Bioconductor Task View: moe430a

Subview of

Packages in view

Package Maintainer Title
mm430ammense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammense for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammensecdf Manhong Dai mm430ammensecdf
mm430ammenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammense
mm430ammensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammensg for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammensgcdf Manhong Dai mm430ammensgcdf
mm430ammensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammensg
mm430ammenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammenst for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammenstcdf Manhong Dai mm430ammenstcdf
mm430ammenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammenst
mm430ammentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammentrezg for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm430ammentrezgcdf
mm430ammentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammentrezg
mm430ammrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammrefseq for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm430ammrefseqcdf
mm430ammrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammrefseq
mm430ammug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm430ammug for original CHIP moe430a
mm430ammugcdf Manhong Dai mm430ammugcdf
mm430ammugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm430ammug
moe430a Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Mouse Expression Set 430 Annotation Data (moe430a)
moe430acdf Biocore Data Team moe430acdf
moe430aprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type moe430a