_NUMBER - 1];
+ }
+md_end ()
+ vip_end ();
+void /* Knows about order of bytes in address. */
+md_number_to_chars (con, value, nbytes)
+ char con[]; /* Return 'nbytes' of chars here. */
+ long value; /* The value of the bits. */
+ int nbytes; /* Number of bytes in the output. */
+ int n;
+ long v;
+ n = nbytes;
+ v = value;
+ while (nbytes--)
+ {
+ *con++ = value; /* Lint wants & MASK_CHAR. */
+ value >>= BITS_PER_CHAR;
+ }
+ /* XXX line number probably botched for this warning message. */
+ if (value != 0 && value != -1)
+ as_bad("Displacement (%ld) long for instruction field length (%d).", v, n);
+/* Fix up some data or instructions after we find out the value of a symbol
+ that they reference. */
+void /* Knows about order of bytes in address. */
+md_apply_fix(fixP, value)
+ fixS *fixP; /* Fixup struct pointer */
+ long value; /* The value of the bits. */
+ char *buf = fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_literal;
+ int nbytes; /* Number of bytes in the output. */
+ nbytes = fixP->fx_size;
+ while (nbytes--)
+ {
+ *buf++ = value; /* Lint wants & MASK_CHAR. */
+ value >>= BITS_PER_CHAR;
+ }
+long /* Knows about the byte order in a word. */
+md_chars_to_number (con, nbytes)
+ unsigned char con[]; /* Low order byte 1st. */
+ int nbytes; /* Number of bytes in the input. */
+ long retval;
+ for (retval = 0, con += nbytes - 1; nbytes--; con--)
+ {
+ retval <<= BITS_PER_CHAR;
+ retval |= *con;
+ }
+ return retval;
+/* vax:md_assemble() emit frags for 1 instruction */
+md_assemble (instruction_string)
+ char *instruction_string; /* A string: assemble 1 instruction. */
+ char *p;
+ register struct vop *operandP;/* An operand. Scans all operands. */
+ char *save_input_line_pointer;
+ char c_save; /* What used to live after an expression. */
+ struct frag *fragP; /* Fragment of code we just made. */
+ register int goofed; /* TRUE: instruction_string bad for all passes. */
+ register struct vop *end_operandP; /* -> slot just after last operand */
+ /* Limit of the for (each operand). */
+ register expressionS *expP; /* -> expression values for this operand */
+ /* These refer to an instruction operand expression. */
+ segT to_seg; /* Target segment of the address. */
+ register valueT this_add_number;
+ register struct symbol *this_add_symbol; /* +ve (minuend) symbol. */
+ register struct symbol *this_subtract_symbol; /* -ve(subtrahend) symbol. */
+ long opcode_as_number; /* As a number. */
+ char *opcode_as_chars; /* Least significant byte 1st. */
+ /* As an array of characters. */
+ char *opcode_low_byteP; /* Least significant byte 1st */
+ struct details *detP; /* The details of an ADxxx frag. */
+ int length; /* length (bytes) meant by vop_short. */
+ int at; /* 0, or 1 if '@' is in addressing mode. */
+ int nbytes; /* From vop_nbytes: vax_operand_width (in bytes) */
+ FLONUM_TYPE *floatP;
+ char *vip ();
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE literal_float[8];
+ /* Big enough for any floating point literal. */
+ if (*(p = vip (&v, instruction_string)))
+ {
+ as_fatal("vax_assemble\"%s\" in=\"%s\"", p, instruction_string);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Now we try to find as many as_warn()s as we can. If we do any as_warn()s
+ * then goofed=TRUE. Notice that we don't make any frags yet.
+ * Should goofed be TRUE, then this instruction will wedge in any pass,
+ * and we can safely flush it, without causing interpass symbol phase
+ * errors. That is, without changing label values in different passes.
+ */
+ if (goofed = (*v.vit_error))
+ {
+ as_warn ("Ignoring statement due to \"%s\"", v.vit_error);
+ }
+ /*
+ * We need to use expression() and friends, which require us to diddle
+ * input_line_pointer. So we save it and restore it later.
+ */
+ save_input_line_pointer = input_line_pointer;
+ for (operandP = v.vit_operand,
+ expP = exp_of_operand,
+ floatP = float_operand,
+ end_operandP = v.vit_operand + v.vit_operands;
+ operandP < end_operandP;
+ operandP++,
+ expP++,
+ floatP++
+ ) /* for each operand */
+ {
+ if (*(operandP->vop_error))
+ {
+ as_warn ("Ignoring statement because \"%s\"", (operandP->vop_error));
+ goofed = TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* statement has no syntax goofs: lets sniff the expression */
+ int can_be_short; /* TRUE if a bignum can be reduced to a short literal. */
+ input_line_pointer = operandP->vop_expr_begin;
+ c_save = operandP->vop_expr_end[1];
+ operandP->vop_expr_end[1] = '\0';
+ /* If to_seg == SEG_PASS1, expression() will have set need_pass_2 = TRUE. */
+ switch (to_seg = expression (expP))
+ {
+ case SEG_ABSENT:
+ /* for BSD4.2 compatibility, missing expression is absolute 0 */
+ to_seg = expP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ expP->X_add_number = 0;
+ /* for SEG_ABSOLUTE, we shouldnt need to set X_subtract_symbol, X_add_symbol to any particular value. */
+ /* But, we will program defensively. Since this situation occurs */
+ /* rarely so it costs us little to do, and stops Dean */
+ /* worrying about the origin of random bits in expressionS's. */
+ expP->X_add_symbol = NULL;
+ expP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ break;
+ case SEG_PASS1:
+ /*
+ * Major bug. We can't handle the case of a
+ * variable-length instruction.
+ * We don't have a frag type that is smart enough to
+ * relax a SEG_DIFFERENCE, and so we just force all
+ * SEG_DIFFERENCEs to behave like SEG_PASS1s.
+ * Clearly, if there is a demand we can invent a new or
+ * modified frag type and then coding up a frag for this
+ * case will be easy. SEG_DIFFERENCE was invented for the
+ * .words after a CASE opcode, and was never intended for
+ * instruction operands.
+ */
+ need_pass_2 = TRUE;
+ as_warn("Can't relocate expression");
+ break;
+ case SEG_BIG:
+ /* Preserve the bits. */
+ if (expP->X_add_number > 0)
+ {
+ bignum_copy (generic_bignum, expP->X_add_number,
+ floatP->low, SIZE_OF_LARGE_NUMBER);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (expP->X_add_number < 0);
+ flonum_copy (&generic_floating_point_number,
+ floatP);
+ if (strchr ("s i", operandP->vop_short))
+ { /* Could possibly become S^# */
+ flonum_gen2vax (-expP->X_add_number, floatP, literal_float);
+ switch (-expP->X_add_number)
+ {
+ case 'f':
+ can_be_short =
+ (literal_float[0] & 0xFC0F) == 0x4000
+ && literal_float[1] == 0;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ can_be_short =
+ (literal_float[0] & 0xFC0F) == 0x4000
+ && literal_float[1] == 0
+ && literal_float[2] == 0
+ && literal_float[3] == 0;
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ can_be_short =
+ (literal_float[0] & 0xFF81) == 0x4000
+ && literal_float[1] == 0
+ && literal_float[2] == 0
+ && literal_float[3] == 0;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ can_be_short =
+ (literal_float[0] & 0xFFF8) == 0x4000
+ && (literal_float[1] & 0xE000) == 0
+ && literal_float[2] == 0
+ && literal_float[3] == 0
+ && literal_float[4] == 0
+ && literal_float[5] == 0
+ && literal_float[6] == 0
+ && literal_float[7] == 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE (-expP->X_add_number);
+ break;
+ } /* switch (float type) */
+ } /* if (could want to become S^#...) */
+ } /* bignum or flonum ? */
+ if (operandP->vop_short == 's'
+ || operandP->vop_short == 'i'
+ || (operandP->vop_short == ' '
+ && operandP->vop_reg == 0xF
+ && (operandP->vop_mode & 0xE) == 0x8))
+ {
+ /* Saw a '#'. */
+ if (operandP->vop_short == ' ')
+ { /* We must chose S^ or I^. */
+ if (expP->X_add_number > 0)
+ { /* Bignum: Short literal impossible. */
+ operandP->vop_short = 'i';
+ operandP->vop_mode = 8;
+ operandP->vop_reg = 0xF; /* VAX PC. */
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Flonum: Try to do it. */
+ if (can_be_short)
+ {
+ operandP->vop_short = 's';
+ operandP->vop_mode = 0;
+ operandP->vop_ndx = -1;
+ operandP->vop_reg = -1;
+ /* JF hope this is the right thing */
+ expP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ operandP->vop_short = 'i';
+ operandP->vop_mode = 8;
+ operandP->vop_reg = 0xF; /* VAX PC */
+ }
+ } /* bignum or flonum ? */
+ } /* if #, but no S^ or I^ seen. */
+ /* No more ' ' case: either 's' or 'i'. */
+ if (operandP->vop_short == 's')
+ {
+ /* Wants to be a short literal. */
+ if (expP->X_add_number > 0)
+ {
+ as_warn ("Bignum not permitted in short literal. Immediate mode assumed.");
+ operandP->vop_short = 'i';
+ operandP->vop_mode = 8;
+ operandP->vop_reg = 0xF; /* VAX PC. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!can_be_short)
+ {
+ as_warn ("Can't do flonum short literal: immediate mode used.");
+ operandP->vop_short = 'i';
+ operandP->vop_mode = 8;
+ operandP->vop_reg = 0xF; /* VAX PC. */
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Encode short literal now. */
+ register int temp;
+ switch (-expP->X_add_number)
+ {
+ case 'f':
+ case 'd':
+ temp = literal_float[0] >> 4;
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ temp = literal_float[0] >> 1;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ temp = ((literal_float[0] << 3) & 070)
+ | ((literal_float[1] >> 13) & 07);
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE (-expP->X_add_number);
+ break;
+ }
+ floatP->low[0] = temp & 077;
+ floatP->low[1] = 0;
+ } /* if can be short literal float */
+ } /* flonum or bignum ? */
+ }
+ else
+ { /* I^# seen: set it up if float. */
+ if (expP->X_add_number < 0)
+ {
+ bcopy (literal_float, floatP->low, sizeof (literal_float));
+ }
+ } /* if S^# seen. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_warn ("A bignum/flonum may not be a displacement: 0x%x used",
+ expP->X_add_number = 0x80000000);
+ /* Chosen so luser gets the most offset bits to patch later. */
+ }
+ expP->X_add_number = floatP->low[0]
+ | ((LITTLENUM_MASK & (floatP->low[1])) << LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS);
+ * For the SEG_BIG case we have:
+ * If vop_short == 's' then a short floating literal is in the
+ * lowest 6 bits of floatP -> low [0], which is
+ * big_operand_bits [---] [0].
+ * If vop_short == 'i' then the appropriate number of elements
+ * of big_operand_bits [---] [...] are set up with the correct
+ * bits.
+ * Also, just in case width is byte word or long, we copy the lowest
+ * 32 bits of the number to X_add_number.
+ */
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE (to_seg);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (input_line_pointer != operandP->vop_expr_end + 1)
+ {
+ as_warn ("Junk at end of expression \"%s\"", input_line_pointer);
+ goofed = TRUE;
+ }
+ operandP->vop_expr_end[1] = c_save;
+ }
+ } /* for(each operand) */
+ input_line_pointer = save_input_line_pointer;
+ if (!need_pass_2 && !goofed)
+ {
+ /* We saw no errors in any operands - try to make frag(s) */
+ int is_undefined; /* True if operand expression's */
+ /* segment not known yet. */
+ int length_code;
+ /* Emit op-code. */
+ /* Remember where it is, in case we want to modify the op-code later. */
+ opcode_low_byteP = frag_more (v.vit_opcode_nbytes);
+ bcopy (v.vit_opcode, opcode_low_byteP, v.vit_opcode_nbytes);
+ opcode_as_number = md_chars_to_number (opcode_as_chars = v.vit_opcode, 4);
+ for (operandP = v.vit_operand,
+ expP = exp_of_operand,
+ floatP = float_operand,
+ end_operandP = v.vit_operand + v.vit_operands;
+ operandP < end_operandP;
+ operandP++,
+ floatP++,
+ expP++
+ ) /* for each operand */
+ {
+ if (operandP->vop_ndx >= 0)
+ {
+ /* indexed addressing byte */
+ /* Legality of indexed mode already checked: it is OK */
+ FRAG_APPEND_1_CHAR (0x40 + operandP->vop_ndx);
+ } /* if(vop_ndx>=0) */
+ /* Here to make main operand frag(s). */
+ this_add_number = expP->X_add_number;
+ this_add_symbol = expP->X_add_symbol;
+ this_subtract_symbol = expP->X_subtract_symbol;
+ to_seg = expP->X_seg;
+ is_undefined = (to_seg == SEG_UNKNOWN);
+ know (to_seg == SEG_UNKNOWN
+ ||to_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE
+ ||to_seg == SEG_DATA
+ ||to_seg == SEG_TEXT
+ ||to_seg == SEG_BSS
+ ||to_seg == SEG_BIG
+ );
+ at = operandP->vop_mode & 1;
+ length = operandP->vop_short == 'b' ? 1 : operandP->vop_short == 'w' ? 2 : operandP->vop_short == 'l' ? 4 : 0;
+ nbytes = operandP->vop_nbytes;
+ if (operandP->vop_access == 'b')
+ {
+ if (to_seg == now_seg || is_undefined)
+ { /* If is_undefined, then it might BECOME now_seg. */
+ if (nbytes)
+ {
+ p = frag_more (nbytes);
+ fix_new (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal, nbytes,
+ this_add_symbol, 0, this_add_number, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* to_seg==now_seg || to_seg == SEG_UNKNOWN */
+ /* nbytes==0 */
+ length_code = is_undefined ? STATE_UNDF : STATE_BYTE;
+ if (opcode_as_number & VIT_OPCODE_SPECIAL)
+ {
+ if (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_UNCONDITIONAL_JUMP)
+ {
+ /* br or jsb */
+ frag_var (rs_machine_dependent, 5, 1,
+ this_add_symbol, this_add_number,
+ opcode_low_byteP);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_WORD_JUMP)
+ {
+ length_code = STATE_WORD; /* JF: There is no state_byte for this one! */
+ frag_var (rs_machine_dependent, 10, 2,
+ this_add_symbol, this_add_number,
+ opcode_low_byteP);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_BYTE_JUMP);
+ frag_var (rs_machine_dependent, 9, 1,
+ this_add_symbol, this_add_number,
+ opcode_low_byteP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_CONDITIONAL_JUMP);
+ frag_var (rs_machine_dependent, 7, 1,
+ this_add_symbol, this_add_number,
+ opcode_low_byteP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* to_seg != now_seg && to_seg != SEG_UNKNOWN */
+ */
+ if (to_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ if (nbytes)
+ {
+ know (!(opcode_as_number & VIT_OPCODE_SYNTHETIC));
+ p = frag_more (nbytes);
+ /* Conventional relocation. */
+ fix_new (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ nbytes, &abs_symbol, 0, this_add_number, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (opcode_as_number & VIT_OPCODE_SYNTHETIC);
+ if (opcode_as_number & VIT_OPCODE_SPECIAL)
+ {
+ if (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_UNCONDITIONAL_JUMP)
+ {
+ /* br or jsb */
+ *opcode_low_byteP = opcode_as_chars[0] + VAX_WIDEN_LONG;
+ know (opcode_as_chars[1] == 0);
+ p = frag_more (5);
+ p[0] = VAX_ABSOLUTE_MODE; /* @#... */
+ md_number_to_chars (p + 1, this_add_number, 4);
+ /* Now (eg) JMP @#foo or JSB @#foo. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_WORD_JUMP)
+ {
+ p = frag_more (10);
+ p[0] = 2;
+ p[1] = 0;
+ p[2] = VAX_BRB;
+ p[3] = 6;
+ p[4] = VAX_JMP;
+ p[5] = VAX_ABSOLUTE_MODE; /* @#... */
+ md_number_to_chars (p + 6, this_add_number, 4);
+ /*
+ * Now (eg) ACBx 1f
+ * BRB 2f
+ * 1: JMP @#foo
+ * 2:
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_BYTE_JUMP);
+ p = frag_more (9);
+ p[0] = 2;
+ p[1] = VAX_BRB;
+ p[2] = 6;
+ p[3] = VAX_JMP;
+ p[4] = VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE + 1; /* @#... */
+ md_number_to_chars (p + 5, this_add_number, 4);
+ /*
+ * Now (eg) xOBxxx 1f
+ * BRB 2f
+ * 1: JMP @#foo
+ * 2:
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* b<cond> */
+ *opcode_low_byteP ^= 1; /* To reverse the condition in a VAX branch, complement the lowest order bit. */
+ p = frag_more (7);
+ p[0] = 6;
+ p[1] = VAX_JMP;
+ p[2] = VAX_ABSOLUTE_MODE; /* @#... */
+ md_number_to_chars (p + 3, this_add_number, 4);
+ /*
+ * Now (eg) BLEQ 1f
+ * JMP @#foo
+ * 1:
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* to_seg != now_seg && to_seg != SEG_UNKNOWN && to_Seg != SEG_ABSOLUTE */
+ if (nbytes > 0)
+ {
+ /* Pc-relative. Conventional relocation. */
+ know (!(opcode_as_number & VIT_OPCODE_SYNTHETIC));
+ p = frag_more (nbytes);
+ fix_new (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ nbytes, &abs_symbol, 0, this_add_number, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (opcode_as_number & VIT_OPCODE_SYNTHETIC);
+ if (opcode_as_number & VIT_OPCODE_SPECIAL)
+ {
+ if (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_UNCONDITIONAL_JUMP)
+ {
+ /* br or jsb */
+ know (opcode_as_chars[1] == 0);
+ *opcode_low_byteP = opcode_as_chars[0] + VAX_WIDEN_LONG;
+ p = frag_more (5);
+ fix_new (frag_now,
+ p + 1 - frag_now->fr_literal, 4,
+ this_add_symbol, 0,
+ this_add_number, 1);
+ /* Now eg JMP foo or JSB foo. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_WORD_JUMP)
+ {
+ p = frag_more (10);
+ p[0] = 0;
+ p[1] = 2;
+ p[2] = VAX_BRB;
+ p[3] = 6;
+ p[4] = VAX_JMP;
+ fix_new (frag_now,
+ p + 6 - frag_now->fr_literal, 4,
+ this_add_symbol, 0,
+ this_add_number, 1);
+ /*
+ * Now (eg) ACBx 1f
+ * BRB 2f
+ * 1: JMP foo
+ * 2:
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_BYTE_JUMP);
+ p = frag_more (10);
+ p[0] = 2;
+ p[1] = VAX_BRB;
+ p[2] = 6;
+ p[3] = VAX_JMP;
+ fix_new (frag_now,
+ p + 5 - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ 4, this_add_symbol, 0,
+ this_add_number, 1);
+ /*
+ * Now (eg) xOBxxx 1f
+ * BRB 2f
+ * 1: JMP foo
+ * 2:
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (operandP->vop_width == VAX_WIDTH_CONDITIONAL_JUMP);
+ *opcode_low_byteP ^= 1; /* Reverse branch condition. */
+ p = frag_more (7);
+ p[0] = 6;
+ p[1] = VAX_JMP;
+ fix_new (frag_now, p + 3 - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ 4, this_add_symbol, 0,
+ this_add_number, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (operandP->vop_access != 'b'); /* So it is ordinary operand. */
+ know (operandP->vop_access != ' '); /* ' ' target-independent: elsewhere. */
+ know (operandP->vop_access == 'a' || operandP->vop_access == 'm' || operandP->vop_access == 'r' || operandP->vop_access == 'v' || operandP->vop_access == 'w');
+ if (operandP->vop_short == 's')
+ {
+ if (to_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ if (this_add_number < 0 || this_add_number >= 64)
+ {
+ as_warn ("Short literal overflow(%d.), immediate mode assumed.", this_add_number);
+ operandP->vop_short = 'i';
+ operandP->vop_mode = 8;
+ operandP->vop_reg = 0xF;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_warn ("Forced short literal to immediate mode. now_seg=%s to_seg=%s", segment_name(now_seg), segment_name(to_seg));
+ operandP->vop_short = 'i';
+ operandP->vop_mode = 8;
+ operandP->vop_reg = 0xF;
+ }
+ }
+ if (operandP->vop_reg >= 0 && (operandP->vop_mode < 8 || (operandP->vop_reg != 0xF && operandP->vop_mode < 10)))
+ { /* One byte operand. */
+ know (operandP->vop_mode > 3);
+ FRAG_APPEND_1_CHAR (operandP->vop_mode << 4 | operandP->vop_reg);
+ /* All 1-bytes except S^# happen here. */
+ }
+ else
+ { /* {@}{q^}foo{(Rn)} or S^#foo */
+ if (operandP->vop_reg == -1 && operandP->vop_short != 's')
+ { /* "{@}{q^}foo" */
+ if (to_seg == now_seg)
+ {
+ if (length == 0)
+ {
+ know (operandP->vop_short == ' ');
+ p = frag_var (rs_machine_dependent, 10, 2,
+ this_add_symbol, this_add_number,
+ opcode_low_byteP);
+ know (operandP->vop_mode == 10 + at);
+ *p = at << 4;
+ /* At is the only context we need to carry to */
+ /* other side of relax() process. */
+ /* Must be in the correct bit position of VAX */
+ /* operand spec. byte. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (length);
+ know (operandP->vop_short != ' ');
+ p = frag_more (length + 1);
+ /* JF is this array stuff really going to work? */
+ p[0] = 0xF | ((at + "?\12\14?\16"[length]) << 4);
+ fix_new (frag_now, p + 1 - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ length, this_add_symbol, 0,
+ this_add_number, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* to_seg != now_seg */
+ if (this_add_symbol == NULL)
+ {
+ know (to_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE);
+ /* Do @#foo: simpler relocation than foo-.(pc) anyway. */
+ p = frag_more (5);
+ p[0] = VAX_ABSOLUTE_MODE; /* @#... */
+ md_number_to_chars (p + 1, this_add_number, 4);
+ if (length && length != 4)
+ {
+ as_warn ("Length specification ignored. Address mode 9F used");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* {@}{q^}other_seg */
+ know ((length == 0 && operandP->vop_short == ' ')
+ ||(length > 0 && operandP->vop_short != ' '));
+ if (is_undefined)
+ {
+ /*
+ * We have a SEG_UNKNOWN symbol. It might
+ * turn out to be in the same segment as
+ * the instruction, permitting relaxation.
+ */
+ p = frag_var (rs_machine_dependent, 5, 2,
+ this_add_symbol, this_add_number,
+ 0);
+ p[0] = at << 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (length == 0)
+ {
+ know (operandP->vop_short == ' ');
+ length = 4; /* Longest possible. */
+ }
+ p = frag_more (length + 1);
+ p[0] = 0xF | ((at + "?\12\14?\16"[length]) << 4);
+ md_number_to_chars (p + 1, this_add_number, length);
+ fix_new (frag_now,
+ p + 1 - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ length, this_add_symbol, 0,
+ this_add_number, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* {@}{q^}foo(Rn) or S^# or I^# or # */
+ if (operandP->vop_mode < 0xA)
+ { /* # or S^# or I^# */
+ /* know( (length == 0 && operandP->vop_short == ' ')
+ || (length > 0 && operandP->vop_short != ' ')); */
+ if (length == 0
+ && to_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE
+ && operandP->vop_mode == 8 /* No '@'. */
+ && this_add_number < 64
+ && this_add_number >= 0)
+ {
+ operandP->vop_short = 's';
+ }
+ if (operandP->vop_short == 's')
+ {
+ FRAG_APPEND_1_CHAR (this_add_number);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* I^#... */
+ know (nbytes);
+ p = frag_more (nbytes + 1);
+ know (operandP->vop_reg == 0xF);
+ p[0] = (operandP->vop_mode << 4) | 0xF;
+ if (to_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ * If nbytes > 4, then we are scrod. We don't know if the
+ * high order bytes are to be 0xFF or 0x00.
+ * BSD4.2 & RMS say use 0x00. OK --- but this
+ * assembler needs ANOTHER rewrite to
+ * cope properly with this bug.
+ */
+ md_number_to_chars (p + 1, this_add_number, min (4, nbytes));
+ if (nbytes > 4)
+ {
+ bzero (p + 5, nbytes - 4);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (to_seg == SEG_BIG)
+ {
+ * Problem here is to get the bytes in the right order.
+ * We stored our constant as LITTLENUMs, not bytes.
+ */
+ lP = floatP->low;
+ if (nbytes & 1)
+ {
+ know (nbytes == 1);
+ p[1] = *lP;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (p++; nbytes; nbytes -= 2, p += 2, lP++)
+ {
+ md_number_to_chars (p, *lP, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fix_new (frag_now, p + 1 - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ nbytes, this_add_symbol, 0,
+ this_add_number, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* {@}{q^}foo(Rn) */
+ know ((length == 0 && operandP->vop_short == ' ')
+ ||(length > 0 && operandP->vop_short != ' '));
+ if (length == 0)
+ {
+ if (to_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ register long test;
+ test = this_add_number;
+ if (test < 0)
+ test = ~test;
+ length = test & 0xffff8000 ? 4
+ : test & 0xffffff80 ? 2
+ : 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ length = 4;
+ }
+ }
+ p = frag_more (1 + length);
+ know (operandP->vop_reg >= 0);
+ p[0] = operandP->vop_reg
+ | ((at | "?\12\14?\16"[length]) << 4);
+ if (to_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ md_number_to_chars (p + 1, this_add_number, length);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fix_new (frag_now, p + 1 - frag_now->fr_literal,
+ length, this_add_symbol, 0,
+ this_add_number, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* if(single-byte-operand) */
+ }
+ } /* for(operandP) */
+ } /* if(!need_pass_2&&!goofed) */
+} /* vax_assemble() */
+ * md_estimate_size_before_relax()
+ *
+ * Called just before relax().
+ * Any symbol that is now undefined will not become defined.
+ * Return the correct fr_subtype in the frag.
+ * Return the initial "guess for fr_var" to caller.
+ * The guess for fr_var is ACTUALLY the growth beyond fr_fix.
+ * Whatever we do to grow fr_fix or fr_var contributes to our returned value.
+ * Although it may not be explicit in the frag, pretend fr_var starts with a
+ * 0 value.
+ */
+md_estimate_size_before_relax (fragP, segment)
+ register fragS *fragP;
+ register segT segment;
+ register char *p;
+ register int old_fr_fix;
+ old_fr_fix = fragP->fr_fix;
+ switch (fragP->fr_subtype)
+ {
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment)
+ { /* A relaxable case. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = fragP->fr_literal + old_fr_fix;
+ p[0] |= VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE; /* Preserve @ bit. */
+ fragP->fr_fix += 1 + 4;
+ fix_new (fragP, old_fr_fix + 1, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset, 1);
+ frag_wane (fragP);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = fragP->fr_literal + old_fr_fix;
+ *fragP->fr_opcode ^= 1; /* Reverse sense of branch. */
+ p[0] = 6;
+ p[1] = VAX_JMP;
+ p[2] = VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE; /* ...(PC) */
+ fragP->fr_fix += 1 + 1 + 1 + 4;
+ fix_new (fragP, old_fr_fix + 3, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset, 1);
+ frag_wane (fragP);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = fragP->fr_literal + old_fr_fix;
+ p[0] = 2;
+ p[1] = 0;
+ p[2] = VAX_BRB;
+ p[3] = 6;
+ p[4] = VAX_JMP;
+ p[5] = VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE; /* ...(pc) */
+ fragP->fr_fix += 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4;
+ fix_new (fragP, old_fr_fix + 6, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset, 1);
+ frag_wane (fragP);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = fragP->fr_literal + old_fr_fix;
+ p[0] = 2;
+ p[1] = VAX_BRB;
+ p[2] = 6;
+ p[3] = VAX_JMP;
+ p[4] = VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE; /* ...(pc) */
+ fragP->fr_fix += 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4;
+ fix_new (fragP, old_fr_fix + 5, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset, 1);
+ frag_wane (fragP);
+ }
+ break;
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT(fragP->fr_symbol) == segment)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p = fragP->fr_literal + old_fr_fix;
+ *fragP->fr_opcode += VAX_WIDEN_LONG;
+ p[0] = VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE; /* ...(PC) */
+ fragP->fr_fix += 1 + 4;
+ fix_new (fragP, old_fr_fix + 1, 4, fragP->fr_symbol, 0,
+ fragP->fr_offset, 1);
+ frag_wane (fragP);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return (fragP->fr_var + fragP->fr_fix - old_fr_fix);
+} /* md_estimate_size_before_relax() */
+ * md_convert_frag();
+ *
+ * Called after relax() is finished.
+ * In: Address of frag.
+ * fr_type == rs_machine_dependent.
+ * fr_subtype is what the address relaxed to.
+ *
+ * Out: Any fixSs and constants are set up.
+ * Caller will turn frag into a ".space 0".
+ */
+md_convert_frag (fragP)
+ register fragS *fragP;
+ register char *addressP; /* -> _var to change. */
+ register char *opcodeP; /* -> opcode char(s) to change. */
+ register short int length_code; /* 2=long 1=word 0=byte */
+ register short int extension; /* Size of relaxed address. */
+ /* Added to fr_fix: incl. ALL var chars. */
+ register symbolS *symbolP;
+ register long where;
+ register long address_of_var;
+ /* Where, in file space, is _var of *fragP? */
+ register long target_address;
+ /* Where, in file space, does addr point? */
+ know (fragP->fr_type == rs_machine_dependent);
+ length_code = fragP->fr_subtype & 3; /* depends on ENCODE_RELAX() */
+ know (length_code >= 0 && length_code < 3);
+ where = fragP->fr_fix;
+ addressP = fragP->fr_literal + where;
+ opcodeP = fragP->fr_opcode;
+ symbolP = fragP->fr_symbol;
+ know (symbolP);
+ target_address = symbolP->sy_value + fragP->fr_offset;
+ address_of_var = fragP->fr_address + where;
+ switch (fragP->fr_subtype)
+ {
+ know (*addressP == 0 || *addressP == 0x10); /* '@' bit. */
+ addressP[0] |= 0xAF; /* Byte displacement. */
+ addressP[1] = target_address - (address_of_var + 2);
+ extension = 2;
+ break;
+ know (*addressP == 0 || *addressP == 0x10); /* '@' bit. */
+ addressP[0] |= 0xCF; /* Word displacement. */
+ md_number_to_chars (addressP + 1, target_address - (address_of_var + 3), 2);
+ extension = 3;
+ break;
+ know (*addressP == 0 || *addressP == 0x10); /* '@' bit. */
+ addressP[0] |= 0xEF; /* Long word displacement. */
+ md_number_to_chars (addressP + 1, target_address - (address_of_var + 5), 4);
+ extension = 5;
+ break;
+ addressP[0] = target_address - (address_of_var + 1);
+ extension = 1;
+ break;
+ opcodeP[0] ^= 1; /* Reverse sense of test. */
+ addressP[0] = 3;
+ addressP[1] = VAX_BRB + VAX_WIDEN_WORD;
+ md_number_to_chars (addressP + 2, target_address - (address_of_var + 4), 2);
+ extension = 4;
+ break;
+ opcodeP[0] ^= 1; /* Reverse sense of test. */
+ addressP[0] = 6;
+ addressP[1] = VAX_JMP;
+ addressP[2] = VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE;
+ md_number_to_chars (addressP + 3, target_address, 4);
+ extension = 7;
+ break;
+ addressP[0] = target_address - (address_of_var + 1);
+ extension = 1;
+ break;
+ opcodeP[0] += VAX_WIDEN_WORD; /* brb -> brw, bsbb -> bsbw */
+ md_number_to_chars (addressP, target_address - (address_of_var + 2), 2);
+ extension = 2;
+ break;
+ opcodeP[0] += VAX_WIDEN_LONG; /* brb -> jmp, bsbb -> jsb */
+ addressP[0] = VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE;
+ md_number_to_chars (addressP + 1, target_address - (address_of_var + 5), 4);
+ extension = 5;
+ break;
+ md_number_to_chars (addressP, target_address - (address_of_var + 2), 2);
+ extension = 2;
+ break;
+ addressP[0] = 2;
+ addressP[1] = 0;
+ addressP[2] = VAX_BRB;
+ addressP[3] = 6;
+ addressP[4] = VAX_JMP;
+ addressP[5] = VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE;
+ md_number_to_chars (addressP + 6, target_address, 4);
+ extension = 10;
+ break;
+ addressP[0] = target_address - (address_of_var + 1);
+ extension = 1;
+ break;
+ addressP[0] = 2;
+ addressP[1] = VAX_BRB;
+ addressP[2] = 3;
+ addressP[3] = VAX_BRW;
+ md_number_to_chars (addressP + 4, target_address - (address_of_var + 6), 2);
+ extension = 6;
+ break;
+ addressP[0] = 2;
+ addressP[1] = VAX_BRB;
+ addressP[2] = 6;
+ addressP[3] = VAX_JMP;
+ addressP[4] = VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE;
+ md_number_to_chars (addressP + 5, target_address, 4);
+ extension = 9;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE (fragP->fr_subtype);
+ break;
+ }
+ fragP->fr_fix += extension;
+/* Translate internal format of relocation info into target format.
+ On vax: first 4 bytes are normal unsigned long, next three bytes
+ are symbolnum, least sig. byte first. Last byte is broken up with
+ the upper nibble as nuthin, bit 3 as extern, bits 2 & 1 as length, and
+ bit 0 as pcrel. */
+md_ri_to_chars (the_bytes, ri)
+ char *the_bytes;
+ struct reloc_info_generic ri;
+ /* this is easy */
+ md_number_to_chars (the_bytes, ri.r_address, sizeof (ri.r_address));
+ /* now the fun stuff */
+ the_bytes[6] = (ri.r_symbolnum >> 16) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[5] = (ri.r_symbolnum >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[4] = ri.r_symbolnum & 0x0ff;
+ the_bytes[7] = (((ri.r_extern << 3) & 0x08) | ((ri.r_length << 1) & 0x06) |
+ ((ri.r_pcrel << 0) & 0x01)) & 0x0F;
+ *
+ * The opcode table 'votstrs' needs to be sorted on opcode frequency.
+ * That is, AFTER we hash it with hash_...(), we want most-used opcodes
+ * to come out of the hash table faster.
+ *
+ * I am sorry to inflict
+ * yet another VAX assembler on the world, but RMS says we must
+ * do everything from scratch, to prevent pin-heads restricting
+ * this software.
+ */
+ * This is a vaguely modular set of routines in C to parse VAX
+ * assembly code using DEC mnemonics. It is NOT un*x specific.
+ *
+ * The idea here is that the assembler has taken care of all:
+ * labels
+ * macros
+ * listing
+ * pseudo-ops
+ * line continuation
+ * comments
+ * condensing any whitespace down to exactly one space
+ * and all we have to do is parse 1 line into a vax instruction
+ * partially formed. We will accept a line, and deliver:
+ * an error message (hopefully empty)
+ * a skeleton VAX instruction (tree structure)
+ * textual pointers to all the operand expressions
+ * a warning message that notes a silly operand (hopefully empty)
+ */
+ * E D I T H I S T O R Y
+ *
+ * 17may86 Dean Elsner. Bug if line ends immediately after opcode.
+ * 30apr86 Dean Elsner. New vip_op() uses arg block so change call.
+ * 6jan86 Dean Elsner. Crock vip_begin() to call vip_op_defaults().
+ * 2jan86 Dean Elsner. Invent synthetic opcodes.
+ * Widen vax_opcodeT to 32 bits. Use a bit for VIT_OPCODE_SYNTHETIC,
+ * which means this is not a real opcode, it is like a macro; it will
+ * be relax()ed into 1 or more instructions.
+ * Use another bit for VIT_OPCODE_SPECIAL if the op-code is not optimised
+ * like a regular branch instruction. Option added to vip_begin():
+ * exclude synthetic opcodes. Invent synthetic_votstrs[].
+ * 31dec85 Dean Elsner. Invent vit_opcode_nbytes.
+ * Also make vit_opcode into a char[]. We now have n-byte vax opcodes,
+ * so caller's don't have to know the difference between a 1-byte & a
+ * 2-byte op-code. Still need vax_opcodeT concept, so we know how
+ * big an object must be to hold an op.code.
+ * 30dec85 Dean Elsner. Widen typedef vax_opcodeT in "vax-inst.h"
+ * because vax opcodes may be 16 bits. Our crufty C compiler was
+ * happily initialising 8-bit vot_codes with 16-bit numbers!
+ * (Wouldn't the 'phone company like to compress data so easily!)
+ * 29dec85 Dean Elsner. New static table vax_operand_width_size[].
+ * Invented so we know hw many bytes a "I^#42" needs in its immediate
+ * operand. Revised struct vop in "vax-inst.h": explicitly include
+ * byte length of each operand, and it's letter-code datum type.
+ * 17nov85 Dean Elsner. Name Change.
+ * Due to ar(1) truncating names, we learned the hard way that
+ * "vax-inst-parse.c" -> "vax-inst-parse." dropping the "o" off
+ * the archived object name. SO... we shortened the name of this
+ * source file, and changed the makefile.
+ */
+static char *op_hash = NULL; /* handle of the OPCODE hash table */
+ /* NULL means any use before vip_begin() */
+ /* will crash */
+ * In: 1 character, from "bdfghloqpw" being the data-type of an operand
+ * of a vax instruction.
+ *
+ * Out: the length of an operand of that type, in bytes.
+ * Special branch operands types "-?!" have length 0.
+ */
+static const short int vax_operand_width_size[256] =
+#define _ 0
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, 1, _, 8, _, 4, 8, 16, _, _, _, 4, _, _, 16, /* ..b.d.fgh...l..o */
+ _, 8, _, _, _, _, _, 2, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* .q.....w........ */
+ _, _, 1, _, 8, _, 4, 8, 16, _, _, _, 4, _, _, 16, /* ..b.d.fgh...l..o */
+ _, 8, _, _, _, _, _, 2, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* .q.....w........ */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _};
+#undef _
+ * This perversion encodes all the vax opcodes as a bunch of strings.
+ * RMS says we should build our hash-table at run-time. Hmm.
+ * Please would someone arrange these in decreasing frequency of opcode?
+ * Because of the way hash_...() works, the most frequently used opcode
+ * should be textually first and so on.
+ *
+ * Input for this table was 'vax.opcodes', awk(1)ed by 'vax.opcodes.c.awk' .
+ * So change 'vax.opcodes', then re-generate this table.
+ */
+#include "vax-opcode.h"
+ * This is a table of optional op-codes. All of them represent
+ * 'synthetic' instructions that seem popular.
+ *
+ * Here we make some pseudo op-codes. Every code has a bit set to say
+ * it is synthetic. This lets you catch them if you want to
+ * ban these opcodes. They are mnemonics for "elastic" instructions
+ * that are supposed to assemble into the fewest bytes needed to do a
+ * branch, or to do a conditional branch, or whatever.
+ *
+ * The opcode is in the usual place [low-order n*8 bits]. This means
+ * that if you mask off the bucky bits, the usual rules apply about
+ * how long the opcode is.
+ *
+ * All VAX branch displacements come at the end of the instruction.
+ * For simple branches (1-byte opcode + 1-byte displacement) the last
+ * operand is coded 'b?' where the "data type" '?' is a clue that we
+ * may reverse the sense of the branch (complement lowest order bit)
+ * and branch around a jump. This is by far the most common case.
+ * That is why the VIT_OPCODE_SYNTHETIC bit is set: it says this is
+ * a 0-byte op-code followed by 2 or more bytes of operand address.
+ *
+ * If the op-code has VIT_OPCODE_SPECIAL set, then we have a more unusual
+ * case.
+ *
+ * For JBSB & JBR the treatment is the similar, except (1) we have a 'bw'
+ * option before (2) we can directly JSB/JMP because there is no condition.
+ * These operands have 'b-' as their access/data type.
+ *
+ * That leaves a bunch of random opcodes: JACBx, JxOBxxx. In these
+ * cases, we do the same idea. JACBxxx are all marked with a 'b!'
+ * JAOBxxx & JSOBxxx are marked with a 'b:'.
+ *
+ */
+#if (VIT_OPCODE_SYNTHETIC != 0x80000000)
+You have just broken the encoding below, which assumes the sign bit
+ means 'I am an imaginary instruction'.
+#if (VIT_OPCODE_SPECIAL != 0x40000000)
+ You have just broken the encoding below, which assumes the 0x40 M bit means
+ 'I am not to be "optimised" the way normal branches are'.
+static const struct vot
+ synthetic_votstrs[] =
+ {"jbsb",
+ {"b-", 0xC0000010}}, /* BSD 4.2 */
+ /* jsb used already */
+ {"jbr",
+ {"b-", 0xC0000011}}, /* BSD 4.2 */
+ {"jr",
+ {"b-", 0xC0000011}}, /* consistent */
+ {"jneq",
+ {"b?", 0x80000012}},
+ {"jnequ",
+ {"b?", 0x80000012}},
+ {"jeql",
+ {"b?", 0x80000013}},
+ {"jeqlu",
+ {"b?", 0x80000013}},
+ {"jgtr",
+ {"b?", 0x80000014}},
+ {"jleq",
+ {"b?", 0x80000015}},
+ /* un-used opcodes here */
+ {"jgeq",
+ {"b?", 0x80000018}},
+ {"jlss",
+ {"b?", 0x80000019}},
+ {"jgtru",
+ {"b?", 0x8000001a}},
+ {"jlequ",
+ {"b?", 0x8000001b}},
+ {"jvc",
+ {"b?", 0x8000001c}},
+ {"jvs",
+ {"b?", 0x8000001d}},
+ {"jgequ",
+ {"b?", 0x8000001e}},
+ {"jcc",
+ {"b?", 0x8000001e}},
+ {"jlssu",
+ {"b?", 0x8000001f}},
+ {"jcs",
+ {"b?", 0x8000001f}},
+ {"jacbw",
+ {"rwrwmwb!", 0xC000003d}},
+ {"jacbf",
+ {"rfrfmfb!", 0xC000004f}},
+ {"jacbd",
+ {"rdrdmdb!", 0xC000006f}},
+ {"jacbb",
+ {"rbrbmbb!", 0xC000009d}},
+ {"jacbl",
+ {"rlrlmlb!", 0xC00000f1}},
+ {"jacbg",
+ {"rgrgmgb!", 0xC0004ffd}},
+ {"jacbh",
+ {"rhrhmhb!", 0xC0006ffd}},
+ {"jbs",
+ {"rlvbb?", 0x800000e0}},
+ {"jbc",
+ {"rlvbb?", 0x800000e1}},
+ {"jbss",
+ {"rlvbb?", 0x800000e2}},
+ {"jbcs",
+ {"rlvbb?", 0x800000e3}},
+ {"jbsc",
+ {"rlvbb?", 0x800000e4}},
+ {"jbcc",
+ {"rlvbb?", 0x800000e5}},
+ {"jbssi",
+ {"rlvbb?", 0x800000e6}},
+ {"jbcci",
+ {"rlvbb?", 0x800000e7}},
+ {"jlbs",
+ {"rlb?", 0x800000e8}}, /* JF changed from rlvbb? */
+ {"jlbc",
+ {"rlb?", 0x800000e9}}, /* JF changed from rlvbb? */
+ {"jaoblss",
+ {"rlmlb:", 0xC00000f2}},
+ {"jaobleq",
+ {"rlmlb:", 0xC00000f3}},
+ {"jsobgeq",
+ {"mlb:", 0xC00000f4}}, /* JF was rlmlb: */
+ {"jsobgtr",
+ {"mlb:", 0xC00000f5}}, /* JF was rlmlb: */
+/* CASEx has no branch addresses in our conception of it. */
+/* You should use ".word ..." statements after the "case ...". */
+ {"", ""} /* empty is end sentinel */
+}; /* synthetic_votstrs */
+ * v i p _ b e g i n ( )
+ *
+ * Call me once before you decode any lines.
+ * I decode votstrs into a hash table at op_hash (which I create).
+ * I return an error text: hopefully "".
+ * If you want, I will include the 'synthetic' jXXX instructions in the
+ * instruction table.
+ * You must nominate metacharacters for eg DEC's "#", "@", "^".
+ */
+char *
+vip_begin (synthetic_too, immediate, indirect, displen)
+ int synthetic_too; /* TRUE means include jXXX op-codes. */
+ char *immediate, *indirect, *displen;
+ register const struct vot *vP; /* scan votstrs */
+ register char *retval; /* error text */
+ char *hash_insert (); /* */
+ char *hash_new (); /* lies */
+ if ((op_hash = hash_new ()))
+ {
+ retval = ""; /* OK so far */
+ for (vP = votstrs; *vP->vot_name && !*retval; vP++)
+ {
+ retval = hash_insert (op_hash, vP->vot_name, &vP->vot_detail);
+ }
+ if (synthetic_too)
+ {
+ for (vP = synthetic_votstrs; *vP->vot_name && !*retval; vP++)
+ {
+ retval = hash_insert (op_hash, vP->vot_name, &vP->vot_detail);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retval = "virtual memory exceeded";
+ }
+#ifndef CONST_TABLE
+ vip_op_defaults (immediate, indirect, displen);
+ return (retval);
+ * v i p _ e n d ( )
+ *
+ * Call me once after you have decoded all lines.
+ * I do any cleaning-up needed.
+ *
+ * We don't have to do any cleanup ourselves: all of our operand
+ * symbol table is static, and free()ing it is naughty.
+ */
+vip_end ()
+ * v i p ( )
+ *
+ * This converts a string into a vax instruction.
+ * The string must be a bare single instruction in dec-vax (with BSD4 frobs)
+ * format.
+ * It provides some error messages: at most one fatal error message (which
+ * stops the scan) and at most one warning message for each operand.
+ * The vax instruction is returned in exploded form, since we have no
+ * knowledge of how you parse (or evaluate) your expressions.
+ * We do however strip off and decode addressing modes and operation
+ * mnemonic.
+ *
+ * The exploded instruction is returned to a struct vit of your choice.
+ * #include "vax-inst.h" to know what a struct vit is.
+ *
+ * This function's value is a string. If it is not "" then an internal
+ * logic error was found: read this code to assign meaning to the string.
+ * No argument string should generate such an error string:
+ * it means a bug in our code, not in the user's text.
+ *
+ * You MUST have called vip_begin() once and vip_end() never before using
+ * this function.
+ */
+char * /* "" or bug string */
+vip (vitP, instring)
+ struct vit *vitP; /* We build an exploded instruction here. */
+ char *instring; /* Text of a vax instruction: we modify. */
+ register struct vot_wot *vwP; /* How to bit-encode this opcode. */
+ register char *p; /* 1/skip whitespace.2/scan vot_how */
+ register char *q; /* */
+ register char *bug; /* "" or program logic error */
+ register unsigned char count; /* counts number of operands seen */
+ register struct vop *operandp;/* scan operands in struct vit */
+ register char *alloperr; /* error over all operands */
+ register char c; /* Remember char, (we clobber it */
+ /* with '\0' temporarily). */
+ register vax_opcodeT oc; /* Op-code of this instruction. */
+ struct vot_wot *hash_find ();
+ char *vip_op ();
+ bug = "";
+ if (*instring == ' ')
+ ++instring; /* Skip leading whitespace. */
+ for (p = instring; *p && *p != ' '; p++)
+ ; /* MUST end in end-of-string or exactly 1 space. */
+ /* Scanned up to end of operation-code. */
+ /* Operation-code is ended with whitespace. */
+ if (p - instring == 0)
+ {
+ vitP->vit_error = "No operator";
+ count = 0;
+ bzero (vitP->vit_opcode, sizeof (vitP->vit_opcode));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = *p;
+ *p = '\0';
+ /*
+ * Here with instring pointing to what better be an op-name, and p
+ * pointing to character just past that.
+ * We trust instring points to an op-name, with no whitespace.
+ */
+ vwP = hash_find (op_hash, instring);
+ *p = c; /* Restore char after op-code. */
+ if (vwP == 0)
+ {
+ vitP->vit_error = "Unknown operator";
+ count = 0;
+ bzero (vitP->vit_opcode, sizeof (vitP->vit_opcode));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * We found a match! So lets pick up as many operands as the
+ * instruction wants, and even gripe if there are too many.
+ * We expect comma to seperate each operand.
+ * We let instring track the text, while p tracks a part of the
+ * struct vot.
+ */
+ /*
+ * The lines below know about 2-byte opcodes starting FD,FE or FF.
+ * They also understand synthetic opcodes. Note:
+ * we return 32 bits of opcode, including bucky bits, BUT
+ * an opcode length is either 8 or 16 bits for vit_opcode_nbytes.
+ */
+ oc = vwP->vot_code; /* The op-code. */
+ vitP->vit_opcode_nbytes = (oc & 0xFF) >= 0xFD ? 2 : 1;
+ md_number_to_chars (vitP->vit_opcode, oc, 4);
+ count = 0; /* no operands seen yet */
+ instring = p; /* point just past operation code */
+ alloperr = "";
+ for (p = vwP->vot_how, operandp = vitP->vit_operand;
+ !*alloperr && !*bug && *p;
+ operandp++, p += 2
+ )
+ {
+ /*
+ * Here to parse one operand. Leave instring pointing just
+ * past any one ',' that marks the end of this operand.
+ */
+ if (!p[1])
+ bug = "p"; /* ODD(!!) number of bytes in vot_how?? */
+ else if (*instring)
+ {
+ for (q = instring; (c = *q) && c != ','; q++)
+ ;
+ /*
+ * Q points to ',' or '\0' that ends argument. C is that
+ * character.
