1. Descriptions: materials preparation 1.1 The processor (PL-Programmable Logic bitstream) Please refer to the NutShell site https://github.com/OSCPU/NutShell. You can use the packaged hardware-related binary file https://github.com/OSCPU/NutShell/blob/master/fpga/boot/pynq/BOOT.BIN You can also try to make from NutShell source to get the PL and FSBL. 1.2 RV_BOOT.UCAS_COOSCA1.0_V1.BIN The oe OS bootloader (bbl) and oe OS kernel ported for NutShell UCAS COOSCA1.0. 1.3 oe-UCAS_COOSCA1.0-rootfs.v1.tar.gz The rootfs of the operating system ported for NutShell UCAS COOSCA1.0. 1.4 FPGA Xilinx PYNQ-Z2, as shown by the picture 3PYNQ-z2.jped. 2. How to run the ported openEuler OS on the NutShell UCAS COOSCA1.0? 2.1 Format microSD card We suggest the capacity of SD card is at least 6GB. Format the SD card into two partions. If SD card is accessed by SD ADAPTER, the partions are probably named as /dev/mmcblk0p1 and /dev/mmcblk0p2; but if by USB reader, they are probably named as /dev/sdx1 e.g. /dev/sdc1, and /dev/sdc2. Format the first partion by FAT32 with suggested size 100MB or somewhat larger, and format the second partion by ext4. 2.2 The hardware related (Including FSBL and UCAS COOSCA1.0 PL bitstream) Mount the /dev/mmcblk0p1 on some dir, then copy the packaged hardward related binary file into the partion mmcblk0p1. 2.3 The bootloader and the kenrel Copy RV_BOOT.UCAS_COOSCA1.0_V1.BIN into the /dev/mmcblk0p1 partion. 2.4 The rootfs Extract oe-UCAS_COOSCA1.0-rootfs.v1.tar.gz into the /dev/mmcblk0p2 partion. 2.5 Boot the PYNQ-Z2 Provide power by Micro-USB, then start the board by put the power switch (near by the Micro-USB) on. For more information about the board, please refer to the PYNQ-Z2 manual. 2.6 Get a console from ttyPS0 Execute commands below to get interation with the OS / Hardware by serial port: sudo picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB1 If everything goes successfully, you will get a console provided by ttyPS0 in the systemd and systemd services booting period. The console will prompt to login the OS by input username and password. 3. A quick glance in advance Boot to bbl. As shown by the picture 0bbot2bbl.JPG. Boot to OS (The kernel and rootfs). As shown by the picture 1welcome2openEuler20.03LTS.JPG. Check the information of the OS and CPU after login the system. As shown the picture 2loginttyPS0.png.