Interact with the Attentional Control Data Collection (ACDC). Connect
to the database using connect_to_db()
, build query
statements using add_argument()
and query the database
using query_db()
A version of the database is included in the package. You can create
a connection to it using
conn <- connect_to_db(base::system.file("extdata", "acdc.db", package = "acdcquery"))
In order to get the latest version of the database, you can download it
from its parent
To query the database, specify the connection to the database
(obtained via conn <- connect_to_db("path/to/db.db")
), a
list of filter arguments (obtained by using
), and a vector containing the names of the
variables you want returned.
# devtools::install_github("SLesche/acdc-query")
db_file <- base::system.file("extdata", "acdc.db", package = "acdcquery")
conn <- connect_to_db(db_file)
# You may also download the latest version of the database and connect to that
# conn <- connect_to_db("path/to/db.db")
arguments <- list()
arguments <- add_argument(
list = arguments,
conn = conn,
variable = "n_participants",
operator = "greater",
values = 200
arguments <- add_argument(
list = arguments,
conn = conn,
variable = "task_name",
operator = "equal",
values = c("stroop", "flanker")
requested_vars <- c("rt", "accuracy", "n_participants")
df <- query_db(conn, arguments, requested_vars)
You can install this package via
. You may
need to update imported packages.
This package is designed for use in R 4.2.2. It imports the packages DBI and RSQLite.
Querying is accomplished by lower level functions using user input to
construct an SQL-query which is then applied to the database. To query
the full database and select a subset of variables to be returned,
functions locate the tables in which the requested variables are present
and construct an SQL query selecting those rows of the the target table
that match the filter arguments in the respective tables. If multiple
filter arguments are present, the variable
controls how these are combined.
This database consists of multiple tables, each with variables potentially used when filtering. You are be able to filter based on any argument in any table (and even multiple arguments each located in different tables) and return the requested variables. These returned variables may themselves be located in different tables.
requires 3 main inputs. The connection to the
database conn
, a vector of the requested variables to be
returned to the user target_vars
and a list of the filter
arguments arguments
. The function
can be used for creating this list of filter
arguments. Its objective is to provide a user-friendly way of specifying
the variable and conditions used when filtering the database. To use
, users have to provide the connection to the
database conn
, which allows the function to validate that
the variable is present in the database and locate the table in which
the variable is present. Furthermore, users need to specify the
, the operator
and the
(or values) which make up the filter argument. Please
find an example of creating filter arguments to query the database to
only return entries where the study contains more than 200
participants and the study used either stroop or flanker
tasks below. add_argument()
uses this input to
construct an SQL query that corresponds to the filter condition and
selects the primary key of the table the filter variable is located in
and returns this filter as the next entry in a list. In the above
example, arguments
is a list of 2 elements. The first being
the character string “SELECT dataset_id FROM dataset_table WHERE
n_participants > 200” and the second the string “SELECT task_id FROM
task_table WHERE task_name = ‘stroop’ OR task_name = ‘flanker’”. Further
information can be found in the functions source code.
conn <- acdcquery::connect_to_db("acdc.db")
arguments <- list()
arguments <- acdcquery::add_argument(
list = arguments,
conn = conn,
variable = "n_participants",
operator = "greater",
values = 200
arguments <- acdcquery::add_argument(
list = arguments,
conn = conn,
variable = "task_name",
operator = "equal",
values = c("stroop", "flanker")
When using multiple different arguments to filter, you may specify
the operators used to combine these arguments. This can be done via the
argument in the query_db()
function. This argument takes either the strings “and” or “or” or a
numerical vector with length equal to the number of arguments specified.
“and” or “or” result in all arguments being connected via the respective
operator, with “and” being the default option. Passing a numerical
vector allows more complicated logical combinations of filter arguments.
Each entry of the vector should correspond to a filter argument.
Arguments corresponding to the same number in the vector are combined
via an “OR” operator. Arguments corresponding to different numbers are
combined via an “AND” operator.
If you specify 4 arguments A, B, C, D and want to filter the database
such that it meets the conditions A & B & (C | D), the
corresponding argument_relation should be
argument_relation = c(1, 2, 3, 3)
. Note that the number of
arguments, i.e. entries in the arguments
list, should
always be equal to the length of the numerical
This database contains multiple tables each connected via primary and foreign keys. A forward connection in our terminology is any table whose primary key is listed as a foreign key in the current table. The observation table, for example, has forward connections to the dataset, between, within and condition tables. A backward connection represents the opposite path. The dataset table has a backward connection to the observation table. These two means of connections between tables are relevant when filtering and joining tables.
You may select any variable present in any table the database and
specify them inside a vector
target_vars = c("variable1", "variable2", "variable3")
. If
you want to select all variables of your target_table
, add
“default” as an element to the vector
(target_vars = c("default", "variable1", "variable2"
). You
will be returned all variables present in the target_table as well as
“variable1” and “variable2”.
