nhdplusTools 1.3.1

nhdplusTools 1.3.0

nhdplusTools 1.2.0

This release introduces a new data source: https://reference.geoconnex.us and a vignette providing a broad overview of data access with nhdplusTools.

nhdplusTools 1.1.0

This release has a significant consolidation of code to work with web services. It incorporates an ArcGIS REST service for the first time. It has very few backward compatibility issues with previous versions and introduces new functions and behavior.

A key change in behavior is the introduction of caching with the memoise package. See #366, pull request #364, and documentation in nhdplusTools_cache_settings() for more.

nhdplusTools 1.0.0

nhdplusTools has been split into two packages. A new package hydroloom is now available. It contains all nhdplusTools functionality not related to specific dataset schemas. See this issue for details.


v1.0.0 should be backward compatible with v0.7 but deprecation warnings have been added and one previously deprecated function has been removed.

This release evolves nhdplusTools to use hydroloom as a core dependency. nhdplusTools now depends on hydroloom for all network navigation and indexing functionality that is not specific to the nhdplus data model or specific to a US-context.

Specific functions imported from hydroloom include:

See the hydroloom reference list for details about these functions.

With these functions migrated to hydroloom, a number of nhdplusTools functions are now deprecated in favor of the hyroloom implementation.

In v1.0.0, the download_nhd() function was added.

In v1.0.0, the stage_national_data (previously deprecated) function was removed.

nhdplusTools 0.7.1

This release fixes a minor example issue for CRAN checks

nhdplusTools 0.7.0

This release adds three new functions.

These functions are designed to provide access to:

Wieczorek, M.E., Jackson, S.E., and Schwarz, G.E., 2018, Select Attributes for NHDPlus Version 2.1 Reach Catchments and Modified Network Routed Upstream Watersheds for the Conterminous United States (ver. 3.0, January 2021): U.S. Geological Survey data release, .

See https://github.com/DOI-USGS/nhdplusTools/issues/304 and https://github.com/DOI-USGS/nhdplusTools/issues/303 for details.

nhdplusTools 0.6.2

Update a test for a change in sf

nhdplusTools 0.6.1

No functional changes. Package migrated to new repository: https://github.com/DOI-USGS/nhdplusTools

nhdplusTools 0.6.0

nhdplusTools 0.5.7

nhdplusTools 0.5.6

nhdplusTools 0.5.4 & v0.5.5

Note v0.5.4 was burned in a CRAN release mistake

fixes a cran test failure in an example and an issue with precision of get_flowline_index()

nhdplusTools 0.5.3

v0.5.3 is primarily bug fixes and enhancements.

One notable addition is the addition of the rpu_boundaries and vpu_boundaries datasets which provide simplified polygons around the RPU and VPU subset domains of the NHDPlusV2 dataset.

nhdplusTools 0.5.2

Mike Johnson is now recognized as an author of nhdplusTools.

New citation:

> citation("nhdplusTools")

To cite nhdplusTools in publications, please use:

  Blodgett, D., Johnson, J.M., 2022, nhdplusTools: Tools for Accessing and
  Working with the NHDPlus, https://doi.org/10.5066/P97AS8JD

New Functions


nhdplusTools 0.5.1

This is a very minor release required by CRAN checks.

Some scalability issues in plot_nhdplus() were identified and fixed.

nhdplusTools 0.5.0

Documentation updates

Web Service Wrapper Functions

Utility Functions

Subsetting and data utilities

Network Navigation and Attributes


Package Internals

nhdplusTools 0.4.3

nhdplusTools 0.4.2

Version 0.4.2 further cleans up temporary and cache data functionality for CRAN policy.

New functionality was added to indexing functionality.

nhdplusTools 0.4.1

Version 0.4.1 is a minor release with bug fixes and updates for CRAN policy.

A notable addition is handling for strictly dendritic topology encoded using a “tocomid” attribute rather than “fromnode” and “tonode” attributes. This functionality was added in subsetting functions and is backward compatible with previous versions.

nhdplusTools 0.4.0

Version 0.4.0 adds new functionality for data access via web services and updates the usability and flexibility of data discovery and subsetting functions. This release includes significant rework of functions related to network navigation and web-service data subsetting.

Functions Added * get_nhdplus() * get_nhdarea() * get_waterbodies() * get_gagesII() * get_huc12() * get_huc8() * download_vaa() * get_vaa() * get_vaa_names() * get_vaa_path()

Functions Removed * discover_nldi_navigation() * discover_nldi_sources()

Functions Deprecated * stage_national_data()

Functions with Consolidated Internals * discover_nhdplus_id() * get_nldi_basin() * get_nldi_feature() * subset_nhdplus() * plot_nhdplus()

Finally, the handling of data and caching in the package has been overhauled. These changes are non-functional, but aim to decrease data downloads by caching rather than using temp directories.

nhdplusTools 0.3.16

nhdplusTools 0.3.15

nhdplusTools 0.3.14

nhdplusTools 0.3.13

nhdplusTools 0.3.12

nhdplusTools 0.3.11

nhdplusTools 0.3.10

nhdplusTools 0.3.9

nhdplusTools 0.3.8

nhdplusTools 0.3.7