RMX: Rasch Models – eXtensions
Extend Rasch and Item Response Theory (IRT) analyses by providing
tools for post-processing the output from five major IRT packages
(i.e., 'eRm', 'psychotools', 'ltm', 'mirt', and 'TAM').
The current version provides the plotPIccc() function, which
extracts from the return object of the originating package all
information required to draw an extended Person-Item-Map (PIccc),
showing any combination of
* category characteristic curves (CCCs),
* threshold characteristic curves (TCCs),
* item characteristic curves (ICCs),
* category information functions (CIFs),
* item information functions (IIFs),
* test information function (TIF), and the
* standard error curve (S.E.).
for uni- and multidimensional models (as far as supported by each
package). It allows for selecting dimensions, items, and categories
to plot and offers numerous options to adapt the output. The return
object contains all calculated values for further processing.
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