Last updated on 2024-11-03 11:49:49 CET.
Flavor | Version | Tinstall | Tcheck | Ttotal | Status | Flags |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-clang | 0.5.0 | 3.77 | 47.22 | 50.99 | OK | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc | 0.5.0 | 0.56 | 1.75 | 2.31 | ERROR | |
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-clang | 0.5.0 | 83.23 | OK | |||
r-devel-linux-x86_64-fedora-gcc | 0.5.0 | 90.62 | OK | |||
r-devel-windows-x86_64 | 0.5.0 | 7.00 | 71.00 | 78.00 | OK | |
r-patched-linux-x86_64 | 0.5.0 | 5.39 | 45.09 | 50.48 | OK | |
r-release-linux-x86_64 | 0.5.0 | 3.71 | 41.34 | 45.05 | ERROR | |
r-release-macos-arm64 | 0.5.0 | 36.00 | OK | |||
r-release-macos-x86_64 | 0.5.0 | 54.00 | OK | |||
r-release-windows-x86_64 | 0.5.0 | 7.00 | 75.00 | 82.00 | OK | |
r-oldrel-macos-arm64 | 0.5.0 | 39.00 | OK | |||
r-oldrel-macos-x86_64 | 0.5.0 | 70.00 | OK | |||
r-oldrel-windows-x86_64 | 0.5.0 | 8.00 | 79.00 | 87.00 | OK |
Version: 0.5.0
Check: whether package can be installed
Result: ERROR
Installation failed.
Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc
Version: 0.5.0
Check: package dependencies
Result: NOTE
Packages suggested but not available for checking:
'spelling', 'listviewer', 'V8', 'learnr', 'shiny'
Flavor: r-release-linux-x86_64
Version: 0.5.0
Check: examples
Result: ERROR
Running examples in ‘vegawidget-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:
> base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv")
> ### Name: image
> ### Title: Create or write image
> ### Aliases: image vw_to_svg vw_to_bitmap vw_write_svg vw_write_png
> ### ** Examples
> # call any of these functions using either a vegaspec or a vegawidget
> svg <- vw_to_svg(vegawidget(spec_mtcars))
Error: Package(s): "V8" needed for this function to work. Please install.
Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-linux-x86_64
Version: 0.5.0
Check: tests
Result: ERROR
Running ‘testthat.R’ [4s/5s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Complete output:
> library(testthat)
> library(vegawidget)
> test_check("vegawidget")
Attaching package: 'rlang'
The following objects are masked from 'package:withr':
local_options, with_options
The following objects are masked from 'package:testthat':
is_false, is_null, is_true
[ FAIL 8 | WARN 0 | SKIP 3 | PASS 98 ]
══ Skipped tests (3) ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
• On CRAN (3): 'test-spec-version.R:38:3', 'test-vega-version.R:3:3',
══ Failed tests ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
── Error ('test-autosize.R:56:3'): autosize works ──────────────────────────────
Error: Package(s): "V8" needed for this function to work. Please install.
1. └─vegawidget::vw_to_vega(spec_mtcars) at test-autosize.R:56:3
2. ├─vegawidget:::.vw_to_vega(as_vegaspec(spec))
3. └─vegawidget:::.vw_to_vega.vegaspec_vega_lite(as_vegaspec(spec))
4. └─vegawidget:::assert_packages("V8")
5. └─assertthat::assert_that(...)
── Error ('test-callback-helpers.R:4:1'): (code run outside of `test_that()`) ──
Error in `loadNamespace(x)`: there is no package called 'V8'
1. └─base::loadNamespace(x) at test-callback-helpers.R:4:1
2. └─base::withRestarts(stop(cond), retry_loadNamespace = function() NULL)
3. └─base (local) withOneRestart(expr, restarts[[1L]])
4. └─base (local) doWithOneRestart(return(expr), restart)
── Error ('test-to-image.R:55:3'): vw_to_svg works with vega spec ──────────────
Error: Package(s): "V8" needed for this function to work. Please install.
1. └─testthat::expect_snapshot(...) at test-to-image.R:55:3
2. └─rlang::cnd_signal(state$error)
── Error ('test-to-image.R:63:3'): vw_to_svg works with vega-lite spec ─────────
Error: Package(s): "V8" needed for this function to work. Please install.
1. └─testthat::expect_snapshot(cat(vw_to_svg(spec_mtcars))) at test-to-image.R:63:3
2. └─rlang::cnd_signal(state$error)
── Error ('test-to-image.R:78:3'): vw_to_svg works with url data ───────────────
Error: Package(s): "V8" needed for this function to work. Please install.
1. └─testthat::expect_snapshot(cat(vw_to_svg(spec_anscombe, base_url = base_url))) at test-to-image.R:78:3
2. └─rlang::cnd_signal(state$error)
── Error ('test-to-image.R:100:3'): vw_to_svg works with local data ────────────
Error: Package(s): "V8" needed for this function to work. Please install.
1. └─testthat::expect_snapshot(cat(vw_to_svg(spec_anscombe, base_url = tempdir))) at test-to-image.R:100:3
2. └─rlang::cnd_signal(state$error)
── Error ('test-to-vega.R:3:3'): vw_to_vega works ──────────────────────────────
Error: Package(s): "V8" needed for this function to work. Please install.
1. └─vegawidget::vw_to_vega(spec_mtcars) at test-to-vega.R:3:3
2. ├─vegawidget:::.vw_to_vega(as_vegaspec(spec))
3. └─vegawidget:::.vw_to_vega.vegaspec_vega_lite(as_vegaspec(spec))
4. └─vegawidget:::assert_packages("V8")
5. └─assertthat::assert_that(...)
── Error ('test-vegaspec.R:18:3'): class is correct ────────────────────────────
Error: Package(s): "V8" needed for this function to work. Please install.
1. └─vegawidget::vw_to_vega(spec_mtcars) at test-vegaspec.R:18:3
2. ├─vegawidget:::.vw_to_vega(as_vegaspec(spec))
3. └─vegawidget:::.vw_to_vega.vegaspec_vega_lite(as_vegaspec(spec))
4. └─vegawidget:::assert_packages("V8")
5. └─assertthat::assert_that(...)
[ FAIL 8 | WARN 0 | SKIP 3 | PASS 98 ]
Error: Test failures
Execution halted
Flavor: r-release-linux-x86_64