+ */
+ *q = 0;
+ operandp->vop_width = p[1];
+ operandp->vop_nbytes = vax_operand_width_size[p[1]];
+ operandp->vop_access = p[0];
+ bug = vip_op (instring, operandp);
+ *q = c; /* Restore input text. */
+ if (*(operandp->vop_error))
+ alloperr = "Bad operand";
+ instring = q + (c ? 1 : 0); /* next operand (if any) */
+ count++; /* won another argument, may have an operr */
+ }
+ else
+ alloperr = "Not enough operands";
+ }
+ if (!*alloperr)
+ {
+ if (*instring == ' ')
+ instring++; /* Skip whitespace. */
+ if (*instring)
+ alloperr = "Too many operands";
+ }
+ vitP->vit_error = alloperr;
+ }
+ }
+ vitP->vit_operands = count;
+ return (bug);
+#ifdef test
+ * Test program for above.
+ */
+struct vit myvit; /* build an exploded vax instruction here */
+char answer[100]; /* human types a line of vax assembler here */
+char *mybug; /* "" or an internal logic diagnostic */
+int mycount; /* number of operands */
+struct vop *myvop; /* scan operands from myvit */
+int mysynth; /* TRUE means want synthetic opcodes. */
+char my_immediate[200];
+char my_indirect[200];
+char my_displen[200];
+char *vip ();
+main ()
+ char *p;
+ char *vip_begin ();
+ printf ("0 means no synthetic instructions. ");
+ printf ("Value for vip_begin? ");
+ gets (answer);
+ sscanf (answer, "%d", &mysynth);
+ printf ("Synthetic opcodes %s be included.\n", mysynth ? "will" : "will not");
+ printf ("enter immediate symbols eg enter # ");
+ gets (my_immediate);
+ printf ("enter indirect symbols eg enter @ ");
+ gets (my_indirect);
+ printf ("enter displen symbols eg enter ^ ");
+ gets (my_displen);
+ if (*(p = vip_begin (mysynth, my_immediate, my_indirect, my_displen)))
+ {
+ error ("vip_begin=%s", p);
+ }
+ printf ("An empty input line will quit you from the vax instruction parser\n");
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ printf ("vax instruction: ");
+ fflush (stdout);
+ gets (answer);
+ if (!*answer)
+ {
+ break; /* out of for each input text loop */
+ }
+ mybug = vip (&myvit, answer);
+ if (*mybug)
+ {
+ printf ("BUG:\"%s\"\n", mybug);
+ }
+ if (*myvit.vit_error)
+ {
+ printf ("ERR:\"%s\"\n", myvit.vit_error);
+ }
+ printf ("opcode=");
+ for (mycount = myvit.vit_opcode_nbytes, p = myvit.vit_opcode;
+ mycount;
+ mycount--, p++
+ )
+ {
+ printf ("%02x ", *p & 0xFF);
+ }
+ printf (" operand count=%d.\n", mycount = myvit.vit_operands);
+ for (myvop = myvit.vit_operand; mycount; mycount--, myvop++)
+ {
+ printf ("mode=%xx reg=%xx ndx=%xx len='%c'=%c%c%d. expr=\"",
+ myvop->vop_mode, myvop->vop_reg, myvop->vop_ndx,
+ myvop->vop_short, myvop->vop_access, myvop->vop_width,
+ myvop->vop_nbytes);
+ for (p = myvop->vop_expr_begin; p <= myvop->vop_expr_end; p++)
+ {
+ putchar (*p);
+ }
+ printf ("\"\n");
+ if (*myvop->vop_error)
+ {
+ printf (" err:\"%s\"\n", myvop->vop_error);
+ }
+ if (*myvop->vop_warn)
+ {
+ printf (" wrn:\"%s\"\n", myvop->vop_warn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vip_end ();
+ exit ();
+#endif /* #ifdef test */
+/* end of vax_ins_parse.c */
+ /* JF this used to be a separate file also */
+/* vax_reg_parse.c - convert a VAX register name to a number */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc. A part of GNU. */
+ * v a x _ r e g _ p a r s e ( )
+ *
+ * Take 3 char.s, the last of which may be `\0` (non-existent)
+ * and return the VAX register number that they represent.
+ *
+ * Return -1 if they don't form a register name. Good names return
+ * a number from 0:15 inclusive.
+ *
+ * Case is not important in a name.
+ *
+ * Register names understood are:
+ *
+ * R0
+ * R1
+ * R2
+ * R3
+ * R4
+ * R5
+ * R6
+ * R7
+ * R8
+ * R9
+ * R10
+ * R11
+ * R12 AP
+ * R13 FP
+ * R14 SP
+ * R15 PC
+ *
+ */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define AP (12)
+#define FP (13)
+#define SP (14)
+#define PC (15)
+int /* return -1 or 0:15 */
+vax_reg_parse (c1, c2, c3) /* 3 chars of register name */
+ char c1, c2, c3; /* c3 == 0 if 2-character reg name */
+ register int retval; /* return -1:15 */
+ retval = -1;
+ if (isupper (c1))
+ c1 = tolower (c1);
+ if (isupper (c2))
+ c2 = tolower (c2);
+ if (isdigit (c2) && c1 == 'r')
+ {
+ retval = c2 - '0';
+ if (isdigit (c3))
+ {
+ retval = retval * 10 + c3 - '0';
+ retval = (retval > 15) ? -1 : retval;
+ /* clamp the register value to 1 hex digit */
+ }
+ else if (c3)
+ retval = -1; /* c3 must be '\0' or a digit */
+ }
+ else if (c3) /* There are no three letter regs */
+ retval = -1;
+ else if (c2 == 'p')
+ {
+ switch (c1)
+ {
+ case 's':
+ retval = SP;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ retval = FP;
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ retval = AP;
+ break;
+ default:
+ retval = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c1 == 'p' && c2 == 'c')
+ retval = PC;
+ else
+ retval = -1;
+ return (retval);
+ * v i p _ o p ( )
+ *
+ * Parse a vax operand in DEC assembler notation.
+ * For speed, expect a string of whitespace to be reduced to a single ' '.
+ * This is the case for GNU AS, and is easy for other DEC-compatible
+ * assemblers.
+ *
+ * Knowledge about DEC VAX assembler operand notation lives here.
+ * This doesn't even know what a register name is, except it believes
+ * all register names are 2 or 3 characters, and lets vax_reg_parse() say
+ * what number each name represents.
+ * It does, however, know that PC, SP etc are special registers so it can
+ * detect addressing modes that are silly for those registers.
+ *
+ * Where possible, it delivers 1 fatal or 1 warning message if the operand
+ * is suspect. Exactly what we test for is still evolving.
+ */
+ * B u g s
+ *
+ * Arg block.
+ *
+ * There were a number of 'mismatched argument type' bugs to vip_op.
+ * The most general solution is to typedef each (of many) arguments.
+ * We used instead a typedef'd argument block. This is less modular
+ * than using seperate return pointers for each result, but runs faster
+ * on most engines, and seems to keep programmers happy. It will have
+ * to be done properly if we ever want to use vip_op as a general-purpose
+ * module (it was designed to be).
+ *
+ * G^
+ *
+ * Doesn't support DEC "G^" format operands. These always take 5 bytes
+ * to express, and code as modes 8F or 9F. Reason: "G^" deprives you of
+ * optimising to (say) a "B^" if you are lucky in the way you link.
+ * When someone builds a linker smart enough to convert "G^" to "B^", "W^"
+ * whenever possible, then we should implement it.
+ * If there is some other use for "G^", feel free to code it in!
+ *
+ *
+ * speed
+ *
+ * If I nested if()s more, I could avoid testing (*err) which would save
+ * time, space and page faults. I didn't nest all those if()s for clarity
+ * and because I think the mode testing can be re-arranged 1st to test the
+ * commoner constructs 1st. Does anybody have statistics on this?
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * error messages
+ *
+ * In future, we should be able to 'compose' error messages in a scratch area
+ * and give the user MUCH more informative error messages. Although this takes
+ * a little more code at run-time, it will make this module much more self-
+ * documenting. As an example of what sucks now: most error messages have
+ * hardwired into them the DEC VAX metacharacters "#^@" which are nothing like
+ * the Un*x characters "$`*", that most users will expect from this AS.
+ */
+ * The input is a string, ending with '\0'.
+ *
+ * We also require a 'hint' of what kind of operand is expected: so
+ * we can remind caller not to write into literals for instance.
+ *
+ * The output is a skeletal instruction.
+ *
+ * The algorithm has two parts.
+ * 1. extract the syntactic features (parse off all the @^#-()+[] mode crud);
+ * 2. express the @^#-()+[] as some parameters suited to further analysis.
+ *
+ * 2nd step is where we detect the googles of possible invalid combinations
+ * a human (or compiler) might write. Note that if we do a half-way
+ * decent assembler, we don't know how long to make (eg) displacement
+ * fields when we first meet them (because they may not have defined values).
+ * So we must wait until we know how many bits are needed for each address,
+ * then we can know both length and opcodes of instructions.
+ * For reason(s) above, we will pass to our caller a 'broken' instruction
+ * of these major components, from which our caller can generate instructions:
+ * - displacement length I^ S^ L^ B^ W^ unspecified
+ * - mode (many)
+ * - register R0-R15 or absent
+ * - index register R0-R15 or absent
+ * - expression text what we don't parse
+ * - error text(s) why we couldn't understand the operand
+ */
+ * To decode output of this, test errtxt. If errtxt[0] == '\0', then
+ * we had no errors that prevented parsing. Also, if we ever report
+ * an internal bug, errtxt[0] is set non-zero. So one test tells you
+ * if the other outputs are to be taken seriously.
+ */
+ /* vax registers we need to know */
+/* JF #define SP (14)
+/* JF for one big happy file #define PC (15) */
+ /* useful ideas */
+/* #define TRUE (1) */
+/* #define FALSE (0) */
+ * Because this module is useful for both VMS and UN*X style assemblers
+ * and because of the variety of UN*X assemblers we must recognise
+ * the different conventions for assembler operand notation. For example
+ * VMS says "#42" for immediate mode, while most UN*X say "$42".
+ * We permit arbitrary sets of (single) characters to represent the
+ * 3 concepts that DEC writes '#', '@', '^'.
+ */
+ /* character tests */
+#define VIP_IMMEDIATE 01 /* Character is like DEC # */
+#define VIP_INDIRECT 02 /* Char is like DEC @ */
+#define VIP_DISPLEN 04 /* Char is like DEC ^ */
+#define IMMEDIATEP(c) (vip_metacharacters [(c)&0xff]&VIP_IMMEDIATE)
+#define INDIRECTP(c) (vip_metacharacters [(c)&0xff]&VIP_INDIRECT)
+#define DISPLENP(c) (vip_metacharacters [(c)&0xff]&VIP_DISPLEN)
+/* We assume 8 bits per byte. Use vip_op_defaults() to set these up BEFORE we
+ * are ever called.
+ */
+#if defined(CONST_TABLE)
+#define _ 0,
+#define S VIP_INDIRECT,
+#define D VIP_DISPLEN,
+static const char
+vip_metacharacters[256] = {
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/*^@ ^A ^B ^C ^D ^E ^F ^G ^H ^I ^J ^K ^L ^M ^N ^O*/
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/*^P ^Q ^R ^S ^T ^U ^V ^W ^X ^Y ^Z ^[ ^\ ^] ^^ ^_*/
+_ _ _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _/*sp ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /*/
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/*0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ?*/
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/*@ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O*/
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/*P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _*/
+D _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/*` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o*/
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _/*p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ ^?*/
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
+#undef _
+#undef I
+#undef S
+#undef D
+static char vip_metacharacters[256];
+/* Macro is faster under GCC; The constant table is faster yet, but only works with ASCII */
+#if 0
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+static void
+int bit;
+char *syms;
+ unsigned char t;
+ while(t= *syms++)
+ vip_metacharacters[t]|=bit;
+#define vip_op_1(bit,syms) { \
+ unsigned char t; \
+ char *table=vip_metacharacters; \
+ while(t= *syms++) \
+ table[t]|=bit; \
+ }
+vip_op_defaults (immediate, indirect, displen) /* can be called any time */
+ char *immediate, /* Strings of characters for each job. */
+ *indirect, *displen; /* more arguments may appear in future! */
+ vip_op_1 (VIP_IMMEDIATE, immediate);
+ vip_op_1 (VIP_INDIRECT, indirect);
+ vip_op_1 (VIP_DISPLEN, displen);
+ * Dec defines the semantics of address modes (and values)
+ * by a two-letter code, explained here.
+ *
+ * letter 1: access type
+ *
+ * a address calculation - no data access, registers forbidden
+ * b branch displacement
+ * m read - let go of bus - write back "modify"
+ * r read
+ * v bit field address: like 'a' but registers are OK
+ * w write
+ * space no operator (eg ".long foo") [our convention]
+ *
+ * letter 2: data type (i.e. width, alignment)
+ *
+ * b byte
+ * d double precision floating point (D format)
+ * f single precision floating point (F format)
+ * g G format floating
+ * h H format floating
+ * l longword
+ * o octaword
+ * q quadword
+ * w word
+ * ? simple synthetic branch operand
+ * - unconditional synthetic JSB/JSR operand
+ * ! complex synthetic branch operand
+ *
+ * The '-?!' letter 2's are not for external consumption. They are used
+ * for various assemblers. Generally, all unknown widths are assumed 0.
+ * We don't limit your choice of width character.
+ *
+ * DEC operands are hard work to parse. For example, '@' as the first
+ * character means indirect (deferred) mode but elswhere it is a shift
+ * operator.
+ * The long-winded explanation of how this is supposed to work is
+ * cancelled. Read a DEC vax manual.
+ * We try hard not to parse anything that MIGHT be part of the expression
+ * buried in that syntax. For example if we see @...(Rn) we don't check
+ * for '-' before the '(' because mode @-(Rn) does not exist.
+ *
+ * After parsing we have:
+ *
+ * at TRUE if leading '@' (or Un*x '*')
+ * len takes one value from " bilsw". eg B^ -> 'b'.
+ * hash TRUE if leading '#' (or Un*x '$')
+ * expr_begin, expr_end the expression we did not parse
+ * even though we don't interpret it, we make use
+ * of its presence or absence.
+ * sign -1: -(Rn) 0: absent +1: (Rn)+
+ * paren TRUE if () are around register
+ * reg major register number 0:15 -1 means absent
+ * ndx index register number 0:15 -1 means absent
+ *
+ * Again, I dare not explain it: just trace ALL the code!
+ */
+char * /* (code here) bug message, "" = OK */
+ /* our code bug, NOT bad assembly language */
+vip_op (optext, vopP)
+ char *optext; /* user's input string e.g.: */
+ /* "@B^foo@bar(AP)[FP]:" */
+ struct vop *vopP; /* In: vop_access, vop_width. */
+ /* Out: _ndx, _reg, _mode, _short, _warn, */
+ /* _error _expr_begin, _expr_end, _nbytes. */
+ /* vop_nbytes : number of bytes in a datum. */
+ char *p; /* track operand text forward */
+ char *q; /* track operand text backward */
+ int at; /* TRUE if leading '@' ('*') seen */
+ char len; /* one of " bilsw" */
+ int hash; /* TRUE if leading '#' ('$') seen */
+ int sign; /* -1, 0 or +1 */
+ int paren; /* TRUE if () surround register */
+ int reg; /* register number, -1:absent */
+ int ndx; /* index register number -1:absent */
+ char *bug; /* report any logic error in here, ""==OK */
+ char *err; /* report illegal operand, ""==OK */
+ /* " " is a FAKE error: means we won */
+ /* ANY err that begins with ' ' is a fake. */
+ /* " " is converted to "" before return */
+ char *wrn; /* warn about weird modes pf address */
+ char *oldq; /* preserve q in case we backup */
+ int mode; /* build up 4-bit operand mode here */
+ /* note: index mode is in ndx, this is */
+ /* the major mode of operand address */
+ * Notice how we move wrong-arg-type bugs INSIDE this module: if we
+ * get the types wrong below, we lose at compile time rather than at
+ * lint or run time.
+ */
+ char access; /* vop_access. */
+ char width; /* vop_width. */
+ int vax_reg_parse (); /* returns 0:15 or -1 if not a register */
+ access = vopP->vop_access;
+ width = vopP->vop_width;
+ bug = /* none of our code bugs (yet) */
+ err = /* no user text errors */
+ wrn = ""; /* no warnings even */
+ p = optext;
+ if (*p == ' ') /* Expect all whitespace reduced to ' '. */
+ p++; /* skip over whitespace */
+ if (at = INDIRECTP (*p))
+ { /* TRUE if *p=='@'(or '*' for Un*x) */
+ p++; /* at is determined */
+ if (*p == ' ') /* Expect all whitespace reduced to ' '. */
+ p++; /* skip over whitespace */
+ }
+ /*
+ * This code is subtle. It tries to detect all legal (letter)'^'
+ * but it doesn't waste time explicitly testing for premature '\0' because
+ * this case is rejected as a mismatch against either (letter) or '^'.
+ */
+ {
+ register char c;
+ c = *p;
+ if (isupper (c))
+ c = tolower (c);
+ if (DISPLENP (p[1]) && strchr ("bilws", len = c))
+ p += 2; /* skip (letter) '^' */
+ else /* no (letter) '^' seen */
+ len = ' '; /* len is determined */
+ }
+ if (*p == ' ') /* Expect all whitespace reduced to ' '. */
+ p++; /* skip over whitespace */
+ if (hash = IMMEDIATEP (*p)) /* TRUE if *p=='#' ('$' for Un*x) */
+ p++; /* hash is determined */
+ /*
+ * p points to what may be the beginning of an expression.
+ * We have peeled off the front all that is peelable.
+ * We know at, len, hash.
+ *
+ * Lets point q at the end of the text and parse that (backwards).
+ */
+ for (q = p; *q; q++)
+ ;
+ q--; /* now q points at last char of text */
+ if (*q == ' ' && q >= p) /* Expect all whitespace reduced to ' '. */
+ q--;
+ /* reverse over whitespace, but don't */
+ /* run back over *p */
+ /*
+ * As a matter of policy here, we look for [Rn], although both Rn and S^#
+ * forbid [Rn]. This is because it is easy, and because only a sick
+ * cyborg would have [...] trailing an expression in a VAX-like assembler.
+ * A meticulous parser would first check for Rn followed by '(' or '['
+ * and not parse a trailing ']' if it found another. We just ban expressions
+ * ending in ']'.
+ */
+ if (*q == ']')
+ {
+ while (q >= p && *q != '[')
+ q--;
+ /* either q<p or we got matching '[' */
+ if (q < p)
+ err = "no '[' to match ']'";
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * Confusers like "[]" will eventually lose with a bad register
+ * name error. So again we don't need to check for early '\0'.
+ */
+ if (q[3] == ']')
+ ndx = vax_reg_parse (q[1], q[2], 0);
+ else if (q[4] == ']')
+ ndx = vax_reg_parse (q[1], q[2], q[3]);
+ else
+ ndx = -1;
+ /*
+ * Since we saw a ']' we will demand a register name in the [].
+ * If luser hasn't given us one: be rude.
+ */
+ if (ndx < 0)
+ err = "bad register in []";
+ else if (ndx == PC)
+ err = "[PC] index banned";
+ else
+ q--; /* point q just before "[...]" */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ ndx = -1; /* no ']', so no iNDeX register */
+ /*
+ * If err = "..." then we lost: run away.
+ * Otherwise ndx == -1 if there was no "[...]".
+ * Otherwise, ndx is index register number, and q points before "[...]".
+ */
+ if (*q == ' ' && q >= p) /* Expect all whitespace reduced to ' '. */
+ q--;
+ /* reverse over whitespace, but don't */
+ /* run back over *p */
+ if (!*err)
+ {
+ sign = 0; /* no ()+ or -() seen yet */
+ if (q > p + 3 && *q == '+' && q[-1] == ')')
+ {
+ sign = 1; /* we saw a ")+" */
+ q--; /* q points to ')' */
+ }
+ if (*q == ')' && q > p + 2)
+ {
+ paren = TRUE; /* assume we have "(...)" */
+ while (q >= p && *q != '(')
+ q--;
+ /* either q<p or we got matching '(' */
+ if (q < p)
+ err = "no '(' to match ')'";
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * Confusers like "()" will eventually lose with a bad register
+ * name error. So again we don't need to check for early '\0'.
+ */
+ if (q[3] == ')')
+ reg = vax_reg_parse (q[1], q[2], 0);
+ else if (q[4] == ')')
+ reg = vax_reg_parse (q[1], q[2], q[3]);
+ else
+ reg = -1;
+ /*
+ * Since we saw a ')' we will demand a register name in the ')'.
+ * This is nasty: why can't our hypothetical assembler permit
+ * parenthesised expressions? BECAUSE I AM LAZY! That is why.
+ * Abuse luser if we didn't spy a register name.
+ */
+ if (reg < 0)
+ {
+ /* JF allow parenthasized expressions. I hope this works */
+ paren = FALSE;
+ while (*q != ')')
+ q++;
+ /* err = "unknown register in ()"; */
+ }
+ else
+ q--; /* point just before '(' of "(...)" */
+ /*
+ * If err == "..." then we lost. Run away.
+ * Otherwise if reg >= 0 then we saw (Rn).
+ */
+ }
+ /*
+ * If err == "..." then we lost.
+ * Otherwise paren==TRUE and reg = register in "()".
+ */
+ }
+ else
+ paren = FALSE;
+ /*
+ * If err == "..." then we lost.
+ * Otherwise, q points just before "(Rn)", if any.
+ * If there was a "(...)" then paren==TRUE, and reg is the register.
+ */
+ /*
+ * We should only seek '-' of "-(...)" if:
+ * we saw "(...)" paren == TRUE
+ * we have no errors so far ! *err
+ * we did not see '+' of "(...)+" sign < 1
+ * We don't check len. We want a specific error message later if
+ * user tries "x^...-(Rn)". This is a feature not a bug.
+ */
+ if (!*err)
+ {
+ if (paren && sign < 1)/* !sign is adequate test */
+ {
+ if (*q == '-')
+ {
+ sign = -1;
+ q--;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * We have back-tracked over most
+ * of the crud at the end of an operand.
+ * Unless err, we know: sign, paren. If paren, we know reg.
+ * The last case is of an expression "Rn".
+ * This is worth hunting for if !err, !paren.
+ * We wouldn't be here if err.
+ * We remember to save q, in case we didn't want "Rn" anyway.
+ */
+ if (!paren)
+ {
+ if (*q == ' ' && q >= p) /* Expect all whitespace reduced to ' '. */
+ q--;
+ /* reverse over whitespace, but don't */
+ /* run back over *p */
+ if (q > p && q < p + 3) /* room for Rn or Rnn exactly? */
+ reg = vax_reg_parse (p[0], p[1], q < p + 2 ? 0 : p[2]);
+ else
+ reg = -1; /* always comes here if no register at all */
+ /*
+ * Here with a definitive reg value.
+ */
+ if (reg >= 0)
+ {
+ oldq = q;
+ q = p - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * have reg. -1:absent; else 0:15
+ */
+ /*
+ * We have: err, at, len, hash, ndx, sign, paren, reg.
+ * Also, any remaining expression is from *p through *q inclusive.
+ * Should there be no expression, q==p-1. So expression length = q-p+1.
+ * This completes the first part: parsing the operand text.
+ */
+ /*
+ * We now want to boil the data down, checking consistency on the way.
+ * We want: len, mode, reg, ndx, err, p, q, wrn, bug.
+ * We will deliver a 4-bit reg, and a 4-bit mode.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Case of branch operand. Different. No L^B^W^I^S^ allowed for instance.
+ *
+ * in: at ?
+ * len ?
+ * hash ?
+ * p:q ?
+ * sign ?
+ * paren ?
+ * reg ?
+ * ndx ?
+ *
+ * out: mode 0
+ * reg -1
+ * len ' '
+ * p:q whatever was input
+ * ndx -1
+ * err " " or error message, and other outputs trashed
+ */
+ /* branch operands have restricted forms */
+ if (!*err && access == 'b')
+ {
+ if (at || hash || sign || paren || ndx >= 0 || reg >= 0 || len != ' ')
+ err = "invalid branch operand";
+ else
+ err = " ";
+ }
+/* Since nobody seems to use it: comment this 'feature'(?) out for now. */
+#ifdef NEVER
+ /*
+ * Case of stand-alone operand. e.g. ".long foo"
+ *
+ * in: at ?
+ * len ?
+ * hash ?
+ * p:q ?
+ * sign ?
+ * paren ?
+ * reg ?
+ * ndx ?
+ *
+ * out: mode 0
+ * reg -1
+ * len ' '
+ * p:q whatever was input
+ * ndx -1
+ * err " " or error message, and other outputs trashed
+ */
+ if (!*err)
+ {
+ if (access == ' ')
+ { /* addresses have restricted forms */
+ if (at)
+ err = "address prohibits @";
+ else
+ {
+ if (hash)
+ err = "address prohibits #";
+ else
+ {
+ if (sign)
+ {
+ if (sign < 0)
+ err = "address prohibits -()";
+ else
+ err = "address prohibits ()+";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (paren)
+ err = "address prohibits ()";
+ else
+ {
+ if (ndx >= 0)
+ err = "address prohibits []";
+ else
+ {
+ if (reg >= 0)
+ err = "address prohibits register";
+ else
+ {
+ if (len != ' ')
+ err = "address prohibits displacement length specifier";
+ else
+ {
+ err = " "; /* succeed */
+ mode = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif /*#Ifdef NEVER*/
+ /*
+ * Case of S^#.
+ *
+ * in: at FALSE
+ * len 's' definition
+ * hash TRUE demand
+ * p:q demand not empty
+ * sign 0 by paren==FALSE
+ * paren FALSE by "()" scan logic because "S^" seen
+ * reg -1 or nn by mistake
+ * ndx -1
+ *
+ * out: mode 0
+ * reg -1
+ * len 's'
+ * exp
+ * ndx -1
+ */
+ if (!*err && len == 's')
+ {
+ if (!hash || paren || at || ndx >= 0)
+ err = "invalid operand of S^#";
+ else
+ {
+ if (reg >= 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ * SHIT! we saw S^#Rnn ! put the Rnn back in
+ * expression. KLUDGE! Use oldq so we don't
+ * need to know exact length of reg name.
+ */
+ q = oldq;
+ reg = 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ * We have all the expression we will ever get.
+ */
+ if (p > q)
+ err = "S^# needs expression";
+ else if (access == 'r')
+ {
+ err = " "; /* WIN! */
+ mode = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ err = "S^# may only read-access";
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Case of -(Rn), which is weird case.
+ *
+ * in: at FALSE
+ * len '
+ * hash FALSE
+ * p:q q<p
+ * sign -1 by definition
+ * paren TRUE by definition
+ * reg present by definition
+ * ndx optional
+ *
+ * out: mode 7
+ * reg present
+ * len ' '
+ * exp "" enforce empty expression
+ * ndx optional warn if same as reg
+ */
+ if (!*err && sign < 0)
+ {
+ if (len != ' ' || hash || at || p <= q)
+ err = "invalid operand of -()";
+ else
+ {
+ err = " "; /* win */
+ mode = 7;
+ if (reg == PC)
+ wrn = "-(PC) unpredictable";
+ else if (reg == ndx)
+ wrn = "[]index same as -()register: unpredictable";
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * We convert "(Rn)" to "@Rn" for our convenience.
+ * (I hope this is convenient: has someone got a better way to parse this?)
+ * A side-effect of this is that "@Rn" is a valid operand.
+ */
+ if (paren && !sign && !hash && !at && len == ' ' && p > q)
+ {
+ at = TRUE;
+ paren = FALSE;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Case of (Rn)+, which is slightly different.
+ *
+ * in: at
+ * len ' '
+ * hash FALSE
+ * p:q q<p
+ * sign +1 by definition
+ * paren TRUE by definition
+ * reg present by definition
+ * ndx optional
+ *
+ * out: mode 8+@
+ * reg present
+ * len ' '
+ * exp "" enforce empty expression
+ * ndx optional warn if same as reg
+ */
+ if (!*err && sign > 0)
+ {
+ if (len != ' ' || hash || p <= q)
+ err = "invalid operand of ()+";
+ else
+ {
+ err = " "; /* win */
+ mode = 8 + (at ? 1 : 0);
+ if (reg == PC)
+ wrn = "(PC)+ unpredictable";
+ else if (reg == ndx)
+ wrn = "[]index same as ()+register: unpredictable";
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Case of #, without S^.
+ *
+ * in: at
+ * len ' ' or 'i'
+ * hash TRUE by definition
+ * p:q
+ * sign 0
+ * paren FALSE
+ * reg absent
+ * ndx optional
+ *
+ * out: mode 8+@
+ * reg PC
+ * len ' ' or 'i'
+ * exp
+ * ndx optional
+ */
+ if (!*err && hash)
+ {
+ if (len != 'i' && len != ' ')
+ err = "# conflicts length";
+ else if (paren)
+ err = "# bars register";
+ else
+ {
+ if (reg >= 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ * SHIT! we saw #Rnn! Put the Rnn back into the expression.
+ * By using oldq, we don't need to know how long Rnn was.
+ */
+ q = oldq;
+ reg = -1; /* no register any more */
+ }
+ err = " "; /* win */
+ /* JF a bugfix, I think! */
+ if(at && access=='a')
+ vopP->vop_nbytes=4;
+ mode = (at ? 9 : 8);
+ reg = PC;
+ if ((access == 'm' || access == 'w') && !at)
+ wrn = "writing or modifying # is unpredictable";
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If !*err, then sign == 0
+ * hash == FALSE
+ */
+ /*
+ * Case of Rn. We seperate this one because it has a few special
+ * errors the remaining modes lack.
+ *
+ * in: at optional
+ * len ' '
+ * hash FALSE by program logic
+ * p:q empty
+ * sign 0 by program logic
+ * paren FALSE by definition
+ * reg present by definition
+ * ndx optional
+ *
+ * out: mode 5+@
+ * reg present
+ * len ' ' enforce no length
+ * exp "" enforce empty expression
+ * ndx optional warn if same as reg
+ */
+ if (!*err && !paren && reg >= 0)
+ {
+ if (len != ' ')
+ err = "length not needed";
+ else if (at)
+ {
+ err = " "; /* win */
+ mode = 6; /* @Rn */
+ }
+ else if (ndx >= 0)
+ err = "can't []index a register, because it has no address";
+ else if (access == 'a')
+ err = "a register has no address";
+ else
+ {
+ /*
+ * Idea here is to detect from length of datum
+ * and from register number if we will touch PC.
+ * Warn if we do.
+ * vop_nbytes is number of bytes in operand.
+ * Compute highest byte affected, compare to PC0.
+ */
+ if ((vopP->vop_nbytes + reg * 4) > 60)
+ wrn = "PC part of operand unpredictable";
+ err = " "; /* win */
+ mode = 5; /* Rn */
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * If !*err, sign == 0
+ * hash == FALSE
+ * paren == TRUE OR reg==-1
+ */
+ /*
+ * Rest of cases fit into one bunch.
+ *
+ * in: at optional
+ * len ' ' or 'b' or 'w' or 'l'
+ * hash FALSE by program logic
+ * p:q expected (empty is not an error)
+ * sign 0 by program logic
+ * paren optional
+ * reg optional
+ * ndx optional
+ *
+ * out: mode 10 + @ + len
+ * reg optional
+ * len ' ' or 'b' or 'w' or 'l'
+ * exp maybe empty
+ * ndx optional warn if same as reg
+ */
+ if (!*err)
+ {
+ err = " "; /* win (always) */
+ mode = 10 + (at ? 1 : 0);
+ switch (len)
+ {
+ case 'l':
+ mode += 2;
+ case 'w':
+ mode += 2;
+ case ' ': /* assumed B^ until our caller changes it */
+ case 'b':
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * here with completely specified mode
+ * len
+ * reg
+ * expression p,q
+ * ndx
+ */
+ if (*err == ' ')
+ err = ""; /* " " is no longer an error */
+ vopP->vop_mode = mode;
+ vopP->vop_reg = reg;
+ vopP->vop_short = len;
+ vopP->vop_expr_begin = p;
+ vopP->vop_expr_end = q;
+ vopP->vop_ndx = ndx;
+ vopP->vop_error = err;
+ vopP->vop_warn = wrn;
+ return (bug);
+} /* vip_op() */
+Summary of vip_op outputs.
+ mode reg len ndx
+(Rn) => @Rn
+{@}Rn 5+@ n ' ' optional
+branch operand 0 -1 ' ' -1
+S^#foo 0 -1 's' -1
+-(Rn) 7 n ' ' optional
+{@}(Rn)+ 8+@ n ' ' optional
+{@}#foo, no S^ 8+@ PC " i" optional
+{@}{q^}{(Rn)} 10+@+q option " bwl" optional
+#ifdef TEST /* #Define to use this testbed. */
+ * Follows a test program for this function.
+ * We declare arrays non-local in case some of our tiny-minded machines
+ * default to small stacks. Also, helps with some debuggers.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+char answer[100]; /* human types into here */
+char *p; /* */
+char *myerr;
+char *mywrn;
+char *mybug;
+char myaccess;
+char mywidth;
+char mymode;
+char myreg;
+char mylen;
+char *myleft;
+char *myright;
+char myndx;
+int my_operand_length;
+char my_immediate[200];
+char my_indirect[200];
+char my_displen[200];
+main ()
+ char *vip_op (); /* make cc happy */
+ printf ("enter immediate symbols eg enter # ");
+ gets (my_immediate);
+ printf ("enter indirect symbols eg enter @ ");
+ gets (my_indirect);
+ printf ("enter displen symbols eg enter ^ ");
+ gets (my_displen);
+ vip_op_defaults (my_immediate, my_indirect, my_displen);
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ printf ("access,width (eg 'ab' or 'wh') [empty line to quit] : ");
+ fflush (stdout);
+ gets (answer);
+ if (!answer[0])
+ exit (0);
+ myaccess = answer[0];
+ mywidth = answer[1];
+ switch (mywidth)
+ {
+ case 'b':
+ my_operand_length = 1;
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ my_operand_length = 8;
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ my_operand_length = 4;
+ break;
+ case 'g':
+ my_operand_length = 16;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ my_operand_length = 32;
+ break;
+ case 'l':
+ my_operand_length = 4;
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ my_operand_length = 16;
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ my_operand_length = 8;
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ my_operand_length = 2;
+ break;
+ case '!':
+ case '?':
+ case '-':
+ my_operand_length = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ my_operand_length = 2;
+ printf ("I dn't understand access width %c\n", mywidth);
+ break;
+ }
+ printf ("VAX assembler instruction operand: ");
+ fflush (stdout);
+ gets (answer);
+ mybug = vip_op (answer, myaccess, mywidth, my_operand_length,
+ &mymode, &myreg, &mylen, &myleft, &myright, &myndx,
+ &myerr, &mywrn);
+ if (*myerr)
+ {
+ printf ("error: \"%s\"\n", myerr);
+ if (*mybug)
+ printf (" bug: \"%s\"\n", mybug);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (*mywrn)
+ printf ("warning: \"%s\"\n", mywrn);
+ mumble ("mode", mymode);
+ mumble ("register", myreg);
+ mumble ("index", myndx);
+ printf ("width:'%c' ", mylen);
+ printf ("expression: \"");
+ while (myleft <= myright)
+ putchar (*myleft++);
+ printf ("\"\n");
+ }
+ }
+mumble (text, value)
+ char *text;
+ int value;
+ printf ("%s:", text);
+ if (value >= 0)
+ printf ("%xx", value);
+ else
+ printf ("ABSENT");
+ printf (" ");
+#endif /* ifdef TEST */
+/* end: vip_op.c */
+const int md_short_jump_size = 3;
+const int md_long_jump_size = 6;
+const int md_reloc_size = 8; /* Size of relocation record */
+md_create_short_jump (ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+ char *ptr;
+ long from_addr, to_addr;
+ fragS *frag;
+ symbolS *to_symbol;
+ long offset;
+ offset = to_addr - (from_addr + 1);
+ *ptr++ = 0x31;
+ md_number_to_chars (ptr, offset, 2);
+md_create_long_jump (ptr, from_addr, to_addr, frag, to_symbol)
+ char *ptr;
+ long from_addr, to_addr;
+ fragS *frag;
+ symbolS *to_symbol;
+ long offset;
+ offset = to_addr - to_symbol->sy_value;
+ *ptr++ = 0x17;
+ *ptr++ = 0x9F;
+ md_number_to_chars (ptr, offset, 4);
+ fix_new (frag, ptr - frag->fr_literal, 4, to_symbol, (symbolS *) 0, (long) 0, 0);
+md_parse_option (argP, cntP, vecP)
+ char **argP;
+ int *cntP;
+ char ***vecP;
+ char *temp_name; /* name for -t or -d options */
+ char opt;
+ switch (**argP)
+ {
+ case 'J':
+ /* as_warn ("I can do better than -J!"); */
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ as_warn ("SYMBOL TABLE not implemented");
+ break; /* SYMBOL TABLE not implemented */
+ case 'T':
+ as_warn ("TOKEN TRACE not implemented");
+ break; /* TOKEN TRACE not implemented */
+ case 'd':
+ case 't':
+ opt= **argP;
+ if (**argP)
+ { /* Rest of argument is filename. */
+ temp_name = *argP;
+ while (**argP)
+ (*argP)++;
+ }
+ else if (*cntP)
+ {
+ while (**argP)
+ (*argP)++;
+ --(*cntP);
+ temp_name = *++(*vecP);
+ **vecP = NULL; /* Remember this is not a file-name. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_warn ("I expected a filename after -%c.",opt);
+ temp_name = "{absent}";
+ }
+ if(opt=='d')
+ as_warn ("Displacement length %s ignored!", temp_name);
+ else
+ as_warn ("I don't need or use temp. file \"%s\".", temp_name);
+ break;
+ case 'V':
+ as_warn ("I don't use an interpass file! -V ignored");
+ break;
+#ifdef VMS
+ case '+': /* For g++ */
+ break;
+ case 'h': /* No hashing of mixed-case names */
+ break;
+ case 'H': /* Show new symbol after hash truncation */
+ break;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* We have no need to default values of symbols. */
+symbolS *
+md_undefined_symbol (name)
+ char *name;
+ return 0;
+/* Parse an operand that is machine-specific.
+ We just return without modifying the expression if we have nothing
+ to do. */
+md_operand (expressionP)
+ expressionS *expressionP;
+/* Round up a section size to the appropriate boundary. */
+md_section_align (segment, size)
+ segT segment;
+ long size;
+ return size; /* Byte alignment is fine */
+/* Exactly what point is a PC-relative offset relative TO?
+ On the vax, they're relative to the address of the offset, plus
+ its size. (??? Is this right? FIXME-SOON) */
+md_pcrel_from (fixP)
+ fixS *fixP;
+ return fixP->fx_size + fixP->fx_where + fixP->fx_frag->fr_address;
diff --git a/gas/config/tc-vax.h b/gas/config/tc-vax.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0097782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/tc-vax.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ * This file is tc-vax.h.
+ */
+#define TC_VAX 1
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tc-vax.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/te-generic.h b/gas/config/te-generic.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b40d61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/te-generic.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ * This file is te-generic.h and is intended to be a template for
+ * target environment specific header files.
+ */
+#define TE_GENERIC 1
+ /* these define interfaces */
+#include "obj-format.h"
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of te-generic.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/te-ic960.h b/gas/config/te-ic960.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15c3064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/te-ic960.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ * This file is te-ic960.h and is intended to define ic960 environment
+ * specific differences.
+ */
+/* $Id$ */
+#define TE_IC960 1
+ /* intel uses host byte order for headers */
+#endif /* CROSS_ASSEMBLE */
+#define LOCAL_LABEL(name) ( (name[0] =='L') \
+ || (name[0] =='.' \
+ && (name[1]=='C' || name[1]=='I' || name[1]=='.')))
+#include "obj-format.h"
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of te-ic960.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/te-sun3.h b/gas/config/te-sun3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d1ece4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/te-sun3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+/* te-sun3.h -- Sun-3 target environment declarations.
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+/* This header file contains the #defines specific
+ to SUN computer SUN 3 series computers. (The only kind
+ we have around here, unfortunatly.)
+ Rumor has it that this file will work on the Sun-2 if the assembler
+ is called with -m68010 This is not tested. */
+#define TE_SUN3 1
+/* Could also be :
+#define S_LOCAL_NAME(s) (S_GET_NAME(s)[0] == '.' &&
+ S_GET_NAME(s)[1] == 'L' ||
+ S_GET_NAME(s)[1] == '.')
+#include "obj-format.h"
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of te-sun3.h */
diff --git a/gas/config/vax-inst.h b/gas/config/vax-inst.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51b7c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/config/vax-inst.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* vax-inst.h - GNU - Part of vax.c
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+ * This is part of vax-ins-parse.c & friends.
+ * We want to parse a vax instruction text into a tree defined here.
+ */
+#define VIT_MAX_OPERANDS (6) /* maximum number of operands in one */
+ /* single vax instruction */
+struct vop /* vax instruction operand */
+ short int vop_ndx; /* -1, or index register. eg 7=[R7] */
+ short int vop_reg; /* -1, or register number. eg @I^#=0xF */
+ /* Helps distinguish "abs" from "abs(PC)". */
+ short int vop_mode; /* addressing mode 4 bits. eg I^#=0x9 */
+ char vop_short; /* operand displacement length as written */
+ /* ' '=none, "bilsw"=B^I^L^S^W^. */
+ char vop_access; /* 'b'branch ' 'no-instruction 'amrvw'norm */
+ char vop_width; /* Operand width, one of "bdfghloqw" */
+ char * vop_warn; /* warning message of this operand, if any */
+ char * vop_error; /* say if operand is inappropriate */
+ char * vop_expr_begin; /* Unparsed expression, 1st char ... */
+ char * vop_expr_end; /* ... last char. */
+ unsigned char vop_nbytes; /* number of bytes in datum */
+typedef long vax_opcodeT; /* For initialising array of opcodes */
+ /* Some synthetic opcodes > 16 bits! */
+#define VIT_OPCODE_SYNTHETIC 0x80000000 /* Not real hardware instruction. */
+#define VIT_OPCODE_SPECIAL 0x40000000 /* Not normal branch optimising. */
+ /* Never set without ..._SYNTHETIC */
+#define VAX_WIDTH_UNCONDITIONAL_JUMP '-' /* These are encoded into */
+#define VAX_WIDTH_CONDITIONAL_JUMP '?' /* vop_width when vop_access=='b' */
+#define VAX_WIDTH_WORD_JUMP '!' /* and VIT_OPCODE_SYNTHETIC set. */
+#define VAX_WIDTH_BYTE_JUMP ':' /* */
+#define VAX_JMP (0x17) /* Useful for branch optimising. Jump instr*/
+#define VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE (0xef) /* Use it after VAX_JMP */
+#define VAX_ABSOLUTE_MODE (0x9F) /* Use as @#... */
+#define VAX_BRB (0x11) /* Canonical branch. */
+#define VAX_BRW (0x31) /* Another canonical branch */
+#define VAX_WIDEN_WORD (0x20) /* Add this to byte branch to get word br. */
+#define VAX_WIDEN_LONG (0x6) /* Add this to byte branch to get long jmp.*/
+ /* Needs VAX_PC_RELATIVE_MODE byte after it*/
+struct vit /* vax instruction tree */
+ /* vit_opcode is char[] for portability. */
+ char vit_opcode [ sizeof (vax_opcodeT) ];
+ unsigned char vit_opcode_nbytes; /* How long is _opcode? (chars) */
+ unsigned char vit_operands;/* */
+ struct vop vit_operand[VIT_MAX_OPERANDS]; /* operands */
+ char * vit_error; /* "" or error text */
+/* end: vax-inst.h */
diff --git a/gas/configure b/gas/configure
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f6bf811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/configure
@@ -0,0 +1,876 @@
+# Do not edit this file. It is generated automatically from configure.in
+# and a configure template.
+# Do not edit this file. It is generated automatically from configure.in
+# and a configure template.
+# Configuration script template
+# Copyright (C) 1988, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#This file is part of GNU.
+#GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#any later version.
+#GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+#the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# Shell script to create proper links to machine-dependent files in
+# preparation for compiling gcc.
+# Usage: configure [+srcdir=DIR] [+host=HOST] [+gas] [+nfp] TARGET
+# If configure succeeds, it leaves its status in config.status.
+# If configure fails after disturbing the status quo,
+# config.status is removed.
+symbolic_link='ln -s'
+#for Test
+#remove="echo rm"
+#hard_link="echo ln"
+#symbolic_link="echo ln -s"
+# clear some things potentially inherited from environment.
+for arg in $*;
+ case $arg in
+ -ansi | +ansi)
+ ansi=true
+ ;;
+ -template=* | +template=*)
+ template=`echo $arg | sed 's/[+-]template=//'`
+ ;;
+ -norecurse | +norecurse)
+ norecurse=true
+ ;;
+ -rm | +rm)
+ removing=$arg
+ ;;
+ -srcdir=* | +srcdir=* | +srcdi=* | +srcd=* | +src=* | +sr=* | +s=*)
+ srcdir=`echo $arg | sed 's/[+-]s[a-z]*=//'`
+ ;;
+ -host=* | +host=* | +hos=* | +ho=* | +h=*)
+ host=`echo $arg | sed 's/[+-]h[a-z]*=//'`
+ ;;
+ -languages=* | +languages=* | -languag=* | +languag=* | langua=* \
+ | +langua=* | -langu=* | +langu=* | -lang=* | +lang=* | -lan=* \
+ | +lan=* | -la=* | +la=* | -l=* | +l=*)
+ languages="$languages `echo $arg | sed 's/[+-]l[a-z]*=//'`"
+ ;;
+ -gas | +gas | +ga | +g)
+ gas=yes
+ ;;
+ -nfp | +nfp | +nf | +n)
+ nfp=yes
+ ;;
+ *)
+# Allow configure HOST TARGET
+ if [ x$host = x ] ; then host=$target ; fi
+ target=$arg
+ ;;
+ esac
+# process host and target only if not rebuilding configure itself.
+if [ -z "$template" ]
+ # Complain if an arg is missing
+ if [ x$target = x ]
+ then
+ echo "Usage: $progname [+srcdir=DIR] [+host=HOST] [+gas] [+nfp] TARGET"
+ echo -n "Where HOST and TARGET are something like "
+ echo "\`vax', \`sun3', \`encore', etc."
+ if [ -r config.status ]
+ then
+ cat config.status
+ fi
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ # Default other arg
+ if [ x$host = x ]
+ then
+ host=$target
+ fi
+ # Decode the host machine, then the target machine.
+ # For the host machine, we save the xm_file variable as host_xm_file;
+ # then we decode the target machine and forget everything else
+ # that came from the host machine.
+ for machine in $host $target; do
+ # Separate what the user gave into CPU/company and OS (if any).
+ basic_machine=`echo $machine | sed 's/-[^-]*$//'`
+ if [ $basic_machine != $machine ]
+ then os=`echo $machine | sed 's/[^-]*-/-/'`
+ else os=; fi
+ # Decode aliases for certain machine/company combinations.
+ case $basic_machine in
+ iris | iris4d)
+ basic_machine=mips/sgi
+ ;;
+ news | news800)
+ basic_machine=m68k/sony
+ ;;
+ 3b1 | 7300 | 7300/att | att-7300)
+ basic_machine=m68k/att
+ ;;
+ delta | 3300 | motorola-3300 | motorola-delta \
+ | 3300/motorola | delta/motorola)
+ basic_machine=m68k/motorola
+ ;;
+ vax/dec)
+ basic_machine=vax
+ ;;
+ balance)
+ basic_machine=ns32k/sequent
+ ;;
+ symmetry)
+ basic_machine=i386/sequent
+ ;;
+ sun2)
+ basic_machine=m68000/sun
+ ;;
+ sun3)
+ basic_machine=m68k/sun
+ ;;
+ sun4)
+ basic_machine=sparc/sun
+ ;;
+ sun386 | sun386i)
+ basic_machine=i386/sun
+ ;;
+ ps2)
+ basic_machine=i386/ibm
+ ;;
+ next)
+ basic_machine=m68k/next
+ ;;
+ hp9k3[2-9][0-9])
+ basic_machine=m68k/hp
+ ;;
+ hp9k31[0-9] | hp9k2[0-9][0-9])
+ basic_machine=m68000/hp
+ ;;
+ isi68)
+ basic_machine=m68k/isi
+ ;;
+ apollo68)
+ basic_machine=m68k/apollo
+ ;;
+ altos | altos3068)
+ basic_machine=m68k/altos
+ ;;
+ miniframe)
+ basic_machine=m68000/convergent
+ ;;
+ tower | tower-32)
+ basic_machine=m68k/ncr
+ ;;
+ news-3600 | risc-news)
+ basic_machine=mips/sony
+ ;;
+ decstation | decstation-3100 | pmax)
+ basic_machine=mips/dec
+ ;;
+ gmicro)
+ basic_machine=tron
+ ;;
+ convex-c1)
+ basic_machine=c1/convex
+ ;;
+ convex-c2)
+ basic_machine=c2/convex
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Decode manufacturer-specific aliases for certain operating systems.
+ case $os in
+ -newsos*)
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ -ultrix*)
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ -dynix*)
+ os=-bsd
+ ;;
+ -ctix*)
+ os=-sysv
+ ;;
+ esac
+ machine=$basic_machine$os
+ cpu_type=
+ xm_file=
+ tm_file=
+ make_var_file=
+ case $machine in
+ vax | vax-bsd*) # vaxen running BSD
+ ;;
+ vax-vms | vms) # vaxen running VMS
+ cpu_type=vax
+ xm_file=xm-vms.h
+ tm_file=tm-vms.h
+ ;;
+ vax-sysv* | vaxv) # vaxen running system V
+ cpu_type=vax
+ xm_file=xm-vaxv.h
+ tm_file=tm-vaxv.h
+ ;;
+ tahoe | tahoe-bsd*) # tahoe running BSD
+ ;;
+ tahoe/harris*) # Harris tahoe, using COFF.