The argument target_table
controls which table is used
as as the starting point for querying. Your choice of the
has several implications. Most importanlty, it
influences the number of (possibly redundant) rows returned to you. If
you select the “observation_table” as the target table, which contains
trial-level data, but are only interested in variables on dataset-level,
i.e. only have
target_vars = c("dataset_id", "n_participants")
, the
function will return all rows of the observation_table that satisfy the
filtering requirement. “dataset_id” and “n_participants” will be join
onto the observation_table and then selected to be returned to you, but
you will receive as many rows of the same “dataset_id” and
“n_participants” as the observation_table with its trial-level data
retained after filtering. The majority of these rows will be
Poor choice in the target_table
may lead to unwanted
duplications due to joining, but it will never lead to unwanted omission
of some variables. To optimally pick a target_table
Inspect the variables you are requesting and figure out which tables
they are located in. Then select the table with the most largest number
of entries as your target.
In order for the user to be able to select and filter based on
variables not present in the target_table
, information from
other tables must be added to the rows retained after applying the
filters. The function add_join_paths_to_query()
this issue. The connection to the database, a vector containing the
filter statements, the argument sequence controlling how those filter
statements are combined, the requested variables and a list of optimal
join paths, similar to the list of optimal filter paths is required as
inputs to the function.
The list for optimal join paths is determined by the function
which discovers an optimal
path from the table listed first in the SQL-argument to all other tables
that contain at least one of the requested variables in the database.
The function prefers paths which contain the larger number of forward
joins (implemented via LEFT JOIN).
The function add_join_paths_to_query()
joins the tables
containing variables either used for filtering or selected by the user
to the requested target table. Because some variables (id-variables
only) are present in multiple tables, each joined table is renamed based
on its location in the join path list. The table joined first to the
initial table is named “dtjoin1”, the second “dtjoin2” and so on. The
variables on which the tables are joined also receive the names of the
tables they originate from as a prefix. The function
returns a dataframe with
information on which table and which position in the join path list an
id-variable is introduced. This is then used to append the id-variable
with the proper table name. Additionally, only variables that are not
yet present in the joined data up to this point will be selected from
the table to be joined.
See an example of join paths added to the combined SQL query generated above, with n_participants additionally being requested:
conn = conn,
filter_statements = c("SELECT dataset_id FROM dataset_table WHERE n_participants > 200", "SELECT task_id FROM task_table WHERE task_name = 'stroop' OR task_name = 'flanker'"),
join_path_list = precompute_table_join_paths(conn),
argument_sequence = get_argument_sequence(arguments, argument_relation = "and"),
requested_vars = c("rt", "accuracy", "n_participants")
“SELECT rt, accuracy, n_participants FROM between_table AS tab LEFT JOIN (SELECT study_id, publication_id, n_groups, n_tasks, study_comment FROM study_table) AS dtjoin1 ON tab.study_id = dtjoin1.study_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT publication_id, authors, conducted, added, country, contact, apa_reference, keywords, publication_code FROM publication_table) AS dtjoin2 ON dtjoin1.publication_id = dtjoin2.publication_id RIGHT JOIN (SELECT dataset_id, study_id, task_id, data_excl, n_participants, n_blocks, n_trials, neutral_trials, fixation_cross, time_limit, mean_dataset_rt, mean_dataset_acc, github, dataset_comment FROM dataset_table) AS dtjoin3 ON tab.study_id = dtjoin3.study_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT task_id, task_name, task_description FROM task_table) AS dtjoin4 ON dtjoin3.task_id = dtjoin4.task_id RIGHT JOIN (SELECT condition_id, dataset_id, between_id, within_id, percentage_congruent, percentage_neutral, n_obs, mean_obs_per_participant, mean_condition_rt, mean_condition_acc FROM condition_table) AS dtjoin5 ON tab.between_id = dtjoin5.between_id AND dtjoin3.dataset_id = dtjoin5.dataset_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT within_id, dataset_id, within_description FROM within_table) AS dtjoin6 ON dtjoin3.dataset_id = dtjoin6.dataset_id AND dtjoin5.within_id = dtjoin6.within_id RIGHT JOIN (SELECT observation_id, dataset_id, subject, block, trial, condition_id, congruency, accuracy, rt FROM observation_table) AS dtjoin7 ON dtjoin3.dataset_id = dtjoin7.dataset_id AND dtjoin5.condition_id = dtjoin7.condition_id WHERE (SELECT dtjoin3.dataset_id FROM dataset_table n_participants > 200) AND (SELECT dtjoin3.task_id FROM task_table task_name = ‘stroop’ OR task_name = ‘flanker’)”
This SQL argument is then passed to DBI::dbGetQuery()
return a dataframe containing the requested information which is then
returned to the user.