A collection of tools for high throughput SNP chip data.
Author | Robert Scharpf and Ingo Ruczinski |
Maintainer | Robert Scharpf |
To install this package, start R and enter:
source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R") biocLite("SNPchip")
Vignettes (Documentation) |
Package Downloads |
biocViews | |
Depends | R, Biobase, methods, oligoClasses |
Suggests | geneplotter, stats, graphics |
Imports | |
SystemRequirements | |
License | GPL version 2 or newer |
URL | http://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~iruczins/software/snpchip.html |
dependsOnMe | VanillaICE |
suggestsMe |