+ cpu_type=tahoe
+ ;;
+ i386/sequent* | i386/sequent-bsd*) # 80386 from Sequent
+ cpu_type=i386
+ xm_file=xm-i386.h
+ tm_file=tm-seq386.h
+ ;;
+ i386-mach | i386/*-mach)
+ cpu_type=i386
+ xm_file=xm-i386.h
+ tm_file=tm-i386gas.h
+ ;;
+ i386/sco | i386/sco-sysv* | i386/*-sco) # 80386 running SCO system
+ cpu_type=i386
+ xm_file=xm-i386v.h
+ tm_file=tm-i386sco.h
+ make_var_file=make-i386sco
+ ;;
+ i386/isc | i386/isc-sysv* | i386/*-isc) # 80386 running ISC system
+ cpu_type=i386
+ xm_file=xm-i386v.h
+ tm_file=tm-i386isc.h
+ make_var_file=make-i386isc
+ ;;
+ i386/ibm | i386-aix | i386/ibm-aix) # IBM PS/2 running AIX
+ cpu_type=i386
+ tm_file=tm-i386v.h
+ xm_file=xm-i386v.h
+ make_var_file=make-i386v
+ ;;
+ i386/sun*)
+ cpu_type=i386
+ xm_file=xm-sun386i.h
+ tm_file=tm-sun386i.h
+ ;;
+ i386-sysv4 | i386/*-sysv4 | i386v4) # Intel 80386's running system V.4
+ cpu_type=i386
+ xm_file=xm-i386v.h
+ make_var_file=make-i386v
+ tm_file=tm-i386v4.h
+ ;;
+ i386-sysv* | i386/*-sysv* | i386v) # Intel 80386's running system V
+ cpu_type=i386
+ xm_file=xm-i386v.h
+ make_var_file=make-i386v
+ if [ x$gas = xyes ]
+ then
+ tm_file=tm-i386gas.h
+ else
+ tm_file=tm-i386v.h
+ fi
+ ;;
+ i860 | i860-sysv* | i860/*-sysv*)
+ cpu_type=i860
+ if [ x$gas = xyes ]
+ then
+ tm_file=tm-i860g.h
+ else
+ tm_file=tm-i860.h
+ fi
+ ;;
+ i860-bsd* | i860/*-bsd*)
+ cpu_type=i860
+ if [ x$gas = xyes ]
+ then
+ tm_file=tm-i860bsdg.h
+ else
+ tm_file=tm-i860bsd.h
+ fi
+ ;;
+ sparc | sparc/* | sparc-*os4 | sparc/*-*os4)
+ cpu_type=sparc
+ tm_file=tm-sparc.h
+ ;;
+ sparc-*os3 | sparc/*-*os3)
+ cpu_type=sparc
+ tm_file=tm-sun4os3.h
+ ;;
+ m68k/next)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ tm_file=tm-next.h
+ out_file=out-next.c
+ xm_file=xm-next.h
+ ;;
+ m68k/sun-*os3)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ if [ x$nfp = xyes ]
+ then
+ tm_file=tm-sun3os3nf.h
+ else
+ tm_file=tm-sun3os3.h
+ fi
+ ;;
+ m68k/sun-mach)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ tm_file=tm-sun3mach.h
+ ;;
+ m68k/sun | m68k/sun-*os4)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ if [ x$nfp = xyes ]
+ then
+ tm_file=tm-sun3nfp.h
+ else
+ tm_file=tm-sun3.h
+ fi
+ ;;
+ m68k/hp | m68k/hp-hpux*) # HP 9000 series 300
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ xm_file=xm-hp9k320.h
+ if [ x$gas = xyes ]
+ then
+ make_var_file=make-hp9k320g
+ tm_file=tm-hp9k320g.h
+ else
+ make_var_file=make-hp9k320
+ tm_file=tm-hp9k320.h
+ fi
+ ;;
+ m68k/hp-bsd*) # HP 9000/3xx running Berkeley Unix
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ tm_file=tm-hp9k3bsd.h
+ ;;
+ m68k/isi | m68k/isi-bsd*)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ if [ x$nfp = xyes ]
+ then
+ tm_file=tm-isi68-nfp.h
+ else
+ tm_file=tm-isi68.h
+ fi
+ ;;
+ m68k/sony | m68k/sony-bsd*)
+ xm_file=xm-m68k.h
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ if [ x$gas = xyes ]
+ then
+ tm_file=tm-newsgas.h
+ else
+ tm_file=tm-news.h
+ fi
+ ;;
+ m68k/altos | m68k/altos-sysv*) # Altos 3068
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ if [ x$gas = xyes ]
+ then
+ xm_file=xm-altos3068.h
+ tm_file=tm-altos3068.h
+ else
+ echo "The Altos is supported only with the GNU assembler" 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ m68k/motorola | m68k/motorola-sysv*)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ tm_file=tm-mot3300.h
+ xm_file=xm-mot3300.h
+ ;;
+ m68k/crds | m68k/crds-unos | m68k-unos | crds | unos)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ xm_file=xm-crds.h
+ make_var_file=make-crds
+ tm_file=tm-crds.h
+ ;;
+ m68k/apollo)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ make_var_file=make-apollo68
+ tm_file=tm-apollo68.h
+ ;;
+ m68k/ncr | m68k/ncr-sysv*) # NCR Tower 32 SVR3
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ tm_file=tm-tower-as.h
+ xm_file=xm-tower.h
+ ;;
+ m68000/sun | m68000/sun-*os3)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ tm_file=tm-sun2.h
+ ;;
+ m68000/sun-*os4)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ tm_file=tm-sun2os4.h
+ ;;
+ m68000/hp | m68000/hp-hpux*) # HP 9000 series 300
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ xm_file=xm-hp9k310.h
+ if [ x$gas = xyes ]
+ then
+ make_var_file=make-hp9k320g
+ tm_file=tm-hp9k310g.h
+ else
+ make_var_file=make-hp9k320
+ tm_file=tm-hp9k310.h
+ fi
+ ;;
+ m68000/hp-bsd*) # HP 9000/200 running BSD
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ tm_file=tm-hp9k2bsd.h
+ make_var_file=make-hp9k2bsd
+ ;;
+ m68000/att | m68000/att-sysv*)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ xm_file=xm-3b1.h
+ if [ x$gas = xyes ]
+ then
+ tm_file=tm-3b1g.h
+ else
+ tm_file=tm-3b1.h
+ fi
+ ;;
+ m68000/convergent | m68000/convergent-sysv*)
+ cpu_type=m68k
+ xm_file=xm-3b1.h
+ tm_file=tm-ctix.h
+ ;;
+ ns32k/sequent | ns32k/sequent-bsd*)
+ cpu_type=ns32k
+ tm_file=tm-sequent.h
+ ;;
+ ns32k/encore | ns32k/encore-bsd* | encore | encore-bsd*)
+ cpu_type=ns32k
+ tm_file=tm-encore.h
+ ;;
+ ns32k-genix* | ns32k/*-genix* | genix)
+ cpu_type=ns32k
+ xm_file=xm-genix.h
+ make_var_file=make-genix
+ tm_file=tm-genix.h
+ ;;
+ merlin)
+ cpu_type=ns32k
+ ;;
+ m88k/dg | m88k/dg-dgux* | m88k-dgux*)
+ cpu_type=m88k
+ xm_file=xm-m88kdgux.h
+ make_var_file=make-m88kdgux
+ tm_file=tm-m88kdgux.h
+ ;;
+ m88k-v88r32 | m88k/*-v88r32)
+ cpu_type=m88k
+ tm_file=tm-v88r32.h
+ xm_file=xm-v88r32.h
+ ;;
+ m88k-sysv* | m88k/*-sysv*)
+ cpu_type=m88k
+ tm_file=tm-m88ksvr4.h
+ xm_file=xm-m88ksvr4.h
+ ;;
+ alliant | alliant/alliant) # Alliant FX/8
+ cpu_type=alliant
+ tm_file=tm-alliant.h
+ ;;
+ c1/convex) # Convex C1
+ if [ -r /usr/include/stdlib.h ]
+ then
+ tm_file=tm-convex1.h
+ else
+ tm_file=tm-conv1os7.h
+ fi
+ cpu_type=convex
+ ;;
+ c2/convex) # Convex C2
+ if [ -r /usr/include/stdlib.h ]
+ then
+ tm_file=tm-convex2.h
+ else
+ tm_file=tm-conv2os7.h
+ fi
+ cpu_type=convex
+ ;;
+ mips/sgi | mips/sgi-sysv*) # Mostly like a MIPS.
+ cpu_type=mips
+ tm_file=tm-iris.h
+ xm_file=xm-iris.h
+ ;;
+ mips | mips/mips) # Default MIPS environment.
+ ;;
+ mips/dec | mips/dec-bsd*) # Decstation.
+ cpu_type=mips
+ tm_file=tm-decstatn.h
+ ;;
+ mips/sony | mips/sony-bsd*) # Sony NEWS 3600 or risc/news.
+ cpu_type=mips
+ tm_file=tm-mips-news.h
+ ;;
+ mips/*-sysv* | mips-sysv*) # SYSV variant of MIPS system.
+ cpu_type=mips
+ tm_file=tm-mips-sysv.h
+ ;;
+ mips/*-bsd* | mips-bsd*) # BSD 4.3 variant of MIPS system.
+ cpu_type=mips
+ tm_file=tm-mips-bsd.h
+ ;;
+ pyramid | pyramid/* | pyramid-*)
+ cpu_type=pyr
+ tm_file=tm-pyr.h
+ ;;
+ tron | tron/*)
+ cpu_type=gmicro
+ tm_file=tm_gmicro.h
+ ;;
+ a29k-bsd* | a29k/*-bsd*)
+ cpu_type=a29k
+ tm_file=tm-a29kunix.h
+ ;;
+ i960) # Default i960 environment.
+ ;;
+ # 370)
+ # ;;
+ esac
+ if [ x$pass1done = x ]
+ then
+ if [ x$cpu_type = x ]; then cpu_type=$host; fi
+ if [ x$xm_file = x ]; then host_xm_file=xm-$cpu_type.h
+ else host_xm_file=$xm_file
+ fi
+ if [ x$make_var_file = x ]
+ then make_var_file=make-$cpu_type; fi
+ host_make_var_file=$make_var_file
+ pass1done=yes
+ fi
+ done
+ # Default the machine-specific variables that were not explicitly set.
+ if [ x$cpu_type = x ]
+ then cpu_type=$target; fi
+ if [ x$tm_file = x ]
+ then tm_file=tm-$target.h; fi
+ md_file=${cpu_type}.md
+ if [ x$out_file = x ]
+ then out_file=out-$cpu_type.c; fi
+#### configure.in files go here.
+# This file is a shell script that supplies the information necessary
+# to tailor a template configure script into the configure script
+# appropriate for this directory. For more information, check any
+# existing configure script.
+case $target in
+ obj_format=coff
+ ;;
+ obj_format=bout
+ ;;
+ obj_format=aout
+ ;;
+case $target in
+ atof=vax
+ ;;
+ atof=ieee
+ ;;
+files="ho-${host}.h tc-${cpu_type}.c tc-${cpu_type}.h te-generic.h obj-${obj_format}.h obj-${obj_format}.c atof-${atof}.c"
+links="host.h targ-cpu.c targ-cpu.h targ-env.h obj-format.h obj-format.c atof-targ.c"
+### end of configure.in
+# are we rebuilding config itself?
+if [ -n "$template" ]
+ if [ ! -r $template ]
+ then
+ echo "Can't find template ${template}."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ mv configure configure.old
+ echo "#!/bin/sh" > configure
+ echo "# Do not edit this file. It is generated automatically from configure.in" >> configure
+ echo "# and a configure template." >> configure
+ echo "configdirs=" >> configure
+ echo >> configure
+ if [ -r configure.in ]
+ then
+ sed -e "/^####/ r configure.in" $template >> configure
+ else
+ cat $template >> configure
+ fi
+ chmod a+x configure
+ rm configure.old
+# echo Rebuilt configure in `pwd` from ${template}.
+ echo Rebuilt configure in `pwd`
+ if [ x$norecurse = x ]
+ then
+ while [ -n "$configdirs" ]
+ do
+ # set configdir to car of configdirs, configdirs to cdr of configdirs
+ set $configdirs; configdir=$1; shift; configdirs=$*
+ if [ "`echo ${configdir}.*`" != "${configdir}.*" ]
+ then
+ targetspecificdirs=${configdir}.*
+ else
+ targetspecificdirs=
+ fi
+ for i in ${configdir} ${targetspecificdirs}
+ do
+ if [ -r $i/configure ]
+ then
+ (cd $i ;
+ configure +template=${template})
+ else
+ echo No configure script in `pwd`/$i
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ exit 0
+# Temporarily, we support only direct subdir builds.
+if [ -n "$removing" ]
+ rm -rf $hostsubdir/$targetsubdir
+ if [ -z "`(ls $hostsubdir) 2>&1 | grep Target-`" ]
+ then
+ rm -rf $hostsubdir
+ fi
+ if [ ! -d $hostsubdir ] ; then mkdir $hostsubdir ; fi
+ cd $hostsubdir
+ if [ ! -d $targetsubdir ] ; then mkdir $targetsubdir ; fi
+ cd $targetsubdir
+ srcdir=../..
+ ## Find the source files, if location was not specified.
+ #if [ x$srcdir = x ]
+ #then
+ # srcdirdefaulted=1
+ # srcdir=.
+ # if [ ! -r ${srctrigger} ]
+ # then
+ # srcdir=..
+ # fi
+ #fi
+ #
+ #if [ ! -r ${srcdir}/${srctrigger} ]
+ #then
+ # if [ x$srcdirdefaulted = x ]
+ # then
+ # echo "$progname: Can't find ${srcname} sources in \`${srcdir}'." 1>&2
+ # else
+ # echo "$progname: Can't find ${srcname} sources in \`.' or \`..'." 1>&2
+ # fi
+ # exit 1
+ #fi
+ # Set up the list of links to be made.
+ # $links is the list of link names, and $files is the list of names to link to.
+ # Make the links.
+ while [ -n "$files" ]
+ do
+ # set file to car of files, files to cdr of files
+ set $files; file=$1; shift; files=$*
+ set $links; link=$1; shift; links=$*
+ if [ ! -r ${srcdir}/config/$file ]
+ then
+ echo "$progname: cannot create a link \`$link'," 1>&2
+ echo "since the file \`config/$file' does not exist." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ $remove -f $link
+ rm -f config.status
+ # Make a symlink if possible, otherwise try a hard link
+ $symbolic_link ${srcdir}/config/$file $link 2>/dev/null || $hard_link ${srcdir}/config/$file $link
+ if [ ! -r $link ]
+ then
+ echo "$progname: unable to link \`$link' to \`${srcdir}/config/$file'." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Linked \`$link' to \`${srcdir}/config/$file'."
+ done
+ # Install a makefile, and make it set VPATH
+ # if necessary so that the sources are found.
+ # Also change its value of srcdir.
+ # Also create a .gdbinit file which runs the one in srcdir
+ # and tells GDB to look there for source files.
+ case $srcdir in
+ .)
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "VPATH = ${srcdir}" > x
+ cat x ${srcdir}/Makefile.in | sed "s@^srcdir = \.@srcdir = ${srcdir}@" > Makefile.in
+ rm x
+ echo "dir ." > .gdbinit
+ echo "dir ${srcdir}" >> .gdbinit
+ echo "source ${srcdir}/.gdbinit" >> .gdbinit
+ ;;
+ esac
+ host_var_file=hmake-${host}
+ target_var_file=tmake-${target}
+ # Conditionalize the makefile for this machine.
+ if [ -f ${srcdir}/config/${host_var_file} ]
+ then
+ sed -e "/^####/ r ${srcdir}/config/${host_var_file}" Makefile.in > Makefile.tem
+ else
+ cp Makefile.in Makefile.tem
+ fi
+ if [ -f ${srcdir}/config/${target_var_file} ]
+ then
+ sed -e "/^####/ r ${srcdir}/config/${target_var_file}" Makefile.tem > Makefile.tem1
+ mv Makefile.tem1 Makefile.tem
+ fi
+ # Remove all formfeeds, since some Makes get confused by them.
+ sed "s/ //" Makefile.tem >> Makefile.tem1
+ mv Makefile.tem1 Makefile.tem
+ # reset SUBDIRS
+ sed "s:^SUBDIRS =.*$:SUBDIRS = ${configdirs}:" Makefile.tem > Makefile.tem1
+ mv Makefile.tem1 Makefile.tem
+ # reset NONSUBDIRS
+ sed "s:^NONSUBDIRS =.*$:NONSUBDIRS = ${noconfigdirs}:" Makefile.tem > Makefile.tem1
+ mv Makefile.tem1 Makefile.tem
+ # Delete the intermediate files
+ if [ x$srcdir != x. ] ; then rm Makefile.in ; fi
+ rm -f Makefile
+ # Define macro CROSS_COMPILE in compilation if this is a cross-compiler.
+ if [ x$host != x$target ]
+ then
+ echo "CROSS=-DCROSS_COMPILE" > Makefile
+ echo "ALL=start.encap" >> Makefile
+ else
+ echo "ALL=all.internal" > Makefile
+ fi
+ # set target and host
+ echo "host = $host" >> Makefile
+ echo "target = $target" >> Makefile
+ cat Makefile.tem >> Makefile
+ rm Makefile.tem
+ using=
+ if [ -f ${srcdir}/config/${host_var_file} ]
+ then
+ using=" using \"${host_var_file}\""
+ fi
+ if [ -f ${srcdir}/config/${target_var_file} ]
+ then
+ if [ -z "${using}" ]
+ then
+ andusing=" using \"${target_var_file}\""
+ else
+ andusing="${using} and \"${target_var_file}\""
+ fi
+ else
+ andusing=${using}
+ fi
+ echo "Created \"Makefile\""${andusing}.
+ if [ x$host = x$target ]
+ then
+ echo "Links are now set up for use with a $target." \
+ | tee ${srcdir}/config.status
+ else
+ echo "Links are now set up for host $host and target $target." \
+ | tee ${srcdir}/config.status
+ fi
+ cd ${srcdir}
+# If there are subdirectories, then recurse.
+if [ x$norecurse != x ] ; then exit 0 ; fi
+while [ -n "$configdirs" ]
+ # set configdir to car of configdirs, configdirs to cdr of configdirs
+ set $configdirs; configdir=$1; shift; configdirs=$*
+ # check for target override
+ targetspecificdir=${configdir}.${target}
+ if [ -d ${targetspecificdir} ]
+ then
+ configdir=${targetspecificdir}
+ fi
+ echo Configuring ${configdir}...
+ (cd ${configdir} ;
+ configure +host=${host} ${target} ${removing}) \
+ | sed 's/^/ /'
+exit 0
diff --git a/gas/configure.in b/gas/configure.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4da7737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/configure.in
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# This file is a shell script that supplies the information necessary
+# to tailor a template configure script into the configure script
+# appropriate for this directory. For more information, check any
+# existing configure script.
+case $target in
+ obj_format=coff
+ ;;
+ obj_format=bout
+ ;;
+ obj_format=aout
+ ;;
+case $target in
+ atof=vax
+ ;;
+ atof=ieee
+ ;;
+files="ho-${host}.h tc-${cpu_type}.c tc-${cpu_type}.h te-generic.h obj-${obj_format}.h obj-${obj_format}.c atof-${atof}.c"
+links="host.h targ-cpu.c targ-cpu.h targ-env.h obj-format.h obj-format.c atof-targ.c"
diff --git a/gas/configure.was b/gas/configure.was
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2485927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/configure.was
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+# Configuration script for GNU GAS
+# Copyright (C) 1988, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+#This file is not yet part of GNU GAS.
+#GNU GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+#the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+#any later version.
+#GNU GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+#GNU General Public License for more details.
+#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+#along with GNU GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+#the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# $Id$
+# Shell script to create proper links to machine-dependent files in
+# preparation for compiling gas.
+# Usage: configure [-srcdir=DIR] [-host=HOST] TARGET
+# If configure succeeds, it leaves its status in config.status.
+# If configure fails after disturbing the status quo,
+# config.status is removed.
+symbolic_link='ln -s'
+#for Test
+#remove="echo rm"
+#hard_link="echo ln"
+#symbolic_link="echo ln -s"
+for arg in $*;
+ case $arg in
+ -srcdir=* | +srcdir=* | +srcdi=* | +srcd=* | +src=* | +sr=* | +s=*)
+ srcdir=`echo $arg | sed 's/[+-]s[a-z]*=//'`
+ ;;
+ -host=* | +host=* | +hos=* | +ho=* | +h=*)
+ host=`echo $arg | sed 's/[+-]h[a-z]*=//'`
+ ;;
+ *)
+# Allow configure HOST TARGET
+ if [ x$host = x ]
+ then
+ host=$target
+ fi
+ target=$arg
+ ;;
+ esac
+# Complain if an arg is missing
+if [ x$target = x ]
+ echo "Usage: $progname [+srcdir=DIR] [+host=HOST] TARGET"
+ echo -n "Where HOST and TARGET are something like "
+ echo "\`vax', \`sun3', \`encore', etc."
+ if [ -r config.status ]
+ then
+ cat config.status
+ fi
+ exit 1
+# Default other arg
+if [ x$host = x ]
+ host=$target
+# Find the source files, if location was not specified.
+if [ x$srcdir = x ]
+ srcdirdefaulted=1
+ srcdir=.
+ if [ ! -r as.c ]
+ then
+ srcdir=..
+ fi
+if [ ! -r ${srcdir}/as.c ]
+ if [ x$srcdirdefaulted = x ]
+ then
+ echo "$progname: Can't find assembler sources in \`${srcdir}'." 1>&2
+ else
+ echo "$progname: Can't find assembler sources in \`.' or \`..'." 1>&2
+ fi
+ exit 1
+# Decode the host machine, then the target machine.
+# For the host machine, we save the ho variable as host_ho;
+# then we decode the target machine and forget everything else
+# that came from the host machine.
+for machine in $host $target; do
+ tc=
+ obj=
+ host_header=
+ obj_header=
+ obj_source=
+ te_header=
+ tc_header=
+ tc_source=
+ make_var_file=
+ case $machine in
+ generic)
+ ;;
+ i860)
+ tc=i860
+ obj=aout
+ ;;
+ pmax | dec3100)
+ ho=pmax
+ ;;
+ sun386)
+ ho=sun386
+ ;;
+ sun4 | sun4-aout | sun-4 | sun4-os4 | sun-4-os4)
+ ho=sun4
+ tc=sparc
+ obj=aout
+ ;;
+ sun4-bout)
+ tc=sparc
+ obj=bout
+ ;;
+ sun4-bfd-sunos)
+ tc=sparc
+ obj=bfd-sunos
+ ;;
+ i960 | i960-coff)
+ tc=i960
+ obj=coff
+ te=ic960
+ ;;
+ i960-bout)
+ tc=i960
+ obj=bout
+ ;;
+ i960-aout)
+ tc=i960
+ obj=aout
+ ;;
+ sun3 | sun3-aout)
+ ho=sun3
+ tc=m68k
+ obj=aout
+ te=sun3
+ ;;
+ a29k | a29k-aout)
+ tc=a29k
+ obj=aout
+ ;;
+ a29k-coff)
+ tc=a29k
+ obj=coff
+ ;;
+ i386)
+ tc=i386
+ obj=aout
+ ;;
+ ns32k)
+ tc=ns32k
+ obj=aout
+ ;;
+ vax)
+ tc=vax
+ obj=aout
+ ;;
+ rs6000)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ x$pass1done = x ]
+ then
+ if [ x$ho = x ]; then ho=$host; fi
+ if [ x$ho_header = x ]; then ho_ho_header=ho-$ho.h
+ else ho_ho_header=$ho_header
+ fi
+ if [ x$make_var_file = x ]
+ then make_var_file=make-$ho; fi
+ ho_make_var_file=$make_var_file
+ pass1done=yes
+ else
+ host_make_var_file=$ho_make_var_file
+ ho_header=$ho_ho_header
+ fi
+# Default the machine-specific variables that were not explicitly set.
+if [ x$te = x ]
+then te=generic; fi
+if [ x$te_header = x ]
+then te_header=te-$te.h; fi
+if [ x$tc = x ]
+then tc=generic; fi
+if [ x$tc_header = x ]
+then tc_header=tc-$tc.h; fi
+if [ x$tc_source = x ]
+then tc_source=tc-$tc.c; fi
+if [ x$obj = x ]
+then obj=generic; fi
+if [ x$obj_header = x ]
+then obj_header=obj-$obj.h; fi
+if [ x$obj_source = x ]
+then obj_source=obj-$obj.c; fi
+if [ x$atof_source = x ]
+then atof_source=atof-ieee.c; fi
+# Set up the list of links to be made.
+# $links is the list of link names, and $files is the list of names to link to.
+files="$ho_header $te_header $tc_header $tc_source $obj_header $obj_source $atof_source"
+links="host.h targ-env.h targ-cpu.h targ-cpu.c obj-format.h obj-format.c atof-targ.c"
+# Make the links.
+while [ -n "$files" ]
+ # set file to car of files, files to cdr of files
+ set $files; file=$1; shift; files=$*
+ set $links; link=$1; shift; links=$*
+ if [ ! -r ${srcdir}/config/$file ]
+ then
+ echo "$progname: cannot create a link \`$link'," 1>&2
+ echo "since the file \`config/$file' does not exist." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ $remove -f $link
+ rm -f config.status
+ # Make a symlink if possible, otherwise try a hard link
+ $symbolic_link ${srcdir}/config/$file $link 2>/dev/null || $hard_link ${srcdir}/config/$file $link
+ if [ ! -r $link ]
+ then
+ echo "$progname: unable to link \`$link' to \`${srcdir}/config/$file'." 1>&2
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Linked \`$link' to \`${srcdir}/config/$file'."
+# Build a Makefile
+# Install a makefile, and make it set srcdir
+# if necessary so that the sources are found.
+# Also change its value of srcdir.
+# Also create a .gdbinit file which runs the one in srcdir
+# and tells GDB to look there for source files.
+case $srcdir in
+ ;;
+ echo "VPATH = ${srcdir}" > x
+ cat x ${srcdir}/Makefile.in | sed "s@^srcdir = \.@srcdir = ${srcdir}@" > Makefile.in
+ rm x
+ echo "dir ." > .gdbinit
+ echo "dir ${srcdir}" >> .gdbinit
+ echo "source ${srcdir}/.gdbinit" >> .gdbinit
+ ;;
+# Conditionalize the makefile for this machine.
+if [ -f ${srcdir}/config/${host_make_var_file} ]
+ sed -e "/####/ r ${srcdir}/config/${host_make_var_file}" Makefile.in > Makefile.tem
+ cp Makefile.in Makefile.tem
+# Remove all formfeeds, since some Makes get confused by them.
+sed "s/ //" Makefile.tem > Makefile.tem1
+# Delete the intermediate files
+rm Makefile.tem
+if [ x$srcdir != x. ]
+ rm Makefile.in
+# actual Makefile starts here.
+echo "host = $host" > Makefile
+echo "target = $target" >> Makefile
+# Define macro CROSS_ASSEMBLE in compilation if this is a cross-assembler.
+if [ x$host = x$target ]
+ sed "/^ALL=gas/s//ALL=bootstrap/" < Makefile.tem1 >> Makefile
+ echo "CROSS=-DCROSS_ASSEMBLE" >> Makefile
+ cat Makefile.tem1 >> Makefile
+rm Makefile.tem1
+echo "Edited the makefile"
+if [ x$host = x$target ]
+ echo "Links are now set up for use with a $target." \
+ | tee config.status
+ echo "Links are now set up for host $host and target $target." \
+ | tee config.status
+exit 0
diff --git a/gas/debug.c b/gas/debug.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1e1dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/debug.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* Routines for debug use only. Don't link into product.
+ */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "subsegs.h"
+ frchainS *chp;
+ char *p;
+ for ( chp=frchain_root; chp; chp = chp->frch_next ){
+ switch ( chp->frch_seg ){
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ p ="Data";
+ break;
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ p ="Text";
+ break;
+ default:
+ p ="???";
+ break;
+ }
+ printf("\nSEGMENT %s %d\n", p, chp->frch_subseg);
+ dmp_frag( chp->frch_root,"\t");
+ }
+dmp_frag( fp, indent )
+ struct frag *fp;
+ char *indent;
+ for ( ; fp; fp = fp->fr_next ){
+ printf("%sFRAGMENT @ 0x%x\n", indent, fp);
+ switch( fp->fr_type ){
+ case rs_align:
+ printf("%srs_align(%d)\n",indent, fp->fr_offset);
+ break;
+ case rs_fill:
+ printf("%srs_fill(%d)\n",indent, fp->fr_offset);
+ printf("%s", indent);
+ var_chars( fp, fp->fr_var + fp->fr_fix );
+ printf("%s\t repeated %d times,",
+ indent, fp->fr_offset);
+ printf(" fixed length if # chars == 0)\n");
+ break;
+ case rs_org:
+ printf("%srs_org(%d+sym @0x%x)\n",indent,
+ fp->fr_offset, fp->fr_symbol);
+ printf("%sfill with ",indent);
+ var_chars( fp, 1 );
+ printf("\n");
+ break;
+ case rs_machine_dependent:
+ printf("%smachine_dep\n",indent);
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("%sunknown type\n",indent);
+ break;
+ }
+ printf("%saddr=%d(0x%x)\n",indent,fp->fr_address,fp->fr_address);
+ printf("%sfr_fix=%d\n",indent,fp->fr_fix);
+ printf("%sfr_var=%d\n",indent,fp->fr_var);
+ printf("%sfr_offset=%d\n",indent,fp->fr_offset);
+ printf("%schars @ 0x%x\n",indent,fp->fr_literal);
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+var_chars( fp, n )
+ struct frag *fp;
+ int n;
+ unsigned char *p;
+ for ( p=(unsigned char*)fp->fr_literal; n; n-- , p++ ){
+ printf("%02x ", *p );
+ }
diff --git a/gas/expr.c b/gas/expr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c62e39c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/expr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,966 @@
+/* expr.c -operands, expressions-
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ * This is really a branch office of as-read.c. I split it out to clearly
+ * distinguish the world of expressions from the world of statements.
+ * (It also gives smaller files to re-compile.)
+ * Here, "operand"s are of expressions, not instructions.
+ */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static void clean_up_expression(expressionS *expressionP);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+static void clean_up_expression(); /* Internal. */
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+extern const char EXP_CHARS[]; /* JF hide MD floating pt stuff all the same place */
+extern const char FLT_CHARS[];
+extern int local_label_defined[];
+ * Build any floating-point literal here.
+ * Also build any bignum literal here.
+ */
+/* LITTLENUM_TYPE generic_buffer [6]; */ /* JF this is a hack */
+/* Seems atof_machine can backscan through generic_bignum and hit whatever
+ happens to be loaded before it in memory. And its way too complicated
+ for me to fix right. Thus a hack. JF: Just make generic_bignum bigger,
+ and never write into the early words, thus they'll always be zero.
+ I hate Dean's floating-point code. Bleh.
+ */
+FLONUM_TYPE generic_floating_point_number =
+ & generic_bignum [6], /* low (JF: Was 0) */
+ & generic_bignum [SIZE_OF_LARGE_NUMBER+6 - 1], /* high JF: (added +6) */
+ 0, /* leader */
+ 0, /* exponent */
+ 0 /* sign */
+/* If nonzero, we've been asked to assemble nan, +inf or -inf */
+int generic_floating_point_magic;
+ * Summary of operand().
+ *
+ * in: Input_line_pointer points to 1st char of operand, which may
+ * be a space.
+ *
+ * out: A expressionS. X_seg determines how to understand the rest of the
+ * expressionS.
+ * The operand may have been empty: in this case X_seg == SEG_ABSENT.
+ * Input_line_pointer->(next non-blank) char after operand.
+ *
+ */
+static segT
+operand (expressionP)
+ register expressionS * expressionP;
+ register char c;
+ register char *name; /* points to name of symbol */
+ register symbolS * symbolP; /* Points to symbol */
+ extern char hex_value[]; /* In hex_value.c */
+ SKIP_WHITESPACE(); /* Leading whitespace is part of operand. */
+ c = * input_line_pointer ++; /* Input_line_pointer->past char in c. */
+ if (isdigit(c))
+ {
+ register valueT number; /* offset or (absolute) value */
+ register short int digit; /* value of next digit in current radix */
+ /* invented for humans only, hope */
+ /* optimising compiler flushes it! */
+ register short int radix; /* 2, 8, 10 or 16 */
+ /* 0 means we saw start of a floating- */
+ /* point constant. */
+ register short int maxdig = 0;/* Highest permitted digit value. */
+ register int too_many_digits = 0; /* If we see >= this number of */
+ /* digits, assume it is a bignum. */
+ register char * digit_2; /*->2nd digit of number. */
+ int small; /* TRUE if fits in 32 bits. */
+ if (c == '0') { /* non-decimal radix */
+ if ((c = *input_line_pointer ++)=='x' || c=='X') {
+ c = *input_line_pointer ++; /* read past "0x" or "0X" */
+ maxdig = radix = 16;
+ too_many_digits = 9;
+ } else {
+ /* If it says '0f' and the line ends or it DOESN'T look like
+ a floating point #, its a local label ref. DTRT */
+ /* likewise for the b's. xoxorich. */
+ if ((c == 'f' || c == 'b' || c == 'B')
+ && (!*input_line_pointer ||
+ (!strchr("+-.0123456789",*input_line_pointer) &&
+ !strchr(EXP_CHARS,*input_line_pointer)))) {
+ maxdig = radix = 10;
+ too_many_digits = 11;
+ c = '0';
+ input_line_pointer -= 2;
+ } else if (c == 'b' || c == 'B') {
+ c = *input_line_pointer++;
+ maxdig = radix = 2;
+ too_many_digits = 33;
+ } else if (c && strchr(FLT_CHARS,c)) {
+ radix = 0; /* Start of floating-point constant. */
+ /* input_line_pointer->1st char of number. */
+ expressionP->X_add_number = -(isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : c);
+ } else { /* By elimination, assume octal radix. */
+ radix = maxdig = 8;
+ too_many_digits = 11;
+ }
+ } /* c == char after "0" or "0x" or "0X" or "0e" etc. */
+ } else {
+ maxdig = radix = 10;
+ too_many_digits = 11;
+ } /* if operand starts with a zero */
+ if (radix) { /* Fixed-point integer constant. */
+ /* May be bignum, or may fit in 32 bits. */
+ * Most numbers fit into 32 bits, and we want this case to be fast.
+ * So we pretend it will fit into 32 bits. If, after making up a 32
+ * bit number, we realise that we have scanned more digits than
+ * comfortably fit into 32 bits, we re-scan the digits coding
+ * them into a bignum. For decimal and octal numbers we are conservative: some
+ * numbers may be assumed bignums when in fact they do fit into 32 bits.
+ * Numbers of any radix can have excess leading zeros: we strive
+ * to recognise this and cast them back into 32 bits.
+ * We must check that the bignum really is more than 32
+ * bits, and change it back to a 32-bit number if it fits.
+ * The number we are looking for is expected to be positive, but
+ * if it fits into 32 bits as an unsigned number, we let it be a 32-bit
+ * number. The cavalier approach is for speed in ordinary cases.
+ */
+ digit_2 = input_line_pointer;
+ for (number=0; (digit=hex_value[c])<maxdig; c = * input_line_pointer ++)
+ {
+ number = number * radix + digit;
+ }
+ /* C contains character after number. */
+ /* Input_line_pointer->char after C. */
+ small = input_line_pointer - digit_2 < too_many_digits;
+ if (! small)
+ {
+ /*
+ * We saw a lot of digits. Manufacture a bignum the hard way.
+ */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * leader; /*->high order littlenum of the bignum. */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * pointer; /*->littlenum we are frobbing now. */
+ long carry;
+ leader = generic_bignum;
+ generic_bignum [0] = 0;
+ generic_bignum [1] = 0;
+ /* We could just use digit_2, but lets be mnemonic. */
+ input_line_pointer = -- digit_2; /*->1st digit. */
+ c = *input_line_pointer ++;
+ for (; (carry = hex_value [c]) < maxdig; c = * input_line_pointer ++)
+ {
+ for (pointer = generic_bignum;
+ pointer <= leader;
+ pointer ++)
+ {
+ long work;
+ work = carry + radix * * pointer;
+ * pointer = work & LITTLENUM_MASK;
+ carry = work >> LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS;
+ }
+ if (carry)
+ {
+ if (leader < generic_bignum + SIZE_OF_LARGE_NUMBER - 1)
+ { /* Room to grow a longer bignum. */
+ * ++ leader = carry;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Again, C is char after number, */
+ /* input_line_pointer->after C. */
+ know(sizeof (int) * 8 == 32);
+ /* Hence the constant "2" in the next line. */
+ if (leader < generic_bignum + 2)
+ { /* Will fit into 32 bits. */
+ number =
+ ((generic_bignum [1] & LITTLENUM_MASK) << LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS)
+ | (generic_bignum [0] & LITTLENUM_MASK);
+ small = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ number = leader - generic_bignum + 1; /* Number of littlenums in the bignum. */
+ }
+ }
+ if (small)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Here with number, in correct radix. c is the next char.
+ * Note that unlike Un*x, we allow "011f" "0x9f" to
+ * both mean the same as the (conventional) "9f". This is simply easier
+ * than checking for strict canonical form. Syntax sux!
+ */
+ if (number<10)
+ {
+ if (0
+ || c=='b'
+ || (c=='$' && local_label_defined[number])
+ )
+ {
+ /*
+ * Backward ref to local label.
+ * Because it is backward, expect it to be DEFINED.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Construct a local label.
+ */
+ name = local_label_name ((int)number, 0);
+ if (((symbolP = symbol_find(name)) != NULL) /* seen before */
+ && (S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP))) /* symbol is defined: OK */
+ { /* Expected path: symbol defined. */
+ /* Local labels are never absolute. Don't waste time checking absoluteness. */
+ know((S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_DATA) || (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_TEXT));
+ expressionP->X_add_symbol = symbolP;
+ expressionP->X_add_number = 0;
+ expressionP->X_seg = S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Either not seen or not defined. */
+ as_bad("Backw. ref to unknown label \"%d:\", 0 assumed.",
+ number);
+ expressionP->X_add_number = 0;
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (0
+ || c == 'f'
+ || (c=='$' && !local_label_defined[number])
+ )
+ {
+ /*
+ * Forward reference. Expect symbol to be undefined or
+ * unknown. Undefined: seen it before. Unknown: never seen
+ * it in this pass.
+ * Construct a local label name, then an undefined symbol.
+ * Don't create a XSEG frag for it: caller may do that.
+ * Just return it as never seen before.
+ */
+ name = local_label_name((int)number, 1);
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ /* We have no need to check symbol properties. */
+ know(S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_UNKNOWN
+ || S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_TEXT
+ || S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_DATA);
+ expressionP->X_add_symbol = symbolP;
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_UNKNOWN;
+ expressionP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ expressionP->X_add_number = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Really a number, not a local label. */
+ expressionP->X_add_number = number;
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ input_line_pointer --; /* Restore following character. */
+ } /* if (c=='f') */
+ } /* if (c=='b') */
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Really a number. */
+ expressionP->X_add_number = number;
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ input_line_pointer --; /* Restore following character. */
+ } /* if (number<10) */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ expressionP->X_add_number = number;
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_BIG;
+ input_line_pointer --; /*->char following number. */
+ } /* if (small) */
+ } /* (If integer constant) */
+ else
+ { /* input_line_pointer->*/
+ /* floating-point constant. */
+ int error_code;
+ error_code = atof_generic
+ (& input_line_pointer, ".", EXP_CHARS,
+ & generic_floating_point_number);
+ if (error_code)
+ {
+ if (error_code == ERROR_EXPONENT_OVERFLOW)
+ {
+ as_bad("Bad floating-point constant: exponent overflow, probably assembling junk");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_bad("Bad floating-point constant: unknown error code=%d.", error_code);
+ }
+ }
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_BIG;
+ /* input_line_pointer->just after constant, */
+ /* which may point to whitespace. */
+ know(expressionP->X_add_number < 0); /* < 0 means "floating point". */
+ } /* if (not floating-point constant) */
+ }
+ else if(c=='.' && !is_part_of_name(*input_line_pointer)) {
+ extern struct obstack frags;
+ /*
+ JF: '.' is pseudo symbol with value of current location in current
+ segment. . .
+ */
+ symbolP = symbol_new("L0\001",
+ now_seg,
+ (valueT)(obstack_next_free(&frags)-frag_now->fr_literal),
+ frag_now);
+ expressionP->X_add_number=0;
+ expressionP->X_add_symbol=symbolP;
+ expressionP->X_seg = now_seg;
+ } else if (is_name_beginner(c)) /* here if did not begin with a digit */
+ {
+ /*
+ * Identifier begins here.
+ * This is kludged for speed, so code is repeated.
+ */
+ name = -- input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end();
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ /*
+ * If we have an absolute symbol or a reg, then we know its value now.
+ */
+ expressionP->X_seg = S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP);
+ switch (expressionP->X_seg)
+ {
+ expressionP->X_add_number = S_GET_VALUE(symbolP);
+ break;
+ default:
+ expressionP->X_add_number = 0;
+ expressionP->X_add_symbol = symbolP;
+ }
+ * input_line_pointer = c;
+ expressionP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ }
+ else if (c=='(')/* didn't begin with digit & not a name */
+ {
+ (void)expression(expressionP);
+ /* Expression() will pass trailing whitespace */
+ if (* input_line_pointer ++ != ')')
+ {
+ as_bad("Missing ')' assumed");
+ input_line_pointer --;
+ }
+ /* here with input_line_pointer->char after "(...)" */
+ }
+ else if (c == '~' || c == '-' || c == '+') {
+ /* unary operator: hope for SEG_ABSOLUTE */
+ switch (operand (expressionP)) {
+ /* input_line_pointer->char after operand */
+ if (c=='-') {
+ expressionP->X_add_number = - expressionP->X_add_number;
+ /*
+ * Notice: '-' may overflow: no warning is given. This is compatible
+ * with other people's assemblers. Sigh.
+ */
+ } else if (c == '~') {
+ expressionP->X_add_number = ~ expressionP->X_add_number;
+ } else if (c != '+') {
+ know(0);
+ } /* switch on unary operator */
+ break;
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ case SEG_PASS1:
+ if(c=='-') { /* JF I hope this hack works */
+ expressionP->X_subtract_symbol=expressionP->X_add_symbol;
+ expressionP->X_add_symbol=0;
+ expressionP->X_seg=SEG_DIFFERENCE;
+ break;
+ }
+ default: /* unary on non-absolute is unsuported */
+ as_bad("Unary operator %c ignored because bad operand follows", c);
+ break;
+ /* Expression undisturbed from operand(). */
+ }
+ }
+ else if (c=='\'')
+ {
+ * Warning: to conform to other people's assemblers NO ESCAPEMENT is permitted
+ * for a single quote. The next character, parity errors and all, is taken
+ * as the value of the operand. VERY KINKY.
+ */
+ expressionP->X_add_number = * input_line_pointer ++;
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* can't imagine any other kind of operand */
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_ABSENT;
+ input_line_pointer --;
+ md_operand (expressionP);
+ }
+ * It is more 'efficient' to clean up the expressions when they are created.
+ * Doing it here saves lines of code.
+ */
+ clean_up_expression (expressionP);
+ SKIP_WHITESPACE(); /*->1st char after operand. */
+ know(* input_line_pointer != ' ');
+ return (expressionP->X_seg);
+} /* operand() */
+/* Internal. Simplify a struct expression for use by expr() */
+ * In: address of a expressionS.
+ * The X_seg field of the expressionS may only take certain values.
+ * Now, we permit SEG_PASS1 to make code smaller & faster.
+ * Elsewise we waste time special-case testing. Sigh. Ditto SEG_ABSENT.
+ * Out: expressionS may have been modified:
+ * 'foo-foo' symbol references cancelled to 0,
+ * which changes X_seg from SEG_DIFFERENCE to SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ * Unused fields zeroed to help expr().
+ */
+static void
+clean_up_expression (expressionP)
+ register expressionS * expressionP;
+ switch (expressionP->X_seg)
+ {
+ case SEG_ABSENT:
+ case SEG_PASS1:
+ expressionP->X_add_symbol = NULL;
+ expressionP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ expressionP->X_add_number = 0;
+ break;
+ case SEG_BIG:
+ expressionP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ expressionP->X_add_symbol = NULL;
+ break;
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ expressionP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ break;
+ /*
+ * It does not hurt to 'cancel' NULL==NULL
+ * when comparing symbols for 'eq'ness.
+ * It is faster to re-cancel them to NULL
+ * than to check for this special case.
+ */
+ if (expressionP->X_subtract_symbol == expressionP->X_add_symbol
+ || (expressionP->X_subtract_symbol
+ && expressionP->X_add_symbol
+ && expressionP->X_subtract_symbol->sy_frag==expressionP->X_add_symbol->sy_frag
+ && S_GET_VALUE(expressionP->X_subtract_symbol) == S_GET_VALUE(expressionP->X_add_symbol))) {
+ expressionP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ expressionP->X_add_symbol = NULL;
+ expressionP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ }
+ break;
+ expressionP->X_add_symbol = NULL;
+ expressionP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE (expressionP->X_seg);
+ break;
+ }
+} /* clean_up_expression() */
+ * expr_part ()
+ *
+ * Internal. Made a function because this code is used in 2 places.
+ * Generate error or correct X_?????_symbol of expressionS.
+ */
+ * symbol_1 += symbol_2 ... well ... sort of.
+ */
+static segT
+expr_part (symbol_1_PP, symbol_2_P)
+ symbolS ** symbol_1_PP;
+ symbolS * symbol_2_P;
+ segT return_value;
+ know((* symbol_1_PP) == NULL
+ || (S_GET_SEGMENT(*symbol_1_PP) == SEG_TEXT)
+ || (S_GET_SEGMENT(*symbol_1_PP) == SEG_DATA)
+ || (S_GET_SEGMENT(*symbol_1_PP) == SEG_BSS)
+ || (!S_IS_DEFINED(* symbol_1_PP)));
+ know(symbol_2_P == NULL
+ || (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbol_2_P) == SEG_TEXT)
+ || (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbol_2_P) == SEG_DATA)
+ || (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbol_2_P) == SEG_BSS)
+ || (!S_IS_DEFINED(symbol_2_P)));
+ if (* symbol_1_PP)
+ {
+ if (!S_IS_DEFINED(* symbol_1_PP))
+ {
+ if (symbol_2_P)
+ {
+ return_value = SEG_PASS1;
+ * symbol_1_PP = NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know(!S_IS_DEFINED(* symbol_1_PP));
+ return_value = SEG_UNKNOWN;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (symbol_2_P)
+ {
+ if (!S_IS_DEFINED(symbol_2_P))
+ {
+ * symbol_1_PP = NULL;
+ return_value = SEG_PASS1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* {seg1} - {seg2} */
+ as_bad("Expression too complex, 2 symbols forgotten: \"%s\" \"%s\"",
+ S_GET_NAME(* symbol_1_PP), S_GET_NAME(symbol_2_P));
+ * symbol_1_PP = NULL;
+ return_value = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return_value = S_GET_SEGMENT(* symbol_1_PP);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { /* (* symbol_1_PP) == NULL */
+ if (symbol_2_P)
+ {
+ * symbol_1_PP = symbol_2_P;
+ return_value = S_GET_SEGMENT(symbol_2_P);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ * symbol_1_PP = NULL;
+ return_value = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ }
+ }
+ know(return_value == SEG_ABSOLUTE
+ || return_value == SEG_TEXT
+ || return_value == SEG_DATA
+ || return_value == SEG_BSS
+ || return_value == SEG_UNKNOWN
+ || return_value == SEG_PASS1);
+ know((* symbol_1_PP) == NULL
+ || (S_GET_SEGMENT(* symbol_1_PP) == return_value));
+ return (return_value);
+} /* expr_part() */
+/* Expression parser. */
+ * We allow an empty expression, and just assume (absolute,0) silently.
+ * Unary operators and parenthetical expressions are treated as operands.
+ * As usual, Q==quantity==operand, O==operator, X==expression mnemonics.
+ *
+ * We used to do a aho/ullman shift-reduce parser, but the logic got so
+ * warped that I flushed it and wrote a recursive-descent parser instead.
+ * Now things are stable, would anybody like to write a fast parser?
+ * Most expressions are either register (which does not even reach here)
+ * or 1 symbol. Then "symbol+constant" and "symbol-symbol" are common.
+ * So I guess it doesn't really matter how inefficient more complex expressions
+ * are parsed.
+ *
+ * After expr(RANK,resultP) input_line_pointer->operator of rank <= RANK.
+ * Also, we have consumed any leading or trailing spaces (operand does that)
+ * and done all intervening operators.
