Function |
Description |
%^% |
Power of a Matrix |
contr.mean |
Contrast Matrix for Constraints about the Mean |
covariates.formulafn |
Methods for formulafn Functions |
DataMethods |
Methods for response, tccov, tvcov, and repeated Data Objects |
dbetabinom |
Beta Binomial Distribution |
dboxcox |
Box-Cox Distribution |
dburr |
Burr Distribution |
dconsul |
Consul Distribution |
ddoublebinom |
Double Binomial Distribution |
ddoublepois |
Double Poisson Distribution |
dftorep |
Transform a Dataframe to a repeated Object |
dgammacount |
Gamma Count Distribution |
dgextval |
Generalized Extreme Value Distribution |
dggamma |
Generalized Gamma Distribution |
dginvgauss |
Generalized Inverse Gaussian Distribution |
dglogis |
Generalized Logistic Distribution |
dgweibull |
Generalized Weibull Distribution |
dhjorth |
Hjorth Distribution |
dinvgauss |
Inverse Gaussian Distribution |
dlaplace |
Laplace Distribution |
dlevy |
Levy Distribution |
dmultbinom |
Multiplicative Binomial Distribution |
dmultpois |
Multiplicative Poisson Distribution |
dpareto |
Pareto Distribution |
dpowexp |
Power Exponential Distribution |
dpvfpois |
Power Variance Function Poisson Distribution |
dsimplex |
Simplex Distribution |
dskewlaplace |
Skew Laplace Distribution |
dtwosidedpower |
Two-Sided Power Distribution |
finterp |
Formula Interpreter |
fmobj |
Object Finder |
fnenvir |
Check Covariates and Parameters of a Function |
gauss.hermite |
Calculate Gauss-Hermite Quadrature Points |
gettvc |
Find the Most Recent Value of a Time-varying Covariate Before Each Observed Response |
int |
Vectorized Numerical Integration |
int2 |
Vectorized Two-dimensional Numerical Integration |
iprofile |
Produce Individual Time Profiles for Plotting |
lin.diff.eqn |
Solution of Autonomous Linear Differential Equations |
lvna |
Create a repeated Object, Leaving NAs |
mexp |
Matrix Exponentiation |
mprofile |
Produce Marginal Time Profiles for Plotting |
pkpd |
Pharmacokinetic Compartment Models |
plot.residuals |
Plot Residuals |
read.list |
Read a List of Matrices from a File for Unbalanced Repeated Measurements |
read.rep |
Read a Rectangular Data Set from a File to Create a repeated Object |
read.surv |
Read a List of Matrices from a File for Repeated Times to Events |
restovec |
Create a response Object |
rmna |
Create a repeated Object, Removing NAs |
rmutil |
Utilities for Repeated Measurements Library |
runge.kutta |
Runge-Kutta Method for Solving Differential Equations |
tcctomat |
Create a Time-constant, Inter-individual Covariate (tccov) Object |
tvctomat |
Create a Time-varying, Intra-individual Covariate (tvcov) Object |
wr |
Find the Response Vector and Design Matrix for a W&R Model Formula |