Here we quickly show how the data objects of the example data set can be reproduced.
# download data recount3
proj_info <- available_projects() %>%
filter(project == "SRP093386")
se <- create_rse(proj_info)
count_mat <- compute_read_counts(se)
rownames(count_mat) <- str_replace(rownames(count_mat), "\\.[:number:]+$", "")
meta <- colData(se) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
separate(sra.sample_title, into = c("cell_line", "treatment", "mutation", "replicate"), sep = "-") %>%
select(cell_line, treatment, mutation, replicate)
colnames(count_mat) <- paste0(meta$treatment, "_", meta$mutation, "_", meta$replicate)
# subset to cell line T47D
count_mat <- count_mat[, meta$cell_line == "T47D"]
meta <- meta[meta$cell_line == "T47D", c("treatment", "mutation", "replicate")]
T47D <- make_dds(count_mat, meta, ah_record = "AH89426")
T47D <- T47D[rowSums(assay(T47D))>0,]
# round some numeric data to reduce the size of the data object
rowData(T47D)$gc_content <- round(rowData(T47D)$gc_content,1)
dds <- T47D
dds <- filter_genes(dds, min_count = 5, min_rep = 4)
dds$mutation <- as.factor(dds$mutation)
dds$treatment <- as.factor(dds$treatment)
design(dds) <- ~ mutation + treatment
# to not run DESeq2 in the main vignette,
# wo pre-compute the dispersion plot and diff testing results
dds <- DESeq(dds, parallel=T)
png(filename="disp_ests.png", width=7, height=5, units="in", res=200)
T47D_diff_testing <- lfcShrink(dds, coef = "mutation_WT_vs_D538G", lfcThreshold = log2(1.5), type = "normal", parallel = TRUE)
T47D_diff_testing$stat <- NULL
T47D_diff_testing$lfcSE <- NULL
T47D_diff_testing$pvalue <- NULL