+ */
+typedef enum
+O_illegal, /* (0) what we get for illegal op */
+O_multiply, /* (1) * */
+O_divide, /* (2) / */
+O_modulus, /* (3) % */
+O_left_shift, /* (4) < */
+O_right_shift, /* (5) > */
+O_bit_inclusive_or, /* (6) | */
+O_bit_or_not, /* (7) ! */
+O_bit_exclusive_or, /* (8) ^ */
+O_bit_and, /* (9) & */
+O_add, /* (10) + */
+O_subtract /* (11) - */
+#define __ O_illegal
+static const operatorT op_encoding [256] = { /* maps ASCII->operators */
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, O_bit_or_not, __, __, __, O_modulus, O_bit_and, __,
+__, __, O_multiply, O_add, __, O_subtract, __, O_divide,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, O_left_shift, __, O_right_shift, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, O_bit_exclusive_or, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, O_bit_inclusive_or, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+__, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __
+ * Rank Examples
+ * 0 operand, (expression)
+ * 1 + -
+ * 2 & ^ ! |
+ * 3 * / % << >>
+ */
+static const operator_rankT
+op_rank [] = { 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1 };
+/* Return resultP->X_seg. */
+segT expr(rank, resultP)
+register operator_rankT rank; /* Larger # is higher rank. */
+register expressionS *resultP; /* Deliver result here. */
+ expressionS right;
+ register operatorT op_left;
+ register char c_left; /* 1st operator character. */
+ register operatorT op_right;
+ register char c_right;
+ know(rank >= 0);
+ (void)operand (resultP);
+ know(* input_line_pointer != ' '); /* Operand() gobbles spaces. */
+ c_left = * input_line_pointer; /* Potential operator character. */
+ op_left = op_encoding [c_left];
+ while (op_left != O_illegal && op_rank [(int) op_left] > rank)
+ {
+ input_line_pointer ++; /*->after 1st character of operator. */
+ /* Operators "<<" and ">>" have 2 characters. */
+ if (* input_line_pointer == c_left && (c_left == '<' || c_left == '>'))
+ {
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ } /*->after operator. */
+ if (SEG_ABSENT == expr (op_rank[(int) op_left], &right))
+ {
+ as_warn("Missing operand value assumed absolute 0.");
+ resultP->X_add_number = 0;
+ resultP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ resultP->X_add_symbol = NULL;
+ resultP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ }
+ know(* input_line_pointer != ' ');
+ c_right = * input_line_pointer;
+ op_right = op_encoding [c_right];
+ if (* input_line_pointer == c_right && (c_right == '<' || c_right == '>'))
+ {
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ } /*->after operator. */
+ know((int) op_right == 0
+ || op_rank [(int) op_right] <= op_rank[(int) op_left]);
+ /* input_line_pointer->after right-hand quantity. */
+ /* left-hand quantity in resultP */
+ /* right-hand quantity in right. */
+ /* operator in op_left. */
+ if (resultP->X_seg == SEG_PASS1 || right . X_seg == SEG_PASS1)
+ {
+ resultP->X_seg = SEG_PASS1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (resultP->X_seg == SEG_BIG)
+ {
+ as_warn("Left operand of %c is a %s. Integer 0 assumed.",
+ c_left, resultP->X_add_number > 0 ? "bignum" : "float");
+ resultP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ resultP->X_add_symbol = 0;
+ resultP->X_subtract_symbol = 0;
+ resultP->X_add_number = 0;
+ }
+ if (right . X_seg == SEG_BIG)
+ {
+ as_warn("Right operand of %c is a %s. Integer 0 assumed.",
+ c_left, right . X_add_number > 0 ? "bignum" : "float");
+ right . X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ right . X_add_symbol = 0;
+ right . X_subtract_symbol = 0;
+ right . X_add_number = 0;
+ }
+ if (op_left == O_subtract)
+ {
+ /*
+ * Convert - into + by exchanging symbols and negating number.
+ * I know -infinity can't be negated in 2's complement:
+ * but then it can't be subtracted either. This trick
+ * does not cause any further inaccuracy.
+ */
+ register symbolS * symbolP;
+ right . X_add_number = - right . X_add_number;
+ symbolP = right . X_add_symbol;
+ right . X_add_symbol = right . X_subtract_symbol;
+ right . X_subtract_symbol = symbolP;
+ if (symbolP)
+ {
+ right . X_seg = SEG_DIFFERENCE;
+ }
+ op_left = O_add;
+ }
+ if (op_left == O_add)
+ {
+ segT seg1;
+ segT seg2;
+ know(resultP->X_seg == SEG_DATA
+ || resultP->X_seg == SEG_TEXT
+ || resultP->X_seg == SEG_BSS
+ || resultP->X_seg == SEG_UNKNOWN
+ || resultP->X_seg == SEG_DIFFERENCE
+ || resultP->X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE
+ || resultP->X_seg == SEG_PASS1);
+ know(right . X_seg == SEG_DATA
+ || right . X_seg == SEG_TEXT
+ || right . X_seg == SEG_BSS
+ || right . X_seg == SEG_UNKNOWN
+ || right . X_seg == SEG_DIFFERENCE
+ || right . X_seg == SEG_ABSOLUTE
+ || right . X_seg == SEG_PASS1);
+ clean_up_expression (& right);
+ clean_up_expression (resultP);
+ seg1 = expr_part (& resultP->X_add_symbol, right . X_add_symbol);
+ seg2 = expr_part (& resultP->X_subtract_symbol, right . X_subtract_symbol);
+ if (seg1 == SEG_PASS1 || seg2 == SEG_PASS1) {
+ need_pass_2 = 1;
+ resultP->X_seg = SEG_PASS1;
+ } else if (seg2 == SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ resultP->X_seg = seg1;
+ else if (seg1 != SEG_UNKNOWN
+ && seg1 != SEG_ABSOLUTE
+ && seg2 != SEG_UNKNOWN
+ && seg1 != seg2) {
+ know(seg2 != SEG_ABSOLUTE);
+ know(resultP->X_subtract_symbol);
+ know(seg1 == SEG_TEXT || seg1 == SEG_DATA || seg1== SEG_BSS);
+ know(seg2 == SEG_TEXT || seg2 == SEG_DATA || seg2== SEG_BSS);
+ know(resultP->X_add_symbol);
+ know(resultP->X_subtract_symbol);
+ as_bad("Expression too complex: forgetting %s - %s",
+ S_GET_NAME(resultP->X_add_symbol),
+ S_GET_NAME(resultP->X_subtract_symbol));
+ resultP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ /* Clean_up_expression() will do the rest. */
+ } else
+ resultP->X_seg = SEG_DIFFERENCE;
+ resultP->X_add_number += right . X_add_number;
+ clean_up_expression (resultP);
+ }
+ else
+ { /* Not +. */
+ if (resultP->X_seg == SEG_UNKNOWN || right . X_seg == SEG_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ resultP->X_seg = SEG_PASS1;
+ need_pass_2 = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ resultP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ resultP->X_add_symbol = NULL;
+ /* Will be SEG_ABSOLUTE. */
+ if (resultP->X_seg != SEG_ABSOLUTE || right . X_seg != SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ as_bad("Relocation error. Absolute 0 assumed.");
+ resultP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ resultP->X_add_number = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (op_left)
+ {
+ case O_bit_inclusive_or:
+ resultP->X_add_number |= right . X_add_number;
+ break;
+ case O_modulus:
+ if (right . X_add_number)
+ {
+ resultP->X_add_number %= right . X_add_number;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_warn("Division by 0. 0 assumed.");
+ resultP->X_add_number = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_bit_and:
+ resultP->X_add_number &= right . X_add_number;
+ break;
+ case O_multiply:
+ resultP->X_add_number *= right . X_add_number;
+ break;
+ case O_divide:
+ if (right . X_add_number)
+ {
+ resultP->X_add_number /= right . X_add_number;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_warn("Division by 0. 0 assumed.");
+ resultP->X_add_number = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case O_left_shift:
+ resultP->X_add_number <<= right . X_add_number;
+ break;
+ case O_right_shift:
+ resultP->X_add_number >>= right . X_add_number;
+ break;
+ case O_bit_exclusive_or:
+ resultP->X_add_number ^= right . X_add_number;
+ break;
+ case O_bit_or_not:
+ resultP->X_add_number |= ~ right . X_add_number;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE(op_left);
+ break;
+ } /* switch(operator) */
+ }
+ } /* If we have to force need_pass_2. */
+ } /* If operator was +. */
+ } /* If we didn't set need_pass_2. */
+ op_left = op_right;
+ } /* While next operator is >= this rank. */
+ return (resultP->X_seg);
+ * get_symbol_end()
+ *
+ * This lives here because it belongs equally in expr.c & read.c.
+ * Expr.c is just a branch office read.c anyway, and putting it
+ * here lessens the crowd at read.c.
+ *
+ * Assume input_line_pointer is at start of symbol name.
+ * Advance input_line_pointer past symbol name.
+ * Turn that character into a '\0', returning its former value.
+ * This allows a string compare (RMS wants symbol names to be strings)
+ * of the symbol name.
+ * There will always be a char following symbol name, because all good
+ * lines end in end-of-line.
+ */
+ register char c;
+ while (is_part_of_name(c = * input_line_pointer ++))
+ ;
+ * -- input_line_pointer = 0;
+ return (c);
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end: expr.c */
diff --git a/gas/expr.h b/gas/expr.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..350215e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/expr.h
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* expr.h -> header file for expr.c
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+ * Abbreviations (mnemonics).
+ *
+ * O operator
+ * Q quantity, operand
+ * X eXpression
+ */
+ * By popular demand, we define a struct to represent an expression.
+ * This will no doubt mutate as expressions become baroque.
+ *
+ * Currently, we support expressions like "foo-bar+42".
+ * In other words we permit a (possibly undefined) minuend, a
+ * (possibly undefined) subtrahend and an (absolute) augend.
+ * RMS says this is so we can have 1-pass assembly for any compiler
+ * emmissions, and a 'case' statement might emit 'undefined1 - undefined2'.
+ *
+ * To simplify table-driven dispatch, we also have a "segment" for the
+ * entire expression. That way we don't require complex reasoning about
+ * whether particular components are defined; and we can change component
+ * semantics without re-working all the dispatch tables in the assembler.
+ * In other words the "type" of an expression is its segment.
+ */
+typedef struct
+ symbolS *X_add_symbol; /* foo */
+ symbolS *X_subtract_symbol; /* bar */
+ long X_add_number; /* 42. Must be signed. */
+ segT X_seg; /* What segment (expr type)? */
+ /* result should be type (expressionS *). */
+#define expression(result) expr(0,result)
+ /* If an expression is SEG_BIG, look here */
+ /* for its value. These common data may */
+ /* be clobbered whenever expr() is called. */
+extern FLONUM_TYPE generic_floating_point_number; /* Flonums returned here. */
+ /* Enough to hold most precise flonum. */
+extern LITTLENUM_TYPE generic_bignum []; /* Bignums returned here. */
+#define SIZE_OF_LARGE_NUMBER (20) /* Number of littlenums in above. */
+typedef char operator_rankT;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char get_symbol_end(void);
+segT expr(int rank, expressionS *resultP);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+char get_symbol_end();
+segT expr();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+/* end: expr.h */
diff --git a/gas/flonum-const.c b/gas/flonum-const.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..25e7baf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/flonum-const.c
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+/* flonum_const.c - Useful Flonum constants
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include "flonum.h"
+/* JF: I added the last entry to this table, and I'm not
+ sure if its right or not. Could go either way. I wish
+ I really understood this stuff. */
+const int table_size_of_flonum_powers_of_ten = 11;
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE zero[] = { 1 };
+* *
+* Warning: the low order bits may be WRONG here. *
+* I took this from a suspect bc(1) script. *
+* "minus_X"[] is supposed to be 10^(2^-X) expressed in base 2^16. *
+* The radix point is just AFTER the highest element of the [] *
+* *
+* Because bc rounds DOWN for printing (I think), the lowest *
+* significance littlenums should probably have 1 added to them. *
+* *
+/* JF: If this equals 6553/(2^16)+39321/(2^32)+... it approaches .1 */
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_1 [] = {
+ 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321,
+ 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 39321, 6553 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_1 [] = { 10 };
+/* JF: If this equals 655/(2^16) + 23592/(2^32) + ... it approaches .01 */
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_2 [] = {
+ 10485, 36700, 62914, 23592, 49807, 10485, 36700, 62914, 23592, 49807,
+ 10485, 36700, 62914, 23592, 49807, 10485, 36700, 62914, 23592, 655 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_2 [] = { 100 };
+/* This approaches .0001 */
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_3 [] = {
+ 52533, 20027, 37329, 65116, 64067, 60397, 14784, 18979, 33659, 19503,
+ 2726, 9542, 629, 2202, 40475, 10590, 4299, 47815, 36280, 6 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_3 [] = { 10000 };
+/* JF: this approaches 1e-8 */
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_4 [] = {
+ 22516, 49501, 54293, 19424, 60699, 6716, 24348, 22618, 23904, 21327,
+ 3919, 44703, 19149, 28803, 48959, 6259, 50273, 62237, 42 };
+/* This equals 1525 * 2^16 + 57600 */
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_4 [] = { 57600, 1525 };
+/* This approaches 1e-16 */
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_5 [] = {
+ 22199, 45957, 17005, 26266, 10526, 16260, 55017, 35680, 40443, 19789,
+ 17356, 30195, 55905, 28426, 63010, 44197, 1844 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_5 [] = { 28609, 34546, 35 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_6 [] = {
+ 30926, 26518, 13110, 43018, 54982, 48258, 24658, 15209, 63366, 11929,
+ 20069, 43857, 60487, 51 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_6 [] = { 61313, 34220, 16731, 11629, 1262 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_7 [] = {
+ 29819, 14733, 21490, 40602, 31315, 65186, 2695 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_7 [] = {
+ 7937, 49002, 60772, 28216, 38893, 55975, 63988, 59711, 20227, 24 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_8 [] = {
+ 45849, 19069, 18068, 36324, 37948, 48745, 10873, 64360, 15961, 20566,
+ 24178, 15922, 59427, 110 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_8 [] = {
+ 15873, 11925, 39177, 991, 14589, 19735, 25347, 65086, 53853, 938,
+ 37209, 47086, 33626, 23253, 32586, 42547, 9731, 59679, 590 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_9 [] = {
+ 63601, 55221, 43562, 33661, 29067, 28203, 65417, 64352, 22462, 41110,
+ 12570, 28635, 23199, 50572, 28471, 27074, 46375, 64028, 13106, 63700,
+ 32698, 17493, 32420, 34382, 22750, 20681, 12300 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_9 [] = {
+ 63564, 61556, 29377, 54467, 18621, 28141, 36415, 61241, 47119, 30026,
+ 19740, 46002, 13541, 61413, 30480, 38664, 32205, 50593, 51112, 48904,
+ 48263, 43814, 286, 30826, 52813, 62575, 61390, 24540, 21495, 5 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_10 [] = {
+ 50313, 34681, 1464, 25889, 19575, 41125, 17635, 4598, 49708, 13427,
+ 17287, 56115, 53783, 38255, 32415, 17778, 31596, 7557, 20951, 18477,
+ 40353, 1178, 44405, 11837, 11571, 50963, 15649, 11698, 40675, 2308, };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_10[] = {
+18520, 53764, 54535, 61910, 61962, 59843, 46270, 58053, 12473, 63785,
+ 2449, 43230, 50044, 47595, 10403, 35766, 32607, 1124, 24966, 35044,
+25524, 23631, 18826, 14518, 58448, 14562, 49618, 5588, 25396, 28 };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE minus_11 [] = {
+ 6223, 59909, 62437, 59960, 14652, 45336, 48800, 7647, 51962, 37982,
+ 60436, 58176, 26767, 8440, 9831, 48556, 20994, 14148, 6757, 17221,
+ 60624, 46129, 53210, 44085, 54016, 24259, 11232, 21229, 21313, 81, };
+static const LITTLENUM_TYPE plus_11 [] = {
+ 36159, 2055, 33615, 61362, 23581, 62454, 9748, 15275, 39284, 58636,
+ 16269, 42793, 47240, 45774, 50861, 48400, 9413, 40281, 4030, 9572,
+ 7984, 33038, 59522, 19450, 40593, 24486, 54320, 6661, 55766, 805, };
+/* Shut up complaints about differing pointer types. They only differ
+ in the const attribute, but there isn't any easy way to do this
+ */
+#define X (LITTLENUM_TYPE *)
+const FLONUM_TYPE flonum_negative_powers_of_ten [] = {
+ {X zero, X zero, X zero, 0, '+'},
+ {X minus_1, X minus_1 +19, X minus_1 + 19, -20, '+'},
+ {X minus_2, X minus_2 +19, X minus_2 + 19, -20, '+'},
+ {X minus_3, X minus_3 +19, X minus_3 + 19, -20, '+'},
+ {X minus_4, X minus_4 +18, X minus_4 + 18, -20, '+'},
+ {X minus_5, X minus_5 +16, X minus_5 + 16, -20, '+'},
+ {X minus_6, X minus_6 +13, X minus_6 + 13, -20, '+'},
+ {X minus_7, X minus_7 + 6, X minus_7 + 6, -20, '+'},
+ {X minus_8, X minus_8 +13, X minus_8 + 13, -40, '+'},
+ {X minus_9, X minus_9 +26, X minus_9 + 26, -80, '+'},
+ {X minus_10, X minus_10+29, X minus_10 + 29,-136, '+'},
+ {X minus_11, X minus_11+29, X minus_11 + 29,-242, '+'},
+const FLONUM_TYPE flonum_positive_powers_of_ten [] = {
+ {X zero, X zero, X zero, 0, '+'},
+ {X plus_1, X plus_1 + 0, X plus_1 + 0, 0, '+'},
+ {X plus_2, X plus_2 + 0, X plus_2 + 0, 0, '+'},
+ {X plus_3, X plus_3 + 0, X plus_3 + 0, 0, '+'},
+ {X plus_4, X plus_4 + 1, X plus_4 + 1, 0, '+'},
+ {X plus_5, X plus_5 + 2, X plus_5 + 2, 1, '+'},
+ {X plus_6, X plus_6 + 4, X plus_6 + 4, 2, '+'},
+ {X plus_7, X plus_7 + 9, X plus_7 + 9, 4, '+'},
+ {X plus_8, X plus_8 + 18, X plus_8 + 18, 8, '+'},
+ {X plus_9, X plus_9 + 29, X plus_9 + 29, 24, '+'},
+ {X plus_10, X plus_10 + 29, X plus_10 + 29, 77, '+'},
+ {X plus_11, X plus_11 + 29, X plus_11 + 29, 183, '+'},
+#ifdef VMS
+/* end: flonum_const.c */
diff --git a/gas/flonum-copy.c b/gas/flonum-copy.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6678bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/flonum-copy.c
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* flonum_copy.c - copy a flonum
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include "as.h"
+#ifdef USG
+#define bzero(s,n) memset(s,0,n)
+#define bcopy(from,to,n) memcpy(to,from,n)
+flonum_copy (in, out)
+ FLONUM_TYPE * out;
+ int in_length; /* 0 origin */
+ int out_length; /* 0 origin */
+ out -> sign = in -> sign;
+ in_length = in -> leader - in -> low;
+ if (in_length < 0)
+ {
+ out -> leader = out -> low - 1; /* 0.0 case */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ out_length = out -> high - out -> low;
+ /*
+ * Assume no GAPS in packing of littlenums.
+ * I.e. sizeof(array) == sizeof(element) * number_of_elements.
+ */
+ if (in_length <= out_length)
+ {
+ {
+ /*
+ * For defensive programming, zero any high-order littlenums we don't need.
+ * This is destroying evidence and wasting time, so why bother???
+ */
+ if (in_length < out_length)
+ {
+ bzero ((char *)(out->low + in_length + 1), out_length - in_length);
+ }
+ }
+ bcopy ((char *)(in->low), (char *)(out->low), (int)((in_length + 1) * sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE)));
+ out -> exponent = in -> exponent;
+ out -> leader = in -> leader - in -> low + out -> low;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int shorten; /* 1-origin. Number of littlenums we drop. */
+ shorten = in_length - out_length;
+ /* Assume out_length >= 0 ! */
+ bcopy ((char *)(in->low + shorten),(char *)( out->low), (int)((out_length + 1) * sizeof(LITTLENUM_TYPE)));
+ out -> leader = out -> high;
+ out -> exponent = in -> exponent + shorten;
+ }
+ } /* if any significant bits */
+/* end: flonum_copy.c */
diff --git a/gas/flonum-mult.c b/gas/flonum-mult.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b01f93b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/flonum-mult.c
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+/* flonum_multip.c - multiply two flonums
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of Gas, the GNU Assembler.
+The GNU assembler is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor
+accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
+or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
+unless he says so in writing. Refer to the GNU Assembler General
+Public License for full details.
+Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
+the GNU Assembler, but only under the conditions described in the
+GNU Assembler General Public License. A copy of this license is
+supposed to have been given to you along with the GNU Assembler
+so you can know your rights and responsibilities. It should be
+in a file named COPYING. Among other things, the copyright
+notice and this notice must be preserved on all copies. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include "flonum.h"
+/* plan for a . b => p(roduct)
+ +-------+-------+-/ /-+-------+-------+
+ | a | a | ... | a | a |
+ | A | A-1 | | 1 | 0 |
+ +-------+-------+-/ /-+-------+-------+
+ +-------+-------+-/ /-+-------+-------+
+ | b | b | ... | b | b |
+ | B | B-1 | | 1 | 0 |
+ +-------+-------+-/ /-+-------+-------+
+ +-------+-------+-/ /-+-------+-/ /-+-------+-------+
+ | p | p | ... | p | ... | p | p |
+ | A+B+1| A+B | | N | | 1 | 0 |
+ +-------+-------+-/ /-+-------+-/ /-+-------+-------+
+ /^\
+ (carry) a .b ... | ... a .b a .b
+ A B | 0 1 0 0
+ |
+ ... | ... a .b
+ | 1 0
+ |
+ | ...
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ | ___
+ | \
+ +----- P = > a .b
+ N /__ i j
+ N = 0 ... A+B
+ for all i,j where i+j=N
+ [i,j integers > 0]
+a[], b[], p[] may not intersect.
+Zero length factors signify 0 significant bits: treat as 0.0.
+0.0 factors do the right thing.
+Zero length product OK.
+I chose the ForTran accent "foo[bar]" instead of the C accent "*garply"
+because I felt the ForTran way was more intuitive. The C way would
+probably yield better code on most C compilers. Dean Elsner.
+(C style also gives deeper insight [to me] ... oh well ...)
+void flonum_multip (a, b, product)
+const FLONUM_TYPE *a;
+const FLONUM_TYPE *b;
+FLONUM_TYPE *product;
+ int size_of_a; /* 0 origin */
+ int size_of_b; /* 0 origin */
+ int size_of_product; /* 0 origin */
+ int size_of_sum; /* 0 origin */
+ int extra_product_positions;/* 1 origin */
+ unsigned long work;
+ unsigned long carry;
+ long exponent;
+ long significant; /* TRUE when we emit a non-0 littlenum */
+ /* ForTran accent follows. */
+ int P; /* Scan product low-order -> high. */
+ int N; /* As in sum above. */
+ int A; /* Which [] of a? */
+ int B; /* Which [] of b? */
+ if((a->sign!='-' && a->sign!='+') || (b->sign!='-' && b->sign!='+')) {
+ /* ...
+ Got to fail somehow. Any suggestions? */
+ product->sign=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ product -> sign = (a->sign == b->sign) ? '+' : '-';
+ size_of_a = a -> leader - a -> low;
+ size_of_b = b -> leader - b -> low;
+ exponent = a -> exponent + b -> exponent;
+ size_of_product = product -> high - product -> low;
+ size_of_sum = size_of_a + size_of_b;
+ extra_product_positions = size_of_product - size_of_sum;
+ if (extra_product_positions < 0)
+ {
+ P = extra_product_positions; /* P < 0 */
+ exponent -= extra_product_positions; /* Increases exponent. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ P = 0;
+ }
+ carry = 0;
+ significant = 0;
+ for (N = 0;
+ N <= size_of_sum;
+ N++)
+ {
+ work = carry;
+ carry = 0;
+ for (A = 0;
+ A <= N;
+ A ++)
+ {
+ B = N - A;
+ if (A <= size_of_a && B <= size_of_b && B >= 0)
+ {
+#ifdef TRACE
+printf("a:low[%d.]=%04x b:low[%d.]=%04x work_before=%08x\n", A, a->low[A], B, b->low[B], work);
+ work += a -> low [A] * b -> low [B];
+ carry += work >> LITTLENUM_NUMBER_OF_BITS;
+#ifdef TRACE
+printf("work=%08x carry=%04x\n", work, carry);
+ }
+ }
+ significant |= work;
+ if (significant || P<0)
+ {
+ if (P >= 0)
+ {
+ product -> low [P] = work;
+#ifdef TRACE
+printf("P=%d. work[p]:=%04x\n", P, work);
+ }
+ P ++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ extra_product_positions ++;
+ exponent ++;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * [P]-> position # size_of_sum + 1.
+ * This is where 'carry' should go.
+ */
+#ifdef TRACE
+printf("final carry =%04x\n", carry);
+ if (carry)
+ {
+ if (extra_product_positions > 0)
+ {
+ product -> low [P] = carry;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* No room at high order for carry littlenum. */
+ /* Shift right 1 to make room for most significant littlenum. */
+ exponent ++;
+ P --;
+ for (q = product -> low + P;
+ q >= product -> low;
+ q --)
+ {
+ work = * q;
+ * q = carry;
+ carry = work;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ P --;
+ }
+ product -> leader = product -> low + P;
+ product -> exponent = exponent;
+/* end: flonum_multip.c */
diff --git a/gas/flonum.h b/gas/flonum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..570bd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/flonum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+/* flonum.h - Floating point package
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+* *
+* Arbitrary-precision floating point arithmetic. *
+* *
+* *
+* Notation: a floating point number is expressed as *
+* MANTISSA * (2 ** EXPONENT). *
+* *
+* If this offends more traditional mathematicians, then *
+* please tell me your nomenclature for flonums! *
+* *
+#if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(const)
+#define const /* empty */
+#include "bignum.h"
+* *
+* Variable precision floating point numbers. *
+* *
+* Exponent is the place value of the low littlenum. E.g.: *
+* If 0: low points to the units littlenum. *
+* If 1: low points to the LITTLENUM_RADIX littlenum. *
+* If -1: low points to the 1/LITTLENUM_RADIX littlenum. *
+* *
+/* JF: A sign value of 0 means we have been asked to assemble NaN
+ A sign value of 'P' means we've been asked to assemble +Inf
+ A sign value of 'N' means we've been asked to assemble -Inf
+ */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * low; /* low order littlenum of a bignum */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * high; /* high order littlenum of a bignum */
+ LITTLENUM_TYPE * leader; /* -> 1st non-zero littlenum */
+ /* If flonum is 0.0, leader==low-1 */
+ long exponent; /* base LITTLENUM_RADIX */
+ char sign; /* '+' or '-' */
+* *
+* Since we can (& do) meet with exponents like 10^5000, it *
+* is silly to make a table of ~ 10,000 entries, one for each *
+* power of 10. We keep a table where item [n] is a struct *
+* FLONUM_FLOATING_POINT representing 10^(2^n). We then *
+* multiply appropriate entries from this table to get any *
+* particular power of 10. For the example of 10^5000, a table *
+* of just 25 entries suffices: 10^(2^-12)...10^(2^+12). *
+* *
+extern const FLONUM_TYPE flonum_positive_powers_of_ten[];
+extern const FLONUM_TYPE flonum_negative_powers_of_ten[];
+extern const int table_size_of_flonum_powers_of_ten;
+ /* Flonum_XXX_powers_of_ten[] table has */
+ /* legal indices from 0 to */
+ /* + this number inclusive. */
+* *
+* Declare worker functions. *
+* *
+#ifdef __STDC__
+int atof_generic(char **address_of_string_pointer,
+ const char *string_of_decimal_marks,
+ const char *string_of_decimal_exponent_marks,
+ FLONUM_TYPE *address_of_generic_floating_point_number);
+void flonum_copy(FLONUM_TYPE *in, FLONUM_TYPE *out);
+void flonum_multip(const FLONUM_TYPE *a, const FLONUM_TYPE *b, FLONUM_TYPE *product);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+int atof_generic();
+void flonum_copy();
+void flonum_multip();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+* *
+* Declare error codes. *
+* *
+/* end: flonum.h */
diff --git a/gas/frags.c b/gas/frags.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3526603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/frags.c
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+/* frags.c - manage frags -
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "subsegs.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+struct obstack frags; /* All, and only, frags live here. */
+fragS zero_address_frag = {
+ 0, /* fr_address */
+ NULL, /* fr_next */
+ 0, /* fr_fix */
+ 0, /* fr_var */
+ 0, /* fr_symbol */
+ 0, /* fr_offset */
+ NULL, /* fr_opcode */
+ rs_fill, /* fr_type */
+ 0, /* fr_subtype */
+ 0, /* fr_pcrel_adjust */
+ 0, /* fr_bsr */
+ 0 /* fr_literal [0] */
+fragS bss_address_frag = {
+ 0, /* fr_address. Gets filled in to make up
+ sy_value-s. */
+ NULL, /* fr_next */
+ 0, /* fr_fix */
+ 0, /* fr_var */
+ 0, /* fr_symbol */
+ 0, /* fr_offset */
+ NULL, /* fr_opcode */
+ rs_fill, /* fr_type */
+ 0, /* fr_subtype */
+ 0, /* fr_pcrel_adjust */
+ 0, /* fr_bsr */
+ 0 /* fr_literal [0] */
+ * frag_grow()
+ *
+ * Internal.
+ * Try to augment current frag by nchars chars.
+ * If there is no room, close of the current frag with a ".fill 0"
+ * and begin a new frag. Unless the new frag has nchars chars available
+ * do not return. Do not set up any fields of *now_frag.
+ */
+static void frag_grow(nchars)
+unsigned int nchars;
+ if (obstack_room (&frags) < nchars) {
+ unsigned int n,oldn;
+ long oldc;
+ frag_wane(frag_now);
+ frag_new(0);
+ oldn=(unsigned)-1;
+ oldc=frags.chunk_size;
+ frags.chunk_size=2*nchars;
+ while((n=obstack_room(&frags))<nchars && n<oldn) {
+ frag_wane(frag_now);
+ frag_new(0);
+ oldn=n;
+ }
+ frags.chunk_size=oldc;
+ }
+ if (obstack_room (&frags) < nchars)
+ as_fatal("Can't extend frag %d. chars", nchars);
+} /* frag_grow() */
+ * frag_new()
+ *
+ * Call this to close off a completed frag, and start up a new (empty)
+ * frag, in the same subsegment as the old frag.
+ * [frchain_now remains the same but frag_now is updated.]
+ * Because this calculates the correct value of fr_fix by
+ * looking at the obstack 'frags', it needs to know how many
+ * characters at the end of the old frag belong to (the maximal)
+ * fr_var: the rest must belong to fr_fix.
+ * It doesn't actually set up the old frag's fr_var: you may have
+ * set fr_var == 1, but allocated 10 chars to the end of the frag:
+ * in this case you pass old_frags_var_max_size == 10.
+ *
+ * Make a new frag, initialising some components. Link new frag at end
+ * of frchain_now.
+ */
+void frag_new(old_frags_var_max_size)
+int old_frags_var_max_size; /* Number of chars (already allocated on
+ obstack frags) */
+ /* in variable_length part of frag. */
+ register fragS * former_last_fragP;
+/* char *throw_away_pointer; JF unused */
+ register frchainS * frchP;
+ long tmp; /* JF */
+ frag_now->fr_fix = (char *) (obstack_next_free (&frags)) -
+ (frag_now->fr_literal) - old_frags_var_max_size;
+ /* Fix up old frag's fr_fix. */
+ obstack_finish (&frags);
+ /* This will align the obstack so the */
+ /* next struct we allocate on it will */
+ /* begin at a correct boundary. */
+ frchP = frchain_now;
+ know (frchP);
+ former_last_fragP = frchP->frch_last;
+ know (former_last_fragP);
+ know (former_last_fragP == frag_now);
+ obstack_blank (&frags, SIZEOF_STRUCT_FRAG);
+ /* We expect this will begin at a correct */
+ /* boundary for a struct. */
+ tmp=obstack_alignment_mask(&frags);
+ obstack_alignment_mask(&frags)=0; /* Turn off alignment */
+ /* If we ever hit a machine
+ where strings must be
+ aligned, we Lose Big */
+ frag_now=(fragS *)obstack_finish(&frags);
+ obstack_alignment_mask(&frags)=tmp; /* Restore alignment */
+ /* Just in case we don't get zero'd bytes */
+ bzero(frag_now, SIZEOF_STRUCT_FRAG);
+/* obstack_unaligned_done (&frags, &frag_now); */
+/* know (frags.obstack_c_next_free == frag_now->fr_literal); */
+ /* Generally, frag_now->points to an */
+ /* address rounded up to next alignment. */
+ /* However, characters will add to obstack */
+ /* frags IMMEDIATELY after the struct frag, */
+ /* even if they are not starting at an */
+ /* alignment address. */
+ former_last_fragP->fr_next = frag_now;
+ frchP->frch_last = frag_now;
+ frag_now->fr_next = NULL;
+} /* frag_new() */
+ * frag_more()
+ *
+ * Start a new frag unless we have n more chars of room in the current frag.
+ * Close off the old frag with a .fill 0.
+ *
+ * Return the address of the 1st char to write into. Advance
+ * frag_now_growth past the new chars.
+ */
+char *frag_more (nchars)
+int nchars;
+ register char *retval;
+ frag_grow (nchars);
+ retval = obstack_next_free (&frags);
+ obstack_blank_fast (&frags, nchars);
+ return (retval);
+} /* frag_more() */
+ * frag_var()
+ *
+ * Start a new frag unless we have max_chars more chars of room in the current frag.
+ * Close off the old frag with a .fill 0.
+ *
+ * Set up a machine_dependent relaxable frag, then start a new frag.
+ * Return the address of the 1st char of the var part of the old frag
+ * to write into.
+ */
+char *frag_var(type, max_chars, var, subtype, symbol, offset, opcode)
+relax_stateT type;
+int max_chars;
+int var;
+relax_substateT subtype;
+symbolS *symbol;
+long offset;
+char *opcode;
+ register char *retval;
+ frag_grow (max_chars);
+ retval = obstack_next_free (&frags);
+ obstack_blank_fast (&frags, max_chars);
+ frag_now->fr_var = var;
+ frag_now->fr_type = type;
+ frag_now->fr_subtype = subtype;
+ frag_now->fr_symbol = symbol;
+ frag_now->fr_offset = offset;
+ frag_now->fr_opcode = opcode;
+ /* default these to zero. */
+ frag_now->fr_pcrel_adjust = 0;
+ frag_now->fr_bsr = 0;
+ frag_new (max_chars);
+ return (retval);
+} /* frag_var() */
+ * frag_variant()
+ *
+ * OVE: This variant of frag_var assumes that space for the tail has been
+ * allocated by caller.
+ * No call to frag_grow is done.
+ * Two new arguments have been added.
+ */
+char *frag_variant(type, max_chars, var, subtype, symbol, offset, opcode, pcrel_adjust,bsr)
+ relax_stateT type;
+ int max_chars;
+ int var;
+ relax_substateT subtype;
+ symbolS *symbol;
+ long offset;
+ char *opcode;
+ int pcrel_adjust;
+ char bsr;
+ register char *retval;
+/* frag_grow (max_chars); */
+ retval = obstack_next_free (&frags);
+/* obstack_blank_fast (&frags, max_chars); */ /* OVE: so far the only diff */
+ frag_now->fr_var = var;
+ frag_now->fr_type = type;
+ frag_now->fr_subtype = subtype;
+ frag_now->fr_symbol = symbol;
+ frag_now->fr_offset = offset;
+ frag_now->fr_opcode = opcode;
+ frag_now->fr_pcrel_adjust = pcrel_adjust;
+ frag_now->fr_bsr = bsr;
+ frag_new (max_chars);
+ return (retval);
+} /* frag_variant() */
+ * frag_wane()
+ *
+ * Reduce the variable end of a frag to a harmless state.
+ */
+void frag_wane(fragP)
+register fragS * fragP;
+ fragP->fr_type = rs_fill;
+ fragP->fr_offset = 0;
+ fragP->fr_var = 0;
+ * frag_align()
+ *
+ * Make a frag for ".align foo,bar". Call is "frag_align (foo,bar);".
+ * Foo & bar are absolute integers.
+ *
+ * Call to close off the current frag with a ".align", then start a new
+ * (so far empty) frag, in the same subsegment as the last frag.
+ */
+void frag_align(alignment, fill_character)
+int alignment;
+int fill_character;
+ *(frag_var (rs_align, 1, 1, (relax_substateT)0, (symbolS *)0,
+ (long)alignment, (char *)0)) = fill_character;
+} /* frag_align() */
+/* end: frags.c */
diff --git a/gas/frags.h b/gas/frags.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa08995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/frags.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* frags.h - Header file for the frag concept.
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+extern struct obstack frags;
+ /* Frags ONLY live in this obstack. */
+ /* We use obstack_next_free() macro */
+ /* so please don't put any other objects */
+ /* on this stack! */
+ * A macro to speed up appending exactly 1 char
+ * to current frag.
+ */
+/* JF changed < 1 to <= 1 to avoid a race conditon */
+#define FRAG_APPEND_1_CHAR(datum) \
+{ \
+ if (obstack_room( &frags ) <= 1) {\
+ frag_wane (frag_now); \
+ frag_new (0); \
+ } \
+ obstack_1grow( &frags, datum ); \
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *frag_more(int nchars);
+void frag_align(int alignment, int fill_character);
+void frag_new(int old_frags_var_max_size);
+void frag_wane(fragS *fragP);
+char *frag_variant(relax_stateT type,
+ int max_chars,
+ int var,
+ relax_substateT subtype,
+ symbolS *symbol,
+ long offset,
+ char *opcode,
+ int pcrel_adjust,
+ int bsr);
+char *frag_var(relax_stateT type,
+ int max_chars,
+ int var,
+ relax_substateT subtype,
+ symbolS *symbol,
+ long offset,
+ char *opcode);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+char *frag_more();
+char *frag_var();
+char *frag_variant();
+void frag_align();
+void frag_new();
+void frag_wane();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end: frags.h */
diff --git a/gas/hash.c b/gas/hash.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b57ba9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/hash.c
@@ -0,0 +1,990 @@
+/* hash.c - hash table lookup strings -
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ *
+ * A typical user doesn't need ALL this: I intend to make a library out
+ * of it one day - Dean Elsner.
+ * Also, I want to change the definition of a symbol to (address,length)
+ * so I can put arbitrary binary in the names stored. [see hsh.c for that]
+ *
+ * This slime is common coupled inside the module. Com-coupling (and other
+ * vandalism) was done to speed running time. The interfaces at the
+ * module's edges are adequately clean.
+ *
+ * There is no way to (a) run a test script through this heap and (b)
+ * compare results with previous scripts, to see if we have broken any
+ * code. Use GNU (f)utilities to do this. A few commands assist test.
+ * The testing is awkward: it tries to be both batch & interactive.
+ * For now, interactive rules!
+ */
+ * The idea is to implement a symbol table. A test jig is here.
+ * Symbols are arbitrary strings; they can't contain '\0'.
+ * [See hsh.c for a more general symbol flavour.]
+ * Each symbol is associated with a char*, which can point to anything
+ * you want, allowing an arbitrary property list for each symbol.
+ *
+ * The basic operations are:
+ *
+ * new creates symbol table, returns handle
+ * find (symbol) returns char*
+ * insert (symbol,char*) error if symbol already in table
+ * delete (symbol) returns char* if symbol was in table
+ * apply so you can delete all symbols before die()
+ * die destroy symbol table (free up memory)
+ *
+ * Supplementary functions include:
+ *
+ * say how big? what % full?
+ * replace (symbol,newval) report previous value
+ * jam (symbol,value) assert symbol:=value
+ *
+ * You, the caller, have control over errors: this just reports them.
+ *
+ * This package requires malloc(), free().
+ * Malloc(size) returns NULL or address of char[size].
+ * Free(address) frees same.
+ */
+ * The code and its structures are re-enterent.
+ * Before you do anything else, you must call hash_new() which will
+ * return the address of a hash-table-control-block (or NULL if there
+ * is not enough memory). You then use this address as a handle of the
+ * symbol table by passing it to all the other hash_...() functions.
+ * The only approved way to recover the memory used by the symbol table
+ * is to call hash_die() with the handle of the symbol table.
+ *
+ * Before you call hash_die() you normally delete anything pointed to
+ * by individual symbols. After hash_die() you can't use that symbol
+ * table again.
+ *
+ * The char* you associate with a symbol may not be NULL (0) because
+ * NULL is returned whenever a symbol is not in the table. Any other
+ * value is OK, except DELETED, #defined below.
+ *
+ * When you supply a symbol string for insertion, YOU MUST PRESERVE THE
+ * STRING until that symbol is deleted from the table. The reason is that
+ * only the address you supply, NOT the symbol string itself, is stored
+ * in the symbol table.
+ *
+ * You may delete and add symbols arbitrarily.
+ * Any or all symbols may have the same 'value' (char *). In fact, these
+ * routines don't do anything with your symbol values.
+ *
+ * You have no right to know where the symbol:char* mapping is stored,
+ * because it moves around in memory; also because we may change how it
+ * works and we don't want to break your code do we? However the handle
+ * (address of struct hash_control) is never changed in
+ * the life of the symbol table.
+ *
+ * What you CAN find out about a symbol table is:
+ * how many slots are in the hash table?
+ * how many slots are filled with symbols?
+ * (total hashes,collisions) for (reads,writes) (*)
+ * All of the above values vary in time.
+ * (*) some of these numbers will not be meaningful if we change the
+ * internals.
+ */
+ * I N T E R N A L
+ *
+ * Hash table is an array of hash_entries; each entry is a pointer to a
+ * a string and a user-supplied value 1 char* wide.
+ *
+ * The array always has 2 ** n elements, n>0, n integer.
+ * There is also a 'wall' entry after the array, which is always empty
+ * and acts as a sentinel to stop running off the end of the array.
+ * When the array gets too full, we create a new array twice as large
+ * and re-hash the symbols into the new array, then forget the old array.
+ * (Of course, we copy the values into the new array before we junk the
+ * old array!)
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE (0)
+#define TRUE (!FALSE)
+#endif /* no FALSE yet */
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#include "as.h"
+#define error as_fatal
+#define DELETED ((char *)1) /* guarenteed invalid address */
+#define START_POWER (11) /* power of two: size of new hash table *//* JF was 6 */
+/* JF These next two aren't used any more. */
+/* #define START_SIZE (64) / * 2 ** START_POWER */
+/* #define START_FULL (32) / * number of entries before table expands */
+#define islive(ptr) (ptr->hash_string && ptr->hash_string!=DELETED)
+ /* above TRUE if a symbol is in entry @ ptr */
+#define STAT_SIZE (0) /* number of slots in hash table */
+ /* the wall does not count here */
+ /* we expect this is always a power of 2 */
+#define STAT_ACCESS (1) /* number of hash_ask()s */
+#define STAT__READ (0) /* reading */
+#define STAT__WRITE (1) /* writing */
+#define STAT_COLLIDE (3) /* number of collisions (total) */
+ /* this may exceed STAT_ACCESS if we have */
+ /* lots of collisions/access */
+#define STAT_USED (5) /* slots used right now */
+#define STATLENGTH (6) /* size of statistics block */
+Panic! Please make #include "stat.h" agree with previous definitions!
+/* #define SUSPECT to do runtime checks */
+/* #define TEST to be a test jig for hash...() */
+#ifdef TEST /* TEST: use smaller hash table */
+#define START_POWER (3)
+#undef START_SIZE
+#define START_SIZE (8)
+#undef START_FULL
+#define START_FULL (4)
+/*------------------ plan ---------------------------------- i = internal
+struct hash_control * c;
+struct hash_entry * e; i
+int b[z]; buffer for statistics
+ z size of b
+char * s; symbol string (address) [ key ]
+char * v; value string (address) [datum]
+boolean f; TRUE if we found s in hash table i
+char * t; error string; "" means OK
+int a; access type [0...n) i
+c=hash_new () create new hash_control
+hash_die (c) destroy hash_control (and hash table)
+ table should be empty.
+ doesn't check if table is empty.
+ c has no meaning after this.
+hash_say (c,b,z) report statistics of hash_control.
+ also report number of available statistics.
+v=hash_delete (c,s) delete symbol, return old value if any.
+ ask() NULL means no old value.
+ f
+v=hash_replace (c,s,v) replace old value of s with v.
+ ask() NULL means no old value: no table change.
+ f
+t=hash_insert (c,s,v) insert (s,v) in c.
+ ask() return error string.
+ f it is an error to insert if s is already
+ in table.
+ if any error, c is unchanged.
+t=hash_jam (c,s,v) assert that new value of s will be v. i
+ ask() it may decide to GROW the table. i
+ f i
+ grow() i
+t=hash_grow (c) grow the hash table. i
+ jam() will invoke JAM. i
+?=hash_apply (c,y) apply y() to every symbol in c.
+ y evtries visited in 'unspecified' order.
+v=hash_find (c,s) return value of s, or NULL if s not in c.
+ ask()
+ f
+f,e=hash_ask() (c,s,a) return slot where s SHOULD live. i
+ code() maintain collision stats in c. i
+.=hash_code (c,s) compute hash-code for s, i
+ from parameters of c. i
+static char hash_found; /* returned by hash_ask() to stop extra */
+ /* testing. hash_ask() wants to return both */
+ /* a slot and a status. This is the status. */
+ /* TRUE: found symbol */
+ /* FALSE: absent: empty or deleted slot */
+ /* Also returned by hash_jam(). */
+ /* TRUE: we replaced a value */
+ /* FALSE: we inserted a value */
+static struct hash_entry * hash_ask();
+static int hash_code ();
+static char * hash_grow();
+ * h a s h _ n e w ( )
+ *
+ */
+struct hash_control *
+hash_new() /* create a new hash table */
+ /* return NULL if failed */
+ /* return handle (address of struct hash) */
+ register struct hash_control * retval;
+ register struct hash_entry * room; /* points to hash table */
+ register struct hash_entry * wall;
+ register struct hash_entry * entry;
+ register int * ip; /* scan stats block of struct hash_control */
+ register int * nd; /* limit of stats block */
+ if (( room = (struct hash_entry *) malloc( sizeof(struct
+ hash_entry)*((1<<START_POWER) + 1) ) ) != NULL)
+ /* +1 for the wall entry */
+ {
+ if (( retval = (struct hash_control *) malloc(sizeof(struct
+ hash_control)) ) != NULL)
+ {
+ nd = retval->hash_stat + STATLENGTH;
+ for (ip=retval->hash_stat; ip<nd; ip++)
+ {
+ *ip = 0;
+ }
+ retval -> hash_stat[STAT_SIZE] = 1<<START_POWER;
+ retval -> hash_mask = (1<<START_POWER) - 1;
+ retval -> hash_sizelog = START_POWER;
+ /* works for 1's compl ok */
+ retval -> hash_where = room;
+ retval -> hash_wall =
+ wall = room + (1<<START_POWER);
+ retval -> hash_full = (1<<START_POWER)/2;
+ for (entry=room; entry<=wall; entry++)
+ {
+ entry->hash_string = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retval = NULL; /* no room for table: fake a failure */
+ }
+ return(retval); /* return NULL or set-up structs */
+ * h a s h _ d i e ( )
+ *
+ * Table should be empty, but this is not checked.
+ * To empty the table, try hash_apply()ing a symbol deleter.
+ * Return to free memory both the hash table and it's control
+ * block.
+ * 'handle' has no meaning after this function.
+ * No errors are recoverable.
+ */
+ struct hash_control * handle;
+ free((char *)handle->hash_where);
+ free((char *)handle);
+ * h a s h _ s a y ( )
+ *
+ * Return the size of the statistics table, and as many statistics as
+ * we can until either (a) we have run out of statistics or (b) caller
+ * has run out of buffer.
+ * NOTE: hash_say treats all statistics alike.
+ * These numbers may change with time, due to insertions, deletions
+ * and expansions of the table.
+ * The first "statistic" returned is the length of hash_stat[].
+ * Then contents of hash_stat[] are read out (in ascending order)
+ * until your buffer or hash_stat[] is exausted.
+ */
+ register struct hash_control * handle;
+ register int buffer[/*bufsiz*/];
+ register int bufsiz;
+ register int * nd; /* limit of statistics block */
+ register int * ip; /* scan statistics */
+ ip = handle -> hash_stat;
+ nd = ip + min(bufsiz-1,STATLENGTH);
+ if (bufsiz>0) /* trust nothing! bufsiz<=0 is dangerous */
+ {
+ *buffer++ = STATLENGTH;
+ for (; ip<nd; ip++,buffer++)
+ {
+ *buffer = *ip;
+ }
+ }
+ * h a s h _ d e l e t e ( )
+ *
+ * Try to delete a symbol from the table.
+ * If it was there, return its value (and adjust STAT_USED).
+ * Otherwise, return NULL.
+ * Anyway, the symbol is not present after this function.
+ *
+ */
+char * /* NULL if string not in table, else */
+ /* returns value of deleted symbol */
+ register struct hash_control * handle;
+ register char * string;
+ register char * retval; /* NULL if string not in table */
+ register struct hash_entry * entry; /* NULL or entry of this symbol */
+ entry = hash_ask(handle,string,STAT__WRITE);
+ if (hash_found)
+ {
+ retval = entry -> hash_value;
+ entry -> hash_string = DELETED; /* mark as deleted */
+ handle -> hash_stat[STAT_USED] -= 1; /* slots-in-use count */
+#ifdef SUSPECT
+ if (handle->hash_stat[STAT_USED]<0)
+ {
+ error("hash_delete");
+ }
+#endif /* def SUSPECT */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retval = NULL;
+ }
+ return(retval);
+ * h a s h _ r e p l a c e ( )
+ *
+ * Try to replace the old value of a symbol with a new value.
+ * Normally return the old value.
+ * Return NULL and don't change the table if the symbol is not already
+ * in the table.
+ */
+char *
+ register struct hash_control * handle;
+ register char * string;
+ register char * value;
+ register struct hash_entry * entry;
+ register char * retval;
+ entry = hash_ask(handle,string,STAT__WRITE);
+ if (hash_found)
+ {
+ retval = entry -> hash_value;
+ entry -> hash_value = value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retval = NULL;
+ }
+ ;
+ return (retval);
+ * h a s h _ i n s e r t ( )
+ *
+ * Insert a (symbol-string, value) into the hash table.
+ * Return an error string, "" means OK.
+ * It is an 'error' to insert an existing symbol.
