Bioconductor Task View: mgu74a

Subview of

Packages in view

Package Maintainer Title
mgu74a Biocore Data Team Affymetrix Murine Genome U74v2 Annotation Data (mgu74a)
mgu74acdf Biocore Data Team mgu74acdf
mgu74aprobe Biocore Data Team Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mgu74a
mm74av1mmense Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmense for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmensecdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmensecdf
mm74av1mmenseprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmense
mm74av1mmensg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmensg for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmensgcdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmensgcdf
mm74av1mmensgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmensg
mm74av1mmenst Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmenst for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmenstcdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmenstcdf
mm74av1mmenstprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmenst
mm74av1mmentrezg Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmentrezg for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmentrezgcdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmentrezgcdf
mm74av1mmentrezgprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmentrezg
mm74av1mmrefseq Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmrefseq for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmrefseqcdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmrefseqcdf
mm74av1mmrefseqprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmrefseq
mm74av1mmug Manhong Dai Array annotation data of custom CDF mm74av1mmug for original CHIP mgu74a
mm74av1mmugcdf Manhong Dai mm74av1mmugcdf
mm74av1mmugprobe Manhong Dai Probe sequence data for microarrays of type mm74av1mmug