Bioconductor Task View: MultipleComparisons

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Packages in view

Package Maintainer Title
affylmGUI Keith Satterley GUI for affy analysis using limma package
fdrame Effi Kenigsberg FDR adjustments of Microarray Experiments (FDR-AME)
GeneTS Korbinian Strimmer Microarray Time Series and Network Analysis
GOstats S. Falcon Tools for manipulating GO and microarrays.
limma Gordon Smyth Linear Models for Microarray Data
limmaGUI Keith Satterley GUI for limma package
made4 Aedin Culhane Multivariate analysis of microarray data using ADE4
multtest Katherine S. Pollard Resampling-based multiple hypothesis testing
OCplus Alexander Ploner Operating characteristics plus sample size and local fdr for microarray experiments
OrderedList Claudio Lottaz Similarities of Ordered Gene Lists
qvalue John D. Storey Q-value estimation for false discovery rate control
SAGx Per Broberg Statistical Analysis of the GeneChip
sigPathway Weil Lai Pathway Analysis
twilight Stefanie Scheid Estimation of local false discovery rate