+ */
+char * /* return error string */
+ register struct hash_control * handle;
+ register char * string;
+ register char * value;
+ register struct hash_entry * entry;
+ register char * retval;
+ retval = "";
+ if (handle->hash_stat[STAT_USED] > handle->hash_full)
+ {
+ retval = hash_grow(handle);
+ }
+ if ( ! * retval)
+ {
+ entry = hash_ask(handle,string,STAT__WRITE);
+ if (hash_found)
+ {
+ retval = "exists";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ entry -> hash_value = value;
+ entry -> hash_string = string;
+ handle-> hash_stat[STAT_USED] += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return(retval);
+ * h a s h _ j a m ( )
+ *
+ * Regardless of what was in the symbol table before, after hash_jam()
+ * the named symbol has the given value. The symbol is either inserted or
+ * (its value is) relpaced.
+ * An error message string is returned, "" means OK.
+ *
+ * WARNING: this may decide to grow the hashed symbol table.
+ * To do this, we call hash_grow(), WHICH WILL recursively CALL US.
+ *
+ * We report status internally: hash_found is TRUE if we replaced, but
+ * false if we inserted.
+ */
+char *
+ register struct hash_control * handle;
+ register char * string;
+ register char * value;
+ register char * retval;
+ register struct hash_entry * entry;
+ retval = "";
+ if (handle->hash_stat[STAT_USED] > handle->hash_full)
+ {
+ retval = hash_grow(handle);
+ }
+ if (! * retval)
+ {
+ entry = hash_ask(handle,string,STAT__WRITE);
+ if ( ! hash_found)
+ {
+ entry -> hash_string = string;
+ handle->hash_stat[STAT_USED] += 1;
+ }
+ entry -> hash_value = value;
+ }
+ return(retval);
+ * h a s h _ g r o w ( )
+ *
+ * Grow a new (bigger) hash table from the old one.
+ * We choose to double the hash table's size.
+ * Return a human-scrutible error string: "" if OK.
+ * Warning! This uses hash_jam(), which had better not recurse
+ * back here! Hash_jam() conditionally calls us, but we ALWAYS
+ * call hash_jam()!
+ * Internal.
+ */
+static char *
+hash_grow(handle) /* make a hash table grow */
+ struct hash_control * handle;
+ register struct hash_entry * newwall;
+ register struct hash_entry * newwhere;
+ struct hash_entry * newtrack;
+ register struct hash_entry * oldtrack;
+ register struct hash_entry * oldwhere;
+ register struct hash_entry * oldwall;
+ register int temp;
+ int newsize;
+ char * string;
+ char * retval;
+#ifdef SUSPECT
+ int oldused;
+ /*
+ * capture info about old hash table
+ */
+ oldwhere = handle -> hash_where;
+ oldwall = handle -> hash_wall;
+#ifdef SUSPECT
+ oldused = handle -> hash_stat[STAT_USED];
+ /*
+ * attempt to get enough room for a hash table twice as big
+ */
+ temp = handle->hash_stat[STAT_SIZE];
+ if (( newwhere = (struct hash_entry *)
+ xmalloc((long)((temp+temp+1)*sizeof(struct hash_entry)))) != NULL)
+ /* +1 for wall slot */
+ {
+ retval = ""; /* assume success until proven otherwise */
+ /*
+ * have enough room: now we do all the work.
+ * double the size of everything in handle,
+ * note: hash_mask frob works for 1's & for 2's complement machines
+ */
+ handle->hash_mask = handle->hash_mask + handle->hash_mask + 1;
+ handle->hash_stat[STAT_SIZE] <<= 1;
+ newsize = handle->hash_stat[STAT_SIZE];
+ handle->hash_where = newwhere;
+ handle->hash_full <<= 1;
+ handle->hash_sizelog += 1;
+ handle->hash_stat[STAT_USED] = 0;
+ handle->hash_wall =
+ newwall = newwhere + newsize;
+ /*
+ * set all those pesky new slots to vacant.
+ */
+ for (newtrack=newwhere; newtrack <= newwall; newtrack++)
+ {
+ newtrack -> hash_string = NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * we will do a scan of the old table, the hard way, using the
+ * new control block to re-insert the data into new hash table.
+ */
+ handle -> hash_stat[STAT_USED] = 0; /* inserts will bump it up to correct */
+ for (oldtrack=oldwhere; oldtrack < oldwall; oldtrack++)
+ {
+ if ( ((string=oldtrack->hash_string) != NULL) && string!=DELETED )
+ {
+ if ( * (retval = hash_jam(handle,string,oldtrack->hash_value) ) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef SUSPECT
+ if ( !*retval && handle->hash_stat[STAT_USED] != oldused)
+ {
+ retval = "hash_used";
+ }
+ if (!*retval)
+ {
+ /*
+ * we have a completely faked up control block.
+ * return the old hash table.
+ */
+ free((char *)oldwhere);
+ /*
+ * Here with success. retval is already "".
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retval = "no room";
+ }
+ return(retval);
+ * h a s h _ a p p l y ( )
+ *
+ * Use this to scan each entry in symbol table.
+ * For each symbol, this calls (applys) a nominated function supplying the
+ * symbol's value (and the symbol's name).
+ * The idea is you use this to destroy whatever is associted with
+ * any values in the table BEFORE you destroy the table with hash_die.
+ * Of course, you can use it for other jobs; whenever you need to
+ * visit all extant symbols in the table.
+ *
+ * We choose to have a call-you-back idea for two reasons:
+ * asthetic: it is a neater idea to use apply than an explicit loop
+ * sensible: if we ever had to grow the symbol table (due to insertions)
+ * then we would lose our place in the table when we re-hashed
+ * symbols into the new table in a different order.
+ *
+ * The order symbols are visited depends entirely on the hashing function.
+ * Whenever you insert a (symbol, value) you risk expanding the table. If
+ * you do expand the table, then the hashing function WILL change, so you
+ * MIGHT get a different order of symbols visited. In other words, if you
+ * want the same order of visiting symbols as the last time you used
+ * hash_apply() then you better not have done any hash_insert()s or
+ * hash_jam()s since the last time you used hash_apply().
+ *
+ * In future we may use the value returned by your nominated function.
+ * One idea is to abort the scan if, after applying the function to a
+ * certain node, the function returns a certain code.
+ * To be safe, please make your functions of type char *. If you always
+ * return NULL, then the scan will complete, visiting every symbol in
+ * the table exactly once. ALL OTHER RETURNED VALUES have no meaning yet!
+ * Caveat Actor!
+ *
+ * The function you supply should be of the form:
+ * char * myfunct(string,value)
+ * char * string; |* the symbol's name *|
+ * char * value; |* the symbol's value *|
+ * {
+ * |* ... *|
+ * return(NULL);
+ * }
+ *
+ * The returned value of hash_apply() is (char*)NULL. In future it may return
+ * other values. NULL means "completed scan OK". Other values have no meaning
+ * yet. (The function has no graceful failures.)
+ */
+char *
+ struct hash_control * handle;
+ char* (*function)();
+ register struct hash_entry * entry;
+ register struct hash_entry * wall;
+ wall = handle->hash_wall;
+ for (entry = handle->hash_where; entry < wall; entry++)
+ {
+ if (islive(entry)) /* silly code: tests entry->string twice! */
+ {
+ (*function)(entry->hash_string,entry->hash_value);
+ }
+ }
+ return (NULL);
+ * h a s h _ f i n d ( )
+ *
+ * Given symbol string, find value (if any).
+ * Return found value or NULL.
+ */
+char *
+hash_find(handle,string) /* return char* or NULL */
+ struct hash_control * handle;
+ char * string;
+ register struct hash_entry * entry;
+ register char * retval;
+ entry = hash_ask(handle,string,STAT__READ);
+ if (hash_found)
+ {
+ retval = entry->hash_value;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ retval = NULL;
+ }
+ return(retval);
+ * h a s h _ a s k ( )
+ *
+ * Searches for given symbol string.
+ * Return the slot where it OUGHT to live. It may be there.
+ * Return hash_found: TRUE only if symbol is in that slot.
+ * Access argument is to help keep statistics in control block.
+ * Internal.
+ */
+static struct hash_entry * /* string slot, may be empty or deleted */
+ struct hash_control * handle;
+ char * string;
+ int access; /* access type */
+ register char *string1; /* JF avoid strcmp calls */
+ register char * s;
+ register int c;
+ register struct hash_entry * slot;
+ register int collision; /* count collisions */
+ slot = handle->hash_where + hash_code(handle,string); /* start looking here */
+ handle->hash_stat[STAT_ACCESS+access] += 1;
+ collision = 0;
+ hash_found = FALSE;
+ while ( ((s = slot->hash_string) != NULL) && s!=DELETED )
+ {
+ for(string1=string;;) {
+ if((c= *s++) == 0) {
+ if(!*string1)
+ hash_found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if(*string1++!=c)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(hash_found)
+ break;
+ collision++;
+ slot++;
+ }
+ /*
+ * slot: return:
+ * in use: we found string slot
+ * at empty:
+ * at wall: we fell off: wrap round ????
+ * in table: dig here slot
+ * at DELETED: dig here slot
+ */
+ if (slot==handle->hash_wall)
+ {
+ slot = handle->hash_where; /* now look again */
+ while( ((s = slot->hash_string) != NULL) && s!=DELETED )
+ {
+ for(string1=string;*s;string1++,s++) {
+ if(*string1!=*s)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(*s==*string1) {
+ hash_found = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ collision++;
+ slot++;
+ }
+ /*
+ * slot: return:
+ * in use: we found it slot
+ * empty: wall: ERROR IMPOSSIBLE !!!!
+ * in table: dig here slot
+ * DELETED:dig here slot
+ */
+ }
+/* fprintf(stderr,"hash_ask(%s)->%d(%d)\n",string,hash_code(handle,string),collision); */
+ handle -> hash_stat[STAT_COLLIDE+access] += collision;
+ return(slot); /* also return hash_found */
+ * h a s h _ c o d e
+ *
+ * Does hashing of symbol string to hash number.
+ * Internal.
+ */
+static int
+ struct hash_control * handle;
+ register char * string;
+ register long h; /* hash code built here */
+ register long c; /* each character lands here */
+ register int n; /* Amount to shift h by */
+ n = (handle->hash_sizelog - 3);
+ h = 0;
+ while ((c = *string++) != 0)
+ {
+ h += c;
+ h = (h<<3) + (h>>n) + c;
+ }
+ return (h & handle->hash_mask);
+ * Here is a test program to exercise above.
+ */
+#ifdef TEST
+#define TABLES (6) /* number of hash tables to maintain */
+ /* (at once) in any testing */
+#define STATBUFSIZE (12) /* we can have 12 statistics */
+int statbuf[STATBUFSIZE]; /* display statistics here */
+char answer[100]; /* human farts here */
+char * hashtable[TABLES]; /* we test many hash tables at once */
+char * h; /* points to curent hash_control */
+char ** pp;
+char * p;
+char * name;
+char * value;
+int size;
+int used;
+char command;
+int number; /* number 0:TABLES-1 of current hashed */
+ /* symbol table */
+ char (*applicatee());
+ char * hash_find();
+ char * destroy();
+ char * what();
+ struct hash_control * hash_new();
+ char * hash_replace();
+ int * ip;
+ number = 0;
+ h = 0;
+ printf("type h <RETURN> for help\n");
+ for(;;)
+ {
+ printf("hash_test command: ");
+ gets(answer);
+ command = answer[0];
+ if (isupper(command)) command = tolower(command); /* ecch! */
+ switch (command)
+ {
+ case '#':
+ printf("old hash table #=%d.\n",number);
+ whattable();
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ for (pp=hashtable; pp<hashtable+TABLES; pp++)
+ {
+ printf("address of hash table #%d control block is %xx\n"
+ ,pp-hashtable,*pp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ hash_apply(h,applicatee);
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ hash_apply(h,destroy);
+ hash_die(h);
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ p = hash_find(h,name=what("symbol"));
+ printf("value of \"%s\" is \"%s\"\n",name,p?p:"NOT-PRESENT");
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ printf("# show old, select new default hash table number\n");
+ printf("? display all hashtable control block addresses\n");
+ printf("a apply a simple display-er to each symbol in table\n");
+ printf("d die: destroy hashtable\n");
+ printf("f find value of nominated symbol\n");
+ printf("h this help\n");
+ printf("i insert value into symbol\n");
+ printf("j jam value into symbol\n");
+ printf("n new hashtable\n");
+ printf("r replace a value with another\n");
+ printf("s say what %% of table is used\n");
+ printf("q exit this program\n");
+ printf("x delete a symbol from table, report its value\n");
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ p = hash_insert(h,name=what("symbol"),value=what("value"));
+ if (*p)
+ {
+ printf("symbol=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" error=%s\n",name,value,p);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'j':
+ p = hash_jam(h,name=what("symbol"),value=what("value"));
+ if (*p)
+ {
+ printf("symbol=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" error=%s\n",name,value,p);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ h = hashtable[number] = (char *) hash_new();
+ break;
+ case 'q':
+ exit();
+ case 'r':
+ p = hash_replace(h,name=what("symbol"),value=what("value"));
+ printf("old value was \"%s\"\n",p?p:"{}");
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ hash_say(h,statbuf,STATBUFSIZE);
+ for (ip=statbuf; ip<statbuf+STATBUFSIZE; ip++)
+ {
+ printf("%d ",*ip);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ break;
+ case 'x':
+ p = hash_delete(h,name=what("symbol"));
+ printf("old value was \"%s\"\n",p?p:"{}");
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("I can't understand command \"%c\"\n",command);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+char *
+ char * description;
+ char * retval;
+ char * malloc();
+ printf(" %s : ",description);
+ gets(answer);
+ /* will one day clean up answer here */
+ retval = malloc(strlen(answer)+1);
+ if (!retval)
+ {
+ error("room");
+ }
+ (void)strcpy(retval,answer);
+ return(retval);
+char *
+ char * string;
+ char * value;
+ free(string);
+ free(value);
+ return(NULL);
+char *
+ char * string;
+ char * value;
+ printf("%.20s-%.20s\n",string,value);
+ return(NULL);
+whattable() /* determine number: what hash table to use */
+ /* also determine h: points to hash_control */
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ printf(" what hash table (%d:%d) ? ",0,TABLES-1);
+ gets(answer);
+ sscanf(answer,"%d",&number);
+ if (number>=0 && number<TABLES)
+ {
+ h = hashtable[number];
+ if (!h)
+ {
+ printf("warning: current hash-table-#%d. has no hash-control\n",number);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("invalid hash table number: %d\n",number);
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* #ifdef TEST */
+/* end: hash.c */
diff --git a/gas/hash.h b/gas/hash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb68fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/hash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+/* hash.h - for hash.c
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+#ifndef hashH
+#define hashH
+struct hash_entry
+ char * hash_string; /* points to where the symbol string is */
+ /* NULL means slot is not used */
+ /* DELETED means slot was deleted */
+ char * hash_value; /* user's datum, associated with symbol */
+#define HASH_STATLENGTH (6)
+struct hash_control
+ struct hash_entry * hash_where; /* address of hash table */
+ int hash_sizelog; /* Log of ( hash_mask + 1 ) */
+ int hash_mask; /* masks a hash into index into table */
+ int hash_full; /* when hash_stat[STAT_USED] exceeds this, */
+ /* grow table */
+ struct hash_entry * hash_wall; /* point just after last (usable) entry */
+ /* here we have some statistics */
+ int hash_stat[HASH_STATLENGTH]; /* lies & statistics */
+ /* we need STAT_USED & STAT_SIZE */
+/* returns */
+struct hash_control * hash_new(); /* [control block] */
+void hash_die();
+void hash_say();
+char * hash_delete(); /* previous value */
+char * hash_relpace(); /* previous value */
+char * hash_insert(); /* error string */
+char * hash_apply(); /* 0 means OK */
+char * hash_find(); /* value */
+char * hash_jam(); /* error text (internal) */
+#endif /* #ifdef hashH */
+/* end: hash.c */
diff --git a/gas/hex-value.c b/gas/hex-value.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64420f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/hex-value.c
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+/* hex_value.c - char=>radix-value -
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ * Export: Hex_value[]. Converts digits to their radix-values.
+ * As distributed assumes 8 bits per char (256 entries) and ASCII.
+ */
+#define __ (42) /* blatently illegal digit value */
+ /* exceeds any normal radix */
+#if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(const)
+#define const /* empty */
+const char
+hex_value [256] = { /* for fast ASCII -> binary */
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __,
+ __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __, __
+ };
+#ifdef VMS
+/* end:hex_value.c */
diff --git a/gas/input-file.c b/gas/input-file.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf1a4c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/input-file.c
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+/* input_file.c - Deal with Input Files -
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ * Confines all details of reading source bytes to this module.
+ * All O/S specific crocks should live here.
+ * What we lose in "efficiency" we gain in modularity.
+ * Note we don't need to #include the "as.h" file. No common coupling!
+ */
+#ifdef USG
+#define setbuffer(stream, buf, size) setvbuf((stream), (buf), _IOFBF, (size))
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "as.h"
+#include "input-file.h"
+/* This variable is non-zero if the file currently being read should be
+ preprocessed by app. It is zero if the file can be read straight in.
+ */
+int preprocess = 0;
+ * This code opens a file, then delivers BUFFER_SIZE character
+ * chunks of the file on demand.
+ * BUFFER_SIZE is supposed to be a number chosen for speed.
+ * The caller only asks once what BUFFER_SIZE is, and asks before
+ * the nature of the input files (if any) is known.
+ */
+#define BUFFER_SIZE (32 * 1024)
+ * We use static data: the data area is not sharable.
+ */
+FILE *f_in;
+/* static JF remove static so app.c can use file_name */
+char * file_name;
+/* Struct for saving the state of this module for file includes. */
+struct saved_file {
+ FILE *f_in;
+ char *file_name;
+ int preprocess;
+ char *app_save;
+/* These hooks accomodate most operating systems. */
+void input_file_begin() {
+ f_in = (FILE *)0;
+void input_file_end () { }
+ /* Return BUFFER_SIZE. */
+int input_file_buffer_size() {
+ return (BUFFER_SIZE);
+int input_file_is_open() {
+ return f_in!=(FILE *)0;
+/* Push the state of our input, returning a pointer to saved info that
+ can be restored with input_file_pop (). */
+char *input_file_push () {
+ register struct saved_file *saved;
+ saved = (struct saved_file *)xmalloc (sizeof *saved);
+ saved->f_in = f_in;
+ saved->file_name = file_name;
+ saved->preprocess = preprocess;
+ if (preprocess)
+ saved->app_save = app_push ();
+ input_file_begin (); /* Initialize for new file */
+ return (char *)saved;
+input_file_pop (arg)
+ char *arg;
+ register struct saved_file *saved = (struct saved_file *)arg;
+ input_file_end (); /* Close out old file */
+ f_in = saved->f_in;
+ file_name = saved->file_name;
+ preprocess = saved->preprocess;
+ if (preprocess)
+ app_pop (saved->app_save);
+ free(arg);
+#ifdef DONTDEF /* JF save old version in case we need it */
+input_file_open (filename, preprocess, debugging)
+ char * filename; /* "" means use stdin. Must not be 0. */
+ int preprocess; /* TRUE if needs app. */
+ int debugging; /* TRUE if we are debugging assembler. */
+ assert( filename != 0 ); /* Filename may not be NULL. */
+ if (filename [0])
+ { /* We have a file name. Suck it and see. */
+ file_handle = open (filename, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ file_name = filename;
+ }
+ else
+ { /* use stdin for the input file. */
+ file_handle = fileno (stdin);
+ file_name = "{standard input}"; /* For error messages. */
+ }
+ if (file_handle < 0)
+ as_perror ("Can't open %s for reading", file_name);
+ if ( preprocess )
+ {
+ * This code was written in haste for a frobbed BSD 4.2.
+ * I have a flight to catch: will someone please do proper
+ * error checks? - Dean.
+ */
+ int pid;
+ char temporary_file_name [12];
+ int fd;
+ union wait status;
+ (void)strcpy (temporary_file_name, "#appXXXXXX");
+ (void)mktemp (temporary_file_name);
+ pid = vfork ();
+ if (pid == -1)
+ {
+ as_perror ("Vfork failed", file_name);
+ _exit (144);
+ }
+ if (pid == 0)
+ {
+ (void)dup2 (file_handle, fileno(stdin));
+ fd = open (temporary_file_name, O_WRONLY + O_TRUNC + O_CREAT, 0666);
+ if (fd == -1)
+ {
+ (void)write(2,"Can't open temporary\n",21);
+ _exit (99);
+ }
+ (void)dup2 (fd, fileno(stdout));
+/* JF for testing #define PREPROCESSOR "/lib/app" */
+#define PREPROCESSOR "./app"
+ execl ("app","app",0);
+ (void)write(2,"Exec of app failed. Get help.\n",31);
+ (void)unlink(temporary_file_name);
+ _exit (11);
+ }
+ (void)wait (& status);
+ if (status.w_status & 0xFF00) /* JF was 0xF000, was wrong */
+ {
+ file_handle = -1;
+ as_bad( "Can't preprocess file \"%s\", status = %xx", file_name, status.w_status );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ file_handle = open (temporary_file_name, O_RDONLY, 0);
+ if ( ! debugging && unlink(temporary_file_name))
+ as_perror ("Can't delete temp file %s", temporary_file_name);
+ }
+ if (file_handle == -1)
+ as_perror ("Can't retrieve temp file %s", temporary_file_name);
+ }
+input_file_open (filename,pre)
+ char * filename; /* "" means use stdin. Must not be 0. */
+ int pre;
+ int c;
+ char buf[80];
+ preprocess = pre;
+ assert( filename != 0 ); /* Filename may not be NULL. */
+ if (filename [0]) { /* We have a file name. Suck it and see. */
+ f_in=fopen(filename,"r");
+ file_name=filename;
+ } else { /* use stdin for the input file. */
+ f_in = stdin;
+ file_name = "{standard input}"; /* For error messages. */
+ }
+ if (f_in==(FILE *)0) {
+ as_perror ("Can't open %s for reading", file_name);
+ return;
+ }
+#ifndef VMS
+ /* Ask stdio to buffer our input at BUFFER_SIZE, with a dynamically
+ allocated buffer. */
+ setvbuf(f_in, (char *)NULL, _IOFBF, BUFFER_SIZE);
+#endif /* VMS */
+ c = getc(f_in);
+ if (c == '#') { /* Begins with comment, may not want to preprocess */
+ c = getc(f_in);
+ if (c == 'N') {
+ fgets(buf,80,f_in);
+ if (!strcmp(buf,"O_APP\n"))
+ preprocess=0;
+ if (!strchr(buf,'\n'))
+ ungetc('#',f_in); /* It was longer */
+ else
+ ungetc('\n',f_in);
+ } else if(c=='\n')
+ ungetc('\n',f_in);
+ else
+ ungetc('#',f_in);
+ } else
+ ungetc(c,f_in);
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ if ( preprocess ) {
+ char temporary_file_name [17];
+ FILE *f_out;
+ (void)strcpy (temporary_file_name, "/tmp/#appXXXXXX");
+ (void)mktemp (temporary_file_name);
+ f_out=fopen(temporary_file_name,"w+");
+ if(f_out==(FILE *)0)
+ as_perror("Can't open temp file %s",temporary_file_name);
+ /* JF this will have to be moved on any system that
+ does not support removal of open files. */
+ (void)unlink(temporary_file_name);/* JF do it NOW */
+ do_scrub(f_in,f_out);
+ (void)fclose(f_in); /* All done with it */
+ (void)rewind(f_out);
+ f_in=f_out;
+ }
+/* Close input file. */
+void input_file_close() {
+ fclose (f_in);
+ f_in = 0;
+char *
+input_file_give_next_buffer (where)
+ char * where; /* Where to place 1st character of new buffer. */
+ char * return_value; /* -> Last char of what we read, + 1. */
+ register int size;
+ if (f_in == (FILE *)0)
+ return 0;
+ /*
+ * fflush (stdin); could be done here if you want to synchronise
+ * stdin and stdout, for the case where our input file is stdin.
+ * Since the assembler shouldn't do any output to stdout, we
+ * don't bother to synch output and input.
+ */
+ if(preprocess) {
+ char *p;
+ int n;
+ int ch;
+ extern FILE *scrub_file;
+ scrub_file=f_in;
+ for (p = where, n = BUFFER_SIZE; n; --n) {
+ ch = do_scrub_next_char(scrub_from_file, scrub_to_file);
+ if (ch == EOF)
+ break;
+ *p++=ch;
+ }
+ size=BUFFER_SIZE-n;
+ } else
+ size= fread(where,sizeof(char),BUFFER_SIZE,f_in);
+ if (size < 0)
+ {
+ as_perror ("Can't read from %s", file_name);
+ size = 0;
+ }
+ if (size)
+ return_value = where + size;
+ else
+ {
+ if (fclose (f_in))
+ as_perror ("Can't close %s", file_name);
+ f_in = (FILE *)0;
+ return_value = 0;
+ }
+ return (return_value);
diff --git a/gas/input-file.h b/gas/input-file.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..703d4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/input-file.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* input_file.h header for input-file.c
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/*"input_file.c":Operating-system dependant functions to read source files.*/
+ * No matter what the operating system, this module must provide the
+ * following services to its callers.
+ *
+ * input_file_begin() Call once before anything else.
+ *
+ * input_file_end() Call once after everything else.
+ *
+ * input_file_buffer_size() Call anytime. Returns largest possible
+ * delivery from
+ * input_file_give_next_buffer().
+ *
+ * input_file_open(name) Call once for each input file.
+ *
+ * input_file_give_next_buffer(where) Call once to get each new buffer.
+ * Return 0: no more chars left in file,
+ * the file has already been closed.
+ * Otherwise: return a pointer to just
+ * after the last character we read
+ * into the buffer.
+ * If we can only read 0 characters, then
+ * end-of-file is faked.
+ *
+ * input_file_push() Push state, which can be restored
+ * later. Does implicit input_file_begin.
+ * Returns char * to saved state.
+ *
+ * input_file_pop (arg) Pops previously saved state.
+ *
+ * input_file_close () Closes opened file.
+ *
+ * All errors are reported (using as_perror) so caller doesn't have to think
+ * about I/O errors. No I/O errors are fatal: an end-of-file may be faked.
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *input_file_give_next_buffer(char *where);
+char *input_file_push(void);
+int input_file_buffer_size(void);
+int input_file_is_open(void);
+void input_file_begin(void);
+void input_file_close(void);
+void input_file_end(void);
+void input_file_open(char *filename, int pre);
+void input_file_pop(char *arg);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+char *input_file_give_next_buffer();
+char *input_file_push();
+int input_file_buffer_size();
+int input_file_is_open();
+void input_file_begin();
+void input_file_close();
+void input_file_end();
+void input_file_open();
+void input_file_pop();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+/* end: input_file.h */
diff --git a/gas/input-scrub.c b/gas/input-scrub.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a710913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/input-scrub.c
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+/* input_scrub.c - Break up input buffers into whole numbers of lines.
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include <errno.h> /* Need this to make errno declaration right */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "input-file.h"
+ * O/S independent module to supply buffers of sanitised source code
+ * to rest of assembler. We get sanitized input data of arbitrary length.
+ * We break these buffers on line boundaries, recombine pieces that
+ * were broken across buffers, and return a buffer of full lines to
+ * the caller.
+ * The last partial line begins the next buffer we build and return to caller.
+ * The buffer returned to caller is preceeded by BEFORE_STRING and followed
+ * by AFTER_STRING, as sentinels. The last character before AFTER_STRING
+ * is a newline.
+ * Also looks after line numbers, for e.g. error messages.
+ */
+ * We don't care how filthy our buffers are, but our callers assume
+ * that the following sanitation has already been done.
+ *
+ * No comments, reduce a comment to a space.
+ * Reduce a tab to a space unless it is 1st char of line.
+ * All multiple tabs and spaces collapsed into 1 char. Tab only
+ * legal if 1st char of line.
+ * # line file statements converted to .line x;.file y; statements.
+ * Escaped newlines at end of line: remove them but add as many newlines
+ * to end of statement as you removed in the middle, to synch line numbers.
+ */
+#define BEFORE_STRING ("\n")
+#define AFTER_STRING ("\0") /* bcopy of 0 chars might choke. */
+#define BEFORE_SIZE (1)
+#define AFTER_SIZE (1)
+static char * buffer_start; /*->1st char of full buffer area. */
+static char * partial_where; /*->after last full line in buffer. */
+static int partial_size; /* >=0. Number of chars in partial line in buffer. */
+static char save_source [AFTER_SIZE];
+ /* Because we need AFTER_STRING just after last */
+ /* full line, it clobbers 1st part of partial */
+ /* line. So we preserve 1st part of partial */
+ /* line here. */
+static int buffer_length; /* What is the largest size buffer that */
+ /* input_file_give_next_buffer() could */
+ /* return to us? */
+/* Saved information about the file that .include'd this one. When we
+ hit EOF, we automatically pop to that file. */
+static char *next_saved_file;
+We can have more than one source file open at once, though the info for
+all but the latest one are saved off in a struct input_save. These
+files remain open, so we are limited by the number of open files allowed
+by the underlying OS.
+We may also sequentially read more than one source file in an assembly.
+ */
+We must track the physical file and line number for error messages.
+We also track a "logical" file and line number corresponding to (C?)
+compiler source line numbers.
+Whenever we open a file we must fill in physical_input_file. So if it is NULL
+we have not opened any files yet.
+ */
+char * physical_input_file,
+ * logical_input_file;
+typedef unsigned int line_numberT; /* 1-origin line number in a source file. */
+ /* A line ends in '\n' or eof. */
+line_numberT physical_input_line,
+ logical_input_line;
+/* Struct used to save the state of the input handler during include files */
+struct input_save {
+ char *buffer_start;
+ char *partial_where;
+ int partial_size;
+ char save_source [AFTER_SIZE];
+ int buffer_length;
+ char *physical_input_file;
+ char *logical_input_file;
+ line_numberT physical_input_line;
+ line_numberT logical_input_line;
+ char *next_saved_file; /* Chain of input_saves */
+ char *input_file_save; /* Saved state of input routines */
+ char *saved_position; /* Caller's saved position in buf */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static void as_1_char(unsigned int c, FILE *stream);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+static void as_1_char();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+/* Push the state of input reading and scrubbing so that we can #include.
+ The return value is a 'void *' (fudged for old compilers) to a save
+ area, which can be restored by passing it to input_scrub_pop(). */
+char *
+ char *saved_position;
+ register struct input_save *saved;
+ saved = (struct input_save *) xmalloc(sizeof *saved);
+ saved->saved_position = saved_position;
+ saved->buffer_start = buffer_start;
+ saved->partial_where = partial_where;
+ saved->partial_size = partial_size;
+ saved->buffer_length = buffer_length;
+ saved->physical_input_file = physical_input_file;
+ saved->logical_input_file = logical_input_file;
+ saved->physical_input_line = physical_input_line;
+ saved->logical_input_line = logical_input_line;
+ bcopy (saved->save_source, save_source, sizeof (save_source));
+ saved->next_saved_file = next_saved_file;
+ saved->input_file_save = input_file_push ();
+ input_scrub_begin (); /* Reinitialize! */
+ return (char *)saved;
+char *
+input_scrub_pop (arg)
+ char *arg;
+ register struct input_save *saved;
+ char *saved_position;
+ input_scrub_end (); /* Finish off old buffer */
+ saved = (struct input_save *)arg;
+ input_file_pop (saved->input_file_save);
+ saved_position = saved->saved_position;
+ buffer_start = saved->buffer_start;
+ buffer_length = saved->buffer_length;
+ physical_input_file = saved->physical_input_file;
+ logical_input_file = saved->logical_input_file;
+ physical_input_line = saved->physical_input_line;
+ logical_input_line = saved->logical_input_line;
+ partial_where = saved->partial_where;
+ partial_size = saved->partial_size;
+ next_saved_file = saved->next_saved_file;
+ bcopy (save_source, saved->save_source, sizeof (save_source));
+ free(arg);
+ return saved_position;
+input_scrub_begin ()
+ know(strlen(BEFORE_STRING) == BEFORE_SIZE);
+ know(strlen(AFTER_STRING) == AFTER_SIZE
+ || (AFTER_STRING[0] == '\0' && AFTER_SIZE == 1));
+ input_file_begin ();
+ buffer_length = input_file_buffer_size ();
+ buffer_start = xmalloc((long)(BEFORE_SIZE + buffer_length + buffer_length + AFTER_SIZE));
+ bcopy (BEFORE_STRING, buffer_start, (int)BEFORE_SIZE);
+ /* Line number things. */
+ logical_input_line = 0;
+ logical_input_file = (char *)NULL;
+ physical_input_file = NULL; /* No file read yet. */
+ next_saved_file = NULL; /* At EOF, don't pop to any other file */
+ do_scrub_begin();
+input_scrub_end ()
+ if (buffer_start)
+ {
+ free (buffer_start);
+ buffer_start = 0;
+ input_file_end ();
+ }
+/* Start reading input from a new file. */
+char * /* Return start of caller's part of buffer. */
+input_scrub_new_file (filename)
+ char * filename;
+ input_file_open (filename, !flagseen['f']);
+ physical_input_file = filename[0] ? filename : "{standard input}";
+ physical_input_line = 0;
+ partial_size = 0;
+ return (buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE);
+/* Include a file from the current file. Save our state, cause it to
+ be restored on EOF, and begin handling a new file. Same result as
+ input_scrub_new_file. */
+char *
+input_scrub_include_file (filename, position)
+ char *filename;
+ char *position;
+ next_saved_file = input_scrub_push (position);
+ return input_scrub_new_file (filename);
+input_scrub_close ()
+ input_file_close ();
+char *
+input_scrub_next_buffer (bufp)
+char **bufp;
+ register char * limit; /*->just after last char of buffer. */
+ *bufp = buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE;
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ if(preprocess) {
+ if(save_buffer) {
+ *bufp = save_buffer;
+ save_buffer = 0;
+ }
+ limit = input_file_give_next_buffer(buffer_start+BEFORE_SIZE);
+ if (!limit) {
+ partial_where = 0;
+ if(partial_size)
+ as_warn("Partial line at end of file ignored");
+ return partial_where;
+ }
+ if(partial_size)
+ bcopy(save_source, partial_where,(int)AFTER_SIZE);
+ do_scrub(partial_where,partial_size,buffer_start+BEFORE_SIZE,limit-(buffer_start+BEFORE_SIZE),&out_string,&out_length);
+ limit=out_string + out_length;
+ for(p=limit;*--p!='\n';)
+ ;
+ p++;
+ if(p<=buffer_start+BEFORE_SIZE)
+ as_fatal("Source line too long. Please change file '%s' and re-make the assembler.", __FILE__);
+ partial_where = p;
+ partial_size = limit-p;
+ bcopy(partial_where, save_source,(int)AFTER_SIZE);
+ bcopy(AFTER_STRING, partial_where, (int)AFTER_SIZE);
+ save_buffer = *bufp;
+ *bufp = out_string;
+ return partial_where;
+ }
+ /* We're not preprocessing. Do the right thing */
+ if (partial_size)
+ {
+ bcopy (partial_where, buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE, (int)partial_size);
+ bcopy (save_source, buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE, (int)AFTER_SIZE);
+ }
+ limit = input_file_give_next_buffer (buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE + partial_size);
+ if (limit)
+ {
+ register char * p; /* Find last newline. */
+ for (p = limit; * -- p != '\n';)
+ {
+ }
+ ++ p;
+ if (p <= buffer_start + BEFORE_SIZE)
+ {
+ as_fatal("Source line too long. Please change file %s then rebuild assembler.", __FILE__);
+ }
+ partial_where = p;
+ partial_size = limit - p;
+ bcopy (partial_where, save_source, (int)AFTER_SIZE);
+ bcopy (AFTER_STRING, partial_where, (int)AFTER_SIZE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ partial_where = 0;
+ if (partial_size > 0)
+ {
+ as_warn("Partial line at end of file ignored");
+ }
+ /* If we should pop to another file at EOF, do it. */
+ if (next_saved_file)
+ {
+ *bufp = input_scrub_pop (next_saved_file); /* Pop state */
+ /* partial_where is now correct to return, since we popped it. */
+ }
+ }
+ return (partial_where);
+ * The remaining part of this file deals with line numbers, error
+ * messages and so on.
+ */
+seen_at_least_1_file () /* TRUE if we opened any file. */
+ return (physical_input_file != NULL);
+bump_line_counters ()
+ ++ physical_input_line;
+ ++ logical_input_line;
+ * new_logical_line()
+ *
+ * Tells us what the new logical line number and file are.
+ * If the line_number is <0, we don't change the current logical line number.
+ * If the fname is NULL, we don't change the current logical file name.
+ */
+void new_logical_line(fname, line_number)
+ char *fname; /* DON'T destroy it! We point to it! */
+ int line_number;
+ if (fname) {
+ logical_input_file = fname;
+ } /* if we have a file name */
+ if (line_number >= 0) {
+ logical_input_line = line_number;
+ } /* if we have a line number */
+} /* new_logical_line() */
+ * a s _ w h e r e ()
+ *
+ * Write a line to stderr locating where we are in reading
+ * input source files.
+ * As a sop to the debugger of AS, pretty-print the offending line.
+ */
+ char *p;
+ line_numberT line;
+ if (physical_input_file)
+ { /* we tried to read SOME source */
+ if (input_file_is_open())
+ { /* we can still read lines from source */
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ fprintf (stderr," @ physical line %ld., file \"%s\"",
+ (long) physical_input_line, physical_input_file);
+ fprintf (stderr," @ logical line %ld., file \"%s\"\n",
+ (long) logical_input_line, logical_input_file);
+ (void)putc(' ', stderr);
+ as_howmuch (stderr);
+ (void)putc('\n', stderr);
+ p = logical_input_file ? logical_input_file : physical_input_file;
+ line = logical_input_line ? logical_input_line : physical_input_line;
+ fprintf(stderr,"%s:%u: ", p, line);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ fprintf (stderr," After reading source.\n");
+ p = logical_input_file ? logical_input_file : physical_input_file;
+ line = logical_input_line ? logical_input_line : physical_input_line;
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:", p, (int) line);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ fprintf (stderr," Before reading source.\n");
+ }
+ * a s _ h o w m u c h ()
+ *
+ * Output to given stream how much of line we have scanned so far.
+ * Assumes we have scanned up to and including input_line_pointer.
+ * No free '\n' at end of line.
+ */
+as_howmuch (stream)
+ FILE * stream; /* Opened for write please. */
+ register char * p; /* Scan input line. */
+ /* register char c; JF unused */
+ for (p = input_line_pointer - 1; * p != '\n'; --p)
+ {
+ }
+ ++ p; /* p->1st char of line. */
+ for (; p <= input_line_pointer; p++)
+ {
+ /* Assume ASCII. EBCDIC & other micro-computer char sets ignored. */
+ /* c = *p & 0xFF; JF unused */
+ as_1_char(*p, stream);
+ }
+static void as_1_char (c,stream)
+unsigned int c;
+FILE *stream;
+ if (c > 127)
+ {
+ (void)putc('%', stream);
+ c -= 128;
+ }
+ if (c < 32)
+ {
+ (void)putc('^', stream);
+ c += '@';
+ }
+ (void)putc(c, stream);
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end: input_scrub.c */
diff --git a/gas/messages.c b/gas/messages.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90e1f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/messages.c
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+/* messages.c - error reporter -
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+ GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+#include <stdio.h> /* define stderr */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include "as.h"
+#ifndef NO_STDARG
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#ifndef NO_VARARGS
+#include <varargs.h>
+#endif /* NO_VARARGS */
+#endif /* NO_STDARG */
+ * Despite the rest of the comments in this file, (FIXME-SOON),
+ * here is the current scheme for error messages etc:
+ *
+ * as_fatal() is used when gas is quite confused and
+ * continuing the assembly is pointless. In this case we
+ * exit immediately with error status.
+ *
+ * as_bad() is used to mark errors that result in what we
+ * presume to be a useless object file. Say, we ignored
+ * something that might have been vital. If we see any of
+ * these, assembly will continue to the end of the source,
+ * no object file will be produced, and we will terminate
+ * with error status. The new option, -Z, tells us to
+ * produce an object file anyway but we still exit with
+ * error status. The assumption here is that you don't want
+ * this object file but we could be wrong.
+ *
+ * as_warn() is used when we have an error from which we
+ * have a plausible error recovery. eg, masking the top
+ * bits of a constant that is longer than will fit in the
+ * destination. In this case we will continue to assemble
+ * the source, although we may have made a bad assumption,
+ * and we will produce an object file and return normal exit
+ * status (ie, no error). The new option -X tells us to
+ * treat all as_warn() errors as as_bad() errors. That is,
+ * no object file will be produced and we will exit with
+ * error status. The idea here is that we don't kill an
+ * entire make because of an error that we knew how to
+ * correct. On the other hand, sometimes you might want to
+ * stop the make at these points.
+ *
+ * as_tsktsk() is used when we see a minor error for which
+ * our error recovery action is almost certainly correct.
+ * In this case, we print a message and then assembly
+ * continues as though no error occurred.
+ */
+ JF: this is now bogus. We now print more standard error messages
+ that try to look like everyone else's.
+ We print the error message 1st, beginning in column 1.
+ All ancillary info starts in column 2 on lines after the
+ key error text.
+ We try to print a location in logical and physical file
+ just after the main error text.
+ Caller then prints any appendices after that, begining all
+ lines with at least 1 space.
+ Optionally, we may die.
+ There is no need for a trailing '\n' in your error text format
+ because we supply one.
+ as_warn(fmt,args) Like fprintf(stderr,fmt,args) but also call errwhere().
+ as_fatal(fmt,args) Like as_warn() but exit with a fatal status.
+ */
+static int warning_count = 0; /* Count of number of warnings issued */
+int had_warnings() {
+ return(warning_count);
+} /* had_err() */
+/* Nonzero if we've hit a 'bad error', and should not write an obj file,
+ and exit with a nonzero error code */
+static int error_count = 0;
+int had_errors() {
+ return(error_count);
+} /* had_errors() */
+ * a s _ p e r r o r
+ *
+ * Like perror(3), but with more info.
+ */
+void as_perror(gripe, filename)
+char *gripe; /* Unpunctuated error theme. */
+char *filename;
+ extern int sys_nerr;
+ extern char *sys_errlist[];
+ as_where();
+ fprintf(stderr,gripe,filename);
+ if (errno > sys_nerr)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown error #%d.\n", errno);
+ else
+ fprintf(stderr, "%s.\n", sys_errlist[errno]);
+ errno = 0; /* After reporting, clear it. */
+} /* as_perror() */
+ * a s _ t s k t s k ()
+ *
+ * Send to stderr a string (with bell) (JF: Bell is obnoxious!) as a warning, and locate warning
+ * in input file(s).
+ * Please only use this for when we have some recovery action.
+ * Please explain in string (which may have '\n's) what recovery was done.
+ */
+#ifndef NO_STDARG
+void as_tsktsk(Format)
+const char *Format;
+ va_list args;
+ as_where();
+ va_start(args, Format);
+ vfprintf(stderr, Format, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ (void) putc('\n', stderr);
+} /* as_tsktsk() */
+#ifndef NO_VARARGS
+void as_tsktsk(Format,va_alist)
+char *Format;
+ va_list args;
+ as_where();
+ va_start(args);
+ vfprintf(stderr, Format, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ (void) putc('\n', stderr);
+} /* as_tsktsk() */
+/*VARARGS1 */
+char *Format;
+ as_where();
+ _doprnt (Format, &args, stderr);
+ (void)putc ('\n', stderr);
+ /* as_where(); */
+} /* as_tsktsk */
+#endif /* not NO_VARARGS */
+#endif /* not NO_STDARG */
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+void as_tsktsk(Format,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an)
+char *format;
+ as_where();
+ fprintf(stderr,Format,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an);
+ (void)putc('\n',stderr);
+} /* as_tsktsk() */
+ * a s _ w a r n ()
+ *
+ * Send to stderr a string (with bell) (JF: Bell is obnoxious!) as a warning, and locate warning
+ * in input file(s).
+ * Please only use this for when we have some recovery action.
+ * Please explain in string (which may have '\n's) what recovery was done.
+ */
+#ifndef NO_STDARG
+void as_warn(Format)
+const char *Format;
+ va_list args;
+ if(!flagseen['W']) {
+ ++warning_count;
+ as_where();
+ va_start(args, Format);
+ vfprintf(stderr, Format, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ (void) putc('\n', stderr);
+ }
+} /* as_warn() */
+#ifndef NO_VARARGS
+void as_warn(Format,va_alist)
+char *Format;
+ va_list args;
+ if(!flagseen['W']) {
+ ++warning_count;
+ as_where();
+ va_start(args);
+ vfprintf(stderr, Format, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ (void) putc('\n', stderr);
+ }
+} /* as_warn() */
+/*VARARGS1 */
+char *Format;
+ /* -W supresses warning messages. */
+ if (! flagseen ['W']) {
+ ++warning_count;
+ as_where();
+ _doprnt (Format, &args, stderr);
+ (void)putc ('\n', stderr);
+ /* as_where(); */
+ }
+} /* as_warn() */
+#endif /* not NO_VARARGS */
+#endif /* not NO_STDARG */
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+void as_warn(Format,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an)
+char *format;
+ if(!flagseen['W']) {
+ ++warning_count;
+ as_where();
+ fprintf(stderr,Format,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an);
+ (void)putc('\n',stderr);
+ }
+} /* as_warn() */
+ * a s _ b a d ()
+ *
+ * Send to stderr a string (with bell) (JF: Bell is obnoxious!) as a warning,
+ * and locate warning in input file(s).
+ * Please us when there is no recovery, but we want to continue processing
+ * but not produce an object file.
+ * Please explain in string (which may have '\n's) what recovery was done.
+ */
+#ifndef NO_STDARG
+void as_bad(Format)
+const char *Format;
+ va_list args;
+ ++error_count;
+ as_where();
+ va_start(args, Format);
+ vfprintf(stderr, Format, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ (void) putc('\n', stderr);
+} /* as_bad() */
+#ifndef NO_VARARGS
+void as_bad(Format,va_alist)
+char *Format;
+ va_list args;
+ ++error_count;
+ as_where();
+ va_start(args);
+ vfprintf(stderr, Format, args);
+ va_end(args);
+ (void) putc('\n', stderr);
+} /* as_bad() */
+/*VARARGS1 */
+char *Format;
+ ++error_count;
+ as_where();
+ _doprnt (Format, &args, stderr);
+ (void)putc ('\n', stderr);
+ /* as_where(); */
+} /* as_bad() */
+#endif /* not NO_VARARGS */
+#endif /* not NO_STDARG */
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+void as_bad(Format,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an)
+char *format;
+ ++error_count;
+ as_where();
+ fprintf(stderr,Format,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an);
+ (void)putc('\n',stderr);
+} /* as_bad() */
+ * a s _ f a t a l ()
+ *
+ * Send to stderr a string (with bell) (JF: Bell is obnoxious!) as a fatal
+ * message, and locate stdsource in input file(s).
+ * Please only use this for when we DON'T have some recovery action.
+ * It exit()s with a warning status.
+ */
+#ifndef NO_STDARG
+void as_fatal(Format)
+const char *Format;
+ va_list args;
+ as_where();
+ va_start(args, Format);
+ fprintf (stderr, "FATAL:");
+ vfprintf(stderr, Format, args);
+ (void) putc('\n', stderr);
+ va_end(args);
+ exit(42);
+} /* as_fatal() */
+#ifndef NO_VARARGS
+void as_fatal(Format,va_alist)
+char *Format;
+ va_list args;
+ as_where();
+ va_start(args);
+ fprintf (stderr, "FATAL:");
+ vfprintf(stderr, Format, args);
+ (void) putc('\n', stderr);
+ va_end(args);
+ exit(42);
+} /* as_fatal() */
+/*VARARGS1 */
+as_fatal(Format, args)
+char *Format;
+ as_where();
+ fprintf(stderr,"FATAL:");
+ _doprnt (Format, &args, stderr);
+ (void)putc ('\n', stderr);
+ /* as_where(); */
+ exit(42); /* What is a good exit status? */
+} /* as_fatal() */
+#endif /* not NO_VARARGS */
+#endif /* not NO_STDARG */
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+void as_fatal(Format,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an)
+char *Format;
+ as_where();
+ fprintf (stderr, "FATAL:");
+ fprintf(stderr, Format,aa,ab,ac,ad,ae,af,ag,ah,ai,aj,ak,al,am,an);
+ (void) putc('\n', stderr);
+ exit(42);
+} /* as_fatal() */
+/* end: messages.c */
diff --git a/gas/obj.h b/gas/obj.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68e4243
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/obj.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/* obj.h - defines the object dependent hooks for all object
+ format backends.
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *obj_default_output_file_name(void);
+void obj_crawl_symbol_chain(object_headers *headers);
+void obj_emit_relocations(char **where, fixS *fixP, relax_addressT segment_address_in_file);
+void obj_emit_strings(char **where);
+void obj_emit_symbols(char **where, symbolS *symbol_rootP);
+void obj_header_append(char **where, object_headers *headers);
+void obj_read_begin_hook(void);
+void obj_symbol_new_hook(symbolS *symbolP);
+void obj_symbol_to_chars(char **where, symbolS *symbolP);
+#ifndef obj_pre_write_hook
+void obj_pre_write_hook(object_headers *headers);
+#endif /* obj_pre_write_hook */
+char *obj_default_output_file_name();
+void obj_crawl_symbol_chain();
+void obj_emit_relocations();
+void obj_emit_strings();
+void obj_emit_symbols();
+void obj_header_append();
+void obj_read_begin_hook();
+void obj_symbol_new_hook();
+void obj_symbol_to_chars();
+#ifndef obj_pre_write_hook
+void obj_pre_write_hook();
+#endif /* obj_pre_write_hook */
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+extern const pseudo_typeS obj_pseudo_table[];
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of obj.h */
diff --git a/gas/output-file.c b/gas/output-file.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..423bab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/output-file.c
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+/* output-file.c - Deal with the output file
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ * Confines all details of emitting object bytes to this module.
+ * All O/S specific crocks should live here.
+ * What we lose in "efficiency" we gain in modularity.
+ * Note we don't need to #include the "as.h" file. No common coupling!
+ */
+ /* note that we do need config info. xoxorich. */
+/* #include "style.h" */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "as.h"
+#include "output-file.h"
+static FILE *stdoutput;
+void output_file_create(name)
+char *name;
+ if(name[0]=='-' && name[1]=='\0')
+ stdoutput=stdout;
+ else if ( ! (stdoutput = fopen( name, "w" )) )
+ {
+ as_perror ("FATAL: Can't create %s", name);
+ exit(42);
+ }
+} /* output_file_create() */
+void output_file_close(filename)
+char *filename;
+ if ( EOF == fclose( stdoutput ) )
+ {
+ as_perror ("FATAL: Can't close %s", filename);
+ exit(42);
+ }
+ stdoutput = NULL; /* Trust nobody! */
+} /* output_file_close() */
+void output_file_append(where, length, filename)
+char *where;
+long length;
+char *filename;
+ for (; length; length--,where++)
+ {
+ (void)putc(*where,stdoutput);
+ if(ferror(stdoutput))
+ /* if ( EOF == (putc( *where, stdoutput )) ) */
+ {
+ as_perror("Failed to emit an object byte", filename);
+ as_fatal("Can't continue");
+ }
+ }
+} /* output_file_append() */
+/* end: output-file.c */
diff --git a/gas/output-file.h b/gas/output-file.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5c8073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/output-file.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#ifdef __STDC__
+void output_file_append(char *where, long length, char *filename);
+void output_file_close(char *filename);
+void output_file_create(char *name);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+void output_file_append();
+void output_file_close();
+void output_file_create();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+/* end of output-file.h */
diff --git a/gas/read.c b/gas/read.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..818f139
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/read.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2281 @@
+/* read.c - read a source file -
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#define MASK_CHAR (0xFF) /* If your chars aren't 8 bits, you will
+ change this a bit. But then, GNU isn't
+ spozed to run on your machine anyway.
+ (RMS is so shortsighted sometimes.)
+ */
+ /* This is the largest known floating point */
+ /* format (for now). It will grow when we */
+ /* do 4361 style flonums. */
+/* Routines that read assembler source text to build spagetti in memory. */
+/* Another group of these functions is in the as-expr.c module */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+char *input_line_pointer; /*->next char of source file to parse. */
+#if BITS_PER_CHAR != 8
+The following table is indexed by [ (char) ] and will break if
+a char does not have exactly 256 states (hopefully 0:255!) !
+const char /* used by is_... macros. our ctype[] */
+lex_type [256] = {
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO */
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ */
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, /* _!"#$%&'()*+,-./ */
+ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* 0123456789:;<=>? */
+ 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, /* @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO */
+ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 3, /* PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_ */
+ 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, /* `abcdefghijklmno */
+ 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* pqrstuvwxyz{|}~. */
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ * In: a character.
+ * Out: 1 if this character ends a line.
+ */
+#define _ (0)
+char is_end_of_line [256] = {
+#ifdef CR_EOL
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,99, _, _, 99, _, _,/* @abcdefghijklmno */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,99, _, _, _, _, _, /* @abcdefghijklmno */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _,99, _, _, _, _, /* 0123456789:;<=>? */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, /* */
+ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ /* */
+#undef _
+ /* Functions private to this file. */
+char line_comment_chars[1];
+char line_separator_chars[1];
+static char *buffer; /* 1st char of each buffer of lines is here. */
+static char *buffer_limit; /*->1 + last char in buffer. */
+static char *bignum_low; /* Lowest char of bignum. */
+static char *bignum_limit; /* 1st illegal address of bignum. */
+static char *bignum_high; /* Highest char of bignum. */
+ /* May point to (bignum_start-1). */
+ /* Never >= bignum_limit. */
+static char *old_buffer = 0; /* JF a hack */
+static char *old_input;
+static char *old_limit;
+/* Variables for handling include file directory list. */
+char **include_dirs; /* List of pointers to directories to
+ search for .include's */
+int include_dir_count; /* How many are in the list */
+int include_dir_maxlen = 1; /* Length of longest in list */
+struct broken_word *broken_words;
+int new_broken_words = 0;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static char *demand_copy_string(int *lenP);
+static int is_it_end_of_statement(void);
+static unsigned int next_char_of_string(void);
+static segT get_known_segmented_expression(expressionS *expP);
+static void grow_bignum(void);
+static void pobegin(void);
+static void stringer(int append_zero);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+static char *demand_copy_string();
+static int is_it_end_of_statement();
+static unsigned int next_char_of_string();
+static segT get_known_segmented_expression();
+static void grow_bignum();
+static void pobegin();
+static void stringer();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+ char *p;
+ pobegin();
+ obj_read_begin_hook();
+ obstack_begin(&notes, 5000);
+ /* Start off assuming that we won't need more than 20 levels
+ of .if/.endif; if we need more, we can always get it. */
+ obstack_begin (&cond_obstack, 20);
+ /* We start life accepting input. */
+ obstack_1grow (&cond_obstack, 1);
+#define BIGNUM_BEGIN_SIZE (16)
+ bignum_low = xmalloc((long)BIGNUM_BEGIN_SIZE);
+ bignum_limit = bignum_low + BIGNUM_BEGIN_SIZE;
+ /* Use machine dependent syntax */
+ for (p = line_separator_chars; *p; p++)
+ is_end_of_line[*p] = 1;
+ /* Use more. FIXME-SOMEDAY. */
+/* set up pseudo-op tables */
+struct hash_control *
+po_hash = NULL; /* use before set up: NULL->address error */
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+void s_gdbline(), s_gdblinetab();
+void s_gdbbeg(), s_gdbblock(), s_gdbend(), s_gdbsym();
+static const pseudo_typeS
+potable[] =
+ { "abort", s_abort, 0 },
+ { "align", s_align_ptwo, 0 },
+ { "ascii", stringer, 0 },
+ { "asciz", stringer, 1 },
+/* block */
+ { "byte", cons, 1 },
+ { "comm", s_comm, 0 },
+ { "data", s_data, 0 },
+/* dim */
+ { "double", float_cons, 'd' },
+/* dsect */
+ { "eject", s_ignore, 0 }, /* Formfeed listing */
+ { "else", s_else, 0 },
+ { "end", s_end, 0 },
+ { "endif", s_endif, 0 },
+/* endef */
+ { "equ", s_set, 0 },
+/* err */
+/* extend */
+ { "extern", s_ignore, 0 }, /* We treat all undef as ext */
+ { "app-file", s_app_file, 0 },
+ { "file", s_app_file, 0 },
+ { "fill", s_fill, 0 },
+ { "float", float_cons, 'f' },
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ { "gdbbeg", s_gdbbeg, 0 },
+ { "gdbblock", s_gdbblock, 0 },
+ { "gdbend", s_gdbend, 0 },
+ { "gdbsym", s_gdbsym, 0 },
+ { "gdbline", s_gdbline, 0 },
+ { "gdblinetab",s_gdblinetab, 0 },
+ { "global", s_globl, 0 },
+ { "globl", s_globl, 0 },
+ { "hword", cons, 2 },
+ { "if", s_if, 0 },
+ { "ifdef", s_ifdef, 0 },
+ { "ifeqs", s_ifeqs, 0 },
+ { "ifndef", s_ifdef, 1 },
+ { "ifnes", s_ifeqs, 1 },
+ { "ifnotdef", s_ifdef, 1 },
+ { "include", s_include, 0 },
+ { "int", cons, 4 },
+ { "lcomm", s_lcomm, 0 },
+ { "lflags", s_ignore, 0 }, /* Listing flags */
+ { "list", s_ignore, 0 }, /* Turn listing on */
+ { "long", cons, 4 },
+ { "lsym", s_lsym, 0 },
+ { "nolist", s_ignore, 0 }, /* Turn listing off */
+ { "octa", big_cons, 16 },
+ { "org", s_org, 0 },
+/* print */
+ { "quad", big_cons, 8 },
+ { "sbttl", s_ignore, 0 }, /* Subtitle of listing */
+/* scl */
+/* sect */
+ { "set", s_set, 0 },
+ { "short", cons, 2 },
+ { "single", float_cons, 'f' },
+/* size */
+ { "space", s_space, 0 },
+/* tag */
+ { "text", s_text, 0 },
+ { "title", s_ignore, 0 }, /* Listing title */
+/* type */
+/* use */
+/* val */
+ { "word", cons, 2 },
+ { NULL} /* end sentinel */
+static void pobegin() {
+ char * errtxt; /* error text */
+ const pseudo_typeS * pop;
+ po_hash = hash_new();
+ /* Do the target-specific pseudo ops. */
+ for (pop=md_pseudo_table; pop->poc_name; pop++) {
+ errtxt = hash_insert (po_hash, pop->poc_name, (char *)pop);
+ if (errtxt && *errtxt) {
+ as_fatal("error constructing md pseudo-op table");
+ } /* on error */
+ } /* for each op */
+ /* Now object specific. Skip any that were in the target table. */
+ for (pop=obj_pseudo_table; pop->poc_name; pop++) {
+ errtxt = hash_insert (po_hash, pop->poc_name, (char *)pop);
+ if (errtxt && *errtxt) {
+ if (!strcmp (errtxt, "exists")) {
+ as_fatal("pseudo op \".%s\" overridden.\n", pop->poc_name);
+#endif /* DIE_ON_OVERRIDES */
+ continue; /* OK if target table overrides. */
+ } else {
+ as_fatal("error constructing obj pseudo-op table");
+ } /* if overridden */
+ } /* on error */
+ } /* for each op */
+ /* Now portable ones. Skip any that we've seen already. */
+ for (pop=potable; pop->poc_name; pop++) {
+ errtxt = hash_insert (po_hash, pop->poc_name, (char *)pop);
+ if (errtxt && *errtxt) {
+ if (!strcmp (errtxt, "exists")) {
+ as_fatal("pseudo op \".%s\" overridden.\n", pop->poc_name);
+#endif /* DIE_ON_OVERRIDES */
+ continue; /* OK if target table overrides. */
+ } else {
+ as_fatal("error constructing obj pseudo-op table");
+ } /* if overridden */
+ } /* on error */
+ } /* for each op */
+ return;
+} /* pobegin() */
+ if (ignore_input ()) \
+ { \
+ while (! is_end_of_line[*input_line_pointer++]) \
+ if (input_line_pointer == buffer_limit) \
+ break; \
+ continue; \
+ }
+/* read_a_source_file()
+ *
+ * We read the file, putting things into a web that
+ * represents what we have been reading.
+ */
+void read_a_source_file(name)
+char *name;
+ register char c;
+ register char * s; /* string of symbol, '\0' appended */
+ register int temp;
+ /* register struct frag * fragP; JF unused */ /* a frag we just made */
+ pseudo_typeS *pop;
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ void gdb_block_beg();
+ void gdb_block_position();
+ void gdb_block_end();
+ void gdb_symbols_fixup();
+ buffer = input_scrub_new_file(name);
+ while ((buffer_limit = input_scrub_next_buffer(&input_line_pointer)) != 0) { /* We have another line to parse. */
+ know(buffer_limit[-1] == '\n'); /* Must have a sentinel. */
+ contin: /* JF this goto is my fault I admit it. Someone brave please re-write
+ the whole input section here? Pleeze??? */
+ while (input_line_pointer < buffer_limit) { /* We have more of this buffer to parse. */
+ /*
+ * We now have input_line_pointer->1st char of next line.
+ * If input_line_pointer [-1] == '\n' then we just
+ * scanned another line: so bump line counters.
+ */
+ if (input_line_pointer[-1] == '\n') {
+ bump_line_counters();
+ } /* just passed a newline */
+ /*
+ * We are at the begining of a line, or similar place.
+ * We expect a well-formed assembler statement.
+ * A "symbol-name:" is a statement.
+ *
+ * Depending on what compiler is used, the order of these tests
+ * may vary to catch most common case 1st.
+ * Each test is independent of all other tests at the (top) level.
+ * PLEASE make a compiler that doesn't use this assembler.
+ * It is crufty to waste a compiler's time encoding things for this
+ * assembler, which then wastes more time decoding it.
+ * (And communicating via (linear) files is silly!
+ * If you must pass stuff, please pass a tree!)
+ */
+ if ((c = *input_line_pointer++) == '\t' || c == ' ' || c=='\f') {
+ c = *input_line_pointer++;
+ }
+ know(c != ' '); /* No further leading whitespace. */
+ /*
+ * C is the 1st significant character.
+ * Input_line_pointer points after that character.
+ */
+ if (is_name_beginner(c)) { /* want user-defined label or pseudo/opcode */
+ s = --input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end(); /* name's delimiter */
+ /*
+ * C is character after symbol.
+ * That character's place in the input line is now '\0'.
+ * S points to the beginning of the symbol.
+ * [In case of pseudo-op, s->'.'.]
+ * Input_line_pointer->'\0' where c was.
+ */
+ if (c == ':') {
+ colon(s); /* user-defined label */
+ * input_line_pointer ++ = ':'; /* Put ':' back for error messages' sake. */
+ /* Input_line_pointer->after ':'. */
+ } else if (c == '=' || input_line_pointer[1] == '=') { /* JF deal with FOO=BAR */
+ equals(s);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ } else { /* expect pseudo-op or machine instruction */
+ if (*s == '.') {
+ /*
+ * PSEUDO - OP.
+ *
+ * WARNING: c has next char, which may be end-of-line.
+ * We lookup the pseudo-op table with s+1 because we
+ * already know that the pseudo-op begins with a '.'.
+ */
+ pop = (pseudo_typeS *) hash_find(po_hash, s+1);
+ /* Print the error msg now, while we still can */
+ if (!pop) {
+ as_bad("Unknown pseudo-op: `%s'",s);
+ *input_line_pointer = c;
+ s_ignore(0);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Put it back for error messages etc. */
+ *input_line_pointer = c;
+ /* The following skip of whitespace is compulsory. */
+ /* A well shaped space is sometimes all that separates keyword from operands. */
+ if (c == ' ' || c == '\t') {
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ } /* Skip seperator after keyword. */
+ /*
+ * Input_line is restored.
+ * Input_line_pointer->1st non-blank char
+ * after pseudo-operation.
+ */
+ if (!pop) {
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ break;
+ } else {
+ (*pop->poc_handler)(pop->poc_val);
+ } /* if we have one */
+ } else { /* machine instruction */
+ /* WARNING: c has char, which may be end-of-line. */
+ /* Also: input_line_pointer->`\0` where c was. */
+ * input_line_pointer = c;
+ while (!is_end_of_line[*input_line_pointer]) {
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ }
+ c = *input_line_pointer;
+ *input_line_pointer = '\0';
+ md_assemble(s); /* Assemble 1 instruction. */
+ *input_line_pointer++ = c;
+ /* We resume loop AFTER the end-of-line from this instruction */
+ } /* if (*s=='.') */
+ } /* if c==':' */
+ continue;
+ } /* if (is_name_beginner(c) */
+ if (is_end_of_line [c]) {
+ continue;
+ } /* empty statement */
+ if (isdigit(c)) { /* local label ("4:") */
+ temp = c - '0';
+ if (*input_line_pointer=='$')
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ if (* input_line_pointer ++ == ':')
+ {
+ local_colon (temp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_bad("Spurious digit %d.", temp);
+ input_line_pointer -- ;
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ }
+ continue;
+ } /* local label ("4:") */
+ if (c && strchr(line_comment_chars,c)) { /* Its a comment. Better say APP or NO_APP */
+ char *ends;
+ char *new_buf;
+ char *new_tmp;
+ int new_length;
+ char *tmp_buf = 0;
+ extern char *scrub_string,*scrub_last_string;
+ bump_line_counters();
+ s=input_line_pointer;
+ if (strncmp(s,"APP\n",4))
+ continue; /* We ignore it */
+ s+=4;
+ ends=strstr(s,"#NO_APP\n");
+ if (!ends) {
+ int tmp_len;
+ int num;
+ /* The end of the #APP wasn't in this buffer. We
+ keep reading in buffers until we find the #NO_APP
+ that goes with this #APP There is one. The specs
+ guarentee it. . . */
+ tmp_len=buffer_limit-s;
+ tmp_buf=xmalloc(tmp_len);
+ bcopy(s,tmp_buf,tmp_len);
+ do {
+ new_tmp = input_scrub_next_buffer(&buffer);
+ if (!new_tmp)
+ break;
+ else
+ buffer_limit = new_tmp;
+ input_line_pointer = buffer;
+ ends = strstr(buffer,"#NO_APP\n");
+ if (ends)
+ num=ends-buffer;
+ else
+ num=buffer_limit-buffer;
+ tmp_buf = xrealloc(tmp_buf, tmp_len + num);
+ bcopy(buffer,tmp_buf+tmp_len,num);
+ tmp_len+=num;
+ } while(!ends);
+ input_line_pointer= ends ? ends+8 : NULL;
+ s=tmp_buf;
+ ends=s+tmp_len;
+ } else {
+ input_line_pointer=ends+8;
+ }
+ new_buf=xmalloc(100);
+ new_length=100;
+ new_tmp=new_buf;
+ scrub_string=s;
+ scrub_last_string = ends;
+ for(;;) {
+ int ch;
+ ch = do_scrub_next_char(scrub_from_string, scrub_to_string);
+ if (ch==EOF) break;
+ *new_tmp++=ch;
+ if (new_tmp==new_buf+new_length) {
+ new_buf=xrealloc(new_buf,new_length+100);
+ new_tmp=new_buf+new_length;
+ new_length+=100;
+ }
+ }
+ if (tmp_buf)
+ free(tmp_buf);
+ old_buffer=buffer;
+ old_input=input_line_pointer;
+ old_limit=buffer_limit;
+ buffer=new_buf;
+ input_line_pointer=new_buf;
+ buffer_limit=new_tmp;
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* as_warn("Junk character %d.",c); Now done by ignore_rest */
+ input_line_pointer--; /* Report unknown char as ignored. */
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ } /* while (input_line_pointer<buffer_limit) */
+ if (old_buffer) {
+ bump_line_counters();
+ if (old_input != 0) {
+ buffer=old_buffer;
+ input_line_pointer=old_input;
+ buffer_limit=old_limit;
+ old_buffer = 0;
+ goto contin;
+ }
+ }
+ } /* while (more buffers to scan) */
+ input_scrub_close(); /* Close the input file */
+} /* read_a_source_file() */
+void s_abort() {
+ as_fatal(".abort detected. Abandoning ship.");
+} /* s_abort() */
+/* For machines where ".align 4" means align to a 4 byte boundary. */
+void s_align_bytes(arg)
+int arg;
+ register unsigned int temp;
+ register long temp_fill;
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ unsigned long max_alignment = 1 << 15;
+ if (is_end_of_line[*input_line_pointer])
+ temp = arg; /* Default value from pseudo-op table */
+ else
+ temp = get_absolute_expression ();
+ if (temp > max_alignment) {
+ as_bad("Alignment too large: %d. assumed.", temp = max_alignment);
+ }
+ /*
+ * For the sparc, `.align (1<<n)' actually means `.align n'
+ * so we have to convert it.
+ */
+ if (temp != 0) {
+ for (i = 0; (temp & 1) == 0; temp >>= 1, ++i)
+ ;
+ }
+ if (temp != 1)
+ as_bad("Alignment not a power of 2");
+ temp = i;
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ',') {
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ temp_fill = get_absolute_expression ();
+ } else {
+ temp_fill = 0;
+ }
+ /* Only make a frag if we HAVE to. . . */
+ if (temp && ! need_pass_2)
+ frag_align(temp, (int)temp_fill);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_align_bytes() */
+/* For machines where ".align 4" means align to 2**4 boundary. */
+void s_align_ptwo() {
+ register int temp;
+ register long temp_fill;
+ long max_alignment = 15;
+ temp = get_absolute_expression ();
+ if (temp > max_alignment)
+ as_bad("Alignment too large: %d. assumed.", temp = max_alignment);
+ else if (temp < 0) {
+ as_bad("Alignment negative. 0 assumed.");
+ temp = 0;
+ }
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ',') {
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ temp_fill = get_absolute_expression ();
+ } else
+ temp_fill = 0;
+ /* Only make a frag if we HAVE to. . . */
+ if (temp && ! need_pass_2)
+ frag_align (temp, (int)temp_fill);
+ record_alignment(now_seg, temp);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_align_ptwo() */
+void s_comm() {
+ register char *name;
+ register char c;
+ register char *p;
+ register int temp;
+ register symbolS * symbolP;
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end();
+ /* just after name is now '\0' */
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ *p = c;
+ if (*input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ as_bad("Expected comma after symbol-name: rest of line ignored.");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer ++; /* skip ',' */
+ if ((temp = get_absolute_expression()) < 0) {
+ as_warn(".COMMon length (%d.) <0! Ignored.", temp);
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ *p = c;
+ if (S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)) {
+ as_bad("Ignoring attempt to re-define symbol");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (S_GET_VALUE(symbolP)) {
+ if (S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) != temp)
+ as_bad("Length of .comm \"%s\" is already %d. Not changed to %d.",
+ S_GET_NAME(symbolP),
+ S_GET_VALUE(symbolP),
+ temp);
+ } else {
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, temp);
+ S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP);
+ }
+#ifdef VMS
+ if (!temp)
+ symbolP->sy_other = const_flag;
+ know(symbolP->sy_frag == &zero_address_frag);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_comm() */
+ register int temp;
+ temp = get_absolute_expression ();
+ subseg_new (SEG_DATA, (subsegT)temp);
+#ifdef VMS
+ const_flag = 0;
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+void s_app_file() {
+ register char *s;
+ int length;
+ /* Some assemblers tolerate immediately following '"' */
+ if ((s = demand_copy_string(&length)) != 0) {
+ new_logical_line(s, -1);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ }
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+ c_dot_file_symbol(s);
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+} /* s_app_file() */
+void s_fill() {
+ long temp_repeat;
+ long temp_size;
+ register long temp_fill;
+ char *p;
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(& temp_repeat) != ',') {
+ input_line_pointer --; /* Backup over what was not a ','. */
+ as_bad("Expect comma after rep-size in .fill:");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(& temp_size) != ',') {
+ input_line_pointer --; /* Backup over what was not a ','. */
+ as_bad("Expected comma after size in .fill");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * This is to be compatible with BSD 4.2 AS, not for any rational reason.
+ */
+#define BSD_FILL_SIZE_CROCK_8 (8)
+ if (temp_size > BSD_FILL_SIZE_CROCK_8) {
+ as_bad(".fill size clamped to %d.", BSD_FILL_SIZE_CROCK_8);
+ temp_size = BSD_FILL_SIZE_CROCK_8 ;
+ } if (temp_size < 0) {
+ as_warn("Size negative: .fill ignored.");
+ temp_size = 0;
+ } else if (temp_repeat <= 0) {
+ as_warn("Repeat < 0, .fill ignored");
+ temp_size = 0;
+ }
+ temp_fill = get_absolute_expression ();
+ if (temp_size && !need_pass_2) {
+ p = frag_var(rs_fill, (int)temp_size, (int)temp_size, (relax_substateT)0, (symbolS *)0, temp_repeat, (char *)0);
+ bzero (p, (int)temp_size);
+ * The magic number BSD_FILL_SIZE_CROCK_4 is from BSD 4.2 VAX flavoured AS.
+ * The following bizzare behaviour is to be compatible with above.
+ * I guess they tried to take up to 8 bytes from a 4-byte expression
+ * and they forgot to sign extend. Un*x Sux.
+ */
+#define BSD_FILL_SIZE_CROCK_4 (4)
+ md_number_to_chars (p, temp_fill, temp_size > BSD_FILL_SIZE_CROCK_4 ? BSD_FILL_SIZE_CROCK_4 : (int)temp_size);
+ * Note: .fill (),0 emits no frag (since we are asked to .fill 0 bytes)
+ * but emits no error message because it seems a legal thing to do.
+ * It is a degenerate case of .fill but could be emitted by a compiler.
+ */
+ }
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ register int temp;
+ temp = get_absolute_expression ();
+ if (temp < 0)
+ as_warn("Block number <0. Ignored.");
+ else if (flagseen ['G'])
+ gdb_block_beg ((long) temp, frag_now, (long)(obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now->fr_literal));
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+ register int position;
+ int temp;
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator (&temp) != ',') {
+ as_bad("expected comma before position in .gdbblock");
+ --input_line_pointer;
+ ignore_rest_of_line ();
+ return;
+ }
+ position = get_absolute_expression ();
+ if (flagseen ['G'])
+ gdb_block_position ((long) temp, (long) position);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+ register int temp;
+ temp = get_absolute_expression ();
+ if (temp < 0)
+ as_warn("Block number <0. Ignored.");
+ else if (flagseen ['G'])
+ gdb_block_end ((long) temp, frag_now, (long)(obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now->fr_literal));
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+ register char *name,
+ *p;
+ register char c;
+ register symbolS * symbolP;
+ register int temp;
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end();
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ *p = c;
+ if (* input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ as_bad("Expected comma after name");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ if ((temp = get_absolute_expression ()) < 0) {
+ as_bad("Bad GDB symbol file offset (%d.) <0! Ignored.", temp);
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (flagseen ['G'])
+ gdb_symbols_fixup (symbolP, (long)temp);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line ();
+ int file_number,
+ lineno;
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(&file_number) != ',') {
+ as_bad("expected comman after filenum in .gdbline");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ lineno=get_absolute_expression();
+ if (flagseen['G'])
+ gdb_line(file_number,lineno);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ int file_number,
+ offset;
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(&file_number) != ',') {
+ as_bad("expected comma after filenum in .gdblinetab");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ offset=get_absolute_expression();
+ if (flagseen['G'])
+ gdb_line_tab(file_number,offset);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+void s_globl() {
+ register char *name;
+ register int c;
+ register symbolS * symbolP;
+ do {
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end();
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ * input_line_pointer = c;
+ S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP);
+ if (c==',') {
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ if (*input_line_pointer=='\n')
+ c='\n';
+ }
+ } while(c==',');
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_globl() */
+void s_lcomm(needs_align)
+int needs_align; /* 1 if this was a ".bss" directive, which may require
+ * a 3rd argument (alignment).
+ * 0 if it was an ".lcomm" (2 args only)
+ */
+ register char *name;
+ register char c;
+ register char *p;
+ register int temp;
+ register symbolS * symbolP;
+ const int max_alignment = 15;
+ int align;
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end();
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ *p = c;
+ if (* input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ as_bad("Expected comma after name");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ if (*input_line_pointer == '\n') {
+ as_bad("Missing size expression");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((temp = get_absolute_expression ()) < 0) {
+ as_warn("BSS length (%d.) <0! Ignored.", temp);
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (needs_align) {
+ align = 0;
+ if (*input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ as_bad("Expected comma after size");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ if (*input_line_pointer == '\n') {
+ as_bad("Missing alignment");
+ return;
+ }
+ align = get_absolute_expression ();
+ if (align > max_alignment){
+ align = max_alignment;
+ as_warn("Alignment too large: %d. assumed.", align);
+ } else if (align < 0) {
+ align = 0;
+ as_warn("Alignment negative. 0 assumed.");
+ }
+ record_alignment(SEG_BSS, align);
+ } /* if needs align */
+ *p = 0;
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ *p = c;
+ if (
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ S_GET_OTHER(symbolP) == 0 &&
+ S_GET_DESC(symbolP) == 0 &&
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+ (((S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_BSS) && (S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) == local_bss_counter))
+ || (!S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP) && S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) == 0))) {
+ if (needs_align){
+ /* Align */
+ align = ~ ((~0) << align); /* Convert to a mask */
+ local_bss_counter =
+ (local_bss_counter + align) & (~align);
+ }
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP,local_bss_counter);
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+ /* The symbol may already have been created with a preceding
+ * ".globl" directive -- be careful not to step on storage
+ * class in that case. Otherwise, set it to static.
+ */
+ if (S_GET_STORAGE_CLASS(symbolP) != C_EXT){
+ }
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+ symbolP->sy_frag = & bss_address_frag;
+ local_bss_counter += temp;
+ } else {
+ as_bad("Ignoring attempt to re-define symbol from %d. to %d.",
+ S_GET_VALUE(symbolP), local_bss_counter);
+ }
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+} /* s_lcomm() */
+ cons(4);
+ cons(4);
+void s_lsym() {
+ register char *name;
+ register char c;
+ register char *p;
+ register segT segment;
+ expressionS exp;
+ register symbolS *symbolP;
+ /* we permit ANY defined expression: BSD4.2 demands constants */
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ c = get_symbol_end();
+ p = input_line_pointer;
+ *p = c;
+ if (* input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ *p = 0;
+ as_bad("Expected comma after name \"%s\"", name);
+ *p = c;
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ segment = expression(& exp);
+ if (segment != SEG_ABSOLUTE
+ && segment != SEG_DATA
+ && segment != SEG_TEXT
+ && segment != SEG_BSS
+ && segment != SEG_REGISTER) {
+ as_bad("Bad expression: %s", segment_name(segment));
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+ symbolP = symbol_find_or_make(name);
+ /* FIXME-SOON I pulled a (&& symbolP->sy_other == 0
+ && symbolP->sy_desc == 0) out of this test
+ because coff doesn't have those fields, and I
+ can't see when they'd ever be tripped. I don't
+ think I understand why they were here so I may
+ have introduced a bug. As recently as 1.37 didn't
+ have this test anyway. xoxorich. */
+ && S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) == 0) {
+ /* The name might be an undefined .global symbol; be
+ sure to keep the "external" bit. */
+ S_SET_SEGMENT(symbolP, segment);
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, (valueT)(exp.X_add_number));
+ } else {
+ as_bad("Symbol %s already defined", name);
+ }
+ *p = c;
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_lsym() */
+void s_org() {
+ register segT segment;
+ expressionS exp;
+ register long temp_fill;
+ register char *p;
+ * Don't believe the documentation of BSD 4.2 AS.
+ * There is no such thing as a sub-segment-relative origin.
+ * Any absolute origin is given a warning, then assumed to be segment-relative.
+ * Any segmented origin expression ("foo+42") had better be in the right
+ * segment or the .org is ignored.
+ *
+ * BSD 4.2 AS warns if you try to .org backwards. We cannot because we
+ * never know sub-segment sizes when we are reading code.
+ * BSD will crash trying to emit -ve numbers of filler bytes in certain
+ * .orgs. We don't crash, but see as-write for that code.
+ */
+ * Don't make frag if need_pass_2==1.
+ */
+ segment = get_known_segmented_expression(&exp);
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ',') {
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ temp_fill = get_absolute_expression ();
+ } else
+ temp_fill = 0;
+ if (! need_pass_2) {
+ if (segment != now_seg && segment != SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ as_bad("Invalid segment \"%s\". Segment \"%s\" assumed.",
+ segment_name(segment), segment_name(now_seg));
+ p = frag_var (rs_org, 1, 1, (relax_substateT)0, exp . X_add_symbol,
+ exp . X_add_number, (char *)0);
+ * p = temp_fill;
+ } /* if (ok to make frag) */
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_org() */
+void s_set() {
+ register char *name;
+ register char delim;
+ register char *end_name;
+ register symbolS *symbolP;
+ /*
+ * Especial apologies for the random logic:
+ * this just grew, and could be parsed much more simply!
+ * Dean in haste.
+ */
+ name = input_line_pointer;
+ delim = get_symbol_end();
+ end_name = input_line_pointer;
+ *end_name = delim;
+ if (*input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ *end_name = 0;
+ as_bad("Expected comma after name \"%s\"", name);
+ *end_name = delim;
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ *end_name = 0;
+ if (name[0]=='.' && name[1]=='\0') {
+ /* Turn '. = mumble' into a .org mumble */
+ register segT segment;
+ expressionS exp;
+ register char *ptr;
+ segment = get_known_segmented_expression(& exp);
+ if (!need_pass_2) {
+ if (segment != now_seg && segment != SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ as_bad("Invalid segment \"%s\". Segment \"%s\" assumed.",
+ segment_name(segment),
+ segment_name (now_seg));
+ ptr = frag_var(rs_org, 1, 1, (relax_substateT)0, exp.X_add_symbol,
+ exp.X_add_number, (char *)0);
+ *ptr= 0;
+ } /* if (ok to make frag) */
+ *end_name = delim;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ((symbolP = symbol_find(name)) == NULL
+ && (symbolP = md_undefined_symbol(name)) == NULL) {
+ symbolP = symbol_new(name,
+ 0,
+ &zero_address_frag);
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+ /* "set" symbols are local unless otherwise specified. */
+ SF_SET_LOCAL(symbolP);
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+ } /* make a new symbol */
+ symbol_table_insert(symbolP);
+ *end_name = delim;
+ pseudo_set(symbolP);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_set() */
+void s_space() {
+ long temp_repeat;
+ register long temp_fill;
+ register char *p;
+ /* Just like .fill, but temp_size = 1 */
+ if (get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(& temp_repeat) == ',') {
+ temp_fill = get_absolute_expression ();
+ } else {
+ input_line_pointer --; /* Backup over what was not a ','. */
+ temp_fill = 0;
+ }
+ if (temp_repeat <= 0) {
+ as_warn("Repeat < 0, .space ignored");
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (! need_pass_2) {
+ p = frag_var (rs_fill, 1, 1, (relax_substateT)0, (symbolS *)0,
+ temp_repeat, (char *)0);
+ * p = temp_fill;
+ }
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_space() */
+ register int temp;
+ temp = get_absolute_expression ();
+ subseg_new (SEG_TEXT, (subsegT)temp);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* s_text() */
+/*(JF was static, but can't be if machine dependent pseudo-ops are to use it */
+void demand_empty_rest_of_line() {
+ if (is_end_of_line [*input_line_pointer]) {
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ } else {
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ }
+ /* Return having already swallowed end-of-line. */
+} /* Return pointing just after end-of-line. */
+ignore_rest_of_line() /* For suspect lines: gives warning. */
+ if (! is_end_of_line [* input_line_pointer])
+ {
+ if (isprint(*input_line_pointer))
+ as_bad("Rest of line ignored. First ignored character is `%c'.",
+ *input_line_pointer);
+ else
+ as_bad("Rest of line ignored. First ignored character valued 0x%x.",
+ *input_line_pointer);
+ while (input_line_pointer < buffer_limit
+ && ! is_end_of_line [* input_line_pointer])
+ {
+ input_line_pointer ++;
+ }
+ }
+ input_line_pointer ++; /* Return pointing just after end-of-line. */
+ know(is_end_of_line [input_line_pointer [-1]]);
+ * pseudo_set()
+ *
+ * In: Pointer to a symbol.
+ * Input_line_pointer->expression.
+ *
+ * Out: Input_line_pointer->just after any whitespace after expression.
+ * Tried to set symbol to value of expression.
+ * Will change symbols type, value, and frag;
+ * May set need_pass_2 == 1.
+ */
+pseudo_set (symbolP)
+ symbolS * symbolP;
+ expressionS exp;
+ register segT segment;
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ int ext;
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+ know(symbolP); /* NULL pointer is logic error. */
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ ext=S_IS_EXTERNAL(symbolP);
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+ if ((segment = expression(& exp)) == SEG_ABSENT)
+ {
+ as_bad("Missing expression: absolute 0 assumed");
+ exp . X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ exp . X_add_number = 0;
+ }
+ switch (segment)
+ {
+ case SEG_BIG:
+ as_bad("%s number invalid. Absolute 0 assumed.",
+ exp . X_add_number > 0 ? "Bignum" : "Floating-Point");
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ ext ? S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP) :
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, 0);
+ symbolP->sy_frag = & zero_address_frag;
+ break;
+ case SEG_ABSENT:
+ as_warn("No expression: Using absolute 0");
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ ext ? S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP) :
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, 0);
+ symbolP->sy_frag = & zero_address_frag;
+ break;
+ if (exp.X_add_symbol && exp.X_subtract_symbol
+ && (S_GET_SEGMENT(exp.X_add_symbol) ==
+ S_GET_SEGMENT(exp.X_subtract_symbol))) {
+ if (exp.X_add_symbol->sy_frag != exp.X_subtract_symbol->sy_frag) {
+ as_bad("Unknown expression: symbols %s and %s are in different frags.",
+ S_GET_NAME(exp.X_add_symbol), S_GET_NAME(exp.X_subtract_symbol));
+ need_pass_2++;
+ }
+ exp.X_add_number+=S_GET_VALUE(exp.X_add_symbol) -
+ S_GET_VALUE(exp.X_subtract_symbol);
+ } else
+ as_bad("Complex expression. Absolute segment assumed.");
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ ext ? S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP) :
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, exp.X_add_number);
+ symbolP->sy_frag = & zero_address_frag;
+ break;
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ switch(segment) {
+ case SEG_DATA: S_SET_SEGMENT(symbolP, SEG_DATA); break;
+ case SEG_TEXT: S_SET_SEGMENT(symbolP, SEG_TEXT); break;
+ case SEG_BSS: S_SET_SEGMENT(symbolP, SEG_BSS); break;
+ default: abort();
+ } /* switch on segment */
+#if defined(OBJ_AOUT) | defined(OBJ_BOUT)
+ if (ext) {
+ S_SET_EXTERNAL(symbolP);
+ } else {
+ } /* if external */
+#endif /* OBJ_AOUT or OBJ_BOUT */
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, exp.X_add_number + S_GET_VALUE(exp.X_add_symbol));
+ symbolP->sy_frag = exp . X_add_symbol->sy_frag;
+ break;
+ case SEG_PASS1: /* Not an error. Just try another pass. */
+ symbolP->sy_forward=exp.X_add_symbol;
+ as_bad("Unknown expression");
+ know(need_pass_2 == 1);
+ break;
+ symbolP->sy_forward=exp.X_add_symbol;
+ /* as_warn("unknown symbol"); */
+ /* need_pass_2 = 1; */
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE(segment);
+ break;
+ }
+ * cons()
+ *
+ * CONStruct more frag of .bytes, or .words etc.
+ * Should need_pass_2 be 1 then emit no frag(s).
+ * This understands EXPRESSIONS, as opposed to big_cons().
+ *
+ * Bug (?)
+ *
+ * This has a split personality. We use expression() to read the
+ * value. We can detect if the value won't fit in a byte or word.
+ * But we can't detect if expression() discarded significant digits
+ * in the case of a long. Not worth the crocks required to fix it.
+ */
+ /* worker to do .byte etc statements */
+ /* clobbers input_line_pointer, checks */
+ /* end-of-line. */
+void cons(nbytes)
+register unsigned int nbytes; /* 1=.byte, 2=.word, 4=.long */
+ register char c;
+ register long mask; /* High-order bits we will left-truncate, */
+ /* but includes sign bit also. */
+ register long get; /* what we get */
+ register long use; /* get after truncation. */
+ register long unmask; /* what bits we will store */
+ register char * p;
+ register segT segment;
+ expressionS exp;
+ /*
+ * Input_line_pointer->1st char after pseudo-op-code and could legally
+ * be a end-of-line. (Or, less legally an eof - which we cope with.)
+ */
+ /* JF << of >= number of bits in the object is undefined. In particular
+ SPARC (Sun 4) has problems */
+ if (nbytes>=sizeof(long)) {
+ mask = 0;
+ } else {
+ mask = ~0 << (BITS_PER_CHAR * nbytes); /* Don't store these bits. */
+ } /* bigger than a long */
+ unmask = ~mask; /* Do store these bits. */
+#ifdef NEVER
+ "Do this mod if you want every overflow check to assume SIGNED 2's complement data.";
+ mask = ~ (unmask >> 1); /* Includes sign bit now. */
+ /*
+ * The following awkward logic is to parse ZERO or more expressions,
+ * comma seperated. Recall an expression includes its leading &
+ * trailing blanks. We fake a leading ',' if there is (supposed to
+ * be) a 1st expression, and keep demanding 1 expression for each ','.
+ */
+ if (is_it_end_of_statement()) {
+ c = 0; /* Skip loop. */
+ input_line_pointer++; /* Matches end-of-loop 'correction'. */
+ } else {
+ c = ',';
+ } /* if the end else fake it */
+/* Do loop. */
+ while (c == ',') {
+ unsigned int bits_available = BITS_PER_CHAR * nbytes;
+ /* used for error messages and rescanning */
+ char *hold = input_line_pointer;
+ /* At least scan over the expression. */
+ segment = expression(&exp);
+ /* Some other assemblers, (eg, asm960), allow
+ bitfields after ".byte" as w:x,y:z, where w and
+ y are bitwidths and x and y are values. They
+ then pack them all together. We do a little
+ better in that we allow them in words, longs,
+ etc. and we'll pack them in target byte order
+ for you.
+ The rules are: pack least significat bit first,
+ if a field doesn't entirely fit, put it in the
+ next unit. Overflowing the bitfield is
+ explicitly *not* even a warning. The bitwidth
+ should be considered a "mask".
+ FIXME-SOMEDAY: If this is considered generally
+ useful, this logic should probably be reworked.
+ xoxorich. */
+ if (*input_line_pointer == ':') { /* bitfields */
+ long value = 0;
+ for (;;) {
+ unsigned long width;
+ if (*input_line_pointer != ':') {
+ input_line_pointer = hold;
+ break;
+ } /* next piece is not a bitfield */
+ /* In the general case, we can't allow
+ full expressions with symbol
+ differences and such. The relocation
+ entries for symbols not defined in this
+ assembly would require arbitrary field
+ widths, positions, and masks which most
+ of our current object formats don't
+ support.
+ In the specific case where a symbol
+ *is* defined in this assembly, we
+ *could* build fixups and track it, but
+ this could lead to confusion for the
+ backends. I'm lazy. I'll take any
+ SEG_ABSOLUTE. I think that means that
+ you can use a previous .set or
+ .equ type symbol. xoxorich. */
+ if (segment == SEG_ABSENT) {
+ as_warn("Using a bit field width of zero.");
+ exp.X_add_number = 0;
+ segment = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ } /* implied zero width bitfield */
+ if (segment != SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ *input_line_pointer = '\0';
+ as_bad("Field width \"%s\" too complex for a bitfield.\n", hold);
+ *input_line_pointer = ':';
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* too complex */
+ if ((width = exp.X_add_number) > (BITS_PER_CHAR * nbytes)) {
+ as_warn("Field width %d too big to fit in %d bytes: truncated to %d bits.",
+ width, nbytes, (BITS_PER_CHAR * nbytes));
+ width = BITS_PER_CHAR * nbytes;
+ } /* too big */
+ if (width > bits_available) {
+ /* FIXME-SOMEDAY: backing up and
+ reparsing is wasteful */
+ input_line_pointer = hold;
+ exp.X_add_number = value;
+ break;
+ } /* won't fit */
+ hold = ++input_line_pointer; /* skip ':' */
+ if ((segment = expression(&exp)) != SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ char cache = *input_line_pointer;
+ *input_line_pointer = '\0';
+ as_bad("Field value \"%s\" too complex for a bitfield.\n", hold);
+ *input_line_pointer = cache;
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ return;
+ } /* too complex */
+ value |= (~(-1 << width) & exp.X_add_number)
+ << ((BITS_PER_CHAR * nbytes) - bits_available);
+ if ((bits_available -= width) == 0
+ || is_it_end_of_statement()
+ || *input_line_pointer != ',') {
+ break;
+ } /* all the bitfields we're gonna get */
+ hold = ++input_line_pointer;
+ segment = expression(&exp);
+ } /* forever loop */
+ exp.X_add_number = value;
+ segment = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ } /* if looks like a bitfield */
+#endif /* WANT_BITFIELDS */
+ if (!need_pass_2) { /* Still worthwhile making frags. */
+ /* Don't call this if we are going to junk this pass anyway! */
+ know(segment != SEG_PASS1);
+ if (segment == SEG_DIFFERENCE && exp.X_add_symbol == NULL) {
+ as_bad("Subtracting symbol \"%s\"(segment\"%s\") is too hard. Absolute segment assumed.",
+ S_GET_NAME(exp.X_subtract_symbol),
+ segment_name(S_GET_SEGMENT(exp.X_subtract_symbol)));
+ segment = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ /* Leave exp . X_add_number alone. */
+ }
+ p = frag_more(nbytes);
+ switch (segment) {
+ case SEG_BIG:
+ as_bad("%s number invalid. Absolute 0 assumed.",
+ exp . X_add_number > 0 ? "Bignum" : "Floating-Point");
+ md_number_to_chars (p, (long)0, nbytes);
+ break;
+ case SEG_ABSENT:
+ as_warn("0 assumed for missing expression");
+ exp . X_add_number = 0;
+ know(exp . X_add_symbol == NULL);
+ /* fall into SEG_ABSOLUTE */
+ get = exp . X_add_number;
+ use = get & unmask;
+ if ((get & mask) && (get & mask) != mask)
+ { /* Leading bits contain both 0s & 1s. */
+ as_warn("Value x%x truncated to x%x.", get, use);
+ }
+ md_number_to_chars (p, use, nbytes); /* put bytes in right order. */
+ break;
+ if (nbytes==2) {
+ struct broken_word *x;
+ x=(struct broken_word *)xmalloc(sizeof(struct broken_word));
+ x->next_broken_word=broken_words;
+ broken_words=x;
+ x->frag=frag_now;
+ x->word_goes_here=p;
+ x->dispfrag=0;
+ x->add=exp.X_add_symbol;
+ x->sub=exp.X_subtract_symbol;
+ x->addnum=exp.X_add_number;
+ x->added=0;
+ new_broken_words++;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Else Fall through into. . . */
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+#ifdef TC_NS32K
+ fix_new_ns32k (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal, nbytes,
+ exp . X_add_symbol, exp . X_subtract_symbol,
+ exp . X_add_number, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0);
+ fix_new (frag_now, p - frag_now->fr_literal, nbytes,
+ exp . X_add_symbol, exp . X_subtract_symbol,
+ exp . X_add_number, 0, RELOC_32);
+#endif /* TC_NS32K */
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE(segment);
+ break;
+ } /* switch(segment) */
+ } /* if (!need_pass_2) */
+ c = *input_line_pointer++;
+ } /* while(c==',') */
+ input_line_pointer--; /* Put terminator back into stream. */
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* cons() */
+ * big_cons()
+ *
+ * CONStruct more frag(s) of .quads, or .octa etc.
+ * Makes 0 or more new frags.
+ * If need_pass_2 == 1, generate no frag.
+ * This understands only bignums, not expressions. Cons() understands
+ * expressions.
+ *
+ * Constants recognised are '0...'(octal) '0x...'(hex) '...'(decimal).
+ *
+ * This creates objects with struct obstack_control objs, destroying
+ * any context objs held about a partially completed object. Beware!
+ *
+ *
+ * I think it sucks to have 2 different types of integers, with 2
+ * routines to read them, store them etc.
+ * It would be nicer to permit bignums in expressions and only
+ * complain if the result overflowed. However, due to "efficiency"...
+ */
+/* worker to do .quad etc statements */
+/* clobbers input_line_pointer, checks */
+/* end-of-line. */
+/* 8=.quad 16=.octa ... */
+void big_cons(nbytes)
+ register int nbytes;
+ register char c; /* input_line_pointer->c. */
+ register int radix;
+ register long length; /* Number of chars in an object. */
+ register int digit; /* Value of 1 digit. */
+ register int carry; /* For multi-precision arithmetic. */
+ register int work; /* For multi-precision arithmetic. */
+ register char * p; /* For multi-precision arithmetic. */
+ extern char hex_value[]; /* In hex_value.c. */
+ /*
+ * The following awkward logic is to parse ZERO or more strings,
+ * comma seperated. Recall an expression includes its leading &
+ * trailing blanks. We fake a leading ',' if there is (supposed to
+ * be) a 1st expression, and keep demanding 1 expression for each ','.
+ */
+ if (is_it_end_of_statement())
+ {
+ c = 0; /* Skip loop. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = ','; /* Do loop. */
+ -- input_line_pointer;
+ }
+ while (c == ',')
+ {
+ ++ input_line_pointer;
+ c = * input_line_pointer;
+ /* C contains 1st non-blank character of what we hope is a number. */
+ if (c == '0')
+ {
+ c = * ++ input_line_pointer;
+ if (c == 'x' || c=='X')
+ {
+ c = * ++ input_line_pointer;
+ radix = 16;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ radix = 8;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ radix = 10;
+ }
+ /*
+ * This feature (?) is here to stop people worrying about
+ * mysterious zero constants: which is what they get when
+ * they completely omit digits.
+ */
+ if (hex_value[c] >= radix) {
+ as_bad("Missing digits. 0 assumed.");
+ }
+ bignum_high = bignum_low - 1; /* Start constant with 0 chars. */
+ for(; (digit = hex_value [c]) < radix; c = * ++ input_line_pointer)
+ {
+ /* Multiply existing number by radix, then add digit. */
+ carry = digit;
+ for (p=bignum_low; p <= bignum_high; p++)
+ {
+ work = (*p & MASK_CHAR) * radix + carry;
+ *p = work & MASK_CHAR;
+ carry = work >> BITS_PER_CHAR;
+ }
+ if (carry)
+ {
+ grow_bignum();
+ * bignum_high = carry & MASK_CHAR;
+ know((carry & ~ MASK_CHAR) == 0);
+ }
+ }
+ length = bignum_high - bignum_low + 1;
+ if (length > nbytes)
+ {
+ as_warn("Most significant bits truncated in integer constant.");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ register long leading_zeroes;
+ for(leading_zeroes = nbytes - length;
+ leading_zeroes;
+ leading_zeroes --)
+ {
+ grow_bignum();
+ * bignum_high = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (! need_pass_2)
+ {
+ p = frag_more (nbytes);
+ bcopy (bignum_low, p, (int)nbytes);
+ }
+ /* C contains character after number. */
+ c = * input_line_pointer;
+ /* C contains 1st non-blank character after number. */
+ }
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* big_cons() */
+ /* Extend bignum by 1 char. */
+static void grow_bignum() {
+ register long length;
+ bignum_high ++;
+ if (bignum_high >= bignum_limit)
+ {
+ length = bignum_limit - bignum_low;
+ bignum_low = xrealloc(bignum_low, length + length);
+ bignum_high = bignum_low + length;
+ bignum_limit = bignum_low + length + length;
+ }
+} /* grow_bignum(); */
+ * float_cons()
+ *
+ * CONStruct some more frag chars of .floats .ffloats etc.
+ * Makes 0 or more new frags.
+ * If need_pass_2 == 1, no frags are emitted.
+ * This understands only floating literals, not expressions. Sorry.
+ *
+ * A floating constant is defined by atof_generic(), except it is preceded
+ * by 0d 0f 0g or 0h. After observing the STRANGE way my BSD AS does its
+ * reading, I decided to be incompatible. This always tries to give you
+ * rounded bits to the precision of the pseudo-op. Former AS did premature
+ * truncatation, restored noisy bits instead of trailing 0s AND gave you
+ * a choice of 2 flavours of noise according to which of 2 floating-point
+ * scanners you directed AS to use.
+ *
+ * In: input_line_pointer->whitespace before, or '0' of flonum.
+ *
+ */
+void /* JF was static, but can't be if VAX.C is goning to use it */
+float_cons(float_type) /* Worker to do .float etc statements. */
+ /* Clobbers input_line-pointer, checks end-of-line. */
+ register int float_type; /* 'f':.ffloat ... 'F':.float ... */
+ register char * p;
+ register char c;
+ int length; /* Number of chars in an object. */
+ register char * err; /* Error from scanning floating literal. */
+ /*
+ * The following awkward logic is to parse ZERO or more strings,
+ * comma seperated. Recall an expression includes its leading &
+ * trailing blanks. We fake a leading ',' if there is (supposed to
+ * be) a 1st expression, and keep demanding 1 expression for each ','.
+ */
+ if (is_it_end_of_statement())
+ {
+ c = 0; /* Skip loop. */
+ ++ input_line_pointer; /*->past termintor. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = ','; /* Do loop. */
+ }
+ while (c == ',')
+ {
+ /* input_line_pointer->1st char of a flonum (we hope!). */
+ /* Skip any 0{letter} that may be present. Don't even check if the
+ * letter is legal. Someone may invent a "z" format and this routine
+ * has no use for such information. Lusers beware: you get
+ * diagnostics if your input is ill-conditioned.
+ */
+ if (input_line_pointer[0]=='0' && isalpha(input_line_pointer[1]))
+ input_line_pointer+=2;
+ err = md_atof (float_type, temp, &length);
+ know(length > 0);
+ if (* err)
+ {
+ as_bad("Bad floating literal: %s", err);
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ /* Input_line_pointer->just after end-of-line. */
+ c = 0; /* Break out of loop. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (! need_pass_2)
+ {
+ p = frag_more (length);
+ bcopy (temp, p, length);
+ }
+ c = * input_line_pointer ++;
+ /* C contains 1st non-white character after number. */
+ /* input_line_pointer->just after terminator (c). */
+ }
+ }
+ -- input_line_pointer; /*->terminator (is not ','). */
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* float_cons() */
+ * stringer()
+ *
+ * We read 0 or more ',' seperated, double-quoted strings.
+ *
+ * Caller should have checked need_pass_2 is FALSE because we don't check it.
+ */
+static void stringer(append_zero) /* Worker to do .ascii etc statements. */
+ /* Checks end-of-line. */
+ register int append_zero; /* 0: don't append '\0', else 1 */
+ /* register char * p; JF unused */
+ /* register int length; JF unused */ /* Length of string we read, excluding */
+ /* trailing '\0' implied by closing quote. */
+ /* register char * where; JF unused */
+ /* register fragS * fragP; JF unused */
+ register unsigned int c;
+ /*
+ * The following awkward logic is to parse ZERO or more strings,
+ * comma seperated. Recall a string expression includes spaces
+ * before the opening '\"' and spaces after the closing '\"'.
+ * We fake a leading ',' if there is (supposed to be)
+ * a 1st, expression. We keep demanding expressions for each
+ * ','.
+ */
+ if (is_it_end_of_statement())
+ {
+ c = 0; /* Skip loop. */
+ ++ input_line_pointer; /* Compensate for end of loop. */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = ','; /* Do loop. */
+ }
+ for (; c == ','; c = *input_line_pointer++) {
+ if (*input_line_pointer == '\"') {
+ ++input_line_pointer; /*->1st char of string. */
+ while (is_a_char(c = next_char_of_string())) {
+ }
+ if (append_zero) {
+ }
+ know(input_line_pointer [-1] == '\"');
+ } else {
+ as_warn("Expected \"-ed string");
+ }
+ }
+ --input_line_pointer;
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+} /* stringer() */
+ /* FIXME-SOMEDAY: I had trouble here on characters with the
+ high bits set. We'll probably also have trouble with
+ multibyte chars, wide chars, etc. Also be careful about
+ returning values bigger than 1 byte. xoxorich. */
+static unsigned int next_char_of_string() {
+ register unsigned int c;
+ c = *input_line_pointer++ & CHAR_MASK;
+ switch (c) {
+ case '\"':
+ c = NOT_A_CHAR;
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ switch (c = *input_line_pointer++) {
+ case 'b':
+ c = '\b';
+ break;
+ case 'f':
+ c = '\f';
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ c = '\n';
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ c = '\r';
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ c = '\t';
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ c = '\013';
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ case '"':
+ break; /* As itself. */
+ case '0':
+ case '1':
+ case '2':
+ case '3':
+ case '4':
+ case '5':
+ case '6':
+ case '7':
+ case '8':
+ case '9': {
+ long number;
+ for (number = 0; isdigit(c); c = *input_line_pointer++) {
+ number = number * 8 + c - '0';
+ }
+ c = number & 0xff;
+ }
+ --input_line_pointer;
+ break;
+ case '\n':
+ /* To be compatible with BSD 4.2 as: give the luser a linefeed!! */
+ as_warn("Unterminated string: Newline inserted.");
+ c = '\n';
+ break;
+ default:
+ as_bad("Bad escaped character in string, '?' assumed");
+ c = '?';
+ break;
+ } /* switch on escaped char */
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ } /* switch on char */
+ return(c);
+} /* next_char_of_string() */
+static segT
+get_segmented_expression (expP)
+ register expressionS * expP;
+ register segT retval;
+ if ((retval = expression(expP)) == SEG_PASS1 || retval == SEG_ABSENT || retval == SEG_BIG)
+ {
+ as_bad("Expected address expression: absolute 0 assumed");
+ retval = expP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ expP->X_add_number = 0;
+ expP->X_add_symbol = expP->X_subtract_symbol = 0;
+ }
+ return (retval); /* SEG_ ABSOLUTE,UNKNOWN,DATA,TEXT,BSS */
+static segT get_known_segmented_expression(expP)
+register expressionS *expP;
+ register segT retval;
+ register char * name1;
+ register char * name2;
+ if ((retval = get_segmented_expression (expP)) == SEG_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ name1 = expP->X_add_symbol ? S_GET_NAME(expP->X_add_symbol) : "";
+ name2 = expP->X_subtract_symbol ?
+ S_GET_NAME(expP->X_subtract_symbol) :
+ "";
+ if (name1 && name2)
+ {
+ as_warn("Symbols \"%s\" \"%s\" are undefined: absolute 0 assumed.",
+ name1, name2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ as_warn("Symbol \"%s\" undefined: absolute 0 assumed.",
+ name1 ? name1 : name2);
+ }
+ retval = expP->X_seg = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ expP->X_add_number = 0;
+ expP->X_add_symbol = expP->X_subtract_symbol = NULL;
+ }
+ know(retval == SEG_ABSOLUTE || retval == SEG_DATA || retval == SEG_TEXT || retval == SEG_BSS || retval == SEG_DIFFERENCE);
+ return (retval);
+} /* get_known_segmented_expression() */
+/* static */ long /* JF was static, but can't be if the MD pseudos are to use it */
+get_absolute_expression ()
+ expressionS exp;
+ register segT s;
+ if ((s = expression(& exp)) != SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ {
+ if (s != SEG_ABSENT)
+ {
+ as_bad("Bad Absolute Expression, absolute 0 assumed.");
+ }
+ exp . X_add_number = 0;
+ }
+ return (exp . X_add_number);
+char /* return terminator */
+ long * val_pointer; /* return value of expression */
+ * val_pointer = get_absolute_expression ();
+ return (* input_line_pointer ++);
+ * demand_copy_C_string()
+ *
+ * Like demand_copy_string, but return NULL if the string contains any '\0's.
+ * Give a warning if that happens.
+ */
+char *
+demand_copy_C_string (len_pointer)
+ int * len_pointer;
+ register char * s;
+ if ((s = demand_copy_string(len_pointer)) != 0)
+ {
+ register int len;
+ for (len = * len_pointer;
+ len > 0;
+ len--)
+ {
+ if (* s == 0)
+ {
+ s = 0;
+ len = 1;
+ * len_pointer = 0;
+ as_bad("This string may not contain \'\\0\'");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (s);
+ * demand_copy_string()
+ *
+ * Demand string, but return a safe (=private) copy of the string.
+ * Return NULL if we can't read a string here.
+ */
+static char *demand_copy_string(lenP)
+int *lenP;
+ register unsigned int c;
+ register int len;
+ char *retval;
+ len = 0;
+ if (*input_line_pointer == '\"') {
+ input_line_pointer++; /* Skip opening quote. */
+ while (is_a_char(c = next_char_of_string())) {
+ obstack_1grow(&notes, c);
+ len ++;
+ }
+ /* JF this next line is so demand_copy_C_string will return a null
+ termanated string. */
+ obstack_1grow(&notes,'\0');
+ retval=obstack_finish(&notes);
+ } else {
+ as_warn("Missing string");
+ retval = NULL;
+ ignore_rest_of_line();
+ }
+ *lenP = len;
+ return(retval);
+} /* demand_copy_string() */
+ * is_it_end_of_statement()
+ *
+ * In: Input_line_pointer->next character.
+ *
+ * Do: Skip input_line_pointer over all whitespace.
+ *
+ * Out: 1 if input_line_pointer->end-of-line.
+ */
+static int is_it_end_of_statement() {
+ return (is_end_of_line [* input_line_pointer]);
+} /* is_it_end_of_statement() */
+void equals(sym_name)
+char *sym_name;
+ register symbolS *symbolP; /* symbol we are working with */
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ if (*input_line_pointer=='=')
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ while(*input_line_pointer==' ' || *input_line_pointer=='\t')
+ input_line_pointer++;
+ if (sym_name[0]=='.' && sym_name[1]=='\0') {
+ /* Turn '. = mumble' into a .org mumble */
+ register segT segment;
+ expressionS exp;
+ register char *p;
+ segment = get_known_segmented_expression(& exp);
+ if (! need_pass_2) {
+ if (segment != now_seg && segment != SEG_ABSOLUTE)
+ as_warn("Illegal segment \"%s\". Segment \"%s\" assumed.",
+ segment_name(segment),
+ segment_name(now_seg));
+ p = frag_var(rs_org, 1, 1, (relax_substateT)0, exp.X_add_symbol,
+ exp.X_add_number, (char *)0);
+ * p = 0;
+ } /* if (ok to make frag) */
+ } else {
+ symbolP=symbol_find_or_make(sym_name);
+ pseudo_set(symbolP);
+ }
+} /* equals() */
+/* .include -- include a file at this point. */
+void s_include(arg)
+int arg;
+ char *newbuf;
+ char *filename;
+ int i;
+ FILE *try;
+ char *path;
+ filename = demand_copy_string(&i);
+ demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+ path = malloc(i + include_dir_maxlen + 5 /* slop */);
+ for (i = 0; i < include_dir_count; i++) {
+ strcpy(path, include_dirs[i]);
+ strcat(path, "/");
+ strcat(path, filename);
+ if (0 != (try = fopen(path, "r")))
+ {
+ fclose (try);
+ goto gotit;
+ }
+ }
+ free(path);
+ path = filename;
+ /* malloc Storage leak when file is found on path. FIXME-SOMEDAY. */
+ newbuf = input_scrub_include_file (path, input_line_pointer);
+ buffer_limit = input_scrub_next_buffer (&input_line_pointer);
+} /* s_include() */
+void add_include_dir(path)
+char *path;
+ int i;
+ if (include_dir_count == 0)
+ {
+ include_dirs = (char **)malloc (2 * sizeof (*include_dirs));
+ include_dirs[0] = "."; /* Current dir */
+ include_dir_count = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ include_dir_count++;
+ include_dirs = (char **) realloc(include_dirs,
+ include_dir_count*sizeof (*include_dirs));
+ }
+ include_dirs[include_dir_count-1] = path; /* New one */
+ i = strlen (path);
+ if (i > include_dir_maxlen)
+ include_dir_maxlen = i;
+} /* add_include_dir() */
+void s_ignore(arg)
+int arg;
+ extern char is_end_of_line[];
+ while (!is_end_of_line[*input_line_pointer]) {
+ ++input_line_pointer;
+ }
+ ++input_line_pointer;
+ return;
+} /* s_ignore() */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of read.c */
diff --git a/gas/read.h b/gas/read.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01351d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/read.h
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+/* read.h - of read.c
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+extern char *input_line_pointer; /* -> char we are parsing now. */
+#define PERMIT_WHITESPACE /* Define to make whitespace be allowed in */
+ /* many syntactically unnecessary places. */
+ /* Normally undefined. For compatibility */
+ /* with ancient GNU cc. */
+#define SKIP_WHITESPACE() {if (* input_line_pointer == ' ') ++ input_line_pointer;}
+#define SKIP_WHITESPACE() know(*input_line_pointer != ' ' )
+#define LEX_NAME (1) /* may continue a name */
+#define LEX_BEGIN_NAME (2) /* may begin a name */
+#define is_name_beginner(c) ( lex_type[c] & LEX_BEGIN_NAME )
+#define is_part_of_name(c) ( lex_type[c] & LEX_NAME )
+#ifndef is_a_char
+#define CHAR_MASK (0xff)
+#define NOT_A_CHAR (CHAR_MASK+1)
+#define is_a_char(c) (((unsigned)(c)) <= CHAR_MASK)
+#endif /* is_a_char() */
+extern const char lex_type[];
+extern char is_end_of_line[];
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *demand_copy_C_string(int *len_pointer);
+char get_absolute_expression_and_terminator(long *val_pointer);
+long get_absolute_expression(void);
+void add_include_dir(char *path);
+void big_cons(int nbytes);
+void cons(unsigned int nbytes);
+void demand_empty_rest_of_line(void);
+void equals(char *sym_name);
+void float_cons(int float_type);
+void ignore_rest_of_line(void);
+void pseudo_set(symbolS *symbolP);
+void read_a_source_file(char *name);
+void read_begin(void);
+void s_abort(void);
+void s_align_bytes(int arg);
+void s_align_ptwo(void);
+void s_app_file(void);
+void s_comm(void);
+void s_data(void);
+void s_else(int arg);
+void s_end(int arg);
+void s_endif(int arg);
+void s_fill(void);
+void s_globl(void);
+void s_if(int arg);
+void s_ifdef(int arg);
+void s_ifeqs(int arg);
+void s_ignore(int arg);
+void s_include(int arg);
+void s_lcomm(int needs_align);
+void s_lsym(void);
+void s_org(void);
+void s_set(void);
+void s_space(void);
+void s_text(void);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+char *demand_copy_C_string();
+char get_absolute_expression_and_terminator();
+long get_absolute_expression();
+void add_include_dir();
+void big_cons();
+void cons();
+void demand_empty_rest_of_line();
+void equals();
+void float_cons();
+void ignore_rest_of_line();
+void pseudo_set();
+void read_a_source_file();
+void read_begin();
+void s_abort();
+void s_align_bytes();
+void s_align_ptwo();
+void s_app_file();
+void s_comm();
+void s_data();
+void s_else();
+void s_end();
+void s_endif();
+void s_fill();
+void s_globl();
+void s_if();
+void s_ifdef();
+void s_ifeqs();
+void s_ignore();
+void s_include();
+void s_lcomm();
+void s_lsym();
+void s_org();
+void s_set();
+void s_space();
+void s_text();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end: read.h */
diff --git a/gas/strstr.c b/gas/strstr.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9823249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/strstr.c
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+/* strstr - find first occurrence of wanted in s
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ /* If your compiler is really ansi, then you don't need this. */
+#ifndef __STDC__
+#define SIZET int
+#define NULL 0
+#include <string.h>
+char * /* found string, or NULL if none */
+strstr(s, wanted)
+char *s;
+char *wanted;
+ register char *scan;
+ register SIZET len;
+ register char firstc;
+ /*
+ * The odd placement of the two tests is so "" is findable.
+ * Also, we inline the first char for speed.
+ * The ++ on scan has been moved down for optimization.
+ */
+ firstc = *wanted;
+ len = strlen(wanted);
+ for (scan = s; *scan != firstc || strncmp(scan, wanted, len) != 0; )
+ if (*scan++ == '\0')
+ return(NULL);
+ return(scan);
+} /* strstr() */
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+/* end of strstr.c */
diff --git a/gas/struc-symbol.h b/gas/struc-symbol.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2827648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/struc-symbol.h
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/* struct_symbol.h - Internal symbol structure
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+struct symbol /* our version of an nlist node */
+ obj_symbol_type sy_symbol; /* what we write in .o file (if permitted) */
+ unsigned long sy_name_offset; /* 4-origin position of sy_name in symbols */
+ /* part of object file. */
+ /* 0 for (nameless) .stabd symbols. */
+ /* Not used until write_object_file() time. */
+ long sy_number; /* 24 bit symbol number. */
+ /* Symbol numbers start at 0 and are */
+ /* unsigned. */
+ struct symbol *sy_next; /* forward chain, or NULL */
+ struct symbol *sy_previous; /* backward chain, or NULL */
+ struct frag *sy_frag; /* NULL or -> frag this symbol attaches to. */
+ struct symbol *sy_forward; /* value is really that of this other symbol */
+/* We will probably want to add a sy_segment here soon. */
+typedef struct symbol symbolS;
+typedef unsigned valueT; /* The type of n_value. Helps casting. */
+struct broken_word {
+ struct broken_word *next_broken_word;/* One of these strucs per .word x-y */
+ fragS *frag; /* Which frag its in */
+ char *word_goes_here;/* Where in the frag it is */
+ fragS *dispfrag; /* where to add the break */
+ symbolS *add; /* symbol_x */
+ symbolS *sub; /* - symbol_y */
+ long addnum; /* + addnum */
+ int added; /* nasty thing happend yet? */
+ /* 1: added and has a long-jump */
+ /* 2: added but uses someone elses long-jump */
+ struct broken_word *use_jump; /* points to broken_word with a similar
+ long-jump */
+extern struct broken_word *broken_words;
+#endif /* ndef WORKING_DOT_WORD */
+ * Current means for getting from symbols to segments and vice verse.
+ * This will change for infinite-segments support (e.g. COFF).
+ */
+/* #define SYMBOL_TYPE_TO_SEGMENT(symP) ( N_TYPE_seg [(int) (symP)->sy_type & N_TYPE] ) */
+extern segT N_TYPE_seg[]; /* subseg.c */
+#define SEGMENT_TO_SYMBOL_TYPE(seg) ( seg_N_TYPE [(int) (seg)] )
+extern const short seg_N_TYPE[]; /* subseg.c */
+#define N_REGISTER 30 /* Fake N_TYPE value for SEG_REGISTER */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+void symbol_clear_list_pointers(symbolS *symbolP);
+void symbol_insert(symbolS *addme, symbolS *target, symbolS **rootP, symbolS **lastP);
+void symbol_remove(symbolS *symbolP, symbolS **rootP, symbolS **lastP);
+void verify_symbol_chain(symbolS *rootP, symbolS *lastP);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+void symbol_clear_list_pointers();
+void symbol_insert();
+void symbol_remove();
+void verify_symbol_chain();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#define symbol_previous(s) ((s)->sy_previous)
+#define symbol_clear_list_pointers(clearme) {clearme->sy_next = NULL;}
+#ifdef __STDC__
+void symbol_append(symbolS *addme, symbolS *target, symbolS **rootP, symbolS **lastP);
+#else /* __STDC__ */
+void symbol_append();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#define symbol_next(s) ((s)->sy_next)
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of struc-symbol.h */
diff --git a/gas/subsegs.c b/gas/subsegs.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00937ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/subsegs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+/* subsegs.c - subsegments -
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ * Segments & sub-segments.
+ */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "subsegs.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+frchainS* frchain_root,
+ * frchain_now, /* Commented in "subsegs.h". */
+ * data0_frchainP;
+char * const /* in: segT out: char* */
+seg_name[] = {
+ "absolute",
+ "text",
+ "data",
+ "bss",
+ "unknown",
+ "absent",
+ "pass1",
+ "bignum/flonum",
+ "difference",
+ "debug",
+ "transfert vector preload",
+ "transfert vector postload",
+ "register",
+ "",
+}; /* Used by error reporters, dumpers etc. */
+ /* Check table(s) seg_name[], seg_N_TYPE[] is in correct order */
+ know( SEG_ABSOLUTE == 0 );
+ know( SEG_TEXT == 1 );
+ know( SEG_DATA == 2 );
+ know( SEG_BSS == 3 );
+ know( SEG_UNKNOWN == 4 );
+ know( SEG_ABSENT == 5 );
+ know( SEG_PASS1 == 6 );
+ know( SEG_GOOF == 7 );
+ know( SEG_BIG == 8 );
+ know( SEG_DIFFERENCE == 9 );
+ know( SEG_DEBUG == 10 );
+ know( SEG_NTV == 11 );
+ know( SEG_PTV == 12 );
+ know( SEG_REGISTER == 13 );
+ know( segment_name (SEG_MAXIMUM_ORDINAL + 1) [0] == 0 );
+ obstack_begin( &frags, 5000);
+ frchain_root = NULL;
+ frchain_now = NULL; /* Warn new_subseg() that we are booting. */
+ /* Fake up 1st frag. */
+ /* It won't be used=> is ok if obstack... */
+ /* pads the end of it for alignment. */
+ frag_now=(fragS *)obstack_alloc(&frags,SIZEOF_STRUCT_FRAG);
+ /* obstack_1blank( &frags, SIZEOF_STRUCT_FRAG, & frag_now ); */
+ /* This 1st frag will not be in any frchain. */
+ /* We simply give subseg_new somewhere to scribble. */
+ now_subseg = 42; /* Lie for 1st call to subseg_new. */
+ subseg_new (SEG_DATA, 0); /* .data 0 */
+ data0_frchainP = frchain_now;
+ * subseg_change()
+ *
+ * Change the subsegment we are in, BUT DO NOT MAKE A NEW FRAG for the
+ * subsegment. If we are already in the correct subsegment, change nothing.
+ * This is used eg as a worker for subseg_new [which does make a new frag_now]
+ * and for changing segments after we have read the source. We construct eg
+ * fixSs even after the source file is read, so we do have to keep the
+ * segment context correct.
+ */
+subseg_change (seg, subseg)
+ register segT seg;
+ register int subseg;
+ now_seg = seg;
+ now_subseg = subseg;
+ if (seg == SEG_DATA)
+ {
+ seg_fix_rootP = & data_fix_root;
+ seg_fix_tailP = & data_fix_tail;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ know (seg == SEG_TEXT);
+ seg_fix_rootP = & text_fix_root;
+ seg_fix_tailP = & text_fix_tail;
+ }
+ * subseg_new()
+ *
+ * If you attempt to change to the current subsegment, nothing happens.
+ *
+ * In: segT, subsegT code for new subsegment.
+ * frag_now -> incomplete frag for current subsegment.
+ * If frag_now==NULL, then there is no old, incomplete frag, so
+ * the old frag is not closed off.
+ *
+ * Out: now_subseg, now_seg updated.
+ * Frchain_now points to the (possibly new) struct frchain for this
+ * sub-segment.
+ * Frchain_root updated if needed.
+ */
+subseg_new (seg, subseg) /* begin assembly for a new sub-segment */
+ register segT seg; /* SEG_DATA or SEG_TEXT */
+ register subsegT subseg;
+ long tmp; /* JF for obstack alignment hacking */
+ know( seg == SEG_DATA || seg == SEG_TEXT );
+ if (seg != now_seg || subseg != now_subseg)
+ { /* we just changed sub-segments */
+ register frchainS * frcP; /* crawl frchain chain */
+ register frchainS** lastPP; /* address of last pointer */
+ frchainS * newP; /* address of new frchain */
+ register fragS * former_last_fragP;
+ register fragS * new_fragP;
+ if (frag_now) /* If not bootstrapping. */
+ {
+ frag_now -> fr_fix = obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now -> fr_literal;
+ frag_wane(frag_now); /* Close off any frag in old subseg. */
+ }
+ * It would be nice to keep an obstack for each subsegment, if we swap
+ * subsegments a lot. Hence we would have much fewer frag_wanes().
+ */
+ {
+ obstack_finish( &frags);
+ /*
+ * If we don't do the above, the next object we put on obstack frags
+ * will appear to start at the fr_literal of the current frag.
+ * Also, above ensures that the next object will begin on a
+ * address that is aligned correctly for the engine that runs
+ * this program.
+ */
+ }
+ subseg_change (seg, (int)subseg);
+ /*
+ * Attempt to find or make a frchain for that sub seg.
+ * Crawl along chain of frchainSs, begins @ frchain_root.
+ * If we need to make a frchainS, link it into correct
+ * position of chain rooted in frchain_root.
+ */
+ for (frcP = * (lastPP = & frchain_root);
+ frcP
+ && (int)(frcP -> frch_seg) <= (int)seg;
+ frcP = * ( lastPP = & frcP -> frch_next)
+ )
+ {
+ if ( (int)(frcP -> frch_seg) == (int)seg
+ && frcP -> frch_subseg >= subseg)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * frcP: Address of the 1st frchainS in correct segment with
+ * frch_subseg >= subseg.
+ * We want to either use this frchainS, or we want
+ * to insert a new frchainS just before it.
+ *
+ * If frcP==NULL, then we are at the end of the chain
+ * of frchainS-s. A NULL frcP means we fell off the end
+ * of the chain looking for a
+ * frch_subseg >= subseg, so we
+ * must make a new frchainS.
+ *
+ * If we ever maintain a pointer to
+ * the last frchainS in the chain, we change that pointer
+ * ONLY when frcP==NULL.
+ *
+ * lastPP: Address of the pointer with value frcP;
+ * Never NULL.
+ * May point to frchain_root.
+ *
+ */
+ if ( ! frcP
+ || ( (int)(frcP -> frch_seg) > (int)seg
+ || frcP->frch_subseg > subseg)) /* Kinky logic only works with 2 segments. */
+ {
+ /*
+ * This should be the only code that creates a frchainS.
+ */
+ newP=(frchainS *)obstack_alloc(&frags,sizeof(frchainS));
+ /* obstack_1blank( &frags, sizeof(frchainS), &newP); */
+ /* This begines on a good boundary */
+ /* because a obstack_done() preceeded it. */
+ /* It implies an obstack_done(), so we */
+ /* expect the next object allocated to */
+ /* begin on a correct boundary. */
+ *lastPP = newP;
+ newP -> frch_next = frcP; /* perhaps NULL */
+ (frcP = newP) -> frch_subseg = subseg;
+ newP -> frch_seg = seg;
+ newP -> frch_last = NULL;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Here with frcP ->ing to the frchainS for subseg.
+ */
+ frchain_now = frcP;
+ /*
+ * Make a fresh frag for the subsegment.
+ */
+ /* We expect this to happen on a correct */
+ /* boundary since it was proceeded by a */
+ /* obstack_done(). */
+ tmp=obstack_alignment_mask(&frags); /* JF disable alignment */
+ obstack_alignment_mask(&frags)=0;
+ frag_now=(fragS *)obstack_alloc(&frags,SIZEOF_STRUCT_FRAG);
+ obstack_alignment_mask(&frags)=tmp;
+ /* know( frags . obstack_c_next_free == frag_now -> fr_literal ); */
+ /* But we want any more chars to come */
+ /* immediately after the structure we just made. */
+ new_fragP = frag_now;
+ new_fragP -> fr_next = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Append new frag to current frchain.
+ */
+ former_last_fragP = frcP -> frch_last;
+ if (former_last_fragP)
+ {
+ know( former_last_fragP -> fr_next == NULL );
+ know( frchain_now -> frch_root );
+ former_last_fragP -> fr_next = new_fragP;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ frcP -> frch_root = new_fragP;
+ }
+ frcP -> frch_last = new_fragP;
+ } /* if (changing subsegments) */
+} /* subseg_new() */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end: subsegs.c */
diff --git a/gas/subsegs.h b/gas/subsegs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8dbaf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/subsegs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* subsegs.h -> subsegs.c
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+ * For every sub-segment the user mentions in the ASsembler program,
+ * we make one struct frchain. Each sub-segment has exactly one struct frchain
+ * and vice versa.
+ *
+ * Struct frchain's are forward chained (in ascending order of sub-segment
+ * code number). The chain runs through frch_next of each subsegment.
+ * This makes it hard to find a subsegment's frags
+ * if programmer uses a lot of them. Most programs only use text0 and
+ * data0, so they don't suffer. At least this way:
+ * (1) There are no "arbitrary" restrictions on how many subsegments
+ * can be programmed;
+ * (2) Subsegments' frchain-s are (later) chained together in the order in
+ * which they are emitted for object file viz text then data.
+ *
+ * From each struct frchain dangles a chain of struct frags. The frags
+ * represent code fragments, for that sub-segment, forward chained.
+ */
+struct frchain /* control building of a frag chain */
+{ /* FRCH = FRagment CHain control */
+ struct frag * frch_root; /* 1st struct frag in chain, or NULL */
+ struct frag * frch_last; /* last struct frag in chain, or NULL */
+ struct frchain * frch_next; /* next in chain of struct frchain-s */
+ segT frch_seg; /* SEG_TEXT or SEG_DATA. */
+ subsegT frch_subseg; /* subsegment number of this chain */
+typedef struct frchain frchainS;
+extern frchainS * frchain_root; /* NULL means no frchains yet. */
+ /* all subsegments' chains hang off here */
+extern frchainS * frchain_now;
+ /* Frchain we are assembling into now */
+ /* That is, the current segment's frag */
+ /* chain, even if it contains no (complete) */
+ /* frags. */
+extern frchainS * data0_frchainP;
+ /* Sentinel for frchain crawling. */
+ /* Points to the 1st data-segment frchain. */
+ /* (Which is pointed to by the last text- */
+ /* segment frchain.) */
+/* end: subsegs.h */
diff --git a/gas/symbols.c b/gas/symbols.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..445160a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/symbols.c
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+/* symbols.c -symbol table-
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "obstack.h" /* For "symbols.h" */
+#include "subsegs.h"
+extern int new_broken_words;
+#ifdef VMS
+extern char const_flag;
+struct hash_control *
+sy_hash; /* symbol-name => struct symbol pointer */
+ /* Below are commented in "symbols.h". */
+unsigned int local_bss_counter;
+symbolS * symbol_rootP;
+symbolS * symbol_lastP;
+symbolS abs_symbol;
+symbolS* dot_text_symbol;
+symbolS* dot_data_symbol;
+symbolS* dot_bss_symbol;
+struct obstack notes;
+ * Un*x idea of local labels. They are made by "n:" where n
+ * is any decimal digit. Refer to them with
+ * "nb" for previous (backward) n:
+ * or "nf" for next (forward) n:.
+ *
+ * Like Un*x AS, we have one set of local label counters for entire assembly,
+ * not one set per (sub)segment like in most assemblers. This implies that
+ * one can refer to a label in another segment, and indeed some crufty
+ * compilers have done just that.
+ *
+ * I document the symbol names here to save duplicating words elsewhere.
+ * The mth occurence of label n: is turned into the symbol "Ln^Am" where
+ * n is a digit and m is a decimal number. "L" makes it a label discarded
+ * unless debugging and "^A"('\1') ensures no ordinary symbol SHOULD get the
+ * same name as a local label symbol. The first "4:" is "L4^A1" - the m
+ * numbers begin at 1.
+ */
+typedef short unsigned int
+static local_label_countT
+static /* Returned to caller, then copied. */
+ char symbol_name_build[12]; /* used for created names ("4f") */
+int local_label_defined[10];
+ symbol_lastP = NULL;
+ symbol_rootP = NULL; /* In case we have 0 symbols (!!) */
+ sy_hash = hash_new();
+ bzero ((char *)(& abs_symbol), sizeof(abs_symbol));
+ S_SET_SEGMENT(&abs_symbol, SEG_ABSOLUTE); /* Can't initialise a union. Sigh. */
+ bzero ((char *)(local_label_counter), sizeof(local_label_counter) );
+ local_bss_counter = 0;
+ * local_label_name()
+ *
+ * Caller must copy returned name: we re-use the area for the next name.
+ */
+char * /* Return local label name. */
+local_label_name(n, augend)
+ register int n; /* we just saw "n:", "nf" or "nb" : n a digit */
+ register int augend; /* 0 for nb, 1 for n:, nf */
+ register char * p;
+ register char * q;
+ char symbol_name_temporary[10]; /* build up a number, BACKWARDS */
+ know( n >= 0 );
+ know( augend == 0 || augend == 1 );
+ p = symbol_name_build;
+ * p ++ = 'L';
+ * p ++ = n + '0'; /* Make into ASCII */
+ * p ++ = 1; /* ^A */
+ n = local_label_counter [ n ] + augend;
+ /* version number of this local label */
+ /*
+ * Next code just does sprintf( {}, "%d", n);
+ * It is more elegant to do the next part recursively, but a procedure
+ * call for each digit emitted is considered too costly.
+ */
+ q = symbol_name_temporary;
+ for (*q++=0; n; q++) /* emits NOTHING if n starts as 0 */
+ {
+ know(n>0); /* We expect n > 0 always */
+ *q = n % 10 + '0';
+ n /= 10;
+ }
+ while (( * p ++ = * -- q ) != '\0') ;;
+ /* The label, as a '\0' ended string, starts at symbol_name_build. */
+ return(symbol_name_build);
+} /* local_label_name() */
+void local_colon (n)
+int n; /* just saw "n:" */
+ local_label_counter [n] ++;
+ local_label_defined[n]=1;
+ colon (local_label_name (n, 0));
+ * symbol_new()
+ *
+ * Return a pointer to a new symbol.
+ * Die if we can't make a new symbol.
+ * Fill in the symbol's values.
+ * Add symbol to end of symbol chain.
+ *
+ *
+ * Please always call this to create a new symbol.
+ *
+ * Changes since 1985: Symbol names may not contain '\0'. Sigh.
+ * 2nd argument is now a SEG rather than a TYPE. The mapping between
+ * segments and types is mostly encapsulated herein (actually, we inherit it
+ * from macros in struc-symbol.h).
+ */
+symbolS *symbol_new(name, segment, value, frag)
+char *name; /* It is copied, the caller can destroy/modify */
+segT segment; /* Segment identifier (SEG_<something>) */
+long value; /* Symbol value */
+fragS *frag; /* Associated fragment */
+ unsigned int name_length;
+ char *preserved_copy_of_name;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ name_length = strlen(name) + 1; /* +1 for \0 */
+ obstack_grow(&notes, name, name_length);
+ preserved_copy_of_name = obstack_finish(&notes);
+ symbolP = (symbolS *)obstack_alloc(&notes, sizeof(symbolS));
+ S_SET_NAME(symbolP, (*preserved_copy_of_name == '_'
+ ? preserved_copy_of_name + 1
+ : preserved_copy_of_name));
+ S_SET_NAME(symbolP, preserved_copy_of_name);
+#endif /* STRIP_UNDERSCORE */
+ S_SET_SEGMENT(symbolP, segment);
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, value);
+ symbol_clear_list_pointers(symbolP);
+ symbolP->sy_frag = frag;
+ symbolP->sy_forward = NULL; /* JF */
+ symbolP->sy_number = ~0;
+ symbolP->sy_name_offset = ~0;
+ /*
+ * Link to end of symbol chain.
+ */
+ symbol_append(symbolP, symbol_lastP, &symbol_rootP, &symbol_lastP);
+ obj_symbol_new_hook(symbolP);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ verify_symbol_chain(symbol_rootP, symbol_lastP);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ return(symbolP);
+} /* symbol_new() */
+ * colon()
+ *
+ * We have just seen "<name>:".
+ * Creates a struct symbol unless it already exists.
+ *
+ * Gripes if we are redefining a symbol incompatibly (and ignores it).
+ *
+ */
+void colon(sym_name) /* just seen "x:" - rattle symbols & frags */
+ register char * sym_name; /* symbol name, as a cannonical string */
+ /* We copy this string: OK to alter later. */
+ register symbolS * symbolP; /* symbol we are working with */
+ /* Sun local labels go out of scope whenever a non-local symbol is defined. */
+ if(*sym_name !='L')
+ bzero((void *) local_label_defined, sizeof(local_label_defined));
+ if(new_broken_words) {
+ struct broken_word *a;
+ int possible_bytes;
+ fragS *frag_tmp;
+ char *frag_opcode;
+ extern md_short_jump_size;
+ extern md_long_jump_size;
+ possible_bytes=md_short_jump_size + new_broken_words * md_long_jump_size;
+ frag_tmp=frag_now;
+ frag_opcode=frag_var(rs_broken_word,
+ possible_bytes,
+ possible_bytes,
+ (relax_substateT) 0,
+ (symbolS *) broken_words,
+ 0L,
+ NULL);
+ /* We want to store the pointer to where to insert the jump table in the
+ fr_opcode of the rs_broken_word frag. This requires a little hackery */
+ while(frag_tmp && (frag_tmp->fr_type!=rs_broken_word || frag_tmp->fr_opcode))
+ frag_tmp=frag_tmp->fr_next;
+ know(frag_tmp);
+ frag_tmp->fr_opcode=frag_opcode;
+ new_broken_words = 0;
+ for(a=broken_words;a && a->dispfrag==0;a=a->next_broken_word)
+ a->dispfrag=frag_tmp;
+ }
+ if ((symbolP = symbol_find(sym_name)) != 0) {
+#ifdef VMS
+ /*
+ * If the new symbol is .comm AND it has a size of zero,
+ * we ignore it (i.e. the old symbol overrides it)
+ */
+ if ((SEGMENT_TO_SYMBOL_TYPE((int) now_seg) == (N_UNDF | N_EXT)) &&
+ ((obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now->fr_literal) == 0))
+ return;
+ /*
+ * If the old symbol is .comm and it has a size of zero,
+ * we override it with the new symbol value.
+ */
+ if ((symbolP->sy_type == (N_UNDF | N_EXT))
+ && (S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) == 0)) {
+ symbolP->sy_frag = frag_now;
+ symbolP->sy_other = const_flag;
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now->fr_literal);
+ symbolP->sy_type |= SEGMENT_TO_SYMBOL_TYPE((int) now_seg); /* keep N_EXT bit */
+ return;
+ }
+#endif /* VMS */
+ /*
+ * Now check for undefined symbols
+ */
+ if (!S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP)) {
+ if (S_GET_VALUE(symbolP) == 0) {
+ symbolP->sy_frag = frag_now;
+#ifdef VMS
+ symbolP->sy_other = const_flag;
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, obstack_next_free(&frags) - frag_now->fr_literal);
+ S_SET_SEGMENT(symbolP, now_seg);
+#ifdef N_UNDF
+ know(N_UNDF == 0);
+#endif /* if we have one, it better be zero. */
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * There are still several cases to check:
+ * A .comm/.lcomm symbol being redefined as
+ * initialized data is OK
+ * A .comm/.lcomm symbol being redefined with
+ * a larger size is also OK
+ *
+ * This only used to be allowed on VMS gas, but Sun cc
+ * on the sparc also depends on it.
+ */
+ char New_Type = SEGMENT_TO_SYMBOL_TYPE((int) now_seg);
+ if (((!S_IS_DEBUG(symbolP) && !S_IS_DEFINED(symbolP) && S_IS_EXTERNAL(symbolP))
+ || (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_BSS))
+ && ((now_seg == SEG_DATA)
+ || (now_seg == S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP)))) {
+ /*
+ * Select which of the 2 cases this is
+ */
+ if (now_seg != SEG_DATA) {
+ /*
+ * New .comm for prev .comm symbol.
+ * If the new size is larger we just
+ * change its value. If the new size
+ * is smaller, we ignore this symbol
+ */
+ if (S_GET_VALUE(symbolP)
+ < ((unsigned) (obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now->fr_literal))) {
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP,
+ obstack_next_free(& frags) -
+ frag_now->fr_literal);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * It is a .comm/.lcomm being converted
+ * to initialized data.
+ */
+ symbolP->sy_frag = frag_now;
+#ifdef VMS
+ symbolP->sy_other = const_flag;
+#endif /* VMS */
+ S_SET_VALUE(symbolP, obstack_next_free(& frags) - frag_now->fr_literal);
+ S_SET_SEGMENT(symbolP, now_seg); /* keep N_EXT bit */
+ }
+ } else {
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+ as_fatal("Symbol \"%s\" is already defined as \"%s\"/%d.",
+ sym_name,
+ segment_name(S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP)),
+ S_GET_VALUE(symbolP));
+#else /* OBJ_COFF */
+ as_fatal("Symbol \"%s\" is already defined as \"%s\"/%d.%d.%d.",
+ sym_name,
+ segment_name(S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP)),
+ S_GET_OTHER(symbolP), S_GET_DESC(symbolP),
+ S_GET_VALUE(symbolP));
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+ }
+ } /* if the undefined symbol has no value */
+ } else {
+ as_fatal("Symbol %s already defined.", sym_name);
+ } /* if this symbol is not yet defined */
+ } else {
+ symbolP = symbol_new(sym_name,
+ now_seg,
+ (valueT)(obstack_next_free(&frags)-frag_now->fr_literal),
+ frag_now);
+#ifdef VMS
+ S_SET_OTHER(symbolP, const_flag);
+#endif /* VMS */
+ symbol_table_insert(symbolP);
+ } /* if we have seen this symbol before */
+ return;
+} /* colon() */
+ * symbol_table_insert()
+ *
+ * Die if we can't insert the symbol.
+ *
+ */
+void symbol_table_insert(symbolP)
+symbolS *symbolP;
+ register char *error_string;
+ know(symbolP);
+ know(S_GET_NAME(symbolP));
+ if (*(error_string = hash_jam(sy_hash, S_GET_NAME(symbolP), (char *)symbolP))) {
+ as_fatal("Inserting \"%s\" into symbol table failed: %s",
+ S_GET_NAME(symbolP), error_string);
+ } /* on error */
+} /* symbol_table_insert() */
+ * symbol_find_or_make()
+ *
+ * If a symbol name does not exist, create it as undefined, and insert
+ * it into the symbol table. Return a pointer to it.
+ */
+symbolS *symbol_find_or_make(name)
+char *name;
+ register symbolS *symbolP;
+ symbolP = symbol_find(name);
+ if (symbolP == NULL) {
+ symbolP = symbol_make(name);
+ symbol_table_insert(symbolP);
+ } /* if symbol wasn't found */
+ return(symbolP);
+} /* symbol_find_or_make() */
+symbolS *symbol_make(name)
+char *name;
+ symbolS *symbolP;
+ /* Let the machine description default it, e.g. for register names. */
+ symbolP = md_undefined_symbol(name);
+ if (!symbolP) {
+ symbolP = symbol_new(name,
+ 0,
+ &zero_address_frag);
+ } /* if md didn't build us a symbol */
+ return(symbolP);
+} /* symbol_make() */
+ * symbol_find()
+ *
+ * Implement symbol table lookup.
+ * In: A symbol's name as a string: '\0' can't be part of a symbol name.
+ * Out: NULL if the name was not in the symbol table, else the address
+ * of a struct symbol associated with that name.
+ */
+symbolS *symbol_find(name)
+char *name;
+#endif /* STRIP_UNDERSCORE */
+ return symbol_find_base(name, STRIP_UNDERSCORE);
+symbolS *symbol_find_base(name, strip_underscore)
+char *name;
+int strip_underscore;
+ if(strip_underscore && *name == '_') name++;
+ return ( (symbolS *) hash_find( sy_hash, name ));
+ * Once upon a time, symbols were kept in a singly linked list. At
+ * least coff needs to be able to rearrange them from time to time, for
+ * which a doubly linked list is much more convenient. Loic did these
+ * as macros which seemed dangerous to me so they're now functions.
+ * xoxorich.
+ */
+/* Link symbol ADDME after symbol TARGET in the chain. */
+void symbol_append(addme, target, rootPP, lastPP)
+symbolS *addme;
+symbolS *target;
+symbolS **rootPP;
+symbolS **lastPP;
+ if (target == NULL) {
+ know(*rootPP == NULL);
+ know(*lastPP == NULL);
+ *rootPP = addme;
+ *lastPP = addme;
+ return;
+ } /* if the list is empty */
+ if (target->sy_next != NULL) {
+ target->sy_next->sy_previous = addme;
+ } else {
+ know(*lastPP == target);
+ *lastPP = addme;
+ } /* if we have a next */
+ addme->sy_next = target->sy_next;
+ target->sy_next = addme;
+ addme->sy_previous = target;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ verify_symbol_chain(*rootPP, *lastPP);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ return;
+} /* symbol_append() */
+/* Remove SYMBOLP from the list. */
+void symbol_remove(symbolP, rootPP, lastPP)
+symbolS *symbolP;
+symbolS **rootPP;
+symbolS **lastPP;
+ if (symbolP == *rootPP) {
+ *rootPP = symbolP->sy_next;
+ } /* if it was the root */
+ if (symbolP == *lastPP) {
+ *lastPP = symbolP->sy_previous;
+ } /* if it was the tail */
+ if (symbolP->sy_next != NULL) {
+ symbolP->sy_next->sy_previous = symbolP->sy_previous;
+ } /* if not last */
+ if (symbolP->sy_previous != NULL) {
+ symbolP->sy_previous->sy_next = symbolP->sy_next;
+ } /* if not first */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ verify_symbol_chain(*rootPP, *lastPP);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ return;
+} /* symbol_remove() */
+/* Set the chain pointers of SYMBOL to null. */
+void symbol_clear_list_pointers(symbolP)
+symbolS *symbolP;
+ symbolP->sy_next = NULL;
+ symbolP->sy_previous = NULL;
+} /* symbol_clear_list_pointers() */
+/* Link symbol ADDME before symbol TARGET in the chain. */
+void symbol_insert(addme, target, rootPP, lastPP)
+symbolS *addme;
+symbolS *target;
+symbolS **rootPP;
+symbolS **lastPP;
+ if (target->sy_previous != NULL) {
+ target->sy_previous->sy_next = addme;
+ } else {
+ know(*rootPP == target);
+ *rootPP = addme;
+ } /* if not first */
+ addme->sy_previous = target->sy_previous;
+ target->sy_previous = addme;
+ addme->sy_next = target;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ verify_symbol_chain(*rootPP, *lastPP);
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ return;
+} /* symbol_insert() */
+void verify_symbol_chain(rootP, lastP)
+symbolS *rootP;
+symbolS *lastP;
+ symbolS *symbolP = rootP;
+ if (symbolP == NULL) {
+ return;
+ } /* empty chain */
+ for ( ; symbol_next(symbolP) != NULL; symbolP = symbol_next(symbolP)) {
+ /*$if (symbolP->sy_previous) {
+ know(symbolP->sy_previous->sy_next == symbolP);
+ } else {
+ know(symbolP == rootP);
+ }$*/ /* both directions */
+ know(symbolP->sy_next->sy_previous == symbolP);
+ ;
+ } /* verify pointers */
+ know(lastP == symbolP);
+ return;
+} /* verify_symbol_chain() */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end: symbols.c */
diff --git a/gas/symbols.h b/gas/symbols.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ced0d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/symbols.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+/* symbols.h -
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* $Id$ */
+extern struct obstack notes; /* eg FixS live here. */
+extern struct obstack cond_obstack; /* this is where we track .ifdef/.endif
+ (if we do that at all). */
+extern unsigned int local_bss_counter; /* Zeroed before a pass. */
+ /* Only used by .lcomm directive. */
+extern symbolS * symbol_rootP; /* all the symbol nodes */
+extern symbolS * symbol_lastP; /* last struct symbol we made, or NULL */
+extern symbolS abs_symbol;
+extern symbolS* dot_text_symbol;
+extern symbolS* dot_data_symbol;
+extern symbolS* dot_bss_symbol;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *local_label_name(int n, int augend);
+symbolS *symbol_find(char *name);
+symbolS *symbol_find_base(char *name, int strip_underscore);
+symbolS *symbol_find_or_make(char *name);
+symbolS *symbol_make(char *name);
+symbolS *symbol_new(char *name, segT segment, long value, fragS *frag);
+void colon(char *sym_name);
+void local_colon(int n);
+void symbol_begin(void);
+void symbol_table_insert(symbolS *symbolP);
+void verify_symbol_chain(symbolS *rootP, symbolS *lastP);
+char *local_label_name();
+symbolS *symbol_find();
+symbolS *symbol_find_base();
+symbolS *symbol_find_or_make();
+symbolS *symbol_make();
+symbolS *symbol_new();
+void colon();
+void local_colon();
+void symbol_begin();
+void symbol_table_insert();
+void verify_symbol_chain();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end: symbols.h */
diff --git a/gas/tc.h b/gas/tc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b87ba60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/tc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+/* tc.h -target cpu dependent- */
+/* Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+/* In theory (mine, at least!) the machine dependent part of the assembler
+ should only have to include one file. This one. -- JF */
+extern const pseudo_typeS md_pseudo_table[];
+/* JF moved this here from as.h under the theory that nobody except MACHINE.c
+ and write.c care about it anyway. */
+typedef struct
+ long rlx_forward; /* Forward reach. Signed number. > 0. */
+ long rlx_backward; /* Backward reach. Signed number. < 0. */
+ unsigned char rlx_length; /* Bytes length of this address. */
+ relax_substateT rlx_more; /* Next longer relax-state. */
+ /* 0 means there is no 'next' relax-state. */
+extern const relax_typeS md_relax_table[]; /* Define it in MACHINE.c */
+extern int md_reloc_size; /* Size of a relocation record */
+extern void (*md_emit_relocations)();
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *md_atof(int what_statement_type, char *literalP, int *sizeP);
+int md_estimate_size_before_relax(fragS *fragP, segT segtype);
+int md_parse_option(char **argP, int *cntP, char ***vecP);
+long md_pcrel_from(fixS *fixP);
+long md_section_align(segT seg, long align);
+short tc_coff_fix2rtype(fixS *fixP);
+symbolS *md_undefined_symbol(char *name);
+void md_apply_fix(fixS *fixP, long val);
+void md_assemble(char *str);
+void md_begin(void);
+void md_convert_frag(fragS *fragP);
+void md_create_long_jump(char *ptr, long from_addr, long to_addr, fragS *frag, symbolS *to_symbol);
+void md_create_short_jump(char *ptr, long from_addr, long to_addr, fragS *frag, symbolS *to_symbol);
+void md_end(void);
+void md_number_to_chars(char *buf, long val, int n);
+void md_operand(expressionS *expressionP);
+void md_ri_to_chars(char *the_bytes, struct reloc_info_generic *ri);
+#ifndef tc_crawl_symbol_chain
+void tc_crawl_symbol_chain(object_headers *headers);
+#endif /* tc_crawl_symbol_chain */
+#ifndef tc_headers_hook
+void tc_headers_hook(object_headers *headers);
+#endif /* tc_headers_hook */
+char *md_atof();
+int md_estimate_size_before_relax();
+int md_parse_option();
+long md_pcrel_from();
+long md_section_align();
+short tc_coff_fix2rtype();
+symbolS *md_undefined_symbol();
+void md_apply_fix();
+void md_assemble();
+void md_begin();
+void md_convert_frag();
+void md_create_long_jump();
+void md_create_short_jump();
+void md_end();
+void md_number_to_chars();
+void md_operand();
+void md_ri_to_chars();
+#ifndef tc_headers_hook
+void tc_headers_hook();
+#endif /* tc_headers_hook */
+#ifndef tc_crawl_symbol_chain
+void tc_crawl_symbol_chain();
+#endif /* tc_crawl_symbol_chain */
+#endif /* __STDC_ */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of tp.h */
diff --git a/gas/testscripts/doboth b/gas/testscripts/doboth
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a8c3358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/testscripts/doboth
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# $Id$
+x=$1 ; shift
+y=$1 ; shift
+rm tmp.0 > /dev/null 2>&1
+ln -s $x tmp.0
+$* tmp.0 > tmp.1
+rm tmp.0
+ln -s $y tmp.0
+$* tmp.0 > tmp.2
+rm tmp.0
+diff -c tmp.1 tmp.2
diff --git a/gas/testscripts/doobjcmp b/gas/testscripts/doobjcmp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9fbe46b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/testscripts/doobjcmp
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# $Id$
+# compare two object files, in depth.
+BOTH="$1 $2"
+# if they cmp, we're fine.
+if (cmp $BOTH > /dev/null)
+ exit 0
+# otherwise, we must look closer.
+if (doboth $BOTH size)
+ echo Sizes ok.
+ echo Sizes differ:
+ size $BOTH
+# exit 1
+if (doboth $BOTH objdump +header)
+ echo Headers ok.
+ echo Header differences.
+# exit 1
+if (doboth $BOTH objdump +text > /dev/null)
+ echo Text ok.
+ echo Text differences.
+# doboth $BOTH objdump +text
+# exit 1
+if (doboth $BOTH objdump +data > /dev/null)
+ echo Data ok.
+ echo Data differences.
+# doboth $BOTH objdump +data
+# exit 1
+if (doboth $BOTH objdump +symbols > /dev/null)
+ echo Symbols ok.
+ echo -n Symbol differences...
+ if (doboth $BOTH dounsortsymbols)
+ then
+ echo but symbols are simply ordered differently.
+# echo Now what to do about relocs'?'
+# exit 1
+ else
+ echo and symbols differ in content.
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# of course, if there were symbol diffs, then the reloc symbol indexes
+# will be off.
+if (doboth $BOTH objdump -r > /dev/null)
+ echo Reloc ok.
+ echo -n Reloc differences...
+ if (doboth $BOTH dounsortreloc)
+ then
+ echo but relocs are simply ordered differently.
+ else
+ echo and relocs differ in content.
+ exit 1
+ fi
+# eof
diff --git a/gas/testscripts/dostriptest b/gas/testscripts/dostriptest
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b89df8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/testscripts/dostriptest
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# $Id$
+cp $1 $x
+strip $x
+cp $2 $y
+strip $y
+doobjcmp $x $y
diff --git a/gas/testscripts/dotest b/gas/testscripts/dotest
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c7a28c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/testscripts/dotest
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# ad hoc debug tool
+# $Id$
+xout=`basename $x`.xxx.$$
+yout=`basename $x`.yyy.$$
+mkdir $xout
+mkdir $yout
+for i in *.s
+ echo Testing $i...
+ object=`basename $i .s`.o
+ $x $i -o $xout/$object
+ $y $i -o $yout/$object
+# if they cmp, we're ok. Otherwise we have to look closer.
+ if (cmp $xout/$object $yout/$object)
+ then
+ echo $i is ok.
+ else
+ if (doobjcmp $xout/$object $yout/$object)
+ then
+ echo Not the same but objcmp ok.
+ else
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo
+rm -rf $xout $yout
+exit 0
+# EOF
diff --git a/gas/testscripts/dounsortreloc b/gas/testscripts/dounsortreloc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d8da0a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/testscripts/dounsortreloc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# $Id$
+# objdump the reloc table, but strip off the headings and reloc
+# numbers and sort the result. Intended for use in comparing reloc
+# tables that may not be in the same order.
+objdump +reloc +omit-relocation-numbers +omit-symbol-numbers $1 \
+ | sort
diff --git a/gas/testscripts/dounsortsymbols b/gas/testscripts/dounsortsymbols
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8fb6db3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/testscripts/dounsortsymbols
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# $Id$
+# objdump the symbol table, but strip off the headings and symbol
+# numbers and sort the result. Intended for use in comparing symbol
+# tables that may not be in the same order.
+objdump +symbols +omit-symbol-numbers $1 \
+ | sort
diff --git a/gas/write.c b/gas/write.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0b36c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/write.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1162 @@
+/* write.c - emit .o file
+ Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ This thing should be set up to do byteordering correctly. But...
+ In order to cross-assemble the target machine must have an a.out header
+ similar to the one in a.out.h on THIS machine. Byteorder doesn't matter,
+ we take special care of it, but the numbers must be the same SIZE (# of
+ bytes) and in the same PLACE. If this is not true, you will have some
+ trouble.
+ */
+#include "as.h"
+#include "subsegs.h"
+#include "obstack.h"
+#include "output-file.h"
+/* Hook for machine dependent relocation information output routine.
+ If not defined, the variable is allocated in BSS (Fortran common model).
+ If some other module defines it, we will see their value. */
+void (*md_emit_relocations)();
+ * In: length of relocation (or of address) in chars: 1, 2 or 4.
+ * Out: GNU LD relocation length code: 0, 1, or 2.
+ */
+unsigned char
+nbytes_r_length [] = {
+ 42, 0, 1, 42, 2
+ };
+static struct frag *text_frag_root;
+static struct frag *data_frag_root;
+static struct frag *text_last_frag; /* Last frag in segment. */
+static struct frag *data_last_frag; /* Last frag in segment. */
+static object_headers headers;
+long string_byte_count;
+static char *the_object_file;
+char *next_object_file_charP; /* Tracks object file bytes. */
+int magic_number_for_object_file = DEFAULT_MAGIC_NUMBER_FOR_OBJECT_FILE;
+/* static long length; JF unused */ /* String length, including trailing '\0'. */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static int is_dnrange(struct frag *f1, struct frag *f2);
+static long fixup_segment(fixS *fixP, segT this_segment_type);
+static relax_addressT relax_align(relax_addressT address, long alignment);
+static void relax_segment(struct frag *segment_frag_root, segT segment_type);
+static int is_dnrange();
+static long fixup_segment();
+static relax_addressT relax_align();
+static void relax_segment();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+ * fix_new()
+ *
+ * Create a fixS in obstack 'notes'.
+ */
+fixS *fix_new(frag, where, size, add_symbol, sub_symbol, offset, pcrel, r_type)
+fragS *frag; /* Which frag? */
+int where; /* Where in that frag? */
+short int size; /* 1, 2 or 4 usually. */
+symbolS *add_symbol; /* X_add_symbol. */
+symbolS *sub_symbol; /* X_subtract_symbol. */
+long offset; /* X_add_number. */
+int pcrel; /* TRUE if PC-relative relocation. */
+enum reloc_type r_type; /* Relocation type */
+ register fixS * fixP;
+ fixP = (fixS *)obstack_alloc(&notes,sizeof(fixS));
+ fixP->fx_frag = frag;
+ fixP->fx_where = where;
+ fixP->fx_size = size;
+ fixP->fx_addsy = add_symbol;
+ fixP->fx_subsy = sub_symbol;
+ fixP->fx_offset = offset;
+ fixP->fx_pcrel = pcrel;
+ fixP->fx_r_type = r_type;
+ fixP->fx_next = NULL;
+ /* JF these 'cuz of the NS32K stuff */
+ fixP->fx_im_disp = 0;
+ fixP->fx_pcrel_adjust = 0;
+ fixP->fx_bsr = 0;
+ fixP->fx_bit_fixP = 0;
+ if (*seg_fix_tailP)
+ (*seg_fix_tailP)->fx_next = fixP;
+ else
+ *seg_fix_rootP = fixP;
+ *seg_fix_tailP = fixP;
+ fixP->fx_callj = 0;
+ return fixP;
+void write_object_file() {
+ register struct frchain * frchainP; /* Track along all frchains. */
+ register fragS * fragP; /* Track along all frags. */
+ register struct frchain * next_frchainP;
+ register fragS * * prev_fragPP;
+/* register char * name; */
+/* symbolS *symbolP; */
+/* register symbolS ** symbolPP; */
+ /* register fixS * fixP; JF unused */
+ unsigned int data_siz;
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ void gdb_emit();
+ void gdb_end();
+ long object_file_size;
+#ifdef VMS
+ /*
+ * Under VMS we try to be compatible with VAX-11 "C". Thus, we
+ * call a routine to check for the definition of the procedure
+ * "_main", and if so -- fix it up so that it can be program
+ * entry point.
+ */
+ VMS_Check_For_Main();
+#endif /* VMS */
+ /*
+ * After every sub-segment, we fake an ".align ...". This conforms to BSD4.2
+ * brane-damage. We then fake ".fill 0" because that is the kind of frag
+ * that requires least thought. ".align" frags like to have a following
+ * frag since that makes calculating their intended length trivial.
+ */
+#define SUB_SEGMENT_ALIGN (2)
+ for (frchainP = frchain_root; frchainP; frchainP = frchainP->frch_next) {
+#ifdef VMS
+ /*
+ * Under VAX/VMS, the linker (and PSECT specifications)
+ * take care of correctly aligning the segments.
+ * Doing the alignment here (on initialized data) can
+ * mess up the calculation of global data PSECT sizes.
+ */
+#define SUB_SEGMENT_ALIGN ((frchainP->frch_seg != SEG_DATA) ? 2 : 0)
+#endif /* VMS */
+ subseg_new (frchainP->frch_seg, frchainP->frch_subseg);
+ frag_align (SUB_SEGMENT_ALIGN, 0);
+ /* frag_align will have left a new frag. */
+ /* Use this last frag for an empty ".fill". */
+ /*
+ * For this segment ...
+ * Create a last frag. Do not leave a "being filled in frag".
+ */
+ frag_wane (frag_now);
+ frag_now->fr_fix = 0;
+ know( frag_now->fr_next == NULL );
+ /* know( frags . obstack_c_base == frags . obstack_c_next_free ); */
+ /* Above shows we haven't left a half-completed object on obstack. */
+ } /* walk the frag chain */
+ /*
+ * From now on, we don't care about sub-segments.
+ * Build one frag chain for each segment. Linked thru fr_next.
+ * We know that there is at least 1 text frchain & at least 1 data frchain.
+ */
+ prev_fragPP = &text_frag_root;
+ for (frchainP = frchain_root; frchainP; frchainP = next_frchainP) {
+ know( frchainP->frch_root );
+ * prev_fragPP = frchainP->frch_root;
+ prev_fragPP = & frchainP->frch_last->fr_next;
+ if (((next_frchainP = frchainP->frch_next) == NULL)
+ || next_frchainP == data0_frchainP) {
+ prev_fragPP = & data_frag_root;
+ if (next_frchainP) {
+ text_last_frag = frchainP->frch_last;
+ } else {
+ data_last_frag = frchainP->frch_last;
+ }
+ }
+ } /* walk the frag chain */
+ /*
+ * We have two segments. If user gave -R flag, then we must put the
+ * data frags into the text segment. Do this before relaxing so
+ * we know to take advantage of -R and make shorter addresses.
+ */
+ if (flagseen[ 'R' ]) {
+ fixS *tmp;
+ text_last_frag->fr_next = data_frag_root;
+ text_last_frag = data_last_frag;
+ data_last_frag = NULL;
+ data_frag_root = NULL;
+ if (text_fix_root) {
+ for (tmp = text_fix_root; tmp->fx_next; tmp = tmp->fx_next) ;;
+ tmp->fx_next=data_fix_root;
+ } else
+ text_fix_root=data_fix_root;
+ data_fix_root=NULL;
+ }
+ relax_segment(text_frag_root, SEG_TEXT);
+ relax_segment(data_frag_root, SEG_DATA);
+ /*
+ * Now the addresses of frags are correct within the segment.
+ */
+ know(text_last_frag->fr_type == rs_fill && text_last_frag->fr_offset == 0);
+ H_SET_TEXT_SIZE(&headers,text_last_frag->fr_address);
+ text_last_frag->fr_address=H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(&headers);
+ /*
+ * Join the 2 segments into 1 huge segment.
+ * To do this, re-compute every rn_address in the SEG_DATA frags.
+ * Then join the data frags after the text frags.
+ *
+ * Determine a_data [length of data segment].
+ */
+ if (data_frag_root) {
+ register relax_addressT slide;
+ know( text_last_frag->fr_type == rs_fill && text_last_frag->fr_offset == 0 );
+ H_SET_DATA_SIZE(&headers, data_last_frag->fr_address);
+ data_last_frag->fr_address = H_GET_DATA_SIZE(&headers);
+ slide = H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(&headers); /* & in file of the data segment. */
+ for (fragP = data_frag_root;
+ fragP;
+ fragP = fragP->fr_next)
+ {
+ fragP->fr_address += slide;
+ }
+ know( text_last_frag );
+ text_last_frag->fr_next = data_frag_root;
+ } else {
+ H_SET_DATA_SIZE(&headers,0);
+ data_siz = 0;
+ }
+ bss_address_frag.fr_address = H_GET_TEXT_SIZE(&headers) +
+ H_GET_DATA_SIZE(&headers);
+ H_SET_BSS_SIZE(&headers,local_bss_counter);
+ /*
+ *
+ * Crawl the symbol chain.
+ *
+ * For each symbol whose value depends on a frag, take the address of
+ * that frag and subsume it into the value of the symbol.
+ * After this, there is just one way to lookup a symbol value.
+ * Values are left in their final state for object file emission.
+ * We adjust the values of 'L' local symbols, even if we do
+ * not intend to emit them to the object file, because their values
+ * are needed for fix-ups.
+ *
+ * Unless we saw a -L flag, remove all symbols that begin with 'L'
+ * from the symbol chain. (They are still pointed to by the fixes.)
+ *
+ * Count the remaining symbols.
+ * Assign a symbol number to each symbol.
+ * Count the number of string-table chars we will emit.
+ * Put this info into the headers as appropriate.
+ *
+ */
+ know(zero_address_frag.fr_address == 0);
+ string_byte_count = sizeof(string_byte_count);
+ obj_crawl_symbol_chain(&headers);
+ if (string_byte_count == sizeof(string_byte_count)) {
+ string_byte_count = 0;
+ } /* if no strings, then no count. */
+ H_SET_STRING_SIZE(&headers, string_byte_count);
+ /*
+ * Addresses of frags now reflect addresses we use in the object file.
+ * Symbol values are correct.
+ * Scan the frags, converting any ".org"s and ".align"s to ".fill"s.
+ * Also converting any machine-dependent frags using md_convert_frag();
+ */
+ subseg_change(SEG_TEXT, 0);
+ for (fragP = text_frag_root; fragP; fragP = fragP->fr_next) {
+ switch (fragP->fr_type) {
+ case rs_align:
+ case rs_org:
+ fragP->fr_type = rs_fill;
+ know( fragP->fr_var == 1 );
+ know( fragP->fr_next );
+ fragP->fr_offset
+ = fragP->fr_next->fr_address
+ - fragP->fr_address
+ - fragP->fr_fix;
+ break;
+ case rs_fill:
+ break;
+ case rs_machine_dependent:
+ md_convert_frag (fragP);
+ /*
+ * After md_convert_frag, we make the frag into a ".space 0".
+ * Md_convert_frag() should set up any fixSs and constants
+ * required.
+ */
+ frag_wane (fragP);
+ break;
+ case rs_broken_word: {
+ struct broken_word *lie;
+ extern md_short_jump_size;
+ extern md_long_jump_size;
+ if (fragP->fr_subtype) {
+ fragP->fr_fix+=md_short_jump_size;
+ for (lie=(struct broken_word *)(fragP->fr_symbol);lie && lie->dispfrag==fragP;lie=lie->next_broken_word)
+ if (lie->added==1)
+ fragP->fr_fix+=md_long_jump_size;
+ }
+ frag_wane(fragP);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE( fragP->fr_type );
+ break;
+ } /* switch (fr_type) */
+ } /* for each frag. */
+ {
+ struct broken_word *lie;
+ struct broken_word **prevP;
+ prevP= &broken_words;
+ for (lie=broken_words; lie; lie=lie->next_broken_word)
+ if (!lie->added) {
+#ifdef TC_NS32K
+ fix_new_ns32k(lie->frag,
+ lie->word_goes_here - lie->frag->fr_literal,
+ 2,
+ lie->add,
+ lie->sub,
+ lie->addnum,
+ 0, 0, 2, 0, 0);
+#else /* TC_NS32K */
+ fix_new( lie->frag, lie->word_goes_here - lie->frag->fr_literal,
+ 2, lie->add,
+ lie->sub, lie->addnum,
+ 0, NO_RELOC);
+#endif /* TC_NS32K */
+ /* md_number_to_chars(lie->word_goes_here,
+ S_GET_VALUE(lie->add)
+ + lie->addnum
+ - S_GET_VALUE(lie->sub),
+ 2); */
+ *prevP=lie->next_broken_word;
+ } else
+ prevP= &(lie->next_broken_word);
+ for (lie=broken_words;lie;) {
+ struct broken_word *untruth;
+ char *table_ptr;
+ long table_addr;
+ long from_addr,
+ to_addr;
+ int n,
+ m;
+ extern md_short_jump_size;
+ extern md_long_jump_size;
+ fragP=lie->dispfrag;
+ /* Find out how many broken_words go here */
+ n=0;
+ for (untruth=lie;untruth && untruth->dispfrag==fragP;untruth=untruth->next_broken_word)
+ if (untruth->added==1)
+ n++;
+ table_ptr=lie->dispfrag->fr_opcode;
+ table_addr=lie->dispfrag->fr_address+(table_ptr - lie->dispfrag->fr_literal);
+ /* Create the jump around the long jumps */
+ /* This is a short jump from table_ptr+0 to table_ptr+n*long_jump_size */
+ from_addr=table_addr;
+ to_addr = table_addr + md_short_jump_size + n * md_long_jump_size;
+ md_create_short_jump(table_ptr, from_addr, to_addr, lie->dispfrag, lie->add);
+ table_ptr+=md_short_jump_size;
+ table_addr+=md_short_jump_size;
+ for (m=0;lie && lie->dispfrag==fragP;m++,lie=lie->next_broken_word) {
+ if (lie->added==2)
+ continue;
+ /* Patch the jump table */
+ /* This is the offset from ??? to table_ptr+0 */
+ to_addr = table_addr
+ - S_GET_VALUE(lie->sub);
+ md_number_to_chars(lie->word_goes_here,to_addr,2);
+ for (untruth=lie->next_broken_word;untruth && untruth->dispfrag==fragP;untruth=untruth->next_broken_word) {
+ if (untruth->use_jump==lie)
+ md_number_to_chars(untruth->word_goes_here,to_addr,2);
+ }
+ /* Install the long jump */
+ /* this is a long jump from table_ptr+0 to the final target */
+ from_addr=table_addr;
+ to_addr=S_GET_VALUE(lie->add) + lie->addnum;
+ md_create_long_jump(table_ptr,from_addr,to_addr,lie->dispfrag,lie->add);
+ table_ptr+=md_long_jump_size;
+ table_addr+=md_long_jump_size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#endif /* not WORKING_DOT_WORD */
+#ifndef VMS
+ { /* not vms */
+ /*
+ * Scan every FixS performing fixups. We had to wait until now to do
+ * this because md_convert_frag() may have made some fixSs.
+ */
+ md_reloc_size * fixup_segment(text_fix_root, SEG_TEXT),
+ md_reloc_size * fixup_segment(data_fix_root, SEG_DATA));
+ /* FIXME move this stuff into the pre-write-hook */
+ H_SET_MAGIC_NUMBER(&headers, magic_number_for_object_file);
+ H_SET_ENTRY_POINT(&headers,0);
+ obj_pre_write_hook(&headers); /* extra coff stuff */
+ if ((had_warnings() && flagseen['Z'])
+ || had_errors() > 0) {
+ if (flagseen['Z']) {
+ as_warn("%d error%s, %d warning%s, generating bad object file.\n",
+ had_errors(), had_errors() == 1 ? "" : "s",
+ had_warnings(), had_warnings() == 1 ? "" : "s");
+ } else {
+ as_fatal("%d error%s, %d warning%s, no object file generated.\n",
+ had_errors(), had_errors() == 1 ? "" : "s",
+ had_warnings(), had_warnings() == 1 ? "" : "s");
+ } /* on want output */
+ } /* on error condition */
+ object_file_size = H_GET_FILE_SIZE(&headers);
+ next_object_file_charP = the_object_file = xmalloc(object_file_size);
+ output_file_create(out_file_name);
+ obj_header_append(&next_object_file_charP, &headers);
+ /*
+ * Emit code.
+ */
+ for (fragP = text_frag_root; fragP; fragP = fragP->fr_next) {
+ register long count;
+ register char * fill_literal;
+ register long fill_size;
+ know( fragP->fr_type == rs_fill );
+ append (& next_object_file_charP, fragP->fr_literal, (unsigned long)fragP->fr_fix);
+ fill_literal= fragP->fr_literal + fragP->fr_fix;
+ fill_size = fragP->fr_var;
+ know( fragP->fr_offset >= 0 );
+ for (count = fragP->fr_offset; count; count --)
+ append (& next_object_file_charP, fill_literal, (unsigned long)fill_size);
+ } /* for each code frag. */
+ /*
+ * Emit relocations.
+ */
+ obj_emit_relocations(&next_object_file_charP, text_fix_root, (relax_addressT)0);
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* Make addresses in data relocation directives relative to beginning of
+ * first data fragment, not end of last text fragment: alignment of the
+ * start of the data segment may place a gap between the segments.
+ */
+ obj_emit_relocations(&next_object_file_charP, data_fix_root, data0_frchainP->frch_root->fr_address);
+#else /* TC_I960 */
+ obj_emit_relocations(&next_object_file_charP, data_fix_root, text_last_frag->fr_address);
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ /*
+ * Emit line number entries.
+ */
+ OBJ_EMIT_LINENO(&next_object_file_charP, lineno_rootP, the_object_file);
+ /*
+ * Emit symbols.
+ */
+ obj_emit_symbols(&next_object_file_charP, symbol_rootP);
+ /*
+ * Emit strings.
+ */
+ if (string_byte_count > 0) {
+ obj_emit_strings(&next_object_file_charP);
+ } /* only if we have a string table */
+ know(next_object_file_charP == the_object_file + object_file_size);
+ /* Write the data to the file */
+ output_file_append(the_object_file,object_file_size,out_file_name);
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+ if (flagseen['G']) /* GDB symbol file to be appended? */
+ {
+ gdb_emit (out_file_name);
+ gdb_end ();
+ }
+#endif /* DONTDEF */
+ output_file_close(out_file_name);
+ } /* non vms output */
+#else /* VMS */
+ /*
+ * Now do the VMS-dependent part of writing the object file
+ */
+ VMS_write_object_file(text_siz, data_siz, text_frag_root, data_frag_root);
+#endif /* VMS */
+} /* write_object_file() */
+ * relax_segment()
+ *
+ * Now we have a segment, not a crowd of sub-segments, we can make fr_address
+ * values.
+ *
+ * Relax the frags.
+ *
+ * After this, all frags in this segment have addresses that are correct
+ * within the segment. Since segments live in different file addresses,
+ * these frag addresses may not be the same as final object-file addresses.
+ */
+#ifndef VMS
+#endif /* not VMS */
+void relax_segment(segment_frag_root, segment_type)
+ struct frag * segment_frag_root;
+ segT segment_type; /* SEG_DATA or SEG_TEXT */
+ register struct frag * fragP;
+ register relax_addressT address;
+ /* register relax_addressT old_address; JF unused */
+ /* register relax_addressT new_address; JF unused */
+ know( segment_type == SEG_DATA || segment_type == SEG_TEXT );
+ /* In case md_estimate_size_before_relax() wants to make fixSs. */
+ subseg_change(segment_type, 0);
+ /*
+ * For each frag in segment: count and store (a 1st guess of) fr_address.
+ */
+ address = 0;
+ for ( fragP = segment_frag_root; fragP; fragP = fragP->fr_next )
+ {
+ fragP->fr_address = address;
+ address += fragP->fr_fix;
+ switch (fragP->fr_type)
+ {
+ case rs_fill:
+ address += fragP->fr_offset * fragP->fr_var;
+ break;
+ case rs_align:
+ address += relax_align(address, fragP->fr_offset);
+ break;
+ case rs_org:
+ /*
+ * Assume .org is nugatory. It will grow with 1st relax.
+ */
+ break;
+ case rs_machine_dependent:
+ address += md_estimate_size_before_relax(fragP, segment_type);
+ break;
+ /* Broken words don't concern us yet */
+ case rs_broken_word:
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE( fragP->fr_type );
+ break;
+ } /* switch(fr_type) */
+ } /* for each frag in the segment */
+ /*
+ * Do relax().
+ */
+ {
+ register long stretch; /* May be any size, 0 or negative. */
+ /* Cumulative number of addresses we have */
+ /* relaxed this pass. */
+ /* We may have relaxed more than one address. */
+ register long stretched; /* Have we stretched on this pass? */
+ /* This is 'cuz stretch may be zero, when,
+ in fact some piece of code grew, and
+ another shrank. If a branch instruction
+ doesn't fit anymore, we could be scrod */
+ do
+ {
+ stretch = stretched = 0;
+ for (fragP = segment_frag_root; fragP; fragP = fragP->fr_next)
+ {
+ register long growth = 0;
+ register unsigned long was_address;
+ /* register long var; */
+ register long offset;
+ register symbolS *symbolP;
+ register long target;
+ register long after;
+ register long aim;
+ was_address = fragP->fr_address;
+ address = fragP->fr_address += stretch;
+ symbolP = fragP->fr_symbol;
+ offset = fragP->fr_offset;
+ /* var = fragP->fr_var; */
+ switch (fragP->fr_type)
+ {
+ case rs_fill: /* .fill never relaxes. */
+ growth = 0;
+ break;
+ /* JF: This is RMS's idea. I do *NOT* want to be blamed
+ for it I do not want to write it. I do not want to have
+ anything to do with it. This is not the proper way to
+ implement this misfeature. */
+ case rs_broken_word:
+ {
+ struct broken_word *lie;
+ struct broken_word *untruth;
+ extern int md_short_jump_size;
+ extern int md_long_jump_size;
+ /* Yes this is ugly (storing the broken_word pointer
+ in the symbol slot). Still, this whole chunk of
+ code is ugly, and I don't feel like doing anything
+ about it. Think of it as stubbornness in action */
+ growth=0;
+ for (lie=(struct broken_word *)(fragP->fr_symbol);
+ lie && lie->dispfrag==fragP;
+ lie=lie->next_broken_word) {
+ if (lie->added)
+ continue;
+ offset= lie->add->sy_frag->fr_address+ S_GET_VALUE(lie->add) + lie->addnum -
+ (lie->sub->sy_frag->fr_address+ S_GET_VALUE(lie->sub));
+ if (offset<=-32768 || offset>=32767) {
+ if (flagseen['k'])
+ as_warn(".word %s-%s+%ld didn't fit",
+ S_GET_NAME(lie->add),
+ S_GET_NAME(lie->sub),
+ lie->addnum);
+ lie->added=1;
+ if (fragP->fr_subtype==0) {
+ fragP->fr_subtype++;
+ growth+=md_short_jump_size;
+ }
+ for (untruth=lie->next_broken_word;untruth && untruth->dispfrag==lie->dispfrag;untruth=untruth->next_broken_word)
+ if ((untruth->add->sy_frag == lie->add->sy_frag)
+ && S_GET_VALUE(untruth->add) == S_GET_VALUE(lie->add)) {
+ untruth->added=2;
+ untruth->use_jump=lie;
+ }
+ growth+=md_long_jump_size;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case rs_align:
+ growth = relax_align ((relax_addressT)(address + fragP->fr_fix), offset)
+ - relax_align ((relax_addressT)(was_address + fragP->fr_fix), offset);
+ break;
+ case rs_org:
+ target = offset;
+ if (symbolP)
+ {
+ know((S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_ABSOLUTE) ||
+ (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_DATA) ||
+ (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_TEXT));
+ know(symbolP->sy_frag);
+ know(!(S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_ABSOLUTE) ||
+ symbolP->sy_frag==&zero_address_frag );
+ target +=
+ S_GET_VALUE(symbolP)
+ + symbolP->sy_frag->fr_address;
+ }
+ know( fragP->fr_next );
+ after = fragP->fr_next->fr_address;
+ growth = ((target - after ) > 0) ? (target - after) : 0;
+ /* Growth may be -ve, but variable part */
+ /* of frag cannot have < 0 chars. */
+ /* That is, we can't .org backwards. */
+ growth -= stretch; /* This is an absolute growth factor */
+ break;
+ case rs_machine_dependent:
+ {
+ register const relax_typeS * this_type;
+ register const relax_typeS * start_type;
+ register relax_substateT next_state;
+ register relax_substateT this_state;
+ start_type = this_type
+ = md_relax_table + (this_state = fragP->fr_subtype);
+ target = offset;
+ if (symbolP)
+ {
+ know((S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_ABSOLUTE) ||
+ (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_DATA) ||
+ (S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_TEXT));
+ know(symbolP->sy_frag);
+ know(!(S_GET_SEGMENT(symbolP) == SEG_ABSOLUTE) ||
+ symbolP->sy_frag==&zero_address_frag );
+ target +=
+ S_GET_VALUE(symbolP)
+ + symbolP->sy_frag->fr_address;
+ /* If frag has yet to be reached on this pass,
+ assume it will move by STRETCH just as we did.
+ If this is not so, it will be because some frag
+ between grows, and that will force another pass. */
+ /* JF was just address */
+ /* JF also added is_dnrange hack */
+ /* There's gotta be a better/faster/etc way
+ to do this. . . */
+ /* gnu@cygnus.com: I changed this from > to >=
+ because I ran into a zero-length frag (fr_fix=0)
+ which was created when the obstack needed a new
+ chunk JUST AFTER the opcode of a branch. Since
+ fr_fix is zero, fr_address of this frag is the same
+ as fr_address of the next frag. This
+ zero-length frag was variable and jumped to .+2
+ (in the next frag), but since the > comparison
+ below failed (the two were =, not >), "stretch"
+ was not added to the target. Stretch was 178, so
+ the offset appeared to be .-176 instead, which did
+ not fit into a byte branch, so the assembler
+ relaxed the branch to a word. This didn't compare
+ with what happened when the same source file was
+ assembled on other machines, which is how I found it.
+ You might want to think about what other places have
+ trouble with zero length frags... */
+ if (symbolP->sy_frag->fr_address >= was_address && is_dnrange(fragP,symbolP->sy_frag))
+ target += stretch;
+ }
+ aim = target - address - fragP->fr_fix;
+ /* The displacement is affected by the instruction size
+ * for the 32k architecture. I think we ought to be able
+ * to add fragP->fr_pcrel_adjust in all cases (it should be
+ * zero if not used), but just in case it breaks something
+ * else we'll put this inside #ifdef NS32K ... #endif
+ */
+#ifdef TC_NS32K
+ aim += fragP->fr_pcrel_adjust;
+#endif /* TC_NS32K */
+ if (aim < 0)
+ {
+ /* Look backwards. */
+ for (next_state = this_type->rlx_more; next_state; )
+ {
+ if (aim >= this_type->rlx_backward)
+ next_state = 0;
+ else
+ { /* Grow to next state. */
+ this_type = md_relax_table + (this_state = next_state);
+ next_state = this_type->rlx_more;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#ifdef DONTDEF
+/* JF these next few lines of code are for the mc68020 which can't handle short
+ offsets of zero in branch instructions. What a kludge! */
+ if (aim==0 && this_state==(1<<2+0)) { /* FOO hard encoded from m.c */
+ aim=this_type->rlx_forward+1; /* Force relaxation into word mode */
+ }
+/* JF end of 68020 code */
+ /* Look forwards. */
+ for (next_state = this_type->rlx_more; next_state; )
+ {
+ if (aim <= this_type->rlx_forward)
+ next_state = 0;
+ else
+ { /* Grow to next state. */
+ this_type = md_relax_table + (this_state = next_state);
+ next_state = this_type->rlx_more;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((growth = this_type->rlx_length - start_type->rlx_length) != 0)
+ fragP->fr_subtype = this_state;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE( fragP->fr_type );
+ break;
+ }
+ if (growth) {
+ stretch += growth;
+ stretched++;
+ }
+ } /* For each frag in the segment. */
+ } while (stretched); /* Until nothing further to relax. */
+ }
+ /*
+ * We now have valid fr_address'es for each frag.
+ */
+ /*
+ * All fr_address's are correct, relative to their own segment.
+ * We have made all the fixS we will ever make.
+ */
+} /* relax_segment() */
+ * Relax_align. Advance location counter to next address that has 'alignment'
+ * lowest order bits all 0s.
+ */
+ /* How many addresses does the .align take? */
+static relax_addressT relax_align(address, alignment)
+register relax_addressT address; /* Address now. */
+register long alignment; /* Alignment (binary). */
+ relax_addressT mask;
+ relax_addressT new_address;
+ mask = ~ ( (~0) << alignment );
+ new_address = (address + mask) & (~ mask);
+ return (new_address - address);
+} /* relax_align() */
+/* fixup_segment()
+ Go through all the fixS's in a segment and see which ones can be
+ handled now. (These consist of fixS where we have since discovered
+ the value of a symbol, or the address of the frag involved.)
+ For each one, call md_apply_fix to put the fix into the frag data.
+ Result is a count of how many relocation structs will be needed to
+ handle the remaining fixS's that we couldn't completely handle here.
+ These will be output later by emit_relocations(). */
+static long fixup_segment(fixP, this_segment_type)
+register fixS * fixP;
+segT this_segment_type; /* N_TYPE bits for segment. */
+ register long seg_reloc_count;
+ register symbolS *add_symbolP;
+ register symbolS *sub_symbolP;
+ register long add_number;
+ register int size;
+ register char *place;
+ register long where;
+ register char pcrel;
+ register fragS *fragP;
+ register segT add_symbol_segment = SEG_ABSOLUTE;
+ fixS *topP = fixP;
+ seg_reloc_count = 0;
+ for ( ; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next) {
+ fragP = fixP->fx_frag;
+ know(fragP);
+ where = fixP->fx_where;
+ place = fragP->fr_literal + where;
+ size = fixP->fx_size;
+ add_symbolP = fixP->fx_addsy;
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ if (fixP->fx_callj && TC_S_IS_CALLNAME(add_symbolP)) {
+ /* Relocation should be done via the
+ associated 'bal' entry point
+ symbol. */
+ if (!TC_S_IS_BALNAME(tc_get_bal_of_call(add_symbolP))) {
+ as_bad("No 'bal' entry point for leafproc %s",
+ S_GET_NAME(add_symbolP));
+ continue;
+ }
+ fixP->fx_addsy = add_symbolP = tc_get_bal_of_call(add_symbolP);
+ } /* callj relocation */
+ sub_symbolP = fixP->fx_subsy;
+ add_number = fixP->fx_offset;
+ pcrel = fixP->fx_pcrel;
+ if (add_symbolP) {
+ add_symbol_segment = S_GET_SEGMENT(add_symbolP);
+ } /* if there is an addend */
+ if (sub_symbolP) {
+ if (!add_symbolP) {
+ /* Its just -sym */
+ if (S_GET_SEGMENT(sub_symbolP) != SEG_ABSOLUTE) {
+ as_bad("Negative of non-absolute symbol %s", S_GET_NAME(sub_symbolP));
+ } /* not absolute */
+ add_number -= S_GET_VALUE(sub_symbolP);
+ /* if sub_symbol is in the same segment that add_symbol
+ and add_symbol is either in DATA, TEXT, BSS or ABSOLUTE */
+ } else if ((S_GET_SEGMENT(sub_symbolP) == add_symbol_segment)
+ && ((add_symbol_segment == SEG_DATA)
+ || (add_symbol_segment == SEG_TEXT)
+ || (add_symbol_segment == SEG_BSS)
+ || (add_symbol_segment == SEG_ABSOLUTE))) {
+ /* Difference of 2 symbols from same segment. */
+ /* Can't make difference of 2 undefineds: 'value' means */
+ /* something different for N_UNDF. */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* Makes no sense to use the difference of 2 arbitrary symbols
+ * as the target of a call instruction.
+ */
+ if (fixP->fx_callj) {
+ as_bad("callj to difference of 2 symbols");
+ }
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ add_number += S_GET_VALUE(add_symbolP) -
+ S_GET_VALUE(sub_symbolP);
+ add_symbolP = NULL;
+ fixP->fx_addsy = NULL;
+ } else {
+ /* Different segments in subtraction. */
+ know(!(S_IS_EXTERNAL(sub_symbolP) && (S_GET_SEGMENT(sub_symbolP) == SEG_ABSOLUTE)));
+ if ((S_GET_SEGMENT(sub_symbolP) == SEG_ABSOLUTE)) {
+ add_number -= S_GET_VALUE(sub_symbolP);
+ } else {
+ as_bad("Can't emit reloc {- %s-seg symbol \"%s\"} @ file address %d.",
+ segment_name(S_GET_SEGMENT(sub_symbolP)),
+ S_GET_NAME(sub_symbolP), fragP->fr_address + where);
+ } /* if absolute */
+ }
+ } /* if sub_symbolP */
+ if (add_symbolP) {
+ if (add_symbol_segment == this_segment_type && pcrel) {
+ /*
+ * This fixup was made when the symbol's segment was
+ * SEG_UNKNOWN, but it is now in the local segment.
+ * So we know how to do the address without relocation.
+ */
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* reloc_callj() may replace a 'call' with a 'calls' or a 'bal',
+ * in which cases it modifies *fixP as appropriate. In the case
+ * of a 'calls', no further work is required, and *fixP has been
+ * set up to make the rest of the code below a no-op.
+ */
+ reloc_callj(fixP);
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ add_number += S_GET_VALUE(add_symbolP);
+ add_number -= md_pcrel_from (fixP);
+ pcrel = 0; /* Lie. Don't want further pcrel processing. */
+ fixP->fx_addsy = NULL; /* No relocations please. */
+ } else {
+ switch (add_symbol_segment) {
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ reloc_callj(fixP); /* See comment about reloc_callj() above*/
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ add_number += S_GET_VALUE(add_symbolP);
+ fixP->fx_addsy = NULL;
+ add_symbolP = NULL;
+ break;
+ case SEG_BSS:
+ case SEG_DATA:
+ case SEG_TEXT:
+ seg_reloc_count ++;
+ add_number += S_GET_VALUE(add_symbolP);
+ break;
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ if ((int)fixP->fx_bit_fixP == 13) {
+ /* This is a COBR instruction. They have only a
+ * 13-bit displacement and are only to be used
+ * for local branches: flag as error, don't generate
+ * relocation.
+ */
+ as_bad("can't use COBR format with external label");
+ fixP->fx_addsy = NULL; /* No relocations please. */
+ continue;
+ } /* COBR */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+ /* FIXME-SOON: I think this is trash, but I'm not sure. xoxorich. */
+#ifdef comment
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+ if (S_IS_COMMON(add_symbolP))
+ add_number += S_GET_VALUE(add_symbolP);
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+#endif /* comment */
+ ++seg_reloc_count;
+ break;
+ default:
+ BAD_CASE(add_symbol_segment);
+ break;
+ } /* switch on symbol seg */
+ } /* if not in local seg */
+ } /* if there was a + symbol */
+ if (pcrel) {
+ add_number -= md_pcrel_from(fixP);
+ if (add_symbolP == 0) {
+ fixP->fx_addsy = & abs_symbol;
+ ++seg_reloc_count;
+ } /* if there's an add_symbol */
+ } /* if pcrel */
+ if (!fixP->fx_bit_fixP) {
+ if ((size==1 &&
+ (add_number& ~0xFF) && (add_number&~0xFF!=(-1&~0xFF))) ||
+ (size==2 &&
+ (add_number& ~0xFFFF) && (add_number&~0xFFFF!=(-1&~0xFFFF)))) {
+ as_bad("Value of %d too large for field of %d bytes at 0x%x",
+ add_number, size, fragP->fr_address + where);
+ } /* generic error checking */
+ } /* not a bit fix */
+ md_apply_fix(fixP, add_number);
+ } /* For each fixS in this segment. */
+#ifdef OBJ_COFF
+#ifdef TC_I960
+ /* two relocs per callj under coff. */
+ for (fixP = topP; fixP; fixP = fixP->fx_next) {
+ if (fixP->fx_callj && fixP->fx_addsy != 0) {
+ ++seg_reloc_count;
+ } /* if callj and not already fixed. */
+ } /* for each fix */
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#endif /* OBJ_COFF */
+ return(seg_reloc_count);
+} /* fixup_segment() */
+static int is_dnrange(f1,f2)
+struct frag *f1;
+struct frag *f2;
+ while (f1) {
+ if (f1->fr_next==f2)
+ return 1;
+ f1=f1->fr_next;
+ }
+ return 0;
+} /* is_dnrange() */
+/* Append a string onto another string, bumping the pointer along. */
+append (charPP, fromP, length)
+char **charPP;
+char *fromP;
+unsigned long length;
+ if (length) { /* Don't trust bcopy() of 0 chars. */
+ bcopy(fromP, *charPP, (int) length);
+ *charPP += length;
+ }
+int section_alignment[SEG_MAXIMUM_ORDINAL];
+ * This routine records the largest alignment seen for each segment.
+ * If the beginning of the segment is aligned on the worst-case
+ * boundary, all of the other alignments within it will work. At
+ * least one object format really uses this info.
+ */
+void record_alignment(seg, align)
+segT seg; /* Segment to which alignment pertains */
+int align; /* Alignment, as a power of 2
+ * (e.g., 1 => 2-byte boundary, 2 => 4-byte boundary, etc.)
+ */
+ if ( align > section_alignment[(int) seg] ){
+ section_alignment[(int) seg] = align;
+ } /* if highest yet */
+ return;
+} /* record_alignment() */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of write.c */
diff --git a/gas/write.h b/gas/write.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1eecdc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/write.h
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+/* write.h -> write.c */
+/* write.h -> write.c
+ Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+#ifndef TC_I960
+#ifdef hpux
+#define EXEC_MACHINE_TYPE HP9000S200_ID
+#endif /* TC_I960 */
+#ifndef LOCAL_LABEL
+#define LOCAL_LABEL(name) (name[0] =='.' \
+ && ( name [1] == 'L' || name [1] == '.' ))
+#else /* not defined DOT_LABEL_PREFIX */
+#define LOCAL_LABEL(name) (name [0] == 'L' )
+#endif /* not defined DOT_LABEL_PREFIX */
+#endif /* LOCAL_LABEL */
+/* The bit_fix was implemented to support machines that need variables
+ to be inserted in bitfields other than 1, 2 and 4 bytes.
+ Furthermore it gives us a possibillity to mask in bits in the symbol
+ when it's fixed in the objectcode and check the symbols limits.
+ The or-mask is used to set the huffman bits in displacements for the
+ ns32k port.
+ The acbi, addqi, movqi, cmpqi instruction requires an assembler that
+ can handle bitfields. Ie handle an expression, evaluate it and insert
+ the result in an some bitfield. ( ex: 5 bits in a short field of a opcode)
+ */
+struct bit_fix {
+ int fx_bit_size; /* Length of bitfield */
+ int fx_bit_offset; /* Bit offset to bitfield */
+ long fx_bit_base; /* Where do we apply the bitfix.
+ If this is zero, default is assumed. */
+ long fx_bit_base_adj;/* Adjustment of base */
+ long fx_bit_max; /* Signextended max for bitfield */
+ long fx_bit_min; /* Signextended min for bitfield */
+ long fx_bit_add; /* Or mask, used for huffman prefix */
+typedef struct bit_fix bit_fixS;
+ * FixSs may be built up in any order.
+ */
+struct fix
+ fragS * fx_frag; /* Which frag? */
+ long fx_where; /* Where is the 1st byte to fix up? */
+ symbolS * fx_addsy; /* NULL or Symbol whose value we add in. */
+ symbolS * fx_subsy; /* NULL or Symbol whose value we subtract. */
+ long fx_offset; /* Absolute number we add in. */
+ struct fix * fx_next; /* NULL or -> next fixS. */
+ short int fx_size; /* How many bytes are involved? */
+ char fx_pcrel; /* TRUE: pc-relative. */
+ char fx_pcrel_adjust;/* pc-relative offset adjust */
+ char fx_im_disp; /* TRUE: value is a displacement */
+ bit_fixS * fx_bit_fixP; /* IF NULL no bitfix's to do */
+ char fx_bsr; /* sequent-hack */
+ enum reloc_type fx_r_type; /* Sparc hacks */
+ char fx_callj; /* TRUE if target is a 'callj'
+ (used by i960) */
+ long fx_addnumber;
+typedef struct fix fixS;
+COMMON char *next_object_file_charP;
+COMMON fixS *text_fix_root, *text_fix_tail; /* Chains fixSs. */
+COMMON fixS *data_fix_root, *data_fix_tail; /* Chains fixSs. */
+COMMON fixS **seg_fix_rootP, **seg_fix_tailP; /* -> one of above. */
+extern long string_byte_count;
+extern int section_alignment[];
+#ifdef __STDC__
+bit_fixS *bit_fix_new(char size, char offset, long base_type, long base_adj, long min, long max, long add);
+void append(char **charPP, char *fromP, unsigned long length);
+void record_alignment(segT seg, int align);
+void write_object_file(void);
+fixS *fix_new(fragS *frag,
+ int where,
+ int size,
+ symbolS *add_symbol,
+ symbolS *sub_symbol,
+ long offset,
+ int pcrel,
+ enum reloc_type r_type);
+bit_fixS *bit_fix_new();
+fixS *fix_new();
+void append();
+void record_alignment();
+void write_object_file();
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+ * Local Variables:
+ * comment-column: 0
+ * fill-column: 131
+ * End:
+ */
+/* end of write.h */
diff --git a/gas/xmalloc.c b/gas/xmalloc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6602987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/xmalloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/* xmalloc.c - get memory or bust
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ xmalloc() - get memory or bust
+ xmalloc() uses malloc()
+ char * my_memory;
+ my_memory = xmalloc(42); / * my_memory gets address of 42 chars * /
+ Use xmalloc() as an "error-free" malloc(). It does almost the same job.
+ When it cannot honour your request for memory it BOMBS your program
+ with a "virtual memory exceeded" message. Malloc() returns NULL and
+ does not bomb your program.
+ malloc()
+#include <stdio.h>
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef USG
+#include <malloc.h>
+ char * malloc();
+#endif /* USG */
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#define error as_fatal
+char * xmalloc(n)
+ long n;
+ char * retval;
+ void error();
+ if ((retval = malloc ((unsigned)n)) == NULL)
+ {
+ error("virtual memory exceeded");
+ }
+ return (retval);
+/* end: xmalloc.c */
diff --git a/gas/xrealloc.c b/gas/xrealloc.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83d3ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gas/xrealloc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/* xrealloc.c -new memory or bust-
+ Copyright (C) 1987, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
+GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
+/* static const char rcsid[] = "$Id$"; */
+ xrealloc () - get more memory or bust
+ xrealloc () uses realloc ()
+ char *my_memory;
+ my_memory = xrealloc (my_memory, 42);
+ / * my_memory gets (perhaps new) address of 42 chars * /
+ Use xrealloc () as an "error-free" realloc ().It does almost the same
+ job. When it cannot honour your request for memory it BOMBS your
+ program with a "virtual memory exceeded" message. Realloc() returns
+ NULL and does not bomb your program.
+ realloc ()
+#ifdef __STDC__
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef USG
+#include <malloc.h>
+ char *realloc ();
+#endif /* USG */
+#endif /* __STDC__ */
+#define error as_fatal
+char *
+xrealloc (ptr, n)
+register char *ptr;
+long n;
+ void error();
+ if ((ptr = realloc (ptr, (unsigned)n)) == 0)
+ error ("virtual memory exceeded");
+ return (ptr);
+/* end: xrealloc.c */